Turtle Beach Recon 500 Wired Multiplatform Gaming Headset – PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

Turtle Beach Recon 500 Wired Multiplatform Gaming Headset
Wired Multiplatform Gaming Headset for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

Product comparison
Wireless | ||
Bluetooth Compatible | ||
TruSpeak Removable | Microphone Type | Flip-to-mute |
60mm Dual Drivers | Speaker | 40mm |
| ProSpecs | |
Amplified Audio | ||
N/A | Battery | N/A |
Wireless | ||
Bluetooth Compatible | ||
TruSpeak Removable | Microphone Type | Flip-to-mute |
60mm Dual Drivers | Speaker | 40mm |
| ProSpecs | |
Amplified Audio | | |
N/A | Battery | 12-Hr |
Wireless | | |
Bluetooth Compatible | | |
TruSpeak Removable | Microphone Type | Flip-to-mute |
60mm Dual Drivers | Speaker | 50mm |
| ProSpecs | |
Amplified Audio | | |
N/A | Battery | 15-Hr |
Wireless | | |
Bluetooth Compatible | | |
TruSpeak Removable | Microphone Type | Flip-to-mute |
60mm Dual Drivers | Speaker | 50mm Nanoclear |
| ProSpecs | |
Amplified Audio | | |
N/A | Battery | 20-Hr |
- Recon 70 Arctic Camo
- Recon 200 Gen 2
- Stealth 600P
- Stealth 700P

How long is the cable?
The braided cable is 4 ft. long.
Is this headset compatible with all gaming consoles?
Yes, the Recon 500 works perfectly with your favorite game consoles, controllers, mobile devices, or anything with a standard 3.5mm jack.
Do you need to charge this headset?
No, the Recon 500 is a wired headset and does not need to be charged.
What are the Eclipse Dual Drivers?
Found exclusively in the Recon 500, the Eclipse Dual Drivers are two speakers in one that separate high and low frequencies for vastly improved audio detail over a conventional driver.
Is the microphone removable?
Yes, the Recon 500 is equipped with a pro-level, uni-directional TruSpeak microphone that easily removes when chat isnât needed.
Dimensions: | 20 x 10.1 x 23.7 cm; 4.54 Grams |
Model: | TBS-6400-02 |
Origin: | China |
Tags: AccessoriesArcticMobilesaverDealTurtle Beach
For the longest I have had ones have been like 3 years. And they never failed me. I recommend this 100%. Cheap, (in Comparasion with other ones) aand really good.
Has a really good sound to them! And is just amazing all the way around!!! Very satisfied!!
Es muy ergonmico, sobre todo para las personas que utilizan gafas.
Fr den Preis ein solides Headset. Klangqualitt ist ordentlich, Mikrofon ebenso. Etwas mehr Tiefen wre schon gewesen, ist aber noch in Ordnung.
Leider “verrutscht” das Headset fter mal was auch die Klangqualitt negativ beeinflusst. Zwar ist es trotz groem Kopf bei mir auch nach langer Tragedauer nicht strend, aber ein besserer Sitz wre schn gewesen.
Verarbeitung ist in Ordnung, hat einen Plastikbgel aber immerhin eine Metallschine drinnen, die ja sonst gerne mal brechen wenn sie aus Plastik bestehen wrden.
Ist fr den Preis von 50 zu empfehlen.
Le cuffie sono utilizzate da mio figlio per la ps5, assolvono il dovere in maniera eccepibile, che dire ottimo prodotto, acquisto consigliato, ottime per la PSX5,(ps4) mio figlio ne e’ entusiasta(non lamenta la funzionalit, quindi il mio giudizio e’ ottimo).Il microfono e’flessibile, smontabile all’occorrenza a differenza di altre cuffie, consiglio l’acquisto
My son uses this on his PS5. Sound quality is amazing and great mic quality. Comfortable and best headset I’ve purchased.
Love the colors and the quality only thing wrong in my opinion or maybe I just have a big head, they fit a little snug on the ears although I wear glasses I never had any pain from the glasses but the seal from the tightness would sometimes be a little to much.
ottime cuffie per il gaming, non eccezionali ma ottime vista la fascia di prezzo.
se non avete troppe aspettative ve le consiglio.
Il suono pulito, il design accattivante.
Comodo il meccanismo di rimozione del microfono che permette di ridurre l’ingombro quando non necessario. piuttosto comode e leggere.
Bought for xbox series s, (gave white camo one to eldest son) bought the black one to replace, great headset, very comfortable, looks good, cracking mic, would buy again.
These fit nicely for my smallish head, the mic picks up really well even though it doesn’t feel like you’re talking into it at all. Had some initial trouble getting my laptop to recognize them when connecting the the audio jack, but figured out in my case I didn’t need the two-piece extension cord it comes with and that solved it.
These are great for the money very basic design but the money has gone into the speakers themselves, great sound and depth of sound too, great wiv my Ps5 ps those footsteps on call of duty with these it makes it easier to tell which direction they are coming from, great buy for 40
Great headset overall. Build quality feels a bit cheap, but this may be how they’ve managed to keep the cost down as the sounds quality is amazing. The bass isn’t going to blow you away, but is definitely present and suffices. The mid-range and treble are brilliant providing fantastic detail with crisp and precise audio. Great for FPS as the directional detection is brilliant.
These have great sound quality. They are comfortable to wear and work great. Would recommend.
These met all my requirements for use on the PS5.
My only criticism is the max size they open up to could be a little big bigger, but it’s a small issue really as they fit snuggly.
Very good quality sound no complaints and good quality produc
The sound quality is really rather good. I have a 300 pair of NC headphones for music and to be honest I don’t think these are too far behind. Certainly good enough for gaming. Comfort-wise, I’d say they are good but not amazing. I have used them for 2 hours sessions and they felt fine. The build quality seems decent, I especially like the braided wire. I would prefer it if the microphone folded away rather than detached though.
Got this for my boy for Christmas mikes stopped working already
The best gaming headset i have ever had, surround sound gives you the cinema experience bass and audio are second to none.
My son is over the moon with the headsets. Great sound quality and comfortable to wear. They look and feel robust.
Great quality, amazing sound, comfortable even when wearing tick frame glasses.
4 starts because I wish the audio cable would be detachable in case it breaks it could then be replaced. Mute button has no indication if it’s on or off.
Still, I highly recommend and would buy it again.
My son is very happy with it. Padding makes it very very comfortable, and sound quality is amazing i been told
I have never had a headset for gaming, ever. All of my gaming has always been solo, but recently I’ve been playing on a few teams online with my xBox, so a headset became necessary. This being my first gaming headset, I am not disappointed.
First thing, I saw a few reviews that noted the smell of these headphones, and they were correct. Out the box these things smelled like burnt ass and crackers, so I let them air out for a good two weeks. The packaging odor has gone away. I am not ashamed to say I have a large cranium, but these headphones fit me just fine. I did find them to be heavy, and I am still adjusting to the weight. The sound quality is excellent though, for both my PS4 and my xBox, and the set up was quick and easy. The mic works fine, my team can hear me fine and they me, and the wire does not get in the way at all. Four stars only because of the smell, which again, has gone away after letting them air out.
This headset didn’t disappoint and matched my expectations of the brand. Its very comfortable to wear and has clear sound. The microphone is great quality and the flexibility of the arm makes it easier to positio
The controls being on the left ear cup is a great idea as is causes less issues when getting comfortable during a long gaming session. They are light and comfy to wear. One last point I would like to make is looking through the reviews for the recon 500 I saw many bad reviews for other cheaper models. Don’t be discouraged and actually take time to look into it.
Great look fit over my ears easily. Very comfortable forget you are wearing them. Very clear sound as well.
cuffie ben fatte , realizzate con materiali resistenti lo si evince anche dalla pesantezza delle stesse . Nell’arco di un paio di anni credo di aver comperato a mio figlio 6/ 7 paia di cuffie , rimanendo su prezzi modici . Durata pessima e qualit pure , per questo non mi sono fatta scappare l’occasione di provare un paio di cuffie, decisamente meno abbordabili , per quanto riguarda il prezzo ,ma qualitativamente migliori sia nei materiali utilizzati sia nel suono .
Le cuffie sono belle massicce , non si tratta della solita cuffietta plasticosa, la struttura ben solida e le varie imbottiture ergonomiche , dando a chi le indossa confort per alcune ore . Non sono ricaricabili , ma predisposte di filo con attacco jack lungo 120 cm , perfetto per qualsiasi dispositivo tecnologico , non solo console .
Comandi sui padiglioni auricolari e microfono staccabile se non utilizzato . Durante la sessione di gioco , le cuffie hanno un buon audio sia in entrata che in uscita , camuffano bene i rumori esterni , meno apprezzate per ascoltare musica , i bassi non sono un gran che .
Valgono sicuramente il prezzo di vendita .
These are a good beginning pair of gaming headphones that can be used for simple things too.
Nice and lightweight so easy to wear for hours while gaming or watching movies.
Decent sound with these headphones. Crisp and clear when talking or even yelling at other players like my kids do now and then whey they get overly into their gaming.
Can be used on many different platforms so it makes it nice for us since the kids grab these when using the switch or their p4 and not just their pc.
High quality product with excellent sound and comfortable ergonomic design for the ears. The microphone is not easily compatible with all computer software, and consequently the sound quality of the microphone is below average. The design of the microphone is not ergonomic, and it’s not flexible enough to suit varying head sizes.
Chiaramente non faccio confronti rispetto a prodotti di altre fasce o destinate ad uso audofilo, in quanto sarebbe difficile dare un parere equo.
Le cuffie risultano essere ottime nella qualit del suono che propongono, con bassi importanti e alti chiari, in modo da restituire un piacevole ascolto qualunque sia la traccia.
I materiali sono ottimi e la qualit costruttiva non credo possa essere in dubbio, sono comode e non creano fastidi se tenute per molto tempo.
Per quanto riguarda il microfono, anch’esso di ottima qualit, la voce risulta chiara e perfettamente comprensibile.
Mi sento di consigliarle senza alcun dubbio.
First thoughts:
Plenty of space inside the cans.
Doesn’t seem to get too hot in there.
Large Mute button on the left cup.
Volume control also on the left cup.
Cups can be rotated so they can lay flat on a desk.
Triangular mini jack interface means I can’t swivel the mic out of the way because it doesn’t rotate.
Wired cable is a little shorter than I would want in a gaming mic and hangs in the way a lot.
Fairly good sound quality and good tone on the low end, clear voice communications through the mic and adequate sound suppression of ambient noise with a focused directional mic pickup.
The colour scheme is mainly matt black and gunmetal grey which looks smart but fairly understated.
Details and things to note (See pictures):
Removable mini-jack mic but the shape is keyed to a triangle so you can’t swing the mic out of the way. It is on a flexible arm though so it can be moved closer or pushed further away from my mouth just not by much.
Volume control and mic mute is located on the headset earphones for quick access as there is no inline remote on the cable.
Earphone void is nice and wide so they fit over my ears well rather than sitting on or putting pressure on my ears.
Soft and comfortable padding on the main contact points for comfort.
Final thoughts:
Very comfortable to wear even for prolonged periods of streaming or general gaming which makes the short (just under 4.5 feet) a bit of a shame. The cable length is adequate if the machine is on a desk within a few feet but anywhere else and it tends to be too short or hang in the air and get snagged on things as I move my head, so I’ll definitely be using a separate extension cable with it.
Other than that, this is a reasonably priced gaming headset which is basic but well made for its intended purpose. The styling doesn’t scream look at me, so if you want function over flashing lights then these are definitely worth a look at without spending a couple of hundred pounds.
Happy to recommend these for casual gaming.
These sound like Turtle Beach’s gen 1 Stealth 600 headset to me. They have no equalizer modes like the stealth 600, making the Recon 500 easier to use. Bought these because my stock Xbox headset finally broke and I figured I’d try a proper gaming headset. Confirmed that my communication through the detachable mic was of good quality this afternoon (when attached). Note: Only Xbox One and Xbox Series users can use the headphones for surround sound.
Bought as a gift and they are loved! Noice cancelling and sound quality very good!
cuffie da gaming con una buona qualit dell’ audio dotate di un microfono per poter conversare con compagni di squadra durante le partite online.
il microfono montabile / smontabile in modo semplicissimo ed immediato e trovo che questo sia un pregio dal momento che nel caso in cui non avessimo la necessit di conversare con altre persone possiamo usare le cuffie in modalit solo di ascolto rimuovendo il microfono e rendendole pi pratiche e “leggere”.
il microfono si pu poi “modellare” ed orientare a piacimento per posizionarlo nel modo corretto davanti alla nostra bocca.
ottima comunque la presenza di un pulsante fisico tramite il quale silenziare il microfono, questo tastino di una comodit incredibile, posizionato sulla cuffia sinistra e basta premerlo per disattivare / attivare il microfono nel caso in cui volessimo mettermi in modalit “silenzio” radio per poi voler tornare a parlare.
utilizzare questo tasto sicuramente pi comodo rispetto magari a doverlo disattivare dalla console.
la qualit dell’ audio la trovo soddisfacente e piuttosto adeguato per delle cuffie di questa cifra anche se alla fine non nulla di eccezionale, un audio di buona qualit in grado di dare delle buone soddisfazioni ma sicuramente non pu competere con quello di cuffie da 150 / 200 euro e passa, e alla fine anche giusto cosi.
bello che i padiglioni si possono ruotare indietro di 90 gradi esatti per cui le cuffie possono essere tenute al collo in modo molto comodo, anche in avanti si riescono a ruotare ma solamente di 20 / 30 gradi, questo fa si che gli speaker si adattino in modo perfetto alle nostre orecchie per cui le cuffie risultano molto confortevoli da indossare.
ad aumentare ulteriormente la sensazione di confort e la comodit di queste cuffie ci sono un’ ampia imbottitura super morbida applicata all’ archetto da appoggiare sul capo e delle imbottiture morbidissime sui padiglioni da appoggiare sulle orecchie.
devo dire per che quando si indossano non offrono un isolamento molto elevato dall’ ambiente esterno e sarebbe stato pi carino poter contare su un isolamento maggiore per ascoltare un audio pi puro e non dover essere costretti ad alzare il volume troppo alto per sentire i suoni per bene.
gli archetti sono in metallo e si possono regolare in modo comodo.
ecco forse nella posizione pi compatta potevano essere fatte pi strette, ho il dubbio che per un bambino vadano un filino larghe.
comodissima la possibilit di regolare l’ audio tramite la rotellina girevole, trovo che sia una soluzione decisamente superiore e piu comoda rispetto a regolarlo con i classici tastini di + e -, pi comodo, veloce e meno stressante utilizzare questa rotellina.
parlando dei difetti, l’ unico grosso difetto che ho trovato il cavo jack audio che non sostituibile in quanto risulta attaccato alle cuffie senza possibilit di smontarlo e di cambiarlo.
questo significa che nel caso si dovesse danneggiare, non potendolo sostituire le cuffie sono da buttare via.
personalmente trovo che montare un cavo non sostituibile sia una soluzione molto anacronistica in quanto oggi il trend quello di mettere sempre dei cavi che si possono cambiare, specie per delle cuffie che hanno un prezzo maggiore di 50 euro come queste che costano intorno agli 80.
per il resto confermo che sono multipiattaforma e si possono tranquillamente utilizzare non solo con le console indicate ma anche con pc, smartphone, lettore musicale ecc.
il packaging ottimo e le cuffie arrivano super protette contro qualsiasi tipo di urto durante il trasporto.
— — PREZZO — —
il prezzo attuale (agosto 2021) di 79.99 euro ci sta come prezzo anche se alla fine forse un po’ altino, 15 euro in meno e sarebbe meglio.
concludendo, cuffie da gaming discrete, peccato per il cavo jack audio che sia fisso e non sia intercambiabile.
Rapporto qualit prezzo molto buono per queste cuffie adatte per il gaming e anche per ascoltare musica. Il suono si sente bene, nitido e pulito, con bassi potenti e frequenze medie e alte ben bilanciate.
Sono delle cuffie cablate che si possono quindi utilizzare con tutti i dispositivi dotati di jack da 3,5″, come le console, i pc, gli smartphone o i televisori.
Le ho trovate molto comode anche da indossare per pi ore consecutivamente, grazie ai due grandi padiglioni da 60mm, morbidi e ben imbottiti. Isolano bene dai rumori esterni e all’interno montano due driver che durante la riproduzione separano i bassi dalle altre frequenze per ottenere un audio pi nitido ed equilibrato.
Anche il microfono removibile mi piaciuto e permette di catturare un suono di buona qualit che risulta pulito e chiaro a chi ci ascoltata in chat durante una partita.
Concludendo trovo che siano delle buone cuffie, comode e con un audio ottimo per la fascia di prezzo.
Spero la recensione possa essere utile. Ho potuto provare questo prodotto grazie al programma Vine di Amazon.
Nel mondo dei videogames, non occorre solamente avere una console od un Pc performanti ma periferiche di altissima qualita’ quali mouse, tastiera, casse audio o meglio ancora, cuffie.
Soprattutto per giochi come gli FPS, le cuffie sono spesso fondamentali e fanno la differenza tra i videogiocatori.
Di case che si occupano della produzione di articoli di questo genere ce ne sono tante, ma una di queste sembra essere il punto di riferimento per i videogiocatori.
Sto parlando di Turtle Beach che produce controller, accessori ma soprattutto cuffie per tutti i gamers di console e Pc.
L’articolo presentato in questa recensione, di loro produzione, e’ venduto attraverso Amazon ed io che ho avuto modo di richiederlo per testarlo, sono ora qui a parlarvene.
All’interno del pacco inviato da Amazon, ho trovato la bella confezione di Turtle Beach con al suo interno :
– Cuffie over ear modello Recon 500
– Microfono da applicare alle cuffie
– Manuale d’uso
Le Recon 500 di Turtle Beach sono cuffie da gaming senza troppi fronzoli come lucine o design all’avanguardia e presentano solamente un regolatore di volume ed un pulsante per mettere in muto il microfono.
Sono cuffie che si sentono bene e con una discreta separazione dei toni dovuta ai driver utilizzati.
Il cavo utilizzato, troppo corto a mio avviso, e’ rivestito in nylon intrecciato ma risulta essere anche di spessore troppo basso ed occorrera’ fare attenzione durante l’utilizzo.
Occorrera’ fare attenzione anche al microfono fornito in forma separata e che potremo agganciare alle cuffie per mezzo di un jack di collegamento.
Ho testato queste cuffie non solo su console ma anche su Pc dove ho fatto qualche test sia in game sia con della musica.
La risposta in game risulta piu’ decisa ed appropriata che non con la musica dove si, suonano ma senza infamia e senza lode.
Il fatto di poter scollegare il microfono puo’ risultare una comodita’ quando non risulta necessario ma se si e’ distratti, si puo’ arrivare a perderlo.
Stiamo parlando di un prodotto di fascia medio alta e prodotto da una compagnia che si vanta di essere la N1 al mondo in produzione di cuffie da gaming.
Un microfono con rotazione od a scomparsa sarebbe stato decisamente piu’ apprezzato.
I pad rivestiti in tessuto traspirante risultano comodi ma non troppo isolanti.
Buone le regolazioni per adattare le cuffie alle orecchie e se vanno bene per me che ho la testa grande, credo vadano bene un po’ per tutti.
In definitiva, le Recon 500 non suonano male ma suonano poco…nel senso che anche al massimo volume si sentono basse.
Forse mi sono viziato con le cuffie che utilizzo normalmente sui miei dispositivi ma sto parlando di cuffie della stessa fascia di prezzo delle Recon 500 e quindi non so esattamente se sia una cosa normale e voluta da Turtle Beach o se sia un problema di qualche genere magari del campione da me testato.
Nel momento di questa recensione, le Recon 500 di Turtle Beach si trovano in vendita attraverso il portale di Amazon per poco meno di 80.
In considerazione di quanto gia’ detto mi sento di dire che sulla stessa fascia di prezzo, possiamo trovare sempre su Amazon delle alternative di altre case costruttrici che risultano essere piu’ performanti e con piu’ gadget di quelle di Turtle Beach.
– Leggere e comode
– Pad Traspiranti
– Compatibili con le console piu’ conosciute ( Utilizzabili anche su Pc tramite splitter )
– Terribilmente anonime
– Audio basso anche al massimo volume
– Cavo non troppo lungo e soprattutto di spessore troppo basso
– Manca uno splitter per un eventuale utilizzo su Pc
4 stelle e come per le altre recensioni da me effettuate, mi riservo di modificare la suddetta nel caso dovessi riscontrare problematiche relative a questo prodotto.
Achet pour jouer sur ma PS5 le casque fonctionne parfaitement et isole super bien des bruit extrieur.
En revanche impossible d’activer l’option son 3D de la ps5 dessus car il ne l’a supporte pas et superpose tt les sons. Dommage mais ca reste un bon casque
Casque confortable y compris avec des lunettes, ne fait pas mal aux oreilles. Isole plutt bien des bruits extrieurs.
Je regrette qu’il ne fonctionne que sur batterie d’abord parce que je ne pense pas toujours la recharger et ensuite parce que sa dure d’utilisation est donc conditionne la dure de vie de la batterie…
Mais le prix n est pas excessif.
Non il primo modello che posso provare di Turtle Beach, in passato ho avuto un’esperienza discreta ma non amo in genere l’aspetto troppo giocattoloso di questo tipo di periferiche, su queste nuove “Recon 500″ per anche questa caratteristica si fa interessante, e c’ anche altro.
E’ un modello cablato con jack 3,5” combinato che veicola sia ascolto stereo che microfono, quindi compatibile con molti pads, portatili recenti e smartphones. Non purtroppo incluso uno sdoppiatore per uscire in due jack e usarli quindi correttamente su PC fissi, dovrete in quel caso acquistarlo separatamente.
La prima caratteristica degna di attenzione risiede nelle misure molto generose dei drivers, ben 60mm e ribattezzati col nome di “Eclipse Dual”. All’atto pratico questi sono in grado di riprodurre un audio pulito anche in presenza di molti bassi, che tra l’altro sono gi di serie enfatizzati di qualche decibel. Li ho stressati con musica impegnativa e non hanno mostrato il fianco nemmeno col volume al massimo.
Piccola nota sulla manopola del volume, ha uno scorrimento incerto che non d una sensazione premium, ne ho usate di migliori in modelli che costavano un quarto.
Il microfono disinseribile, possiamo quindi usarlo oppure toglierlo completamente. Qualitativamente fa il suo, ci permette di trasmettere la nostra voce chiara e squillante, quindi senza problemi in videochiamate o durante sessioni di gioco.
In termini di comodit ho riscontrato alti e bassi, la struttura snodata e regolabile in dimensioni quindi si adatta bene alla forma della testa, e non d fastidio nemmeno quando la teniamo attorno al collo. Purtroppo l’archetto tende a fare pressione sulla testa, seppure presente un cuscinetto, quindi alla lunga mi causa un po’ di fastidio. Non sono inoltre particolarmente leggere o traspiranti, quindi se fa caldo ogni tanto una pausa ci vuole.
Passando ai pensieri finali le promuovo, l’audio in ascolto molto buono e i punti deboli sono soltanto parzialmente imputabili all’ergonomia dove altri modelli sanno fare di meglio.
Il s’agit d’un avis sur le Recon 500. Pour poser le contexte, je l’utilise surtout sur PC puis PS4. Essentiellement pour les jeux donc. J’ai test le micro une seule fois sur PS4 et rien dire.
Au niveau du packaging, on reste sur quelque chose classique. Rien de bien surprenant.
Au niveau de la qualit, on reste sur du plastique qui semble nanmoins de bonne qualit. Le casque est bien pens avec la position du volume directement au niveau des couteurs. Le cble est en nylon donc rien dire.
Le port du casque est agrable mme sur la dure (max 3h et aucune douleur). Les oreillettes ne serrent pas trop au niveau des oreilles. La qualit du son est top, j’avais peur que les basses prdominent comme d’habitude, je l’utilise mme pour couter un peu de musique.
Le rapport qualit prix est vraiment intressa
I like Turtle Beach products mainly because they are a very specialized brand focusing on Gaming audio and their products measure up to their hype. In fact I already own a Turtle Beach Recon 200 which I use as my main headset and these Recon 500’s are far superior to the 200’s in every shape and form .
– One of the main distinguishing factors for these headsets are its dual 60mm Neodymium sound drivers which are dedicated to High and low frequencies independently as opposed to a single driver on other gaming headsets. This setup not only gives them the appearance of a larger sound stage and excellent stereo imaging capabilities but also makes for a great music headset as well .
– The other key feature of this headset is its light weight and superb foam cushion material around the ear cups and the headband
– Even though I wear glasses and have large protruding ears , I found them very comfortable for extended periods as the soft ear cups were large enough fully contain my ears without them touching anything inside. They did not put a lot of pressure on my eyeglasses frame against my head either
– The mic is fixed as in you cannot detach it but they can be flexed
– I used these headsets extensively for playing games like Apex Legends, Titanfall 2 , Battlefield 1 & Overwatch (on PC & Xbox One) , and the main emphasis of these headsets is on certain high & mid range frequencies which when coupled with the dual sound drivers give these headsets amazing stereo imaging capabilities
– You are not only able hear every approaching footstep, reload, cloaking etc clearly , but because of the very good stereo placement you can also pinpoint the direction from which the sound is coming behind you. This gives you a slight edge as you are able to react faster
– The dual sound drivers means its also great for listening music with very good mid and low range performance. Bass is good withing muddying the highs.
– The Mic is good and offers plenty of feedback through the earpieces so that you dont scream too much and other players are able to hear you clearly
– Distinct sound profile amplifies sounds that otherwise would drown in other low frequencies like approaching footsteps , a distant reload, cloak etc . Also the dialogues are crystal clear
– Amazing stereo surround capabilities, which allow you to identify from which direction the sound is coming from
– Comfortable for extended periods , even if you have large ears or wear glasses
– Multi platform compatiblity
– The microphone is sensitive and clear with plenty of auditory feedback
– Good t music performance
– Good looking
– They are quite loud
– The mic or the mic button does not have any sort of LED indicator to tell whether its muted or not .. you have to do trial and error to to confirm its actually muted or not
These are very good headsets no doubt and they do give you a slight edge as you can hear sounds that you might otherwise miss and if you are looking for a quality, versatile gaming headset which has a balanced sound profile without over the top bass, & an excellent stereo surround stage , then these headsets are a great choice
Prodotto consegnato celermente. Arriva in una confezione bella ma dal contenuto essenziale: solo l’headset ed un piccolo manuale multilingue. Sfrutta il collegamento jack a 4 contatti TRRS, una soluzione semplice ed universale: compatibile con tutte le console (per inserirlo nel controller Xbox Series X ho dovuto spingere con un po’ di forza affinch raggiungesse il fondo). Questo attacco va bene anche per molti notebook e ultrabook moderni che ormai sfruttano il singolo ingresso jack (che va bene anche con i classici auricolari da smartphone) e volendo si pu usare su smartphone (anche se bisogna tenere in conto che non sono fatte per la portatilit per ingombro e struttura). In merito all’uso su PC ho avuto modo di fare molte prove ma ho potuto attaccarle sfruttando una scheda audio USB esterna, alternativamente si pu usare uno splitter che divida il segnale audio in uscita e microfono (purtroppo non incluso in dotazione, ma volendo se ne trovano in commercio).
In merito alla qualit costruttiva la ritengo ottima. Materiali leggeri ma robusti. Buone sensazioni di solidit. La plastica ovviamente domina ma non si ha sensazione di economico. Le varie parti sono rifinite e ben assemblate. Una volta indossate sono confortevoli grazie all’imbottitura generosa ma traspirante sulle orecchie. Vi inoltre una buona imbottitura morbida sotto l’archetto. Non scalda e permette di tenerla addosso a lungo. C’ da dire che io ho una testa di misura medio-piccola e mi trovo bene (estendendo comunque al massimo l’archetto): chi avesse una testa grande potrebbe trovarla un po’ stretta sulle orecchie visto il poco margine di regolazione ulteriore (questa la principale nota negativa che sento di trovare).
Particolare il fatto che gli speaker interni siano ben visibili grazie alla scelta di applicare una copertura in tessuto a rete semitrasparente. La rotellina di regolazione sulla sinistra pratica da raggiungere con la mano e da usare. Il microfono staccabile qualora non si voglia usarlo oppure se si vuole usare le cuffie principalmente per ascolto musica in mobilit (una volta tolto il microfono non sembra che gli machi qualcosa e risultano belle esteticamente).
La qualit audio ottima dal mio punto di vista. Particolarmente adatta al gaming con bassi ben rappresentati e cristallini: sono comunque ben rappresentate le varie frequenze. Non primariamente adatte all’ascolto musicale, tuttavia ho trovato gradevole anche questo tipo di uso (non sono alta fedelt).
Sono delle semplici cuffie stereo quindi inadatte a chi cerca una esperienza dolby surround 7.1, che si trova invece in headset con scheda audio integrata e connessione USB (in genere solo per PC). Il microfono fornisce una buona qualit audio senza disturbi.
Cavo di buona qualit: robusto ma leggerissimo (cosa da non sottovalutare) e finemente rivestito di nylon intrecciato nero. piuttosto corto: misura adatta all’uso connesso a console portatili come Nintendo Switch o a controller.
Provate ed apprezzate tantissimo anche in videoconferenza.
Al momento della recensione il prezzo di euro 79,99 a mio parere adeguato per la qualit dell’headset. Non perfetto: come detto si poteva aumentare il range di regolazione per coprire taglie pi grandi, inoltre la dotazione ridotta all’osso ne diminuisce la versatilit (ad esempio su piattaforme che hanno i canali audio e microfono separati). Rimane comunque un prodotto valido e di buona qualit nel complesso. Con un considerevole sconto e tenendo conto dei difetti citati sopra (qualora non fossero un problema per il singolo utente che sceglie di acquistarle) potrebbero essere un best buy.
I’ve been using these headphones for the past few weeks now and with all the recent hot weather we are having one thing I love is that the ear cups are fabric, it makes such a difference to comfort when wearing them for extended periods, especially in hot weather!
They are fairly lightweight and fit very comfortably, I can easily wear them all day if I wanted to and I’ve owned headphones that were way more expensive than these yet weren’t as comfortable to wear so great job on the fit and comfort of these. Both ear cups swivel and the headband has plenty of flex to it so you get the perfect fit when worn.
Sound is pretty decent too; I mean don’t get me wrong they won’t blow you away but for playing games and general media they are great. They sound clear at all volumes and you get a decent amount of mids and bass. Sounds like footsteps in games or distant gunfire is where these headphones shine, you can hear them very clearly. With regards to the sound quality, I’m quite pleased with them.
I’m using them with my PC, they work perfectly fine but as my PC tower is on the floor I have found the headphone cable to be very short as it just about reaches, another half a metre would have been nice as the cable is permanently attached so you cant swap it out for a longer one.
The microphone works well and according to friends on Discord its high quality, they can hear me perfectly well and there isn’t much background noise that gets picked up. You can attach and remove it quickly and if you want to mute the mic you can just press the button on the side of the left ear cup.
Overall, for gaming I think these are a great pair of headphones and one of the comfiest I have used in recent years. I think they represent pretty good value for money and I’m more than happy to recommend them, I feel four stars is appropriate mainly due to the short audio cable!
Premetto, come da titolo, che le ho testate sia con la nuova console Microsoft che con la console Nintendo e dico subito di essere molto soddisfatto.
Le cuffie sono esteticamente abbastanza standard, non si distinguono per chiss che (per quanto possa essere rilevante l’estetica!). Presentano il microfono come elemento che si pu attaccare e staccare facilmente perch collegato con un jack e questa un’ottima cosa (anche se facilit la probabilit di perderlo), in pi solo due elementi:
– la rotellina per il volume
– il tasto mute del microfono
L’uso immediato, la cosa molto positiva che isolano abbastanza dai rumori esterni e questo fondamentale soprattutto perch trovo il volume, almeno con le console, un po’ troppo basso, anche al massimo. Quindi l’isolamento aiuta ad avere comunque un volume accettabile. La qualit del suono in media con le cuffie per questo segmento di mercato, ho testato con i giochi e, ad esempio, nelle scene con la pioggia, riuscivo a sentire le gocce cadere a terra.
Il microfono mi dicono che sia nitido (chi mi ascolta, provato mio figlio, in particolare, nelle sessioni di Fortnite su Switch).
Isolamento acustico molto buono
Qualit audio buona
Comode e con microfono staccabile
… microfono staccabile (rischio di perderlo pi elevato)
volume un po’ basso
Al netto del volume un po’ basso, che magari pu dipendere dalle impostazioni delle console, direi che un’ottima cuffia per il gaming su console (su PC continuo a preferire quelle USB) con audio ben distinguibile e buon isolamento. Le ho provate in sessioni da 2 ore piene e non mi ha dato fastidio indossarle.
Spero di esservi stato utile 🙂
Meine Bewertung bezieht sich auf der Recon 500.
Das Headset ist in einem schicken Karton verpackt. Im Lieferumfang befindet sich ausser dem Headset noch das ansteckbare Mikrofon sowie eine Bedienungsanleitung.
Hlt man das Headset zum ersten mal in den Hnden fllt einem die doch recht gute Verarbeitung auf.
Die Ohrmuscheln sind gut mit Stoff gepolstert und drcken nicht da sie sich gut an den Kopf anpassen lassen. Der Kopfbgel hat ebenfalls eine gute Polsterung mit einem sehr weichem Material. Die Ohrmuscheln lassen sich jeweils um 90 nach hinten drehen.
Das Kabel hat einen robusten Nylonmantel und ist mit 137cm inklusive Klinkenstecker nicht gerade lang.
Fr mich als Konsolenspieler kein Problem da ich das Headset am Controller anschliee, PC Spieler knnten hier aber schon an ihre Grenzen stoen.
Am Headset selbst befindet sich nur ein Lautstrkeregler. Eine zustzliche Mic-Mute Taste wre hier wnschenswert.
Getestet habe ich das Headset an einer PS4 sowie an einer PS5. Jeweils am Controller angeschlossen.
Der Sound ist wirklich nicht schlecht und sehr ausgewogen. Egal ob Explosion oder Vogelgezwitscher, alles harmoniert wunderbar und die Hhen werden nicht verschluckt. Das htte ich nicht gedacht.
Das Mikrofon lsst sich einfach an und abstecken und ist flexibel biegsam. Im Sprachchat wurde ich gut verstanden und es gab keine Kritik.
Der Tragekomfort ist ja immer auch was individuelles und schwer zu bewerten. Ich habe das Headset in mehreren Spielsessions von jeweils 4-5 Stunden aufgehabt und habe auch als Brillentrger nichts zu auszusetzen. Die Ohrmuscheln sind nicht zu klein und schirmen auch gut von Umgebungsgeruschen ab. Das Stoffpolster verhindert ein schwitzen und ist auch angenehm weich.
Die Verarbeitung und Qualitt sind fr diese Preisklasse einwandfrei. Das Headset fhlt sich nicht billig an.
Der Sound ist ausgewogen und wirklich gut.
Einen Stern ziehe ich wegen dem etwas kurzem Kabel (fr PC Spieler evtl. zu kurz) und dem fehlenden Mikrofon Mute Knopf ab.
Fr einen aktuellen Preis von 79,99 (Stand: 19.7.21) ein gutes Preis/Leistungsverhltnis.
I have used turtle beach and Astro for a long time
I love turtle beach and the Recon 500 headset is no exception. The Recon 500 are Multiplatform this means that right out of the box, you’ll be able to enjoy the headset on any device that has a 3.5mm connection so my Xbox Series X, PlayStation, my Nintendo switch and my gaming PC i can also enjoy the sound on my ipad while playing xbox games on the cloud.
The quality is second to none, they are well made and durable, they fit perfectly on my head and to be honest I’m super happy, even better they fit over my ears properly allowing sound to travel better into the ear.
The Recon 500 sound quality is excellent, but for best on xbox i recommend you change settings to Windows Sonic for Headphones for the full 3d effect, great for playing Warzone allowing you to hear more.
Wire is long enough if you put it down the controller for a second. Over all I’m super impressed but i would not expect anything less from a company like Turtle beach.
At 69.98 (at time of review) worth the price
Bon produit avec un bon son. Je l’utilise sur Switch, les couteurs isolent bien des sons extrieurs.
J’utilise dj un casque de mme marque mais par moment le micro ne fonctionne pas trs bien. J’espre que celui ci sera plus fiable.
Prix correct sans plus.
Overall this gaming headset sounds really good, are very comfortable and are a great value for the cost.
I’ve been using this headset with my PC every day for the last 2 weeks and have been impressed with many aspects:
First up, I’m no audiophile but I find the sound quality of these to be very good for the price point. I have a couple of other headsets in this price range and these really stand out. The sound is balanced and even turned up to very high volume I find it remains clear without distortion. Also the fit of the ear cups provide a good block from external noise. The microphone also delivers great quality sound when playing games online with friends.
The design is also very good and I find these comfortable to wear for even long work days as well as evening game sessions. The ear cups fit tight to provide a good sound block from external sounds but the foam is also very thick making it comfortable to wear. The headband foam is also comfortable and the band adjustment is firm and solid whilst being flexible enough that it can fit comfortably. In terms of buttons there are two controls on the left hand side, a mute button and an analogue volume dial. The mute button is a chunky switch which feels great to press and you can tell the position of the switch just by feeling it. The volume dial is great and allows small volume adjustments without fiddling with up and down buttons. I love the old school controls.
The braided cord also feels solid, I’ve had a few moments where it’s caught against my desk as I’ve suddenly moved or stood up without any damage to the cord at all. The length is pretty short at 4ft so depending on the distance from your PC or console you may need an extension cord.
Finally, asthetically these are pretty good for those of us that like a quieter look. The black and grey doesn’t look overly “gamery” however they are still pretty chunky, particularly around the ears so whilst I have used these for a few work calls I do prefer to switch to earphones or something a little more discrete.
Overall, for the cost these are excellent value with no real downsides. The solid build quality makes me believe these will last a long time.
Vorab: Ich habe das Turtle Beach Recon 500 kostenlos zur Verfgung gestellt bekommen.
Da ich sonst nur Kabellose Kopfhrer besitze, bis auf eine Ausnahme, wollte ich mal ein Headset haben, welches nicht auf einen Akku angewiesen ist.
Das Turtle Beach Recon 500 Headset kam in einer ansprechenden Verpackung an und weckte sofort mein Interesse was sich hinter dem Preis von knapp 80 verbirgt.
Es ist sicher Verpackt und wird mit einer Schnellstart- Anleitung und dem abnehmbaren Mikrofon geliefert.
Optisch sieht es wirklich schick aus und an der Verarbeitung ist auch nichts dran auszusetzen.
Das Kabel befindet sich auf der linken Seite, wo auch der Lautstrkeregler und der Anschluss fr das Mikrofon ist.
Auerdem befindet sich auf der linken Hrmuschel der Knopf zum Ein-/ ausschalten des Mikrofons.
Die Bgel sind grenverstellbar und somit fr die meisten Kopfgren geeignet.
Fr den ersten Test habe ich das Headset mittels 3,5 mm Klinke an meinem PC angeschlossen und ein Paar Lieder angemacht.
Die Ausgabe ist sehr sauber und man hrt die Texte deutlich raus.
Die Bsse sind allerdings etwas schwach auf der Brust, da bin ich deutlich strkeres gewohnt.
Selbst bei voller Lautstrke bleibt der Ton jedoch sauber und klingt nicht nach einer Blechdose.
Fr den zweiten Test habe ich das Mikrofon angesteckt und habe mich mit Freunden ber Teamspeak unterhalten. Man konnte mich gut verstehen und es waren keine nervigen Nebengerusche zu hren.
Das hat mir gefallen:
Das Headset ist sehr bequem und wiegt nicht viel, dadurch kann man mehrere Stunden spielen, ohne das man eine Pause braucht.
Sobald man es aufsetzt, hat man das Gefhl dass die Gerusche um einen herum schon fast nicht mehr zu hren sind, obwohl noch kein Ton herauskommt.
Die Ohrmuscheln lassen sich um 90 verdrehen und so liegt das Headset bequem auf, wenn man es um den Hals legt.
Die Tonqualitt ist sehr sauber und auch bei voller Lautstrke angenehm.
Das hat mir nicht so gefallen:
Das Kabel sollte man abnehmen knnen, denn wen man es aufhngt, dann hngen die Kabel so unschn in der Gegend rum.
Der Bass knnte ruhig etwas krftiger sein.
Fazit: Die zwei kleinen Schwchen die mir aufgefallen sind, bringen mich dazu 1 Stern abzuziehen.
Im Groen und Ganzen ist das Headset jedoch wirklich Klasse und fr den Preis zu empfehlen.
The turtle beach headset is fantastic quality for gaming, crisp clear audio sending and receiving. My husband is a big fan of these while playing PS4 games but he did mention though the headband is comfortable and the mic can be moved for convenience that he found his ears became sweaty after using them any longer than an hour, I’m unsure if this is because of the thick ear muff type padding on them or the volume he has it set but it’s a point to note. He does say that turtle beach is a well known brand in the gaming world, and that the price is very reasonable considering brand and quality.
Estamos ante los auriculares TURTLE BEACH RECON 500, en color negro y con un precio a fecha de 14-07-2021 de 80.
La caja incluye lo siguiente
Auriculares alambricos Turtle Beach
Microfono extraible
Manual de instrucciones
Que considero se podra mejorar:
La longitud del cable, no permite que lo pueda conectar directamente a la parte trasera de mi PC sin utilizar el alargo de 3,5mm.
Los bajos, no suponen mucho problema para un uso cotidiano, como puede der jugando o viendo pelis y menos si no eres exigente, pero si que es cierto que si te paras y los pones a prueba, en este aspecto, flojean un poco, se nota la distorsin. Pero repito, para uso casual ni te preocupes. Yo los he puesto para tenerlos de diario en mi PC y Switch.
Que es lo que me gusta de estos auriculares:
Su diseo es muy elegante y moderno
Desprende robustez
Son muy cmodos, las almohadillas recogen toda mi oreja y no me molestan en absoluto
Los altavoces pueden regularse unos 90 – 95 grados
La diadema tambin es regulable, con una almohadilla por su parte inferior que asegura comodidad
El sonido es bastante bueno, en altos y en medios se defiende muy bien. Y en bajos estaremos cubiertos en muchas situaciones
Las voces se escuchan bien y segn me cuentan, tambin se escucha bien mi voz (aunque con algn sonido de por medio)
El micro es extraible, yo por ejemplo le doy poco uso, as que lo tengo quitado. Me gusta porque los auriculares quedan mucho mejor
En los propios auriculares dispone de regulacin de volumen y anulacin de voz
He probado los auriculares en el PC mediante mi tarjeta de sonido, en la Switch y en PS4 PRO mediante el mando.
En los 3 casos no he tenido problemas a destacar y mi experiencia de juego ha sido muy buena. Si que es cierto que en PS4 PRO me he acostumbrado a jugar con unos auriculares inalambricos, pero tengo que decir que la ventaja de tener cable es que te olvidas de tener que estar cargandolos o de quedarte sin batera, cosa muy comn. Y en PC he probado adems de jugar… ver alguna peli o streaming y muy bien.
En cuanto al micrfono, aqu viene mi nica duda, estoy contento por lo que me indican los que me escuchan, pero si que es cierto que se cuela algo de ruido, y de momento desconozco el motivo.
Si tuviese que recomendarlos, estaran en mi lista por precio, calidad y por ser compatibles con casi todo.
Using these Turtle Beach headphones with my Nintendo Switch. Pleasantly surprised with the overall positive points of these headphones, at an arguably budget price.
-The headphones come nicely packaged. Good quality outer box (would make for an ideal gift).
-Build quality is top-notch. Largely made from plastic, but has a steel band adjustment. Nice foam padding on the top makes for a very comfortable wearing experience.
-Headphone padding and material is very soft and the stitching appears to be of a high quality.
-Can easily be worn with glasses.
-Volume adjustment dial/mute button on the side.
-Clearly marked LEFT and RIGHT cups.
-Braided cable.
-Ear pieces can turn on their axis.
-Detachable mic. I took it off as I’m not using it for online gaming.
-I found the sound quality to be excellent, particularly at this price range. The over-ear design does a great job at eliminating external sound (despite not being noise cancelling).
-Found using it with my Switch to be a joy. All games sounded fantastic, and much better than using a standard set of wired ear buds. Could hear all of Mario’s jumps and Ori Will of the Wisps sounded particularly epic (as it has an amazing music score).
-On-par with my XBOX Series X wireless headset in overall sound quality and comfort.
-I’ve used these headphones for some fairly long gaming sessions (up to 90 minutes in a single sitting- long for me!). And found them to be really comfortable throughout.
-The on-ear design helps, and there was no sweat or moisture build-up.
-As already mentioned, the padding is super soft and feels pleasant against my ears/face with no irritation.
-The headphones are a little bulky (nit-picking here), but as not being taken out of the house, really isn’t a concern.
-Cable length (1M) is fixed and cannot be adjusted.
-Volume adjustment dial could have been a little larger, as can be tricky to find/adjust in the middle of a game.
Overall, an amazing set of headphones. If you prefer (or don’t need) wireless, this set will definitely live up to expectations in terms of build quality, comfort, decent sound at an affordable price point.
My son’s using these with his PC and we found that we needed an adaptor to connect them up. This is the one we used and it’s perfect: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07V9KYW7Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
He likes the headset, says the sound quality is great and his friends report that the mic is very clear when he chats with them online. The only issue he’s mentioned is that they press on the arms of his glasses which is slightly uncomfortable but I imagine that would be true of any similar headset.
This is being used by my son who rates it as excellent. Turtle Beachbate a familiar name in the gaming headset market with products ranging from everyday priced to very expensive.
In terms of price this is probably middle of the road for me and we often go for a slightly cheaper option, my son says the slightly higher price of this set is worth it in terms of sound clarity .
The nice thing about this headset is that it’s multi-platform so my son can use it with both his Xbox and also his PS4. More manufacturers are doing this now and it’s ideal if you deal with a gamer who uses different platforms at different times.
A word also about Turtle Beach in terms of customer service which I’ve used once or twice in the past. They are very responsive if you have issues and very helpful. It’s always worth knowing this about companies and where the service has been good I tend to mention this in reviews. We haven’t had any issues with this particular headset but just an issue with a past pair. Credit where it’s due.
Excellent quality headphones. Works amaizing.
Great sound quality and good noise-cancelletion.
Micropfone also works good.
Very comfy to wear them. The ear pads are very soft.
Such type of headphones will be great for long time play.
So, all good about this headphones. Good sound, good microphone, good leight of cable and they are comfy.
I can definetly recommend them to all.
I have this headset for my brother who loves video games – he was very excited and praised them to all his friends. They are very soft and offer good sound isolation. The sound is clear and it is ok for video games. The cable is a little short though- we had to make adjustments for easier and more comfortable use.
I only tried these headphones out on my gaming PC, so can’t comment on other devices. The comfort of the headphones wasn’t bad for what they cost and the functions, ie, volume and microphone work well. Other players said my audio was clear so on that basis Im would say they are a good value option if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on your headset.
It is a wired gaming headset that will work across several platforms. I have been testing it with my PS4 Pro, Nintendo Switch and PC for a couple of weeks now.
I will start off with the good points:
* I like the design of the Recon 500. It is an unpretentious design and good for gamers of all ages.
* The build quality of the headset is great. The memory foam ear cushions are marvellous. With that and the flexibility of the headband, it is extremely comfortable.
* The mic is excellent for this price point and is detachable.
Now the not so good:
* The sound quality is average. Although better than cheap entry headsets, the HyperX Cloud Alpha I have blown the Recon 500 out of the water.
* I find having the volume control behind the left ear a bit awkward, but that could be because I’m used to having controls on the line.
So, would I recommend the Recon 500? That depends on the price. At the current 69.99 I would rather have the HyperX Cloud Alpha which is currently 72.95. Sound quality is the most important factor to me. Plus, the Alpha has a detachable wire which can be replaced if the 3.5 audio jack is damaged, which kids tend to break. But if this were to drop to about 55-60, I would not hesitate to get the Recon 500 as a good allrounder.
Make sure to shop around, there are a few headsets in this price bracket.
These work great for my Nintendo Switch but they are not as nice as the wireless 600 Turtle Beach headphones.
-Great sound quality
-Very comfortable
-Cord is not as long as I’d like. If you are holding the Switch it’s fine but if you are playing on a TV it’s not long enough. Buy an extension cord and make sure it’s a 4-conductor TRRS aux cord so that the mic works.
-Mic doesn’t flip up and down. On nicer Turtle Beach headphones you can flip the mic up to get it out of the way and this also works as a mute feature.
-Only one volume control. On nicer Turtle Beach headphones you have two controls, one for the game volume and one for the chat volume. It’s a really nice feature when your gaming with people and this set doesn’t have it.
Bottom line-these might be the best headphones for the switch, but if you are buying for a Playstation of Xbox get the wireless set that has the features I’ve described this one as missing.
These are incredibly comfortable to wear. There is plenty of padding underneath the top of the headset. I have worn for multiple hours at a nice and felt no discomfort on the top of my head. They aren’t the thickest ear pads in the world but again I have worn for multiple hours at a time with no discomfort. The drivers actually sit a good bit away from your ears. This added cushion of air actually makes me feel that these are a bit cooler (temperature wise) than other gaming headsets I have used. The mic quality is about what you would expect from a gaming headset.
Love this more budget priced headset from Turtle Beach. The build quality is outstanding. Just holding this headset and you can tell it’s a quality piece of electronics. I’m super happy with these.
The only cons and why I gave these a 4-star review are the controls for volume and mic mute. The volume is a small turntable wheel on the left headphone and is difficult to locate. The mic mute is also on the left headphone but on the side. Not very intuitive nor practical. Most controls are on the cord and easy to navigate. Lastly, there’s no way to know if your on mute. My last pair of headphones had a small light on the mic which lets you know when you are muted.
In parting, they are not perfect, but if you’re looking for great sound and quality, these are it.
Ce casque Gamer de la clbre marque Turtle Beach est sans aucun doute l’une des bonnes affaires du moment :
Il est beau et trs confortable (mme pendant de longues sessions de jeu), le son est vraiment trs bon et quilibr, le casque est aussi beau et son micro est de qualit.
Quant au ct filaire du produit, ce n’est pas un problme et loin de l. Le son est tellement immersif que l’on finit par tout oublier et le fil, assurment, permet lui aussi d’oublier quelque chose pour de bon : le niveau de charge d’une batterie qui finit toujours par poser problme.
Ce casque filaire est vraiment remarquable pour son prix et tout Gamer devrait y rflchir avant de dpenser plus ailleurs.
My partner uses his PC for gaming and for communicating with friends via the internet, sometimes at silly hours. For the past few years, the property next door has been empty, but a couple of weeks ago a family with a young baby moved in, they are very quiet, in fact we haven’t met them yet. We thought it would be more considerate not to have cars screeching and zombies groaning in the middle of the night from the PC games, so these are perfect. First off, they are very comfortable to wear, my partner finds them extremely comfortable to wear, they fit him perfectly and he says you wouldn’t know you were wearing them. I gave them a try too. Sound quality is amazing, the games sound better with them on, you’d think the footsteps were real in the room. A crossbow fired in the game even whooshed past me with direction. Internet calls are great quality too. 3d sound tests were amazing too, plenty on the internet to use.
This is a multi-product page and so reviews are merged. This review is for the Turtle Beach Recon 500.
The headphones are ear cups that can help block out external sounds, so you don’t need to crank the volume up to drown out the world. From a music perspective they produce good clear sound with no hiss or crackle and bass gives a nice thump without being dull.
I have been using these on a Switch which is a bit laughable as the headphones are bigger than the console — well almost. Games play exceptionally well through these, and I am hearing sounds I can’t normally hear. The left and right are quite distinct and so now I am getting some directional help. Voice is clear and crisp and teammates have no problem hearing me.
The mic plugs into the headphones and is on the left hand cup. The arm is in a fixed position, but the boom has some flexion to allow you to adjust placement, but it is limited. That being said, voice pick up is good wherever it is placed. The cups are a firm foam that are big enough to encompass my ears without touching them and likewise with the internal depth. I have worn these for several hours at a time and they have been good to wear. There is a little pressure soreness after a while, but a simple remove and replace eases the pressure and away to go again.
The mic is easily muted by pressing a button on the left cup and a wheel allows for volume adjustment on the fly. The braided cable is approx 135cm which is more than enough for a handheld or where you plug into the controller. If plugging into a PC, you may need a splitter if you have separate mic and headphone sockets. I used these for a teams meeting on an HP Elitebook and the sound both ways was perfect.
My only very minor negative is that I would have preferred a microphone that rotated out of the way , but that is just a personal preference.
I have used this headset with my ps4 over the past week and found the following
Sound: the overall sound quality delivered through these headphones has been excellent. the bass and trebles are all there to give a rich overall output.
Microphone: the mic is removable if you just want to use the headphones which I think is a nice touch, according to my friends they can hear me perfectly well when chatting.
Fitment: for me this is where I had an issue, the headband is a bit too tight and does put pressure on the sides of your head over a long period of time, I think this needs to be looked at.
Ease of use: The headphones have a large mute switch on the side of the ear cup which is easy to find, the volume dial is also easy to locate while wearing the headphones.
Overall a really decent set of headphones, I just hope the headband eases up a bit.
Premire fois que j’essaie un Turtle beach et je doit dire que je suis conquis.
Le casque est extrmement lger, en jeux c’est super agrable mme aprs de longues heures de jeux. Niveau mousse, elles sont la fois trs isolantes et ultra moelleuses, du coup aucune douleurs au niveau des oreilles quand on porte des lunettes.
Le son est excellent, la spacialisation sur des jeux comme R6 Sige est trs bonne, les basses sont bien prsentes sur des explosions par exemple et la fidlit du son dlivr est juste au niveau des aigus et des medium (un peu moins au niveau des basses mais ce n’est pas un casque prvu pour l’coute de musique).
Point de vue micro c’est nickel mes coquipiers me comprennent parfaitement, pas de hachures mme quand la situation me fait pousser la voix.
En bref, je n’ai strictement rien lui reproche
Ich durfte schon ein paar Headsets testen und habe ich selbst ein paar im Portfoliio.
Ohne viel Schnick-Schnack – manch einer wrde sagen “Nachhaltig” – kommt das Headset an. Ein Karton, ein Einschub, kaum Kunststoff – gut so.
Wertig, optisch und haptisch. Keine Macken oder Produktionsmngel. Sollten aber auch nicht vorhanden sein, bei knappen 74 Euro – ja, 148 Mark. Die lteren erinnern sich.
Ein 1,3 Meter langes Kabel mit Klinkenstecker ist lang genug um auch den PC (Audio hinten) bequem zu verdrahten, aber nicht zu lang, dass sich Konsolengamer, wo das Headset im Controller steckt, stndig selbst knebeln. Funktioniert an den der Switch, der PS4 und der PS5 ohne Probleme.
Kritikpunkt: Bei 74,- Euro darf man das Adapterkabel fr den PC als Beigabe erwarten. Denn ohne dieses, ist das Mic nicht zu verwenden. Ich hatte dieses auch schon beim “Astro” bemngelt und fr den Test ein Splitterkabel gekauft – welches auch mit dem Turtle gut funktioniert.
Mal zum Vergleich – Gewichte:
Astro Gaming A10 (ohne Kabek): 347gr
Astro Gaming A20 wireless: 315gr
Razer Elekta V2: 305gr
Turtle Beach Recon 500: 362gr
Die Ohrmuscheln sind auch fr meine groen Ohren geeignet. Es sitzt bequem.
Der Teleskopauszug ist hier aus Metall – gut so – denn mein Razer Kraken USB ist genau an der Stelle (weil Plastik) gebrochen. Als Verbesserungsvorschlag: bringt auf die Metallschiene Markierungen an – damit man die “Rasten” nicht beim ausziehen mitzhlen muss, sondern gleich erkennt, ob es wirklich parallel ist.
Ich bin ja hier ein Fan der Astro’s, da das Mic hier ber einfaches Hochklappen on/off gesetzt wird. Oder beim Razer Kraken am Kabel per Schalter, wo man gleich sieht, welcher Zustand hat das Mic.
Hier hat man die Steuerung an die linke Ohrmuschel verlagert. Volume und die Mic Steuerung. Wenn der Mic-Schalter “plan” mit der Ohrmuschel ist, ist es AUS. Bettigt man diesen, steht der Schalter leicht erhht ber und ist AN.
Die Stimme wird sauber aufgenommen – kein Rauschen hrbar. Sehr gut.
Der Sound ist stets gut ortbar – ja die Dual 60mm Treiber machen ordentlich bumms – sprich sind basslastig – aber nicht nervend oder berzeichnet. Auch Musik lsst sich sehr gut hren – kein Verzerren auch nicht bei “Volllast”.
Alles in Allem hat man mit dem Turtle Beach Recon 500 ein gutes Headset auf den Markt gebracht. ber Preis und Wert mchte ich mich nicht auslassen – denn dieses Empfinden ist subjektiv. Ich kann es Euch empfehlen.
its nice and the foam is really soft and comfortable, however the extendable sides are SO loose
like you shake the headset and it will be at the max size its a bit rediculous how loose it is
Arrived on time,work well,glad I could get this colour as my daughter really wanted these ones
This headset is great. The audio is amazing and very clear, I’m told it sounds super clear when I’m talking, and I absolutely LOVE the mic feature where you can mute when you move it up! I work from home and use this headset for that, as well as gaming through steam and talking through discord. The ear cups are very comfortable and the headset itself fits my head well, and usually headsets are a bit too big on me. I do have one issue though, and this is why I gave it 4 stars. The cushioning on the top hurts my head after a little while. I wore it for about 1 1/2 hours and it started aching on top of my head. I feel like I may just need to break them in. Other than that i absolutely love the white and purple combo, it’s so cute and minimalist! The cord to plug it in is also purple which is cute. The mic is smaller (shorter) than I assumed but I’m not mad about it, it stays away from hitting my mouth. Overall, I would recommend this headset!
I bought these after purchasing far too many PlayStation headphone sets that kept losing sound quality too easily.. I love them, great audio quality, crisp microphone input, very comfortable! I would definitely recommend! 🙂
Lovely headset, good quality hearing so I can play warzone!
has 2 output options so be careful which one you choose
Super happy with these. I was using a cheap headset for the longest time, struggling to hear and be heard and it finally clicked…just buy a nicer one. I did some thorough research.. ideally I’d prefer a headset with volume and mute controls on a remote on the wire, instead of the volume being located on the lower back half and having to flip up to mute, as I have kids and I often mute/unmute myself and I fear I’ll eventually break the microphone. But you can’t win them all. And bought an adapter that I can plug into the controller itself, but that’s for a different review.
This review is boasting about and highlighting this headset!
I love it so much. Once you get your console media settings figured out, depending on what you want to be louder, these are awesome! The sound is super clear and more importantly, everyone’s voice comes through clear. General sound seems to be regulated so there’s not much fluctuation between quiet and loud. Background noise from other players/party members isn’t overwhelming.
I’m always paranoid about being heard eating or my kids making too much noise. According to everyone I ask, they can only really head my kids when they’re being loud and shouting, or when they’re very close to me talking at the higher-than-usual “inside voice” tone most toddlers seem to talk in haha. And as far as chewing goes, if I eat with the food on my right side and keep my mouth closed, they cannot hear….or at least they’re good at lying to me. And I’ve been told you can’t hear when drinking anything, either. Which is also something I always worry about when being near a mic.
The cushions are super comfortable, don’t bother my glasses, nor do they cause any discomfort with my many ear piercings. I’ve considered using this headset as a regular pair of headphones on a few occasions, that’s how comfortable they are!
I also like the white and purple.. it’s a nice color scheme.
Overall, I would definitely recommend these to anyone looking for a nicer, but not super spendy headset.
you can never go wrong with turtle beach! It came EARLIER then expected which was an amazing surprise! Turtle beach is a brand i will also recommend with a tight budget good quality mic sound and hearing sounds like your right next to game sound!
I am extremely happy with this product! There is one downside though because the mic is so short it’s really hard for other people to hear you sometimes. But overall I recommend this product!
Great sound really clear
Brought these for her switch and she loves them
Really comfortable to wear and not to heavy
Great quality and value for money
I was looking for an inexpensive but quality headphone and mic for Zoom classes and for gaming/chatting online. These are perfect! The cushion around the ear pieces is super soft and comfortable. I wear these things for hours at a time and I barely notice them. One thing I did notice is the foam can be a bit hard/uncomfortable when you first get them or they get cold sitting on your desk. Don’t let that discourage you because as soon as they warm up on your head they feel like they are barely there. I’ve had no complaints with the mic echoing from anyone on Zoom or Discord. The sound quality is good too. The only thing is I would like to have a mute switch on them, you can flip the mic up to mute but that’s a bit awkward to do quickly. Though the ability to flip the mic out of the way when not needed is so convenient. Another plus, for me, is that they don’t block out all sound in the room. I like to be able to hear what is going on around me and I can have conversations with people without taking them off. Overall, I would buy these again. I have worn them for hundreds of hours so far and they are just like new. The colors are cute and match my setup as well which is a bonus.
Colour is great,comfortable and good sound quality.Used with PS4,Switch and xbox
Great product lovely colour does exactly what it says on the box
Bought these for my Daughter’s Birthday and she loved them. Sound is fantastic and mic is clear and crisp. Great value for money.
i like it it’s really loud but i keep biting the wires like a baby would
The cushions on the headset are really soft and squishy and are really comfortable. The lilac colour is also really cute and the headset fits really well over the ears and doesn’t hurt or become sore. Overall a really great product and pretty cheap!
Love my new head set! Works great, sound is clear. Adjustable volume.
Trs bien juste le micro et les oreillettes son petite
its really good, i recommend you buy it. i do have one problem though. sometimes im on party with some friends and my headset mic cuts off so I have to unplug it and plug it back into my controller. is that normal?
I love this headset the white and purple are really cute only thing is I hate how the mic isn’t adjustable to how you want it to be, it’s quite high and not close to the mouth so you have to speak up.
**It’s comfortable, cute, clear quality. They are a little large but still can feel a little snug after a couple hours in the ears. I just wish you could adjust the volume of voice and game separately.
Comfy and great sound quality! They’re also still comfy over glasses.
Light, comfy and good quality sound. Really impressed. Good with glasses too.
overall a really good quality headset, although the mic quality isn’t amazing, it’s still a super product. really comfy, the only downside that i could find (not really a downside if you’re not an idiot like me) is when i wore it for about 6 hours straight it did start to make my head hurt lmao.
Arrived on time, well packaged, friendly delivery driver. Son very happy. Would recommend.
Bought these for my granddaughter to use while playing Fortnite on her switch. She absolutely loves them
My granddaughter absolutely loves her new headphones there’s nothing she can find to gripe about them
So far this product has been great. Bought to use with an Xbox. Very good quality sound and comfy on my ears. Adjustable sides. And mic is nicely out the way of my mouth.
Would recommend.
Pretty good, a little quiet and quick to feel a bit uncomfortable. But the sound quality is great.
Daughter loves these, the colour makes them more appealing as she didn’t want black or red. Easy to set up and very sturdy as she’s dropped them loads.