Visions 3.5 Litre Pyroceram Glass Stockpot with Glass Cover, Ambe

Weight: 4 kg
Dimensions: 32.51 x 32.51 x 22.5 cm; 4 Kilograms
Model: 3739
Colour: Amber
Colour: Amber

137 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Excelente artculo. Cocina muy bien, se limpia con facilidad, sirve para conservar en su interior lo ya cocinado, no se derraman el lquido en la ebullicin con la tapadera puesta. Lo recomiendo cien por cien.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love my new saucepan , it’s really good , quick cooking, easy to clean ,and less metal more eco I’m very happy.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States

    It is made in France the body and made in China the lid, that is a strange combination. But the shape is exactly what I want. Perfect for soup pot and you can see through while it is boiling. A perfect pot for soup, congee and much more.

  4. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersA parte la mancanza di chiarezza da parte di Amazon circa la capienza delle pentole contenute nel set da 6 pezzi, il prodotto abbastanza valido e mi ci sto trovando bene. Il vetro borosilicato sembra resistente e in cottura fa il suo dovere. Si lava molto pi facilmente dell’acciaio, in quanto le incrostazioni vanno via in un istante, quindi non serve strofinare granch. Essendo le tre pentole di dimensioni molto ridotte (0,8 l – 1,25 l – 2,25 l) penso che in futuro completer il set con una da 3,5l.

  5. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Tengo la de 3’5 litros aprox de base estrecha y cuello alto. Pero para sofrer no es tan cmoda, falta espacio en la base. Quera una ms pequea y ecolgica (pero con base ancha) para cocer huevos lejos del nada amigable alumino de mis antiguas ollas. No me ha defraudado. Es muy bonita! Tiene el tamao perfecto para dos personas. No pesa demasiado (la de 3L hay que manejarla con cuidado). Adjunto foto de las dos por si ayuda en la eleccin.
    Definitivamente mi marca de ollas de eleccin. Y si las cuidas bien, tienes olla para aos


  6. LanPAIUhsemds says:

     United Kingdom

    I am self-taught TCM and use this to brew herbs in bc apparently they don’t like metal. I am super thankful this company makes this hard to find product. Honestly, I think it would be a nightmare to cook regular food with bc it sticks very easily and is hard to clean. In my situation, these aren’t concerns, so I love my pot and just ordered a larger one. But unless there is a LOT of liquid and you are on it with frequent stirring, you might find this too frustrating. And they’re not joking about using a lower heat so start much lower than you think you need and be patient.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Funciona muy bien y es muy prctica. Se tiene que vigilar para que no enganche el fondo.

  8. MillieDeen says:

     United Kingdom

    Need to stir regularly whilst cooking. Very easy to finish up with food stuck at bottom of pan, or find a spillage has burnt onto outside base of pan. Pans remain very hot once you switch off, so food continues to cook at high temps. Just need a little bit of TLC with these pans.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Me encanta este cazo, es el segundo que compro. Permite una cocina sin txicos y el tamao es ideal para una o dos personas. El nico inconveniente es que al ser cristal hay que tener cuidado con el manejo, aunque es resistente puede romperse, de hecho yo ya romp uno. Otro inconveniente es que tienes que utilizar un cacillo para sacar el contenido ya que se derrama si lo intentar volcar directamente sobre un recipiente.

  10. Nigel Barlow says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good for the hob or the oven and especially cleaned


  11. Anonymous says:


    When I lived in the USA, I had two of these glass saucepans made by Corning (now called Visions) Unfortunately, no one sells them in the Czech Republic. I was thrilled to find this one on the Amazon site in Germany. The saucepan is as exceptional as the ones that I had in the USA. Nice thick glass with a strong handle. I enjoy using it to cook grains because I can see how much water remains without stirring the contents. I also like using it for cooking clear soups.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Me gusta por ser un producto atoxico y porque se puede lavar en el lavavajillas.
    Lo utilizo mayormente para calentar la leche, pero tambin lo uso para cocer pequeas cantidades de hortalizas , huevos, etc.
    El nico inconveniente que le observo, es que hay que verter lentamente el lquido de su interior porque si no se derrama

  13. Anonymous says:


    Calienta rpido, el mango no quema. La nica pega es que si calientas lquidos al pasarlos al vaso sino lo haces muy rpido se sale por todas partes, creo que hay otro cazo ms pequeo que lleva una hendidura y creo que es ms acertado para esto.

  14. KingT75egt says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDe todos los materiales es el nico que he encontrado unanimidad en que no es txico. Para mi eso lo vale todo. No puedo hablar respecto a si se pega o no porque para lo que yo la uso que es para tostar semillas, no se pega en ninguna sartn. Por lo que la gente dice se tiende a pegar, pero ms vale la salud. Quiz sea mejor cambiar algunos hbitos, yo cocino pocas cosas y las cocino al vapor. aunque para algunas cosas estara bien ms antiadherente. Una pena que no haya una sartn perfecta de momento. Respecto al peso hay quien se queja de que es pesada. A ver, es cristal, no es como el aluminio pero a mi no me supone ningn problema. Tener cuidado de que no se caiga para que no se rompa, te acostumbras, yo estoy feliz de haber dejado atrs los teflones y metales txicos. Adems ahorras bastante en gas porque cunde mucho ms el calor, se calienta antes y lo conserva ms que el metal.

  15. LynnMedworth says:


    Consiglio questi materiale per le pentole nelle quali vengono cotti cibi con acqua (pasta/minestra ecc), per quanta riguarda sughi, Ecc impossibile!! Si attacca tutto subito.. quindi consigliata come pentola per la pasta, per consiglio un altro materiale per la questione della aderenza.
    Per chi lava a mano come me, fate davvero molta attenzione.. nonostante sia stata attenta, ho sbeccato il coperchio…

  16. Rachel says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent flavour in the food!! Love this product and looking forward to buy more…grrat to have from stove straight to the table…

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got it more for presentation purposes than actual practical use as it presents dishes very well and you get a lot of compliments from your family/friends when they come over for dinner.

  18. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Me ha sorprendido bastante esta cacerola, es la primera vez que he comprado ollas de este material y ahora que llevo 4 meses usndola para preparar la comida a mi beb, puedo decir que merece la pena, es cara pero me siento segura al saber que es ms saludable cocinar en ella por el tipo de material que tiene.

    – No es necesario cocinar a temperatura muy elevada como con otras ollas.
    – Ves lo que cocinas y controlas la cantidad de agua en la coccin.
    – Soporta el cambio brusco de temperatura.
    – No absorbe olores ni sabores.

    – Con el uso continuado la base de la cacerola que tiene contacto con la vitrocermica se vuelve de color negro, no se nota mucho de momento.
    – Aunque es resistente a pequeos golpes, seguro que si se te cae se rompe.

    Cacerola cara, pero lo vale.

  19. JuanUCWWhcfl says:


    La sarten esta muy bien. Coge temperatura muy rapido y el mango no quema al tacto.
    Para evitar que se peguen los alimentos mejor cocinar a fuego medio.

  20. AndersonConnor says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI have cooked all sorts in this glass sauce pan. It takes longer to heat up than metal but once it’s up to temperature it holds heat very well and only need be on a medium heat to boil things. Porridge and alike will stick a little bit but not if you stir continuously. Very easy to clean, whether you do it straight away or leave to soak. Sturdy and heavy. Food tastes good again, no metallic taste, highly recommend. I use on a basic electric cooker with ceramic jobs.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Usersstupendaaaaaaaa! Consigliata. Anche le dimensioni sono ideali meglio di come me l’aspettassi. 10 anni di GARANZIA anche . Il libretto delle istruzioni inglese, cinese tradizionale e coreano. Disegnato in USA e fatto in Francia.
    ISTRUZIONI IN GENERALE: trattare molto bene, e quindi lontano anche dalle altre pentole per evitare di graffiarla. Non usare la parte diciamo verde della spugna(NON GRAFFIARE IN ALCUN MODO) cautela nel poggiare. NON USARE per friggere, arrostire o fare le pop corn… NOM USARE PANNO BAGNATO per prendere la pentola bollente o anche il coperchio bollente … pi o meno sono queste le cose pi importanti. Bellissima!!! Bellissima!!!! Presa per fare le zuppe a mio figlio.

    PERFETTA! E prodotta in Francia. E le istruzioni più importanti.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is my favourite plan. It’s not quite non stick and takes some getting used to. The first time I used it I burned the food a bit and couldn’t scrub that burn mark off. The pan heats food fully and goes in the oven also. Just be careful not to accidentally hold the handle after it’s been in the oven. I made this mistake once oops!! I will be investing in the pots I think. These are the safest cookware in my view.

  23. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHa sido un acierto comprar el cazo, he hecho un revuelto de espinacas (que no es la funcin para un cazo) porque quera probar la adherencia de la comida en el fondo y me ha sorprendido gratamente porque no se pega ms que mis sartenes de cermica, adems se limpia bien y no es tan pesado como esperaba, el mango no se calienta al cocinar por lo que se puede agarrar sin problemas, la muesca para verter es de gran utilidad y lo veo muy verstil (y lo digo con conocimiento de causa porque el revuelto de espinacas qued muy bien para no haberlo hecho en un sartn como mandan los cnones).
    Conclusin, es estupendo, saludable y aunque no es precioso en cuanto a su apariencia, la prioridad en la cocina no es la esttica sino la salud y la funcionalidad y ambos presupuestos los cumple.
    El envo me lleg un da antes de lo esperado, gracias.

  24. [email protected] Pollyanna Valenzuela says:

     United Kingdom

    It is safer then matalic pots and pan.It is little bit heavy to lift.

  25. ZGRLoretta says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s fantastic! Fairly easy to clean with a bit of soaking. Very versatile and the handle is cool to touch. I wish they do this in bigger sizes too.

  26. SonjaHLDHyaluv says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this pan nothing sticks dishwasher and ovenproof arrive as promised well packaged

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersIt took me three days to press the buy it now button on amazon to purchase these vision saucepan set. I usually buy a well known ceramic saucepan brand from a UK based high Street discount shop for about 15. I recently found out that ceramic coating isn’t very good for you when it breaks down. Mine had a few scratches and it’s only two years old, I only use wooden spoons as well. Anyway it was time to get another pot.

    I was looking for a healthy non leaching saucepan with no metals or lead ect, these fit the bill.

    Though this set in my opinion is a lot of money to pay out in one go, I must say I’m so glad I got this set. Vision while still a lot of money are the lowest priced safe cookware option when compared to the famous French cast iron brand and the famous solid ceramic American cookware.

    It’s great to see your food cooking, as you can see in the video. I also think the pots are very beautiful, and extremely well made. There not as heavy as I thought they would be.

    Value wise, yes well worth it, comes in as 30 a saucepan and they have a ten year warranty on the base and two years on the lid if they crack due to hot or cold causing the break. A few reviews here show cracking after a few months, but that risk doesn’t bother me as it just means I’ll have to contact the company for a new one.

    Im being very careful not to drop them.

    The only downside I found was cooking potatoes and veg for two on gas seemed to take a lot longer to bring to boil and to cook. About fourty minutes in total. However, to be fair this is thick glass and not thin metal so I should have expected that.

    All in all an excellent buy. I spent most of the time watching the veg like it was a fish tank, very relaxing. I also like that the lid doesn’t steam up much with condensation.

    Amazon as usual delivered on time and we’ll packaged. My only recommendation to Amazon would be if you could pay over installments like some of their other products, would be more attainable to pay over three months.

    Two year update:
    Ive been using these everyday and they are still in near as new condition. I could not use anything else now. I give them a special wash every month with bicarbonate of soda (teaspoon) and a wet soapy non scratch dish sponge, comes up great.

    I see the price has doubled since i brought them, wow (180). I do think there worth it but they would now be way beyond what I could afford.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I expected it to be smaller but I love how big it is! And it’s glass so as a lot of people say it’s healthier than any other options for cooking. Happy to find this.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Can’t review these pans any more than 3 due to having having 2 sets delivered both sets had the large pan placed in the bottom of the box without any additional packaging so both sets turned up broken Real shame as they’re a good price & look really good but no joy had to return them

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Mum loves and only uses glass saucepans. This was a great present to give.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Not quite as good as my original opaque (long time ago purchase) but very useable.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I use this nearly every day; live alone so it is just the right size for me. I can see through to the contents, so it is nice and easy to use.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Sick of non-stick pans not lasting as long as you’d hope, opt for these instead. Granted not non-stick but they don’t degrade and end up in your food. Very robust and big hits will probably damage them beyond further use. Don’t be put off the price, if you, like me end up continually buying new ‘amazing you’ll never need to buy another pan again’ pans that don’t actually last more than 2 years. This will save you money in the long run.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I had the 1l pan for many many years, someone gave it away to us as a young family. I’ve been wanting this set for 5 years or so and have finally purchased it. I was not disappointed! It’s beautifully made, food cooks so easily, you can store and reheat food etc so effortlesly. Looks a bit retro (my husband’s opinion) but very high quality, love them!

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect glass cooking pans, it is nice to see food getting cooked through glass.

  36. Stepani4967 says:

     United Kingdom

    I really like this product but a couple of points that make it a 4 as opposed to a 5 star. Not a good pourer and steam comes out between the lid and base particularly near the handle, so be careful to not burn your hand.

  37. ErikaMotsinger says:

     United Kingdom

    I wasn’t sure about buying this set due to the cost, but have to say I am glad I made the purchase. My main motivation was to reduce the amount of chemicals released from my cookware. These pots are great quality and very good for cooking plus so easy to clea

  38. KayleigSkertchl says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought the 2.5L saucepan for 44.99. I notice that the price has now gone up again, so it’s worth keeping an eye on the price if you want to catch yourself a bargain! The item was exactly what I want and as described. I was a bit hesitant about ordering this online because as it’s made of glass, there was a good chance that it would come broken on arrival, but it was well packaged. It’s actually quite hard to source these – not a lot of retailers seem to sell this.

    This saucepan can be used to cook up a variety of different dishes and it is especially good for using it to cook soup. The fact that it’s see-through means that you can see exactly where the waterline is to prevent your soup from over-boiling and then spilling over and making a mess. The only negative thing about this product is that as it’s glass, you must be really careful when you are cleaning it and when you are handling it to prevent it from getting smashed to pieces. And also food can stick to the bottom which makes it tough to clean (it’s not a non-stick surface!); so to prevent this, you should frequently stir your dish to prevent the food from sticking to the bottom. With careful handling, this product will last for a very long time.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A healthier option definitely, but must be handled carefully and use low heat otherwise food will stick, we use it everyday. Love it.

  40. LK says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersQueste pentole sono frutto di una approfondita ricerca che mirava a trovare un oggetto che cuocesse senza rilasciare alcuna particella nociva o altre sostanze che venissero prodotte in cottura dal supporto. Queste pentole, oltre che belle, dire graziosamente Anni Settanta come stile, sono sicure, anallergiche e, cosa che non mi sarei mai attesa, ma cuociono leggermente in meno tempo rispetto alle altre. Dovendo escludere completamente alluminio dalla mia dieta, sono felice di questo acquisto. Metto 4 e non 5 stelle soltanto perch a mio avviso il prezzo leggermente elevato. Restano degli oggetti che consentono la cottura migliore in totale salute e sicurezza!!

  41. DottySpeer says:

     United Kingdom

    Can be a bit difficult to clean when food has stuck

  42. GladisSaucedo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Works great on a gas range as well as in the microwave oven.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    fantastic once you get over the fear of breaking them

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersI bought this as I wanted the safest cook ware it works well and cleans well with a scrubber however the food gets cold very quick when you are cooking with glass so have an in between for eg put the pan in oven so the heat can be constant on the food or have another pla

  45. MaxieSchmella says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Userslove this frying pan, once you get use to how it preforms you will love this best produc

  46. VincentAdair says:

     United Kingdom

    Exactly as described! This is expensive but it’s an old brand that last so long ! Can’t find it much elsewhere!

  47. RosieRounds says:

     United Kingdom

    Could be better if it has a bigger size version.

  48. CorinaGillott says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect, I’ve had this for over a year now used it most mornings and it’s just perfect, and very easy to clean too.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought a pair of these years ago when a Chinese herbalist prescribed herbs for eczema that needed to simmered in a glass saucepan. So pleased to find them again here and got the smallest 1 litre pan. They grace the kitchen and cook food cleanly with no residual taste or concerns about rust or coatings.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersI love Visions and Pyrex cookware, the food and soup taste a lot better. I have been using them for more than 3 years and the quality is still good.

    I love Visions and Pyrex cookware

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersGlass a little thinner and lighter than in the past, so I must be careful. Cooking in glass is ideal and it seems easier to clean than metal pans.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersExcellent item, except for frying egg as found they stick, even with gas set lower. Prefer my enamel fry pan which I use solely for eggs/ pancake. Other than this excellent buy, solid weight, good size, glass lid,and handle doesn’t get hot. I soak immediately after use with washing up liquid, 2 months on pan looks new. Would recommend.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Userslook good the only thing I would say is to watch when you are cooking potatoes as they stick to the bottom of the pa

  54. LeonaS21onzawec says:


    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersDer Visions Versa ist von mir als Ersatz fr meinen ovalen Tupper-Brter gedacht. Der ist in die Jahre gekommen und sieht mittlerweile schwer mitgenommen aus. Ersatz musste her.
    Bei diesem Visions ist die Bodenflche natrlich kleiner als beim Tupper-Brter, funktioniert aber trotzdem prima. Durch das Glas bekommt man sogar eine Ahnung, was bei der Nahrungszubereitung im Topfinneren vor sich geht. Auch nicht verkehrt.
    Fazit nach dem Ersteinsatz mit Kartoffelgratin: Perfekt! Schn gebrunt, geschmacklich top und nach Backzeitende (60 min) auch wirklich ganz gar. Beim Tupper haben wir oft berraschungen erlebt, weil die Kartoffeln nicht ganz oder nicht gleichmig “durch” waren. Beim Servieren fiel hier gleich auf, dass sich Speisereste am Rand deutlich besser entfernen lassen (Abschaben mit Kunststofflffel).
    Die Reinigung: ein Kinderspiel. Splmaschineneinsatz ist erlaubt, habe ich bei Tpfen aber nicht so gerne. Nach Erkalten dieses Glastopfes einfach heies Wasser und einen Schu Splmittel einlaufen lassen, kurz einweichen, auswaschen. Einfachste Reinigung.
    Und wenn mal “Not am Topf” ist, kann ich natrlich darin kochen. Oder Einfrieren. Oder ihn notfalls als Salatschale nutzen …
    Ich teste diesen “Multifunktionstopf” weiter und aktualisiere ggf. meine Rezension.
    Ach ja, der Preis ist natrlich recht hoch, ein neuer Tupperbrter nach meinen Recherchen allerdings teurer.

    P.S.: Die beiliegende Gebauchsanleitung ist nur auf Englisch. Diese Glastpfe funktionieren nicht auf Induktionskochfeldern. Besser nicht mehrere Tpfe auf- oder ineinander stapeln um Kratzer zu vermeiden. Nicht mit Metallbesteck in den Tpfen rhren. Die Topfhenkel werden beim Kochen hei. Keine scharfen Reinigungsmittel benutzen.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat for demos (for use in a school). Not great for rapid heat as food will stick. Good for transparency of cooking.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersFor years I’ve used cast iron pans but I decided to try glass as a safe alternative as I’m finding it harder and harder to lift my heavy cast iron as I get older.
    I’m loving how easy to lift these are when they are full. They look smart and they do the job.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent size for slow cooked stews and hot pots. Looks nice for serving, too.

  58. MaricelQMW says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersExpensive, but worth it if you want to avoid cooking with metal/chemical coated cookware.

    No issues with cooking any food, if anything they are better than conventional saucepans as you can see the food cooking from all angles.

    Having used these for several months now we would not go back to conventional metal cookware.

  59. CarlotaD56 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The second one I’ve bought, very useful, easy to clean.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love these pots did not think I would find them again, mum had them years ago so easy to clean.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThese Vision are amazing pans, I own 8 of them myself, they are fantastic if you look after them.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAmazing products, it true what they say from freezer to hob, these vision pans are all a rage in south east asia. Be careful not to go banging them about, look after them and they will look after your food.

  63. DarnellHarkins says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Well worth the money spent on this item, will be buying saucepans soon.

  64. NickiWalcott says:

     United Kingdom

    I cannot believe this set is excellent and unique NASA technology that works.

  65. LewisL01ixvexu says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersExcellent product delivered promptly and well packed for the trip to NZ. Exactly like the original but perhaps a little more refined. The original lid stills fits. Fantastic for making sauces. It is interesting that there is enough demand for them to be made again.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersi put boiling water up to 2″ from the lip and set it on the gas cooker and around a minute later it was boiling
    like a goodn. im gonna drill a hole in the lid and use it for distilling as the stainless steel boiler i have gives
    the water a metalic taste and have since found out stainless contains nickle which is toxic.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the third saucepan I have purchased because I think it is a great item

  68. MiloLEstrange says:

     United Kingdom

    I thought it would be a little bit too heavy for my sister but she loves it.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product, noticeably lighter than the older version, thought has been put in the redesign, well pleased.

  70. MylesD72milzhl says:

     United Kingdom

    CLEARLY more healthy material than most traditional sauce/pans.
    Thank you.

  71. Blair Marnell says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis was a replacement for the one I broke which was part of a full set which we have used constantly for about 20 years. I was so happy I could get a replacement because I love cooking with these saucepans and frying pan. They are far more hygienic than the metal ones especially the aluminium crap and easier to clean. Received well packed and within delivery time so no complaints and would recommend to anyone thinking of purchasing.

  72. TorstenErtel says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersThe Visions skillet made in France is a fantastic, non porous pan to fry with, boil, cook porridge etc. As it was so expensive it was the only pan I bought and I use it for everything, because of its depth. It is so versatile it can go in the oven and cleaning it is no problem as I wipe it down immediately after use and soak it in ecover washing liquid.

    Love it very much, an awesome non toxic addition to my kitchen.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our Userssuper skillet; wanted to avoid metals/chemicals/non stick so this is the perfect solution for me. Light enough but sturdy. Just right size and dishwasher safe. If you only bought one pan – buy this one!

    **I bought this in October 2014… I’ve used it loads but it cracked last week (2018)…I’ll miss its versatility…

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good for people with MCS as do not have toxins.

  75. BraydenPrieur says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Got this as a gift for my mum that likes making herbal tea

  76. Leijah Petelka says:

     United Kingdom

    My previous “Vision ” saucepan has lasted me for well over 30 years and I was so pleased to find a replacement. It is so good, just like the “old ” one! Moreover it arrived within 2 days of ordering!
    Thank you “Amazon!”

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had one for many years and smashed when dropped lid in dishwasher. Versatile pot used most days on hob, oven, microwave and fridge storage – and goes in dishwasher.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Much smaller that I thought it was going to be, but useful for my daughter who is disabled so can’t see over the top of cooking pans, but can see “through” this one!

  79. TiffanyD says:

     United Kingdom

    just the thing i have been looking for does what says on the tin recommend to this pan to any one

  80. Surbhi K says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI bought this to replace a similar thing that my young lodger at the time used to try and cook something on a hob ring and it exploded. These things are oven proof, but NOT hob proof, as my lodger found out. Used properly, it’s a good capacity, good value pot that’s easy to keep clean, even if food becomes virtually welded to it in the oven. A good soak followed by a scrub with a scotchbrite pad and washing up liquid brings all the stuck stuff off, and a run through the dishwasher brings it back to sparklingly good condition again.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The vision glassware saucepan we bought recently is excellent, but a little small, we should have purchased the larger versio

  82. KateD says:

     United Kingdom

    I like vision pans they are the best – so well made and so versatile cannot imagine how I managed before I discovered they were on the marke

  83. JohnetteVigna says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a replacement for my first pot, which I dropped on to a stone floor, broke the lid and chipped the rim. So, yes, even this glass breaks. However, it suits my cooking style beause I use the microwave a lot for vegetables etc, and I can transfer the pot from there on to my ceramic hob. Absolutely dishwasher – proof too!

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I find glass so much easier to clean than metal saucepans. This one is a good size and I was glad to find you could still buy the Pyrex Corning Vision stuff. The lid and pan seemed to be slightly different shades of amber but it doesn’t really matter. They are expensive but worth it in my opinion. I use the small one the most for boiled eggs!

  85. therunningbug says:

     United Kingdom

    Reduces the intensity of heat required to cook, retains heat. Plus is reasonable easy to clean after use.It also has the virtue of
    allowing one to check the cooking process at a glance.

  86. Geeky Glamorous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Userscooks perfectly better than corningware, does not burn as easily
    rice cooks extremely well , quiet cooking and even heat distribution
    very hardy even though its glass and so versatile- ie oven, hob, dishwasher, fridge! ( microwave too if you must)
    I wish I had a whole set or started off with Visions from the beginning. Im just building up
    I think its very pretty colour too as that is not so obvious in the pictures.
    I wish others bought more of Visions cookware so that they can avoid the toxins from stainless steel ( nickel)
    and non stick cookware. I wish hence that they were slightly cheaper or you can buy them in sets or mix and match sets for a lower set price. welldone visions you are a life saver!

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis item was ideal for the person it was purchased for. She is unable to look into a saucepan as she is disabled so being able to see through the glass side is ideal.

  88. Dianne41Sf says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe pane itself is very good but the point is that you can cook food that contain lots of liquid otherwise you will have a burnt casserole which is very difficult to clean!

  89. HermanHarman says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLike H Smith I bought this pan, plus the 2.5L version, for my whealchair-bound mother, so that she could see what’s going on without being able to look down on the pan.

    For this they are excellent, though she finds the larger pan very heavy to handle at a necessary arm’s length. With hindsight I might have bought two of the smaller pans.

    One caveat though, when the pan is boiling steam emerges at the base of the handle. I scalded myself yesterday trying to lift the smaller pan too quickly after turning off the gas. It would be better if the steam vented somewhere else, but I presume the geometry of the pan is limited by the demands of coping with heat stresses.

    The handle cools quite quickly, but it also heats up quite quickly when the pan is on the boil. This seems worse with the smaller pan than with the larger.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought my first Vision pan in France, before they were sold in the UK. I think they are fabulous:

    1 They hold the heat, therefore can be turned right down or even off when they
    come to the boil and simmer for ages. Hence, no burning of food.

    2 You can see the cooking food.

    3 No tainting from previous cooking.

    4 They don’t discolour.

    I use mine with a hot plate type cooker so the two together work out VERY economic. I have used them continually for around 30 years.

  91. Johanna57E says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe product really impressed me with it’s good quality. This pot itself is prefect. But the seller take a bit longer than their promise to send this product to me

  92. AlexandBigham says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThe more you use VISIONS cookware, the more ways you find to use it. This 1 liter saucepan is a perfect example. When I’m making waffles, I melt the shortening in it over the simmer burner on the stove and turn off the heat when half of the shortening has melted. The stored heat finishes the job without burning or scorching.

    It’s also the perfect size for cooking a single serving of oatmeal or Cream of Wheat, heating a can of soup, and for boiling one or two eggs. Put on the Pyrex cover and it’s ready to store the leftovers in the fridge or freezer, or keep the contents warm in the oven or on the stove. The transparency is like having X-ray vision. You don’t have to guess or peek because you can SEE every step of the cooking process.

    When it’s not on the stove, under the broiler, in the oven or taking a bath in the dishwasher, its style and beauty add a touch of class to any kitchen.

    (Here in the States, we have to buy VISIONS and CorningWare Pyroceram cookware directly from World Kitchen’s online store or at their factory stores.)

    The go-to guy in this Yank's kitchen.

  93. Edward Moyer says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This pan is without doubt the best ever
    in fact its brilliant, best for health too.

  94. LanceMartinovic says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat tool to cook in without all the fear of metal and bits that can come off Teflon and other coatings. Its also cool to see your food cooked through the glass:)

  95. GiseleGauthier says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Finally a saucepan that one can make scrambled eggs and sauces in and cleaning it is a doddle – food just floats off. Also there are no nasty chemical effects that harm when it is heated to high temperatures. I will replace all my saucepans with glass ones – hope a large capacity one will be made soon.

  96. Seattle Moms Deal Finder says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFrom oven, microwave or fridge to table plastic cover for storage is a great help) love my Vision cookware instead of stainless steel as you can see the food cooking and have used these pans for over 30 years with great success.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’m very happy with my new saucepan it does just what it says on the box

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI find it quite satisfying to be able to use a wonderful piece of technology from NASA in my kitchen ~ This saucepan from the US is a great idea and it seems to perform very well ~ I bought it for my dad, who’s eyesight is now very poor. As the saucepan is see-through I thought it would help him to be a little more independant as he is now in a wheelchair, and would now have to view saucepans from the side instead of looking from above, but he doesn’t feel confident enough at the moment with his eyesight, but he hopes to try it soon.~ The saucepan’s glass is amber and is completely see-through, it feels very solid and seems to spread the heat more smoothly. It can be brought out straight from a deep freeze and put onto heat instantly, without damage, it certainly seems very tough!. It is the same glass which was developed for the Space Shuttle and had to withstand extreme heat and cold, pressure, vibration and resistance to damage from high speed particles hitting it, so I am confident it should come to no harm in the kitchen!. I’m pretty sure that it would not break, even if dropped on concrete, but I don’t wish to try it just yet! ~ It may be a little costly, but it is cetainly no ordinary saucepan and I am hoping to buy the next size up. One giant leap for saucepans! enjoy.

  99. MckinleGuevara says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersVisions 1L Saucepan – with glass cover Simply the best pans on the market. Can be used with gas or electric, ceramic or conventional hobs and are easy to clean in the dishwasher. I wouldn’t use anything else.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI bought this to replace one that, very sadly, I broke. I use it almost every day in the microwave to make sauces, as it can then be used on the hob if needed. The “microwave saucepans”, made of plastic are not as good to use and cannot be transferred to the hob. It is also ideal for microwaving vegetables.