Puricon Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven with Lid 5.2 Litre/26 cm, Non-Stick Cookware Pot Casserole, Long-Lasting Cast Iron Cookware for Steam Braise Bake Broil Saute Simmer Roast -Navy

Useful Tips
How to prevent chipping enamel ?
1. Let the pan heat up or cool down gradually and always avoid swift temperature change.
2. Avoid use of metal utensils and scouters.
3. Do not use the pot in the microwave oven.
How to get the best flavor of foodï¼
Cook on a medium or low heat is recommended. If you need to use a high heat, remember to lower the heat once the desired heat has been reached. This makes food heat evenly and fully release its flavor.
Is this pot non-stick ? Does it need seasoning?
It depends. For the sake of safety, this pot does not use any non-stick coating material which is considered to be unhealthy to the human body. So it is not 100% non-stick, nevertheless, for most types of cuisines, the pot performs well and it’s near non-stick.
Seasoning is not a must, but extra maintainance could never be a bad thing.
Good to Know
- 5.2 L , serves 5 – 6 people
- Diameter : 26 cm ( without handle)
- 6 Kg , heavy-duty construction
- Cast iron with enamel coating
- Oven-safe to 540Ë F
- PTFE free / Cadmium free
- Works on the hob or in the oven

Energy Efficiency
Excellent heat retention and distribution, high energy efficiency, suitable for variety of heat sources such as induction, ceramic, gas hob, electric oven and hob, charcoal oven, etc.

Weight: | 2.72 kg |
Dimensions: | 24.89 x 20.83 x 9.65 cm; 2.72 Kilograms |
Brand: | Puricon |
Model: | PR-08362386 |
Colour: | Navy |
Colour: | Navy |
I absolutely love this Dutch oven. I had one for many years. Loaned it to a friend, never could get it back. I gifted it to her and got myself a new one.
Un autntico horno u olla holandesa, nada que envidiar a ninguna marca y menos a esa marca Francesa que simplemente se ha apropiado del uso del estilo holands multiplicando su precio por 5.
Vlido para pan, carnes etc, para todo aquello que necesite hacerse en su jugo o para que mantenga la humedad como el caso del pan.
I’m really enjoying this cast iron pot. So easy to use, clean. Hears well on the hob or in the oven. Fabulous for making stews and sourdough bread.
Only issue is it arrived with a chip and in the two weeks I’ve had it has somehow gained another one.
Overall, for the price a great investment.
Ich habe den Topf ausschlieliche fr Brot backen gekauft und bin damit sehr zufrieden.
Es ist allerdings schade, dass ich den Topf 3 mal bestellen musste, bis ich einen einigermaen ordentlichen bekommen habe.
Es wre besser, der Hersteller wrde ordentliche Ware herstellen und somit Kosten fr Versand und alles andere was zum Verkauf und Rcksendungen gehrt, sparen. Die ersten beiden waren sehr schlecht verarbeitet. Die Fehler hatten alle mit der Emaille zu tun. An manchen Stelle war sie zu dick und ungleichmig oder zu dnn aufgetragen, so dass man befrchten musste, dass sie bald abplatzt.
Der dritte Topf, den ich nun behalten habe, ist auch nicht 100-prozentig, aber in Ordnung
als ich den zum erstem mal in der Hand hatte dachte ich “Alter Schwede is das Ding schwer”
und das isser wirklich .. also fallen lassen tut dem Boden, oder was sonst den Fall bremst, nicht gut
Wrmeverteilung TOP …. aber deswegen mu man auch aufpassen .. den zunchst sind die Griffe kalt werden aber schnell HEISS .. aber klar is ja auch GUSS
die Emaile is sehr gut aufgebracht … was mich zuerst aber irritierte ist das am oberen Topfrand und die Auflageflche der Deckels darauf nicht emailliert sind … aber ich denke das es Grnde hat .. vermutlich wrde die Emaile schnell beschdigt werden mit der Zeit durch den Deckel oder besser dessen aufsetzen ^^
leicht zu reinigen und meiner hat sogar schon ne leichte Patina am Bodengrund nach anbraten
aber das normal und bringt dem Topf auch seine “Geschmacksnote” mit der Zeit
kenn ich von anderen Emaile bzw Guss ohne
gerne wiede
I always wanted a cast iron casserol dish, so I am so glad I got this one! It’s value for money, easy to clean and is a lot bigger and heavier than I thought. I love the colour.
I’ve had it over a month now bake bread in it .very good .made lots if stews in it .easy to clean afterwards good quality. It’s heavy but you should know that. just thought I’d mention it just incase you didn’t very happy with my Dutch oven.i do give bad reviews to when I think its warranted hope this helps
it is versatile and does a great job for soup and braised vegetables.. I have not had time to experiment more yet. I have arthritic hands and it is difficult for me to move a full pot of food from stove to counter. But this is only a caveat for us older people. It is relatively easy to clean but I recommend soaking if you haven’t scraped the fond to flavor the dish
Good pan even heat distribution not dishwasher safe so you Hest have a big sink.
Have use numerous times now. Nice we don’t have to worry about seasoning. Cleans easily. Cooks evenly. Good value. Definitely recommend.
his baby worked for a roast chicken as well as some French onion soup, so it is a keeper, and a better value than the $250 Lecreuset option which I considered, but I’m not making money off my cooking .. ye
Meine Frau ist restlos begeistern von der Qualitt und den Mglichkeiten.
Made my first meal in it and it came up to my expectations.
This is a heavy dude. I think it is comparable to the Le Creuset Dutch oven at a fraction of the cost.
I’d never think a cast iron pot could get “chipped”
This was a gift VM to my aunt. After one use I received word that the handle is “chipped!”
Question: What can I do to correct this situation?
Mir gefllt dieser Topf sehr gut, auch optisch ist er ein Hingucker. Ich verwende ihn bisher ausschlielich zum Brotbacken bin uerst zufrieden damit. Man muss halt etwas aufpassen, da er recht schwer ist (Gusseisen ist halt nun mal schwer) und vor allem der Deckel ist recht schwer. Also, aufpassen, dass er nicht runterfllt und Schaden anrichtet.
I’ve used this and it is exactly what I expected and wanted. The build is good. The enamel is flawless. Good produc
ich backe Brot in diesem Topf und es wird alles sehr gut.
I love this pot. I initially used this as a bread oven and it was perfect. I have recently started using it as a casserole dish, though too large for a small family really, and I cannot praise it enough. Good, even cooking and an absolute dream to clean. Well worth the money. May have to get another smaller one 🙂
I like that it is hefty, colorful and a joy to bake in. I dislike that it makes me feel silly for what I spent on my other Dutch oven (which is actually French) before this. This Puricon is a great buy.
Solider Gusseisentopf mit gutem Preis- Leistungsverhltnis, den ich hauptschlich zum Brotbacken verwende. Dafr ist er vllig ausreichend. Bei genauerer Betrachtung erkennt man natrlich deutliche Qualittsunterschiede zu einem Gusseisentopf von z.B. Le Creuset, aber dafr ist der Preis natrlich auch ein anderer… Wer einen soliden und preisgnstigen Gusstopf bentigt wird hier fndig, wer Wert auf hchste Qualitt legt, sollte mehr Geld investieren.
Der Topf ist sehr robust und stabil, sehr schwer. Der Deckel passt perfekt auf den Topf, es wackelt nichts und er schliet gut.
Die Farbe ist gut deckend, ich habe nirgends Risse oder hnliches gesehen.
Das einzige kleine, wirklich minimale Manko ist, dass die Schraube vom Griff des Deckels leicht lockerer wird, die muss man gelegentlich nachlesen.
Aber insgesamt eine volle Kaufempfehlung und er kann mit den bekannten Marken wirklich mithalten.
Really great quality, easy to clean.
When i think back i remember my dad having ine of yhese an all the curries he used to make, so I can’t wait to follow in his footsteps with mine now.
If my hob was so small an cramped this would be on permanent display as it is so lovely to look at as well as what it is to cook with.
Ich habe mir den Topf zum Brotbacken bestellt und hatte wohl echt Glck, denn mein Topf kam unbeschdigt und ohne jeglichen Mangel bei mir an. Die rote Farbe von Auen ist rundherum ein schnes dunkles Kirschrot (auch der Boden auen), die Emaille innen fast wei, der Topf hlt das Aufheizen bis auf 250 Grad locker aus, das Brot gelingt und schmeckt super, der Topf riecht nicht, muss nicht eingebrannt werden und nach dem Backen ist der Topf noch immer so wie vorher: Einfach toll! Ich habe mir zum Vergleich auch tatschich noch den berhmten Luxus Topf von Le Creuset bestellt, der ber 4 Mal teurer ist und htte ihn tatschlich auch behalten, wenn mir der Le Creuset besser gefallen htte! Hat er aber nicht. Das Rot vom Le Creuset ist nicht schn (geht mehr ins Orange), die Emaille innen sieht komisch gelb-beige aus und der Knauf am Deckel war doch tatschlich auch noch falsch angeschraubt. OPTISCH gefiehl mir dieser Puricon Emaille Gusseisen Kochtopf im Vergleich zum Le Creuset viel besser. Ich denke, dass die Backergebnisse die gleichen sind. Deshalb gab es keinen Grund fr mich, den teuren Topf zu whlen. Auch eine lngere Garantie konnte mich nicht locken, denn wer wei, ob ich die berlebe? EINEN STERN ABZUG gibt es dafr, dass dieser Puricon Emaille Gusseisen Kochtopf mit seinen 5,5 Kilo Gewicht schwerer ist als der Le Creuset 26cm. Liegt vielleicht daran, dass der Le Creuset deutlich dnnere Wnde hat. Den Unterschied merkt man im direkten Vergleich ganz klar.
For the money it is a good deal. It seems to have a great finish which seems to compare to the French cookware for a fraction of the price
It is very easy to clean and I used it the first day I got it. The deer i cooked in it came out extremely tender and was easily cleaned even after baking the deer.
A perfect pot nice and heavy to do exactly what it was designed for.
This has been a great addition to the kitchen. I had a few recipes that needed cast iron pans that can go on the hob and in the oven, and this one was affordable but seems good quality. I would not risk it in the dishwasher, but when washing by hand it cleans easily.
Compared to the other expensive ones this Dutch oven works super well!!
It is quite heavy but strong. Lovely red colour. Cooks so well and easy. Best Buy for me
Weighty, seems very good quality for the price compared to the big brands. Sears and then slow cooks in the oven, no hot spots, very useful piece of kit, and looks good too.
Great product, couldn’t tell the difference from a Le Crueset one in my opinion and a fraction of the price.
The product arrived on time and in great condition. Holds up to long cooking times and haven’t experienced any issues with it. Looks great! Great heat conductor.
Einen so gnstigen Gusseisenen Topf in den Zustand ist meiner Meinung nach sehr schwer zu finde
I’ve used it once and very good results and easy to clean. It’s heavy but not affordable.
My husband was throwing away my OLD pot to make Chile in and I didn’t think I could replace it. I love my new red pan and it didn’t stick and it was easy to clean.
Ich ziehe einen Stern ab da ich das Produkt zwei mal bestellen musste. Der erste Topf hatte am Boden eine Nase und lag deshalb nicht auf der Herdplatte auf. Htte ich einen Gas-Herd wre es mir egal gewesen.
Der Umtausch hat natrlich einwandfrei geklappt.
J’ai utilis cette cocotte pour faire un plat mijot. Vraiment pas due. Elle n’accroche pas,garde au chaud et est du plus bel effet sur une table.
Rapport qualit/prix absolument nickel.
Aucun regret.
unfortunately have returned this item as it is too heavy for my wife to lift.
And have now ordered smaller a dish.
Der Topf kam sehr schnell, war gut verpackt. Ich habe ihn gleich ausprobiert und Brot gebacken, welches super gelungen ist eine leckeren Gulasch habe ich auch schon ausprobiert. Klar ist er schwer aber das wei man ja bei einem gusseiseren Topf. Ich bin total zufrieden und kann diesen Topf nur weiterempfehlen. Es muss nicht immer der teuerste sein, dieser Topf erfllt alle Voraussetzungen.
idal pour cuisiner des plats chauds, garde bien la chaleur de cuisson.
I’ve been looking for a Dutch oven for awhile. After researching extensively I decided on this one. I made the right decision. I love it. Cooks evenly & clean up is easy! My pot roast was fabulous!
Fine for the price and I needed it in a hurry. Only annoying bit is that the lid doesn’t fit snug. But will definitely do the job for the few times I will use it.
Bought my Dutch Oven to bake Artisan Bread. This oven is REALLY heavy, and I suppose I could have got by with a smaller one. Also a smaller one would have been slightly cheaper, although this one is not overly expensive. I only use it for bread, and keeping it clean is a breeze.
Spedizione come sempre puntuale e precisa,prodotto esattamente uguale a come pubblicizzato , vedi foto allegate ,non posso dare giudizi sulla qualit nell’utilizzo perch non l’ho ancora provata ,in generale un buon prodotto tenendo conto del prezzo rispetto ad altre marche.
Vedremo in seguito alla prova del fuoco.
Per il momento molto soddisfatto.
I’m happy with my purchase. I bought is specifically for savoury stews and baking artisan breads. It’s heavy duty and looks good in my kitchen. I definitely recommend this product.
Excellent dutch oven, amazing value for what you get. It’s cast iron so it’s heavy – maybe not the best if you think you might have trouble with that. Made a fantastic beef stew the other night, best I’ve ever had. Clean up was easy, just leave it to soak for awhile and everything wipes off nicely. Haven’t had it for long and if things go badly will update this review.
I LOVE this! Use it a lot in the oven and on top of the cooker. Looks good and easy to clean. Thank you!
Inoltre, arrivato nelle tempistiche previste, in ottimo stato.
This his so useful you can do lots of dishes and recipes with it l did a casserole and dumplings in it and it’s the best love had !
Love it. Great looking piece of kitchen equipment. So easy to clean. A bit heavy, no good for elderly or infirm. But would definitely recommend it.
Bought 2 of these in different colours. Different prices too for some reason but still a good deal. They are beautiful, my boys loved them for their homes. Strong and sturdy. Very well made. Bought for gifts.
My first Dutch oven. I think it works well. Already made sourdough bread and beef stew and both came out great. At first the lid didn’t look like it tightly fits but it does and doesn’t let the steam out so works well done my purpose.
Heavy weight pot that is really easy to clean, exactly what we were looking for.
Great value for money, a fraction of the cost of the big brand bust just as good!
Love it but a little bit rough around the edges
Auen gusseisern und innen emailliert. Dieser Kochtopf sieht gut aus und ist ziemlich schwer, aber dass soll so sein. Im Backofen bis 280 Grad “zugelassen”. Das reicht vollkommen. Durch die Emaille innen gut zu reinigen. Das Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis stimmt. Aus welchem Herstellungsland dieser Kochtopf stammt ist den wenigen beigefgten Informationen nicht zu entnehmen. Ist auch wenig relevant, weil die Kochleistung stimmen muss. Und das tut sie.
It took me a while to decide which cast iron to buy and I am really happy I set for this one.
I used it to make bread in the oven and to cook stews so far and the result was excellent.
The pot is very easy to clean and even pretty to look at.
his dutch oven was my consolation prize for lecreuset. aside from being rather heavy, i really love it!
Der Topf knnte besser verarbeitet sein.Die Emailie ist stellenweise sehr dnn verlaufen,sodas manche Stellen nur ganz dnn berzogen sind.Htte mir besseres gewnscht.Die Beschreibung natrlich nur englisch.Nicht so gut.Wrde ich mir nicht wieder kaufen.
Qualit prezzo abbastanza buone, pesante da gestire e pulire, ma bellissima anche sullo scaffale a vista. Provata per il pane, visto che il mio forno debole, sembra andare proprio bene, scalda tantissimo (attenzione) e il pane cotto a puntino – ho usato carta forno sotto -. Bisogna far attenzione che non si scheggi, e dalle recensioni precedenti che non si macchi, ma le pentole di ghisa sono cos.
I’m so happy I purchased this item from Amazon. It is just not only beautiful but well made and was competitively priced. Can’t wait to receive my other item from this brand!
Looks fab is big and thick and cleans up well – Even when OH Uses it – Miracle! Time will tell so I will repost but so far so good
Beautiful and perfect size. I can recommend it to all!
Just as good as any you can buy on the market. Love it!
Who says you can’t slow cook with a traditional cast iron pot?
Well I disagree…..this cooks food much better than a slow cooker (waste of $$$) on gas and in the oven.
This cooks meals exactly like the old days when our great grand parents and grand parents cook stuff in traditional iron cast pots. One of the best cooking tools to reinvented without the dodgy electric cables and hard to clean modern slow cookers!
I guess I’m an old school amateur cook!
5 Stars for this product and recommend it to all cooking enthusiasts.
My boyfriend uses this multiple times a week. It was a nice surprise for him. Sadly the outside has chipped on the handle after a month of having it. However that doesn’t stop it from being used.
Llevo unos meses usando la olla y estoy muy contenta. Lo uso para hacer pan y se hacen estupendamente sin tener que usar bandejas para generar vapor. Solo que se est manchando el esmalte interior del uso.
This Dutch oven cooks well and cleans well. However, you should know that it is a VERY HEAVY pot. It takes the strength of both hands and arms to lift it even without food inside.
Very nice and affordable dutch oven. Perfect for sourdough bread baking A+++
Very disappointed in Amazon, I purchased purion cast iron pot n it’s crack n pitted after only 2 uses n Amazon said it’s over the return time. What am I suppose to do , throughout the pot n the $62 I paid . Very unhappy and I saw the pot for $40 something dollars .
This Dutch oven so far has been great! Since the COVID lockdown we have started making sourdough bread so we were looking for a ditch oven to bake it in. This has worked perfectly! I can’t wait to see how week it works on the stove for other dishes too! So far I love it and it was much more affordable than the Le Creuset version.
POUR MOI CUISINIER la retraite . Elle est parfaite vu le prix.. Ce n’est pas un produit d’utilit quotidienne
Donc pourquoi payer 3 x le prix . Pas de plastique sur les poignes et sur le couvercle , donc sans problme elle passe au four .
I have not yet used it. I bought it to follow a recipe for bread. I am quite disappointed because it did not come with instructions on how to care and maintain it. Otherwise it is a beautiful piece and hopefully I may find many uses for it.
Nice heavy pot. A little rough around the top edge of pot. Where the large stainless handle attached to lid there was a chunk of enamel missing. This shouldn’t effect cooking. Overall I like it and use it to cook bread every other day.
Zudem macht er sich dekorativ im Kchenregal! Wir kauften ihn in einem warmen, tiefen Rot!
I took the chance.
Wasn’t disappointed.
Beim 1. Topf hatte der Boden eine Unebenheit, so dass er nicht komplett auf der Induktionsplatte auflag.
Hab den Topf zurck geschickt. Die Ersatzlieferung war einwandfrei.
Tolles Produkt.
Guter Service beim Umtausch.
Gerne wiede
Es handelt sich hier um ein sehr hochwertiges Gert mit einer ausgezeichneten Wrmeverteilung. Ich gebe selten Rezensionen ab, aber diesmal hat es der Hersteller echt verdient.
Brot backen – mit vier Zutaten (Mehl, Salz, Hefe und Wasser) in Windeseile.
Einfacher geht es nicht mehr!
Gerade wird unser erste Pfundstopf im Backofen zubereitet. Die ganze Wohnung duftet bereits verfhrerisch.
Dieser Topf ist ein Must-Have fr jeden Haushalt und sicherlich nicht der Letzte, den ich kaufen werde.
Weiter so!
UPDATE: Some chipping has occurred in the outside enameling along the edge of the pot and the edge of one of the handles and some of the bubbles now have pinhead cast iron showing through. I have contacted the manufacturer and they have issued a small refund. My pot is always washed by hand and treated with kid gloves. Hopefully it won’t get any worse.
Die Reinigung ist durch die Emaillebeschichtung kinderleicht, kein Vergleich zu Edelstahl!
Absolute Kaufempfehlung meinerseits, ich wrde mir diesen Schmortopf jederzeit wieder holen!