XP-PEN Artist 12 (2nd Gen) Drawing Tablet with Screen, Graphics Pen Display with 11.6 Inches Full-laminated Screen, X3 Elite Stylus, Supports Windows, Mac OS, Android, Chrome OS and Linux (Pink)

Kind Reminder:
âHow does the Artist 12 (2nd Gen) drawing tablet work?
XP-PEN Artist 12 (2nd Gen) is not the standalone product. It must be connected to a PC/Laptop to work.
âWhat type of interface you need for connection?
For 3-in-1 USB-C cable connection: Your computer needs to have HDMI and USB ports available for the connection, if not, you need an adapter to convert for the connection.
For Full-featured USB-C cable connection: The Artist 12 (2nd Gen) also supports connection with XP-PEN USB-C to USB-C cable (sold separately).
âDriver Download and Installation Tips:
Before installing XP-PEN’s driver, please remove other brand’s driver from your computer and reboot, otherwise this might cause the conflict problem.
XP-PEN’s driver will be regularly updated, so please go to our official web to download the newest driver, and install it on your computer.

Smart chip stylus for Artist 12 (2nd Gen)
We have designed a smart chip that will dramatically upgrade the performance and structure of our stylus, enabling it to run like an artificial brain and deliver the most true-to-life experience possible. With this tiny new chip, stylus technology has never felt more natural and your creativity can be fully unleashed.
See below for details:

More sensitive
The new X3 smart chip accurately processes electromagnetic signals by encoding them into digital data. This change increases 10-fold* the sensitivity of the initial activation force (IAF to under three grams*), so your artwork can be produced with a featherlight stroke.

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Full lamination & 127% sRGB wide color gamut. With a wide color gamut of 127% sRGB*, the new Artist drawing monitor brings a vivid visual experience with brilliant colors and delicate details even on a dark night. Full lamination is applied to the pen display to minimize parallax and provide more accuracy for a natural drawing experience. | Versatile shortcut keys. The Artist 12 (2nd Gen) pen display features multi-customizable shortcut keys. Customize your shortcut keys in your software application of choice to simplify your workflow and empower your productivity. | Extensive compatibility. The Artist 12 (2nd Gen) graphics tablet is compatible with Windows 7 (or later), Mac OS X 10.10 (or later), Android (USB3.1 DP1.2), Chrome OS 88 (or later)*, Linux. Explore your creativity with the new Artist. It is also works well with various popular digital art software applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, SAI, CDR, GIMP, Krita, and MediBang. |
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Free Bundle Software. XP-PEN provides you with free software (openCanvas, ArtRage 6, Cartoon Animator 4 and Explain Everything) for different purposes. How to obtain your software: Step 1: Create or log into your XP-PEN account. Step 2: Certify your purchase’s serial number. Step 3: Select a software option, find the activation key of the software and visit the corresponding page to install it. | Flexible dual ports. The 3-in-1 cable that supports HDMI signal transmission allows you to connect the pen display to a PC. The full-featured USB-C port makes connection easier with devices such as PCs, Android phones, and Switch, allowing for a tidy desktop. *Please noted that the full-featured USB-C cable is sold separately. | Package Included: 1 x Pen Display; 1 x X3 Elite Stylus 1 x 3-in-1 USB Cable; 1 x Extension Cord 10 x Pen Nibs; 1 x Nib Extractor 1 x Cleaning Cloth; 1 x Black Drawing Glove 1 x Quick Guide; 1 x Maintenance Card |
Dimensions: | 38.7 x 24 x 5.4 cm; 1.43 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | XP-PEN |
Origin: | China |
So far it’s seems sturdy at first glance. Colors are vibrant (that’s good) sucks that there’s no touch support however so think about your setup before purchasing this. I’m not sure how this product will work long term but it’s definitely cheaper than a cintiq and works fine so far.
En general est muy bien al menos para principiantes como yo. El nico pero es que los botones del lpiz a veces no responden y hay que insistirle. Por lo dems, una buena tableta y el tamao es perfecto.
Como outros utilizadores j relataram, compramos este ecr de 10″ e logo nos arrependemos de no termos comprado um XP-PEN Artist maior. Vale a pena a diferena de valor.
Funciona bem no Fedora Linux.
Needless to say, I am MORE than impressed with this tablet. It has everything I wanted the tablet and software to have (pen settings, pressure sensitivity, custom keys, easy to install drivers and easy to use.) I included photos of the software *see photos*
So far I’ve had 0 complaints about this tablet. The pen tip to cursor has basically 0 lag / difference, and it feels just like drawing on paper. Drawing feels so much easier now that im drawing on an actual screen vs just a pad.
The size of the tablet is perfect for my needs, and isnt much larger compared to the intuos. I also included a photo of the size difference of the two.
The pen itself feels much less cheap compaired to the intuos pen (ironic I know), and it has a nice heft to it like a wooden pencil would. Yes its still light in compairson to other tablet pens, but to me its perfect. It also comes with a drawing glove!!! It feels great and slides across the tablet easily. *see above for photos
In all, I never thought id find a tablet that could match wacom! Yes wacom is still the number one for a reason, but xp pen is the next best option in my opinion. Their performance is outstanding, and at an aforable price!!! Highly reccomend this table
Appassionato di fotoritocco a livello amatoriale, attendevo il Prime Day per cercare di fare il “salto di qualit” nell’acquisto di un dispositivo di questo genere. Dando per scontato che l’aspetto di gestione e utilizzo dello stilo fosse di qualit (lo ormai su tutte la tavolette anche a basso costo) mi interessava particolarmente la qualit dello schermo a colori. Infatti utilizzo un display fotografico calibrato con sonda ed in grado di coprire circa il 95% dello spazio colore Adobe RGB, quindi, volevo che la tavoletta grafica fosse almeno al medesimo livello, altrimenti avrei avuto un degrado della fedelt cromatica con cui sono abituato a lavorare. Non troppe informazioni “in giro” ma arrivata, calibrata con Spyder 5 Elite e confermo che la tavoletta in grado di coprire un’ottima percentuale di Adobe RGB quindi sono pienamente soddisfatto ed una frazione del costo di periferiche pi blasonate. Unico appunto: sono previste due modalit di collegamento ad un PC con un cavo Video+USB+Power che termina un USB-C verso una porta della tavoletta oppure direttamente un USB-C 3.2 che termina in una apposita porta dedicata accanto alla prima. Il cavo di collegamento di tipo A/V potrebbe essere almeno 1 Mt pi lungo. Provando a prolungarlo, si scopre che la presa USB-C di destinazione prevista sulla tavoletta ha un ricettacolo molto piccolo e delle 3 prolunghe USB-C 3.2 che ho provato, non ne entra nemmeno una…
Es muy cmoda, el tacto de la pluma con la pantalla es suave. Directo, fcil de usar, tal vez el cableado triple es lo nico incmodo del producto pero fuera de eso es increble y el tamao de la pantalla es excelente, perfecto para obtener mejor detalle. Casi como si dibujaras en papel. Realmente estoy satisfecho. Tiene todo lo necesario.
Bought this as an upgrade from a previous xppen tablet, the larger screen is wonderful and using this is easy and natural, no need to learn any weird troubleshooting tricks.
Je met 5 toiles car le produit est trs bien mais comme je viens de le recevoir je n’ai pas encore pu le tester au niveau graphique malgr tout les quelques essais que j’ai fait sont trs bien ,j’espre qu’il va tenir ces promesses voir….
Je regarde toujours par rapport aux notes laisser par les clients, et au final ben c’est pas la meilleur chose faire car celle-ci n’tait pas apparu car plus rcente, et forcment la XP-Pen 13 qui est sorti y’a 3 ans avait plus de notes que celle-ci qui est rcente. J’ai donc acheter l’autre pour au final me rendre compte que pour quasiment le mme prix j’avais un cran de 16 pouce au lieu de 13, un stylet plus fin et lger et une meilleur gestion de la pressio
-) Sehr gut angeordnete shortcuts die sich gut drcken lassen. (nicht zu nahe und zu weit weg) Ausserdem haben sie sphrbare Pnktchen auf den Tasten das man sogar erfhlen kann um welche Shortcuts es sich handelt.
-) Ausreichende Auflsung von 1080p
-) Top Preisleistung
-) Schne Farbdarstellung
-) Gute Helligkeit.
-) Leicht matte Oberflche (Spiegelt nicht)
-) Der Stift liegt gut in der Hand.
-) Das Zubehr ist Ntzlich.
-) Gummierte Fchen auf der Rckseite somit rutscht das Tablett nicht rum.
-) Es war schwer herauszufinden WELCHES USB-C zu USB-C Kabel man bentigt wenn man das Mitgelieferte Kabel nicht nutzen mchte. Weder auf der Webside noch in der Anleitung findet man etwas dazu. Ein Tipp fr euch es wird ein UBS 3.2 fr Video,Strom und Daten bertragen bentigt.
Dachte bei den ganzen miesen Rezessionen aus Spanien ect. erst Mal “ob das was taugt?” aber bin angenehm berrascht.. Amazon hat es pnktlich nach 2 Tagen geliefert. Etwas zu pnktlich leider weil der Paketbote mich aus dem Schlaf geklingelt hat aber es hat sich gelohnt. Vorweg: es ist nicht fr Windows 11 geeignet weil der PC es dort irgendwie nicht findet.. habe bisschen rumprobiert auch am Handy und auf meinem Laptop. Zum Handy.. ich habe ein Android das das Grafiktablett zwar erkannt hat und ich konnte auch darauf zeichnen aber es war etwas.. naja, falsch dimensioniert. Auf dem Laptop angeschlossen (mit Windows 10) hat es dann aber geklappt. [Anbei: bestellt euch am besten ein USB-C Kabel dazu, das ist hier nicht anhalten aber auch nur zum verbinden bei Smartphones notwendig]. Hier darauf achten dass alle 3 Stecker des Kabels richtig drin sind, beim Grafiktablett solltet ihr den unteren USB Abschluss nehmen, beim oberen gab es einen Black Screen. Als Zeichensoftware empfehle ich “Ibis Paint”.. ist meiner Meinung nach die beste App fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene aber kostet halt einmalig 19 wenn man die “gute” Version mchte. Eine gute kostenlose Alternative ist “Krita”. Cool finde ich auch dass der Stift nicht aufgeladen werden muss weil er mit Induktion oder so arbeitet.. Das Tablet muss aber durchgehend am Strom angeschlossen sein. Alles in allem geiles Teil und sehr zu empfehlen fr den Preis. Zeichne jetzt seit paar Jahren und habe deshalb schon etwas Ahnung ^^
Anmerkung: unbedingt den Grafiktreiber runterladen.. Website steht in der Anleitung in der Verpackung, ist auf der Homepage aber etwas schwer zu finden.
Za rozumnou cenu nstroj, kter promn trpen s my za poitek z dokonalch retu a jin grafick prce. Dostaten velk plocha zrcadl displej PC, piem zbv dost prostoru na palety a lity s nstroji. Nejastj funkce lze piadit pjemnm uivatelskm tlatkm pmo na tabletu, citlivost pera na tlak funguje tak vborn. Zatm testovno pouze s pibalenou aplikac Canvas, kter se hod jen pro malovn a retue. Zbv otestovat s nstroji pro grafiku, ale neoekvm problm.
I have made huge research and compared many tablets of multiple brands (Wacom, Huion and XP-PEN), and after thoroughly comparing all of them, I decided to buy this one. It didn’t disappoint me in any aspect: Screen quality is great, color range is absurdly good, pen feeling is also very good (people say it’s very light and sometimes slippery, but has a decent weight), it’s very easy to use and easy to set up the shortcuts!
The only thing that I had trouble with was making the connection with the computer, but it was completely my mistake of plugging the cable in the wrong USB-C entrance, so make sure to plug in the right one before thinking it’s broken hahaha.
Overall, I absolutely recommend this tablet, if you don’t feel like having a screen with a bigger resolution (this one is 1920×1080), I’d say go for it. I didn’t test drawing with photoshop (cuz adobe is lame fr) but worked just fine with Clip Studio Paint. If you never had a screen tablet before, you won’t miss anything, because this one provided me with all the necessary assets (it even comes with a drawing glove!)
Quite an interesting product. Was previously looking to get a touch screen film to go over my laptop to make it touch screen. Well this does away with that and gives you so much more functionality.
Essentially this adds to your computer, be it laptop or desktop another flat monitor that is touch screen. Now touch screen is quite a wide open description. You can either use a finder to control the mouse, using it to click around during presentations or you can max it out using a stylus and transform it to a complete drawing slate.
Typically, I use a surface for most my time, that’s a dedicated slate and the touchsceen element is fantastic at getting things done, but it lacks power when it comes to video editing. That was the desire to get something smacked up to my uber powerful desktop. I just find the mouse interface annoying and impossible to use for the notation of videos.
Getting the device up and running was a breeze taking only a few minutes. From there it was automatically found and we were up and running.
Nice and responsive to touch. its mutitouch so if you are drawing make sure to wear a drawing glove otherwise your palm will become very annoying.
Overall its a very nice device
[email protected]
This is a dedicate drawing tablet – although there is some additional functionality I’ll mention in the review. Included, in addition to the tablet, is a ‘smart’ stylus, a screen cleaning cloth, two cables – a 3 in 1 USB cable connection and a 3 in 1 port which acts as a cable extension – a drawing glove, 10 spare nibs and a nib removal tool, and various bits of documentation. When you register the tablet you get access to a range of useful but relatively unknown software.
What’s missing is a fast USB-C to USB-C cable, a HDMI to USB-C adapter (assuming like me you have a MacBook Pro without a HDMI port), a carry case, and a drawing stand. Most of these items are relatively inexpensive so it’s disappointing they aren’t included.
Further, in terms of what’s missing, this is not like an Android Tablet or iPad – there is no on board storage, no primary processor and no power supply. You have to link the drawing tablet to a standard tablet, a Mac or PC, or a smartphone to use it.
When I unpacked the tablet itself it looked enormous with a vast amount of screen real estate. Unfortunately quite a lot of the screen is not actually screen but a large frame and an area for q0 programmable push buttons. The screen is only 13.3 inches measured diagonally in a 16:9 format. Moreover the screen resolution is relatively limited at full HD rather the UHD.
In use for drawing the tablet works pretty well. The stylus is very sensitive – rather better I think than my iPad Pro Apple Pencil. I’m not clear how impacted the performance is by the machine it’s connected to. For example if I used a low spec smartphone would this impact on the tablet’s performance. I use GIS mapping software a lot and various VR and AR tools but not drawing apps. I tried some of the software available from the manufacturer and the performance looks good. Whilst I like the concept of the 10 programmable side keys it’s difficult to remember how you’ve programmed them and they take up space. So I’m not sold on the design.
The tablet is not restricted to being used for drawing. It can be used as a second display for gaming or consuming video content. As I don’t have an HDMI port on my laptop I used my own fast USB-C cable for this.
This is in general a specialised product though. For the price you can pick up a fairly well spec’d Android tablet. Whilst my iPad Pro is far more expensive, it also has far greater functionality although with a similar, 12.9 inch screen. I do prefer the drawing tablet’s 16:9 aspect ratio though. I also like the paper-like feel of the tablet’s screen.
I guess if your primary interest is drawing, and have the necessary hardware to connect the tablet to, this item makes sense. The manufacturer also received a Red Dot Award in 2022, a clear mark of design quality. For the keen artist this is a good four star product. Even then though, if money is no object, I’d go for an iPad Pro for a higher resolution screen, faster refresh rates, and superior screen technology in the recent 12.9 iPads.
This is for the XP-PEN Artist 13 (2nd Gen) Drawing Tablet with Screen, 13.3″ Full-laminated .
What a cool little device. Arrived well packaged and on time. Is really well and is simple to use. Screen is good quality and clear. Have had lots of fun with it. Would recommend!