USB Streaming Podcast PC Microphone, SUDOTACK professional 192KHZ/24Bit Studio Cardioid Condenser Mic Kit with sound card Boom Arm Shock Mount Pop Filter, for Skype YouTuber Karaoke Gaming Recording
Sudotack ST-800 USB Microphone
Sudotack High-Quality Cardioid Mic Capsule inside provides reliable and accurate pickup, and 24bit/192kHz Sample Rate allows to track studio-quality audio in higher-than-CD quality.
Ensure the best sound available at an amazing cost performance The USB Microphone Kit is equipped with condenser mic, adjustable microphone stand, shock mount, table clamp, pop filter, USB A to B cable and anti-wind foam cap.
The ST800 streaming microphone produces crisp, clean recordings that is free of distortion,make you pleasant in anytime. Giving you the flexibility to record Vocals, Instrumental, Commentary, Skype, Music Production and more.
Hassle-Free Setup
With a plug-and-play design, compatible with most of Mac and PC, PS4, the microphone requires no complicated drivers to operate; simply plug it into your computer’s USB port with the included USB cable, calibrate the microphone with your operating system, and you’re ready to record.
Weight: | 1 kg |
Dimensions: | 38 x 10 x 4 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Model: | ST-800 |
Colour: | Schwarz |
Colour: | Schwarz |
Very good product, I’ve used it on my small laptop for gaming mostly. Great sound quality for discord – just has to tweak some settings for a perfect sound. The boom arm works great as I can push the mic away from the desk when I want to do school work. Overall I would highly recommend for a gaming POV or even video calls if you want to impress your colleagues
Plug and play mic with a good boom arm included and great audio quality. The price to performance is unbeatable. Don’t bother spending any more money, it’s just a waste unless you go high end
Sound quality is very good, with the right settings within your programs, you won’t need extra noise cancelling. Voice is crisp and at a consistent volume.
Entire setup is really easy to build and place on your desk and it’s very easy to adjust it to be at the height and Angie you need it to be
For the price it’s better than I thought. Sound straight out the box and raw is impressive and with a tweak here and there it’s just as good as the more expensive ones and it is just a simple plug and play all the way microphone. The only negative thing is the boom for me being heavy handed it’s a bit flimsy so I invested in a blue tubular boom which is boom proof and both go well together. So for me it’s a 4 star purely down to the boom for just not being robust enough.
Microfono esteticamente (passatemi il termine) figo.
Equalizzato ha un suo perch, per il prezzo che ha non c’ molto da pretendergli.
A mio parere, io lo userei solo in contesto Podcast (anche “tranquillo” aggiungerei) perch questo microfono ha una particolarit molto strana. davvero molto sensibile, ed anche se gli abbassate il volume dalle impostazioni c’ comunque il rischio che alzando un po’ la voce vi “clippa” (distorce) l’audio e non un bell’effetto. Ah, cattura ogni minimo rumore nella stanza, quindi spegnete i ventilatori, insonorizzate e isolate la stanza anche un minimo e non “urlate”. Non sicuramente un microfono per registrare il cantato o strumenti musicali. Per quello assolutamente puntante ad investire un po’ di pi. Io lo restituisco perch per l’utilizzo che ne devo fare, non fa assolutamente al caso mio
his is a good microphone i use it on pc for gamming it has a good quality and is a good mic stand easy to set up buy i
This microphone is really good and easy to use but if you have a MacBook Air or a device that only has 2 slots for something I would suggest you get a adapter - –
It clip is good doesn’t damage the table when u clamp it. ALSO SOUND AND EVERYTHING ITS PACKED WAS SIMPLE WOULD LIVE TO PURCHASE IT AGAIN.
This sounds great and is easy to use. The stand is a little cheap but for the price it’s fine. I got this so I could use my regular headphones instead of a gaming headset and it works really well for my use 🙂
Fantastic value for money! Absolutely delighted as work brilliantly with my Mac and desk setup. Nothing negative to add as an external mic used with zoom, webex and teams and is the perfect fit for my setup.
Great value for money, the sound quality is a marked step up from the built-in mics and headsets I’ve used in the past which is excellent considering the price. The mic arm feels cheap, but again for the price it is more than adequate. I think you’ll have to look hard to find something better for 50
Great product had an issue at first with it not working but found out I had the wrong input but haven’t had an issue since great product and a good value for money and it’s great for streaming and just talking to friends
I’ve had zero complaints when chatting with friends with it or gaming
Set up was easy. Adding it to my computer was straightforward. Although I was initially disappointed with the sound quality it was a colleague who told me how much better it was than my computer mic when I switched mid way through a video conference.
I tested with a number of people all of whom thought it better. I was impressed with their reviews
I have since bought another to send to The Gambia where I worked as a volunteer. It’s easy of use makes this perfect for the field.
Bought for my youtubing/podcasting daughter and she loves it great quality piece of ki
Bought if for streaming and making videos. For the price the quality is unreal. Can also be used on PS4. (yet to test on my PS5) can recommend it enough
Does what it says ‘on the tin,’ and more than meets my expectation. If I have a fault, it’s that the armature and clamp which is supplied with the microphone and allows you to set it up as a support, is very flimsy and not particularly well made, but all in all this product is very good value.
My son loves it as use it on his PS4.
Das Sudotack ST 800 habe ich zum Sonderpreis kurz vor Weihnachten erhalten, im Lieferumfang findet Ihr einen qualitativ mittelmigen Haltearm fr die Tischplatten Befestigung. Mitgeliefert wird auch eine gute Mikrofon-Spinne und ein standart Popschutzfilter. Zustzlich findet ihr noch einen Windschutz aus Schaumstoff im Karton, welchen ich tglich nutze.
Ausgepackt, angeschlossen, Pegel in Windows eingestellt und losgelegt, es sind keine speziellen Treiber fr den Betrieb unter Windows 10 erforderlich. Das Mikrofon meldet sich als Realtek USB Mikrofon im System an und Realtek steht ja mit seinem Namen fr Qualitt und Haltbarkeit, zumindest was die onboard Soundkarten fr Mainboards betrifft.
Den Pegel in Windows musste ich auf 100 Prozent einstellen da ich das Mikrofon aus einer Entfernung von ca. 25 cm von meinem Mund bespreche. Ein Grundrauschen stelle ich keines fest, ich nutze dieses Mikrofonset fr Lets-Play Aufnahmen fr Youtube Videos mit PC Games.
Der Klang:
Die Tieftne werden durch dieses Mikrofon nicht bersteuert, vielmehr werden die Bsse durch das Sudotack sehr natrlich wiedergegeben. Die hohen Tne bleiben dabei klar und bersteuern nicht so schnell, wobei sich die Mitteltne stets angenehm im Hintergrund aufhalten. Insgesamt klingt die Stimme also sehr natrlich und gehaltvoll. Vorher nutzte ich ein Blue Snowball ICE Mikrofon, welches in den Mitteltnen leider sehr dominat war, so das es sich mit dem Blue immer anhrte als ob ich die Nase verstopft hatte. Dieses Problem hat man mit dem Sudotack ST800 nicht, wie gesagt klingt der Ton sehr natrlich und ausgeglichen, keine Nebengerusche wie Spulenfiepen oder hnliches und wie bereits oben erwhnt kann ich auch keinerlei Grundrauschen feststellen.
Technik und Fazit:
Es handelt sich hier um ein USB Mikrofon welches ohne Umwege direkt an den PC angeschlossen wird, ohne Verstrker und ohne separate Phantomspeisung. In Windows wird ein 2 Kanal Ton aufgezeichnet / Verarbeitet mit maximal 192 KHz / 24 Bit. Fr ein USB Mikrofon klingt das Sudotack ST 800 meiner Meinung nach absolut toll und ist somit das beste Mittelklasse Mikro noch vor dem Auna MIC 900. Das MIC 900 ist vom Tonbild identisch mit dem Sudotack, das Sudotack bietet jedoch das bessere Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis weil man fr einen geringeren Preis deutlich mehr erhlt als beim Auna Mic. Der Mikrofonarm vom Sudotack ist ganz OK, nicht der beste aber er hlt und bricht nicht ab so wie das bei anderen Billigheimern der Fall ist. Die Mikrofonspinne ist weich gelagert, so das Nebengerusche wie Klopfen auf den Tisch und Bewegungen am Haltearm sehr gut heraus gefiltert werden. Der Popschutz ist ein standart Popschutz den man einzeln fr ca. 10 Euro kaufen kann, er lsst sich gut positionieren und verrichtet seinen Dienst mehr als ordentlich. Ich nutze allerdings den mitgelieferten Windschutz aus Schaumstoff, weil der Popschutz in meiner Facecam optisch strt. Auch dieser Windschutz arbeitet ordentlich, nicht so gut wie der externe Schwanenhals-Popschutz aber fr mich reicht dieser Schaumstoff Pariser vllig aus 😉 Der mitgelieferte USB Anschlukabel ist lang genug, so das man dieses Mikroset auch ohne Probleme an seinen heimischen PC oder Laptop anschlieen kann.
Es gibt keine LED die euch anzeigt ob das Mikrofon angeschlossen bzw. betriebsbereit ist, mich strt dieser Umstand berhaupt nicht weil ich in OBS oder Streamlabs-OBS ohnehin sehe ob das Mikrofon gerade arbeitet. In den beiden genannten Programmen sieht man den ausschlagenden Mikrofon-Pegel und ist somit auf der sicheren Seite. Mich strt eine penetrant leuchtende LED am Mikro beim aufnehmen und ich bin froh das es am Sudotack keine solche unntige Funzel gibt.
Ich kann fr dieses Sudotack ST 800 in diesem Komplettset nur ein Empfehlung aussprechen, ich wrde es jederzeit wieder kaufen und empfehle es auch zu jeder Gelegenheit meinen Gamer Kollegen. TOP !
Purchased for 13 year old who has said it is good and works well.
Zunchst gefllt mir das Mikrofon sehr gut. Es lsst sich problemlos mit dem Computer verbinden und erfordert keinerlei zustzlicher Einrichtung. Die Soundqualitt ist sehr gut. Durch Nachbearbeitung des Tons klingt es noch besser und man knnte meinen, dass der Ton mit einem weitaus preisintensiveren Produkt aufgenommen wurde.
Die Einzige Schwachstelle ist die integrierte Tischhalterung. Die Schraube, die den drehbaren Arm fixiert, kann nicht fest genug angezogen werden, da sie dabei das Gewinde kaputt macht. Diese Stelle konnte ich umgehen und anders fixieren. Doch was mich wirklich sehr strt ist die Verbindung von der Spinne zum Arm. Das Gewinde an der Stelle passt kaum zusammen, da noch viel Spiel vorhanden ist und dadurch, dass Metall mit Plastik verschraubt wird, geht dieses unheimlich schnell kaputt und das Mikro sitzt sehr locker. Daher ein Stern Abzug!
Aber trotzdem kann man nicht zu viel meckern, da das Mikro selbst wirklich unschlagbar fr den Preis ist und man ja auch vorhersehen kann, dass man fr diesen Preis keine hochwertige Halterung erwarten kann.
Bought this for my sons birthday for his gaming set up and he says it’s brilliant he’s very happy with it.
I am getting so many comments on how good the quality of my audio is. Fabulous value for money
Ho intenzione di creare una seconda postazione per i video, e mi serviva di conseguenza un secondo microfono. Possiedo gi un Blu Yeti, e onestamente non volevo spendere tanto per la seconda postazione. Cosi girando tra i vari microfoni su Amazon, ho beccato questo Sudotack, che al prezzo proposto, offriva anche un un kit con tanto di filtro pop e braccio.
La confezione si presenta di un colore marrone con sopra stampato il microfono e alcune informazioni. A primo impatto sembra essere una cinesata, ma una volta aperto troviamo due scompartimenti. Nel primo troviamo:
– Un filtro antiPOP con braccio
– Una filtro a “cappello” antiPOP
– Manuale, solo in Inglese, tedesco e Cinese/Giapponese
nel secondo scompartimento invece troviamo:
– Il braccio a molla con gancio da poter attaccare alla scrivania
– Uno ScockMounth
– Cavo alimentazione
– Microfono
Bhe, devo ammettere che sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso dalla qualit audio, che forse un p bassa, ma pi che altro sono io che sono pignolo, ma nulla che in post produzione si possa regolare/aggiustare. Inoltre il microfono funziona in pochissimi secondi. Una volta collegato al sistema, nel mio caso Windows10, scarica i driver e nel giro di 3-5 secondi sarete pronti a registrare la vostra voce.
For what I’ve used it for already it sounds really good and is of a very high quality, it looks great for a start and sounds even better.
Auf folgende Punkte mchte ich eingehen.
Kompatibilitt, Zubehr, Sound Qualitt, Multifunktionsmglichkeiten, Vergleich zu anderen Mikrofonen
Ich habe es mit einem alten sowie neuem PC Setup getestet, bei beiden hat es direkt ohne Probleme funktioniert
Auf meinem alten Setup benutze ich sogar noch Windows 7, welches auch untersttzt wurde bei mir.
Es werden KEINE Treiber bentigt, man steckt es rein, wartet 5-30 Sekunden, je nach System und es ist fertig installiert.
Hierbei sollte ich anmerken, dass man in den Sound Einstellungen -> Sound Systemsteuerung -> Aufnahme -> USB Condenser Mircophone -> Eigenschaften -> Erweitert -> Standardformat das Mirkofon auf die hhste Qualitt stellen sollte um die volle Leistung zu bekommen! (Windows 10)
Falls ihr im TeamSpeak oder Discord kein Sound habt, versucht es neuzustarten, manchmal bringt ein PC neustart auch etwas!
Sound Qualitt:
Die Sound Qualitt ist hervorragend, sie ist sehr klar auch unbearbeitet und frs Streamen wirklich TOP.
Es hat ein sehr sehr leises Grundrauschen.
Alle die viel Teamspeak nutzen wissen das viele unangenehme Nebengerusche im Hintergrund sein knnen. Hier muss nicht einmal viel einstellt werden damit dies direkt nicht mehr der Fall ist. Hier reicht es mit dem Sprachaktivierungspegel zu spielen.
Und ber Discord brauchen wir nicht reden, weil Discord ist wesentlich besser von der Sound Qualitt.
Das Zubehr stellt sich aus folgenden Sachen zusammen: Mikrofon, Mikrofonspinne, Mikrofonarm, Popschutz, Windschutz, zwei Klettverschluss Kabelbinder und dem dazu gehrigem Kabel.
Ich habe das Mikrofon mit einem Adapter (der NICHT dabei ist) an mein Handy angeschlossen (iPhone 11) und hat einwandfrei funktioniert! Es funktioniert auch Problemlos an meiner Playstation 4, was ich genauso glaube bei XBOX One.
Da es ein USB Mikrofon ist sollte man nicht all zu viel erwarten, hat aber trotzdem meine Erwartungen bei weitem bertroffen!
Perfekt fr YouTube Videos, Streamen oder auch einfach nur fr eine gute Mikrofon Qualitt im TeamSpeak oder Discord!
So far so good for building up my library clinical hypnotherapy mp3 recordings
The sound quality is good but it’s doesn’t have a hardware sensitivity settings and on Windows 10 on max settings it should be near the sound source to pick it up with a good volume.
As well the arm doesn’t have the quality I’ve expected so every time I put my hand on the table a bass is heard on the mic.
Overall it’s decent but if you have money for more professional pieces, maybe you should consider to do so.
The sound is good however the grip to a table isn’t effective as your table must be flat and not bevelled. So the microphone falls off. I had to buy another stand to enable usage.
It’s good for what the price is! The sound quality is almost perfect it’s a little bit echoey but other than that it’s good on sound quality, gaming I haven’t tried it out on yet but I will definitely be using this playing Rainbow six siege. The only downside of it is that it didn’t come with instructions on how to build it (I somehow managed to build it okay though) definitely would recommend buying this.
For the price you can’t complain it’s actually really good, but not exactly what I was looking for. Ended up getting something bette
Amazing microphone to anyone wanting a microphone as good as The blue yeti but half the price. Works great with both pop filters and does not effect the sound. You don’t need it close to your mouth either to be heard well. Would 100% recommend to anyone in the market for a microphone who needs it for gaming streaming or their podcast.
I ordered a SUDOTACK professional USB Streaming Podcast PC Microphone and the sound quality and accessories far beyond what I was expecting for the price the microphones crispness of the audio that is recorded is just sublime.
To say you get all of the accessories that you need to set up and go it’s just an added bonus.
I did have to contact ‘MUWA EURO’ to get some support on the product and they were friendly and fast at responding I will definitely be buying from them again.
Its super easy to assemble and has really clear sound quality. Definitely recommend.
Perfect for streaming. Both it just to try, but know using it all the time.
For the money this is a great little mic. Used for streaming and have no issues with it. Stand is ok for a bundled item. Pop guard was the worst bit to set up but happy with it now.
Good .easy to put on and off . Easy setup and use.but voice very quite after transfer. You need turn volume loud or speak loud. If turn volume loud,background noise is very loud to. it is not that good experience to use.
The Microphone is nice and cheap, that cheap factor does play a role in its sound quality because it is a huge step forward to using a headphone’s mic, it isn’t top quality though, and means that it is great as a first time microphone.
This is great value for money, easy to assemble and use, looks professional. Attaches to desk easily. Really pleased!
I have just bought this microphone after using low kb ones with poor sound quality. i picked this one up and i feel like i’m listening to a podcast, extremely good quality, comes with an arm, shock point, spit cover and is overall a must buy if wanting a new microphone with amazing quality, or if your just getting into making podcasts, streaming etc. the build quality feels more metalic and more premium than other microphones in this price range. overall a quality mic which will not disapoint.
Absolute bargain, nice quality for the money and very easy to setup. Would recommend.
I use this while gaming to talk to my friends on dicord/xbox companion and they say the audio is crystal clear. My headset is a razer kraken which doesnt have a very good mic so the difference is staggering. Its more convenient than a standing mic because you can just swing it out of the way when not in use.
Before this microphone, I had a cheap 20 mic that broke within a month. But this is one of the best mics I have ever had, in the box you get a spit guard, pop filter, arm stand, table clamp, the beautiful microphone itself and a shock mount. In terms of quality, it’s brilliant. In terms of comfort, it’s amazing. In terms of monetary value, it’s perfect. In conclusion, this microphone is the best for its price. I would definitely recommend this to anyone considering buying a new mic. This review is not paid for or anything like that, I genuinely really love this microphone. I don’t usually review items but I just had to for this.
It’s easy to pay 100 for microphones no better than 5 ones. Sorry to say I had a Snowball like that. This however is the real thing. Sturdy, with it’s own sound card and outstanding sound.
Only good for USB and if you don’t want to Monitor. If you’re looking for more proffesional mic go for XLR. Also remember xlr mics need phantom power.
Easy to install, very well packed and the the quality of the product is superb! The sound is great!
Ground control to Major Tom – set up your microphone and turn it on – then let your adventures begin – looks MINT and what more do you want for the money – fabulous moon rocket enhancing setup 🙂
Not much to dislike about this really. The sound is brilliant and easy to set up. The mic arm is slightly flimsy, but overall very good.
Straight off the bat, this mic is phenomenal value for money, and allow me to explain why. In a world of podcasts and youtube creators, having at least a decent low budget mic is essential, and being fooled into thinking you need to spend hundreds on a mic puts a lot of people off getting started in the first place.
Sudotack proves the contrary. With this 60 pound mic, the value for money ratio is heavily stacked in Sudotack’s corner. This cardioid condenser mic allows the user to drown out background noise to the best of their ability but concentrating the audio to the front of the mic, which means things can still happen in the background, but the sound leakage will be minimised.
The look of the mic set is fantastic. Its studio black and silver and looks the part. Not to mention that the mic stand is highly durable and moves on several axes to easily accommodate the user’s position. If you want to sit at the opposite side of the desk, no problem, no need to unclamp and re-clamp, just spin that bad boy around and you are ready to go in less than a second, so this is good for interviews too.
I have used more expensive mics, but this plug and play effort from Sudotack is right up there in terms of looks and quality.
Extremely happy with this purchase, and will be using it on all my videos from here on in.
I must say this is easy to setup, and I get good results either recording or streaming. Well done Sudotack, keep up the good work and look for ways to improove quality or maybe broaden and diversify the line of microphone products. And remember He has risen and is alive forevermore!!
The build quality of the mic is exceptionally good and the added accessories such as the muffler and stand itself are worthwhile bonuses. For those who’d like to begin in-game streaming or/and commentary, then this mic would be a notable means of starting such a career, this is more so a cheap alternative to the low-end YETI snowball.
Better than any standard headset mic and u get exactly what u expect for the price . But the sound is bette
Changed from a Modimic 5 to this and it was such an improvement for half the price. Great clarity with no interference. AMAZING
Really solid mic easy to set up and the pick up is solid without picking up everything. Only real downside is the mic arm it’s a bit of a hassle to get it set up correctly and can need constant adjustment to keep it tight for the price I can let that slide.
looks the part and is the part. bought this for my you tube channel to start podcasts etc. great sound from it and clear.
Took me a while to figure out, but after a month of messing around with it and using software like VoiceMeeter Potato to change the volume of it, I am extremely happy with this product. The audio quality is brilliant.
Easy to set up, easy to use. Simple plugin USB and that’s it (no software required). I leave it permanently set up on my desk as it is very mobile. I’ve not had the biggest experience with mics but after looking into the company prior to purchase, I felt confident in my purchase and I don’t regret getting this.
It was overall amazing. The audio quality was amazing although its always in your face otherwise it doesn’t sound as good, that’s what its meant for. I have no other words on how to describe this other than excellent.
The audio is quite good considering the price, that I ponly had to add reverb or echo and I’m great!
just make sure to find the perfect distance (mouth/instrument) to the mic so you don’t sound to loud or won’t have to edit it too much once done.
Oevrall such a good buy, a complete set in one go for home recording!
Awesome for my girlfriend and her business. Would completely recommend.
Awesome mic. It’s my first ever dedicated microphone for gaming and the sound quality is levels above my Hyper X headset microphone. Definitely recommend.
Sound quality is pretty good and the arm feels sturdy enough. Great for the price.
Overall, very nice product, good quality sound and great for the price. Would give 4.5 stars if the option was there. Slight muffle in sound even when no noise is present but sound quality is fantastic when talking. Good for gaming and would be even better after editing for voice overs etc.
Everything is very good about this microphone. It honestly surprised me with how sturdy it actually is. You get everythi in the box presented very well and is very easy to assemble. I am a fairly new streamer but i have found no issue with it and i would very much recommend it to anyone who uses a microphone in any way. I got it on sale for 49 but id happily pay the original listing price.
Got it for my videos for YouTube and it does the job very well. I’m happy from it. Good sound quality in videos, easy to use and set up. Worth the money.
Excellent product. I was tired of using a bulky headset with a mic boom attached to play games. I decided that an external mic plus in-ear buds would suit me better. This was perfect for the external mic solution and now just sits there waiting to be used.
Very happy with this! Sound quality is great and is easy to set up!
Great product for the price – check out my video review. Overall it is great value for price, really good quality and ideal for beginners that want a good streaming mic. Well packaged and presentable, the arm isnt great but should hold firm though i highly recommend the Microphone.
8.5 out of 10
Easy to use. The arm is not as manoeuvrable as some might want but does the job at my desk.
Sound quality is fairly good. Not great at picking up quieter sounds but overall much better than average. For 50 quid you can’t go wrong.
Great mic for the money just sounds like any other high priced mic
Sturdy, easy to use, good clarity. No complaints at all.
Here you get en excellent microphone for your money. I highly recommend it.
You get everything you need in one box, you don’t have to buy anything extra.
The microphone makes no noise and it has a fantastic bass response.
See the video, and listen to the much improved sound at the end.
I thought long and hard before buying this Sudotack mic. I can’t afford to waste a penny at the moment so I read lots of reviews and comments and watched various Youtube vids over many days. In the end I decided to go with this mic and just hoped it wasn’t going to be a waste of money…
It wasn’t – in fact, it was worth every penny. It’s exactly what I wanted. The sound quality is exceptional for the price and I have no hesitation at all in recommending it.
great sound from this bad boy. For voice recording this is a must have and the price is excellent. I have it fitted to my wall. Was using it for streaming but now using it for singing. Amazing results across the board.
Boom extends as expected and holds its position well.
I have never done a review before but had to for this mic. It is absolutely perfect. Clear sound quality!! You can compare this to some of the most expensive mics around. Everyone asks me in-game what mic I’m using because it’s so good. Plug and play.
It was ordered for my son who is a streamer. He is very happy with this stuff.
This is a great microphone for the price and I am really thankful for SudoTack in making this mic, would defo recommend! Check the video for some singing on the mic 🙂
The popping on the mic is because I didn’t have the pop shield on but when you put it on it will stop the “pops”
Simple plug in and play on a mac – recording to Garage Band – does what it says on the ti
Before I begin – TLDR: The negative contact from the mic to the soundchip wasn’t even soldered on. The contact was loose fresh out of the box (like it wasn’t even attempted to have been sodlered on) – it was quickly fixed with a dab of a soldering iron, and now works brilliantly.
so – the rest of the story.
This is the first high quality mic of it’s kind that I have bought – I have used regular headset mics for years, but they always sounded tinny, or really quiet when recording gaming footage. I have to say, i’m super happy with it, but when i opened the box, and it installed itself – it unfortunatley wasn’t working. after maybe an hour of unplugging, re-installing, software checking and fault finding, everything told me that the mic was installed properly and was working correctly. All of the recording software however, was asking me “have you muted your mic?” – I was like, but it has not buttons on it? how can it be muted?
After numerous attempts to re-install it, i decided to plug it into a laptop – Low and behold, exactly the same issue. So i figured it isn’t the software, it has to be the hardware. I disconnected the mic and after a moment of wondering how to get into it, figured out that the bottom easily screws off, and the sleeve came of easily afterwards – and that’s when i glaring spotted that the black wire from the mic wasn’t even soldered on!!
Quick dab with a hot soldering iron, and instantly working. no problem! sounds amazing on streams and i even use it for voice comms and people have commented how amazing it sounds, BUT – buyer beware, mine came faulty out of the packaging, which isn’t something you would expect – but a little past expertise of electrical equipment saved me the whole hassle of having to return it as a faulty item. I would reccomend that they improve thier quality testing of thier products before shipping them!
I still reccomend this mic despite the negative experience, and i know a freind has bought one based on how I sound while using it!
Update: Added a small video for sound quality purposes
I love the microphone. Its easy to install easy to use. High Quality sound. LOOKS AMAZING. GUYS I:VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY ABOUT A PRODUCT…
Like it. Easy to set up and sound is really good.
For the price it can’t be beaten.
Easy to set-up, easy to use, crispy clear voice. Perfect 60 quid.
Use it on my stream, really good worth the money and quality is surprisingly good. Was using a ice snowball before which was useless and a hyperx cloud 2 built in which was half decent but this is world above don’t believe you’ll catch me on twitch as gamingmaniac you’ll hear it feel free to ask any questions.
Half the time, “good” reviews mislead you into buying something that quite frankly sucks. I had pretty much lost all faith in reviews and risked it at this point – my last mic also had “amazing” reviews. But in this rare instance (I watched the reassuring videos first), this product exceeded my expectations (by a lot, I should add).
Compared to this other mic that I own, this mic does not even pic up my laptop’s fan noise! That’s insane. My laptop is around 3.5 years old now!
For the money, I doubt you could get a mic with better sound. I don’t even think I will need to render the audio quality with another software. The audio is good enough for a podcast. I have recorded my screen with everything plugged in. No hissing and crackling… Crystal clear.
Works on Windows 7 as well without any issues.
Amazing. Amazing. Buy it.
Really good mic on PS4 or pc but do not buy it primarily for an Xbox as the Xbox does not support usb mics
It is a great pack & a bargain once setup it sounds better than expected & is all of a good quality for the price
I was using a Blue snowball mic before i went for this product. The difference is incredible.
First of all the packaging is great and gives you an insight to the quality. You also get a shock mount, which is essential these days, as well as all the cables to get this up and running as well as a pop filter. The box and cut out foam inlay is something that i’ll keep so to safely store the mic and kit when not in use.
Setting up the mic is incredibly easy. Just connect the shock mount to the desk or wherever you want add on the mic holder and insert mic. One cable runs from the mic to your computer and it is good to go. It even comes with velcro cable ties to make cable management easier. If you like things neat and tidy then these are invaluable.
Most importantly the sound quality is crystal clear. I have been using the mic for a couple of weeks on youtube livestreams and videos as well as podcasts and the sound is perfect. I used to have to do a lot of post processing on my audio, now i don’t have to alter anything. I was surprised just how well everything worked.
Overall this is an exceptionally great product that is ridiculously great value for money. I would urge anyone to go for this before buying an expensive product that is much the same. Getting the shock mount and pop filter included saves even more cash as these are something you really need on your set up.
I love everything about it the sound is just amazing everyone fan hear fine
Doing this by proxy as my son has remotely set up and tested. All feedback seems to be fairly positive though and the set up was an easy affair. He said the sound quality far exceeded the laptop built in mic as would be expected. Required for video voice-overs, don’t see it being too practical for gaming, not in competition with a dedicated headset anyway. Any slight distortions I am sure could be ironed out with some decent software though. For the price, very impressed.
Seriously guys, I hate amazon now because of these reviews that are paid for, I didnt get anything in the box asking to leave a good review or anything, neither will you! I HAD TO LEAVE THIS REVIEW, I went from a decent mic I paid 15 on amazon for, it was alright but picked up too much background noise, sometimes my music was overtaking my voice, I used Noisegate on OBS to help but with this mic, I turned off noisegate, it works perfect, it is so unbelievably clear for this price I cannot be more please, the price point is perfect, the microphone is perfect, the arm is amazing to be included within the price of the mic. Overall, amazing build quality, sound quality, price, accessories, out of every single mic I looked for on here, this is 100% the best at this price. DO NOT CHANGE SUDOTACK, YOU ARE GREAT!!!!
Friends on Discord says I sound like a Radio voice now, I think that’s enough said how good this mic is for the money we pay!
For around the 50 mark I don’t think you will find a better value for money mic setup than this. I wasn’t expecting much for 50 in terms of audio performance, as you get the mic plus all the needed accessories to get started. However, I was pleasantly surprised how just how good the audio quality is, and the accessories are all of good quality for the price paid, the arm is the only thing I would look to replace over time to have a little more flexibility but you can’t complain at this price.
The mic gives a nice crisp audio that is clear and professional sounding, and it just plugged in and worked on my Windows PC and my Mac.
If the price remains competitive, buy it you wont be disappointed.
Spectrum Geeks
The SUDOTACK Condenser Microphone is amazing value for money. The quality far exceeded my expectations especially considering the price of the product. The build quality is very strong, durable and the microphone has a nice weight to it.
The microphone is very east to set up. Once you have attached the microphone to the scissor stand arm, you simply connect the cable to the microphone and the other end to the computer and you are good to go. I was recording sounds within a few minutes of opening the packaging
This mic is was easy to set up and use. It is great for podcasting. I think it’s excellent value for money.
I purchased this product for my son, he is very pleased with the microphone. microphone comes with a Arm connecting straight to the table for very easy access. It is made of very sturdy metal, and the arm holds the microphone very well. The microphone comes with a windshield and also a pop filter, they are both very well packaged and look very sleek.
Excellent value for the price, does what it says on the box. I use it with Voice Attack and its perfect, would definitely recommend it.
Perfect for a beginner! I’m fairly new to streaming and pc gaming and was looking for good quality mic on a budget and this has most definitely delivered, very nicely packaged, audio quality is clear and crisp, very sturdy, I’m struggling to attach the pop filter but I think that’s more my own dumbness. Overall, cannot fault this mic!
Just uploaded a video review. Overall it is excellent value for money, good quality and perfect for the beginner who needs / wants a good streaming mic. Lots included, the arm isn’t great, but usable when you tighten the joints, but great to swing in and out of use. I was not expecting much for 50, but very impressed. 9.5 / 10
I’ve had this microphone for several weeks now and it sounds great. Definitely beats many cheap mics out there also within the included microphone price you get many accessories such as a boom arm, shock mount, and pop filter plus many more bits and bobs which would cost you some extra money if not this kit. Build wise, everything is high quality, all made from metal or some metallic alloy. Recommend 100% for any beginner out there just getting into creating content that involves audio.
I also made a review video on YouTube showing how the mic perform so if you want a better idea on how the raw audio sounds directly from this mic then check it out!!!
YT: Kamil R.
amazing mic for how little it costs and what you get with it,its a full podcast setup.
I use voicemeter program to run it thru and it is really clear,people ingame ask me what mic I am using because it is so clear.
set mic input to mme usb mic
set output to your speakers in my case mme Realtek from mb
set options in sound tab as per picture.