OBSBOT Tiny PTZ 4K Webcam, AI-Powered Framing & Autofocus, 4K Webcam with Dual Omni-Directional Microphones, Auto Tracking with 2 Axis Gimbal, HDR, 60 FPS, Low-Light Correction, Streaming

Voice of Customer
Thank you very much for your support! Your VOICE is important to us because it can help us provide a better service.
You can tell us with any questions or use the Q&A so I can help you.
Q1: What do I need to be aware of when using gesture control?
A:Please keep two points in mind when using gesture control.
1. your hand and your face must be within the camera’s detection range at the same time. 2. your hand must not cover your face.
2. your hand must not cover your face in the webcam’s line of sight.
Q2: What are the system requirements?
A:MacOS 10.13 or higher, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 or higher, 7th generation Intel Core i5 or higher.
Q3: Does OBSBOT Tiny support Windows Hello?
A:No, it does not support Windows Hello, but it will work fine on your computer.
Q4:Can the software and firmware of OBSBOT be updated?
A:We will update the firmware and software on our website, please download it if needed.
Q5:Can this webcam working on Linux?
A:Yes, the OBSBOT webcam can work on Linux, but the software–TINYCAM don’t support Linux.
Size: | 18.5*10.5*6.5cm |
Dimensions: | 8.9 x 5.8 x 5.8 centimetres |
Brand: | OBSBOT |
Model: | OWB-2105-CE |
Part: | OWB-2105-CE |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 8.9 x 5.8 x 5.8 centimetres |
Size: | 18.5*10.5*6.5cm |
I love this webcam.
The quality of the video(HD) and the sound is excellent and commented on by others in Zoom meetings. The way the camera follows you round in your seat is brilliant if you like moving a lot. You can switch this off it you or others find it disconcerting – as some might!
The base is a great idea as it makes it very easy to use as a remote camera in hybrid team meetings. Unfortunately the tracking only seems to work with one person. In hybrid meetings it would be great if the camera could track to whomever raised a hand and started speaking – though you can do this manually with the Osbot App on your desktop.
A few issues with this camera to notice which might put a few people off buying it:
Firstly, it is very expensive. Twice as much as other high quality webcams.
Secondly, it is quite heavy. You can put it on top of a monitor but it looks bulky and despite the magnet on the stand it can fall off. Frankly it also looks rather silly on top of a small laptop screen. I use it beneath a large 32″ curved screen monitor as it doesn’t even look right on that (in fact it is way too high because of the build. It works fine there.
Thirdly, the base gets very hot – even when not using the video at all. Shame it doesn’t have some kind of switch as they only way to turn it off is to unplug it.
Fourthly, it can’t use Windows Hello! Given the cost, I think this is a big fail. There is no IR camera built in so it cannot be used for signing in. Frankly, if you are going to spend this much on a camera I think you will probably want this. Perhaps a TinyCam 2?
La camra a une bonne qualit d’image, le suivi fonctionne une fois paramtr (quelques rglages pas toujours ergonomiques) et elle est robuste.
Toutefois le tarif trs lev ne la rend attrayante que si le suivi automatis est indispensable. Sinon vous trouverez une qualit de prise de vue fixe pour 5 fois moins cher.
Pour anglophones, il n’y a pas de notice en franais.
4/5 car le paramtrage pourrait tre un peu plus simple.
As naci esta cmara web inteligente, de un proyecto de IndieGogo, y es una de las primeras webcams en aos en ofrecer algo realmente diferente. Puede parecer una webcam ms, y as la reconocer cualquier sistema compatible con un dispositivo UVC, pero la principal baza de esta cmara es su capacidad de grabacin 4K con campo de visin de 86 y el integrar una funcin de tracking automtico del rostro mediante inteligencia artificial: es decir, que la cmara, que est motorizada en los dos ejes, sigue los movimientos de tu cara y no altera el foco de ella, evitando ese molesto efecto que puede verse en tantos vdeos donde la imagen se va poniendo borrosa cuando se ajusta el autofocus.
Pero el verdadero potencial de este aparatito se despliega instalando la aplicacin TinyCam del fabricante, disponible en Windows y macOS. La funcin ms til es la de escoger manualmente dnde se fijar el tracking y la cmara har lo posible por seguir ese objeto, con muy pocos errores en mi experiencia. Quieres por fin recrear tu episodio favorito de He-Man jugando con las figuras? Ahora puedes rodarlo sin preocuparte por salirte del cuadro. Obviamente, el panning tarda un poquito en seguirte, pero cuando le coges el truco queda realmente profesional.
Tambin puede ajustar automticamente el zoom digital, de hasta 4 aumentos y la calidad de sonido y vdeo es excepcional: a la altura, o superior, de las webcams 4K ms punteras del mercado. La cmara incluye una funda de almacenamiento y soportes para monitor y trpode. El fabricante trabaja activamente en las actualizaciones de firmware para corregir fallos, lo que es una garanta de que solucionan realmente los problemas que van surgiendo. Ahora mismo es posible decir, sin ningn tipo de duda, que esta es la webcam ms interesante del mercado.
Nickel sauf parfois la reconnaissance du geste de suivi se fait difficilement, sinon la qualit d’image est au rendez-vous.
Petite camra sur porte USB-C. Elle est appareille vite sur un ordinateur avec windows sans installation des pilotes ddis ou logiciel. Ds que windows installe les pilotes gnriques on est dj prpar pour nos conversations vido. L’image est claire et nette. J’ai test avec facebook messenger et a marche sans problme. Il faut apprendre les gestes pour le suivi de visage (dcrit dans le manuel) et de qu’on fait le geste la camra va nous suivre pendant notre conversation. On peut l’utiliser avec teams, skype, whatsapp …
Si on a des enfants et si on veut faire des conversations avec les grands parents, ce webcam est fait pour vous car elle va suivre toujours les enfants dans leur mouvement et les grands parents seront ravis de voir leur petits enfants en train de jouer.
Le petit sac de rangement c’est vraiment pratique et nous permet de l’emporter facilement avec nous dans nos voyages.
Je recommande.
La tenemos en un centro educativo y es una cmara con muy buena calidad de imagen, adems de tener un ngulo ms amplio que otras cmaras que hemos probado. La funcin de seguimiento nos tiene fascinados, ya que sigue al objetivo sin problemas. Incluso cuando sales del rango de seguimiento y vuelves a entrar, la cmara te reconoce y contina siguindote. Podemos decir que el apartado de imagen y seguimiento son los aspectos ms fuertes de esta cmara. Sin embargo el micro s que es un apartado que necesita mejorar. En nuestro caso, comparando el micro con el de la Logitech C920, que es otra que tenemos, deja bastante que desear.
La tenemos en un centro educativo y es una cmara con muy buena calidad de imagen, adems de tener un ngulo ms amplio que otras cmaras que hemos probado. La funcin de seguimiento nos tiene fascinados, ya que sigue al objetivo sin problemas. Incluso cuando sales del rango de seguimiento y vuelves a entrar, la cmara te reconoce y contina siguindote. Podemos decir que el apartado de imagen y seguimiento son los aspectos ms fuertes de esta cmara. Sin embargo el micro s que es un apartado que necesita mejorar. En nuestro caso, comparando el micro con el de la Logitech C920, que es otra que tenemos, deja bastante que desear.
Loved the move pan and tilt and zoom function for business calls. Great for folding up the laptop for more desk space. Excellent picture too.
Very cool smartcam, ideal for Zoom meetings etc. Love the way it follows me and responds to gestures.
We use this camera on a daily basis for client meetings over Zoom and for Court appearances over Webex. It has not skipped a beat in terms of picture quality or microphone clarity. I have logged in to meetings remotely where my colleagues are using the Obsbot and the display looks really good. I’ll knock 1 star off for when this webcam is used in a [slightly] larger meeting room instead of a private office, as the microphones performance from distance is not great but not terrible. Picture quality still very acceptable. We use a Yealink 4k setup for larger scale meetings, but this unit is more than capable of good video conferencing at a tenth of the price of an enterprise grade conferencing system. Bought one for home use also as I enjoy using it.
La Webcam Obsbot Tiny PTZ 4K es una cmara con resolucin 4K especialmente diseada para profesionales con un alto nivel, para uso de videollamadas de trabajo y retransmisiones profesionales de alta calidad. Construida en materiales de primersima calidad y con un peso mnimo para su fcil manejo.
Contiene su propio software para instalar en nuestro equipo a travs de sus drivers, pero tambin se puede instalar con los del pc. Al ser una webcam profesional lleva un sistema de motorizacin para moverse de manera autnoma tanto vertical como horizontal. Modo de seguimiento, zoom y enfoque automtico por gestos, tiene una excelente calidad de imagen y un extraordinario sonido que me llamo la atencin y quiero destacar.
Muy recomendada para videoconferencias, clases online y todo lo que sea en movimiento ya que enfoca y motoriza por gestos y movimientos, haciendo mucho ms sencillo su seguimiento.
Dispone de una alta sensibilidad en espacios con poca luz y baja visibilidad. Dispone de un soporte de alta estabilidad y resistencia con sistema magntico para pantallas y monitores. Dispone de cable de alimentacin y conexin USB.
La he usado a nivel profesional para reuniones y demostraciones y ha sido de gran utilidad y muy buena calidad, estamos hablando de un dispositivo de alta gama. A nivel particular sobradamente probada para las exigencias de un domicilio familiar.
La calidad- precio es excelente y recomiendo su compra, sabiendo que es una gran inversin, pero con unos resultados extraordinarios.
Es ms pequea de lo que parece, por lo cual bien. Adems viene con su propio estuche donde lo puedes guardar todo, cables incluidos, por lo que si no la vas a usar diariamente es ms ordenado. Todo es de buena calidad y la verdad que muy contento. Que nadie espere magia del seguidor y enfoque automtico, porque, si que funciona, pero cada instruccin y su comportamiento se toma su tiempo. Bien para una persona, pero si hay dos en el plano, es un poco lo a quin sigue y a quien no, pero para una sola va estupendamente. Software decente y no muy complicado, cumple.
Il prodotto in linea con la descrizione. Il materiale plastica rigida nera, solida e robusta. Le dimensioni sono: 8.94 x 5.8 x 5.8 cm per 620 grammi. La confezione prevede, oltre alla camera, una piccola staffa su cui poggiare la camera sullo schermo del pc, un adattatore Type-C- USB-A, un cavo Type-C-Type-C, un cavo per l’alimentazione diretta della camera. Il prodotto dotato di rotazione 360 con tracking dell’oggetto, molto affidabile. Presenta anche 2 microfoni stereo omnidirezionali dalla buona qualit. Infine, essa si interfaccia con il pc tramite il software dedicato scaricabile dal sito del produttore, con cui configurare la camera. Essa presenta due risoluzioni: 4K@30 fps o 1080p@ 60 fps, selezionabili tramite software, dalla qualit eccellente e dal buon bilanciamento dei colori. La camera presenta un obiettivo con FOV 86, quindi con una visione pi ampia senza per effetto Fish-eye. Sono presenti gesture control: zoom 4x digitale, effettuabile con le dita, tracking oggetto tramite rilevazione del palmo della mano. Naturalmente le gesture sono disattivabili tramite software, come anche la rotazione della camera stessa possibile effettuarla tramite il joystick presente nel software ed possibile attivare la modalit privacy, essenzialmente la camera si disattiva ruotando la camera verso la base.. Molto pratica la staffa, essa tiene la camera in modo molto stabile, grazie all’attacco magnetico tra i due. Infine, essa pu essere autoalimentata direttamente con il cavo Type-C oppure alimentata con il cavo apposito. Nessun problema con Win 10 e Win 11, come anche con Microsoft Teams e Skype. Funziona solo da PC, quindi non possibile usarla da smartphone con adattatori esterni. Come ultima cosa: molto pratica la confezione di trasporto in tessuto, in cui possibile riporre la camera senza danneggiarla. In conclusione. il device una signora webcam, dall’eccellente qualit video e audio e adatta per tutte le occasioni.
Just the simplest and easiest piece of kit to plug into a PC. Video quality so good. Great stuff.
tutto il resto, e dico TUTTO, semplicemente perfetto
– Via usb c se ce la fa la vostra porta del pc
– altrimenti c’ un secondo cavo per ricevere alimentazione, geniale aver previsto un fallback, nel mio pc ce la fa
Qualit video
– Molto molto molto elevata, persino windows riesce a gestirla nativamente fino a 2k. La webcam fa 4k ma servono software in grado di usarla, e per ora non ne conosco. Zoom per esempio arriva a 720 e in HD arriva a1920, ma poi dipende se chi ha predisposto la riunione ha abilitato l’alta definizione, cosa che rallenterebbe un pochino tutti…
– hdr attivabile via software
– digitale, fino a 4k, ma se avete attivato la risoluzione pi elevata non ve ne accorgete che digitale
– manuale INESISTENTE, altro neo forse, c’ un video su come si usano le gesture, che poi sono solo due: lock e zoom
– la modalit di inseguimento ottima, la webcam accelera e decelera secondo una curva, non si muove a scatti
– potete spegnere la webcam dal tasto ‘sleep’ del software
– oppure, geniale, girarla manualmente verso il basso
– da scaricare dal sito ufficiale
– ha persino i preset
– gestisce zoom, TAP, impostazioni avanzate dettagliatissime della webcam (lanciando la finestra di impostazione nativa del sistema che su windows praticamente impossibile da trovare)
– gestisce l’upgrade del firmware molto agevolmente
– potete abilitare delle scorciatoie per comandare posizione e zoom da tastiera !
– abilitazione, disabilitazione e regolazione per AI, inseguimento, preset, posizione iniziale del gimbal, etc..
auto focus
– 9/10, non perfettisssimissimo
– ha la modalit focus on face, utile per le video conferenze
– alto, vero, giustificato dalle mille funzionalit del software, dalla qualit costruttiva eccezionale, dagli sforzi ingenieristici
cosa non ho provato
– avendo lo zoom a disposizione non ho pi bisogno del telo verde per togliere cosa ho sullo sfondo, quindi non ho provato quanto veloce a processare il telo verde, per esempio zoom
qualit dell’immagine abbastanza buona soprattutto per la capacit di adattarsi bene a varie condizioni di luminosit
buonissima integrazione smart, davvero funzionale e prende abbastanza bene le varie gesture. Buona la luce che segnala la ricezione di un comodando e il controller tramite software dedicato
diverse modalit di fissaggio: tramite base magnetica, tramite vite fotografica o semplicemente appoggiata: grazie ai vari angoli di movimento facile da posizionare senza porsi troppi problemi.
movimento abbastanza fluido e con un buon tracking
comoda gestione tramite software e alimentazione/connessione tramite usb-C. buona anche la custodia rigida per portarla in giro.
microfono davvero non paragonabile alla qualit e costo del prodotto, cupo e a qualche metro di distanza non prende bene e unisce voci e rumori rendendo l’interlocutore poco comprensibile
gamma molto fredda di default, facilmente sistemabile dalle impostazioni aggiuntive ma comuqnue una cosa in pi da settare
avrei gradito una luce di conferma anche per lo zoom oltre che per l’hold
30 fps + motion follow= motion sickness, davvero evidente soprattutto con la modalit che segue subito i movimenti della persona
Prodotto interessante, sicuramente per una utenza ristretta che cerca una cam per riunioni, streaming (non gaming ma ad esempio cucina/just chatting) o semplicemente lezioni e nonostante la spesa abbia voglia di “smanettare” un pochino sui settaggi/programma per utilizzarla al meglio e non si faccia problemi ad acquistare e utilizzare un microfono esterno.
Il prezzo sicuramente un ostacolo alla diffusione del prodotto ma in linea con le sue caratteristiche.
Abbastanza soddisfatto del complesso ma non sono rimasto stupito per via dei difetti presenti.
Die OBSBOT 4K-Webcam bringt hier noch einmal neue Impulse in den Webcam-Markt, da die Kamera mit einer Art Gimbal ausgestattet ist, um den Nutzer selbststndig zu verfolgen.
Die Verpackung des Produkts wirkt sehr hochwertig, hier wurde viel Wert auf eine ansprechende Produktprsentation gelegt. Im leicht zu ffnenden Karton ist die Webcam noch einmal in einer stabilen Transporttasche verstaut, was gerade fr die mobile Nutzung an mehreren Standorten ein groer Vorteil ist.
Am Anfang hatte ich kurz Probleme mit dem Anschluss der Webcam an den PC, wobei es wirklich nur daran lag, dass der USB-C Stecker an der Kamera nicht komplett eingesteckt war. Nach dieser kleiner Korrektur wurde die Kamera von meinem Windows-PC erkannt und war auch sofort einsatzbereit.
Der Status der Kamera wird dabei an der Vorderseite ber LED-Lampen angezeigt – das ist dabei auch wirklich selbsterklrend. Falls der Anschluss nur mittels USB-2 erfolgt, muss ein zustzliches USB-Hohlstecker-Kabel zur Stromversorgung angeschlossen werden, was wohl dem Stromverbrauch des Gimbals geschuldet ist. Fr den Anschluss an USB-A-Anschlsse ist ein Adapter im Lieferumfang enthalten.
Nun aber erst einmal zur Bildqualitt:
Die Kamera hat mich sowohl in der 4K-Einstellung als auch in niedrigen Auflsungen hinsichtlich der Bildqualitt voll berzeugt. Sowohl der Nutzer als auch der Hintergrund werden scharf dargestellt, die Belichtung passt sich dabei sehr gut an sodass auch groe Helligkeitsunterschiede kompensiert werden knnen. Der HDR-Modus kann dies noch zustzlich verbessern. Auch der Autofokus funktioniert zuverlssig und ruhig.
Bei billigen Webcams strt mich oft, dass durch die “Ultraweitwinkel”-Perspektive noch mein halbes Zimmer im Hintergrund zu erkennen ist. Die 4K-Auflsung bietet hierbei den Vorteil, auch bei eingesetzten Digitalzoom noch eine sehr gute Bildqualitt zur Verfgung zu stellen. Deshalb zoome ich die Kamera immer mit dem Faktor 2 digital rein.
Das Tracking funktioniert sehr gut! Der User wird dabei schnell erkannt und selbst wenn man “aus dem Bild flchtet” versucht die Webcam einen durch weitere Schwenks in die zuletzt gesehene Richtung wieder zu finden, was auch in den meisten Fllen gelingt.
Es gibt zwei Tracking-Modi, wobei ich meist den “Headroom-Mode” nutze, bei dem der Kopf in der Bildmitte gehalten wird. Das ist sehr ntzlich, wenn man beispielsweise an einem Whiteboard im Hintergrund etwas zeigen mchte.
Der Wechsel zwischen “vor dem PC sitzen” und “im Stehen etwas erklren” funktioniert sehr einfach und ist sicher einer der Haupteinsatzzwecke der Kamera. Dabei kann eine “Zoom-Geste” mit der Hand gemacht werden, wodurch die Kamera entsprechend rein oder raus zoomt, wobei sich die Zoomstufe festlegen lsst.
Verbesserungspotential besteht hingegen bei der Software: Zwar knnen alle Webcam-Funktion gesteuert werden und alle bentigten Einstellungen sind grundstzlich verfgbar, allerdings ist der generelle Aufbau und das Design wirklich noch etwas verbesserungswrdig. Viele Schaltflchen reagieren ungewohnt und teilweise ist nicht klar, wie bestimmte Funktionen zu benutzen sind.
Auch die deutsche Spracheinstellung lsst einen hier und da immer einmal schmunzeln. Da die Hardware wirklich toll funktioniert, wre es wirklich toll, wenn alle Mglichkeiten auch durch eine ordentliche Software untersttzt werden knnten. Hierbei wren noch viele weitere tolle Funktionen denkbar, beispielsweise automatische Schwenks oder hnliches.
Generell bin ich mit der 4K-Webcam jedoch sehr zufrieden. Ich habe sie in diversen Situationen eingesetzt und ausgiebig getestet: ein interessanter Anwendungsfall ist beispielsweise auch das “Prsentieren” der eigenen Schreibtischoberflche, wenn man diese Webcam-Position zuvor festlegt und als Preset speichert.
Die Bildqualitt ist auch unter schlechten Lichtsituation wirklich toll und auch das eingebaute Mikrofon wurde von meinen Gesprchspartnern stets als gut verstndlich bewertet.
Insgesamt kann ich die Webcam weiterempfehlen, besonders wenn man auf hufige Bewegungen und Positionswechsel whrend Videostreams vorbereitet sein muss.
Darum gibt es nichts zu meckern und dafr eine Weiterempfehlung von meiner Seite mit sehr guten 4 Sternen. Der Anbieter sollte die Software verbessern und anwendungsfreundlicher machen. Bei einem guten Update kommt der fnfte Stern von mir noch dazu.
The best conference camera for my Macbook that I have owned and very easy to set up.
Webcam con la mayor calidad que puedes encontrar, 4k a 60fps est bastante bien para hacer cualquier tipo de stream, es cierto que no consigues la misma calidad que con una profesional usando el camlink del gato pero la diferencia de inversin que tienes que hacer con una cmara as a una webcam es abismal.
Adems cuenta con funcionalidades bastante interesantes como reconocimiento con seguimiento, puedes hacer gestos para que la cmara haga zoom y otras funcionalidades, tiene auto enfoque, considero que es muy completa.
El precio es elevado, y para mi es una marca desconocida, ya que este sector est dominado por logitech, an as tras haberla probado bastante creo que su precio est justificado por el montn de caractersticas que tiene, est muy bien construida y su calidad de imagen es TOP.
La cmara monta un sensor compacto de alta gama de la marca Sony que se comporta de manera estupenda tanto en entornos oscuros como iluminados, suelo usar la webcam para meetings en zoom y suelo estar alejado del escritorio y uso la cmara con zoom, sorprende lo mucho que podemos aumentar la imagen antes de que empiece a verse algo de “ruido” en la imagen que capta el sensor.
Una cosa que recalco del producto es el control por gestos de la cmara, podremos controlar el zoom haciendo una L con nuestra mano y podremos abrir la palma de la mano para controlar el enfoque automtico. Eso si esta parte no va del todo fina y espero que el fabricante mejore la deteccin de los gestos con futuras actualizaciones.
Nos han incluido un estuche rigido para poder llevar la camara de un lado a otro cmodamente y completamente protegida, tambin una base para poder dejar la cmara encima del monitor que se comporta de una forma estupenda. Aparte de los cables de alimentacin y datos o del pequeo pincho USB transformador de tipo-C a tipo-A.
Es una cmara enfocada al mbito profesional en gran parte por la gran calidad del sensor que monta y de las funciones que tiene, pero tiene un precio prohibitivo que en el momento de escribir la review son 270.
Pero ya no solo porque esta cmara tiene 4K que dar un plus de calidad a tus videos, sino tambin por la opcin que ms me ha gustado que es el tracking inteligente muy parecido a lo que tiene el estabilizado de DJI, pues eso, puedes dejar la cmara en un sitio fijo y si te mueves, la cmara te seguir, s que es perfecta si necesitas movimiento y eso te limitaba.
Adems, dispone tambin de gesto para poder activarla o pararla, as un autofocus perfecto para enfocar objetos.
Se puede decir que ms que una webcam podra decirse que es una cmara uso personal y tambin para hacer videos streaming.
La calidad de imagen es muy buena, el sonido tambin ya que dispone de varios micrfonos para que se nos escuche mejor.
Cuando me refiero a que nos sigue es porque la cmara es giratoria se mueve sobre su eje segn el movimiento que hagamos.
NO es una simple Webcam es algo ms que no todo el mundo puede permitrselo, pero que si puedes no te decepcionara en absoluto. Y lgicamente es compatible tanto con Windows como con Mac.
Solo tiene una pega esta cmara, y es su precio, ya que cualquier persona que vaya hacer streaming no optara por una cmara tan cara, se limitara a una de gama media que cueste menos de la mitad que esta y los resultados seran tambin muy bueno, pero repito, esta no es una simple webcam va mas all y se nota nada ms verla, as que, si te lo puedes permitir, adelante.
Todava me queda probarla ms y por ahora tengo que darle las 5 estrellas, ya que no quiero bajar una estrella por su precio, pero si en un tiempo, veo que los resultados que obtengo son parecidos o puedo realizarlos igual con una cmara ms econmica os lo dir y lgicamente bajara su nota.
For once, a camera that lives up to the hype and what the manufacturer states, i simple love this camera its versatility. It arrived in the branded box shown and during unpacking there are more reasons to see why the company class this as a premium webcam.
The 4K camera has the following features
Gesture zoom mode.
Auto focus.
HDR file.
Recording up to 4K/30 fps or 1080/60 fps.
So lets see what’s in the box
In the box you get
Instructions (including web address for software download)
A usb to usb-c cable and a usb-c to power cable
A nice clamshell style case to transport the camera
The OBSBOT 4k Webcam
And mounting bracket
The downloadable software from the website which allows for more personalisation and more control options. The 4k camera is well built and is surprisingly stronger and durable than it looks (fell of the monitor while i was trying to set it up) once set windows recognised it straight away and set up was done. Using the windows camera app you can check all is working off the bat.
Integration with Skype and Teams was very fast and simple without any issues what so ever, this camera also worked with my internal chat and video system which is amazing. There is only one thing i wish it did do and its a minor negative really for the cost of the camera i would love to see Windows Hello Face integration.
Hand gestures work really well as can be seen in the video as can face tracking, i have had no issue using this during the day or evening with dim lights. Picture quality as you can see from video the picture and audio is great. What i do like is the fact i can run a presentation from one location using a board and the camera will track me where ever i move around the room.
Over all it has a premium price tag and is it worth it well i have not had an issue with any of the features so far and i have use this for several presentations and even streaming when gaming. The webcam is not your standard everyday webcam its well made and that will give you very good image and sound quality, as well as being motorized and able to follow our movements or apply zoom when we want just by making a gesture.
Over all i have no issue recommending this webcam and at 199 (at time of review) its price is worth it if you want the extras
Das Aufstellen und Einrichten geht mit Hilfe des Handbuches schnell. Zur Steuerung kann man sich schnell neben der neuesten Firmware noch ein kleines Programm herunter laden. Das funktionierte bei uns unter Win10 einwandfrei. Man kann darber diverse Einstellungen machen. Hat neben der normalen Funktion als Webcam noch die Gesichtserkennung, die Gestensteuerung, 4-Fach-Zoom, Autofokus und einen Privat-Modus.
ber die drei LED-Leuchten (Kameraindikator) kann man den aktuellen Status der Aufnahmen sehen. Zum Beispiel alle drei Leuchte zeigen “Grn” bedeutet dass die Kamera das Ziel erfasst hat.
Bei uns waren Bild und Ton wirklich einwandfrei bei diversen Tests. Sie ist so prima fr alle mglichen Einsatzgebiete geeignet wie Aufnahmen fr YT, Streamen, berwachung oder Videokonferenzen…..
Ocio nani: buona per le call coi partners ma non sostituisce il regista eh: buono il video (del 4K fidati non te ne fai nulla, una roba da bauscia che poi usi zoom gratis o scroccato alla company), buono l’audio (non da concerto, la prima della Scala lasciamola alla Rai) buona a starti dietro mentre cammini. No buona se devi fare il blog di cucina “Peperonata for Dummies”.
Vaccata non metterci il telecomando eh.. nulla da dire: duecento zucche, almeno quello.. ma ci sta dai! Soddisfatto. Figo il pacchetto, bello tutto: magari non impenna il fatturato ma il giargiana invidia garantito!
Ocio nani: buona per le call coi partners ma non sostituisce il regista eh: buono il video (del 4K fidati non te ne fai nulla, una roba da bauscia che poi usi zoom gratis o scroccato alla company), buono l’audio (non da concerto, la prima della Scala lasciamola alla Rai) buona a starti dietro mentre cammini. No buona se devi fare il blog di cucina “Peperonata for Dummies”.
Vaccata non metterci il telecomando eh.. nulla da dire: duecento zucche, almeno quello.. ma ci sta dai! Soddisfatto. Figo il pacchetto, bello tutto: magari non impenna il fatturato ma il giargiana invidia garantito!
Vorab: Die Kamera OBSBOT Tiny PTZ 4k ist dazu gedacht, um im Mittelpunkt zu stehen, bei Konferenzen oder Streaming.
– 4k OBSBOT Tiny USB-Kamera mit Stereo-Mikrofon
– USB-c / USB-c Anschlusskabel
– Spanungsversorgungskabel
– USB-c / USB-a Adapterstecker
– Monitorhalter mit Magnet zur Befestigung der Kamera
– Case zum Transport der Kamera
– Bedienungsanleitung mehrsprachig
– gute Verfolgung der Kamera
– einfache Handhabung der Kamera
– USB-c Anschluss
– CE Kennung
– Verarbeitung und Qualitt
– Bedienungsanleitung
– erhhter Preis
Die Kamera lsst sich unterschiedlich positionieren. Unteranderem auf einem Stativ, am Monitor selbst oder auf dem Tisch.
Ich habe die Kamera ber USB c angeschlossen. Hierbei wird dann das Spannungskabel nicht bentigt. Daher habe ich es auch so Angeschlossen, um mir ein Kabelanschluss zu sparen.
Wenn man die Kamera anschliet, wird es bei mir sofort automatisch installiert (Windows 10). Das ist sehr vorteilhaft und einfach.
Zur Kamera selbst:
Von dem ausgewhlten Profil (Headroom/ Standard/ Bewegung) hngt im Endeffekt die Geschwindigkeit der Kamera ab.
Ich bewege mich jetzt nicht so schnell vor der Kamera, deshalb kam sie auch immer sehr gut mit mir mit.
Wenn man sich daran gewhnt hat, funktioniert die Kamera einwandfrei.
Das Bild verruckelt nicht und ist sehr sauber. Auerdem hat sie auch so ein super klares Bild und ist nicht verpixelt oder verschwommen.
Was auerdem positiv aufgefallen ist, ist das die Kamera sich geruschlos bewegt. Das ist sehr gut und strt berhaupt nicht.
Das Preis Leistungsverhltnis ist schon recht hoch, aber dafr ist die Qualitt hervorragend.
Ich vergebe 4 von 5 Gesamtsterne und kann die Kamera nur weiterempfehlen.
Hay muchos puntos a destacar de esta cmara y muy pocos peros.
Los bsicos que se le piden a una cmara Web esta los cumple con creces, empezando por la resolucin de captura mxima de 4K que da una imagen clara, perfecta, incluso cuando haces zoom. Despus ya est el problema del ancho de banda, esto est perfecto para grabacin de videos, pero para emisin te tienes que asegurar que los receptores tienen un buen ancho de banda para recibirlos sin problemas, cosa que en estos momentos es lo habitual.
En el tema del sonido la captura tambin es excelente, es un micrfono omnidireccional como corresponde a su posibilidad de giro de 360, con un alcance de hasta dos metros y medio a tres metros sin problemas. Segn me comentan se escucha bastante bien, muy claro.
Aunque no lo veo como una cmara para tener encima del monitor, trae un accesorio para ponerlo encima de nuestros monitor sin problema con el grosor que tengamos y quedando muy estable. Tambin han pensado en la privacidad y puedes poner la cmara de modo que no pueda visualizarse nada con un bloqueo de forma fsica.
La conexin es plug and play conectndolo a un USB del tipo 2.
Hasta aqu lo que se le puede pedir a una cmara web buena, pero esta es mucho ms que una cmara web, donde realmente ves el precio que has pagado es cuando usas la cmara para conferencias, o cursos donde o bien haces un enfoque amplio o empleas esta cmara, te marcas como el objeto a seguir y dejas que ella sola siga tu cuerpo. Ya para nota es lo de conseguir controlar aspectos de la cmara como el zoom con gestos, eso lo he conseguido pero no siempre que lo he intentado, pero supongo que con ms prctica saldr natural.
Los peros, bueno, su precio, que solo justifica su compara si no reparas en gastos en tus equipos o si tienes una necesidad de sus funciones avanzadas que solo encuentras en unos pocos dispositivos con precio similar o superior.
Per me questa webcam veramente una svolta perch ha un’ottima qualit video, mi segue nei miei piccoli movimenti e anche quando fai zoom fino a 2x la qualit rimane buona. Chiaramente d il meglio di s nelle live streaming, attenzione perh perch qui si entra in un’arena molto competitiva dove troneggiano tuttora le Mevo, recentemente acquisite da Logitech.
E sempre di Logitech la webcam concorrente principale alla palma di migliore soluzione per streaming, la Logitech Streamcam.
Questa OBSBOT Tiny PTZ 4K un ibrido tra una Mevo e una Streamcam ma offre al contempo caratteristiche uniche.
Di conseguenza la consiglio a chi voglia fare live streaming e registrazioni video dinamiche, con un costo limitato, a patto che si doti di microfono esterno.
Chi vuole il massimo opter per 1-3 camere Mevo.
Mentre per gli streaming su Twitch e YouTube, dove si viaggia serenamente in Full HD, a mio parere la migliore webcam rimane la Streamcam.
Cmara web montada sobre un gimbal que la verdad me ha dejado impresionado. El seguimiento es muy preciso y tiene una calidad de imagen muy buena incluso en una habitacin oscura. El control por gestos lo encuentro un poco decepcionante y espero que mejore con actualizaciones.
Viene dentro de una caja que contiene una funda de transporte rgida y de muy buena calidad, un soporte magntico para monitores y cables de conexin (un USB C doble, un cable de alimentacin y un adaptador USB A-USB C).
Si se conecta a travs de USB C no necesita cable de alimentacin, con lo que reducimos los cables al mnimo. Probada tanto en Windows 10, Windows 11 y MacOS, tan solo hay que enchufar y listo. El software est disponible tanto para MacOS como para Windows y tiene muchas opciones para configurar. Tambin puede utilizar el software para mover manualmente la cmara y alternar el enfoque y el zoom.
La calidad de imagen de la cmara es excelente, una mejora notable con respecto a la cmara web incorporada en los equipos, con HDR por hardware (aunque no hace milagro). Us la cmara en una habitacin sin mucha luz y funcion realmente bien. El movimiento de la cmara es muy suave y los motores no se oyen, es similar al gimbal de un dron de calidad.
Mi principal problema con esta cmara es el control por gestos: mostrar a la cmara las palmas de las manos habilita/deshabilita el seguimiento, mientras que hacer con la mano una forma de L ampla o quita zoom. En la prctica, es muy decepcionante: mostrar la palma an funciona bien y el seguimiento es bueno (muy bueno dira yo), pero la mano en forma de L hace “bailar” el zoom que va y viene sin parar y rara vez consigues lo que quieres. Adems, mientras haces posiciones y posturas delante de la cmara para volver a encajar bien la visin, igual te das cuenta que desactivas el seguimiento y toca volver al software para cuadrarlo todo. Creo que esto es AMPLIAMENTE mejorable con una actualizacin, y se debera trabajar en ello.
Apagar la cmara es muy sencillo, tan solo hay que inclinarla manualmente para que quede hacia abajo; el indicador luminoso tambin se apaga para indicar que ya no est encendido.
En definitiva, estoy muy satisfecho con la cmara, la calidad de imagen y el seguimiento son muy buenos, los materiales y la presentacin muy premium, pero se han de mejorar las acciones por gestos. Esto y el precio (250) hacen que la deja en 4 estrellas, pero si mejoran en el futuro los gestos son 5 estrellas.
Die Kamera mit ihrem Zubehr, findet man in einer sehr schnen und stabilen Tasche: Im Inneren findet man die Kamera selber, zwei USB Kabel (Strom und Anschluss an den PC), ein USB C zu USB A Adapter und eine kleine Halterung, die die Kamera mit einem sehr starken Magnet stabil am Monitor anbringen lsst.
Ferner findet man noch ein Benutzerhandbuch im Karton.
Die Bildqualitt ist einfach enorm! Bei 30fps bekommt man eine klare 4k Auflsung – wer es lieber etwas flssiger haben mchte, ist mit 1080p und 60fps aber auch sehr gut bedient.
Fr den normalen Eigengebrauch ist die Cam vielleicht ein kleiner Overkill, aber gerade als ambitionierter Streamer oder gerade fr Meetings/Prsentationen/Konferenzen, ist diese Cam einfach richtig richtig gut!
Durch die magnetische Halterung, ist die Cam in der Lage sich tatschlich zu drehen und jemanden zu verfolgen. Die Handgesten zum Zoomen kommen da wie gerufen.
Bei Nichtgebrauch, kann man die Cam dann einfach nach unten neigen und sie schaltet sich automatisch aus.
Die Software, die man sich zur Cam herunterladen kann, ist in Ordnung – aber da gibt es natrlich bessere.
Was mir ferner aufgefallen ist und das ist so auch mein einziger negativer Kritikpunkt: Die Cam wird zu warm – auch bei Nichtgebrauch. Man muss tatschlich beide Kabel ziehen, damit gar kein Strom mehr durch das Gert geht. So was ist mir bis dato noch nie mit einer anderen Cam passiert.
Der Preis ist sehr solide, aber gerade fr Prsentationen etc lohnen sich die Funktionen sehr! Die automatische Gesichtserkennung und -verfolgung funktioniert tadellos.
Ich bin begeistert!
Webcam di ultima generazione con risoluzione 4K, dal video eccellente e dall’ottima funzionalit di autotracking ma con una qualit audio che stona con il resto: sono rimasto abbastanza soddisfatto da questo prodotto.
Il dispositivo arrivato in perfette condizioni all’interno della sua confezione originale. La confezione molto carina e si presenta bene nel caso si volesse fare un regalo. All’interno della confezione, oltre la webcam e relativi cavetti, ho trovato una bellissima custodia rigida richiudibile e un utile aggancio magnetico per fissare la webcam al monitor.
Qualit video eccellente in qualsiasi condizione di luce grazie ad un sensore Sony molto sensibile, funzionalit di autotracking che opera altrettanto bene e che l’ideale per trasmettere in streaming videolezioni di qualsiasi tipo. Grazie all’integrazione del gesture control, dell’autofocus e di uno zoom digitale di 4X si pu utilizzare per trasmettere vere e proprie lezioni alla lavagna senza dover ricorrere all’utilizzo del pc o di un telecomando per il controllo delle inquadrature.
L’audio non mi piaciuto, non sicuramente in linea con le altre caratteristiche di questo gioiellino. Consiglio l’utilizzo di un microfono separato semi-professionale per rendere giustizia all’elevata qualit video.
Un gran bel dispositivo, indispensabile per chi trasmette video in streaming o vuole registrare video professionali senza dover uscire pazzo con le inquadrature, peccato per l’audio che non a livello del resto, ma ad ogni modo consiglio l’acquisto di questo prodotto.
The Obsbot 4k Tiny Webcam is an impressive piece of kit. The tracking was highly accurate and impressive picture quality even in a darker room. The gesture control was on the whole a bit underwhelming and hope that it improves over time with updates.
The Webcam comes in a premium feeling package. Inside the box contains a carry case for the webcam, the magnetic holder and the various wires that come in the box (a double ended USB-C, a power lead and xxxxxxxxxx. I’m not entirely sure if I would ever carry it around, especially as the magnetic holder is meant to be attached to something (like your monitor).
If attached via USB-C, the Obsbot doesn’t need a separate power cable which is handy. I connected this to a MacBook Pro and all I needed to do was connect the single cable and it was up and running. The software is available for both Mac and Windows and overall was good with lots of options to configure. You can also use the software to manually move the camera gimbal and toggle the focus and zoom.
The camera picture quality is great, a marked improvement over the built in webcam on a MBP. Through the software you can also turn on HDR too, though I found this effect made minimal difference. I used the camera in a room without much light and it performed well. The camera rotated around to a 90 degree angle easily, whilst the motion was smooth thanks to the gimbal.
One of the main selling points of this from the listing was the gesture control. Showing the camera the palms of your hands is meant to enable/disable tracking whilst making an L shape would zoom in/out. In practice, this was disappointing. I could very rarely get the camera to recognise my gestures when I tried, but then it would randomly recognise gestures as I was on camera normally gesticulating. This meant that in the middle of a call it would stop tracking me and then I’d need to use the software to get the cam to start tracking me again.
Turning the camera off is simple, you can manually tip the camera so it faces down. The light indicator goes out too to indicate it’s no longer on. I did find once or twice that the camera wouldn’t stay down and I had to force it down again to turn off.
Overall, I’m pleased with the camera. It’s garnered a lot of interest from people who have seen me use it and the picture quality and tracking is brilliant. I think there is still a lot of progress to make on the gestures though which is a shame for such an expensive camera (239.99 at time of review).
Die Kamera kann einfach an einen Monitor geklemmt werden. Die Kamera kann mit einer Klemme, die magnetisch mit der Basis der Kamera verbunden ist, einfach an einem Monitor befestigt werden.
Problem: Das USB-Kabel zieht an der Kamera, wodurch sie sich dreht. Das passiert, wenn die Kamera auf ein Notebook gestellt wird. In einem solchen Fall wre eine feste Verbindung zwischen dem Klemm Fu und der Unterseite der Kamera besser. Jetzt kann der Kamerafu leicht gedreht werden, weil der Magnet nicht ganz flach mit dem Fu verbunden ist und das Kabel dann leicht die ganze Kamera dreht. Das Tracking funktioniert sehr gut. Bislang ist diese Kamera auch bei schlechten Lichtverhltnissen sehr gut. Die Gestensteuerung mu noch verbessert werden. Der Preis ist meiner Meinung nach ein bichen zu hoch. Es mu gesagt werden, da es sich hier eindeutig um eine professionelle Kamera handelt und die Preise dort hher sind. Was meiner Meinung nach eindeutig verbessert werden mu, ist die Gestensteuerung und auch die Befestigung. Es wre auch gut, wenn die App mit einem Viewer ausgestattet wre, so da man das Bildergebnis sofort sehen kann. 1 Stern weniger wegen des hohen Preises und der kleinen Probleme, die die Kamera im Moment nicht 100% professionell machen.
First of all, this camera is interesting in several respects:
1. It is gimballed so can zoom, and change position to suit the position of the speaker.
2. The quality is amazing – far better than my other HD webcams
3. the safety feature of just turning the camera to face down is easy and practical.
The software itself is quite good though it crucially lacks a camera preview feature. However, with the applet, you can:
1. Zoom in or zoom out
2. Change the camera angleup, down, left & right
3. Have the camera track you so no matter where you move, you’re always in the centre of the image (quite cool in practice!)
4. Quickly put the camera to sleep
5. Change settings like the tracking mode, using gestures to zoom in and out (more on that below), autofocus and HDR.
The weirdest feature is the ability to use gestures to use the camera – like zoom, although it’s quite difficult to get it to stop at the level you want. I found it easier to use the hotkeys or the applet.
The final well-designed feature is the monitor stand. It’s very easy to install on your monitor – even without sticking it down. The camera then sits on top secured by a magnet. It hasn’t budged, but it is really easy to remove and use with a laptop or other device.
The in-built mic is great, but if you have external speakers that sit behind your monitor like I have you get an echo.
So to sum up, I love this webcam. It allows me to control zoom – something many webcams don’t and so control how I appear to people in meetings. Very well designed and implemented.
The pandemic has brought temporary or permanent home working to many of us and with it the prospect of having to make regular video calls. Many of use have come to appreciate just how appalling the quality of the inbuilt webcams on our devices is. Even if, as in my case, you have a webcam supplied by your employer, the chances are that it’s a bargain basement 720p job.
If you’re in the position of needing to find something capable of better quality then you might come across Obsbot’s Tiny devices, which come in both 1080p and 4k flavours. However, you might baulk at their prices for “just” a webcam. That would be to misunderstand what these devices are.
Yes, they are intended to be webcams. The Obsbot Tiny 4k I have is capable of 4k 30fps and 1080p 60fps, while I understand the regular Tiny can only do 1080p at 30fps. The supplied monitor mount is magnetic so you can take the webcam off as required; aside from being magnetic the webcam’s base has a 1/4″ thread for use on a tripod. On the rear there are two ports, one USB-C and one DC Power port. A USB-C to USB-A adapter is also provided. You can put the camera into privacy mode by tilting the lens unit to look straight down.
The picture quality is a definite step up from my work supplied Logitech B525, due to the higher resolution (the Logitech is only 720p) and a more saturated colour rendering. In the Teams and Zoom calls I have participated in since having this device, the other participants have confirmed they can see a noticeable improvement in image quality when I switch between the Obsbot and Logitech cameras. (Please see the images attached to this review where I have put a comparison screenshot comparison of the two cameras taken side by side).
Compared to the Logitech webcam the Obsbot has a wider field of view, 86 degrees compared to 69 degrees. This meant that while the B525 gave a head and shoulders image with a reasonable amount of space either side of me, the Tiny 4K gave a much wider image all round – you’d want to make sure you were zoomed in.
Depending on how you’re connecting to the Obsbot you may or may not need the DC power as well as the USB-C. If you are not connecting to a USB 3.0 and above port, the camera may not receive enough power to work correctly. As I needed to share the camera between my work laptop and my personal desktop I connected it to a USB 2.0 switch and found that I did need to provide the extra power by plugging into another USB port with the DC power cable. (As an aside, I was able to use the Obsbot through my mobile phone after plugging into a USB-C OTG adapter)
So, what does this device do that other webcams don’t to justify its asking price of 239 at the time of review? Well it has a couple of tricks up its sleeve.
The camera is able to recognise two hand gestures. One of these tells the camera to zoom in or out. The other toggles a tracking mode that will follow you as you move about.
The latter might not seem to have much use if you’re just sat at your desk for another interminable meeting. However, in conjunction with the zoom it opens up the possibility of using the camera for other purposes. For example, if you were conducting a class or lecture for both in person and online attendees, instead of being limited to being sat or stood in one position you would have the freedom to move about as required with the camera following you. (Incidentally, should you wish to achieve the same capability but travelling lighter using your mobile phone, Obsbot also make the Me, which takes the same tracking technology and puts it into a mobile phone mount)
So, the pros for this device are:
Better picture quality than most standalone or built-in webcams that are going to be out there
Pan, Tilt and Zoom features give more capabilities than a standard webcam
What are the cons?
Expensive if you only want a better quality replacement for your existing webcam
No Windows Hello functionality if that matters to you.
May need two USB ports for it to work properly if you don’t have any spare USB 3.0 ports
Zoom is only digital, so you will be sacrificing picture quality if you use it
Hand gestures did sometime take a couple of goes to be recognised which might be embarrassing to have to do in a presentation style situation
Standard field of view is quite wide so for normal webcam situations you’re probably going to want to be zooming in
Overall I’d say if you just want a straight up better quality replacement for your current webcam you’re probably best served looking elsewhere. However, if you can at least make occasional use of the pan/tilt/zoom technology this is probably a good way to dip your toe into that kind of thing and the review has been scored from this point of view.
The OBSBOT Tiny PTZ 4K is a very good webcam, certainly the best that I’ve ever used. The picture quality is excellent, and the camera itself is mounted on a two directional gimbal that allows the camera to move and track the face. It also has a rather thorough control application (Mac or PC) that you can use to change the zoom, position and other settings while you are in a call (with Teams, Zoom etc). Gesture control is an interesting feature, where you can use hand gestures to control the camera: specifically you can change between two zoom settings (useful to vloggers, I would guess) and you can also switch face tracking on and off.
As many webcams do, this one has a microphone built-in. I have owned a number of webcams, but I have never said this sentence before: the audio actually sounds good, and I would be happy to record my voice this way. It does pick up a little noise when the camera is moving on the gimbal, but nothing that would bother other conference call participants.
The camera has a standard mounting thread (so can be tripod mounted). It comes with a USB C cable (also with USB B adapter) to plug into the PC, and there is also a separate power cable so you can also power it separately from a charger or power bank. There is also a little plinth that you can use to mount the camera on the top of a laptop screen, if you want to get a better eyeline for meetings. One more clever thing is that if you turn the camera upside-down, then the picture automatically flips also, meaning that you could fix the camera to the underside of a shelf, if that’s more convenient for your setup.
This camera gets top marks from me. I’ve used this both on a desktop PC and a Macbook and find it excellent.
Insofern hat mich das Preissegment dieser Kamera etwas verblfft. Ist sie diesen Preis wirklich wert?
Ich habe sie angefordert, um diese Frage beantworten zu knnen. Und ob man diese KI-Untersttzung wirklich braucht.
Neugierig geworden habe ich dann whrend der Wartezeit auf die Lieferung etwas recherchiert und was ich sah und las machte mich wirklich gespannt auf die Lieferung.
Als diese dann kam, habe ich mir Zeit reserviert, um mich mit der Installation und dem Test der OBSBOT Tiny PTZ 4K Webcam zu beschftigen.
Bereits zuvor hatte ich mir von der Webseite des Herstellers die notwendige Software geladen (siehe Foto). Denn ohne diese Software kommt man an die KI-Features der Webcam nicht ran.
Die Installation der Hardware ber USB ist problemlos. Der Anschluss ist via USB-C- Ein USB-A Adapter ist mit dabei.
Die Kameraqualitt ist wirklich sehr gut. Doch das hatte ich so erwartet von den Videos, die ich dazu gesehen hatte.
Die KI dann in Aktion zu sehen war dann doch etwas anderes als nur Videos davon zu schauen.
Es ist wirklich super. Man muss sich um die Kamera-Ausrichtung keine Gedanken mehr machen.
Wie wenn ich einen privaten Kameramann engagiert htte, folgt die OBSBOT Webcam mir.
In der Software gibt es dazu auch ein Bndel an Einstellmglichkeiten.
Eigentlich dachte ich ja nicht, dass ich diese Features brauche. Doch ich sehe denn Vorteil fr eine ganze reihe von Anwendungsfllen.
Insofern kann ich die Kamera allen denen empfehlen, die sich vom Preis nicht abschrecken lassen und hufig online unterwegs sind (Schulungsszenarien, Beratunsggesprche, etc.)
La massima velocit di rotazione di 120/s
Funziona anche capovolta, l’immagine viene invertita automaticamente dalla webcam ma se si usa la app per controllare la direzione i comandi non sono altrettanto invertiti e diventa difficile controllare l’inquadratura.
Ha un campo visivo (diagonale) di 86 e uno zoom (solo digitale) che arriva a 4x, portando a circa 22 l’angolo di campo diagonale. Anche se digitale, lo zoom si modifica con gradualit in modo realistico.
Per queste caratteristiche ritengo che la Tiny 4K sia adatta a operare con soggetto non pi vicino di 40cm e non pi lontano di 3-4m.
La Tiny 4K ha la messa a fuoco automatica, che mette a fuoco fino a non meno di 10cm circa dalla lente. Se per si vuole mostrare da vicino un oggetto occorre disabilitare l’autotracking e tenere l’oggetto fermo per alcuni secondi di fronte alla webcam, prima che questa lo metta a fuoco.
Arriva a una risoluzione 4K (3860 x 2160) con frequenza fino a 30 frame per secondo. Alle risoluzioni inferiori raggiunge i 60 frame per secondo.
Il sensore Sony, da 1/2,8 pollici e a mio avviso produce una bella immagine.
Ha una modalit HDR (gamma dinamica allargata) per operare in condizioni di scene dove ci siano sia zone d’ombra sia zone molto luminose.
Tre tipi di inseguimento e inquadratura: il modo “normale”, un modo con inseguimento rapido per soggetti che si sostano velocemente e un modo che inquadra il soggetto lasciando maggiore spazio intorno, per non tagliare parti del soggetto.
Riconosce due gesti: uno che permette al soggetto di bloccare o riattivare l’inseguimento e l’altro che fa passare dalla massima larghezza di campo a un livello di zoom preimpostato, tra 1x e 4x.
Ha in dotazione la custodia rigida che ospita la webcam, il supporto e i cavi.
Occorre dire qualcosa circa l’audio, che non al livello del video. La Tiny ha un sistema di cancellazione del rumore che per lascia un suono che non mi pare molto buono. La Logitech Brio in questo caso d risultati parecchio migliori. In ogni caso per ottenere buoni risultati audio quando ci si muove intorno alla webcam occorrer dotarsi di radiomicrofono. Sul sito OBSBOT viene indicato il microfono BOYA BY-WM3U, che un microfono wireless digitale il cui ricevitore si pu connettere sia a una porta USB C sia, in alternativa a un ingresso audio jack.
Per confronto, il modello precedente, la Tiny Full HD ha massima risoluzione Full HD (1920 x 1080) con frequenza di quadro di 30fps, alle risoluzioni inferiori arriva a 60fps. Il massimo zoom di 2x, non ha la messa a fuoco automatica, la modalit HDR. H un campo visivo diagonale un po’ maggiore, di 90. Non ha la custodia.
Sul sito OBSBOT viene presentata anche la OBSBOT Tail, che una videocamera PTZ autonoma, alimentata da batteria ricaricabile, con due ore di autonomia, controllabile da cellulare via Wi-Fi e che registra su scheda SD. La Tail funziona sia come stabilizzatore (gimbal) sia come inseguitore del soggetto. dotata anche di zoom ottico 3.5x (da 92 a 32, equivalenti a una lunghezza focale di 21-74mm). Si arriva a 10x tra zoom ottico e digitale. La rotazione a 360 senza arresto (pu inseguire un soggetto che gira tutto intorno a s), riconosce un paio di gesti in pi rispetto alle Tiny, registra a risoluzione di 4K con 60fps e Full Hd fino a 240fps, per riprese slow motion. Consente scegliere in che zona della inquadratura tenere il soggetto, per una composizione della scena controllata. Pu essere usata anche per streaming se accoppiata a un cellulare.
Un altro dispositivo OBSBOT per chi intende usare un cellulare per la ripresa video, l’OBSBOT Me, che un supporto per cellulare dotato di videocamera che gli permette di inseguire il soggetto intorno al supporto. Regola solo l’angolo orizzontale, non muove il cellulare verso l’alto o il basso.
Oltre al controllo con i gesti, la OBSBOT viene controllata attraverso la app, disponibile per PC e Mac. Come PC viene consigliato un I5 con 8GB di RAM, come Mac dei MacBook o iMac dal 2018 o successivi, con Intel I5. Una cosa che manca alla app la possibilit di invertire il controllo del joistick virtuale quando si usa la Tiny capovolta e alto/basso o sinistra/destra si invertono.
Esiste un telecomando, che opera attraverso il PC, ma per ora non lo vedo su Amazon, che consente di muovere e zoomare, controllare pi webcam Tiny e scegliere tra tre posizioni predefinite.
Se connessa direttamente a una porta USB 3 funziona anche col solo cavo USB.
Nel caso venga collegata a un hub non alimentato dispone di una presa per ulteriore alimentazione e di un cavo da collegare a una porta o alimentatore USB aggiuntivo.
sicuramente pensata per circostanze quali la registrazione su computer o lo streaming da computer di lezioni alla lavagna o lezioni di Yoga, o altre situazioni in cui vi un unico soggetto che si sposta e modifica la sua distanza dalla webcam, entro certi limiti.
A parte l’audio interno e il fatto che non sempre riconosce i comandi, mi sembra una eccellente webcam fissa per la qualit del video e una preziosa risorsa per chi necessita di una webcam autotracking.
Da quanto ho visto, la Tiny 4K a mio avviso vale decisamente i 60-70 euro in pi rispetto alla Tiny Full HD Per l’autofocus, lo zoom fino a 4x e la qualit dell’immagine.
Nos llega muy bien acondicionada y presentada en una caja de cartn rotulada por el fabricante y con bolsa semirgida de transporte junto a un cable usb C — usb C de 1,5 metros, con adaptador a usb A, otro cable usb A — conector CC, un soporte para el monitor y un manual en varios idiomas pero no en espaol.
Tiene muy buena calidad de fabricacin en metal y plstico, mide 5,5 cm de base, 8,5 de alto y pesa 146,5 g.
En el video que adjunto puede verse todas sus partes, software especfico, calidad de imagen y sonido y funcionamiento de gestos. No me repito para no alargarme innecesariamente.
Podemos utilizarla directamente con el software del ordenador, sin instalar driver ni su propio programa, el Obsbot TinyCam; aunque si lo instalamos podremos ya sacarle todo el partido posible. Sus funciones principales son:
Motorizada tanto vertical como horizontalmente.
Control desde la aplicacin o por gestos
Modo de seguimiento por gestos.
Modo de zoom por gestos.
Enfoque automtico.
Grabacin hasta 4K/30 fps 1080/60 fps.
Buena calidad de imagen y sonido.
Modo privado, girndola hacia abajo.
Me ha gustado:
* Calidad de imagen y sonido.
* Control por gestos del modo seguimiento y zoom.
* Fcil transporte en su bolsa semi rgida.
* Buenos materiales.
* Buena presentacin.
No me ha gustado o mejorara: de momento, nada que mencionar.
Una cmara web que se sale de lo normal (tambin su precio) y que nos dar muy buena calidad de imagen y sonido, adems de ser motorizada y poder seguir nuestros movimientos o aplicar zoom cuando queramos slo con hacer un gesto.
Recomendada si se van a necesitar estas funciones de inteligencia artificial, que pueden ser muy tiles para impartir conferencias o clases online con pizarra, de baile, yoga, cocina u otras, donde la propia cmara va siguiendo nuestro movimiento, auto enfocando y haciendo zoom hasta 4X cuando lo necesitemos. O tambin, si nos gusta la tecnologa, queremos buena calidad y no nos importa pagar su precio.
Un saludo y espero que mis impresiones puedan ser de utilidad.
OBSBOT Tiny PTZ 4K Webcam, AI-Powered Framing & Autofocus, 4K Webcam with Dual Omni-Directional Microphones, Auto Tracking with 2 axis Gimbal, HDR, 60 FPS, Low-Light Correction, Streaming. This is a great piece of tech. Easy to set up. I love how tiny it is. Bit pricey. I love it. 5*.
239.99 at time of review.
Man bekommt diese Kamera in einer Tasche, dazu 2 Kabel (USB-A und USB-C) in ausreichender Lnge und einen Halter fr auf den Monitor, dieser kann mithilfe eines angebrachten Klebestreifens fixiert werden. Die Kamera wird aufgesetzt und hlt mittels Magnet. Die gesamte Verarbeitung kann ich nur als sehr hochwertig beurteilen.
Einstecken und fertig … fast! Denn um die ganze Bandbreite der Funktionen nutzen zu knnen, muss man in diesem Fall eine Software installieren, die man auf der Webseite des Herstellers herunterladen kann. Ein recht schlankes Programm, das sich schnell installieren lsst.
Und damit kommen dann die wirklichen berraschungen: Installiert und ein wenig damit beschftigt folgt die Kamera einem, das heit sie dreht sich mit. Auch kann man mittels Gestensteuerung den Zoom verndern. Es ist etwas tricky, aber wenn man den Bogen raus hat, ist das echt genial. berwachen kann man das ber die vorn angebrachten LEDs, man muss halt erst einmal herausfinden, was die bedeuten, aber das ist alles in der umfangreichen Anleitung nachzulesen. Auch bei etwas schlechteren Lichtverhltnissen ist das Bild klar, sie schaltet automatisch ihr Licht ein, es gibt auch keine Schlieren oder Nebel.
Die Bildqualitt ist um Lngen besser als die manch anderer Kameras, auch das Mikro ist in diesem Fall nicht zu beanstanden. Um sich davor zu sichern, dass man beobachtet wird, dreht man die Kamera nach unten in Richtung Magnet, dann schaltet sie sich ab.
Mein persnliches Fazit: Diese Kamera kostet Geld. Aber die “KI”, mit der der Hersteller wirbt, ist halt ihr Geld wert. Einziger Wermutstropfen, aber das liegt nicht in der Kamera begrndet: Sie ist mit Logitech Capture nicht kompatibel, was sehr schade ist.
Cette webcam de la marque Obsbot est fournie avec une documentation uniquement en anglais, allemand et chinois.
Pour l’utiliser, il suffit de la connecter l’ordinateur avec la prise USB-C vers USB-C ou en utilisant l’adaptateur USB classique. Il faut aussi connecter l’alimentation de la camra sur un port USB. Elle est automatiquement reconnue sur OBS et sur Zoom. Je conseille de tlcharger aussi le logiciel du constructeur qui permet de configurer certaines options comme le suivi automatique de la camra.
La qualit vido est vraiment superbe. Je l’ai utilise en choisissant le 4K, mais il est aussi possible de choisir des rsolutions infrieures. Le suivi de la camra est assez rapide et c’est aussi trs fluide. Si vous bougez, la camra fait une rotation pour garder le cadrage sur vous. Ce suivi fonctionne videmment avec OBS. On peut enlever le suivi et piloter soi-mme la camra, agrandir le zoom, changer les paramtres de l’autofocus et autres.
Je l’ai utilis aussi avec une clbre application de visioconfrence. Cela fonctionne trs bien. C’est vraiment pratique d’avoir le suivi de la camra.
Au moment o j’cris ces lignes, le firmware de la camra est en
Son seul point ngatif, c’est qu’il n’y a pas de vraie instruction. Si vous ne connaissez pas dj un programme pour utiliser la webcam, il faudra vous informer seul, car cette partie n’est pas prvue dans la documentation en anglais. C’est dommage, car cela n’aurait pris que quelques lignes.
La camra est vraiment petite, mais le rendu vido est trs bon, le rendu sonore aussi et le tracking est parfait. J’en suis compltement satisfait.
Das Produkt wurde mir zu Testzwecken kostenlos zur Verfgung gestellt
OBSBOT Tiny PTZ 4K Webcam, KI-gesttzte Bildeinstellung und Autofokus, mit Zwei Omnidirektionalen Mikrofonen, Automatische Verfolgung mit 2-Achsen-Tragrahmen, HDR, 60 fps
Ntzliche Kamera fr Anwendungen bei denen das Objekt vor der Kamera stets im Mittelpunkt bleiben soll
– 4k Gimbal USB-Kamera mit Stereo-Mikrofon
– USB-C/USB-C Anschlusskabel
– USB-A/DC-Stecker Spanungsversorgungskabel
– USB-C/USB-A Adapterstecker
– Monitorhalter mit Magnet zur Kamerabefestigung
– Transport-Case
– Bedienungsanleitung (EN/CN/CN(T)/JP/DE/KR)
zum Produkt:
– CE-Zeichen
– gute Objekt-Verfolgung
– einfache Handhabung
– Potential im Fenster Management der Windows Applikation
– kein CE-Zeichen auf der Kamera selber
Die Kamera macht an sich einen guten Eindruck. Bei der Aufstellung / Positionierung sind unterschiedliche Mglichkeiten vorgesehen worden
Ein Silikonring, um rutschfest auf einer Oberflche stehen zu knnen.
Ein Stativgewinde um die Kamera universell auf einem Dreibein aufstellen zu knnen.
Ein Magnethalter mit Klebe-Pad fr die Befestigung an einem stationren Monitor.
Entsprechend ist hier fr alle etwas dabei.
Bei einem Anschluss mit dem beigefgten USB-C/USB-C Kabel bezieht die Kamera ihre Versorgungsspannung ber USB. Entsprechend ist in diesem Fall kein weiterer Spannungsanschluss erforderlich.
Nach dem Anschluss der Kamera an einen Windows-Rechner wird diese von Windows automatisch erkannt, und ist somit ohne weitere Interaktion sofort betriebsbereit.
Das Handbuch verweist auf die Webseite im Downloadbereich auf eine Applikation fr Windows und MAC-OS. Ferner wird auf eine Anleitung zur Gestensteuerung auf der Webseite des Herstellers verwiesen.
Seitens dem Portal VirusTotal wird die Applikation (bis auf eine Viren-Scanner) als frei von Schadsoftware angesehen.
Wie blich sind zur Installation die AGBs zu besttigen (hier in englischer Sprach), in denen auf eine mglicherweise erforderliche Registrierung, mit der einhergehender Preisgabe/Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten fr erweiterte Funktionen hingewiesen wird.
Verfolger Mode:
Die Geschwindigkeit der Objektverfolgung hngt von dem gewhlten Profil (Headroom/Standard/Bewegung) ab.
Einmal eingestellt folgt die Kamera der Kopf-/Krperbewegung im Standard Modus gemchlich, was auch gut so ist.
Schnelle Bewegungen, und entsprechend schneller Schwenk sind fr den Betrachter eher unangenehm, weshalb die Gedmpfte Nachfhrung ist hier sicherlich die besser Wahl.
Wenn man sich zu schnell aus dem Bild bewegt, die Kamera langsam nachfhrt, man dann wider an seine ursprngliche Position zurckkehrt, diese dann jedoch auerhalb des (gezoomten) Bildbereichs der Kamera ist, kann es dazu fhren, dass die Kamera an der falschen Position verharrt”. In diesem Fall ist entweder die Kamera manuell (beispielsweise ber das Administrationstool) in den Bereich des Objektes” zu stellen, oder alternativ sich in den Sichtbereich der Kamera zu begeben, und sich langsam an seine gewnschte Position zu begeben.
Einmal an das Verhalten der Kamera gewhnt, funktioniert das Objekt-Tracking und die Gestensteuerung recht gut (Bei naher Entfernung kann ein Zoomen jedoch dazu fhren, dass die Kamera die Geste nach dem Zoom in nicht mehr erfassen kann.)
Die Kamera verfgt ber 3 farbige LEDs, die den jeweiligen Status signalisieren
Die Objektverfolgung funktioniert geruschlos.
Damit ist gemeint, dass ich in einem normalen Umfeld keinerlei diesbezgliche Gerusche der Kamera whrend der Objektverfolgung hren oder aufnehmen konnte, obgleich die beiden Mikrofone in dem Kamerakrper verbaut sind.
Zur Verifikation, dass die Objektverfolgung vllig autonom erfolgt habe ich den Rechner testweise vom Netzwerk getrennt, und mir das Bild der Kamera / die Kameraverfolgung mit OBS-Studio angesehen.
Klappt man die Kamera nach unten, ber die Software oder manuell, wird das Bild, sowie das Stereo-Mikrofon deaktiviert (Privacy mode).
In diesem Fall schalten sich auch die Status-LEDs aus.
Durch manuelles (oder ber die Software) Positionieren aus der Privacy Stellung werden Bild und Stereo-Mikrofon wieder aktiviert.
Das Videobild ist klar und scharf. Der HDR Mode hat mich jedoch nicht berzeugt, was jedoch auch an der Umgebung gelegen haben kann.
In der Fensterverwaltung der Applikation ist jedoch noch etwas Potential, da es schon mal passieren kann, dass eine Dialogbox, oder deren Knpfe zum Besttigen/Abbrechen auerhalb des Bildschirmbereichs dargestellt werden. Dann ist der Taskmanager zum Beenden gefragt.
Nachdem die Kamera selber mit Ihren Funktionen auch ohne die Applikation im Hintergrund arbeitet, ist es zwar unschn, jedoch kein K.O. Kriterium.
Alles in Allem hinterlsst die Kamera einen guten Eindruck.
Bezglich des CE-Zeichens sollte der Hersteller nachbessern und dies auf der Unterseite der Kamera, an der es keinen optischen Einfluss auf das Produkt hat, anbringe
Questa webcam arriva nella sua scatola contenente i cavi USB, mensoletta porta camera da monitor con piastrina in metallo, la webcam ha la base magnetica e custodia semirigida.
una webcam con con una risoluzione 4k a 30 frame e full HD a 60 frame al secondo.
Si collega al PC tramite USB type c presente il cavo e l’adattatore, inoltre la webcam va alimentata sempre tramite un ulteriore cavo USB.
La funzione di gesturei tracking l’ho trovata molto efficace e comoda, quella di zoom un po’ meno invece mi piaciuta molto la funzione privacy che si attiva ruotando a mano la camera verso il basso.
Buon software di controllo dove la si pu controllare appieno.
Peretta per molti utilizzi certificata per funzioner con i software pi video call, io la ho utilizzata con Microsoft teams e non mi ha dato nessun problema.
Die Kamera ist sehr klein und handlich.
Zustzlich zu den Bewegungen und der Gesichtserkennung verfgt es ber zwei wichtige Gesten. Eine offene Hand aktiviert/deaktiviert das Tracking und ein nach oben gerichteter Finger aktiviert/deaktiviert den optischen 4k-Zoom, um ein Objekt oder Dokument whrend der Aufnahme zu vergrern.
Wenn Sie um Ihre Privatsphre besorgt sind, kann die Kamera nach unten gedreht werden und die Kamera ist deaktiviert.
Wenn Sie mehr Kontrolle ber die Bewegung und den Zoom bentigen, steht Ihnen eine Software zur Verfgung, mit der Sie alle Funktionen ber ein sehr intuitives Bedienfeld steuern und den Zoomgrad zu jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt whrend der Videokonferenz auswhlen knnen.
Die erzielte Bildqualitt ist 4k HDR 3840x2160p mit 30 fps, wenn wir auf 1080p runtergehen, haben wir bis zu 60 fps. Fr die Tonaufnahme sind zwei Mikrofone in die Basis der Kamera eingebaut.
Mit all diesem Einsatz von Bewegungstechnologie, Erkennung und Bildqualitt ist diese Webcam eine professionelle Lsung fr Streamer, die die Qualitt ihrer Prsentationen verbessern wollen, indem sie die Mglichkeit haben, auf die prsentierten Objekte zu zoomen, einen Artikel richtig zu fokussieren und die Sicherheit zu haben, whrend der gesamten Aufnahme mit einer mehr als korrekten Qualitt im Zentrum des Bildes zu stehen.
Cette Webcam arrive dans une belle bote, et en l’ouvrant on a le plaisir de dcouvrir une belle sacoche munie d’une poigne pour le transport. On va aussi trouver une belle pochette dans laquelle se trouve le manuel d’utilisation. On se dit “l c’est classe”. Mais on dchante vite lorsqu’on s’aperoit que ce manuel est en Anglais, Allemand et trois langues asiatiques. Zut pas de franais !!!
On a un cble d’alimentation qui se branchera sur une alimentation USB non fournie. Un cble USB C des deux cts pour brancher la webcam sur l’ordi. Pas de problme pour la brancher sur un vieil ordi car on a aussi un adaptateur USB C vers USB A, c’est ce que j’ai utilis sans problme.
Pour l’utilisation c’est trs simple il suffit de la brancher et elle est tout de suite oprationnelle, aussi bien sur PC que sur MAC. Il suffit juste de la slectionner dans le logiciel que l’on utilisera.
Un support permettra de la placer sur un moniteur, sinon on peut aussi la visser sur un trpied.
La particularit c’est que cette webcam vous suivra dans vos dplacements, par exemple si vous vous dplacez devant un tableau ou une scne. On pourra supprimer ou valider cette fonction simplement en positionnant une main prs de son visage. De la mme faon on peut augmenter ou diminuer le zoom par un geste (voir photo du manuel).
La mise au point et l’exposition se rglent automatiquement.
Des liens permettent de se connecter sur le site OBSBOT o l’on trouvera des vidos de dmonstration ainsi qu’un manuel (toujours tout en Anglais).
Il est recommand de tlcharger le logiciel Obsbot qui permettra plus de rglages de la webcam.
Trs bonne webcam mais assez chre pour une utilisation perso, elle est plus recommande pour des utilisations professionnelles.
J’ai utilis plusieurs jours cette camra sur mon ordinateur professionnel sous Skype, Teams, Webex et mme une session Zoom. La camra est reconnue comme une Webcam et ne ncessite pas de drivers (utile savoir si vous n’tes pas administrateur du poste!). La reconnaissance des gestes est dans le firmware, pas dans les pilotes.
J’ai utilis le logiciel de configuration pour activer le mode HDR qui offre d’excellents rsultats dans la pnombre (ex.: tltravail en fin de journe d’hivers clair par les crans). Il faut juste noter quelques rmanences lorsqu’il n’y a moins de lumire. J’ai laiss tout le reste en mode automatique ou sur les valeurs par dfaut. Teams prend la main pour optimiser sur certains rglages si vous le laissez faire.
Je trouve la qualit d’image excellente mme en zoomx2 (et donc en full HD). Sous Teams, avec le floutage de l’arrire plan est parfaitement dtour mme en faible luminosit. Optique et capteur de qualit = image de qualit!
La camra intgre deux micros, mais la capture audio est d’une qualit faible. Investissez dans une enceinte de confrence en complment.
Notez aussi que la camra consomme pas mal et chauffe beaucoup pour orienter/maintenir magntiquement la nacelle. Mme teinte (oriente vers le bas), la base chauffe toujours.
Cmara web que es capaz de seguir tus movimientos mediante el reconocimiento facial, movindose horizontal y verticalmente, hacindola ideal para la creacin de contenido, clases, y videoconferencias online.
En la cuidada caja, se presenta la cmara con mucho mimo, se incluye un pequeo maletn donde viaja la cmara protegida y donde encontraremos un cable USB C-USB C, otro USB C a USB A y una base articulada e imantada para poder la cmara sobre nuestro monitor. No falta el manual de usuario y la tarjeta de la garanta.
Tiene un tamao muy reducido, por lo que puedes llevarla contigo gracias al maletn de alta calidad y protegido con sus preformas de espumas.
Adems de sus movimientos y su reconocimiento facial, incorpora dos gestos principales. Una mano abierta activa/desactiva el seguimiento y un dedo ndice hacia arriba activa/desactiva el zoom ptico 4k para detallar algn objeto o documento durante la grabacin.
Si te preocupa la privacidad, se puede girar la cmara para que mire hacia abajo y la cmara se desactiva.
Si necesitas un control ms exhaustivo del movimiento y el zoom, se proporciona un software que te permite manejar todas las funciones desde un panel de mandos muy intuitivo, eligiendo la cantidad de zoom en cada momento durante la videoconferencia.
La calidad de la imagen obtenida es 4k HDR 3840x2160p con 30 fps, si bajamos a 1080p tendremos hasta 60 fps. Para captar el sonido, se incorporan dos micrfono en la base de la cmara.
Con todo este despliegue de tecnologa de movimiento, reconocimiento y calidad de imagen, esta webcam se postula como una solucin profesional para aquellos streamers que quieran mejorar la calidad de sus presentaciones, aadiendo la posibilidad de hacer zoom en los objetos que presenten, enfocar adecuadamente un artculo y tener la seguridad de estar en el centro de la imagen con una, ms que correcta, calidad durante toda la grabacin.
Je suis bluff par la qualit de fabrication et les performances. Il faut dire que le prix est aussi au rendez vous!
Fournit avec un coffret coque bien conu, un cble d’alimentation et un cble de connexion USB C/USB C et adaptateur USB C/USB A
Je l’ai install sur un PC Win10 en connectant simplement le cble de donnes USB C avec l’adaptateur USB. sur un port USB 3.0 du PC et a fonctionne trs bien part le suivi de visage zoom automatique et commandes gestuelles. Ce sont probablement des options qui fonctionnent plutt sur un Mac?
L’autofocus est bon et la qualit d’image ainsi que la fluidit vraiment au top.
Le pilote ddi est bien conu et trs efficace. (zoom, cadrages 2 axes etc ). Il suffit pallier les fonctions automatiques qui ne sont pas oprationnelles sur mon PC.
J’apprcie le basculement vers le bas de la camra pour la dsactiver rapidement.
Un excellent article mais un peu cher.
Ormai lavorare da casa diventata una consuetudine, le telecamere dei nostri devaces rivestono un ruolo importante nelle nostre conversazioni da remoto, dalla DAD degli studenti alle videoconferenze si stanno affinando delle condizioni di ripresa mai viste in precedenza.
Credo fermamente che nei lavori da remoto, il modo in cui ci si presenta determinante, d’altronde chi andrebbe in un convegno in maniera trasandata e trascurata e magari relazionando con un pessimo microfono e in ambiente con scarsa luce e pieno di eco? La stessa identica cosa succede da remoto e quindi dovremmo mettercela tutta per renderci presentabili e credibili.
La videocamera che andr a testare oggi il modello pi avanzato dell’ottimo brend Obsbot: Tiny PTZ 4K.
In una accurata confezione brendizzata troviamo ben disposti all’interno:
1 webcam.
1 cavo USB – C Type.
1 cave USB- PIN.
1 adattatore USB-C a USB.
1 base di ancoraggio.
1 custodia semi-rigida.
1 libretto d’istruzioni.
Dimensioni cm. 8,94 x 5,8 x 5,8
Peso 147 g. senza supporto 177 g. con il supporto.
Risoluzione AV 4K.
Connettivit USB Sistem.
Velocit di acquisizione 60 FPS.
Stabilizzazione digitale dell’immagine.
Zoom di tipo ottico fino a 4X.
Dimensione dell’ottica 2,8″.
Formato di acquisizione *MUPEG *YUV *H264.
Angolo di visuale senza zoom: grandangolo di circa 90.
La webcam si presenta ben realizzata e bella esteticamente, il guscio in materiale plastico resistente e robusto. E’ una camera PTZ ovvero PAN-TILT-ZOOM nome indicato a una particolare tipologia di videocamera dove il soggetto pu controllare la posizione e il movimento delle lenti da remoto in maniera automatica o con un software appropriato.
L’apparecchio formato da due distinti elementi: la base contenente l’elettronica e la parte superiore contenente l’ottica.
In sostanza una gimbal compresa di obiettivo che si muove su due assi (orizzontale e verticale), la base caratterizzata da una zona magnetica sul fondo per il fissaggio al supporto per il monitor, una filettatura da 1/4 per il fissaggio a un treppiedi, una presa USB-C e da un attacco per jack DC 5V 1A (addizionale).
Andiamo a collegare la camera direttamente alla presa USB del PC tramite il cavo in dotazione avvalendoci dell’adattatore USB, immediatamente si accende una luce verde a significare che la camera gi pronta per l’uso, le funzioni sensoriali sono due e si eseguono direttamente tramite il gesto di una mano: per avviare la funzione follow-me (seguimi) basta avvicinare il palmo aperto della mano accanto al viso e la camera vi seguir ovunque, avvicinando al viso le due dita formando una L si attiver lo zoom ottico, in tutti i due casi si accender una luce a intermittenza che indica l’avvenuta esecuzione dei comandi, per ritornare al punto di partenza basta eseguire la stessa procedura, per disinserirla basta girare l’ottica verso il basso e automaticamente si attiver la funzione privacy (senza video e audio).
L’apparecchio ha soddisfatto interamente le mie aspettative, ho avuto modo di testarla in una video conferenza, mi piaciuto il modo in cui interagisce con i programmi specifici, ha un softhwer (OBSBOTTINYCAM) che si scaricare gratis dal sito per settare manualmente la camera e utile per le appgrade dei video, di cui comunque non ne ha assolutamente la necessit nell’uso automatico in quanto tutto il sistema di intelligenza artificiale a bordo e basta solo e semplicemente collegarla ad un PC.
Ci permette di fare anche filmati fino a 1080 a 30 frame al secondo e di eseguire zoom fino a 2X senza perdere di qualit, ottimo il doppio microfono integrato con la riduzione del rumore.
Determinante per presentazioni dinamiche, video, social, lavoro e hobby.
Facile l’impiego, stabile la base, continuo e dolce il folow-me, eccellenti le qualit visive con un eccellente bilanciamento del bianco e un ottimo audio, espresso da due microfoni integrati con riduzione del rumore.
Un prodotto eccellente che consiglio, il prezzo per le specifiche racchiuse concorrenziale.
Pour pouvoir exploiter ses possibilits il faut l’utiliser avec avec le logiciel Obsbot TinyCam .C’est une camra plug’n’play que Windows installe automatiquement mais pour pouvoir utiliser ses fonctions particulires avec les logiciels de confrence , Skype ou bien avec celui nomm “camra” de Windows etc . il faut le laisser ouvert en fond et en parallle
C’est une camra 4 K et dans des bonnes conditions lumineuses l’image est vraiment tres belle le capteur intgr Sony n’y est certainement pas pour rien . Encore faut il enclencher la fonction HDR On peut d’ailleurs en modifier de nombreux paramtres .
Le grand truc bien sur c’est le suivi du mouvement car elle est monte sur un double pivot horizontal et vertical .Idem c’est activable via Osbot . On peut en plus verrouiller ou dverrouiller le suivi avec le simple geste de prsenter sa main , on dispose d’un retour lumineux ( LED bleue ou verte ) cette fonction est vraiment au point et le suivi est tres fluide sur 320 et avec en plus l’autofocus , c’est parfait , un vrai petit ralisateur intgr . Merci les algorithmes .
Il est galement possible d’activer le zoom juste avec un geste , mais si j’ai bien russi utiliser cette fonction ,au bout de plusieurs jours d’utilisation c’est trop capricieux , rien faire , parfois a veut et parfois pas , il y a peut tre quelque chose que je n’ai pas saisi ?
Il n’y a visiblement pas encore de mise jour du firmware qui affiche un 0000 , le software lui est en
Pour la dsactiver il suffit d’orienter son objectif vers le bas . Sauf que je ne sais pas comment je l’ai surprise me suivre alors que je l’avais sois disant teinte , un paramtre surveiller donc .
Je n’ai not aucun problme avec le son .
Pas de mode d’emploi en franais , pas mme en tlchargement , il faudra donc matriser un minimum l’anglais l’allemand ou des langues asiatiques .
La camra fonctionne via un cble USB C => C mais un adaptateur USB=> A est fourni permettant donc de l’utiliser avec un simple port USB .
Un deuxime cble USB d’alimentation est fourni , mais selon la configuration il n’est pas forcement indispensable , car la camera a t conue pour fonctionner sur un port USB3.
La camera est en ABS mais elle est parfaitement finie , on jurerait de l’aluminium . Elle est fournie avec un support magntique rutilisable monter sur son cran , et elle est aussi quipe en dessous d’un pas de vis standard pour trpied .
Elle est livre dans une mini mallette zippe et semi rigide tres protectrice , elle mme contenue dans une boite en carton de qualit .
Se siete appassionati di teconologia come me difficilmente riuscite a resistere quando c’ un prodotto nuovo, almeno per voi, sul quale avete la possibilit di mettere mani.
In questo caso ho avuto la possibilit di provare questa webcam della Obsbot, che ha delle caratteristiche molto interessanti.
Bella gi la confezione, molto curata, con la borsa dove all’interno troviamo la webcam, l’aggancio magnetico per il monitor, il cavo usb tipo C a usb tipo A, un ulteriore adattatore per usb tipo A.
Buoni i materiali di costruzione: chiaramente parliamo di plastica nella parte esterna, con i componenti elettronici e di metallo necessario. Mi aspettavo che fosse pi grande, per lo meno dalle immagini dell’inserzione, invece fedele al suo nome Tiny abbastanza piccola e pur avendo un aspetto decisamente solido leggera e non incide come peso sul monitor del pc.
Andando alla parte interessante: questa webcam di contraddistingue per avere incorporato un gimbal che le permette di ruotare a nostro piacimento senza doverla spostare manualmente. Il gimbal non serve solo per cambiare l’inquadratura che ci interessa, ma accompagnandosi al software presente sulla webcam, ha la possibilit, attraverso l’intelligenza artificiale una volta trovato il volto della persona che sta inquadrando di seguirlo nei suoi movimenti, cos anche se cambiamo posizione, ci alziamo o spostiamo la webcam seguir i nostri movimenti mettendo il nostro volto sempra a fuoco, senza essere costretti a farlo da soli.
Ha anche un paio di funzioni interessanti che ci permettono di usarla senza operare con il mouse. In pratica ha un paio di gesture con le quali possiamo aumentare o diminuire lo zoom con un semplice gesto della mano, e visto che la webcam impostata a seguire il nostro volto lo zoom sar sulla nostra faccia. Inoltre si pu disabiliatare la funzione di auto tracking tramite un altro semplice gesto della mano.
Per quanto riguarda la qualit video adeguato al livello della fotocamera anche se forse mi sarei aspettato forse qualcosina di pi, anche se non posso negare che i video buono come buono anche il controllo del bilanciamento del bianco. Pi che buona la qualit del microfono che si distingue nettamente rispetto a quella di altre webcam e ci consente di avere una normale conversazione senza nessun problema, ma sottolineo che rimane comunque inferiore alla qualit che si ottiene usando un microfono esterno.
Il prezzo sicuramente importante ma non c’ dubbio che questo un dispositivo innovativo e di alta qualit.
A chi destinato? Probabimente a chi fa molto spesso videochiamate, anche riuioni, presentazioni e deve avere la possibilit anche di spostarsi oppure avere le mani libere per poter prendere documenti, scrivere per esempio una lavagna, ecc.
Se invece siete persone che fanno dirette streaming, probabilmente la qualit video non sufficiente se fate gli youtubers ed in questi casi sicuramente sarete disposti a spendere il doppio o il triplo e dotarvi di una reflex o di una mirrorless che hanno una qualit video/immagine chiaramente superiore anche perch il sensore enormemente pi grande.
Negli altri casi valutate anche questa webcam perch rappresenta una bella novit e sicuramente un buona alternativa.
Spero la recensione sia stata utile.
(+) Trs bonne qualit de fabrication
(+) Petite coque de protection bien pratique, pour emporter la camera en salle de runion.
(+) Connectique fournie complte (USB-C et adaptateur USB-B)
(+) Ce produit a la bonne ide de pouvoir fonctionner sur un ordinateur non rcent qui n’a que des ports USB 2.0, par le biais d’une alimentation double (2me cble USB)
(+) Les Fonctions de zoom et de suivi de tracking par reconnaissance gestuelle fonctionnent trs bien (ncessite un peu d’entranement)
(+) Trs bon autofocus et grande plage de rglage de nettet
(+) Logiciel (ordinateur) pour la gestion de la camra, simple et clair (interface en Anglais)
(+) 23 raccourcis clavier (OSX) pour piloter jusqu’ 4 camras (zoom, rotation,)
() Manuel complet, mais Anglais / Allemand / Coren et Chinois
( ! ) Il manque une petite preview vido dans l’application de pilotage de la camera
(–) Dans mon environnement, le mode HDR “scintille” avec les clairages via ruban LED, mme avec le filtre “anti-flickering” activ.
() La dominante bleute de la balance des blanc
(-) L’absence totale de possibilit de faire un ajustement de la balance des blancs et de l’exposition dans l’application ddie ! C’est regrettable d’avoir autant de fonctionnalits innovantes et ces lacunes !!
* Je n’ai pas utilis les microphones intgrs. Ce type de capteur prends toujours trop de son de “pice”, et il est prfrable d’utiliser un microphone directif spar.
***only tested on a MacBook pro***
This is not a standard webcam and would be wasted if you just sat at a desk using it. Don’t get me wrong the image and mic quality are good enough. The real reason for this is to track you and keep you in the frame. Some webcams will provide a software solution to keeping you in the frame like the iPad Pro but this one does it with a movable head. It tracks you and keep you in frame. It does just plug and play as all the hardware and software are in the camera body to take care of tracking. You can get a companion app to change some settings
The tracking works well and is ideal for classes or virtual meetings when you need to move around but stay in picture
I was slightly skeptical of wether the cameras tracking and gesture controls would work but they have been working like a charm. I downloaded the software on their website and changed the camera settings to 39 brightness, 59 contrast, 55 hue, and 53 saturation to get a decent quality picture. So you may need to do some altering in the settings to find to optimal settings for you. The video quality is on par with a Logitech webcam so there is that to compare it to. Using the app from their website allows you to lock on to the subject and it tracks without error. I’ve been using it for zoom calls and it allows me to walk around, gesture and emphasise points like I would in an in person lecture.
I think it really adds something to my presentation that you just can’t get from the standard laptop mounted webcam view. The build quality of the camera is good and robust. The fact you get a nice little carry case is good as you’ll want to be taking this around with you most of the time. It is so small and compact and its pretty impressive that they have been able to pack all this tech into it.
I love the AI navigation and tracking; it does a great job, and it has couple of settings to choose from so it matches the way you want it to track, you do have options to change the camera settings with an app and has separate firmware upgrade software. The camera works perfectly when the room is well lit but not the best, specially the tracking, almost never works when its fairly dark. Do take this consideration as how well the room is lit will make a huge difference to the ai features. I suggest maybe getting a small ring light infant off it.
Im on windows but in terms of support for Mac, this is very limited. The camera idea itself is pretty great however its software drivers for the Mac is lacking basic functionality. Just to be clear you cannot change any of the video settings on a Mac. This will be things like brightness and contrast. This may be okay for some people but lacking those customisable options just because you are on Mac isn’t great.
There are small factors that can be annoying, things like sometimes I want the camera to just sit still and not follow my face. Then during a conversation, I’ll accidentally move my hand in a way that makes the camera start following my face or zoom in and I wish I could just disable that when I don’t want it. All in all though this is a very neat piece of technology that takes things to a whole other level. It adds a much more personal touch to things. Great Idea!
OBSBOT “Tiny PTZ 4K” Webcam, AI-Powered Framing & Autofocus, 4K Webcam with Dual Omni-Directional Microphones, Auto Tracking with 2 axis Gimbal, HDR, 60 FPS, Low-Light Correction, Streaming.
This is a 4K upgrade to the OBSBOT TINY webcam. Somewhat unique (?) in a webcam in that it will follow you about and follow simple hand signals. (Might not be unique but it is to me). A webcam that uses artificial intelligence to track the users movements allowing for more than just video meetings. The user can move about and the webcam will track them so they can now handle remote teaching when standing up to 3 metres away or demonstrating something to a group where movement becomes necessary within the field of vision. There is a zoom facility forwards and back to give a larger field of view or a close up. The “PTZ” is pan, tilt and zoom — it will track from side to side (up to 150 degrees from the centre left and right), up to 45 degrees either side of the central level and zoom in and out.
Priced towards the top end of webcams at 239.00, it has to perform well to justify it’s price point…more of that later.
Firstly out of the box it is impressive. Very well packaged and boxed, you can tell you have a quality item in your hands. It’s quite weighty for what it is, usually a good sign. It has an outer printed box and a strong card inner box then a surprise — a smart zip closing hard case foam filled to accommodate the webcam and it’s accessories. In a separate file we have the documentation — a warranty card, a paper showing the gestures for selecting the “target” and zoom + the connection options and the user manual.
Opening the hard case we find the webcam and the monitor magnetic mount set in the sculptured foam. Held so tightly that it is initially difficult to remove them but great for protecting them in transit.
Total contents in the box
the “TINY 4K” webcam
the magnetic mount
Hard case
Two USB leads.. USB C to USB C, USB A to 5v DC power, USB C (Female) to USB A (Male) adapter
the Documents inc the user manual
The connections are at the back of the base and are a USB C plus a 5v power socket (you don’t need to use both).
With such a webcam as this that does so much, I thought it important to read the user manual so that I set it up correctly….and so it started….page 1 “please watch the tutorial videos before starting set up. Follow this link…” I did and there were no videos, just an online copy of the user manual ! There was also a scan to the videos…I followed that…just an on line user manual ! I tried YouTube and there were a few videos but these were “unboxing” and the features of the TINY 4K which I already knew.
I tried the OBSBOT website and found a download for the 4K. This was a type of dashboard with very simple controls and this proved to be all that was available. Feeling rather frustrated that I had not been able to find what the user manual said I should watch, I plugged the webcam into my computer. I got a blue light that turned green — that apparently told me the webcam was “ON”.
I did not get any of the other “light formations” listed in the manual !
At this point I thought I was missing something so I sent a note to OBSBOT advising the tutorial videos were not showing. By the following morning they sent me a link and apologised. The videos are basic but fast with no dialogue and so not easy to follow for the non technical.
Apart from the big improvement in video quality, the main feature of this webcam is that it will/can track the user if they move about — ideal for remote presentations where the user is not sitting in front of the computer. For example remote teaching or live streaming where the user is demonstrating something to a group or class. The webcam has a two axis gimbal so it can move up and down or panning. It will also accommodate anyone working in front of their monitor and it will still follow any movement. This means you don’t have sit rigidly in one position for zoom meetings.
Initially I could not get the webcam to track me by walking about and there was no obvious explanation in the manual what I should do to activate the tracking and without the instruction videos I had no way of knowing whether it was actually working although I had the green “on” light.
After taking the dog for a walk I tried again and found there were two ways to initialise tracking — firstly from the downloaded dashboard by manually clicking on “Tap Lock” and I had the tracking and again manually moving the zoom scale but still none of the light formations listed in the manual. This is perhaps because they did not work as detailed in the user manual or that they work so fast you do not see the individual lights. Secondly you can tell the webcam to lock on to you by using then first of the hand signals, The second hand signal operated the zoom. Perhaps someone more technical competent will have been quicker to set it up but looking back it was straight forward …once you knew what you were doing.
The webcam stands just over 8 cm high. The base facilitates three different ways of using it…firstly it has a rubber ring that makes it perfect for standing on the desktop, secondly it has a standard screw socket for attaching to a tripod and finally being metal it connects to the supplied magnetic mount that clips to the top of your monitor. As I am using a 32″ monitor mounted on a glass shelf I thought that would be too high but the desktop turned out to be too low and the top of the monitor perfect. For working away from the desk, the tripod option is seriously worth exploring as it will give even more flexibility.
The webcam is fitted with a Sony 1/ 2.8 sensor which gives the big improvement in video quality over the standard TINY model that this replaces. It has auto focus plus a dual multi directional microphone that yields equally good audio within a 3 metre zone from the cam. (when tripod mounted, it operates a sound and vision much better for remote teaching). The 2.8 sensor works well in poor lighting with auto exposure and this saves setting up special lighting arrangements.
The hand signals operate directly to facilitate the initialisation of tracking and the facility to zoom in and out and can be used once the image is on the screen.
The “Tiny 4K” webcam works with the main remote sites like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and Skype and is completable with both Windows and Mac computers.
When not in use the webcam can be folded face down and this switches both video recording and audio off as indicated by the green light switching off. This protects privacy.
This leaves my other webcam far behind both in quality and sound and thus I can recommend it especially for anyone who needs the tracking facilities. The features make it a truly versatile addition for remote teaching and presentations. My only reservation was the the user manual which did not make set up clear and their website which had no promised tutorial videos to make set up easy for non technical users. However a prompt to OBSBOT did provide access. Perhaps the technically competent will not have had issue but at 239.00 I think we might expect better instructions. Anyway, it’s working and it is an impressive piece of kit that I am sure will attract a great deal of interest especially with remote teaching becoming a necessary option with limitations on gatherings due to COVID.
The warranty according to the Amazon listing is one year although the enclosed documentation does not list a period.
Arrived in a very smart box, and included a nice case. The webcam is true plug and play in Windows 10 – just plug it in, within a few minutes it is all ready to go. I used the webcam using the supplied usb c cable and the supplied usbc to usba adapter, to plug this into my usb 3 powered hub. Out of the box the webcam works just like any other webcam with the addition of its smarts gestures which is built into the camera.
The PTZ works like a dream, when you pull up the webcam settings – do this from most video apps like Skype/Teams/Zoom – settings, devices, select the webcam click on Camera or Advanced settings. This brings out the default grey properties window with sliders for each property. In the video settings the Hue and Gamma settings are greyed out – these aren’t greyed out in my other cameras, so perhaps the camera does not support these settings.
In use, the webcam is excellent – automatically adjusts to low and high light far more intelligently than my other webcams, follows the PTZ windows camera settings and while using the webcam the zoom and follow hand gestures work most of the time.
Initially the webcam showed a much lower res pic than I would have expected for a 4k webcam. However, it’s only after loading the optional Obsbot software program, that I downloaded from their website and turning on the HDR toggle, that the pic was as I expected it to be. Also it will only remember your default starting position if the software is running. Also the shortcuts for the webcam only work if the program is running. You can turn off the gestures in the Obspot program if you don’t want it to accidentally go off, which it can do if you are gesturing normally when speaking.
There is no button on the camera to turn the webcam off, but there is a sleep button on the obsbot program which can also be accessed by shortcut (alt+t) to turn the sleep on. You can turn it back on clicking on resume in the program or using the shortcut Alt+t.
Here’s the kicker – it’s pretty obvious to get the most out of the webcam you need the Obspot program running in the background. So what? A ton of other programs do the same, but the Obspot program doesn’t run in the system tray! When you close it, it doesn’t offer to run in the system tray, it just closes like a normal prog. This means you have to be careful and always select the minimise, rather than the close. To date, I’ve accidentally closed it umpteen times and only realised when pressing Alt+t, and the camera doesn’t turn on.
I am ultra paranoid when it comes to webcams – I have four or five of them, and when they are connected, they all have a tiny thin circle of blue tack covering the lens when not in use. When I use them I just pluck it off and reattach it when finished – it’s something I’ve always done for years. So pushing the cam down on the Obsbot didn’t seem so bad.
A few problems though – if I turn the camera to sleep, it doesn’t quite point down – its still at a slight angle which points on to the desk – I think it’s because it’s currently sitting on top of a monitor at a slight angle, so it really needs to remember the closed/finished position, just like it has the option for default starting position. I can get round that by gently tapping it, and it does go down. So I’ve gotten used to tapping it down after pressing Alt+t.
One of the reasons I use the sleep mode is because my workstation is kept on 24 hours – I even run my web server on it, as well as other services. Initially while testing it, I was just using the tap to push the camera down and turn it off, but during the day it had somehow turned itself back on! Perhaps I hadn’t turned it down enough, it was stuck pointing at the side monitor which just so happened to have a picture of faces on it – so it must have tracked me leaving the room and then got stuck on the monitor with faces on it. Other than freaking me out, I have tested with switching it off, and it hasn’t done it again since. I’ve put it down to testing for now, but I’m keeping an eye on it. The other annoying thing about the sleep function is if you turn the sleep on while another program is using it, like Teams, the picture freezes. Turning the camera back on, the pic is still frozen until you turn the camera off and then back on from within Teams. Also Alt+t shortcut doesn’t occasionally work, while running minimised, unless you bring the program up. Also sometimes the turn off , turns the camera off, but doesnt turn the camera down at all – like it forgets to do it.
All in all, a very good webcam albeit with a few quirks. A lot of the problems mentioned above can easily be fixed with software or firmware updates. I really do hope they fix the program to run in the system tray and also have a phone app to control the camera – there is a phone app but it’s for one of their other models. I would pay for a decent working remote phone app – I already use several remote control phone apps for other devices like amazon fire and nvidia shield.
The tracking is absolutely phenomenal – I can see this being extremely useful if you were doing a whiteboard demo. Currently I would only do a whiteboard demo in Teams, using the inbuilt app, but it’s a bit painful – I use the mobile phone so I can use the stylus, but it would be so much better switching back to a traditional white board. I might have to invest in a whiteboard at home to see if this cam works well with this or not.
First thing I look for in a camera is ease of set up and this one is as expected with the laptop recognising that and external camera had been plugged in pretty much instantly and was easy to start using. I also want to ensure my privacy and usually there is a privacy flap you can close but this one is slightly different and you can aim it down so the lense isn’t pointed at you to ensure nobody is snooping on you, so a tick there from me.
Now for the clever bits, I was able to get the facial recognition working pretty well on this, although it did have some trouble when really bright sunlight was flooding in from a window behind me but that was exceptionally bright and I expected that. The gesture control was a bit fiddly to start with but you soon get the hang of it.
Overall this is a good camera with some amazing features if you have the right circumstances to use them, I tend to stay directly in front of my camera when using it for video calls but I can see how this would benefit others who need to move about while on video calls.
First thing I look for in a camera is ease of set up and this one is as expected with the laptop recognising that and external camera had been plugged in pretty much instantly and was easy to start using. I also want to ensure my privacy and usually there is a privacy flap you can close but this one is slightly different and you can aim it down so the lense isn’t pointed at you to ensure nobody is snooping on you, so a tick there from me.
Now for the clever bits, I was able to get the facial recognition working pretty well on this, although it did have some trouble when really bright sunlight was flooding in from a window behind me but that was exceptionally bright and I expected that. The gesture control was a bit fiddly to start with but you soon get the hang of it.
Overall this is a good camera with some amazing features if you have the right circumstances to use them, I tend to stay directly in front of my camera when using it for video calls but I can see how this would benefit others who need to move about while on video calls.
First thing I look for in a camera is ease of set up and this one is as expected with the laptop recognising that and external camera had been plugged in pretty much instantly and was easy to start using. I also want to ensure my privacy and usually there is a privacy flap you can close but this one is slightly different and you can aim it down so the lense isn’t pointed at you to ensure nobody is snooping on you, so a tick there from me.
Now for the clever bits, I was able to get the facial recognition working pretty well on this, although it did have some trouble when really bright sunlight was flooding in from a window behind me but that was exceptionally bright and I expected that. The gesture control was a bit fiddly to start with but you soon get the hang of it.
Overall this is a good camera with some amazing features if you have the right circumstances to use them, I tend to stay directly in front of my camera when using it for video calls but I can see how this would benefit others who need to move about while on video calls.
What can I say except for the fact that this webcam is amazing! The 1080 P full HD USB webcam with a microphone and a privacy cover it literally hits all the nails on the head. easily attachable to your laptop head and the fact that you can easily just cover it whenever you need to cover it is amazing easily detach it when you need to detach it brilliant you can have it on a stand as well if you need to and cause it’s USB obviously you’ll have to have a USB port next by and something that is actually recorded on however you can even get extension cords for this too. I can’t really say anything negative about this product it does the job well and I would definitely recommend it for if you have a PC and Mac and laptop and Mac book whatever it may be even a TV because it can do the job for all of this and even more than you would think. definitely recommend this product give it a go see what happens for me personally it’s been an amazing camera so far!
What can I say except for the fact that this webcam is amazing! The 1080 P full HD USB webcam with a microphone and a privacy cover it literally hits all the nails on the head. easily attachable to your laptop head and the fact that you can easily just cover it whenever you need to cover it is amazing easily detach it when you need to detach it brilliant you can have it on a stand as well if you need to and cause it’s USB obviously you’ll have to have a USB port next by and something that is actually recorded on however you can even get extension cords for this too. I can’t really say anything negative about this product it does the job well and I would definitely recommend it for if you have a PC and Mac and laptop and Mac book whatever it may be even a TV because it can do the job for all of this and even more than you would think. definitely recommend this product give it a go see what happens for me personally it’s been an amazing camera so far!
I have another motorised webcam that does face tracking, but this is much better.
Just used as a static webcam, it has a very good picture, with minimal distortion at the very edges. It’s much better than any budget webcam that I’ve used (and I’ve tested 40+ so far). The picture quality is at least as good as the Logitech C920 that I use at work. It’s not quite as good a picture as the Aoni C98, but that’s a 4K camera. Low light performance is very good, better than the Logitech, and high-contrast performance is similarly pleasing.
The motion tracking works very well indeed. The camera has built-in motors for pan and tilt functions, and these works smoothly and quietly. It’s quite amazing to see it in action, and it worked much better than I had expected. Tracking can be switched on and off using gestures (which are detected by the camera), and gesture control can also let you zoom in and out without touching anything. This, again, works surprisingly well.
The camera is supplied with a base which can be mounted on a monitor or the screen of a laptop; it comes with an adhesive pad for semi-permanent fixing, but it can be mounted quite securely without that.
Another plus for this camera is that it has a separate USB cable rather than one that’s hard-wired into the machine. This means that the cable can be replaced if necessary without having to get rid of the machine. The connector on the camera is a USB Type-C socket, but the supplied cable connects this to a standard USB port.
Overall, I was very impressed indeed with this. It worked much better than I had expected, and even though the price is quite high, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I have another motorised webcam that does face tracking, but this is much better.
Just used as a static webcam, it has a very good picture, with minimal distortion at the very edges. It’s much better than any budget webcam that I’ve used (and I’ve tested 40+ so far). The picture quality is at least as good as the Logitech C920 that I use at work. It’s not quite as good a picture as the Aoni C98, but that’s a 4K camera. Low light performance is very good, better than the Logitech, and high-contrast performance is similarly pleasing.
The motion tracking works very well indeed. The camera has built-in motors for pan and tilt functions, and these works smoothly and quietly. It’s quite amazing to see it in action, and it worked much better than I had expected. Tracking can be switched on and off using gestures (which are detected by the camera), and gesture control can also let you zoom in and out without touching anything. This, again, works surprisingly well.
The camera is supplied with a base which can be mounted on a monitor or the screen of a laptop; it comes with an adhesive pad for semi-permanent fixing, but it can be mounted quite securely without that.
Another plus for this camera is that it has a separate USB cable rather than one that’s hard-wired into the machine. This means that the cable can be replaced if necessary without having to get rid of the machine. The connector on the camera is a USB Type-C socket, but the supplied cable connects this to a standard USB port.
Overall, I was very impressed indeed with this. It worked much better than I had expected, and even though the price is quite high, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I have another motorised webcam that does face tracking, but this is much better.
Just used as a static webcam, it has a very good picture, with minimal distortion at the very edges. It’s much better than any budget webcam that I’ve used (and I’ve tested 40+ so far). The picture quality is at least as good as the Logitech C920 that I use at work. It’s not quite as good a picture as the Aoni C98, but that’s a 4K camera. Low light performance is very good, better than the Logitech, and high-contrast performance is similarly pleasing.
The motion tracking works very well indeed. The camera has built-in motors for pan and tilt functions, and these works smoothly and quietly. It’s quite amazing to see it in action, and it worked much better than I had expected. Tracking can be switched on and off using gestures (which are detected by the camera), and gesture control can also let you zoom in and out without touching anything. This, again, works surprisingly well.
The camera is supplied with a base which can be mounted on a monitor or the screen of a laptop; it comes with an adhesive pad for semi-permanent fixing, but it can be mounted quite securely without that.
Another plus for this camera is that it has a separate USB cable rather than one that’s hard-wired into the machine. This means that the cable can be replaced if necessary without having to get rid of the machine. The connector on the camera is a USB Type-C socket, but the supplied cable connects this to a standard USB port.
Overall, I was very impressed indeed with this. It worked much better than I had expected, and even though the price is quite high, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I have another motorised webcam that does face tracking, but this is much better.
Just used as a static webcam, it has a very good picture, with minimal distortion at the very edges. It’s much better than any budget webcam that I’ve used (and I’ve tested 40+ so far). The picture quality is at least as good as the Logitech C920 that I use at work. It’s not quite as good a picture as the Aoni C98, but that’s a 4K camera. Low light performance is very good, better than the Logitech, and high-contrast performance is similarly pleasing.
The motion tracking works very well indeed. The camera has built-in motors for pan and tilt functions, and these works smoothly and quietly. It’s quite amazing to see it in action, and it worked much better than I had expected. Tracking can be switched on and off using gestures (which are detected by the camera), and gesture control can also let you zoom in and out without touching anything. This, again, works surprisingly well.
The camera is supplied with a base which can be mounted on a monitor or the screen of a laptop; it comes with an adhesive pad for semi-permanent fixing, but it can be mounted quite securely without that.
Another plus for this camera is that it has a separate USB cable rather than one that’s hard-wired into the machine. This means that the cable can be replaced if necessary without having to get rid of the machine. The connector on the camera is a USB Type-C socket, but the supplied cable connects this to a standard USB port.
Overall, I was very impressed indeed with this. It worked much better than I had expected, and even though the price is quite high, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I have another motorised webcam that does face tracking, but this is much better.
Just used as a static webcam, it has a very good picture, with minimal distortion at the very edges. It’s much better than any budget webcam that I’ve used (and I’ve tested 40+ so far). The picture quality is at least as good as the Logitech C920 that I use at work. It’s not quite as good a picture as the Aoni C98, but that’s a 4K camera. Low light performance is very good, better than the Logitech, and high-contrast performance is similarly pleasing.
The motion tracking works very well indeed. The camera has built-in motors for pan and tilt functions, and these works smoothly and quietly. It’s quite amazing to see it in action, and it worked much better than I had expected. Tracking can be switched on and off using gestures (which are detected by the camera), and gesture control can also let you zoom in and out without touching anything. This, again, works surprisingly well.
The camera is supplied with a base which can be mounted on a monitor or the screen of a laptop; it comes with an adhesive pad for semi-permanent fixing, but it can be mounted quite securely without that.
Another plus for this camera is that it has a separate USB cable rather than one that’s hard-wired into the machine. This means that the cable can be replaced if necessary without having to get rid of the machine. The connector on the camera is a USB Type-C socket, but the supplied cable connects this to a standard USB port.
Overall, I was very impressed indeed with this. It worked much better than I had expected, and even though the price is quite high, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
This Obsbot was a bit of a pain to install on my Windows laptop, and would not be recognised by it (admittedly the laptop has Windows hello, which may be why it wasn’t recognised. However we installed in on my son’s older laptop, and then his desktop computer, and they were installed and recognised easily (they were both (like my laptop) running Windows 10). So once installed, the facial recognition works really well and continued to track even while he got up and moved around the room. It was amazing. Hand gestures worked with the camera, to enable and turn off tracking.
One thing that we did find was that when it was fitted onto the laptop, the weight of the obsbot actually made the lid less stable, it works really well fitted to the monitor.
I received this item for review, and it is really good, but does seem expensive for a webcam.
This Obsbot was a bit of a pain to install on my Windows laptop, and would not be recognised by it (admittedly the laptop has Windows hello, which may be why it wasn’t recognised. However we installed in on my son’s older laptop, and then his desktop computer, and they were installed and recognised easily (they were both (like my laptop) running Windows 10). So once installed, the facial recognition works really well and continued to track even while he got up and moved around the room. It was amazing. Hand gestures worked with the camera, to enable and turn off tracking.
One thing that we did find was that when it was fitted onto the laptop, the weight of the obsbot actually made the lid less stable, it works really well fitted to the monitor.
I received this item for review, and it is really good, but does seem expensive for a webcam.
This Obsbot was a bit of a pain to install on my Windows laptop, and would not be recognised by it (admittedly the laptop has Windows hello, which may be why it wasn’t recognised. However we installed in on my son’s older laptop, and then his desktop computer, and they were installed and recognised easily (they were both (like my laptop) running Windows 10). So once installed, the facial recognition works really well and continued to track even while he got up and moved around the room. It was amazing. Hand gestures worked with the camera, to enable and turn off tracking.
One thing that we did find was that when it was fitted onto the laptop, the weight of the obsbot actually made the lid less stable, it works really well fitted to the monitor.
I received this item for review, and it is really good, but does seem expensive for a webcam.
This Obsbot was a bit of a pain to install on my Windows laptop, and would not be recognised by it (admittedly the laptop has Windows hello, which may be why it wasn’t recognised. However we installed in on my son’s older laptop, and then his desktop computer, and they were installed and recognised easily (they were both (like my laptop) running Windows 10). So once installed, the facial recognition works really well and continued to track even while he got up and moved around the room. It was amazing. Hand gestures worked with the camera, to enable and turn off tracking.
One thing that we did find was that when it was fitted onto the laptop, the weight of the obsbot actually made the lid less stable, it works really well fitted to the monitor.
I received this item for review, and it is really good, but does seem expensive for a webcam.
This Obsbot was a bit of a pain to install on my Windows laptop, and would not be recognised by it (admittedly the laptop has Windows hello, which may be why it wasn’t recognised. However we installed in on my son’s older laptop, and then his desktop computer, and they were installed and recognised easily (they were both (like my laptop) running Windows 10). So once installed, the facial recognition works really well and continued to track even while he got up and moved around the room. It was amazing. Hand gestures worked with the camera, to enable and turn off tracking.
One thing that we did find was that when it was fitted onto the laptop, the weight of the obsbot actually made the lid less stable, it works really well fitted to the monitor.
I received this item for review, and it is really good, but does seem expensive for a webcam.
This worked just as well with my Chromebook as my PC. The tracking all works without having to download apps or drivers. Literally, just plug and play. The ‘follow you’ function worked flawlessly, whereas the zoom in/out was a little more fiddly, but still worked.
This worked just as well with my Chromebook as my PC. The tracking all works without having to download apps or drivers. Literally, just plug and play. The ‘follow you’ function worked flawlessly, whereas the zoom in/out was a little more fiddly, but still worked.
First of all I’d like to point out that this web cam is big and sturdy – much more so than the average web cam. If you are attaching it to a computer monitor then you should be fine, but if you’re using a laptop then be aware that it might put a bit of strain on the flimsier laptop models. Why is it so chunky you may well ask? Presumably that is because it uses 2 axes in order to facilitate its face tracking ability – which is the main feature of this model.
The face tracking works pretty well (most of the time), but it can get confused if there is a lot of movement in the background. It also takes a bit of practice to use the hand gestures feature – and to be honest it may be easier just to use your mouse to change things like zoom and face tracking. Image quality is good but not exceptional, and the camera is not too hard to set up and use.
Overall this is a very good camera, but it is a little expensive for what it is. I would only recommend if you really want to have to have a reliable face tracking feature, otherwise I’d stick with a cheaper model.
First of all I’d like to point out that this web cam is big and sturdy – much more so than the average web cam. If you are attaching it to a computer monitor then you should be fine, but if you’re using a laptop then be aware that it might put a bit of strain on the flimsier laptop models. Why is it so chunky you may well ask? Presumably that is because it uses 2 axes in order to facilitate its face tracking ability – which is the main feature of this model.
The face tracking works pretty well (most of the time), but it can get confused if there is a lot of movement in the background. It also takes a bit of practice to use the hand gestures feature – and to be honest it may be easier just to use your mouse to change things like zoom and face tracking. Image quality is good but not exceptional, and the camera is not too hard to set up and use.
Overall this is a very good camera, but it is a little expensive for what it is. I would only recommend if you really want to have to have a reliable face tracking feature, otherwise I’d stick with a cheaper model.
I’ve been using this for streaming, and to sum it up in one word, I’d simply say “Amazing!”
I have tried some of the budget offerings in the past that promise BIG things but never deliver (poor auto focus, inaccurate colours etc etc), that’s not the case with the Obsbot, this thing is fantastic, the build quality is something else, the functionality and features of the camera put it a tier above the competition and it generally a great camera.
It’s very easy to setup and get working, the software is easy to use and the camera very responsive and highly accurate with only minimal corrections to be made in OBS, I think I’ve found the holy grail for sub 200 cameras and the Obsbot Tiny PTZ is it!
I’ve been using this for streaming, and to sum it up in one word, I’d simply say “Amazing!”
I have tried some of the budget offerings in the past that promise BIG things but never deliver (poor auto focus, inaccurate colours etc etc), that’s not the case with the Obsbot, this thing is fantastic, the build quality is something else, the functionality and features of the camera put it a tier above the competition and it generally a great camera.
It’s very easy to setup and get working, the software is easy to use and the camera very responsive and highly accurate with only minimal corrections to be made in OBS, I think I’ve found the holy grail for sub 200 cameras and the Obsbot Tiny PTZ is it!
Very good quality webcam, probably the best I’ve ever used! Moves effortlessly and silently with brilliant motion detection. The picture quality is insane! Connects instantly and is super compact and smart. Definitely worth the price! I use this for everything from video calls to beauty vlogging and it works perfectly.
Very good quality webcam, probably the best I’ve ever used! Moves effortlessly and silently with brilliant motion detection. The picture quality is insane! Connects instantly and is super compact and smart. Definitely worth the price! I use this for everything from video calls to beauty vlogging and it works perfectly.
I mounted mine on a tripod, so didn’t go down the route of actually sticking it to anything, nor frankly would I. Since it has a regular tripod screw fixing, it seemed the right solution for me, though perhaps the inclusion of a mini tripod, might have been a plus.
Getting it to do what I want it to via the software was simple enough. I like the way you can save presets and activate these, or indeed a variety of other functions, with hotkeys.
Activating gesture control allows you to hold your palm up and direct the camera, this was great when it worked, though sometimes didn’t ‘quite work’. Well not as reliably as I would like. It did however track me, as I walked to and fro, quite nicely, on ‘headroom mode’. What the other modes do, I am not able to say and that is why this little camera loses a star.
Picture is excellent, sound is surprisingly good for a tiny device and price is about right for a video conferencing tool of this capability. I suspect that new firmware will be released to address the ‘bugs’, but taken as a package, I am happy to give it four stars.
I mounted mine on a tripod, so didn’t go down the route of actually sticking it to anything, nor frankly would I. Since it has a regular tripod screw fixing, it seemed the right solution for me, though perhaps the inclusion of a mini tripod, might have been a plus.
Getting it to do what I want it to via the software was simple enough. I like the way you can save presets and activate these, or indeed a variety of other functions, with hotkeys.
Activating gesture control allows you to hold your palm up and direct the camera, this was great when it worked, though sometimes didn’t ‘quite work’. Well not as reliably as I would like. It did however track me, as I walked to and fro, quite nicely, on ‘headroom mode’. What the other modes do, I am not able to say and that is why this little camera loses a star.
Picture is excellent, sound is surprisingly good for a tiny device and price is about right for a video conferencing tool of this capability. I suspect that new firmware will be released to address the ‘bugs’, but taken as a package, I am happy to give it four stars.
I mounted mine on a tripod, so didn’t go down the route of actually sticking it to anything, nor frankly would I. Since it has a regular tripod screw fixing, it seemed the right solution for me, though perhaps the inclusion of a mini tripod, might have been a plus.
Getting it to do what I want it to via the software was simple enough. I like the way you can save presets and activate these, or indeed a variety of other functions, with hotkeys.
Activating gesture control allows you to hold your palm up and direct the camera, this was great when it worked, though sometimes didn’t ‘quite work’. Well not as reliably as I would like. It did however track me, as I walked to and fro, quite nicely, on ‘headroom mode’. What the other modes do, I am not able to say and that is why this little camera loses a star.
Picture is excellent, sound is surprisingly good for a tiny device and price is about right for a video conferencing tool of this capability. I suspect that new firmware will be released to address the ‘bugs’, but taken as a package, I am happy to give it four stars.
I mounted mine on a tripod, so didn’t go down the route of actually sticking it to anything, nor frankly would I. Since it has a regular tripod screw fixing, it seemed the right solution for me, though perhaps the inclusion of a mini tripod, might have been a plus.
Getting it to do what I want it to via the software was simple enough. I like the way you can save presets and activate these, or indeed a variety of other functions, with hotkeys.
Activating gesture control allows you to hold your palm up and direct the camera, this was great when it worked, though sometimes didn’t ‘quite work’. Well not as reliably as I would like. It did however track me, as I walked to and fro, quite nicely, on ‘headroom mode’. What the other modes do, I am not able to say and that is why this little camera loses a star.
Picture is excellent, sound is surprisingly good for a tiny device and price is about right for a video conferencing tool of this capability. I suspect that new firmware will be released to address the ‘bugs’, but taken as a package, I am happy to give it four stars.
The image quality though is very good; it works well in low light; and has an auto white balance that does a good job. It handles the bright window behind me quite well. Though the image quality is markedly improved when i turn my ring light on.
The obsbot doesn’t have a lens cover – the design would make that difficult; it does however let you able the camera down so if it were to come on it would record its base. When its on there is a green tally light to let you know; and when its angled away this goes either yellow or a much lighter green (There are photos of this attached.)
If you are using it in a meeting room its excellent. It can pan and pickup multiple speakers or zoom in and out to get closer to the action. This is similar to my Logitech conferencing system; only 1/10th the size. I do with the gesture control had a zoom out option; though the driver software gives you a solution for that.
Im hoping they improve the driver software as it could make a fun time lapse camera if you could control the motion. As a web cam or small conferencing cam that 2x zoom makes a big difference. 5*
This is a very clever little camera.
It’s bulkier than a standard webcam due to its 2 axis gimble and when the magnetic monitor mount is added to the bottom of the unit it becomes a little unwieldy for the top of a laptop screen. That said, in a laptop situation you could easily just place the camera on a flat surface. (Note that a couple of other reviews incrrectly claim that the screen mount accessory needs to be attached to teh screen top with an adhesive pad.. this is not true. A sticky pad is provided on the mount, but I have the camera mounted on top of a TV without having revealed the adhesive tape.
The build quality is excellent and the packaging has a quality look about it (reminds me DJI packaging a bit). The camera is quite weighty for its size, which adds to the quality feel, and the gimble movement feels very smooth when the camera is off – I suspect a magnetic motor given how it feels, but cannot confirm that.
In use the motor is just as smooth, and the AI tracking is very accurate. It even manages to pick you up if you disappear behind an object for a few seconds. If there is more than one face in the field of view it seems to keep both in frame if possible as well.
The webcam image is pretty good. It’s not going to win any awards, but it is perfectly good enough. At this price you could get a very good camera, but the gimble and tracking features are what push the price up here rather than the optics.
The camera supports a couple of gesture controls, but I found these a but hit and miss. The ‘tracking on’ gesture worked reliably, but I couldn’t get tracking off with a gesture. Worse than that, I couldn’t get the zoom in/out gesture to work at all
My only other frustration was with the software.
Before I get onto that it’s worth pointing out that the software is optional. The standard plug and play windows driver (under Windows 10) worked well. Tracking works out of the box and the standard windows webcam setting even allows you to control the gimble (pan and tilt) and the zoom.
The dedicated OBSBOT Tiny software allows a but more control – enabling and disabling gestures, setting tracking mode etc – and a ‘joystick’ type control for the gimble
The software also allows firmware updates – though impressively teh camera arrived with the latest version already installed which must be a first!
Frustratingly, though, the software installs without checking dependencies. The Visual C++ 2015 redistributable is needed but not included in the installer which I find really annoying. The developers of the OBSBOT claim to be using AI and neural networks to enable the tracking functions of the camera, but because they didn’t include the necessary redistributable libraries with their software, I had to do my own tracking on the MicroSoft website to get their software to run.
The software issue can be easily fixed, and if the gesture issues I saw are firmware related then an update could fix those too.
Hardware-wise there’s nothing really to complain about, so if you have a need to move about during your video calls then this is a very interesting, if quite costly, option.
So while it isn’t advertised to work with Linux the first thing I did was connect it to my Ubuntu laptop, and it identified itself to the system and operated just fine. Initially it took me a while to get it to recognize my hand gestures to commence tracking and then to zoom in, but once I got it to do so it followed me around nicely– I would even recognize me in profile, so I could stand up and pace back and forth and the camera followed. You can lose it with rapid movement, but it will search around a bit before giving up and showing the chartreuse indicator light that means it lost your face, but if you just get a bit of your face back into its field of view it locks on and starts tracking again.
It seems to get better at the hand gestures if you give it some time. I left it tracking me for a bit and then tried the hand gestures, and it recognized them immediately. This suggests that the device needs to get enough samples of your face to make a good distinction between that and your hand, and it says to me that if you want really effective operation on a video call you probably want to start the camera up 10 mins or so before your call so it can learn your face (it isn’t clear if it remembers between power cycles).
Amusingly, it can get confused by smoke– as I puffed on a cigar, it would sometimes track the cloud of smoke upwards thinking it was my face, but then track back down as the smoke cleared.
Image quality is pretty good. I usually use a Logitech C920 which has a very nice image, and this gives that camera a run for its money. The Tiny does show a bit more barrel distortion at the edges than the Logitech does, but you hardly notice it as it is way better than the run-of-the-mill cheap web cam. The Tiny also deals with high contrast situations better than the Logitech does, with the dark areas not nearly as underexposed as on the Logitech (but oddly not as good as the grainy built-in camera on my Dell XPS). There is one effect to be aware of (spotted by my eagle-eyed son): if there’s a bright light coming from the side, it can produce some haziness in the image, probably because the light gets caught by the large plastic lens cover. The camera might possibly benefit from a shade around the front, or perhaps recessing the cover into the body somewhat. We were able to demonstrate the haziness with a bright light coming from a window on the right, and when you made some shade with you hand on that side the haziness went away. You could probably fashion your own shade with a bit of card if you couldn’t reorient the light source.
Finally, you can easily get privacy as the camera allows you to simply manually aim in straight down so it won’t be able to see your face at all.
All the issues I’ve raised all have pretty simple work-arounds, so if you want a face tracking web cam you should seriously consider the Tiny. It is a bit dear at 199 at the time of writing this, and while I’ve seen tracking cameras with lower prices, I doubt that their image is as good. This is a pretty cool little camera.
This is a very clever little camera.
It’s bulkier than a standard webcam due to its 2 axis gimble and when the magnetic monitor mount is added to the bottom of the unit it becomes a little unwieldy for the top of a laptop screen. That said, in a laptop situation you could easily just place the camera on a flat surface. (Note that a couple of other reviews incrrectly claim that the screen mount accessory needs to be attached to teh screen top with an adhesive pad.. this is not true. A sticky pad is provided on the mount, but I have the camera mounted on top of a TV without having revealed the adhesive tape.
The build quality is excellent and the packaging has a quality look about it (reminds me DJI packaging a bit). The camera is quite weighty for its size, which adds to the quality feel, and the gimble movement feels very smooth when the camera is off – I suspect a magnetic motor given how it feels, but cannot confirm that.
In use the motor is just as smooth, and the AI tracking is very accurate. It even manages to pick you up if you disappear behind an object for a few seconds. If there is more than one face in the field of view it seems to keep both in frame if possible as well.
The webcam image is pretty good. It’s not going to win any awards, but it is perfectly good enough. At this price you could get a very good camera, but the gimble and tracking features are what push the price up here rather than the optics.
The camera supports a couple of gesture controls, but I found these a but hit and miss. The ‘tracking on’ gesture worked reliably, but I couldn’t get tracking off with a gesture. Worse than that, I couldn’t get the zoom in/out gesture to work at all
My only other frustration was with the software.
Before I get onto that it’s worth pointing out that the software is optional. The standard plug and play windows driver (under Windows 10) worked well. Tracking works out of the box and the standard windows webcam setting even allows you to control the gimble (pan and tilt) and the zoom.
The dedicated OBSBOT Tiny software allows a but more control – enabling and disabling gestures, setting tracking mode etc – and a ‘joystick’ type control for the gimble
The software also allows firmware updates – though impressively teh camera arrived with the latest version already installed which must be a first!
Frustratingly, though, the software installs without checking dependencies. The Visual C++ 2015 redistributable is needed but not included in the installer which I find really annoying. The developers of the OBSBOT claim to be using AI and neural networks to enable the tracking functions of the camera, but because they didn’t include the necessary redistributable libraries with their software, I had to do my own tracking on the MicroSoft website to get their software to run.
The software issue can be easily fixed, and if the gesture issues I saw are firmware related then an update could fix those too.
Hardware-wise there’s nothing really to complain about, so if you have a need to move about during your video calls then this is a very interesting, if quite costly, option.
So while it isn’t advertised to work with Linux the first thing I did was connect it to my Ubuntu laptop, and it identified itself to the system and operated just fine. Initially it took me a while to get it to recognize my hand gestures to commence tracking and then to zoom in, but once I got it to do so it followed me around nicely– I would even recognize me in profile, so I could stand up and pace back and forth and the camera followed. You can lose it with rapid movement, but it will search around a bit before giving up and showing the chartreuse indicator light that means it lost your face, but if you just get a bit of your face back into its field of view it locks on and starts tracking again.
It seems to get better at the hand gestures if you give it some time. I left it tracking me for a bit and then tried the hand gestures, and it recognized them immediately. This suggests that the device needs to get enough samples of your face to make a good distinction between that and your hand, and it says to me that if you want really effective operation on a video call you probably want to start the camera up 10 mins or so before your call so it can learn your face (it isn’t clear if it remembers between power cycles).
Amusingly, it can get confused by smoke– as I puffed on a cigar, it would sometimes track the cloud of smoke upwards thinking it was my face, but then track back down as the smoke cleared.
Image quality is pretty good. I usually use a Logitech C920 which has a very nice image, and this gives that camera a run for its money. The Tiny does show a bit more barrel distortion at the edges than the Logitech does, but you hardly notice it as it is way better than the run-of-the-mill cheap web cam. The Tiny also deals with high contrast situations better than the Logitech does, with the dark areas not nearly as underexposed as on the Logitech (but oddly not as good as the grainy built-in camera on my Dell XPS). There is one effect to be aware of (spotted by my eagle-eyed son): if there’s a bright light coming from the side, it can produce some haziness in the image, probably because the light gets caught by the large plastic lens cover. The camera might possibly benefit from a shade around the front, or perhaps recessing the cover into the body somewhat. We were able to demonstrate the haziness with a bright light coming from a window on the right, and when you made some shade with you hand on that side the haziness went away. You could probably fashion your own shade with a bit of card if you couldn’t reorient the light source.
Finally, you can easily get privacy as the camera allows you to simply manually aim in straight down so it won’t be able to see your face at all.
All the issues I’ve raised all have pretty simple work-arounds, so if you want a face tracking web cam you should seriously consider the Tiny. It is a bit dear at 199 at the time of writing this, and while I’ve seen tracking cameras with lower prices, I doubt that their image is as good. This is a pretty cool little camera.
This is a very clever little camera.
It’s bulkier than a standard webcam due to its 2 axis gimble and when the magnetic monitor mount is added to the bottom of the unit it becomes a little unwieldy for the top of a laptop screen. That said, in a laptop situation you could easily just place the camera on a flat surface. (Note that a couple of other reviews incrrectly claim that the screen mount accessory needs to be attached to teh screen top with an adhesive pad.. this is not true. A sticky pad is provided on the mount, but I have the camera mounted on top of a TV without having revealed the adhesive tape.
The build quality is excellent and the packaging has a quality look about it (reminds me DJI packaging a bit). The camera is quite weighty for its size, which adds to the quality feel, and the gimble movement feels very smooth when the camera is off – I suspect a magnetic motor given how it feels, but cannot confirm that.
In use the motor is just as smooth, and the AI tracking is very accurate. It even manages to pick you up if you disappear behind an object for a few seconds. If there is more than one face in the field of view it seems to keep both in frame if possible as well.
The webcam image is pretty good. It’s not going to win any awards, but it is perfectly good enough. At this price you could get a very good camera, but the gimble and tracking features are what push the price up here rather than the optics.
The camera supports a couple of gesture controls, but I found these a but hit and miss. The ‘tracking on’ gesture worked reliably, but I couldn’t get tracking off with a gesture. Worse than that, I couldn’t get the zoom in/out gesture to work at all
My only other frustration was with the software.
Before I get onto that it’s worth pointing out that the software is optional. The standard plug and play windows driver (under Windows 10) worked well. Tracking works out of the box and the standard windows webcam setting even allows you to control the gimble (pan and tilt) and the zoom.
The dedicated OBSBOT Tiny software allows a but more control – enabling and disabling gestures, setting tracking mode etc – and a ‘joystick’ type control for the gimble
The software also allows firmware updates – though impressively teh camera arrived with the latest version already installed which must be a first!
Frustratingly, though, the software installs without checking dependencies. The Visual C++ 2015 redistributable is needed but not included in the installer which I find really annoying. The developers of the OBSBOT claim to be using AI and neural networks to enable the tracking functions of the camera, but because they didn’t include the necessary redistributable libraries with their software, I had to do my own tracking on the MicroSoft website to get their software to run.
The software issue can be easily fixed, and if the gesture issues I saw are firmware related then an update could fix those too.
Hardware-wise there’s nothing really to complain about, so if you have a need to move about during your video calls then this is a very interesting, if quite costly, option.
So while it isn’t advertised to work with Linux the first thing I did was connect it to my Ubuntu laptop, and it identified itself to the system and operated just fine. Initially it took me a while to get it to recognize my hand gestures to commence tracking and then to zoom in, but once I got it to do so it followed me around nicely– I would even recognize me in profile, so I could stand up and pace back and forth and the camera followed. You can lose it with rapid movement, but it will search around a bit before giving up and showing the chartreuse indicator light that means it lost your face, but if you just get a bit of your face back into its field of view it locks on and starts tracking again.
It seems to get better at the hand gestures if you give it some time. I left it tracking me for a bit and then tried the hand gestures, and it recognized them immediately. This suggests that the device needs to get enough samples of your face to make a good distinction between that and your hand, and it says to me that if you want really effective operation on a video call you probably want to start the camera up 10 mins or so before your call so it can learn your face (it isn’t clear if it remembers between power cycles).
Amusingly, it can get confused by smoke– as I puffed on a cigar, it would sometimes track the cloud of smoke upwards thinking it was my face, but then track back down as the smoke cleared.
Image quality is pretty good. I usually use a Logitech C920 which has a very nice image, and this gives that camera a run for its money. The Tiny does show a bit more barrel distortion at the edges than the Logitech does, but you hardly notice it as it is way better than the run-of-the-mill cheap web cam. The Tiny also deals with high contrast situations better than the Logitech does, with the dark areas not nearly as underexposed as on the Logitech (but oddly not as good as the grainy built-in camera on my Dell XPS). There is one effect to be aware of (spotted by my eagle-eyed son): if there’s a bright light coming from the side, it can produce some haziness in the image, probably because the light gets caught by the large plastic lens cover. The camera might possibly benefit from a shade around the front, or perhaps recessing the cover into the body somewhat. We were able to demonstrate the haziness with a bright light coming from a window on the right, and when you made some shade with you hand on that side the haziness went away. You could probably fashion your own shade with a bit of card if you couldn’t reorient the light source.
Finally, you can easily get privacy as the camera allows you to simply manually aim in straight down so it won’t be able to see your face at all.
All the issues I’ve raised all have pretty simple work-arounds, so if you want a face tracking web cam you should seriously consider the Tiny. It is a bit dear at 199 at the time of writing this, and while I’ve seen tracking cameras with lower prices, I doubt that their image is as good. This is a pretty cool little camera.
This is a very clever little camera.
It’s bulkier than a standard webcam due to its 2 axis gimble and when the magnetic monitor mount is added to the bottom of the unit it becomes a little unwieldy for the top of a laptop screen. That said, in a laptop situation you could easily just place the camera on a flat surface. (Note that a couple of other reviews incrrectly claim that the screen mount accessory needs to be attached to teh screen top with an adhesive pad.. this is not true. A sticky pad is provided on the mount, but I have the camera mounted on top of a TV without having revealed the adhesive tape.
The build quality is excellent and the packaging has a quality look about it (reminds me DJI packaging a bit). The camera is quite weighty for its size, which adds to the quality feel, and the gimble movement feels very smooth when the camera is off – I suspect a magnetic motor given how it feels, but cannot confirm that.
In use the motor is just as smooth, and the AI tracking is very accurate. It even manages to pick you up if you disappear behind an object for a few seconds. If there is more than one face in the field of view it seems to keep both in frame if possible as well.
The webcam image is pretty good. It’s not going to win any awards, but it is perfectly good enough. At this price you could get a very good camera, but the gimble and tracking features are what push the price up here rather than the optics.
The camera supports a couple of gesture controls, but I found these a but hit and miss. The ‘tracking on’ gesture worked reliably, but I couldn’t get tracking off with a gesture. Worse than that, I couldn’t get the zoom in/out gesture to work at all
My only other frustration was with the software.
Before I get onto that it’s worth pointing out that the software is optional. The standard plug and play windows driver (under Windows 10) worked well. Tracking works out of the box and the standard windows webcam setting even allows you to control the gimble (pan and tilt) and the zoom.
The dedicated OBSBOT Tiny software allows a but more control – enabling and disabling gestures, setting tracking mode etc – and a ‘joystick’ type control for the gimble
The software also allows firmware updates – though impressively teh camera arrived with the latest version already installed which must be a first!
Frustratingly, though, the software installs without checking dependencies. The Visual C++ 2015 redistributable is needed but not included in the installer which I find really annoying. The developers of the OBSBOT claim to be using AI and neural networks to enable the tracking functions of the camera, but because they didn’t include the necessary redistributable libraries with their software, I had to do my own tracking on the MicroSoft website to get their software to run.
The software issue can be easily fixed, and if the gesture issues I saw are firmware related then an update could fix those too.
Hardware-wise there’s nothing really to complain about, so if you have a need to move about during your video calls then this is a very interesting, if quite costly, option.
So while it isn’t advertised to work with Linux the first thing I did was connect it to my Ubuntu laptop, and it identified itself to the system and operated just fine. Initially it took me a while to get it to recognize my hand gestures to commence tracking and then to zoom in, but once I got it to do so it followed me around nicely– I would even recognize me in profile, so I could stand up and pace back and forth and the camera followed. You can lose it with rapid movement, but it will search around a bit before giving up and showing the chartreuse indicator light that means it lost your face, but if you just get a bit of your face back into its field of view it locks on and starts tracking again.
It seems to get better at the hand gestures if you give it some time. I left it tracking me for a bit and then tried the hand gestures, and it recognized them immediately. This suggests that the device needs to get enough samples of your face to make a good distinction between that and your hand, and it says to me that if you want really effective operation on a video call you probably want to start the camera up 10 mins or so before your call so it can learn your face (it isn’t clear if it remembers between power cycles).
Amusingly, it can get confused by smoke– as I puffed on a cigar, it would sometimes track the cloud of smoke upwards thinking it was my face, but then track back down as the smoke cleared.
Image quality is pretty good. I usually use a Logitech C920 which has a very nice image, and this gives that camera a run for its money. The Tiny does show a bit more barrel distortion at the edges than the Logitech does, but you hardly notice it as it is way better than the run-of-the-mill cheap web cam. The Tiny also deals with high contrast situations better than the Logitech does, with the dark areas not nearly as underexposed as on the Logitech (but oddly not as good as the grainy built-in camera on my Dell XPS). There is one effect to be aware of (spotted by my eagle-eyed son): if there’s a bright light coming from the side, it can produce some haziness in the image, probably because the light gets caught by the large plastic lens cover. The camera might possibly benefit from a shade around the front, or perhaps recessing the cover into the body somewhat. We were able to demonstrate the haziness with a bright light coming from a window on the right, and when you made some shade with you hand on that side the haziness went away. You could probably fashion your own shade with a bit of card if you couldn’t reorient the light source.
Finally, you can easily get privacy as the camera allows you to simply manually aim in straight down so it won’t be able to see your face at all.
All the issues I’ve raised all have pretty simple work-arounds, so if you want a face tracking web cam you should seriously consider the Tiny. It is a bit dear at 199 at the time of writing this, and while I’ve seen tracking cameras with lower prices, I doubt that their image is as good. This is a pretty cool little camera.
This is a very clever little camera.
It’s bulkier than a standard webcam due to its 2 axis gimble and when the magnetic monitor mount is added to the bottom of the unit it becomes a little unwieldy for the top of a laptop screen. That said, in a laptop situation you could easily just place the camera on a flat surface. (Note that a couple of other reviews incrrectly claim that the screen mount accessory needs to be attached to teh screen top with an adhesive pad.. this is not true. A sticky pad is provided on the mount, but I have the camera mounted on top of a TV without having revealed the adhesive tape.
The build quality is excellent and the packaging has a quality look about it (reminds me DJI packaging a bit). The camera is quite weighty for its size, which adds to the quality feel, and the gimble movement feels very smooth when the camera is off – I suspect a magnetic motor given how it feels, but cannot confirm that.
In use the motor is just as smooth, and the AI tracking is very accurate. It even manages to pick you up if you disappear behind an object for a few seconds. If there is more than one face in the field of view it seems to keep both in frame if possible as well.
The webcam image is pretty good. It’s not going to win any awards, but it is perfectly good enough. At this price you could get a very good camera, but the gimble and tracking features are what push the price up here rather than the optics.
The camera supports a couple of gesture controls, but I found these a but hit and miss. The ‘tracking on’ gesture worked reliably, but I couldn’t get tracking off with a gesture. Worse than that, I couldn’t get the zoom in/out gesture to work at all
My only other frustration was with the software.
Before I get onto that it’s worth pointing out that the software is optional. The standard plug and play windows driver (under Windows 10) worked well. Tracking works out of the box and the standard windows webcam setting even allows you to control the gimble (pan and tilt) and the zoom.
The dedicated OBSBOT Tiny software allows a but more control – enabling and disabling gestures, setting tracking mode etc – and a ‘joystick’ type control for the gimble
The software also allows firmware updates – though impressively teh camera arrived with the latest version already installed which must be a first!
Frustratingly, though, the software installs without checking dependencies. The Visual C++ 2015 redistributable is needed but not included in the installer which I find really annoying. The developers of the OBSBOT claim to be using AI and neural networks to enable the tracking functions of the camera, but because they didn’t include the necessary redistributable libraries with their software, I had to do my own tracking on the MicroSoft website to get their software to run.
The software issue can be easily fixed, and if the gesture issues I saw are firmware related then an update could fix those too.
Hardware-wise there’s nothing really to complain about, so if you have a need to move about during your video calls then this is a very interesting, if quite costly, option.
So while it isn’t advertised to work with Linux the first thing I did was connect it to my Ubuntu laptop, and it identified itself to the system and operated just fine. Initially it took me a while to get it to recognize my hand gestures to commence tracking and then to zoom in, but once I got it to do so it followed me around nicely– I would even recognize me in profile, so I could stand up and pace back and forth and the camera followed. You can lose it with rapid movement, but it will search around a bit before giving up and showing the chartreuse indicator light that means it lost your face, but if you just get a bit of your face back into its field of view it locks on and starts tracking again.
It seems to get better at the hand gestures if you give it some time. I left it tracking me for a bit and then tried the hand gestures, and it recognized them immediately. This suggests that the device needs to get enough samples of your face to make a good distinction between that and your hand, and it says to me that if you want really effective operation on a video call you probably want to start the camera up 10 mins or so before your call so it can learn your face (it isn’t clear if it remembers between power cycles).
Amusingly, it can get confused by smoke– as I puffed on a cigar, it would sometimes track the cloud of smoke upwards thinking it was my face, but then track back down as the smoke cleared.
Image quality is pretty good. I usually use a Logitech C920 which has a very nice image, and this gives that camera a run for its money. The Tiny does show a bit more barrel distortion at the edges than the Logitech does, but you hardly notice it as it is way better than the run-of-the-mill cheap web cam. The Tiny also deals with high contrast situations better than the Logitech does, with the dark areas not nearly as underexposed as on the Logitech (but oddly not as good as the grainy built-in camera on my Dell XPS). There is one effect to be aware of (spotted by my eagle-eyed son): if there’s a bright light coming from the side, it can produce some haziness in the image, probably because the light gets caught by the large plastic lens cover. The camera might possibly benefit from a shade around the front, or perhaps recessing the cover into the body somewhat. We were able to demonstrate the haziness with a bright light coming from a window on the right, and when you made some shade with you hand on that side the haziness went away. You could probably fashion your own shade with a bit of card if you couldn’t reorient the light source.
Finally, you can easily get privacy as the camera allows you to simply manually aim in straight down so it won’t be able to see your face at all.
All the issues I’ve raised all have pretty simple work-arounds, so if you want a face tracking web cam you should seriously consider the Tiny. It is a bit dear at 199 at the time of writing this, and while I’ve seen tracking cameras with lower prices, I doubt that their image is as good. This is a pretty cool little camera.
I do a lot of live video streaming using standard hdmi connected cameras and i have a couple of ptz cameras and a video mixer. This camera needs a computer to work but once connected it works really well, not only is the 1080p image really good, it also works well in low light, i was amazed when i left it connected to my mac and went to do something else and switched the room light off, when i started up my ipad i ran an NDI Monitor app and saw it there as OBS was still running….usually with webcams they try to keep a good picture by increasing the video gain which induces noise, this did not show any noise at all, excellent.
The little software app is cool, it runs well on both mac and windows machines, the best feature of the app is the global shortcuts, this allows me to use my streamdeck to control the camera, and it does that really well, im pleased how smooth it is. Even my 1000 ptz cameras are a bit jerky compared to this.
I just wish it had an HDMI output so i could interface it with my video switcher, that would make it perfect. There is a workaround using a spare laptop running an NDI app which is then picked up by OBS or vMix on another laptop and output to the switcher via hdmi but this does induce a small delay.
The AI function works really well, it can be switched on and off via the streamdeck/global keys method or by holding a flat palm near my head, and it works too, amazing. I struggle a bit to get the AI hand gesture for zoom to work but that may be just me needing practice.
I also liek that up to three preset positions can be saved via the software app, and with instant recall via the streamdeck, very cool.
I do a lot of live video streaming using standard hdmi connected cameras and i have a couple of ptz cameras and a video mixer. This camera needs a computer to work but once connected it works really well, not only is the 1080p image really good, it also works well in low light, i was amazed when i left it connected to my mac and went to do something else and switched the room light off, when i started up my ipad i ran an NDI Monitor app and saw it there as OBS was still running….usually with webcams they try to keep a good picture by increasing the video gain which induces noise, this did not show any noise at all, excellent.
The little software app is cool, it runs well on both mac and windows machines, the best feature of the app is the global shortcuts, this allows me to use my streamdeck to control the camera, and it does that really well, im pleased how smooth it is. Even my 1000 ptz cameras are a bit jerky compared to this.
I just wish it had an HDMI output so i could interface it with my video switcher, that would make it perfect. There is a workaround using a spare laptop running an NDI app which is then picked up by OBS or vMix on another laptop and output to the switcher via hdmi but this does induce a small delay.
The AI function works really well, it can be switched on and off via the streamdeck/global keys method or by holding a flat palm near my head, and it works too, amazing. I struggle a bit to get the AI hand gesture for zoom to work but that may be just me needing practice.
I also liek that up to three preset positions can be saved via the software app, and with instant recall via the streamdeck, very cool.