Philips Hue New White and Colour Ambiance Smart Light Bulb 2 Pack [E14 Small Edison Screw] with Bluetooth. Works with Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple Homeki

Philips Hue Smart Lighting
  1. easily set the mood at the touch of a button
  2. easily set the mood at the touch of a button
  3. easily set the mood at the touch of a button
1 Set the Mood 2 16 Million Colours 3 Colour for every occasion
easily connect and control with your voice
personalise your lights create any atmosphere
upgrade to the bridge
the hub unlocks more features
full home control

Weight: 78 Grams
Dimensions: 3.9 x 3.9 x 11.7 cm; 78 Grams
Model: 929002294205
Pack Quantity: 2
Batteries Required: No
Quantity: 2

93 Responses

  1. DortheaSchenk says:

     United Kingdom

    What is there not to like about Alexa turning my lights on and off and changing the colour and brightness?

    Use these in the bedroom for calming lighting for sleeping.

  2. BrookNunnt says:


    Premetto che si tratta delle lampadine pi costose che ho trovato sul mercato, non che questa sia una critica, una mera constatazione.
    Sono state acquistate su consiglio di una mia cara amica, perch era rimasta estremamente entusiasta del prodotto, sono state acquistate perch dopo essermi precedentemente gi trovata bene con le HUE in altri ambienti st mano mano sostituendo tutte le lampadine in casa, in quanto tutte le altre lampadine a risparmio energetico dopo un p di anni tendono a perdere di luminosit. Inoltre ero molto interessata alla modalit luce naturale.
    Sono rimasta estremamente soddisfatta del prodotto.
    L’installazione molto semplice ed un singolo hub piccolo e facilmente nascondibile dietro un qualunque mobile purch vi siano almeno una decina di cm di spessore.
    L’hub stesso estremamente leggero e di fattura minimale, quindi nel caso non si volesse lasciarlo a vista, si pu addirittura assicurare al mobile con del biadesivo (dal momento che il suo peso non importante tanto da applicare eccessiva trazione sulla colla) attualmente sono 3 mesi completi che l’hub posizionato in questo modo e non ho riscontrato n problemi di trasmissione (causa mobile tra hub e lampadine) n scollamenti causa peso o surriscaldamento dell’apparato.
    Il software di utilizzo intuitivo e viene aggiornato frequentemente, inoltre si pu attivare l’auto update dei vari Devices a orari pre-stabiliti, che provvederanno ad effettuare update firmware in background non appena saranno fisicamente disponibili sulla rete.
    I devices hanno un’infinit di funzioni differenti.
    Si va dalla “semplice” impostazione della luce/colore alla gestione di automazioni complesse o di funzioni di modifica automatiche o “scene” (si tratta di gruppi di colori che vengono distribuiti tra i vari elementi luminosi, secondo una selezione randomica o predefinita dei punti luce).
    Queste scene o modalit sono state recentemente aggiornate in modo da consentire sia una colorazione statica, sia un effetto “carosello” tra i vari elementi(lampadine), di questo carosello possibile gestire la velocit dell’animazione.
    Altra funzione, surplus, ma molto divertente la sincronizzazione delle lampadine con la musica o con i video o i videogiochi in riproduzione su un determinato Device.
    Per l’utilizzo di questa funzione tramite pc, Mac sufficiente l’applicazione HUE, in caso si voglia utilizzare questa opzione con un televisore esiste un apparato acquistabile separatamente che consente la sincronizzazione delle lampadine HUE con la porta HDMI in ingresso al televisore.
    Due funzioni molto carine introdotte di recente sono la funzione “caminetto” e la funzione “candela”, sono due funzioni particolari che vengono abilitate sui singoli elementi(lampadine) o su un raggruppamento arbitrariamente deciso dall’utente.
    Queste due opzioni sono animate e simulano alla percezione dell’occhio la presenza di un caminetto nella stanza o di un’illuminazione a candela.
    La gestione dei vari dispositivi( sia lampadine che altri elementi HUE in rete) tramite l’applicazione pu essere sia singola, elemento per elemento. L’applicazione consente la disposizione degli elementi in gruppi e sottogruppi, e anche la configurazione dell’altezza e della posizione del punto luce nella stanza (impostazione che pu aiutare quando si utilizzano le “zone” sottogruppi di configurazione automatica che vengono utilizzati per interagire con musica e video).
    Tutti i dispositivi sono automatizzatili tramite applicazione e regolabili con timer.
    Esistono la funzione “sveglia” e “buona notte” che automatizzano l’accensione e lo spegnimento delle lampadine per accompagnare la sveglia e il momento del riposo.
    Esiste una funzione di simulazione di presenza.
    La mia funzione preferita la modalit “luce naturale” in questa modalit le lampadine modificheranno la loro temperatura(luminosa) e la loro luminosit in automatico in differenti fasce orarie. La modifica non rispecchia necessariamente la luminosit esterna, ma si concentra (compatibilmente con il proprio fuso orario) nel fornire una luce di intensit e temperatura congeniali a non causare un eccessiva esposizione alle radiazioni a fascio d’onda blu, sopratutto nelle ore di poco precedenti e chiaramente successive al tramonto. Questa funzionalit mi sento di consigliarla fortemente a persone che sono costrette per lavoro a molte ore di videoterminale, che comunque una fonte di emissione onda a fascio blu abbastanza importante.

    P.S. Consiglio vivamente di sincronizzare le lampadine prima di inserirle in un lampadario in quanto necessario utilizzare il codice delle lampadine, che per stampato sulle lampadine stesse e non pu essere recuperato altrove.
    Le lampadine possono anche essere utilizzate come lampadine normali, accendendole e spegnendole da interruttore, la mancata presenza della linea internet, non compromette il funzionamento normale di illuminazione delle lampadine, non vanno in mal funzionamento in caso non ci sia modo di accedere tramite il WIFI, si pu comunque ovviare il problema nel caso si necessiti di modificare qualcosa, accedendo ai dispositivi tramite bluethoot.
    Nel caso ci sia un’interruzione della linea internet, le lampadine ritengono ogni impostazione e non sono suscettibili di reset o perdita di stato, inoltre ad una nuova ri-accensione, in assenza di corrente per black-out la situazione la medesima ogni dispositivo mantiene in memoria le informazioni precedenti, inoltre viene ritenuto l’ultimo stato di [colore,intensit] ad ogni riavvio, in assenza di altre impostazioni automatiche pre-impostate.

    Inoltre le lampadine sono protette da un doppio strato di vetro che le rende sempre tiepide al tocco e non si rischia pi di ustionarsi al contatto.
    Non posso fare a meno di consigliarle caldamente, la spesa vale l’impresa se si interessati a poter gestire le impostazioni luminose in casa.

    P.S. Nel caso si voglia considerare il risparmio energetico, queste lampadine possono essere spente tramite il normale interruttore della stanza, e comunque manterranno le impostazioni definite tramite l’applicazione, questo consente di minimizzare al massimo il consumo in Kwh, che personalmente ho addirittura visto lievemente ridotto da quando ho introdotto l’utilizzo di queste lampadine.(probabilmente anche grazie all’utilizzo di modalit come la luminosit naturale, che adatta le lampadine non mantenendole sempre al massimo dell’intensit luminosa).

    Incredibili! ottimo acquisto

  3. Anonymous says:


    Lampade philips hue smart, si connettono bene ad alexa e echo dot perfettamente.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Je corrige un prcdent commentaire : ce sont bien de Gen2, compatibles avec les derniers effets Hue. En revanche il faut laisser se faire un paquet de mises jour, dont le timing n’est pas toujours trs clair. Et dans tous les cas, c’est long ! Mais ca finit par marcher.
    A part a, belle lumire et intgration parfaite, comme toutes les Hue.

  5. LloydSimonson says:


    Der Preis ist sehr hoch. Dennoch bin ich sehr zufrieden und die Birnen lassen sich mit der Hue Bridge schnell und einfach verbinden.

  6. OttoMarconi says:

     United Kingdom

    They work really well it’s great to control them with the app or Alexa. The cost is a little too high as there are alternative brands on the market, but this was a present for my son who had particularly asked for Phillips.
    I bought three for his uplighter and he loves it, says it totally changes the mood of the room

  7. Anonymous says:


    Wie bei allen anderen Philips Hue Lampen die ich besitze (67 Stck), macht auch diese genau was sie soll. Lsst sich sofort verbinden, berall einbinden und funktioniert! Zur Langlebigkeit kann ich noch nichts sagen, da ich diese noch nicht lange habe. Aber ich gehe auch bei dieser Lampe von einer hohen Langlebigkeit aus

  8. Anonymous says:


    J’utilise la gamme HUE Philips depuis plusieurs mois maintenant, et je suis remarquablement surprit par la faible consommation d’lectricit, ainsi que la facilit a utiliser les rglages avec le logiciel HUE qui est intuitif et complet.

    c’est un plus non ngligeable pendant les longs mois d’hiver, le rglages permettant d’avoir l’ambiance plus chaude ou plus froide en fonction de nos envies.

    c’est un investissement, mais rentable a long terme.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch habe mehrfach versucht nicht die Philips Hue E14 zu kaufen, aber tatschlich habe ich keine Alternative gefunden.
    Zumindest nicht wenn man die Hue Umgebung nutzt.

    ++ Es funktioniert halt einfach alles reibungslos
    + Helligkeit
    + Dunkelheit

    – Preis

  10. Kimberly says:

     United Kingdom

    These smart bulbs have been so great to have! The color range is amazing and its really nice to use blue light in the morning and then an orange/red in the evening to relax and prime myself for bed. Since I work from home, its also nice to use the light timer feature to switch colors at the end of a timer. It’s a more enjoyable way to be alerted that its time to switch tasks. The lights can be remote controlled so I can check if I’ve remembered to turn them all off. Definitely worth the investment as it has serious improved my quality of life.

    My only slight complaint is more about the Hue app which doesn’t do exactly all the things I want from it although I did find a free third party app that fills in those gaps.

  11. JudyMLTxddjhf says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHabe mehrere seit mehreren Jahren im Einsatz und wrde sie auch wieder kaufen. Jedoch schockt der Preis schon heftig.
    1% ist dunkler als der Wettbewerb, 100% sind heller. Kein Flackern, keine Ausflle. So wie beworbe

  12. Anonymous says:


    Ottime lampadine E14 della Philips, costano pi delle sorelle maggiori E27 per hanno una resa di colori fantastica, probabilmente nel mercato non c’ di meglio.

  13. Evonne69Ckb says:


    Ich habe diverse andere Glhbirnen ausprobiert ob von Ikea von Osram egal die von Philips sind schon tatschlich die besten allerdings auch die teuersten und da finde ich wenn man diese zum Normalpreis kauft ein wenig zu berteuert ansonsten bekommt man eine solide Glhbirne die genau das macht was es machen soll ohne Ruckler ohne Aussetzer Updates werden auch regelmig geliefert ich bin mit diesem Glhbirnen trotz des hohen Preises seitdem ich auf Philips komplett ber gewechselt bin sehr zufriede

  14. ChadBoothe says:

     United Kingdom

    Yes they are expensive but when consider how long they last they are almost as cheap as ordinary bulbs, my daughter has had hers for 8/9 years now and they are still going strong, you can make them any colour under the sun and you can turn them on from anywhere away from home also once you have them set up to your Wi-Fi they are able to be turned on individually, I have mine red and green for Christmas as in the picture, you don’t have to buy special light fittings just as long as the fittings take GU10 bulbs, I love them they are amazing

    Totally amazing

  15. CharlieCousens says:


    Man merkt einfach, das die Qualitt besser ist! ( Helligkeit und Farben)
    Das Licht ( Farben) gehen aber ‘nicht’ genau mit, was der Philipps Fernseher anzeigt!
    Ob ich noch einmal von Philipps die Hui Lampen kaufen werde, wei ich nicht! Wahrscheinlich nicht!

  16. Allison Matyus says:


    Grenzgenial innovative Beleuchtung mit intuitiver Steuerung. Hohe Qualitt, die auch leider ihren Preis hat. Greifen dennoch immer wieder zum Original Start auf Nachbauten. Schafft harmonisches wie stimmungsvolles Licht, passend zu jeder Atmosphre. Jederzeit wieder!!

  17. Maurie Backman says:

     United Kingdom

    Are they white? Are they pink? Is this a brothel? No it’s my living room and I’m watching the telly. I have the lights up and around and they look ace. Could be a snitch cheaper but overall very happy. Just need to convince the wife to let me buy a dozen more

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Big fan of the Phillips Hue line of bulbs. So easy to install and control with the app/Alexa. Highly recommended.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My mum doesn’t have to fiddle about in the dark for the light switch. Dimmable, so can be used as a night light.

  20. Troy and Mels Reviews and More says:


    La lumire gnre par ces ampoules est superbe , aussi bien pour la lumire blanche que les nombreuses variations de couleurs. La lumire est chaude et agrable et il est possible de les rgler trs finement au travers de l’application Hue en Bluetooth. Seul remarque, elles ne sont pas compatible Alexa ou Google et il faudra le botier supplmentaire (bridge hue) pour les piloter en wifi et distance.

  21. Anonymous says:


    etwas teurer aber top. funktionieren super ber app. bluetooth. genauso ber alexa und bosch home kit.
    macht riesig spass. hab stck um stck das ganze haus ausgerstet. es gubt auch tolle tools fr party etc. sehr cool auch gewitter und strotoskop.

  22. Anonymous says:


    Wir haben die Lampen sowohl unten im Wohnzimmer, als auch auf dem Dachboden in der Lounge.
    Die Inbetriebnahme geht super leicht. Die App ist einfach zu verstehen.
    Ich finde die Lampen auch hell genug.
    Toll ist, dass man einzelne Szenen einspeichern kann.

    Unten haben wir den Button ber die normalen Lichtschalter geklebt. Super praktisch.

  23. OmerHuggard says:

     United Kingdom

    The Philips hue lighting range is awesome it’s the only smart lights I use I’ve never had an issue with these unlike the cheaper one I would definitely recommend

  24. LouieLankford says:

     United Kingdom

    Bright enough for bedside lights. Lobbed the fact that they can be assigned to slowly wake you up on the dark winter mornings!

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bright enough for bedside lights. Lobbed the fact that they can be assigned to slowly wake you up on the dark winter mornings!

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I will be buying more for the whole house. I have them in my bedroom at the moment. I walk into a dark room and say ‘alexa turn on the lights’ it’s that simple. They are pricey but worth it.

  27. Enda Mullen says:

     United Kingdom

    I have some trouble with my dimmable wall lights .

    However using the Phillips hue light took away the inconvenience, with the added touch of being able change different white colours. All my lights that are interchangeable are Philips hue

  28. KaraKetner says:


    Je cherchais une lampe faible pour ne pas eblouir la nuit. Avec le dimmer c’est possible ! Dommage que parfois la lampe se rallume plein pot et pas comme je l’ai programme dans l’App Hue…

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As the title states, these bulbs look beautiful in themselves, although it would be nicer if the bottom black band was smaller. When turned on the produce a very welcoming warm light, perfect a reading room.

  30. EuniceLionel says:

     United Kingdom

    As the title states, these bulbs look beautiful in themselves, although it would be nicer if the bottom black band was smaller. When turned on the produce a very welcoming warm light, perfect a reading room.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install. The app requires a bit of research to find your way around to make the most of the bulbs. Coloured bulbs are pricey

  32. CelsaFitzsimons says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install. The app requires a bit of research to find your way around to make the most of the bulbs. Coloured bulbs are pricey

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Used for bedroom lights/chandelier, can set each light to come on/go off individually or all at once.
    Good Philips quality as usual no problem with Alexa, recommended.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Used for bedroom lights/chandelier, can set each light to come on/go off individually or all at once.
    Good Philips quality as usual no problem with Alexa, recommended.

  35. AvisRutledge says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install, and they work with Alexa. Perfect pair for nightstand lamps

  36. alessandro fillari says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install, and they work with Alexa. Perfect pair for nightstand lamps

  37. WinonaHeck says:

     United Kingdom

    All you need is to install the bulbs as normal, use the Alexa app to detect them and you’re all set. No wifi involved – Blue tooth connectivity

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Just need the Hue Bridge, it really is a total bargain! My Hue App found the bulb straight away. Works perfectly with the hue Bridge.

  39. AsaSlaughter says:

     United Kingdom

    fit nice and snug in E27 x E14 reducer to make bulb fit into limited space that standard bulb was too large for. One arrived faulty but immediately refunded by Amazon.

  40. KatrinYabsley says:

     United Kingdom

    fit nice and snug in E27 x E14 reducer to make bulb fit into limited space that standard bulb was too large for. One arrived faulty but immediately refunded by Amazon.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought some other bulbs at the same time, of the same make.
    They just seem to work, setting them up is easy and they just seem to work.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install in the Hue app. The golf ball size and model is good when a candle bulb is too long. Best value is buying in pairs.

  43. TiaraWoodhouse says:

     United Kingdom

    Works ok had a slight problem linking up with Alexa

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After some 5hours battling with a cheaper wifi connected bulb, only for it to drop offline after it first connected, I bought this as a replacement. I had the app downloaded, bulb inserted and connected in under 2minutes!! Works exactly as intended straight away. Perfect!

  45. Donovan Farnham says:

     United Kingdom

    After some 5hours battling with a cheaper wifi connected bulb, only for it to drop offline after it first connected, I bought this as a replacement. I had the app downloaded, bulb inserted and connected in under 2minutes!! Works exactly as intended straight away. Perfect!

  46. NildaFuller says:

     United Kingdom

    As always with Philips, excellent quality and flawless connection with Philips Hue App. Better still got these when on special offer, so a win, win all the way 🙂

  47.  United Kingdom

    As always with Philips, excellent quality and flawless connection with Philips Hue App. Better still got these when on special offer, so a win, win all the way 🙂

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As always with Philips, excellent quality and flawless connection with Philips Hue App. Better still got these when on special offer, so a win, win all the way 🙂

  49. GalenJXZxq says:

     United Kingdom

    As always with Philips, excellent quality and flawless connection with Philips Hue App. Better still got these when on special offer, so a win, win all the way 🙂

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The lights I bought isn’t as bright as I would like but it was easy to set up and gives a moderate light in the area and a warm light in the table lamp it is in.

  51. Joe Donovan says:

     United Kingdom

    I liked this bulb because of the easy set up and the price was reasonable.
    I felt it could have been brighter but its not a huge let-down or anything.
    I’d recommend as a bedside lamp for reading.

  52. Chris Jefferies says:

     United Kingdom

    I have been buying Philips Hue bulbs for a long time, never had to replace one yet, might seem expensive initially, but long term good value for money, cheap to ru

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have been buying Philips Hue bulbs for a long time, never had to replace one yet, might seem expensive initially, but long term good value for money, cheap to ru

  54. LeomaBeike says:

     United Kingdom

    Linked straight away to Amazon Show, they do exactly what they are supposed to. One of the bulbs in upstairs and Alexa can turn it on and off from downstairs without any problems.

  55. jessikairvinbaqpuo says:

     United Kingdom

    Linked straight away to Amazon Show, they do exactly what they are supposed to. One of the bulbs in upstairs and Alexa can turn it on and off from downstairs without any problems.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works perfectly on place of my wall light candle bulbs and are the same size. Easy to install and configure with Philips Hue App. Also works with HomeKit via a Philips Hue hub (sold Separately). Great range a brightness levels to set mood.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works perfectly on place of my wall light candle bulbs and are the same size. Easy to install and configure with Philips Hue App. Also works with HomeKit via a Philips Hue hub (sold Separately). Great range a brightness levels to set mood.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have only set them up via bluetooth, which took about a minute. They are not the brightest and the warm white is quite cosy. Good control from Hue bluetooth App, dimimg, on/off, even scheduling time off and on. would have prefered a cool white but these are twice the price. Other makes avialable but dont seem as reliable. I have no other Hue equipment.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am sure other bulbs out there will be fine but I still prefer to buy Phillips as a trusted purchase.

  60. Katie Hale says:

     United Kingdom

    I am sure other bulbs out there will be fine but I still prefer to buy Phillips as a trusted purchase.

  61. Steve Withers says:

     United Kingdom

    Its Philips Hue = Work, bright, quality.

    Yes spend less on other brands get poorer quality.

  62. Michelle Naranjo says:

     United Kingdom

    Its Philips Hue = Work, bright, quality.

    Yes spend less on other brands get poorer quality.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great lights again from Philips Hue.
    Bright, just work with Alexa Google etc.
    Have loads now and never had one fail.
    Ok they are more expensive but the investment is worth it.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Have many Hue bulbs, never disappointed. Easy to install and brightness quality is perfec

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Have many Hue bulbs, never disappointed. Easy to install and brightness quality is perfec

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product and love how much you can adjust the brightness. The only downside is related to app controls (the wake up “routine” only ends up at fully bright, would be great for it to wake up and end up at half bright)

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product and love how much you can adjust the brightness. The only downside is related to app controls (the wake up “routine” only ends up at fully bright, would be great for it to wake up and end up at half bright)

  68. RamonitCornett says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product and love how much you can adjust the brightness. The only downside is related to app controls (the wake up “routine” only ends up at fully bright, would be great for it to wake up and end up at half bright)

  69. Jim Travers says:

     United Kingdom

    Good bulbs nice and bright and easy to set up on the Hue Bluetooth app. Decided to go with Philip Hue because of its functionalities, ease of use, home integration and the branding. Though these are pricy, it was recommend as they last a very long time and good value for money. And There is something that sets it apart from other smart bulbs out there. I’ll be buying more in the future.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good bulbs nice and bright and easy to set up on the Hue Bluetooth app. Decided to go with Philip Hue because of its functionalities, ease of use, home integration and the branding. Though these are pricy, it was recommend as they last a very long time and good value for money. And There is something that sets it apart from other smart bulbs out there. I’ll be buying more in the future.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works as they should. Be nice if the colour was warmer and if you put them in a touch lamp, they don’t work properly. To dim it, you will need to use the app, or Google/Alexa, or Hue accessory switch. Hence why I’ve knocked a star off.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent item, these were purchased for my bedside lights, they are easily installed and Alexa detected them perfectly.

  73. GrantJenkinson says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent item, these were purchased for my bedside lights, they are easily installed and Alexa detected them perfectly.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely excellent very easy to setup, handy if you are away on holiday you can control your lighting from anywhere if connected to WiFi. Giving the impression some one is at home.
    Highly recommended.

  75. Global Health Review says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic bulb that works really well, I got another set and now I can control most of the lights from my phone, I can change it to night mode if I don’t need a bright light. Easy to install and works well with alexa. Love it.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic bulb that works really well, I got another set and now I can control most of the lights from my phone, I can change it to night mode if I don’t need a bright light. Easy to install and works well with alexa. Love it.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great with echo show wasn’t sure initially how these would work without a hue hub. Installed the app and during the setup your prompted to connect to your amazon echo

  78. Thomas Wagner says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great with echo show wasn’t sure initially how these would work without a hue hub. Installed the app and during the setup your prompted to connect to your amazon echo

  79. Jenna says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my new addition to my Alexa bulbs, now I have one in my bedroom it’s prefect , easy to connect to alexa and bright too, perfec

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I foolishly bought some LE wifi bulbs and spent hours swearing and rebuilding my Alexa system after trying to install them. received this Phillips HUE bulb (I have them already for other lamps), plugged it in and hey presto, it pairs. Why can’t other brands build like Phillips do.

  81. MatthewHeflin says:

     United Kingdom

    I foolishly bought some LE wifi bulbs and spent hours swearing and rebuilding my Alexa system after trying to install them. received this Phillips HUE bulb (I have them already for other lamps), plugged it in and hey presto, it pairs. Why can’t other brands build like Phillips do.

  82. EdgardoBrunker says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI’ve covered a few of the hue devices in my reviews. There’s three basic types, ‘white’, ‘white ambience’ and ‘white and colour ambience’. If it has a slightly different name it will be an older or newer version of one of these. All the bulbs ‘dim’ and there’s some helpful presets in the Hue app like nightlight, etc. It’s handy if you have a light in a child’s room that you want to turn off at a set time, or turn off remotely. This is the simplest of the Hue bulbs and you could get away with the bluetooth only option with these. You can also purchase a dimming lightswitch for about 15 pounds. How do they compare to the wi-fi based or zigbee based competitors? When it’s just a pure straightforward warm wight, it doesn’t really matter what brand you choose as long as the control and connection is easy and reliable. Once you’re paying under 10.01 a bulb, these are worth a look. Otherwise look elsewhere or go higher up in the hue range for the flagship results.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a replacement for a non-Hue bulb that lasted twelve months. We’ve not had a Philips bulb go yet but have had several non-Philips bulbs stop working. So, we (my son and I) have bitten the bullet and gone 100% Hue bulbs.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a replacement for a non-Hue bulb that lasted twelve months. We’ve not had a Philips bulb go yet but have had several non-Philips bulbs stop working. So, we (my son and I) have bitten the bullet and gone 100% Hue bulbs.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If your not to bothered about picking the richness and whiteness of the lights then these are for you. Save yourself a tenner. They’re still Dimmable and Alexa enabled. Predictable Great Philips Quality! Overall great and easy to use!

  86. AshleeQweoole says:

     United Kingdom

    If your not to bothered about picking the richness and whiteness of the lights then these are for you. Save yourself a tenner. They’re still Dimmable and Alexa enabled. Predictable Great Philips Quality! Overall great and easy to use!

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this as a present for my mum to go with her Alexa it was Easy to install I had no problems except one of the bulbs didn’t work but I got it replaced quickly without any problems.

  88. KerriFrewer says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this as a present for my mum to go with her Alexa it was Easy to install I had no problems except one of the bulbs didn’t work but I got it replaced quickly without any problems.

  89. Preety says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this as a present for my mum to go with her Alexa it was Easy to install I had no problems except one of the bulbs didn’t work but I got it replaced quickly without any problems.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this as a present for my mum to go with her Alexa it was Easy to install I had no problems except one of the bulbs didn’t work but I got it replaced quickly without any problems.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I like being able to turn my lights on with Echo/Alex as and when needed, or using the smart phone app I can control my lights from anywhere.
    No more arriving home to a dark house, or going away and realising you’ve left the lights on, now you can turn them off by using the app.

  92. Noelia5128 says:

     United Kingdom

    New smaller shape perfect for lights with an enclosed shade where the old ones were too bulky to fit – as always works perfectly with the hue control/Bluetooth.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    New smaller shape perfect for lights with an enclosed shade where the old ones were too bulky to fit – as always works perfectly with the hue control/Bluetooth.