shinfly Cable Tidy Sleeve, 3m Cable Management Sleeve Wire Tidy with 40pcs Zip Ties, 40 Adhesive Cable Clips, Flame-retardant Cable Sleeve Wire Protector for TV PC – Black (∅0.63″)

cable tidycable sleevecable management

Weight: 140 g
Size: 3m
Dimensions: 21.9 x 20.1 x 5.8 cm; 140 Grams
Colour: Black,3M
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: shinfly
Colour: Black,3M
Size: 3m

157 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Lo haba pedido para organizar los cables que estn por detrs de la mesa del dormitorio de mi hijo, ya que aglutina diferentes equipos informticos y electrnicos y sinceramente era un caos para la vista y tambin a la hora de hacer limpieza.

    Adems del tubo flexible para introducir los cables (3 metros de largo), el set incluye 40 bridas y 40 soportes para que las usemos en aquellos zonas donde no vayamos a introducir los cables en el interior del tubo.

    El resultado resulta ser una zona de trabajo mucho ms limpia, despejada y ordenada, lo cual se agradece, mxime cuando llega la hora de la limpieza.

  2. Joe Holding says:


    Voici un lot de 5 mtres de gaine cache cbles avec 40 attaches adhsifs.

    Cette gaine est d’un colorie blanc idal lorsque vous avez un mur blanc ou divers fonds blancs.

    Je l’ai test pour cacher mes cbles derrire ma tl et le rsultat est concluant.

    Ce que j’ai moins aim c’est qu’il n’y a pas de notice avec et j’ai dcouvert que lorsque vous coupez cette gaine, les mailles se disloques et pour viter cela j’ai fondu les bouts coups avec un briquet. Je ne me souvenais plus mais seule la description sur Amazon en fait mention mais lorsque vous recevez le produit le mieux reste une notice papier. Pour cela j’enlve une toile car je pense que je ne serai pas le seul me faire avoir.

    J’ai aussi essay de mettre les attaches mais l’adhsif ne supporte pas de grosses tensions donc j’ai finalement abandonn l’ide, cela sera bien si vous avez un surplus de cble.

    Je recommande cette gaine mais pensez bien fondre les bouts coups.

    Très bien pour cacher des câbles sur fond blanc.

  3. RevaQRTwpjot says:


    Le cordon est en nylon blanc, plutt esthtique, et ignifuge pour scuriser en cas de surchauffe. A couper la longueur dsire- fourni en 3m avec 40 attaches autocollantes. Je recommande

    Shinfly Kit de Gestion de câbles

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This cable sleeve kit has really tidied up the mess of cables behind my gaming monitor.
    Simply gather your cable together and wrap around the sleeve.
    The kit also comes with cable ties and clips with sticky pads on to clip the cable sleeve along a surface and keep tidy. This is a great addition but we have noticed the pads coming unstuck a couple of times.
    Easily fit 4 thick power/hdmi cables through the sleeve and there is room for more.

    Simple but effective

  5. CathrynBrunner says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der Kabelkanal unterscheidet sich in Verpackung und im Produkt selbst absolut nicht von unseren sonstigen Kabelkanlen. Vielleicht alles Einheitsbrei, wer wei.

    Erfllt seine Aufgabe und hlt die Kabel gut zusammen. Schnell eingelegt, mitten im Kanal kann ein einzelnes Kabel auch nach auen gelegt werden und natrlich lsst er sich auch krzen oder zu mehreren kombinieren.

    Wir haben kleine 30cm Stcke gebraucht um Kabel zu sortieren (viele kleine Lan Kabel die verschiedene Gerte fr unser Hausnetz versorgen). Geht gut und sieht jetzt schn sauber aus.

  6. Anonymous says:


    longueur idale (3m) qu’on peut adapter, se camouflent trs bien sur mur blanc, permet de rassembler plusieurs cbles ensemble pour les protger et les ccher grce toutes les attaches fournies.
    Une fois fondu pour l’adapter avec un briquet c’est nickel aprs et passe-partout! il m’en faudra plus pour le reste des cbles des autres tls de la maison 🙂

  7. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Produit reu conforme et dans les dlais annoncs.

    Cette gaine souple permettra de passer plusieurs cbles de moyenne section sans aucun soucis.
    La mise en place des cbles est facile et ils tiennent bien en place ensuite.
    A noter que cette gaine est livre avec des serre clips et des pastilles autocollantes permettant de fixer la gaine en cas de besoin.

    Excellent kit !

    Excellent ki

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Under my brother’s desk was such a mess with all unsighy wires, it was more then what you call “Spaghetti junction”, but these sorted the mess out in no time. They look really nice with all the wires hidden away. They are strong so can hold many wires. I did have my handyman install them for me as I decided to have them scrolled down, but the attachments they come with are equally fine to use to attach. Want to sort out all your messy wires and have them hidden then this is the product for you. So worth the money, great value. Very pleased and happy with this buy. Would recommend in a heartbea

  9. DanaePZAzhminbu says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wieder mal meine Lieblingsrubrik Thule Taime:
    Hier und heute Kabelkanal mal anders
    Ich habe solch einen Kabelkanal ja schon einmal in Schwarz getestet, da diesbezglich Farben mal auf eine Sache nicht so gut wirken knnen ist klar, jedoch betrifft das diesen Selbsteinrollenden Kabelschlauch nicht, bis zu 5 USB Festplattenkabel kann ich in diesem Schlauch locker unterbringen, und bei glatten Schnitt was das Ablngen anbelangt, ist es nicht unbedingt erforderlich, dass die Enden mit einem Feuerzeug oder einer Ltpistole angeschmolzen werden, diese halten auch so, allerdings kommt es auch ein wenig darauf an ob dieser Mantel mechanisch bewegt wird, dann kann das mit der Eindung doch mal Sinn machen
    Was jedoch das beste an diesem Schlauch ist, es sind wirklich 3 Meter, das heit, Andere verkaufen zwar auch 3 Meter, die jedoch als 1,50 Meter Stcke
    Also daran denken wer es doch mal Lnger braucht, hier seid ihr richtig!
    Von mir 5 Sterneuuund eine Kaufempfehlung, ist doch klar bei 12,- Euro und so viel Drumherum(Stand 0404,2022)

  10. Sarah Mitroff says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Dieses Design lsst sich viel einfacher um Kabel wickeln als die Art, die mit Klettverschluss befestigt werden muss, und es funktioniert wirklich gut, um alles sauber und ordentlich zu halten.

  11. Drake Hawkins says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Para pasar los cables y quede de forma mas ordenada hace su funcion bastante bien, le entran bastantes cables ya que se puede estirar conforme vas colocando los cables en su interior, por el precio vale la pena, el antes y el despues de ponerlo se nota muchisimo

  12. peggy090 says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Buen sistema para organizar todos los cables de un escritorio, de los cables que tenemos detrs de la TV… Como podeis ver en el video el sistema es muy sencillo, de los 3 metros que viene de tubo, cortamos con una tijera lo que nos interesa y solo hay que introducir lateralmente el cable.

    No hay que introducir el conector, ya que no es un tubo, sino una superficie plana enrollada, con lo que solo tenemos que desenrollar ligeramente el tubo y meter el cable. Lo mejor es ver el video.

    Viene con bridas y bases adhesivas para pegar el tubo en las paredes, muy sencillo y prctico. Por unos 10 no se puede pedir nada ms. 100% recomendable.

    Espero que esta resea te haya sido UTIL .

    Muy práctico y útil para ordenada cables

  13. Anonymous says:


    Pour raccorder un PC, il vaut mieux viser le 22m de diamtre : Entre le rseau, la vido, et rseau et les usb, d’exprience, c’est ce qu’il faut.

    L on est sur quelque chose de plus simple, un peu moins rigide, qui convient parfaitement l’audio / vido. La couleur blanche est passe-partout (en tout cas pour mes murs).

    Je n’ai pas encore utilis les serre cbles, qui peuvent s’avrer utile pour plaquer quelques cbles le long d’un meuble par exemple

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A great item to keep all your wires tidy and safe. Its very easy to use and makes wires look a lot more neat and tidy, great for all the wires coming from a tv, mine look horrid now its all wrapped up and looks very neat. Well pleased with this item and a great price too.

  15. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    En este caso tenemos 3 metros de malla para organizar cables, la malla viene con bridas y fijaciones con adhesivo incluido para fijarlas a paredes o superficies preferiblemente planas.

    La malla es bastante fcil de abrir, en su interior caben multitud de cables siendo que da de s al abrir, al ser retrctil en s misma, cualquier cantidad de cables que metamos dentro los coger y los mantendr compactos entre ellos.

    Para mantener los cables bien en su sitio, lo ideal es usar las bridas para fijar el conjunto, adems podemos fijar las bridas sobre superficies planas gracias a los ganchos con autoadhesivo que trae consigo. En caso de necesitar partes ms cortas, la manguera principal se corta con unas tijeras sin mayor esfuerzo.

    Un buen sistema para tener un poco ms organizado el cableado en el escritorio, sin duda el aspecto general gana muchos enteros al dedicarle un poco de tiempo y mimo con estos sistemas.

    Buena sección y viene con las fijaciones y bridas más que de sobra

  16. Anonymous says:


    Il vantaggio rispetto ad altre calze nascondi cavi simile che per installare questa non serve staccare tutti i cavi ed infilarli all’interno della calza… perch aperta e si pu benissimo installare attorno ai cavi gi posati. Un gran vantaggio e, per anticipare la vostra prossima domanda: s, stringe bene e non si apre da sola.
    Quindi direi la soluzione ottimale. A completare la dotazione, un set di fascette e gancetti adesivi per fissare la calza su un piano.
    La calza lunga 3 metri, si pu tagliare senza aver troppi sfilacci (altro pregio)… per queste caratteristiche fan si che al prezzo proposto (10) non sia forse tra le soluzioni pi economiche.
    Non posso per non consigliarla. 5 stelle per il prodotto… tolgo una solo per il prezzo.

    Ottimo, ma un po' caro

  17. Lilia8347cdqjya says:


    Todo muy bien, solo no olvidar rematar o sellar los extremos cortados porque tiran alambritos finos metlicos, (mala cosa) pero sellndolos bien es un enfundado de gran calidad.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Cable sleeve so far is one of the most effective tools for organizing cables. I have been looking white one because the colour goes better with the deco than black ones. Shinfly cable sleeve is thick and strong. You can cut it to any lengths. Do remember to seal the cut with a flame to prevent it from fraying. It has a strong self-tightening power to secure the cables together without falling out.

  19. Sherrill7900 says:

     United Kingdom

    easy to cut, cover lots more cables than i expected them to and were really easy to use. Will be buying some more for my other Devices highly recommend.

  20. BridgetChism says:


    livraison rapide comme toujours avec Amazon prime

    kit complet pour cacher les cbles qui ne fait pas trs beau dans une pices

    serra parfait pour ma salle de cinma

    je vous le recommande forteme

    ès comple

  21. DarioGrhrbremrh says:


    Di per se questo raccoglicavi non male.

    Il produttore ha pensato di fare un set con anche le fascette e i fermacavi adesivi (le fasciette passano nel fermacavo e i cavi nella fascetta) e boh… non per nulla pratico o bello ma il set completo

    Avrei scelto di raddoppiare volentieri la lunghezza del ‘tubo’ e rinunciare agli adesivi e alle fascette.

    Prezzo: considerando che il prodotto principale il ‘tubo’ ed relativamente corto, ne server almeno il doppio per una scrivania media, direi che costa troppo per i metri forniti

  22. MyrtleQ50o says:


    Um den Kabelsalat im Schlafzimmer in den Griff zu bekommen, wollten wir gerne einmal diesen Kabelkanal ausprobieren. Hinter dem kleinen Fernseher, der auch noch recht frei im Raum steht, nahm das Chaos einfach berhand.

    Geliefert werden hier gleich 3 m am Stck, die sich sehr gut auf die bentigte Lnge zuschneiden lassen. Mitgeliefert werden auerdem auch noch gleich 40 Kabelbinder und 40 selbstklebende Kabelhalter, die wir allerdings nur zum testen ausprobiert haben (halten super), und ansonsten nicht bentigen.

    Der Kabelschlauch besteht aus einem sauber verarbeiteten Gewebe, das haltbar wirkt; ich gehe davon aus, dass es sich um eine einmalige Anschaffung handelt.

    Zum einlegen der Kabel lsst sich der Schlauch aufklappen, und ist nicht allzu starr und strrisch, so dass er sich auch so gut platzieren und verlegen lsst.

    Der Preis ist wirklich fair.

    Von uns gibt es fnf Sterne!

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    To be honest I have used this type of product before but it’s always been in the black colour. In my office and other places the black sleeving is appropriate. However, in our lounge I decided that a white cable sleeving would look neater and more in-keeping with the decor of the room.

    You get 3 meters of the cable sleeve which should be enough for most projects, probably for a couple of areas actually. I will only need about 4 feet so will have plenty of sleeving left for other areas of the room too.

    With the product you get a bag generously full of cable ties (in white!) and self-adhesive cable clips that are also white. This is a useful addition and added value for the product.

    The sleeving material is very good as it can accommodate a fairly big bunch of cabling and still manages to wrap firmly around them. In my photos you can see four quite thick mains cables all enclosed by the white SHINFLY cable sleeve. It looks so so much better than the straggly four cables that look rather untidy.

    I am very pleased with this product and I think that for under 10 it’s great value for money.

    Really effective cable management. Will tidy up that cabling spaghetti for you...

  24. Alexandra Able says:

     United Kingdom

    No more spaghetti junction behind my TV and no more ugly wires that can’t be hidden behind furniture

  25. TanyaVelajahm says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Set bestehend aus Kabelschlauch, Kabelbinder und Kabelclips kommt gut und sicher verpackt an. Es eignet sich hervorragend fr den Kabelsalat der beim Schreibtisch nach unten ragt.

    Die Verarbeitung finde ich gut, da ich bislang schon einiges hatte wo die Oberflchen nicht schn verarbeitet waren, das ist hier nicht der Fall. Die Clips sind auch gut und ich finde den Preis ok dafr.

  26. Sunny says:

     United Kingdom

    Choose your cable tidy colour wisely, as these will clash with a dark background, but otherwise they are a handy dandy thing to have. Everything you need is in the package, including velcro to tidy the tidy, as it were. The only drawback- in this day and age something like this requires a bit of patience. I waited for my partner to visit his mother before I took half an hour to tuck some internet and phone wires away.

    Cables ties used to be quite expensive and a long trek around town to boot. Now they are yours at the touch of a button for a tenner. What’s not to like?

  27. Anonymous says:


    Idal pour ne plus avoir des cbles qui tranent partout.
    Trs simple utiliser.
    On a 3 mtres de gaine ce qui est parfait pour mon usage.
    Pratique les clips de cbles adhsifs et les attaches zipps pour maintenir le tout proprement.

  28. Anonymous says:


    Ce cble que j’ai reu en essai/test est tellement bien que je vais en acheter pour quiper mon bureau. Il est trs facile mettre, trs souple, les cbles tiennent trs bien. Facile couper et sans morceaux qui s’effilochent.
    Seul regret : existe-t-il en noir ?

  29. Anonymous says:


    Mine de rien dans une maison a en fait des cbles, j’avais dj commenc avec un autre kit faire le gros du travail. Il me restait certains cbles organiser. La gaine de 3 m et trs pratique, on peut regrouper pas mal de cble et la couper selon nos besoins. J’aurais prfr que la gaine soit noir ainsi que les clips et les serres cbles. Je trouve la couleur noire plus discrte. Mais je saurai quand mme faire usage de cet ensemble blanc pour certaines zones de ma maison. J’aurais aussi prfre avoir plus long de gaine et un peu moins de clips et de serre-cble. Aprs tout dpend de l’utilisation de chacun et de vos installations lectriques. La prfrence de couleur ou le besoin en quantit est trs variable d’un utilisateur l’autre. Par contre je peux vous assurer que c’est efficace si vous avez un chaton vorace qui s’intresse aux cbles. C’est cause de mon chaton que je me suis mise organiser les cbles de ma maison. Pour sa scurit et pour la survie de mes cbles. Cette matire m’intresse pas les chatons, ce qu’il aime c’est les petits cbles qui tranent droite gauche et qui sont en caoutchouc. Le fait de les regrouper dans une gaine et le fait que rien ne pendouille rgle le problme. De plus c’est plus jolie dans une maison d’avoir une bonne gestion de ces cbles. Par contre c’est vraiment un projet qui se fait petit petit car mine de rien c’est du boulot de reprer les zones ou un amnagement est ncessaire et d’organiser tout cela. Raconte une fois que c’est fait on est tranquille.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This kit comprises a very springy three metre rolled tube of woven nylon material, plus a number of self-adhesive cable-tie mounts. The tube can be cut to length as needed. The makers advise sealing the cut ends with a flame to prevent fraying. I used the whole length uncut in my car to enclose some thick radio wires. The cables are fed into the tube through the open edge, and it wraps around them securely, with some help from a finger, producing a single cable with some space inside to give additional protection. It’s easier to route the cables out of harm’s way inside the sleeve. Shorter cables can be led out at any point as required. The sleeve is flexible enough to squeeze through tight spaces and to accommodate bends.

    Easy-to-use cable protectio

  31. AnthonyAshbolt says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Mon chaton n’arrtait pas de jouer dans les cables de mon ordinateur. J’ai donc test avec plaisir ce dispositif. Depuis, il n’y a plus touch ! Cette grosse gaine a beaucoup moins d’intrt pour lui que tous les fils libres. Je recommande. C’est facile installer.

  32. TanyaVelajahm says:


    A vedere le dimensioni mi sembrava che non fa troppo al caso mio perch i cavi sono davvero tanti ma visto l’occasione di poterlo provare alla fine l’ho ordinato.
    Il cavo confezionato in una semplice busta trasparente e richiudibile con zip a pressione cos i componenti restanti si possono conservare in futuro senza perderli negli armadi o nei cassetti.
    La confezione contiene:
    1 cavo lungo 3 m
    40 fascette bloccanti
    40 clip adesivi

    Anche se fatto con la retina con materiale plasticoso contenente i Ritardanti di fiamma in grado di intervenire durante il processo di combustione che inizia con ilriscaldamento, passa alla decomposizione e all’innesco, io non l’ho posizionato troppo vicino alle prese lo stesso.
    Il materiale contenente i Ritardanti di fiamma dovrebbe essere in grado di interrompere il processo di combustione iniziale.
    Dunque nel caso dovesse capitare questo inconveniente la combustione verso il raccoglitore non dovrebbe estendersi a patto che non sia propagato gi un incendio perch la temperatura massima segnata di 150C ma quello solo sulla pagina.
    Come c’ scritto il cavo pu raggiungere un anche di 2 cm, temevo che non riesco a mettere dentro tutti i cavi che avevo da sistemare invece ci sono riuscita, in pi lungo il percorso se c’ lo spazio all’interno del raccoglitore si riesce ad aggiungere anche gli altri cavi o cavetti.
    Il mio ad un certo punto rimasto aperto perch l’ho fatto troppo pieno verso la fine ma i cavi all’interno gli regge lo stesso, ogni tanto lo controllo se non scaldano ma non raccogliendoli vicino alla presa penso che questo nel mio caso non dovrebbe essere un problema.
    Sicuramente se lo prendete le mogli vi ringrazieranno perch da qua in poi ripulire un mobile o anche lo spazio per terra dietro e sotto diventa una passeggiata, tutto un’ altra cosa anche perch durante le pulizie bisogna sempre stare attenti di non interrompere qualche connessione spostando i cavi e i fili, dunque c’ un doppio guadagno sistemare i cavi con questo metodo, meno fatica a pulire e senza incidenti di percorso ( disconnessioni accidentali ).
    Il raccoglitore si pu facilmente accorciare,
    Sulla confezione applicata un’etichetta con l’indirizzo del produttore che cinese ma non c’ niente di pi preciso sul materiale dunque se costruito o no con gli elementi ritardanti di fiamma veramente non si pu sapere.


  33. LanceDugas says:


    Un portacavi molto particolare, a casa dentro una busta arriva un tubo raccogli cavi flessibile in tessuto che si avvolge cio tu lo apri, ci mettendo il cavo e lui da solo si chiude molto comodo per nascondere i cavi della scrivania perch non non la classica a spirale che brutta a vedersi ed inoltre scomoda da utilizzare questo no questo basta inserire il cavo dentro e farlo uscire quando meglio si crede abbastanza elastico in modo tale che si richiude sempre

    portacavi completo

  34. CharleyGFJC says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der Kabelschlauch kam mit 40 Kabelbinder und 40 selbstklebende Kabelclips gut verpackt an.

    Es verstaut/versteckt gut die Kabeln und das Material ist fest verarbeitet.

    Die Farbe Weiss kann ich im Nachhinein bedingt und aufgrund dem Staub/Schmutzempfindlichkeit nicht empfehlen und wrde das nchste mal die Farbe Schwarz zurck greifen.

    Kabelschlauch* Farbe Weiß Staub/Schmutzempfindlich*

  35. SondraPrimrose says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Se cache cble est top car plus de fil qui trane la tout est ds le cache donc beaucoup plus propre je recommande ce produit Qualit prix impeccable

  36. NilaGorecki says:


    Ces chaussettes range cble sont tout simplement exceptionnel ! Je m’en sers pour ranger la quasi-totalit de mes cables, qui comme beaucoup prend normment de place derrire nos meubles! Dommage qu’ils n’existent pas en noir.
    Personnellement j’ajoute des petites tiquettes sur les cables pour mieux les reprer.

  37. Anonymous says:


    Que ce sois pour un bureau, une tv ou n’importe qu’elle autre endroit avec des cbles cacher c’est le top !

    Facile mettre en place, a se dcoupe mais attention car a peut tomber en pice l’endroit dcoup (astuce je brule un peu le bout coup avec un briquet pour ressouder les bout)

    Le rendu est vraiment beaucoup plus propre que des cables qui traine


  38. Carrie Marshall says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Anteriormente usaba un organizador de cables que era una espiral que deba de ir enrollando alrededor de los cables y aunque no quedaba mal era un proceso bastante tedioso. En este caso es un tubo de malla de nailon que va abierto en un lateral y en el que entra un gran numero de cables y al terminar queda perfectamente cerrado. yo he metido 3 cables HDMI, el cable de antena e incluso un alargador USB doblado por la mitad porque es muy largo y aun entraran mas cables.
    Viene en una bolsa zip y son 3 metros de largo (lo que da para mucho) tambin trae unas pequeas llammosle perchas y unas presillas. Estas ultimas se pasan por una ranura de las perchas y a su vez se atan alrededor del organizador, despus cmo son adhesivas se van pegando a la pared. El resultado es un nico tubo bien fijado a la pared y dirigido segn nos convenga. En mi caso queda detrs de una estantera, por lo que es invisible.
    Me a gustado mucho el sistema, por lo que en adelante optare por el para organizar mis cables.

    Un gran invento

  39. Nicole Edsall says:


    Kit gestion câbles

  40. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Tubo recoge cables de 3 metros de largo junto con un 40 bridas y 40 sujecciones adhesivas para poder enganchar las bridas. Falta la gua para meter los cables ms facilmente, que se menciona en la descripcin, pero no se incluye, aunque no lo esperaba porque tampoco aparece en las fotos.

    El dimetro interior es de 1.5 cm aproximadamente, pero como se puede abrir al final da algo ms de 2 cm. Tiene a cerrarse slo al mnimo dimetro, por lo que los cables quedan “atrapados” y no se salen.

    El tubo se puede cortar fcilmente a la longitud deseada, y recomiendo darle una pasada con un mechero en el extremo cortado, para evitar posibles deshilachados.

    Perfecto para ordenar el cableado de PCs o en el mueble de la TV. Est bien que haya versin en blanco y negro, as puedes disimularlo ms segn el color de tu mueble.

    Calidad correcta, y no est mal de precio.

    Ideal para mantener el cableado ordenado

  41. Sahar Nazir says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Cache cable tres robuste qui se recoupe si besoin. Le diametest assez grand et permet de mettre jusqu’ 5 cables.
    L’ensemble est bien fait c’est livr avec les accroches mural ( collant) et les circlipses.

    Cache cable

  42. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Produit : Kit de gestion des cbles de 3 m

    Utilisation : Je finis toujours par avoir un amas de fils qui se mlange que a soit par terre sous et sur le bureau ! Avec ce kit, fini les cbles qui tranent partout, tous les fils tiennent bien parfaitement dans le cache cble.

    Les plus :
    – 40 clips autocollants en plastique, personnellement, je les ai colls sous mon bureau comme cela, on ne voit rien.
    – Possibilit de couper le cache cble pour en faire du sur-mesure

    Livraison : Le kit est livr rapidement dans une pochette en plastique avec un zip.

    Kit de gestion des câbles sur mesure

  43. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Viene presentado junto a un montn de bridas y soportes adhesivos para estas, que permiten colocar el organizador en el trazado que ms nos interese. Es una forma muy sencilla para ocultar los los de cables que suele haber bajo los escritorios de los ordenadores o detrs del televisor. Se puede cortar fcilmente a la longitud deseada. Es muy fcil de usar ya que solo hay que ir abriendo el manguito con un par de dedos e ir colocando los cables en l, donde quedan abrazados. Entran un montn de cables y el resultado final es mucho ms esttico y ordenado, ya que solo vemos el manguito y no un montn de cables.

    Cumple su función.

  44. Alice Williams says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Buen kit con todo lo que necesitas para organizar los cables de tu escritorio. Incluye clips para fijar los cables al tablero de la mesa o las patas, bridas para juntar los cables y un cubrecables de 3 metros para introducir los cables y que se noten menos, que se puede cortar fcilmente en trozos de la longitud que desees.

    Todos los elementos tienen una calidad aceptable, y los adhesivos de los clips son suficientes para sujertar un cable. Por el precio que tiene, no esperaba ms ni menos.

    Si eres un manitico del orden de los cables, te lo recomiendo.

    Pack para organizar cables con todo lo que necesitas

  45. LisetteM74 says:


    Un kit de gestion de cbles bien quip et modulable.
    A couper au ciseau et non au couteau, les adhsifs vont bien, les colliers sont lgrement un peu trop court 12cm, 15cm aurait t plus facile.

    10.99 a va.
    Un rapport qualit correct.

    utile pour ranger un peu tout les câbles

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Used the product for cables on my desk. Its turned a web of different colored cables into one nice clean bundle. Easy to get cables out if I want to change the configuration. The sticky pads stuck to the wall fine. The mesh fabric feels strong yet is elastic so will accommodate quite a few cables or shrink down as needed. Fabric was easy to cut with scissors. Would recommend, not sure on price, seems expensive for what is included but then again everything is there so no need to buy anything else.

    Easy to use. Did the job

  47. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    La longueur du cble fait 3 m
    D’un diamtre de 16 mm
    Fourni avec 40 attaches et 40 clips adhsifs
    Un dispositif idal pour ranger les cbles informatiques, audio, ou vido.
    J’apprcie ce cble, il est assez rigide tout en gardant une bonne flexibilit.
    Je vais l’utiliser sur mon bureau informatique.
    Pour ranger tous ses fils et les protger des morsures de mon chaton.
    Pratique, esthtique et gage de scurit pour les animaux domestiques.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Der Kabelsalat hat Dank des Shinfly Kabelschlauch ein Ende
    Der 40 m lange Schlach lsst sich durch seine seitliche ffnung wunderbar um die Kabel legen
    es sieht optisch gut aus
    endlich herrscht Ordnung
    perfekt auf die gewnschten Gre zu schneidbar
    einfache Handhabung

  49. Anonymous says:


    Quand on a des murs blancs, les cbles noir cela attire l’oeil et c’est moche.
    Cette gaine cache cble est un produit qui bien que trs simple en apparence, est un produit rflchi et abouti.
    D’une mise en oeuvre enfantine, sauf pour les ciseaux et le briquet 🙂 vous ferez quasiment disparatre vos cble disgracieux en quelques minutes.
    Vous mesurez, vous coupez, vous fondez, vous placez la gaine autour des cbles et c’est termin !
    Avec 3 mtres, il y a de quoi faire, et le produit semble vraiment trs durable, donc un rapport qualit prix correct pour le gain visuel obtenu.
    De plus on 40 attaches cble et clips adhsifs pour une pose murale.
    A 10.99 on a un bon rapport qualit prix.

    Merci de m’avoir lu, si mon commentaire, mes photos vous ont t utile, un petit clic est toujours apprciable pour moi

    Avec cette gaine vos câbles deviennent quasiment invisibles. Un très bon produi

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect and easy to use, no complain. Like others if you hate clutter and want to cable manage, more so working from home, work a treat. Can cut as needed and still provides flexibility vs rigid trunking.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am using this cable tidy at the back of my TV because there’s always a mass of unsightly wires there. This cable cover wraps around the different cables without you having to secure them individually and you can also remove them easily as the cover is like a big ‘C’ shape and made of flexible plastic. It’s quite long so I have cut it into two sections for the TV and the sound system, now everything looks much tidier and easier to dust.

    Handy and tidy

  52. Caleb Denison says:

     United Kingdom

    The problem with those rigid plastic cable tidies is that you have to actually get the cabling in which can be a pain if it’s a longer length

    This softer kind of cable sleeve is a cinch to use as it’s simply opening up the length of it and placing the cables inside then using the clips to keep it attached to the surface you want

    This isn’t as unobtrusive as trunking but it sure is a lot easier

    Plus coming in white means it stands out less against the skirting boards

  53. Benjamin Abbott says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a practical management kit that helps you to sort, separate, contain and conceal multiple wires together in one streamlined structure so it’s nice and neat. You also get wire ties for holding cables together or for bunching/wrapping excess wire which is handy all around the home, making a pack like this very useful to have at hand.

    I found the white cable sleeve cover to be especially good as a) it’s got a good width meaning the sleeve is big enough to wrap around many wires (how many will depend on the thickness of your wires), b) it’s white so it blends better with my white decor and just looks like one big rope now as opposed to zillions of unruly black wires and c) it’s a 3 metre continuous sleeve which I can cut as required (I used this to replace previous sleeves which arrived pre-cut so I had lots of unsightly joins).

    All the plastic pieces look durable and the cable ties you get are strong. I think it’s a good value kit considering the simple streamlining solution and neater visual it provides.

    N o t e . The cable sleeve has a bright, cool white tone to it which I found stands out against my soft white/natural ivory decor. I still prefer it to the black sleeve and the exposed wires I had before, but just something to bear in mind if you’re looking for a creamier white that truly blends into a natural warm white colour scheme.

    CONCEAL and organise those unruly wires...

  54. KristinSteil says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Gaine blanche en plastique thermoform de 3 mtres de longueur. Elle est fournie avec des plots autocollants et des tirants de serrage. Ces derniers serviront par exemple dissimuler la gaine sous une table ou la fixer sur une plinthe.

    La pose constitue un petit exercice d’assouplissement digital.

    Réutilisable à l'infini

  55. Amy J says:


    Ce kit est gnial, compos d’ 1 rouleau de manchon de cble blanc de 3 m, 40 attaches de cble adhsives.
    Diamtre de 16 mm, peut contenir jusqu’ 6 8 fils.
    Se coupe trs facilement.
    Supporte des tempratures de -50 ~ + 150 .
    Protge les fils de la surchauffe.
    Facile installer.
    Les fils qont mieux ordonns et la maison mieux range.

    Des câbles bien cachés une maison plus ordonnée

  56. Anonymous says:


    Cache cbles de 3 m, livr avec 40 petits crochets ferms autocollants en plastique, ainsi que 40 attaches insrer dans les crochets et pour cercler le cache cble, le tout de couleur blanche ce qui passe plus inaperu sur mon mur blanc!
    Ralis en un maillage en nylon trs souple et extensible, le tube, enroul sur lui mme, s’ouvre pour y insrer les fils. Cela permet d’en maintenir plusieurs ensembles, c’est esthtique et surtout, empche un de nos chats de mchouiller les cbles lectriques.
    Non seulement j’en ai marre de rparer ses btises mais surtout c’est scurisant pour lui car je crains tout de mme qu’il s’lectrocute!
    La longueur me convient parfaitement mais il est possible de recouper et de bruler lgrement l’extrmit avec un briquet pour viter que la maille ne file comme pour les cordes de montagne ou les lacets!
    Rsultat: c’est esthtique et scurisant.

  57. Anonymous says:


    J’avais pris ce kit pour ranger les cbles dans le bureau. A l’arrive en plus du bureau j’ai aussi rang les cble du salon en particulier ceux de la tlvision.
    Le cble de 3 mtre est souple et facile couper la dimension voulue. Ne pas oublier de bruler les bouts pour viter que cela ne s’effiloche.
    Autre point important les fibres constituant le cble sont ignifuges ce qui est rassurant.
    Les clips et les colliers de serrage sont de bon complment pour faire une installation propre et scurise. J’apprcie beaucoup ce matriel que je ne connaissait pas.

  58. StepanieClick says:

     United Kingdom

    This cable management sleeve was great! It comes with 3M of a white fabric like cable sleeve that has plenty of space to fit a load of cables inside. There’s also an included 40pcs of cable ties and cable clips which you can use for routing cables as the backs of the cable clips have a sticky pad for permanently sticking to the wall. Honestly the quality of the cable sleeve was excellent. Normally, I’d use cable boxes to hide plug inside and then route wires here there, however, given the space I was working with, I didn’t have the luxury to do that so I had to resort to this. It helped me easily cable manage sets of cables all heading to one direction and help separate them from others. E.g. the cables for my PS4 power, as well as the HDR box I use for PSVR. It’s really tidied up the space and makes finding set cables easier. Has definitely improved my cable layout where I used it.

    Super useful for cable manageme

  59. Marijean L. says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Unsere Kabel an der Wand, an unserem Fernseher, der hngt, ist fast unsichtbar. Gute Verarbeitung. Klare Empfehlung.

  60. MamieHeredia says:


    He adquirido este organizador para cables fabricado en China por la marca Shinfly, concretamente en la versin “Color: Blanco”. Se trata de un producto presente en el catlogo de amazon desde febrero 2022 y muestra un precio en el momento de hacer la resea de 9,99, el cual ha sido tenido en cuenta a la hora de realizar la valoracin final.

    Contenido paquete. El producto llega enrollado dentro de una bolsa plstica con cierre zip, bien protegido. A la hora de desembalarlo nos encontramos con:
    1 funda para cables con una longitud de 3 metros.
    40 bridas de color blanco con una longitud de 12 cm.
    40 soportes de bridas autoadhesivos, tambin de color blanco , con forma cuadrada y en un tamao de 18x18mm.

    Se trata de un mtodo que particularmente es de los que ms me convence a la hora de tener todos los cables ordenados y organizados (junto con el sistema de cremallera). Hace bastantes aos empec usando los de tipo “tubo flexible” y tambin los de “tipo velcro”. Entre los inconvenientes que tienen este tipo de sistemas est que tardas ms tiempo para incorporar los cables, sobre todo en el de “tubo” que hay que hacerlo casi uno por uno. Tambin, a la hora de querer retirar algn cable resultaba bastante incmodo.

    En cambio, con este mtodo, se consigue que la manipulacin de los cables sea mucho ms rpida y efectiva. Solo tienes que abrazar con la mano los cables implicados, rodearlos con la funda en uno de los extremos y deslizarla a travs de los cables para que ella sola se vaya cerrando. Adems, las fundas cuentan con una longitud considerable (300cm), ms que suficiente en la mayora de los casos.

    La funda est fabricada en tereftalato de polietileno de color blanco de buena calidad por lo que la durabilidad est garantizada. Podras realizar algn corte sobre ella en el caso de que necesites darle escape a alguno de los cables en un tramo determinado, eso s, posteriormente debers de “quemar” la zona para evitar que se deshilache. Esta funda viene bien para agrupar una serie de cables en toda su longitud y que sabes que no vas a necesitas manipular prcticamente nunca. Tiene una anchura ms que suficiente como para rodear 6 o 7 cables sin problema ya que, aunque cuenta con un dimetro de solo 16 mm, se puede expandir hasta los 22 mm. Me han venido genial para organizar un montn de cables que tena detrs del ordenador: cable de red hacia el router, cable del ratn, cable de alimentacin, etc. Recomendable.

    Espero que las fotos y/o comentarios os hayan sido tiles . Un Saludo

    Pack muy completo para organizar cables.

  61. fappeningdirectdownload695 says:

     United Kingdom

    It is very practical when there are too many cables. Simple and effective cable storage.
    But it has a problem, it is made of plastic braid, there will be the braided strip falling after cutting, so after cutting the cable cover, it is recommended to use flame seal cutting to prevent abrasion.

    Simple and effective cable manageme

  62. Albert Khoury says:

     United Kingdom

    This cable tidy kit is brilliant.
    I have been doing a lot of work from home and I use a desktop computer for that. There are so many cables and they look like a proper mess. So when I saw this I thought this would be perfect for organising the cables.

    The kit has everything you need to organise your cables including cable ties, clips and the cable sleeve. The sleeve is quite big and it can be cut to the size that you require.
    I have put 6 cables in it and here is room for more cables.
    It was very easy to use and the room looks a lot tidier.
    Very pleased with the quality of it.

    Really good for organising computer cables

  63. Jared DiPane says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    All’interno della confezione troviamo 3 mt di rete tubolare in pvc con apertura laterale , 40 fascette piccole e 40 supporti adesivi per fascette.

    Gli utilizzi di questo prodotto sono molteplici e nel mio caso ho effettuato un’applicazione un po’ atipica sperando che il pvc in questione abbia la nota resistenza ai raggi UV (anche se nella confezione questa propriet non viene indicata).

    Mi servito in particolare per proteggere i cavi che partono dalla parabola ed effettuano un breve percorso esposti alle intemperie e soprattutto al sole, visto che a tre anni dalla posa, la loro guaina cominciava ad essere un po’ troppo “ruvida” al tatto.

    L’installazione, anche se in zona non troppo comoda, stata semplicissima. Basta allargare con due dita l’apertura della rete tubolare ed inserire i cavi all’interno. Dopodich si fissa il tutto con le fascette+supporti in dotazione o, come nel mio caso, solo con fascette.

    Come potete vedere dalle foto, il risultato stato pi che soddisfacente.

    Nel complesso quindi un prodotto valido e semplice da installare.

    Il prezzo poi, direi assolutamente adeguato.

    Facile da usare

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The meshed sleeve is great as you can put several cables in it to tidy them up and make them look better. The cable ties and sticky pads mean that you can easily secure cables to the wall and make them more organised and looking better. It’s all very simple and great!

    Good solution to messy cables

  65. DarrylCaire says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve said it so many times but will say it again, I hate daggling cables. They pester behind desks and tv-stands and have done as much as possible to keep these monsters away. Honestly, cables should be hidden for a clean look and these sleeves like other cable management solutions offer an easy means. This kit comes with a lengthy 3-metre sleeve, cable clips and cable ties.

    In contrast to most sold in the market, this sleeve comes in white colour which makes it easier to hide/blend into the background. The sleeve has a mesh, fabric texture that easily wraps around multiple cables. Where needed, I found them easy to cut and quickly found I could get up to 3 uses from the 3-metre length.

    Cable sleeve ki

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Cable Tidy / cable management 3m white
    Comes in one piece, but the nature of this cable is you can easily cut into smaller pieces or even have them joined in more than one on the same cables and not tell they are separate pieces. A must to get rid of cable clutter as well as protect against pets. As with this type of cable, if you need to cut it, you do need a match or lighter to lightly burn the ends to stop fraying – it’s pretty normal – you do the same for nylon webbing etc. I prefer this type over the hard plastic ones, these are slightly easier to work with. This also comes with a pack of self adhesive cable clips and cable ties. The white also hides wires well against a white wall/skirting board.

    excellent way to get rid of cable clutte

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    much improved cable situation under my desk now. gone is the clutter of cables that was constantly.

    the kit has a lot of different options from large cable ties, small sticky clips and a large tube that can be cut to size. a little patience and everything is much bette

  68. Danielle Richardson says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Perfetta per gestire i cavi sotto alla scrivania, a casa ed in ufficio, sia per utilizzo in contesti lavorativi che a livello amatoriale. Come estetica non per nulla inopportuna, e si intona bene sia ad un setup gaming che ad una postazione di lavoro.
    Rispetto alle guaine plastiche rigide pi comoda da maneggiare e posizionare e permette anche di far entrare o uscire cavi durante il tragitto, volendo.
    Rispetto ad altre guaine in tessuto intrecciato che ho provato, questa sembra pi resistente allo sfibramento e anche nei punti di taglio le fibre mantengono l’intreccio.

    Unica pecca: le fascette in plastica! Molto brutte, scomode e rischiano di danneggiare i cavi. Mille volte meglio delle fascette in velcro! Per questo assegno 4 stelle.

    Ottima guaina per cable manageme

  69. Lauren Manning says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Uns hat es super gestrt, dass die Kabel an einem TV, welcher an der Wand befestigt iit lose von der Wand hngen – nicht schn anzusehen und eine Gefahrenquelle fr unser sieben Monate altes Baby.

    Eine Option, die vorsieht einen Kabelkanal, an der Wand zu befestigen, war fr uns keine Option, da der Fernseher nur bergangsweise dort angebracht ist und nach der Hausrenovierung einen anderen Standpunkt bekommen wird, als musste eine einfache kurzfriste Lsung her.

    Der Kabelschlauch haut ein ordentliches Volumen. Wir haben 3 Kabel darin untergebracht. Durch den Schlitz ist man hier aber absolut flexibel und es ist ausreichend Platz fr deutlich mehr Kabel.

    Der Schlauch lie sich mit einer handelsblichen Scherre ohne Probleme auf das fr uns passende Ma zuschneiden. Er ist robust, aber alles andere als starr und lsst sich somit in jede bentigen Richtung biegen.

    Die mitgelieferten Kabelbinder und selbstklebende Halter sind bei uns nicht in der Benutzung da wir uns dazu entschieden haben den Schlauch bei Nichtbenutzung des Fernsehers “hochzulegen” damit unser Baby sich daran nicht hochzieht. Wenn der Fernseher aber spter seinen endgltigen Standort gefunden hat, werden wir diese aber liebend gerne verwenden, denn das System sagt uns absolut zu!
    Es ist simpel und erfllt zu 100 % seinen Zweck.

    Wir knnen dieses Produkt uneingeschrnkt empfehlen und wrden es selbst jederzeit wieder bestellen.

    Wir hoffen, dass diese Bewertung hilfreich war.

    Einfacher Helfer für Ordnung im Kabelwirrwa

  70. TawnyaRosa says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Diese Art Kabelschlauch ist mein Favorit: einfach zu krzen, einfach einzusetzen und Kabel einlegen oder rausnehmen ist kein grosses Thema.

    Das Set ist komplett mit Kabelbindern und Klebepunkten um diese geeignet zu fixieren. Damit lsst sich der Schreibtisch wirklich aufgerumt verkabeln und machen jederzeit einen sortierten Eindruck.

    Wirklich empehlenswert. Der Preis spricht auch fr das Set.

  71. Dr. Erik Steele says:


    Questo fermacavi serve a tutti colori che non sopportano la confusione e i grovigli sulla scrivania.

    Arriva in una busta di plastica, col tubo avvolto su se stesso e due bustine: una contiene gli adesivi e una le fascette fermacavano. tutto nero per nascondere al meglio la presenza dei cavi.

    Oggi finalmente ho avuto il tempo per fissare i cavi al lavoro e il risultato stato roseo: in quel punto passavano tanti colleghi ed era vergognoso (per me) averlo e vederlo continuamente in quelle condizioni.

    Cosa mi piaciuto
    Il cavo molto elastico e si pu riutilizzare pi e pi volte.
    estremamente semplice da usare: il “tubo” fermacavo si pu ridurre alle dimensioni richieste ed possibile anche fare piccoli tagli per “far uscire” cavi a met.
    Le fascette sono lunghe il giusto e gli adesivi permettono di nascondere i cavi sotto alla scrivania.

    Cosa non mi piaciuto
    Si crea tantissima sporcizia: i fili di plastica del tubo, una volta tagliato, riempiono il pavimento e sembra che se ne debbano staccare altri di continuo.
    Dopo aver legato un po’ di fili, mi sono accorto che mi era rimasto in mano meno della met del “tubo” originario.

    Al momento costa 10,99 che ritengo un po’ alto, considerato che pi di 2 “postazioni” non si riesce a mettere in ordine.

    Fermacavi per "una o due scrivanie"

  72. Anonymous says:


    Habe damit 4 kabel versteckt.
    2x lautsprecher kabel
    1x patch kabel
    1x strom kabel

    Man kann sogar kabel innerhalb des Kanals einfach rauslegen und den Rest weiter verstecken.

    Optinmale lsung und hlt bombenfest. Htte ich nicht erwartet.

    Bei 5 htte es 5 sterne gegeben.

    Kann man aufjedenfall kaufen.

    Ich hoffe meine Bewertung war ntzlich fr Ihre Kaufentscheidung. Schaut euch die bilder a

    Super kabelkanal

  73. NathanielDavila says:


    All’interno della confezione troviamo la canalina ed i due sacchetti che contengono 40 fascette in plastica
    e le 40 clip autoadesive.

    La guaina lunga 3 Mt. e ha un diametro variabile che va da 16 mm. fino a 20 mm. consentendo di nascondere fino a 3 cavi HDMI o come nelle immagini allegate, un cavo elettrico, uno dell’antenna Tv e 2 cavetti USB.
    In realt nel mio caso, ci sarebbero stati comodi ancora altri cavi.

    Essendo realizzata in PVC intrecciato ha un’ottima flessibilit ed esteticamente il disegno della
    “maglia” dell’intreccio risulta davvero molto gradevole.
    Una volta tagliata nella misura necessaria, bisogna sciogliere la parte recisa con un accendino in modo da non consentire lo sfilacciamento dell’intreccio.
    La fiamma va passata per pochi secondi sull’estremit finch i filamenti non si scioglieranno leggermente.

    E’ adatta per tenere in ordine una moltitudine di cavi, come ad esempio quelli del Pc, della Tv o per accorpare quelli HDMI per le videocamere di sorveglianza.
    Un altro pezzo l’ho utilizzato per raccogliere diversi cavetti Usb (lasciandoli liberi negli ultimi 30 cm.), che utilizzo per ricaricare gli smartphone, la sigaretta elettronica, la “charging box” delle cuffie Wifi e altri dispositivi.

    Le fascette vanno invece passate nell’asola delle clip per poi esser richiuse intorno alla canalina “contieni cavi”.
    Queste clip oltre ad esser dotate di un biadesivo sul fondo, possono essere anche inchiodate (ad esempio su una trave in legno), grazie ai due fori presenti sulla base.

    Il costo di 10,99 (a marzo 2022) e considerandone l’elevato livello che ho potuto riscontrare, ne fanno un prodotto dall’ottimo rapporto qualit-prezzo.
    Ho fatto alcune Foto per aiutarvi a capire meglio “dal vivo” come risulta qualora decideste di valutarne l’acquisto.

    Nel complesso mi ha soddisfatto molto, pertanto mi sento di poter consigliare questa “Guaina intrecciata autobloccante” a chi ha la necessit di tenere in ordine i cavi tramite un articolo esteticamente ben realizzato, flessibile e davvero molto pratico.
    Spero di esservi stato utile nelle informazioni fornite.

    Shinfly- Canalina 3Mt. per cavi in PET intrecciato + 40 fascette e clip - Ottimo prodotto

  74. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der 3m lange Kabelschlauch mit einem Durchmesser von 15 bis 22 mm kommt zusammen mit 40 Kabelbindern und selbstklebenden Kabelclips.
    Alles zusammen macht einen ordentlichen Eindruck und lsst sich prima verwenden, um diversen Kabelsalat zu beseitigen.

    Der Schlauch, in dem ungefhr fnf nicht allzu dicke Kabel Platz finden, erscheint sauber verarbeitet, wirkt leicht und flexibel, dennoch robust und stabil. Er kann nach Bedarf problemlos zugeschnitten werden. Praktisch finde ich, dass sich der Kabelkanal von selbst schliet und auch zu bleibt. Noch dazu soll er staubdicht und widerstandsfhig gegen beissfreudige Haustiere sein, ich bin gespannt.

    Bis jetzt bin ich jedenfalls zufrieden, lstige Kabel sind verstaut und nicht mehr zu sehen und das zu einem akzeptablen Preis.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Ideal solution to a group of power supply cables draping from a Hifi table. The wrap style means it is easy to add or remove cables and also that cables may enter/exit from the sleeve at any part of its length. The adhesive cable clips are excellent, the adhesive was plenty strong enough to stick to the back of the oak unit whist the size was more ‘home friendly’ than the industrial ones I have which are some 50% larger again. The cable ties are, well, cables ties but good to have plenty supplied with the kit. The sleeve cuts easily with scissors and the frayed ends can be melted with a lighter flame or similar. Recommended.

  76. FelicitShang says:

     United Kingdom

    Inserting the cables into the sleeve is not too hard.
    It really makes a difference in limiting the “spaghetti effect”.
    The clips are useful too.
    It is possible to cut the sleeve in sections but it is a good idea to seal the extremities with a flame to prevent them from fraying.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Seeing separate cables, even when tied together with Velcro or plastic straps, looks untidy to me. I’d rather have them hidden in cable trunking or with a tidy like this.

    This tidy is made of rolled plastic material and can be cut to size with a pair of scissors. I’ve used it on about a handful of cables tied together and they fit well inside. It can be a little struggle to get them into the tidy at first — they can be inserted in any part of the tidy as it’s all open. Once inside they stay inside as well.

    A handy piece of kit to tidy up loose cables.

    Tidy up your cables

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Cable management is super important to me, and this set really has helped. It’s a good quality tube that can hold plenty of cable. It comes with cable ties and clips. Absolutely brilliant.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this because all the cables behind my tv look a mess.

    3m of Chunky sleeve, will fit multiple cables at once, Cuts easy enough.

    Cable ties included and adhesive holders for the ties.

  80. The Not So Perfect Housewife says:

     United Kingdom

    If, like me, you have a convoluted desktop computing environment with more than one computer, several peripherals, a monitor and smart home equipment, the chances are that you’ve got a rats nest of cables to deal with.

    Depending on your outlook, or how visible this is, this may or may not bother you. As my particular rats nest is unfortunately somewhat visible, especially if I’m sat away from my computer desk, this does bother me, so I decided to try using this cable management pack to sort it out.

    The pack contains 3 metres of sleeve, 40 cable ties and 40 cable clamps with adhesive clamps; as my current desk setup is actually a repurposed drop-leaf dining table which is only supposed to be a temporary measure until a proper desk that suits my needs can be found I’ve not used the ties and clamps but the sleeve is definitely handy.

    Its as straightforward as could be to use; work out the length of sleeve you need to use and cut with some scissors. Then bunch your cables together, pull the sleeve open at one end, then push the cables in, opening the sleeve further down and continuing to push the cables in until the whole length is used. With a 3cm diameter I was able to fit several of the cables plugged into my PC tower inside the sleeve and also tidy.

    All in all the utility of this product speaks for itself. Having tackled those cables behind my desk that I’m able to without unplugged absolutely everything first to better organise things, my next plan is to use the remaining length of sleeve I have to tidy the cables behind my TV bench which has taken on a similarly rats nest look to it due to the amount of equipment connected in and behind it.

    An essential purchase for tidying your cables

  81. BonitaKellerman says:

     United Kingdom

    The cable seems to be strong and resistant when the cable is inside as its not going out from the rollup. The additional items come alongside with cable ties and clips for a better grip.

    In my opinion, the price is ok but it could`ve been better for more length of sleeve and not ties and clips.

    However, the sleeve is very good made and easy to cut and it does the job.

    I hope my review can help you.

    Flexible and good material

  82. DeborahLamilami says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m very pleased with this. I like the fact that it has cable ties and wall fixings in the set as well as the actual tube the cables go into. It really covers every angle of managing cables and that makes the set excellent value for money.
    I know people who have used a hosepipe thats they’ve slit along one side to do this job but this is better. It’s not as stiff as hosepipe, for a start, and is a better colour, black being less obvious than the green most hosepipes come in. I think the mess of cables usually behind my TV now being tucked away inside this is brilliant. I’m delighted.

  83. DarrellMullins says:

     United Kingdom

    An excellent way to tidy up those unsightly computer, TV, or other cables

    I own a mesh cover similar to this already, but weirdly it was a solid tube and could t be opened on the side like this one and I found that really annoying. With this one there’s no need to take the whole thing off to take a single cable out which is great. It looks neat and tidy and hides the cables very well. Due to the size and there being excess space this means you can fit quite a lot of cables in this without any being seen

    Very handy and looks very tidy now. Seems a bit prices at 8 and I Could get is a little cheaper elsewhere, but it is a very good ki

  84. Caroline Kitchen says:

     United Kingdom

    This Cable Management Sleeve Kit is extremely useful. With 3 metres of wrap, 40 pieces of ties and clips you get a good chunk here for your money. It’s a jet black look, perfect for black gaming desks or anything else that’s black to hide cables around. It’s easy to trim and rolls up by itself back to shape.

    Great product.

  85. ChristyChilders says:

     United Kingdom

    My Personal Review,
    Here’s what you should know about Cable Management Sleeve Kit, shinfly 3m Cable Tidy Wire Sleeve with 40pcs Zip Ties, 40 Adhesive …

    < Thoughts >
    Look its quite good for many reasons, the vast amount of cable ties, good quality adhesives and thick cable tubing. It does what is expected to do, and does it quite well. It has helped me hide my cables better than than just using cable ties, It keeps it more together as well which is a bonus.

    < Price >
    The price point is great, considering that some cable ties alone cost the same amount as this product. Value is great as mentioned above.

    < Recommendation >
    I personally recommend this product based on the quantity, ease of accessibility and price.

    Quite good! Does the job

  86. RoxieEqnguyen says:

     United Kingdom

    A great cable management kit to make some order under your desk. Since I’m using those tools, my desk is really cleaner and easier to move

    Cable management ki

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This cable management kit is superb & much more practical than my previous one, as shown in pictures for comparison – My old cable tidy was essentially just a plastic cord that wrapped around the cables this was such a hassle if you ever needed to move the tv or even just replace a cable but with this design this is no longer an issue, the cables are fully covered which not only looks much neater but is also a much more practical solution when you want to adjust the cables.

    The cable management sleeve is made of thick woven fabric which is 3cm wide, wide enough to hold multiple cables at the same time & 3m in length, much more generous in width & length than my previous one I actually had enough left over from this one pack to use on neatening up another spaghetti junction in the house.

    This pack also comes with 40 plastic cable ties & 40 adhesive cable clamps so you can keep all your cables in order.

    So simple & easy to use that no instructions are required to install this & only 1 person is required to complete this job.

    Neat & practical

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This kit is really two cable management methods in one.

    You get a 3m nylon mesh tube (split all along) which can be opened up to fit a number of cables down and keep them together and tidy. It realistically opens to around 2cm diameter for really good containment, but can be pushed a bit more. It’s reusable and extra cables can be added easily. Cutting is a doddle and it doesn’t fray too much either.

    In addition you get 40 cable ties and adhesive bases. These are great for lighter weight cables as you don’t really want a lot of weight on an adhesive pad in the summer… They stick well though, and you have the option to screw them to a surface as there are two mounting holes in them.

    You could mount the covered cables using the pads for a really neat finish rather than leaving them as uncovered wires. Not bad value and should tidy up a couple of desks at least.

  89. Sahar Nazir says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great cable organisation solution for larger amounts of cable. The sleeve is perfectly strong, expandable, and contains cables well; however it’s natural diameter is large enough so that if used on only two or three cables it feels over roomy and loose.

    Then again if you are using the square plastic attachments you’ll be attaching using the (provided) cable ties which will hold the sleeve tight. (Or you could just use the cable ties around the sleeve for any portion dangling and not attached to a wall or underneath a desk.

    Talking of the square plastic retainers, they’re sticky which is good for positioning, but also have holes for screwing down which is probably needed for the weight they’ll hold. But again I feel that a narrower sleeve that expanded as needed would suit many applications without using of the retainers.

    I like that the sleeve is reusable. Even when cut shorter and subsequently needed in a longer length, two pieces can be married up again, with an overlap to obscure the join.

    Good solutio

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good value cable tidy with some ties and wall stickers included.

    Perfect for the job and will fit two or three cables easily to keep out of sight.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This kit has worked well. I got it to tidy up my shoe cupboard which unfortunately is where my communication wires all feed into. Until I got this kit it was full of sprawling wires all over the place. Making using that side of the cupboard problematic. Using a length of this cable management sleeve I was able to run all the cables in it which made it look a lot better and open up that space.
    I got a little shelf and put the telephone off the floor too. Now I don’t have cables trailing the floor I had an additional space to place my work boots. Ideal.
    The quality of the sleeve is brilliant. It opens up easily to slide cable after cable in and then reforms like elastic back to its original slimline shape.
    The kit also comes with cable ties and adhesive attachments, these have plenty of stick. The cable ties are robust and strong.
    I’m very pleased with the results and pleased with the quality. Great kits.

    Great results with this quality ki

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I tend to use cable ties, bits of tape, clips and string to keep control of the cable spaghetti in my cable-filled world. This sleeve method is truly great for improving the tidyness though, and will be used much more around our house from now on.

    I opted for the larger diameter sleeving as I have a lot of bunched cables in some areas that I wanted to tackle. This sleeving has been so successful that I will be buying some narrower gauge sleeving for other smaller runs of cables (and I have loads of them!).

    The sleeve is made from a springy plastic material that always wants to ‘curl up’ when pulled apart. It’s this springy curl that is the secret of the cable management’s behaviour. Just cut the sleeve to the required length and wrap your cable-run inside it. Job done. Couldn’t be easier.

    There’s a surprising amount of ‘give’ in the sleeve’s construction and in my photos you can see the vast difference in size of cable bunches that I have successfully tidied up using the sleeve.

    Supplied with the sleeving are some nylon cable zip ties and also self-adhesive clips which you can feed the cable ties through if you want to anchor/fix the cable sleeving onto a surface. There are two tiny holes in the clips for tacks or screws should you prefer not to use the self-adhesive method.

    This is my first time using a cable sleeve method and it certainly won’t be the last. Excellent idea and this particular kit is good value for money at under 8.

    I have seen this type of product before, but never realised how effective it can be. Excellent!

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent product, perfect for tidying of A/V cabling, as well as computer etc. cabling, in fact anywhere where you may have grouped cables. It’s very easy, simple, and straightforward to use, making cable tidying an easy task.

    Cable ties are generally a much better solution than using bits of PVC tape that more often than not come undone after a while, and usually leave a sticky messy residue as well. Commonly available these days, hook and loop cable ties are a good solution but don’t look as neat as conventional ones. However, you need to be careful with this type to ensure you tighten enough so as to be not too loose, but not over-tight, risking damage, (as well as being difficult to remove – you have to snip very carefully to avoid damage to the cable sheath.

    This is a handy selection of cable ties, self-adhesive cable tie loop clips, and a sprung cabling sleeve, all very useful. The kit is good quality, and well-made. Most larger TVs these days are wall-mounted, and we have various ones throughout the house affixed that way. Whilst for a standard fixed mount, I use mini-trunking for cables, in the study, our 50″ TV is on an articulated (tilt and turn etc) mount, which of course doesn’t lend itself to mini trunking. Therefore this is ideal for the sprung sleeve, a neat and tidy solution still providing the ability to move with the TV. The sleeve is 3m, so suited to lots of similar applications, and was easy to cut to the required length with scissors.

    All in all, a good quality product, that’s good value too. Would recommend.

    I hope that you have found this useful and helpful.

    Excellent little ki

  94. CynthiaEsson says:

     United Kingdom

    Great for tidying up wires and it is a good length for the area I needed.

  95. RachelHeidenrei says:

     United Kingdom

    The cable tidy kit arrived in a resealable plastic bag, inside is a roll of cable sleeve that roughly measures 3000mm long x 16mm diameter and also includes 40 x zip ties, 40 x adhesive cable clips to suit.

    The sleeve is simple to use and makes a difference once fitted, cut the sleeve to length with a scissors and then seal the ends with a flame held away to begin then slowly bring closer until the ends shrivel just a little, the set has enough included to tidy up most setups, I would say around 2 power cables and a few other smaller cables fit snuggly inside.

    Overall it’s a cheap way to make a big visual difference especially if you have visible cables about the house, this can also be used as a protector to keep the cables away from pets, thank you.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have gotten really tired of tidying up cables, even when not in use they seem to tangle up. We also want to
    protect from our great grandchildren (or is it other way round). the cable cover comes with cable ties and adhesive cable clips. My husband got to work and soon had cables organised and tidy usingg very fire cable ties. The cable cover can be cut easily if needed but we found there was no need

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    much improved cable situation under my desk now. gone is the clutter of cables that was constantly.

    the kit has a lot of different options from large cable ties, small sticky clips and a large tube that can be cut to size. a little patience and everything is much better.

  98. Nate Freeman says:

     United Kingdom

    Like so many people I seem to have cables all over the place behind my desk and no matter how often I unplug everything and line them up neatly, something happens overnight and they tangle up again – I am sure I have invisible people here having a party lol

    Anyway, back to the review. This is very lighweight mesh style cable management around 1/2 inch available inside for cables – more than enough for, say, hi fi, lamp and various computer leads. The idea is to measure what you need and cut it off, then seal the end with a naked flame (it is flame retardent and so will not catch fire, simply seal the edge so it doesn’t unravel). The fun starts when you prise open the sleeve to run your cable through but, although a bit fiddly, especially if you are perched underneath a desk, it can be done in a short time. Result? Neat, efficient, everything in some kind of order.

    For 7.49 (at the time of this review) I have found this to be an excellent and neat solution to trailing, tangled cables. Yes, a little patience is needed at the outset but there is nothing difficult about this method at all. Plus, if ever you need to remove a cable, it is simplicity itself. All in all, given the price and the good results, I definitely recommend this product.

  99. JudyFerreira says:

     United Kingdom

    The cable sleeve itself it very good, perfect length for me too. It comes with a load of cable ties and hooks with stick pads on, which may come in handy anytime, but for now I don’t need those extra bits. The sleeve opens wide enough to hold the various HDMI and power cables I have behind my TV and sound bars, all in all just what I needed