Roland Go:Piano Go-61P Digital Piano, Wireless Smartphone Connection, Black

Play and Learn with Unlimited Online Songs and Lessons
Starting out on piano can feel overwhelming. But Rolandâs GO:PIANO works alongside your smartphone to offer a simple and compact learning solution. When you wirelessly connect to a smartphone using Bluetooth, you can enjoy unlimited free online content that makes learning faster and more fun, including online piano lessons, karaoke, and tutorial videos for your favourite songs.
Play along as the online content streams through GO:PIANOâs high-quality onboard Bluetooth speakers, or create music on the move with this compact keyboardâs space-saving portable design, battery operation, and headphones support. Plus, with natural sound derived from Rolandâs premium digital pianos, youâll want to keep using this piano even after you step up to a full-size instrument. Grab your smartphone and start your musical journey with GO:PIANO today!
- Onboard high-quality Bluetooth speakers for wireless smartphone connection
- Fully wireless operation with battery power and Bluetooth connectivity
- 61-note keyboard with standard full-size keys and expressive touch response
- Metronome, transpose, and recording features support daily practise
- Play anytime with built-in speakers or headphones

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Enjoy Traditional Piano Feel with 61 Standard-Size KeysItâs frustrating to learn piano on a keyboard that doesnât feel like the real thing. Unlike typical portable keyboards that have lightweight synthesizer-type keys, GO:PIANOâs 61 full-size keys provide playing feel and expressive touch inspired by the keyboards on acoustic grand pianos. | Make Music on the Move with Battery PowerWith GO:PIANO and a smartphone, youâre always ready to make music when inspiration strikes. With its compact design and battery-powered operation, GO:PIANO goes wherever you go, and allows you to either perform through speakers or practise with headphones. And with wireless connectivity to your smartphone, you can set up a quick learning session at any time and any place. | Onboard Learning FeaturesItâs easy to lose focus when youâre practising alone, but GO:PIANO keeps you on track with instant access to many tools that support your daily regime, all accessed via the friendly front-panel controls. Try the metronome to build your timing skills, or transpose the keyboard to a different musical pitch to help your songwriting. Use the convenient onboard recorder to capture your playing and evaluate your progress. | Get Inspired with Rolandâs Responsive Piano SoundsGreat tone makes you want to keep playing, and GO:PIANO inspires with a range of onboard sounds derived from Rolandâs acclaimed premium pianos. Touch any key and youâll hear a note with its own character, changing seamlessly in response to your touchâjust like a fine acoustic grand piano. This feature will bring dynamics to your playing, push you to improve faster, and support your musical ambitions as your skills grow. GO:PIANO also includes electric pianos, organs, and other sounds to enjoy exploring different musical styles. |

Weight: | 3.9 kg |
Size: | 61 keys |
Dimensions: | 87.7 x 27.1 x 8.2 cm; 3.9 Kilograms |
Model: | GO-61P |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Size: | 61 keys |
molto resistente e efficace ai liquidi e agli sticker (fai.comm.aperta)
Sono un chitarrista ed ho imparato come autodidatta perch da piccolo in casa mia girava sempre una vecchia chitarra di mio padre.
Ho replicato il concetto con i miei figli e da quando sono piccoli ho sempre lasciato in soggiorno degli strumenti musicali, immediati e di facile utilizzo all’occorrenza.
Ero stanco delle solite tastiere giocattolo e cercavo qualcosa con un bel suono, di giuste dimensioni e a batterie.
Ho trovato in offerta questa tastiera Roland.
Semplicemente perfetta!
Parlo da principiante e da genitore che vuole avvicinare i figli alla musica.
Vengono attratti anche solo dal suono.. bello, che riempie la stanza. Tasti solidi e pesati.
Tutti e due i miei figli c’ l’hanno sempre a portata se la spostano in giro per la casa ed una costante sul divano (vedi foto).
L’uso sempre a batteria (6 stilo AA) e durano pi di un mese con uso giornaliero.
Ha pi molte funzioni Bluetooth per l’apprendimento e il numero di suoni che serve senza esagerare. Tutti belli.
Sicuramente c’ di meglio ma la ritengo perfetta per chi vuole uno strumento di qualit per avviarsi alla musica. E ritengo per esperienza che lo strumento uudebba essere sempre “pi a portata” possibile almeno all’inizio 😉
Stand out musical instrument that is easy to set up and learn on. Lots of basic but very functional features. Great value for money. Everything you need initially is in the box.
Ottimo piano, facilmente portatile e lo si puo’ usare anche come master Keyboard collegato al computer!
Rapporto qualit-prezzo ottimo. Uno dei pochi piano digitali a 61 tasti di buon livello, leggero e portatile, ottimo per suonare in cuffia senza disturbare l’ambiente circostante. Prezzo da “usato in buone condizioni, con confezione non integra”, ma arrivato come nuovo! Ottimo acquisto.
Perfect for entry level kids learning as well as adults to have fun!
Bin blutiger Anfnger und auch nicht sonderlich musikalisch.
Fr reich hat das Piano 1a Qualitt und ich spiele sehr gerne daran. Was ich besonders mag ist das Piano Gefhl der Tasten
Durch die Gre ist das Piano wirklich sehr handlich.
Die Kritikpunkte an der Anschlagdynamik kann ich als noob nicht nachvollziehen. Ich spiele zu 90% mit der Einstellung fix (keine Dynamik, immer mac Lautstrke) bzw light und komme damit klasse zurecht.
Beim Piano ist ein 3 Monats Gutschein fr Skoove dabei.
Ich habe Skoove und flowkey ausprobiert. In den ersten Lektionen hatte flowkey die Nase vorn, aber inzwischen spiele ich viel lieber mit Skoove, aber ich denke das ist reine Geschmacksache.
Das Piano verbinde ich per Bluetooth mit Skoove was mega easy ist.
Ich liebe mein Piano und spiele jeden Tag.
Es un excelente producto. Muy bueno para el precio. Buenos sonidos y buena sensibilidad. Vale la pena.
Highly portable and works with MIDI and bluetooth. Keys are nicely weighted for a genuine feel and sounds like the real thing.
Se dovete comprare una pianola ma sognate un piano, questo prodotto fa per voi. Design elegante e sobrio.
Beim ersten “anspielen” war ich kurzzeitig richtig erschttert, denn die Tasten des Roland fhlen sich klarerweise komplett anders an als die einer Hammermechanik. Ich hatte das Gefhl einen Muskelkater in den Fingern zu bekommen, so schwergngig erschienen mir die Tasten im Vergleich, und auch die richtige Dynamik wollte mir damit einfach nicht gelingen, die Hlfte der Tne war lauter als gewollt, die andere Hlfte zu leise. Es gibt 4 Einstellungen (Fix,Light,Medium,Heavy) – aber keine davon brachte fr mich eine Besserung. Spannenderweise legte sich dieses Gefhl aber nach einiger Zeit, man gewhnt sich an die Tasten. Nutzt man andere Instrumente als den Primren Klaviersound, fhlt sich die Dynamik deutlich besser an, und wenn man die sekundren Synthesizer-Klnge nutzt dann ist die Tastatur dafr fast perfekt.
Ich wrde brigens schwer dazu raten ein passendes Sustain Pedal (am besten eines mit umschaltbarer Polaritt) zu kaufen und anzuschlieen, denn damit kommen die Sounds erst so richtig zur Geltung.
– Was mich beim Spielen am meisten strt sind die Touch-Tasten am oberen Tastatur-Rand — diese funktionieren zwar einwandfrei, aber man bettigt sie beim Spielen stndig unabsichtlich – bin fast am berlegen dafr eine kleine Abdeckung zu basteln.
+ Mit einem Headset finde ich die Pianoklang-Varianten des Roland allesamt SEHR gut, die sonstige Instrumentenauswahl ist ebenfalls recht passabel, teilweise sogar “lustig”.
+ Die internen Lautsprecher sind extrem praktisch, aber klanglich nicht wirklich ernstzunehmen.
+ Dass sich das Gert sogar mit Batterie betreiben lsst ist ebenfalls extrem praktisch, man kann es dadurch ultraschnell aus dem Schrank nehmen und spontan losspielen, ohne sich vorher mit Kabelsalat zu Plagen.
+ das Gert ist USB-Midi kompatibel, man kann damit also auch eine DAW am PC ansteuern! In der Bedienungsanleitung wird dies seltsamerweise gar nicht erwhnt. Tip: unbedingt ein vollwertiges USB Datenkabel verwenden, kein reines “Lade”-Kabel vom Handy.
– Bluetooth-MIDI ist allenfalls lustig, aber aufgrund der hohen Latenz nicht wirklich brauchbar – schade.
Regards the the first first thing that I would be interested fo
Bestellt, um auf Reisen ben zu knnen. Dafr perfekt geeignet. Tasten haben einen leichten Widerstand, aber daran gewhnt man sich sehr schnell. Hat ein schnes Repertoire an Funktionen. Es ist kompakt und leicht zu transportieren.
Auch fr Anfnger perfekt geeignet.
Very pleased with purchase. Piano has many features and the tones though limited are excellent. Perfect if you don’t have enough space for full size keyboard or have the need of too many tone choices . Delivery was fast.
Even most parts are constructed by plastic, the piano looks and feels rather premium. 61 touch keys with 3 levels weighted are quite nice. The built-in stereo speaker is loud and clear enough for practicing at home. Menu is simple and intuitive. Overall good impression, just don’t expect it has authentic feeling as acoustic piano.
One issue which sometimes can be a bit annoying is that some touch buttons are not always responsible. It happens randomly so I can’t figure out or guess what the reason it could relate to.
Me ha encantado, esta claro que no es un teclado profesional, pero para la mayoria de nosotros, para practicar es perfecto!
Dudaba entre este y un yamaha y creo que no me he equivocado.
Totalmente recomendado
I like the responsiveness of the keys. Nice looking and sounds great!
Only bad work I have to say is the usb connection is a bit naff so I’ll probably buy a better and longer cable for that. I think this is what other reviews have said too. But for the price it’s an excellent keyboard.
Il y a quelques dtails un peu ennuyants: le cble d’alimentation est trs court, il n’y a pas de prise jack (juste mini-jack) et l’cran est trop lumineux (alors que a ne sert rien).
Le point faible reste le son des hauts-parleurs qui est trop faible et franchement mauvais. Pour le prix, il ne faut pas s’attendre un miracle: si vous voulez mettre l’ambiance en soire, il faudra un ampli! Lorsqu’on branche un casque, c’est quand mme beaucoup mieux.
En bref, un clavier intressant pour s’entrainer et qui peut tre dplac facilement. Je ne suis pas un grand joueur mais je trouve le toucher agrable. Le rapport qualit/prix reste donc correct. Si vous avez un peu plus de budget, un plus grand espace ou si vous jouez un bon niveau, je recommanderais de prendre la gamme suprieure avec aussi plus de touches.
If you turn up volume to 7/8 and put some reverb on it, it really sounds good.
Keys are a bit resistant so you have to put some weigh on them but I’ve play real pianos like that.
Certainly worth buying.
Ottimi suoni con gli altoparlanti incorporati. Leggera e pratica da trasportare. Funziona anche a batteria quindi facile daa trasportare ovunque. Roland una garanzia e questo prodotto perfetto per chi si avvicina alla tastiera o chi ha bisogno di un prodotto versatile e poco ingombrante.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Instrument. Ich will ausprobieren, ob Keyboard- bzw. Klavierspielen etwas fr mich ist.
Ich brauche kein Gert mit vielen Spezialeffekten, sondern eigentlich nur eine Klaviertastatur. Das bietet dieses Gert zu einem gnstigen Preis.
Die Anschlagsdynamik funktioniert gut (laut, wenn du fest anschlgst). Ich be seit vier Wochen ein einfaches Stck von Bach, mit einer Klavierlehrerin auf Youtube, und kann es schon fast vollstndig spielen.
Zwei kleine Schwachpunkte:
– Das Stromkabel ist recht kurz. Aber ich benutze jetzt Batterien und kann es so gut umher tragen.
– Die Buchse fr den Kopfhrer ist hinten dran. Besser wre vorne, so dass man das Kabel nicht unter dem Gert hindurch ziehen muss.
Es hat auch weitere Funktionen wie Bluetooth, Aufnahmefunktion und Spezialeffekte. Sehr gut: Man kann es als Bluetooth-Lautsprecher benutzen.
Schaut euch die ausfhrlichen Reviews auf Youtube an.
Ich kann den Kauf jedenfalls empfehlen.
Tengo otros 2 pianos un Yamaha Clavinova 625 y el otro Casio px1000 y nada que ver con las sensaciones de las teclas. Las teclas de este piano es como si fuese un muelle, esta duro para simular la accin del piano. Pero nada que ver. La dinmica es buena pero no tanto como para principiantes. Quizs en pianistas ms expertos, pero no es mi caso.
Aun as he decidido quedrmelo para portabilidad y llevarlo al campo (por ejemplo) para practicar al ser un buen tamao y usar pilas es perfecto para ello.
La luz del LCD molesta aun al mnimo, la del Go:Keys al ser roja no molesta.
El transformador que trae no es de la marca roland.
El Go:keys no tiene atril, este si lo trae.
Pero no lo recomiendo si es tu primer piano.
Comodo, iper trasportabile visto il suo peso ridottissimo (4.9 chili) .
Ottimo per chi inizia ma qualitativamente potrebbe tranquillamente essere scelto per essere utilizzato come stage piano da artisti per concerti o busking.
Unica pecca la mancanza di un’uscita output che non sia quella delle cuffie, ciononostante l’ho collegato su diversi impianti grazie ad adattatori e la qualit non si perde
The keyboard is portable and has a nice sound to it. The keys are a bit heavy compared to what I’m used to
Mit 6 AA-Batterien/Akkus luft es stundenlang…
Die Sounds sind gut gewhlt, die Tastatur spielt sich wie von Roland gewohnt straff und angenehm.
Natrlich hat es keine Hammermechanik, aber hey ….das ist nicht der Sinn dieses Gertes ….
Das Go ist mit ca. 4 Kg sehr leicht, sieht gut aus und ist stabil und sauber verarbeitet.
Die eingebauten Lautsprecher klingen fr die Gre gut und liefern auch als BT-Speaker eine gute Leistung.
Eine nette Zugabe ist der einfache Midi-Recorder, der spontane Ideen schnell und unkompliziert einfangen kann.
Welcher Musiker kennt es nicht…? Man wacht morgens mit einer Melodie im Kopf auf und bis der Rechner hochgefahren ist ….
Dank Go einfach einschalten – aufnehmen – speichern – fertig … das klappt auch vor dem ersten Kaffee – lach ….
Piano to go – gut gemacht, Roland!
Excelente piano elctrico, para nivel inicial es impecable. Ojo, por nivel inicial no quiere decir que no suena genial. El siguiente nivel yanseria teclas semipesadas, que no tiene (si sensibilidad a la presin claro). El sonido de piano est muy bien, los bajos suenan bien, el reverb incorporado es adecuado. Si recomiendo comprar un pedal de sustain aparte, ya que por 15 o 20 euros hay algo de nivel inicial tambin pero que hace mucha diferencia.
Really nicely made, functional portable piano. Love the feel and sound, bluetooth really handy too. Highly recommended.
luv this to bits. for my wifes birthday. great sound- good size-ligh
Perfect for us, nice sound. If you can afford the bigger one then it’s worth it. The Skoove tutorial that comes with the keyboard is very good.
I bought this to learn piano from a total newbie, with no other experience playing an instrument, I’m absolutely loving it, great sound and the Skoove app you get a 3 month trial in has been a great companion, I’ve got far better than I expected I’m such a short time. Highly recommended!
Very simple to use and sounds great. I’m a guitarist by night but really love sitting this on my lap and learning songs on it. Brilliant.
(presa a meno di 300) rapporto qualit/prezzo buono.
suoni belli, non troppi ma di buona qualit: pianoforti a corda ed elettrici, organi e alcuni strumenti utili se “fai da solo” (un paio di bassi, archi, un violino, voci).
tasti sensibili al tocco (non pesati, per).
in pi, per chi non ha troppo spazio in casa, compatta e leggera.
For the price and quality, I don’t think anything comes close. The size and weight are proving really practical (and would be useful if you’re short of room or carrying this about); the 61 keys are not weighted like our own full-size Petrov’s are, but they are beautifully made and both look and feel good; they’re also sprung loaded and do give a fairly good sense of the real thing. The effect is sufficient, I would say, to make this a good piano to learn on without causing a problem switching from this back and forth with the real thing at your teacher’s class or school, say. The keys are, of course are touch sensitive and this works well. The sound quality is, all-in-all very realistic considering the size of the speakers – well done, Roland! The speakers aren’t especially loud, but are undoubtedly more that adequate for a normal-sized room. The piano works on batteries, but a better response comes from the mains adapter.
I’m really glad that I shopped around, listened and tried the main brands before settling on this Roland. It wasn’t my initial instinct to go for this brand but it’s my pleasure that I’ve finally settled on it. If I was spending more, and wanted a full size electric piano, I’d be looking at a Roland or Casio.
Il suono credibile, buona qualit su quasi tutte le emulazioni;
La dimensione risulta particolarmente comoda, unitamente al peso irrisorio;
Le casse incorporate suonano discretamente, ma in cuffia da il meglio di se.
Nei difetti, che io definirei pi compromessi, citerei i tasti neri, plasticosi e piccoli un tantino, ma ci si abitua dopo 5 minuti,
Per il resto un ottimo muletto per chi gi possiede un piano digitale di livello o un vero pianoforte, che logicamente risulta spesso inamovibile a causa di ingombranti stand o impianti audio, invece questa la porti dove vuoi e ti eserciti o ti diverti e basta con gli amici.
Anche come primo strumento a mio parere va bene, non contano solamente le caratteristiche meccaniche, tasti pesati e via dicendo, ma anche la credibilit dei suoni che produce, altrimenti non si ha soddisfazione, e qui i vari suoni di piano sono di buona qualit, paragone fatto con la Juno ds88, sempre della stessa Roland.
Two small ‘cons’: the feel of the keys is pretty good, but not Excellent. The transpose only goes up/down 6 semi tones. So although that allows you to transpose to any key, it doesn’t allow you to transpose by a whole octave (to allow you to play C, in the key of Key, but an octave down).
The feel is interesting – it’s obviously nowhere near a hammer-action feel, but the full size keys and faux-ivory tops make for a lovely feel under the fingers. It will certainly take some getting used to to achieve a pianistic dynamic range.
The sounds are good, not quite as good as the high-end piano sounds on top keyboards, but perfectly usable for gigging/rehearsals. A few pianos, mostly similar to be honest. Some lovely rhodes sounds w/ phaser, chorus, trem etc. Organs are surprisingly good – obviously there’s no parameters to tweak so you’re stuck with 4 stock hammonds and a couple of church organs but they’re plenty good enough if you’re just using them occasionally. The ‘Others’ tone section features the standard mixture of voices, strings, synths and drums. Mostly not very usable, but fun nonetheless.
The speakers aren’t bad considering the price and size. I’d do a rehearsal with singers on it, but once you’ve got other musicians involved you’ll need an amp.
The buttons are a little irritating – they’re touch things rather than physical buttons which makes them just a tiny bit harder to use accurately. Still well made and perfectly adequate – just I would’ve preferred buttons (and an actual volume knob!)
The rear-panel connections are where this slightly betrays itself as a keyboard designed for the younger player. The only output is a line out/ headphones minijack so realistically for any amp/PA situation you’ll need an adaptor. There’s an aux line in for backing tracks etc and a single pedal input. Luckily there’s a USB out (modern one, I had to buy a new cable!) so you’re good to go with Mainstage, Logic, Sibelius etc. It would’ve been really nice, however, to see a stereo output, perhaps MIDI and another pedal slot.
There’s the option of battery powering the keyboard too, so if you’re a busker this is your jam.
All in all, this is designed as a beginner’s keyboard, but is actually a good quality (and very sleek) board ideal for smaller gigs and rehearsals. The lack of connectivity is a disappointment, but at this price it’s still an absolute steal. I’m using it for small gigs and as my standard desktop USB keyboard.
One final note – as it’s a (very!) compact 61 note keyboard, it swims around in 61 note cases – apparently some 49 note cases fit it well, so I’m planning on looking into that. Let me know if you find a better solution!
I believe this keyboard was manufactured to a price, so it is not the usual high quality Roland are renowned for.
En effet les Go claviers de Roland sont les seuls proposer des dimensions aussi rduites, tout en gardant des touches de tailles standard.
Alors y’a pas de molette modulation pitchbend, ce n’est pas un clavier matre la base, mais toutefois il envoi les messages midi via le port USB mais aussi via le Bluetooth. Donc il peut quand mme contrler des priphriques ou autres plugins, ont peut transposer les notes, c’est cool.
Le touch est vraiment sympa, pour le prix bien sr, on est loin de la touche marteau mais on est bien mieux que sur un synth de base. On dispose de 3 rglages de touchs.
Le Bluetooth c’est quand mme super pratique, avec un IPad ce clavier est vraiment top pour prendre des leons!
Au final c’est une solution bien plus efficace que les claviers avec des leons intgres, donc pour apprendre je ne peux que conseiller ce clavier.
Love this keyboard. Great feel to the keys. Great sounds too. Can also be used as a midi controller via usb for virtual synths on your computer.
Bought for my daughter for Christmas, she loves it. Sounds grea
Beautifully light weight (you can hold it easily in one hand) the keys are still full piano size and, although not weighted, they are heavily sprung so I hardly have to adjust my technique when moving from the Piano. Plus the bluetooth connection means I can easily attach drum machines and change instruments faster than ever, and has opened my up to a whole new world of performance possibilities.
Yes it’s marketed towards beginners but if you are a touring pianist of any kind, or just low on space, (and can cope with out the full 88 keys) then this piano is perfect for you too.
The only thing you get 3 months free music lesson but only works on I phone.