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S.M.S.L SA300 Uses Infineon’s new technology class D power amplifier chip,Bluetooth 5.0 With Remote Control (red)



Inputs: USB , RCA , BT

THD+N : 0.008%

SNR: 90dB

Channel separation : 88dB

Output Power : 80Wx2(4Ω) / 40Wx2(8Ω)

Power Consumption: 35W(Normal Volume)

Standby power : <0.5W

Size: 70x73x188mm (WxHxD)

Weight (In shipping carton): 1.2kg

Dimensions: 25.1 x 18.49 x 11.51 cm; 1.37 Kilograms
Manufacture: Shenzhen Shuangmusanlin Electronic Co.,Ltd
Reference: SA-300

146 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Got these to power a pair of Klipsch R41M to replace some Edifier 1850s with the T5 Edifier powered sub (70 RMS). As a DAC, using an Audioengine D1. The Audioengine + edifiers, good audio, quite detailed (better than the Klipsch in a sense) but the sub never really sounded great. Powered on the Smsl, hooked up the Audioengine, and boom, quite a big difference. Louder in highs and the sub came alive. Quite pleased with the setup. No hissing. No clipping (it’s a desk set up so don’t go higher than 70% power). Def worth it if you have a DAC already and don’t want to spend 400-750 on a Marantz or Denon type

  2. Stephanie Colestock says:


    Utilis pour amplifier un bon lecteur CD et un branchement micro usb de l’ordinateur, sans oublier le Bluetooth avec le tlphone, la puissance est suffisante et le son trs bon. Son encombrement minimum est galement un atout.

  3. Tanaya Tak says:


    Coupl des Eltax monitor III, je redcouvre la hifi sous rserve d’avoir une source correcte, Qobuz, des FLAC, TIDAL…etc

    Grand son à petit prix

  4. Selena Maranjian says:


    Per chi possiede amplificatori classici risulta difficile capire la potenza emanata da un amplificatore di questo tipo, dalle dimensioni ridottissime. Veramente tanta forza in pochissimo spazio occupato, nella mia libreria manco sembra che ci sia. Il suono pulito e potente, almeno rispetto alle mie esigenze. Avrei preferito qualche opzione di settaggio audio in pi con un equalizzatore maggiormente controllabile e non solo curve preimpostate, un ingresso line in in pi non mi sarebbe dispiaciuto. Ma dato anche il costo non eccessivo direi che se non si degli esigenti audiofili l’ampli merita le 5 stelle.

  5. CoryV05toa says:

     United States

    I’m very impressed with this unit. I’m a musician, and my standards are pretty night. It’s small, but it powers my bookshelf speakers and subwoofer perfectly. Sound quality is excellent. The volume control is thoughtfully designed for fine-tuning. My only criticism is that the tone/EQ control should be on the unit. Nevertheless, highly recommended. (No compensation received for writing this review – I just like the thing.)

  6. AdelaMansergh says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Have it hooked up as the default speaker for my Google mini home, and also connect it to my laptop and phone via bluetooth (or through the mini). Great sound through my Polk Bookshelf speakers.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States


  8. Anonymous says:


    Aprs deux mois d’utilisation, je dois dire que je suis ultra satisfait.

    Utilis en mode USB sur un PC fixe (je n’ai pas utilis le cble d’origine, certains avis font tat de problmes avec celui-ci ; j’ai tout de suite utilis un autre cble mieux blind) avec deux Dali Alteco C1 en mode “enceintes PC” (coute moins d’un mtre des enceintes).

    Le son est clair et prcis, parfait pour la musique (tous genres) que j’coute toute la journe en travaillant.

  9. MapleCheel says:

     United States

    For the size and weight of the SA300, this thing is awesome! I’ve only used this for Bluetooth so far, but I haven’t had any issues. No hiss, no buzz, just good listening.

    This thing is great, especially for the price!

  10. Anonymous says:


    Petit et trs bonne qualit sonore alimente mes anceintes 8 ohms 10/140 watts sans problme

  11. Anonymous says:


    Suono morbido e pi godibile rispetto al mio onkio integrato. Suonano in maniera diversa con diffusori Chiario Delphinus, ho notato meno affaticamento nell’ascolto prolungato. un piccolo mostriciattolo che puoi collocare ovunque.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Das Kleinod kam gut verpackt und schnell aus den Amazon-Lagern. Das Gehuse und auch das Netzteil machen einen soliden und wertigen Eindruck. Im Dauerbetrieb werden beide nicht mal handwarm. Klanglich macht der Kleine an meinen Q Acoustics 3020i richtig Spa, kann aber meinem 35 Jahre alten NAD 3020 nicht das Wasser reichen. Der Steinzeitverstrker arbeitet die Instrumente einer Jazz-Aufnahme doch feiner heraus und die Hhen wirken weniger aufdringlich. Nach meinem Dafrhalten ist der SA300 aber ein guter Einstieg in die Class-D Welt und sein Geld allemal wert.

    P.S: Der DAC funktionierte unter ARCH-Linux sofort. Allerdings knnte bei dieser Betriebsart ein bisschen Kabel-Voodoo helfen. Erst als ich das Beiliegende gegen ein hochwertiges, mehrfach geschirmtes Kabel tauschte, sgten die Gitarren von Slayers “Dead Skin Mask” nicht mehr strend am Trommelfell 😉

  13. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Powers my bookshelf speakers just fine, and gets decently loud too.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Ich kann die Leute hier nicht verstehen, die meinen das Ding wre klanglich so extrem gut und man wrde keinen unterschied zu greren Vollverstrkern hren. Das kann man definitiv nicht vergleichen und gerade luft er nur am PC mit Regallautsprechern. Hier hre ich schon einen deutlichen unterschied, aber vorher hing auch ein Rotel Verstrker an den Lautsprechern. Fr das Geld aber ziemlich gut, gerade weil der Verstrker sehr klein ist und auf dem Schreibtisch kein Platz wegnimmt.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Das ist ein Produkt das ich gerne nochmals kaufe. Auf dem Papier sehen die Werte zwar eher ein wenig zurckhaltend aus, jedoch kann er auch etwas krftigere Boxen ohne Probleme sehr klar und definiert ansteuern. Wenn das eher kleine Boxen sind bleibt ja noch die Mglichkeit einen Subwoofer anzuklemmen. Die Bedienung ist selbsterklrend und alle Funktionen sind am Gert verfgbar oder eben ber die Fernbedienung, die ebenfalls sehr gut funktioniert. Das Design ist unauffllig und die Gre tuscht. Selbst an zwei Boxen die bis 125W belastbar sind, bleibt bei 5/6 Lautstrke das Gehuse recht khl und das Netzteil scheint ausreichend dimensioniert. Ich hoffe auf eine lange Haltbarkeit.

  16. maleenhancementx46 says:

     United States

    This is my sixth or seventh chip amp and it’s a knockout. On SQ it contends favorably with the TPA325x which are the best I’ve experienced, and it adds features like remote control and sub-out. The Bluetooth (which I seldom use) is the best I’ve ever seen and the multiplicity of inputs is sure to please all. It’s not the cheapest chip amp out there but it’s definitely one of the best.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Surprisingly good sound quality with this little amp even at high volume playback via line-in or BT audio streaming.

  18. ChristyBolick says:


    Un ampli de trs grande qualit un prix drisoire. Difficile de trouver meilleur rapport qualit prix. Branch en USB sur mon ordinateur et quip d’un caisson de basses et de deux enceintes Q acoustics, le son est tout simplement superbe.

  19. DarciWillie says:


    Por los comentarios no estaba seguro de pedirlo, pero lo ped y cuando lo trajeron (tardaron solo dos das) me sorprendi mucho para bien; es genial, ninguna queja sino todo al contrario, y suena de maravilla.

  20. mesamisser says:

     United States

    Awesome industrial design, great electronics, incredible sound quality and power.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Mon trs vieux kit logitech 5.1 x540 ne fonctionnait plus, et je n’avais besoin que de bon hauts parleurs afin d’couter la musique sur PC. J’ai donc achet des Klipsch R-41M passives qui dureront dans le temps, couples ce “mini ampli”. On le branche sur USB (le cble fourni est trs court), on branche les enceintes dessus, et tout fonctionne du premier coup sous Windows 10.
    Plusieurs galiseurs sont prprogramms dans le SMSL SA300, mais on peut jouer manuellement sur les treble et bass. On peut changer la couleur d’affichage de l’cran. Le connexion Bluetooth fonctionne bien.

    Au final je suis trs satisfait, le son est bon, aucun souffle audible dans les enceintes pendant les silences.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Smaller than expected, but it has plenty of power. DAC sounds great running Tidal hi-fi direct from USB. Running a pair of Polk RT55i bookshelves in my work setup. HUUUGE upgrade from the lepai amp that was previously running them. Bass and mids are fuller, highs come through with much more clarity and precision. Recommend for anyone neededing a full featured all in one amp/DAC where space is a concern.

    Also the remote is a nice touch!

  23. Anonymous says:


    Ho acquistato SMSL SA300 per integrarlo nel mio impianto hi-fi e collegarlo ai diffusori Polk che supportano il bi-amping. Devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto del risultato, l’impianto ci guadagna in quantit e qualit ,complimenti SMSL.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I purchased this for my laptop and iPad. Couldn’t be happier. Tried bluetooth powered speakers first but disappointed w the lack of bass. Then I thought about a pair of unused tiny Mirage speakers and powered subwoofer. Extremely pleased. Pairs great. This thing is small. Looks great on the desk.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe das Gert am Arbeitsplatz im Zusammenspiel mit kleinen Boxen von Piega im Einsatz. Bluetooth und USB funktionieren einwandfrei. Kann ich fr diesen Einsatzbereich klar empfehlen.

  26. MarinaJ75v says:


    Ich habe den SA300 als Ersatz fr einen technisch veralteten Pioneer-Receiver aus einer Micro-Stereoanlage gekauft, da mir Streaming mit HD-Audio ber Bluetooth mittlerweile am wichtigsten ist.

    Das Gert ist sehr sauber verarbeitet, die Anschlsse qualitativ hochwertig. Batterien fr die Fernbedienung liegen nicht bei, die Kabellngen von und zum Netzteil sind etwas seltsam, etwas mehr Lnge auf der Niedrigspannungsseite htte nicht geschadet, bei mir hngt der Kasten nun in der Schwebe zwischen Steckdose und Verstrker.

    Ursprnglich sollten die bestehenden Regalboxen weiter verwendet werden, waren klanglich aber nicht wirklich gut, da der alte Receiver wohl darauf abgestimmt war, deren Schwchen im Frequenzspektrum zu kompensieren. Ich habe deshalb zunchst die akustisch soliden Polk T15 Regalboxen nachgekauft (die gibt es fter mal unter 100 Euro das Paar). Damit klingt das System schon recht ordentlich, es fehlt aber das Bassfundament bis ca. 120 Hz (die Physik lsst sich bei kleinen Lautsprechervolumen nicht beschummeln). Dafr kam dann ein Auna Linie 501 aktiver Sub dazu, der den SW-Out des SA300 als Signalquelle benutzt.

    Die Kombination klingt sehr gut, wobei der Subwoofer eigentlich deutlich berdimensioniert ist (aber es in der Preisklasse nichts annhernd so Gutes mit weniger Bums gibt, ca. 135 Euro).

    Insgesamt ein empfehlenswertes Herzstck fr ein klanglich berzeugendes 2.1-System, das wenig Platz einnimmt und Rume mittlerer Gre souvern bespielen kann.

  27. Maricela6620 says:

     United States

    Very much recommended, It sounds fantastic with my little Sonys. I have lots of audio equipment and I like this little guy. Not much warmth with this unit. Very quiet (when it should be) , nice clean highs and nice clean and clear bass too. I feared the bass would be lacking and I was totally wrong. The midrange sounds OK. This is great for my bedroom. Despite the good bass output I easily hooked up a new 12″ subwoofer which handles 40hz and downwards. I really like the setup.

    Very much recommended, It sounds fantastic with my little Sonys. I have lots of audio equipment and I like this little guy. Not much warmth with this unit. Very quiet (when it should be) , nice clean highs and nice clean and clear bass too. I feared the bass would be lacking and I was totally wrong. The midrange sounds OK. This is great for my bedroom. Despite the good bass output I easily hooked up a new 12" subwoofer which handles 40hz and downwards. I really like the setup.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Need replacement glass. Amp is awesome! . My fault glass broke. Customer service is awesome with the SMSL factory direct store through amazon… just can’t attach pictures to Amazon message to seller. or maybe I’m an idiot…

    Need replacement glass. Amp is awesome! . My fault glass broke. Customer service is awesome with the SMSL factory direct store through amazon... just can't attach pictures to Amazon message to seller. or maybe I'm an idiot...

  29. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This gives a very clean and crisp sound. In fact, at first, I thought it was broken as nothing happened when I plugged in my speakers. Zero static and background noise. Finally when I realized I had the volume on my source set to zero I slowly turn it up and heard a huge difference from my old receiver to this unit. Flac has never sounded better than with this built-in USB dac. Going digital as much as I can have really changed how I listen to music. The size is what makes this great too. I literally have zero princes in my room. No big clunky setup. Visitors can’t believe the quality and they always ask where is your music coming from.

  30. Jessica Rendall says:


    only $179 very happy with the purchase. sound so clear and amazing.
    forget the optical input, instead o with DAC and Bluetooth 5.0.
    Good enough for use

  31. ShondaBanvard says:


    Vraiment stupfait de la qualit sonore et gnral de ce DAC. Branch via mon ordinateur par Bluetooth et mes enceintes Pioneer HPM-100. Rsultat sonore de haute qualit et trs puissant. Dpasse vritablement mes esprances.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersArrivato in tempo record, la consegna era prevista a circa 30 giorni (dalla Cina), ma il pacco arrivato in 6 giorni. Subito collegato, ha sostituito i miei amplificatori, non voglio dare pareri sulla qualit del suono, non mi ritengo un audiofilo, ma questa scatoletta da delle grandi soddisfazioni, alzando il volume al massimo, fruscio inesistente, chiarezza e definizione dell’audio, impeccabile, non riscalda, non ingombra, se collegato ad un buon Dac potrete ascoltare musica per ore senza stancare l’udito. Sono molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I did not honestly think this little amp would be able to drive my Elac Debut B6 speakers. They sound just great, but they need a good quality signal. I have them connected to a vacuum tube preamp and a digital to analog converter. I use Tidal Master quality streaming service, too. They sound great and can get really loud.

    My setup:

    External sound card: Creative Soundblaster X Fi HD connected to my laptop.
    Digital to Analog converter: S.M.S.L. M100
    Vacuum preamplifier: FX-AUDIO TUBE-03 (with GE JAN 5654 Tubes)
    2-channel amplifier: S.M.S.L. SR300
    Speakers: Elac Debut B6
    Subwoofer amplifier: Nobsound NS-03G
    Subwoofer: rescued from an old Sony Home Theater (Tz 140) – It gives the Elacs just that extra punch I wanted!

    Far better than I expected!

  34. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDer Verstrker spielt sehr sauber und bei Bedarf auch sehr laut und sehr sauber. Bluetooth Reichweite und Sound sind sehr gut. Windows zeigt hier 44kHz/16bit an. Der eingebaute USB DAC ist natrlich klanglich besser als die BT Verbindung aber der BT sound ist nur etwas ‘flacher’ wie die direkte Verbindung per USB oder analog (cinch) , also imho durchaus hrbar auch fr anspruchsvolle Hrer (wenn es denn sein muss). Einen ‘high-end’ Vergleich von dem internen DAC mit einem ‘high-end’ externen DAC kann ich momentan leider nicht bieten, bin mir aber recht sicher das wir hier bestenfalls ber die letzten 10% des machbaren reden. Der USB DAC kann bis zu 384KHz hochsamplen. Habs noch nicht probiert, bei mir steht es momentan auf 44KHz (was die Samplerate des Groteils meiner Musik ist) und 32bit. Man kann den DAC brigens auch ohne Asio Treiber bei relativ geringer Latenz betrieben ohne das es zum Audio GAU kommt. Meine Tracktion DAW spielt bei ‘Windows Sound Treiber’ und 5ms/44KHz noch gut mit. Hab ich so vorher auch noch nicht gesehen…
    Normalerweise benutz ich EQ Profile und die Klangregelung in solchen Gerten nicht. Da ich meine Speaker leider in dem kleinen Raum nicht optimal aufstellen kann und diese eh sehr Bass schwach sind, ist ein guter EQ eigentlich hilfreich. Bisher hab den graphischen EQ in meinem XR-18 Mischpult verwendet um das zu begradigen. Die EQ presets im SA300 sind recht dezent und knnen in solchen Fllen gut helfen. Probiert es ruhig mal aus! Nun kann ich Musik auch ohne den XR-18 geniesen der mal gerade so ppige 30W verschlingt. Den Verbrauch vom SA300 hab ich gemessen. Das Netzteil allein braucht so ~0.8W im Leerlauf. Bei eingeschaltetem, SA300 sind es insgesamt 1.5-2W im Leerlauf. Dh heisst bei 365/24 Betrieb ca 17kWh/Jahr. Der Verbrauch geht erst ber die 2W ‘Rauschgrenze’ wenn es laut wird. Ich meine hier deutlich lauter als Gesprchslautstrke wenn ihr nah bei dem Speaker seid. Irgendwann sollte er dann die 2*80W=160W aus dem Netz ziehen, was ich aber aus Gesundheitsgrnden in meinem kleinen Raum nicht getestet hab.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Using this to play music from my iPhone and iPad. Sounds great! Very easy to set up, and easy to tweak treble and bass if you need to. Has plenty of power for the type of listening I’m doing in the room where I have it. Good range on the BlueTooth. All in all, a very nicely designed and manufactured device. Very compact. A good value at the price, too.

  36. SheliaSchreffle says:


    Es una excelente opcin para un espacio pequeo a mediano. No mete ruido, me sorprendi. Combinado con unos altavoces de buena calidad hace maravillas.

  37. Anonymous says:


    Quera sustituir un pequeo amplificador lepay lp2020+ y creo que he acertado.
    Tiene una respuesta ms profunda y completa sin contar con la potencia de sobra.
    Como todos los clases de no se calienta en absoluto. yo no necesitaba ni bluetooth ni mando a distancia pero el mando reconozco que es muy til.

  38. RubenCadebi says:


    Straordinario prodotto, qualit prezzo eccezionale. Ideale per un piccolo impianto secondario o per amplificare la TV.

  39. Tiffany Yannetta says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLo compr basado en la resea de Zeos (Z Reviews) y aunque no lo necesitaba, porque ya tengo varios amplificadores para todos los espacios de mi casa, es verdad lo que dice Zeos, es absolutamente impresionante este amplificador. Supuestamente todo se debe al nuevo chip alemn que trae. Lo compar con el Topping Mx3 y el PA3 y los supera por mucho, potencia y calidad. Lo escuch en mi escritorio con un Topping D10 y despus con un SMSL Sanskrit 10 MkII y qued impresionado. Despus lo conect a la Tv por medio del Sanskrit, con unas bocinas Klipsch R41M y un bajo Klipsch Sw10, para un sistema 2.1. Y qued asombrado, no le pide nada a un sistema 5.1 de un AVR mucho ms caro. Una joya. Verdadero HiFi de bajo costo. Lo recomiendo completamente.

  40. SunnyRanieri says:

     United States

    Bluetooth works great-ish,
    no line in for 3.5mm without an RCA adapter,
    uses micro USB in,
    SUB OUT,
    sounds great,
    fairly powerful for the price,
    size of a gerbel,
    nice remote.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersJ’ai achet cet ampli pour mes KLIPSCH R-14M
    J’ai d’abord test avec ma platine vinyle et j’ai agrablement t surpris par le rendu. Le son est clair est parfaitement rendu.
    J’ai ensuite test le bluetooth et il est vrai que la qualit c’est pas moche mais on sent qu’il manque quelque chose.
    J’ai enfin test en connectant l’ampli en USB et lisant un fichier FLAC. La j’ai tout simplement entendu des sons sur un morceau que je connais bien que je n’avais jamais entendu.
    Je recommande ce petit ampli sans hsiter qui veut passer le pas vers un ampli numrique.
    Trs bon achat et comme toujours le service Amazon et la rapidit de livraison.

  42. Sean says:

     United States

    Nice color stays cool even when pushing it. Its next to impossible to find something this powerful and good quality at this price. Smsl you have out done your self.

  43. CathernBQG says:


    Great little amp, used this to replace a nuptime ida-6 that died after a year. Using this with Kef LS50s which are typically hard to drive. This amp can drive them with no distortion or clipping and there’s no noticeable difference in audio quality between the amps. Only grip is the front is glossy.

  44. Dara Kerr says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAuf der Suche nach einem Verstrker mit integriertem DAC fr mein Arbeitszimmer (ca. 12qm) bin ich zufllig auf den S.M.S.L. SA300 gestoen. Anfangs war ich skeptisch ob ein 140 China-Verstrker wirklich etwas taugt, der SA300 hat mich eines Besseren belehrt. Der Verstrker ist klein, also wirklich klein, von der Grundflche so gro wie mein Mi9 Smartphone. Der Verstrker wurde von meinem Windows PC sofort erkannt (Plug&Play) und wird mit zwei Klipsch RP-400M Bookshelf Speakern betrieben. Der Sound ist so klar und definiert, dass ich das Grinsen gar nicht mehr aus dem Gesicht bekommen habe. Dieser kleine Ziegelstein zaubert einen so klaren und krftigen Sound, es ist fast nicht zu glauben. Die Bluetooth 5.0 Kopplung klappt ebenfalls problemlos und auch hier ist die Soundqualitt top.
    Strgerusche oder hnliches gibt es absolut keine.

    Einen nicht so schwerwiegenden Nachteil gibt es dennoch, das Display ist leider immer an. Wenigstens lsst sich die Farbe in eine weniger penetrante Farbe (z.B. Rot auf Schwarz) ndern.

    Wer fr ein kleines bis mittelgroes Zimmer einen Verstrker mit DAC sucht, macht mit dem SA300 definitiv nichts falsch.

    Update 20.11.2020
    Leider ist bereits nach einer Woche das Netzteil abgeraucht, wir haben zwar ein Ersatzgert bekommen, dennoch trbt das den positiven Eindruck etwas, daher ein Stern Abzug.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Pretty amazing little amp. Good enough for Most people’s setups. Plays fairly loud and clean. I wanted to do a Comparison between my 400 watts/channel class A mono blocks. It’s not close to that level, but for the price, I could listen for a while and be happy. For a garage or background setup, this is perfect. I currently have running my outdoor speakers and it does what I wa

  46. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Great little amplifier, great sound quality. I haven’t had the amplifier long, so I can’t comment on the longevity of the internal electronics, however it appears to be well constructed externally. Time will tell whether the electronics hold up (I come from the age of class AB amplifiers from the 90s that were built like tanks), but so far I’m very very happy with my purchase. The only thing, and it goes on a wish list rather than being a failing of the product, is that I wish it had double the power or better.

  47. WendellPaterson says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Can’t complain. I have it paired with the M100, and the pair gets the job done. It’s compact, the settings are easy to read, and it’s powerful for it’s size. Only downside is the remote. It works when it wants and there were no instructions attached.

    Can't complain. I have it paired with the M100, and the pair gets the job done. It's compact, the settings are easy to read, and it's powerful for it's size. Only downside is the remote. It works when it wants and there were no instructions attached.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Nice product that actually has more going for it than the product description shows. One thing in particular was that it had separate base and treble controls (which it does). That was indicated in the description but not clearly stated. Has a nice size (not too small or large). I use it to connect my Mac Mini to some 4 ohm JVC wood cone speakers via blue tooth. It handles that nicely.

  49. MonteAcevedo says:


    Buen sonido sin zumbidos. Fcil uso, sin aumento de temperatura.
    Buena relacin calidad precio.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United States

    There is nothing too say bad about this amp except if this amp had 160 wpc it would be the best selling amp on the market. people hear this amp thru my cerwin vega re 38,s and they think it,s my carver 1.5 amp thats not even turned on. sound quality is out standing !!!

  51. Anonymous says:

     United States

    It is really small. Like the length and width of your cellphone. The power brick is almost as big as the unit. So far, it does what it says it does. Paired with 1 phone, no issues. Line-in, no issues. Manual is useless. Time will tell…..

  52. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSono troppo esigente, un ottimo amplificatore, versatile, economico, potente, gestisce anche diffusori difficili ma poco musicale, alti enfatizzati, non morbidi. Lo consiglierei a chi ascolta musica semplice o ritmata, poich eroga potenza con ottimo controllo degli speaker, ma le voci e strumenti acustici o elettrici non sono restituiti correttamente. Anche i piatti di una batteria possono essere lame nell’orecchio. Ascoltato con vari speaker, principalmente Klipsch heresy e jbl 4313b.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWow, where to start. First off, don’t let this little unknown brand fool you at all. It runs CIRCLES around the little cheap amps you can get on here and other places. The sound quality is better than my 15yr old $3,500 Integra AVR. I exclusively use this SMSL amp for my computer with Tidal Hi-Fi and my audiophile friends are green with envy and amazed. If you’re reading this and still wonder if you should pick it up, what are you waiting for? Doooo it, do it nooooowww (in the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger)

  54. Anonymous says:

     United States

    S.M.S.L SA300 HiFi Digital Amplifier is very nice indeed. This very small package provides a fine audio experience, and the power supply is properly sized for the amplifier. It is a good value and I am pleased to have it.

  55. PasqualeVosper says:

     United States

    Works great, decided to keep it for my kids room. Used it as a backup for my klipsch rp-160m bookshelf it sounded good but if volume is to hight for hight powered speakers it will shutoff. Loud enough for most people, just not me.

  56. TimothyMartins says:

     United States

    Using the SA300 to drive a pair of Micca RB42 in a nearfield setup. This amp has more than enough power for nearfield listening, I’d even say enough to drive these speakers to their limit (at least until port chuffing becomes noticeable) and these are the RB42s are not efficient in the slightest.

    The feature set is great too, bluetooth does not have any latency between playing/pausing (important for me when listening to podcasts, it’s annoying when a bluetooth device needs to ‘wake up’ after being paused and you miss 1-2 seconds of dialogue).

    Front panel is clean an have a premium look/feel. I only wish that the volume knob was not notched, however, the increments are small which is nice and it does feel very solid.

    Overall I’d definitely recommend this for a budget stereo setup.

  57. ErinTejada says:


    I use it for powering my Wharefedale Linton Heritage and i prever this amp over a yamaha i also tested, becouse the sound signature, not becouse the yamaha isnt good.
    So if you need a good amp and your on little budget, this is the way to go.
    My gear: SMSL Sanskrit 10th dac – SMSL SA300 – Wharefedale Linton Heritage.

  58. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe den kleinen Verstrker mit einer gewissen Vorsicht bestellt, bin aber sehr angenehm berrascht worden. Ich betreibe zwei 40 Jahre alte Braun-Lautsprecher an der kleinen Kiste und bin von der Leistungsfhigkeit beeindruckt. Das Gert ist sauber verarbeitet, rauschfrei und fllt selbst auf dem Schreibtisch kaum auf. Der USB-Eingang ist mit meinem Laptop verbunden und das Gert wird von Win10 als Audioausgabegert sofort erkannt und erffner neue Mglichkeiten. Die Mglichkeit, die Displayfarbe zu ndern ist ein nettes Gimmick und die Leuchtkraft ist bei den den blauen Tnen angnehm gedmpft und strt auch im dunklen Zimmer nicht. Einziges Manko: Das Gert wurde werksseitig mit einem asiatischen Netzstecker ausgeliefert. Ein passendes Kaltgerte-Anschlusskabel mit Schutzkontakt-Stecker CEE 7/7 auf C13 Buchse, welches in das Netzteil passt, hatte ich Gottseidank zuhause.

    Angenehm überrascht.

  59. TylerGallard says:


    coute musique en stro. Si vous ne voulez pas dpenser une fortune et avoir un super son c’est l’article acheter. J’ai deux tours Fluance et a les conduit sans problmes. Il y a des sons que j’entend sur mes CD que je n’entendais pas sur d’autres amplificateur que je possde. N’attendez pas acheter maintenant a vaut le prix.

  60. Anonymous says:


    I bought this amp for my computer and have a set of bookshelf speakers connected along with a subwoofer. This amp has many of the features of a home stereo in a 2.1 package. I am enjoying this amp, however have not had it for long.

  61. BelindaBussau says:


    A very good amp for its size and price. After running it in for a few days, the sound is precise and crisp. In my case, it sounds best without a sub as there’s no crossover adjustments available and seems to suffer from clarity when attached to one.

    The tiny and clean look makes it very suitable for a desktop amp. And in my testing, playing through USB from my pc does sounds better than playing through Bluetooth. But the Bluetooth is not bad either compared to the degradation of sound using Bluetooth on some of my older equipments.

    The physical size is deceiving

  62. Anonymous says:

     United States

    If you’re looking for a desktop amplifier for bookshelf speakers, look no further. After extensive research, I found the only real options in this space (desktop Bluetooth DAC/amp for speakers, not headphones) are this and the AD18. After returning a defective AD18 unit, I order one of these and will never look back. Excellent clarity even at high volumes, with enough power to drive my speakers (Fluance Reference Series) just as well as my dedicated home theater system.

    If you're looking for a desktop amplifier for bookshelf speakers, look no further. After extensive research, I found the only real options in this space (desktop Bluetooth DAC/amp for speakers, not headphones) are this and the AD18. After returning a defective AD18 unit, I order one of these and will never look back. Excellent clarity even at high volumes, with enough power to drive my speakers (Fluance Reference Series) just as well as my dedicated home theater system.

  63. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDalle dimensioni davvero ridotte, come si evince in foto, non potevo immaginare tanta qualit. Ho atteso circa un anno prima di dare un mio parere, posso serenamente dire che qualit e affidabilit sono assicurate.

    Suono molto pulito.

  64. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAlso ich mu sagen ich bin sehr begeistert von dem Gert.
    Ich bin ein Monteur der in der Windkraft ttig ist. Dabei bin ich teilweise auch auf mehrwchigen Auslandseinstzen wo ich gerne auch in Ferienhusern Unterkunft suche. Da das dann mit deutschem fernsehen sehr schwierig wird habe ich mir im Laufe der Jahre ein mobiles Entertainment Paket zugelegt. Dabei ist mir mein alter “Reiseverstrker” kaputt gegangen.
    Also war ich auf der Suche nach einem Ersatz.
    Durch langes recherchieren bin ich nun auf dieses Gert gestoen.
    Also die Bestellung ist schnell ber die Bhne gelaufen.
    Dann der Test erstmal zu Hause…
    Ausgepackt, angeschlossen und los ging es…
    Alles super einfach und funktionierte auf Anhieb, ohne irgendwelche schwierigen Einstellungen vorzunehmen.
    Ich benutze das Gert als 2.1- System.
    Also ich habe an dem Gert 4 Teufel Sateliten angeschlossen ( auf dem linken Kanal 2 und auf dem rechten Kanal 2, jeweils parallel angeschlossen ).
    Zustzlich habe ich noch einen JBL Aktiv-Subwoofer ber den extra Sub-Ausgang ber Chinch-Verbindung angeschlossen.

    Die Quellverbindung luft dann ber die Bluetooth-Verbindung.

    Ich muss sagen ich bin echt berrascht…
    Sehr guter Klang! Keinerlei Rauschen oder sonstiges an Nebengeruschen zu hren.
    Dann hat man noch den Equalizer mit voreingestellten Programmen, man kann aber auch noch die Tiefen und Hhen separat einstellen.
    Was man nicht kann ist den Sub-Ausgang separat am Gert einzustellen! Das muss man dann am Aktiv-Subwoofer einstellen..

    Was die Leistung des Gertes angeht ist das voll in Ordnung. Bei berlast schaltet das Gert den linken und rechten Kanal aus, das aber nach kurzer Zeit bzw. Runterregeln der Lautstrke wieder zugeschaltet wird.
    Also mein Fazit….
    Schnelle Lieferung …
    Schnes kleines Gert…
    Sehr sauber und solide gebaut…
    Super Klang…
    Bluetooth 1A , mit der beigelegten kleinen Antenne, auch ne sehr weite Reichweite!!!!
    Sehr einfach zu bedienen…

    Wer jetzt eine Partymaschine sucht und Wunder erwartet ist hier falsch!
    Aber fr mein Entertainment-Paket ist das voll ausreichend und langt auch um die Nachbarn 2 Haustre weiter zu rgern!

  65. Anonymous says:

     United States

    My old yamaha mini receiver gave out and I was all set on finding something comparable on ebay. I’m so glad I gave this a shot first. It’s driving the same 6ohm yamaha bookshelf speakers i’ve been using for years, and they have never sounded better. Every instrument in every song I’ve listened to has been clear and realistic. I can’t quite believe how much better this sounds than my old system, AND I’m connected from my pc via bluetooth.

    Most budget tech is a litany of compromises, but this is one of the few pieces of gear I would recommend to anyone without any reservation. It’s beautiful.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Many people will enjoy this dac and many people. I will do a pro and con list:

    Built in realtek dac chip
    Handles 4 ohms
    Very low noise floor
    Good volume knob
    Customizable lcd screen
    Midrange is too bright
    Amp doesnt like to play low bass notes
    EQ has very little info on what your adjusting
    No headphone out
    No cox/opt in
    No batteries (for this kind of money?)

    Its brother the ad18 performs a bit worse but has more features, go and get that instead.

  67. Rebecca Myers says:

     United States

    If you’re looking for a high quality stereo amp for your desk, just stop looking and buy this thing. Incredible price/performance and footprint you can’t beat.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Used it for living room listening. Used s803 jamo speakers. Amazon cables. Amazon prime music from my phone. Great sound. Enough power. No problem with blutooth. Quality product. Better than inspected.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I tried pairing this amp with a couple of speakers. They drove my Klipsch satellite speakers well. I tried pairing it with an LS50, which are known for being hard to drive. That was a bad combination; it sounded muddy in the bass section compared to the Sprout100, another class D amp.

    I would recommend this amp with a fairly easy to drive speaker and a subwoofer.

  70. ShereeSinger says:


    This is a very good little thing. I have a pair of klipsch RP-150M connected to it and it works wonders. I highly recommend it if your looking for a small portable little amp.

  71. Anonymous says:


    I bought this to amplify passive speakers connected to my computer. I expected okay sound but was surprised at the sense of “presence” created particularly when using the USB interface. Very good frequency response and broad sound stage. Haven’t tried connecting a powered sub yet, but will probably upgrade my speakers to take full advantage.

  72. Anonymous says:


    Happy with the purchase. This unit runs cool, goes plenty loud for nearly all standmounters and to my ears sounds good. If you connect a subwoofer you’ll need to manually adjust volume level via sub, takes a bit of tweaking to set to taste, there is no auto set up as you have on home theater receivers, but its really not difficult. Bluetooth connection works better than the Onkyo 676 receiver I have. My wife likes the way it looks and the ease of use. I’ve hooked it to phone and via higher quality DAC (EVGA NU-Audio) and you notice the difference which suggest the amp is decent quality and keeps good level of detail. For the money i’m super happy sounds at least as good as my old sony ES series reciever did with music and I like it a lot.

  73. TyroneCorreia says:

     United States

    Perfect for my jamos speakers on my computer setup. Love the blue tooth when i want to listen to music on my phone.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersPremium sound for less than 150 US American green dollars. Pair with an external DAC and you will blow your head!!!

    Ok … now let’s be honest. To have a pristine sound you need more than a good amplifier. There are three big axes for good sound, and you don’t need to own a thousands-dollar DAC amp. You just need good speakers, well-recorded music and knowing how to play with the settings of your amplifier. There is no point in having PCM or DSD files if the musician and the sound engineer did their job wrong. HIFI is a state of mind.

    Better than my Pivetta Opera One who cost 650K

  75. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto , in uscita audio nessun rumore di fondo anche in assenza suono . Qualit musicale , non sono un audiofilo, per me molto buona anche nei dettagli bassi medi ed alti.Io ho collegato due casse kipsh da 100 w vintage, suonano benissimo.Non dimentichiamo poi il telecomando e il bluetooth , questi ultimi un valore aggiunto alla ottima flessibilit ingressi dell’ amplificatore .

  76. OliveJenyns says:

     United States

    Bought for my daughters new place. She uses her phone for most all music listening and this works perfectly. When combined with some decent speakers the sound is crystal clear.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    More than sufficient power to drive a pair of Sony SSCS5 bookshelf speakers. Volume needs vary based on the input source/audio quality. I use 50-75% volume with AptX/USB inputs from macbook or with RCA from external preamps like Schiit Magni. SBC/AAC bluetooth input from iPhones require 90% volume. I also found that Subwoofer OUT is low pass, cuts out high frequencies.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The good:

    I decided to finally keep this amplifier just because the sound quality is absolutely fantastic . Compared side by side with my Hartman full size amplifier and the AD18 from SMSL and this little guy is almost on par with the HK . AD18 has horrible THD distortion so will go back.

    The not so good:
    Bluetooth connection is ok using the iPhone but if I connect it to Google home mini the playback is garbage and this is because BT 5.0 is not backwards compatible .

  79. Maegan says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersC’est un amplificateur de classe D compacte et trs esthtique une fois que l’on voit pour de vrai.
    J’coute du Spotify avec un appareil genre chromeaudio branch l’entre Line.
    J’ai pu constat que l’entre micro usb est compatible avec les appareils sous androd notamment avec mon Fiio puis aussi sous iOS avec mon iPhone X. J’ai pas essay avec un ordinateur mais normalement c’est reconnu.
    Le son se marie bien avec les Monitor Audio Bronze 2. Un bon son avec suffisamment de grave. Je ne l’utilise pas le volume fond, a m’intresse pas. Je l’ai utilis avec les fichiers wav donc qualit CD. Le son est magnifique. Malheureusement je n’ai pas de fichier Hi-res pour tester l’entre micro USB car son Dac n’est pas mal thoriquement.
    Le packaging est est bon et la livraison bon malgr la priode de confinement.
    Pour la prise secteur, elle est adapte pour la France (fournie). Les puristes pourront upgrader avec des prises plus onreuses.
    Install dans ma cuisine c’est le top de prparer de bons petits plats en musique.
    C’est un bon rapport qualit prix et bon tout court pour ma part.

    Aussi bien qu’un grand.

  80. BerniceOrdell says:


    Le son est clair, profond & transparent.

    Il est branch sur la TV avec un sub, trs surprenant ce petit SA 300, le rsultat en Bluetooth est trs bon mais encore meilleur en USB.

    je vous le conseille !

  81. PWZBeatris says:

     United States

    Small, excellent sound quality even at higher ranges and is pushing my outdoor Yamaha 3 way speakers very nicely. On top of that BT 5.0 is spotless so fa

  82. RebeccaLDN says:

     United States

    I was looking for a garage system that I could utilize my old Subwoofer. This thing is fenomenal for its size. Bought some bookshelf speakers and my workouts get intense now with the volume and thump that I wanted.

  83. jackeylee123 says:


    Habe den SMSL SA300 fr mein Bro gekauft. Hre dort Musik per “bluetooth” bers Handy bzw. per “line in” ber meinen PC. Angeschlossen ist er an ein Paar Nubert nuBox 513 Boxen. Ich kann den Verstrker empfehlen und wrde ihn wiederkaufen.

  84. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSMSL SA300, un amplificatore classe D capace di 40W x 2 (8 Ohm) costruito su componentistica di qualit ed innovativa, come il Merus MA 12070 della tedesca Infineon.

    Non sono disponibili le specifiche complete da parte del costruttore cinese (risposta in frequenza, damping factor, ) quindi le osservazioni devono essere fatte per confronto con altri amplificatori.
    L’aspetto che colpisce sono soprattutto la dimensione ed i consumi (35W) molto contenuti, tipici della classe di prodotto.
    Messo a confronto con il mio buon vecchio Rotel RA-940BX di potenza equivalente (40W su 8 Ohm, risposta 10 — 100.000 Hz, damping factor 150, 260 W) ormai di trent’anni fa, non sfigura.

    Buona gamma dinamica, suono agile e un po’ secco, ottimo su musica rock ma non troppo ben definito quando si tratta di classica soprattutto nei pieni orchestrali dove la presentazione diventa pi ingombra e meno coerente, personalmente preferisco il suono pi equilibrato del Rotel.

    Nessuna nota di rilievo sulla potenza in uscita, riesce a pilotare perfettamente sia le Dali Zensor 1 che le JBL LX-2002 in mio possesso.

    L’ingresso Bluetooth 5.0 (Qualcomm) mantiene il segnale perfettamente stabile, buono il Line-In ed ottimo l’ingresso USB (DAC Realtek). Quest’ultimo immediatamente riconosciuto da Win 10 e non richiede altro SW.

    La sensazione che ricavo, anche osservando le immagini della scheda, di un prodotto semplice e molto ben curato ma totalmente affidato alle caratteristiche del suo componente principale (i circuiti di protezione sono quelli interni al MA 12070), e questo spiegherebbe sia la mancanza di specifiche complete sia la convenienza.
    Dal punto di vista complessivo lo ritengo un ottimo acquisto.

    innovativo e conveniente

  85. Chris Hall says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This thing rips! I have mine hooked up to some Micca rb42 speakers and couldn’t be happier. I use these in the garage without a sub because the miccas are perfect. Complainers all want things that would require a bigger system and or more components which beats the design purpose of the SA300. For the size its probably the best sounding unit you can buy.

  86. MarciaBertles says:

     United States

    Sounds good. Audio quality is nice and the sub out is a great feature. Perfect for hooking passive speakers and a sub to a computer.

  87. LenardEdgar says:


    I’m using it to drive a pair of KEF150 and so far haven’t found anything to complain about.

  88. MagaretDeaton says:

     United States

    Only have had it for less than a day, but love it!
    Sound is clear and crisp.
    Driving a pair of vintage (circa 1972) Kenwood KL-777 passive speakers.
    Hopefully, the amp will last a long, long time!

    One downside – the manual printing is so small that it is almost impossible to read!

  89. Anonymous says:


    Buon prodotto. Si accoppia facilmente con i device Bluetooth, connessione stabile. Diverse opzioni di regolazione del suono, sia equalizzatore che toni. Potenza sufficiente per una stanza non troppo grande. Il suono mi sembra buono, forse solo un po’ “chiuso”, ma potrebbe dipendere anche dai miei diffusori. Molto positivo il fatto che non emetta alcun rumore di fondo. Il telecomando permette di gestire tutte le funzioni, peccato che tramite bluetooth non interagisce col device (avanzamento traccia…). I definita un buon acquisto che consiglio

  90. BetteCheongCheo says:


    Excellent petit ampli de classe D qui sort un son pur et crystalin avec de bonnes basses et une stro parfaite !!
    J’y ai coupl les missions LX2 et c’est du pur bonheur dans le bureau 🙂

  91. LeifSpearpjk says:


    This amp is amazing. It changed my mind about Class D amplifiers….warm….detailed….lots of micro and macro dynamics….not bright or harsh…..midrange is glorious. It is very easy to use, very intuitive. The eq options are very good sounding, the SDB eq option is amazing. The direct eq setting is very pure sounding as well. This amp is a must buy, it will change your mind about Class D amplifiers. I have used it with 5 different types of speakers of all sizes and types and various impedances…even high efficiency sensitive speakers and it is dead silent and handles all these speakers passionately. Yes passionately ! My only critique would be the bass is a little mushy….not a lot. And this is me being nit picky ! I own some very nice audio equipment and the SMSL sa300 is something special.

  92. KarenTressler says:


    After viewing a YouTube video on this amazing product we decided buy it. Happy with this choice!

  93. Anonymous says:

     United States



  94. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This amp is awesome. Great sound. Low noise floor. Great power and low distortion with great clarity compared to options like Topping mX3. Powers two polk S15 speakers attached to my TV in my setup. Bluetooth sounds great. Remote is not designed for this product but works great (you could upgrade to harmony remote from Logitech).

    Things to keep in mind:

    Subwoofers on this may not stop low frequency sounds from going to your speakers. I don’t use a sub so I don’t care.

    No optical input. You could remedy this with a DAC costing between 15-100 dollars. You can plug your TV headphone out into this unit but the TV’s DAC likely won’t do it justice.

    No headphone amp. This baby is for speakers only.

  95. Jarret C. says:


    This is the best portable class D amplifier I have heard in a while.
    There is clarity in the music and it’s a very musical sounding amp.

    Good for small to mid size rooms. You could also use it in larger rooms with more efficient speakers.
    I find it has enough power to drive my not so efficient speakers, in a small room with ease.

    It also has a built in DAC to boot.
    SMSL has definite winner here, worth 5 stars.

  96. ChristineBoatma says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI’m using this to power a pair of Polk S15 bookshelf speakers in an upstairs bathroom. Sound quality is fantastic; absolutely comparable to mid-fi class AB receivers/integrated amps. The tone controls and EQ work well if that’s your thing; they don’t appear to introduce any noise or distortion and are completely unobtrusive. The Bluetooth range and connectivity is amazing; it connects right away, and hasn’t dropped yet in 2 weeks of daily usage. I can run down to the basement with my phone, and it doesn’t drop out. Didn’t think that was possible with BT. Controls and remote work well, and the display (you can change the color!) is great. Its footprint works well where space is limited; the power adapter (looks like a typical laptop power supply) is nearly as large as the amp itself. There’s really nothing to even nitpick about this thing. Highly recommended!

  97. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI am very pleased with this amp. I have used all three inputs with great results. Aux, USB DAC, & Bluetooth all sound really good. The sound is very detailed & open with lots of punch & plenty of power for my Elac UniFi & my Micca RB42 speakers, both of which need more power than most bookshelf speakers. Using lossless sound quality from Tidal & Amazon HD is very pleasing with this Kit. Highly recommended.

  98. WilfordKisch says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSuper produit, finition au top : le chssis en aluminium est bien ralis et les connecteurs sont solides. L’cran dispose d’une bonne dfinition. C’est une vrai amlioration par rapport a l’ad18 qui fait plus cheap.
    Je recommande !

  99. KennethFerres says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersQuesto SMSL SA300 viene venduto come upgrade dell’ AD18 e in effetti per quel poco che ho potuto ascoltarlo non niente male come DAC amplificatore da 80watt per canale in 4 ohm.
    Ci sono per delle note dolenti, almeno per me, che non lo rendono per nulla un upgrade:
    1. Non ha pi l’ingresso ottico, che io utilizzo normalmente per amplificare la TV;
    2. Non ha pi l’uscita cuffie, un vero peccato;
    3. Non mostra sul display a che frequenza sta lavorando il DAC come invece faceva il predecessore AD18.
    Per questi motivi do solo 4 stelle. Poi un piccolo problema che dipende dalla mia attrezzature. Se usate un android box per suonare la vostra musica via usb in entrata nel dac, se suonate qualcosa superiore ai 96khz esce fuori un rumore fastidiosissimo al posto della musica. Ma ovviamente questo dipender dal fatto che il mio android box non supporta frequenza superiori ai 96khz. Sull’AD18 invece non avevo questo problema perch forse riconoscendo che l’AD18 lavorava al massimo a 96khz faceva un downsampling suonando correttamente il file. Insomma, sar per il prossimo modello: almeno per me.

  100. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersProduit reu dfectueux. Claquement violent dans les enceinte et musique dcoup. Retour et attente du mme modle qui fonctionne pour faire un commentaire sur l’coute. C’est mon 3eme smsl, j’adore le A18 que j’utilise sur les enceintes colonnes Triangle Altea SW rpute difficile. J’adore le smsl A50 que je conseille de coupler a un qualiseur et que j’utilisais sur des jmlab Mgane carat. Que j’utilise actuellement sur des Focal sib pour le son d’une TV annexe, j’ai un son fabuleux, puissance, prcision, clart avec un niveau plus que raisonnable des basses. Attente de tester le sa300 qui semble meilleur que le A18
    Le 2eme fut le bon.
    Je le trouve le Sa300 (TYPE D) plus agrable que le smsl A18 qui est un FDA.
    J’ai fini par ajouter en amont des sources un dac 10th sanskrit que je recommande galement. Du coup j’exploite le dac smsl comme preampli pour 3 sources : ordi en USB (oubliez pas le driver XMOS), coax pour mon lecteur multimdia Yamaha et toslink pour la TV. Le dac diffuse sur le sa300 en RCA. Je trouve le son lgrement moins defini/”agressif” que le A18 et plus agrable /mlodieux pour du jazz et du classique ou les enregistrements ne sont pas tous exemplaires. Cela me donne envie avec le temps passer un ampli de puissance de type D avec un meilleur DAC ou lecteur multimedia/dac comme le dp5 de smsl.