Bought them for my grandson on his mountain bike, they have already saved his hands from injury and at a great price. Good strong stitching and gel protectors strategically located
Bargain buy solid produc
I bought these for my partner and he fell off his bike and the gloves only have a few marks on them, who knows what would have happened if he wasn’t wearing them
Got these for getting back on to motorcycles and doing my cbt ,with air vents they don’t make your hands sweat as much as other gloves do and with the added hard plastic over the fingers and back of hand adds the extra protection should you fall off (thankfully I didn’t).
They are great for the money. They hurt a tad when holding on but thats not a complaint just they are very hard. Which is good. I am glad i have them for the protection.
Bought them for my grandson on his mountain bike, they have already saved his hands from injury and at a great price. Good strong stitching and gel protectors strategically located
Bargain buy solid produc
excellent product and good warm and very protective and comfortable to wear.
I bought these for my partner and he fell off his bike and the gloves only have a few marks on them, who knows what would have happened if he wasn’t wearing them
Iv been use if for around 2 months and the don’t smell so that means 5 stars I would recommend:D
Fit well and can add thin cycling gloves underneath for extra warmth
Really comfy gloves and the grip is great. You can also use your phone with these on !
Got these for getting back on to motorcycles and doing my cbt ,with air vents they don’t make your hands sweat as much as other gloves do and with the added hard plastic over the fingers and back of hand adds the extra protection should you fall off (thankfully I didn’t).
They are great for the money. They hurt a tad when holding on but thats not a complaint just they are very hard. Which is good. I am glad i have them for the protection.