ZOOZEE Robot Vacuum Cleaner Z50, 3-1 Sweeping, Vacuuming & Mopping, 3000 Pa Suction, 290 mins Battery Life, Compatible with Siri, Alexa, WiFi Connect and Self-Recharging, Work on Carpet and Hard Floo

Weight: | 2.95 kg |
Dimensions: | 35 x 35 x 8 cm; 2.95 Kilograms |
Brand: | Zoozee |
Model: | Z50 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
I didn’t rate the five stars because this product has a weak spot, this is the lid to the dust collector breaks off easily due to the two small branches at its side. I had to fix it with a metal pin, not hard to do. Other than that, I am very happy with its performance
I purchased the Zoozee Z50 in June 2021 and it works perfectly for cleaning my home. I change and hand wash the mopping pads after cleaning every room. It certainly saves me time to focus on other things around the house. Last year my water tank separated I reached out to the company and they sent me a replacement at no cost to me. Here we are another year later a second tank separated. They sent me a second water tank at no cost to me. All I did is email them and sent a picture of the tank a few weeks later I received a replacement. Now my water tank is fully operational once again. Every once in a while the robot acts up when charging but I shut it off and it starts charging. Excellent robot and customer service. Never have I seen such dedication. When time comes I will buy from this company again!
Wir haben uns den Saugroboter Z50 von Zoozee fr den privaten Eigengebrauch gekauft. Tipp: Beim Kauf immer auf Aktionen bzw. Rabatte achten, das kann durchaus manchmal sehr interessant sein. Zurck zum Gert. Der Saug-/Wischroboter wurde als Untersttzung fr das regelmige Saugen, vor allem aber fr das Saugen in Kombination mit dem feuchten Wischen gekauft.
+ Die Verarbeitung ist gut, der Roboter selbst ist robust und die einzelnen Teile wie Wischbltter, Brsten und Filter halten sehr gut. Etwas filigran ist nur die Klappe bei der Staubbox. Hier sollte man beim Reinigen nicht zu krftig drcken.
+ Der Lieferumfang ist umfassend, es ist alles dabei was man braucht, auch Ersatzbrsten, Ersatzfilter und ein Ersatztuch.
+ Die Einrichtung mit der App ist sehr einfach und in Krze kann der Roboter loslegen. Alternativ kann per Fernbedienung gesteuert werden oder auch direkt am Gert ein- und ausgeschaltet werden.
+ Es gibt zahlreiche Einstellmglichkeiten und Modi. Detaileinstellungen sind nur per App mglich.
+ Die Saugleistung ist sehr gut. Man glaubt gar nicht, was alles eingesaugt wird, obwohl der Boden recht sauber aussieht.
+ Bei der Wischfunktion kann man mehrere Modi einstellen, je nachdem wieviel Wasser eingesetzt werden soll. Tipp: Das Tuch vor dem Wischen etwas anfeuchten, dann geht das gleich von Beginn weg sehr gut. Beim Wischen gibt es keine Streifen.
+ Staubfach sowie Wassertank mit Staubfach sind einfach zu tauschen und leicht zu reinigen.
+ Das Service der Firma ist sehr gut, reagiert schnell und ist sehr hilfsbereit.
– Die Stimme im “Normalmodus” ist recht laut. Besser den “Silent Modus” einstellen.
– Wenn der Akku mal komplett leer ist, stellt sich der Roboter auf den “Normalmodus” zurck. Etwas lstig, dies dann wieder auf Silent umstellen zu mssen.
– Manchmal kann es etwas lnger dauern, bis der Roboter am Programmende die Station findet.
– Die Akkuladezeit ist relativ lang
Wir sind insgesamt sehr zufrieden mit den Roboter. Gelegentlich muss man nach wie vor selbst mal saugen, da nicht alle Stellen erreicht werden knnen, aber wir wollen unseren Roboter nicht mehr missen. Er erleichtert das Saubermachen ungemein, nimmt Arbeit ab und bringt so einen deutlichen Zeitgewinn. Tipp: Wenn es ein Saugroboter sein soll, dann am besten gleich einen der auch eine Wischfunktion mitbringt.
Wir sind rundu
got it as a christmas gift for my dad and he loves it. makes life so much easier. great for price.
I have been using this robot for more than 1.5 year now. I call him Zyuzya. He cleans the apartment better than my maid, seriously. I usually leave him when I go somewhere. The vacuum power is very strong. One of the cool features he has is also mopping function. I think he is perfec
Muy buen producto y llego mas rpido de lo esperado
I am delighted! The only weak point is the water tank. It happened that it broke. On the other hand, I just wrote to the Zoozee home, and they helped me very much with the new one. Customer support on a very high level!
Super Saugroboter gerade fr Tierhaare im Langflorteppich. Sehr zu empfehlen.
Very useful and works very well. But our house is small.
The suction power is incredible. I use it on wooden floor as well as wall to wall carpets in the bedroom.
I had a minor issue with a small part that got broken and the customer service was extraordinary. Would definitely recommend it.
me.encanto! Sugiero colocarle un protector en la parte de arriba para que no se raye el infrarojo
I recommend to anyone
Hab erst den z50 gakauft nach 2 Monaten konnte er nur noch auf max saugen!
zurck geschickt und den z70 gekauft!
erste einrichten top
Saug Leistung top
wichen top
so jetz zu dem Problem!
nach 2 Tagen verliert er die Karte immer wieder ndert die sich bis er nach 2 Tagen die lade Station nicht mehr findet schade.
support angeschrieben alles ausfhrlich erklrt
Hallo ich hab ein problem mit dem saugroboter
seit ich ihn habe gibt es Probleme mit der Navigation.
der Scant die Rume die Karte ist erstellt,
die Karte ist gespeichert.
nach 2 Tagen ist die Karte total verschoben,er findet seine Station nicht mehr.
was ich bisher versucht hab!
Karte neu laden!
funktioniert fr 2 Tage dann is es wieder so er findet seine Station nicht fhrt rum bis akku leer.
zurckgesetzt! keine Vernderung.
wlan neu verbunden, Router zurck gesetzt!
keine Vernderung.
Standort der Station gendert mehrfach!
keine Vernderung.
nach update geschaut! keins vorhanden
feste IP zugewiesen! keine Vernderung
also Antwort kommt dann sowas
Hier ist Sherry vom Kundendienstteam. Vielen Dank fr Ihre Kontaktaufnahme und ich freue mich, Ihnen helfen zu knnen.
Haben Sie laut Ihrer Beschreibung die richtige Karte in Ihrem Kartenverlauf oder Ihrer gespeicherten Karte? Wenn die richtige Karte verfgbar ist, kann sie zur Verwendung geladen werden.
Auerdem wurde Ihr Z70 im Amazon-Shop gekauft. Vielleicht knnen Sie sich direkt an den Amazon-Kundendienst wenden, um weitere Untersttzung zu erhalten.
Schnes Wochenende!
was das fr ein support?
egal jetzt geht er zurck hoffe finde was vernnftiges
Our ZooZee is named Robby the Robot and we love him very much. If you are a busy parent and find yourself being the only one to clean and vacuum etc… You need this robot vac to take something off your busy plate seriously! I can turn him on and while I clean the rest of the house, he is taking care of the floor for me. I purchased a different robot vac previously and was one of those that just go completely random and you wonder how in the hell it will ever actually get everything vacuumed. This guy goes in perfectly organized, straight rows up and down until he runs into something, and then still carefully goes around so he can continue his neat rows. I have only used the mop feature a couple of times, but am happy with that as well. It makes the floor FEEL cleaner for sure, but if you have some dried on gunk (hello toddler life…) then you’re probably still going to have to whip out your Bona, Swiffer mop, etc to actually put some elbow grease into it. He does pretty well on thick carpet too, but I don’t put him through that very often because I shed like a dog and I don’t feel like cutting my hair out of his brushes that often lol! Absolutely 10/10 recommend and would buy again in a heart beat!
While there are some very good technology built into this unit, none of them matter if the battery is dead. I tried charging for weeks and nothing. I brought this unit with me out of country where it is difficult to get a replacement battery. After close inspection, I will need to dismantle the unit to replace this battery whenever it arrives.
Overall, my selection of this unit is a VERY POOR one. I advise to keep away from this, and pay the little extra for the more well known brands.
Since I made the complain above, the ZOOZEE people have come to my rescue. Their customer service have now changed my opinion. While I know I may have received a unit with a fault, they completely removed my doubts of their SUPPORT. They sent me a replacement for the unit with their more advanced version which is the ZOOZEE Z70. This unit exceeds my expectation and works very well.
Please note, they sent me this unit absolutely FREE of cost, and I merely had to pay for the freight to the country I am at.
This is the type company I want to do business with. I encourage you to give them a try. The product is great and their customer service support is wonderful.
Thanks ZOOZEE.
We LOVE our Zoozee. It’s is a great product for the cost. We lost a piece from the dustpan that we could not replace. The company took care of us from beginning to end. They sent us a new dustpan free of charge and checked in after delivery to see if there was anything else we needed. Very pleased!
True to her word, a new dust box arrived two weeks ago!!! These guys rock!!!!
As the ZooZee Z50 was at the low end of the price range I thought it would be a lower risk way to test the waters and see if this would work for us. With just the prep of cleaning up some extension cords under the couch to avoid entanglement we set this thing loose and I was thrilled how much dirt, cat hair, and dust it picked up. It even goes under the tables and couch with no problem getting the hard to reach spots.
I am very happy with the build quality (it doesn’t look or feel cheap) as well as the low noise while it cleans while we sleep.
The house it spotless, I have it scheduled to clean at 2am. It cleans the whole first floor then goes back to its charger and I wake up happy. I have to empty the dust bin and clean the roller with the handy included tool (takes about 2 minutes for the whole routine) and it’s ready to go again.
Highly recommended!
Hay muchas opciones de compra en lnea de artculos como este, yo escog este modelo por las calificaciones que tiene. En general funciona bien, desde la app se puede controlar de manera remota y programar el tipo de limpieza que har, sin embargo lo he dejado trabajando solo mientras estoy fuera de casa y ha tenido problemas como que se queda atorado, incluso una vez se cay de las escaleras a pesar de que tiene un sensor para evitar que eso suceda. Pienso que es prctico de usar siempre y cuando se deje todo el piso despejado y que no se quede sin supervisin por si se le presenta algn problema que no pueda resolver solo. Incluye un kit para cambiar accesorios y que pueda trapear aunque nunca lo he usado.
Switch it on and walk away, wish I bought this years ago.
I bought this as a possible present and decided to try it out before giving it away. I was impressed enough to change my mind and keep it, even though I have quite a small house. I haven’t used the app yet as I am about to rearrange my lounge and will leave using the mapping function until after that. Just starting the machine using the remote sets it off leaving the hardwood floor straight onto a rug. There is no difficulty in getting on to the rug, then or at any other time. All mess on both surfaces gets collected. The Zoozee goes into places I don’t always hoover and it gets further under a cabinet than I ever have. Occasionally the “fingers” flick bits away from the Zoozee but it gets those later in its random wanderings.
As stated I have a small house and the dust bin needs emptying after two ground floor sweeps and one upstairs sweep. I have not used the mop function yet, but would only use that in the kitchen which is tiled. I was on hand the first time I used it upstairs in case it was going to launch itself off the landing, but I needn’t have worried.
Getting back to the docking station is difficult because I do not have the necessary clearance as shown in the instructions. I’m hoping that this difficulty will be cleared after I have rearranged my room.
My house doesn’t take long to hoover but I always seem to find some excuse not to do it. Now I press a button on the remote and it’s done while I do something else.
Depending on how often the Zoozee is going to be used or how big the area is to be cleaned, a robot vacuum cleaner with self emptying facility might be better suited.
Great little vacuum Just set it off and leave – but you must check the dustbin Have new carpet and it picks up lots of fluff and deposits it back if not emptied Very pleased would recommend
Really easy to setup and did a really good job cleaning my room and corners. Did not think it was that dirty but it picked up a lot.
Got this unit as it can mop and hoover both at some time on max power modes. I previously had one where you needed to swap out the functions, but now I can just keep it on mop and hoover mode without resetting it up again 🙂
Will schedule it each day and forget about cleaning. It did a great job on its first clean. Didn’t get stuck, and if it had trouble would always find a way out and crack on with cleaning.
Has a decent remote or can use the app. Suction seems strong. As a lazy person, I love this.
Thanks ZooZee!
Really like this cleaner – only issue was, could not connect it directly to app…but after contacting the supplier (very prompt and helpful responses) we think it is our internet provider (Virgin) what needs tweaking some how.. Still work but have to connect via hot spot atm. Still loving the machine.
The only bad point I’ve found so far is that it does NOT work with Alexa voice command, but it does however work flawlessly by turning it on manually with the Alexa or Tuya app, or with a scene that turns the vacuum on during the night (which I do).
I also want to mention that it says it’ll only climb over a 16mm step but we have a 20mm step where one floor has been plied and one hasn’t yet and it climbs over that with no issue at all, which is great.
This is my first robotic vacuum and I absolutely love it. Kids love it too, they’ve affectionately named her Suzy as it sounds like zoozee and the wife loves it. I would absolutely recommend it and two members of my family are also going to by the same model.
Since I could not read the fine print, I email customer service and promptly received a courteous reply from Sherry with the attached manual. Her communication was courteous and professional, demonstrating that the company cares to provide the utmost consideration to the satisfaction of their customers. I have been very impressed and highly recommend ZOOZEE to other potential customers, and remember, to properly operate ZOOZEE requires an APP. The backbone of every company is its customer service. I highly recommend this company, they care to make a difference when you need assistance and are there for you, especially the fine customer service Sherry provided for me. Thank you, Sherry, job well done.
buen producto, limpia muy bien, no sea cae por escaleras, sencillo cambiar y limpiar los depsitos. Puedes usar aromatizndote y/o limpiador de pisos diluido con el depsito de agua y muy fcilmente tu casa quedara limpia y aromatizada. Siempre tienes que tener en cuenta que debes quitar objetos pequeos, tapetes y sillas para que pueda limpiar con facilidad. Yo lo recomiendo, estoy muy contento con mi Zoozee
I moved to a house with carpet flooring recently and I am really bothered with few pieces of food residue and waste laying around all the time. I used to do hand-held vacuuming at least 3 times a day as I am quite obsessed with having a clean surrounding.
A friend of mine recommended me this amazing robot vacuum when she found me vacuuming the floor over and over again.
In short, I am really glad that I got it.
Saves me a lot of time which I would otherwise spent vacuuming the floor. Great suction power and really convenient for those who need a spotless floor .
I will soon be buying one more Zoozee robotic vacuum cleaner to gift my mom for Christmas (she finds it really hard to keep her floors clean with a handheld vacuum .)
I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a great robotic vacuum.
Anfangs war ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Gert, kurz vor Ablauf der Garantie fingen die Probleme jedoch an, Staubi (so sein Name bei uns 😉 ) fing an zu saugen, hielt aber immer nach 60 Sekunden an und meinte, dass man die Hauptbrste prfen soll….wohlgemerkt, es hatte sich nie etwas verfangen…ich habe ihn nach jedem Arbeitsgang entleert und am Wochenende sogar immer smtliche Filter etc. grndlich gereinigt.
Ich hatte dann netten Kontakt zum Kundensupport von Zoozee und bekam ein komplettes Set Ersatzteile, Filter etc. kostenfrei.
Danach ging alles wieder problemlos. Kurz nach Ablauf der Garantie jedoch fingen die Probleme von vorne an.
Da wurde ich dann auch wirklich ungeduldig und war auch echt genervt davon.
Das Ende vom Lied, ich werde den Staubsauger entsorgen und habe meinen Unmut darber auch dem Kundendienst von Zoozee mitgeteilt…
Sie wirkten ehrlich betroffen und haben mir nun den kompletten Kaufpreis erstattet!
Vielen Dank dafr…vielleicht kaufe ich irgendwann wieder mal ein Gert dieser Firma, jetzt sauge ich aber erstmal wieder konventionell 😀
Fazit: Mit dem Gert bin ich leider nicht zufrieden, aber der Kundensupport ist mega!!!
The bride couldn’t wait for the wedding. She used it several times and couldn’t be more happy
We were hesitant about getting a robot vacuum—but ZooZee has surpassed our expectations!!! We have two dogs and vaulted ceilings and so we get a lot of incoming dirt from the dogs as well as dust from the vaulted ceilings and Zoozee takes care of it all!! If I had to complain about anything it would be the magnetic strips that came with her. Sometimes she stays in our foyer too long so we tried putting down the magnetic strips to stop her and bc it wasn’t long enough she found her way around it LOL. She’s a tough little thing and just when you think your house is clean—- Zoozee shows you otherwise!
Again— buy Zoozee. You will not be disappointed!!
Amazing customer service. I had an issue with sensor in my robot vacuum cleaner after a few months of using. I chatted with Sherry from Zoozee support which had a professional approach to the case. I have been asked to return the faulty robot cleaner and I have received brand new one as replacement within less than week, also refunded me postage costs. Very professional customer service. The robot vacuum cleaner itself is amazing. Very good suction. Very rarely getting stuck, it’s trying to recover itself for a few minutes before will report the issue. Big wheels can handle with even big thresholds. Moping option is amazing, especially if you have laminate flooring. I’m very happy with the product and now even more with customer support. Many thanks.
The robot vac does a great job but better than that, their customer service is great. Even following up after the situation was rectified. I would definitely but this again.
I purchased this item because both my husband and i are disabled, he also had a heart attack just before i purchased it and i had a major operation. Although i haven’t yet tried the mopping action, i can not fault it for keeping my carpets and hard floor clean! On the first use i could not believe how much dust etc it picked up, considering i had vacuumed the day before and we have no small children. It did not cease to amaze me that not mater how many times a day we use this it will find more dust etc. Highly recomended.
Wre das Clip System von der Brste besser wren es 5 Sterne jedes Mal Verlierer der Staubsauger sein Wischer ( vielleicht bei mir nur so)
This vacuum is very user friendly. Voice commands are great and works well with the app. I’ve used other products that were great, but this is amazing. The suction is excellent, and the lidar sensing covers nearly every inch of floor space in my home.
I have seen a lot of reviews and after that I decided to buy this and it didn’t disappoint me, the cleaning is really nice and mop function is great as well. It connects easily with the app and have a function of deep cleaning in the app, you can also control the water flow from there. I was confused too in the start wether to buy it or not but it is a good purchase and cheap as well.
I am surprised as to how much dirt I had on the floors I thought were clean. This little machine makes me so happy and it’s because of how clean my floors look. I have not tried the mopping feature yet but the sweeping is very helpful.
Right out of the box, quick charge and off Zoozee went. Kitty litter, dog food, dirt, dust, wet mess! She can go in and out of rooms with different elevations. This vacuum will not fall down the steps/stairs. Super smart! The deep clean cycle is absolutely stunning
Why oh why did I wait so long, this vacuum was actually affordable and incredibly effective!
Very unique concept of machine as it provides you 2 seperate types of mop boxes, one with only dustbin and other with 2in1 dustbin and mopping.
Value for money
I absolutely love this robovac. I have two cats that shed like crazy and this amazing device saves me! I’ve had it for a couple months now and I can say it is a winner all the way around!