Such a good game. lots of hard work and detailing has gone into creating this. Superb graphics, sound and game play. At the price so go and buy it. Ignore the whining.
This is a bargain! I’ve had hours and hours out of this game! It takes 20/30 mins to get used to the controls and features but once you’re used to it , it’s so fun. Great story
It was a good game overall, the pacing however wasn’t too good. The recruitment missions became quite repetitive, and after the main story was finished there wasn’t anything highly amusing to do. HOWEVER, I had a great time playing the game, it was a blast. Mechanics that I had never seen before was implemented into the game and the fact that you could play as anyone in the entire map apart from the main antagonists should give the game a top spot anyway. Truly a great game.
The vision of London that has been created in this game is very impressive – so many areas that are recognisable but with a quirky near-future twist to them.
Sadly what lets this game down is the common gripe with most recent releases from Ubisoft – despite the rich and immersive setting, the narrative and gameplay falls rapidly into a repetitive tedium that ultimately drains any enthusiasm you had to actually complete the game.
Even the mechanic introduced for this game – the ability to recruit any NPC into DecSec, ultimately works against the game as each character simply becomes a passing vessel as you progress through the storyline, with little more than a bit of a bio giving you their background and therefore limiting the scope to become in anyway emotionally invested in them and their ultimate outcome.
I’m glad I picked this up for 25 rather than the full retail price at launch – at this price you can pick it up, try it for a bit then either put it aside to resume when you feel the urge after a break, or sell it on without too much loss if you don’t get that feeling for a while. With so much potential here, you can’t help but feel this was a bit of a rush job to get released alongside the new generation of consoles, when really another year of work on the gameplay and narrative would have helped this feel a much more complete and satisfying game.
Oh yeah, and the vehicle handling is TERRIBLE! If I’d paid full price my rating would have been down to either 2 or 3 out of 5
Simply missed at PS5 launch this game is a solid 8/10. The mapping of a futurist London is great and I have a few blasts online with a mate in Co-Op mode. Also included is a Zombie London mode that feels quiet realistic and at times a real joy to play. Running through a misty London Street at night with Zombies around each corner is quite a scene. Worth the 25 for a Full PS5 title and not another PS4 upgrade!
I enjoyed this more, than the last two games, even the story I thought was better. Really enjoyed the stealth aspect of the game, while you’re in the proper uniform for certain places. Graphics on ps5 are way more detailed and crisper, than on ps4 version (I started with free online trial which was ps4 version on the Friday, as my game didn’t arrive till the Saturday). Looking around, London is very nice, and every detail looks spot on, but, London, is also one of the busiest cities in the world, But, you can walk or drive around a corner and there’s hardly anyone walking around on the streets or driving on the roads.
Having checked reviews I can second that this game is very fun and it has a lot of variety to offer in terms of one minute you’re driving a car around the streets of Laaaan’daan the next you’re say atop a cargo drone zipping here there and everywhere. Oh yeah or you could be within the air shaft of some business hacking into their systems via a spider!
Very decent game although some missions require patience and can be frustrating
Such a good game. lots of hard work and detailing has gone into creating this. Superb graphics, sound and game play. At the price so go and buy it. Ignore the whining.
Cheap, cheerful and does what aims to do. Great ps5 game here
This is a bargain! I’ve had hours and hours out of this game! It takes 20/30 mins to get used to the controls and features but once you’re used to it , it’s so fun. Great story
Returned as unwanted present, delivery and product were perfect as usual. Thanks Amazo
This is a great game and Is an amazing price
It was a good game overall, the pacing however wasn’t too good. The recruitment missions became quite repetitive, and after the main story was finished there wasn’t anything highly amusing to do. HOWEVER, I had a great time playing the game, it was a blast. Mechanics that I had never seen before was implemented into the game and the fact that you could play as anyone in the entire map apart from the main antagonists should give the game a top spot anyway. Truly a great game.
Sadly what lets this game down is the common gripe with most recent releases from Ubisoft – despite the rich and immersive setting, the narrative and gameplay falls rapidly into a repetitive tedium that ultimately drains any enthusiasm you had to actually complete the game.
Even the mechanic introduced for this game – the ability to recruit any NPC into DecSec, ultimately works against the game as each character simply becomes a passing vessel as you progress through the storyline, with little more than a bit of a bio giving you their background and therefore limiting the scope to become in anyway emotionally invested in them and their ultimate outcome.
I’m glad I picked this up for 25 rather than the full retail price at launch – at this price you can pick it up, try it for a bit then either put it aside to resume when you feel the urge after a break, or sell it on without too much loss if you don’t get that feeling for a while. With so much potential here, you can’t help but feel this was a bit of a rush job to get released alongside the new generation of consoles, when really another year of work on the gameplay and narrative would have helped this feel a much more complete and satisfying game.
Oh yeah, and the vehicle handling is TERRIBLE! If I’d paid full price my rating would have been down to either 2 or 3 out of 5
Really good game and i enjoyed it although the multiplayer could be improved. Graphics are good depending on your tv and gameplay is enjoyable
Very good and very funny with i