Silicone Case for Steam Deck, Benazcap Shockproof Non-Slip Anti-Collision Grip Cover Compatible with Valve Steam Deck Console, Black

Dimensions: | 29.7 x 12.1 x 2.2 cm; 150 Grams |
Manufacture: | Benazcap |
Origin: | China |
Dimensions: | 29.7 x 12.1 x 2.2 cm; 150 Grams |
Manufacture: | Benazcap |
Origin: | China |
This product was clearly designed for the SteamDeck and it fits perfectly. It’s comfortable in my hands and hopefully will prevent a small bump or two.
Quizs la nica pega que le pongo es el precio… pero por lo dems esta cumple y encaja a la perfeccin!
Cuesta un poco meterla dentro, porque tienes que estirar la goma mucho, pero no se rompe, y encaja a la perfeccin. Muy contento, espero que no se deteriore con el tiempo.
Its pretty good but not an exact fit, grip is pretty good and makes holding the deck much more comfortable with sweaty hands. would recommend, but don’t expect a 1-1 fit on the device, it is loose here and there.
Not the easiest case to put on. There were deformation marks visible while putting it on which down the road could be a potential spot for failure.
Overall fit could be better but does grant additional protection.
Achet pour protger ma Steam deck des chocs elle fait le job reste a voir sur la dure.
You get exactly what you expect. It’s a silicone case. It’s flexible and has some good texture on the grips
Al giusto prezzo ci si porta a casa un’ottima cover protettiva per Steam Deck. Il grip antiscivolo era ci che cercavo principalmente in una cover, perch Steam Deck nonostante sia ergonomica di base, non ti fa sentire di avere una presa salda. Invece con questa cover si ha questa sensazione. Inoltre la cover piacevole al tatto, calza perfettamente a Steam Deck (anche se avrei preferito che arrivasse a coprire fino ai bordi dello schermo) e non fa scaldare la macchina. La consiglio, credo sia la migliore opzione attualmente sul mercato.
Feels good, and it does the job of protecting the Steam Deck, not as much as a hard case and the bad thing is that it strech by the screen area. It could be cheaper…
The market is not exactly awash with protective covers so I didn’t have many options to protect my Steam Deck when it was delivered. This does a job undoubtedly and fits okay, but as others have mentioned the shape of the device means that certain elements of the deck need a thin strip of rubber which is not rigid, so moves out of shape regularly. Until other options are released onto the market this will do it’s job protecting the device from scratches and such like.
la verdad es que lo queria como solucion temporal pero queda batante bie
I was looking for some kind of grip case for my deck, something comfortable and stylish.
It’s early days for the deck so I’m surprised good products like this are already out there.
Definitely recommend!
Acheter pour protger la Steam Deck, coque s’adapte assez facilement et reste bien en place, de plus le grip est excellent, j’ai test sur plusieurs heures de jeux, c’est une trs bonne surprise, de plus je n’ai pas de problme pour ranger la console avec la coque dans la house Valve fournie avec la console
Die Hlle passt wirklich perfekt, ist nicht zu dick und eignet sich super als Schutz. Das groe Problem ist aber, dass die Hlle Schmutz und Staub extrem anzieht und dieser extrem schwer zu beseitigen ist. Einmal angefasst, mit sauberen Hnden, hat schon zu extrem aufflligen Schmutz gefhrt. Deswegen benutze ich die Hlle nicht dauerhaft, sondern nur wenn ich unterwegs bin und Angst habe, das Steam Deck knnte auf den Boden fallen.
Das Steam Deck passt auch Hlle wunderbar in das Steam Deck Case.
Update: Ich mchte loben erwhnen, dass der Hersteller nach meiner Bewertung pro aktiv bei mir gemeldet hat und mich untersttzt hat.
Les dimensions gnrales sont correctes, on regrettera nanmoins que les mesures ne soient pas prcises au millimtre prs, entendre par l que certaines dcoupes autour des sticks et pad analogiques dbordent un peu.
Maintenant, la dcoupe autour des grilles d’aration sont respectes, et c’est bien l le plus important de ce point de vue l.
La mise en place est rapide, comptez 30 sec. Il n’y a pas de “jeu” et le grip prend bien le Steam Deck en forme.
Ayant une sudation importante des mains, il est indniable que cette coque fait trs bien son office d’anti-glisse. Outre qu’elle soit confortable, elle permet rellement de rendre le Steam Deck moins glissant car sa surface lisse d’origine est trs glissante de base.
Je recommande donc ce produit, surtout pour ce prix.
Fits almost perfectly, light, but looks protected, don’t expect it to protect as much as a ballistic type of case
i was contacted and offered a replacement case, the new case was much better and had little to no smell. customer service is great.
old review:
as soon as i opened it, i got hit with an awful chemical smell. it’s a decent cheap case to add more grip and a little protection. but the smell makes me sick.
Die Hlle kann sehr einfach angebracht werden.
Sobald die Hlle angebracht ist, hat man einen guten Gripp.
Die Steuerung wird dabei nicht beeintrchtigt und das Steam Deck kann weiterhin ohne Probleme bedient werden.
Von mir bekommt die Hlle eine klare Empfehlung.
Mine fits a little more snug than some of the review pictures, unless those were other products I remember, but atm they’re ALL this same silicone shell, no matter who’s name is on it. It’s not a GREAT fit but it doesn’t cover anything up and doesn’t sag anywhere too bad. It doesn’t block any cooling vents but i worry the silicone is naturally insulating the back of the device which radiated heat pretty well.
It’s actually pretty comfortable in the hands, it provides a LOT of grip compared to the naked steam deck. It’s not the best product in the world but it’s better than nothing if you want to avoid scrapes and a BIT of protection from a small drop. I guess those clear plastic shells might be more drop-resistant but they’re surely more slick than the deck on its own, probably CAUSING more drops than preventing damage.
It fits in the factory case no problem btw.
It does the job, but don’t expect it to be perfect.
Cette coque pour Steam Deck est trs bien forme et mets a l’abris notre Steam Deck.
Elle saura amortir les ventuelles chutes, elle tient bien en main et vite que la console glisse.
Je suis satisfait de cette achat, les produit de la valeur de la console doivent etre protg comme les portables.
Easy to apply. I love how protects the back of my Nintendo switch from my kid. He likes to open the little compartments and now he can’t. No scratch, nothing.
Nicht zu dick hergestellt, dass es beim Spielen strt
ist gummiert und liegt super in der Hand
perfekte Aussparungen
I love the feel of this cover. I don’t have my Steam Deck yet, unfortunately, but i am very confident that this will give good protection from daily wear, and tear. I like that it feels durable, like it can take scratching. Any particles that land on it can easily be wiped off, and it can be washed and cleaned if need be. Very satisfied! Excited to put it on my Steam Deck when it arrives! Great seller to work with, easy and quick ordering and shipping!
*I received this item complimentary to review*
Ho acquistato questa custodia in morbido silicone antiscivolo e antiurto per la mia valve steam deck.
Comodissima, mi permette di allungare le mie sessioni di gioco.
I ritagli sono precisi, non limita l’utilizzo di pulsanti e dock.
Ottimo prezzo.
Se ajusta perfectamente. Es de un material tipo silicona, muy ligero. Todos los botones, ranuras de ventilacin, etc. coinciden con la funda.
En los costados tiene marcas para sujetarla bien y que no resbale a pesar de llevar mucho tiempo jugando y sudando un poco.
La ventilacin es buena y no he notado que se caliente.
Viene bien poner la funda para evitar rayones y golpes. Adems, si se te cae, amortigua el golpe.
Imprescindible para tenerla siempre como nueva y que no pierda valor.
I ordered this for my steam deck it is pretty nice and Is a very comfortable case. Would recommend if you are looking for a comfortable to use and affordable case!
Packaging was great, and the grip and texture on the hand grip feels good. The inside of the case is smooth. I like it over all. Good job.
Das Case passt perfekt auf das Steam Deck. Es rutscht nicht hin und her und es gibt auch kein Spielraum. Alle Lftungsgitter sind frei und auch der Einschub fr die SD karte liegt noch offen.
Beim Spielen fhlt es sich sehr angenehm an und man hat mehr Grip gerade bei einer Lngeren Spiele session. Vor allem wenn man schnell schwitzige Finger bekommt Rutsch es jetzt nicht mehr aus der Hand.
Das Case wirkt auch Robust genug um einen Fall abfedern zu knnen ohne dass das Gert gleich kaputt ist.
Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit meiner Rezension etwas weiterhelfen.
Pues eso, que es una funda de goma, nunca va a molar tanto como el producto sin protector. El tacto est guay, lo importante es que ahora es antideslizante y puedes apoyar la consola en el bao mientras te subes los pantalones sin miedo a que se escurra y caiga al suelo.
Solo un par de pegas: como la pantalla es tan grande no ajusta perfectamente a lo ancho y queda un poco holguera en el centro y al meterla en la carcasa oficial pues cabe pero ya no es tan satisfactorio como antes.
+ Passgenau: Alle Buttons sind weiterhin erreichbar, ohne Einschrnkungen
+ Griffig: Die Perforation erleichtert das Halten des Decks
+ Schutz: Die Hlle bietet dem Gehuse Schutz vor Kratzern o..
+ Dnn: Die Hlle ist dnn genug um ins originale Case zu passen
+ Briefkasten freundliche Verpackung
Es una funda de silicona de tacto agradable y destaco sus extremos antideslizantes, ya que tiendo a sudar cuando paso mucho rato jugando .
Cuando reciba la Steam Deck actualizar la review, con sensaciones y con fotos del producto real.