Arrinew Bonsai Planting Tools Set 26 Pcs Gardening Planting Tools Kit Include 2 Planting Bags, U-Shaped Shears, Mini Rake, Round and Pointed Shovel &Training Wire in PU Leather Bag ect.

PU Leather Bag
All the 26 pcs bonsai tools can be store in this leather case, prevent tools loss and save space.
A hole punch with a ruler, which allows you to know the depth of seed burying more clearly.
Hand Rake
Mini size hand rake , perfect for bonsai care, loosing soil properly and will not hurt your plant.
Bonsai Wires
This thin bonsai wires is flexible and strong enough and will not damage trees or any plant, There is no problem to bend and twist many times.
Dimensions: | 28 x 17 x 5 cm; 534 Grams |
Model: | GT1008 |
Part: | GT1008 |
Manufacture: | Arrinew |
Dimensions: | 28 x 17 x 5 cm; 534 Grams |
Dies ist ein hochwertiges Gartenwerkzeugset fr den Hobbygrtner.
Es ist ideal fr die Bepflanzung und Pflege der Setzlinge oder der kleinen Pflanzen.
Die Verarbeitung dieses Werkzeugsets ist gut.
Es hat eine gute Qualitt Tasche, um alles an einem Ort zu halten und gut organisiert.
Ich kann es empfehlen.
Es ist sicher eine gute Geschenkidee fr die Pflanzenliebhaber.
Viel Zubehr, aber nicht die beste Qualitt.
Das Set enthlt unter anderem zwei kleine Schaufel und einen Rechen, Draht, Schere etc. Man kann als Anfnger damit arbeiten. Das Ganze ist in einer praktischen Tasche untergebracht und man hat alles beisammen.
Die Bonsaiutensilien kommen in einem Etui mit Reissverschluss gut verpackt an. Es gibt einiges an Zubehr.
Ausprobiert haben wir bisher Schaufel und Harke: Die Werkzeuge liegen gut in der Hand und sind sehr wertig. Auch bei harter Erde kann man sie benutzen, ohne dass sie sich verbiegen.
Wir freuen uns schon, bald die anderen Werkzeuge zu benutzen, wollen aber in dieser trockenen Zeit unsere Bume nicht noch mehr stressen, darum erst einmal nur diese beiden Teile ausprobiert. Volle Punktzahl, ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!
Sehr gute Hilfsmaterialien die das Arbeiten erleichtern. Sie bestehen aus hochwertigen Materialien, die tadellos verarbeitet sind. Da man alles zusammen hat, kann man schnell und einfach die Blumen umtopfen. Es ist alles ordentlich beisammen und Griffpart. Ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis.
Das Bonsaiset ist ganz nett. Der Preis von ca. 16 Euro fr das Set ist auch wirklich gut.
Man kriegt einiges geboten. Dabei muss man natrlich Qualittsabzge machen.
Man merkt das die enthaltenen Produkte kostengnstig gefertigt sind, aber dennoch
erfllen sie ihren Zweck und man kann es fr den seltenen Gebrauch definitiv nutzen.
+ Lots of small items, mostly of reasonable quality, but only for small plants
+ Good for growing indoor succulents and also for seeding
+ Good value
Not so good
– Not for heavy lifting
This planting tool set comes in a nice storage bag, making it very much giftable and perfect for beginners like me.
The built quality is okay, doesn’t seems durable, finishing is again okay, but doesn’t make me go wow quality-wise. However, it does exatly what it is supposed to do; the kit includes everything to maintain the houseplants, and they are beneficial.
I hope this review helps you to make a purchasing decision.
Nicht nur als Bonsai Werkzeug kann man dieses Set benutzen sondern auch fr andere kleine Pflanzen wie zum Beispiel Sukkulenten. Dieses Set haben wir einer Kollegin gum runden Geburtstag geschenkt, die gefllt das ganze Haus voll mit Sukkulenten hat. Sie hat sich riesig gefreut Also auch als Geschenkidee sehr zu empfehle
Bewertet wird das Produkt “Arrinew Bonsai Werkzeug, 26-teilig Bonsai Werkzeugset Pflanzen Zubehr Miniatur Gartenwerkzeug inkl. Pflanzsack, Bonsai Draht, Bonsai Schere, Mini Rechen und Schaufel fr Sukkulenten/Zimmerpflanzen”.
Set mit lauter Werkzeugen im Miniformat zur Anzucht und Pflege von Bonsais oder anderen Minipflanzen – kleine Spaten, kleine Hacke, kleine Schere, aber auch Bindedraht, Etiketten und vieles mehr.
Praktische Aufbewahrung in einer zusammenklappbaren Reiverschlusstasche, die man platzsparend im Schrank verstauen kann.
Gutes und gnstiges Set fr Anfnger – 5 Sterne.
Great set for the price
A must have if you are into tiny plants
The tools work well for their size
The case is great for storage
Overall i would highly recommend this for yourself or a gift for the plant lover in your life
Ich durfte dieses Bonsai Werkzeugset zum Testen erhalten.
– Reichhaltiges Equipment
z.B Mini Schaufel und Mini Rechen sowie Setzlingsheber und Pikierstab enthalten.
– Gute Praktische Aufbewahrungstasche aus Kunstleder
– Inkl. Bindedraht und Pflanztaschen
– Leider viel Plastik
– Teilweise scharfe Kanten an den Metallteilen von Hacke und Schaufel
Fr den Preis bekommt man ein umfangreiches Set, die Verarbeitung ist noch ok. Ich denke fr den Anfang kann man da wenig falsch machen.
I do a lot of planting; and this set has been useful in taking care of the minute details as they are small and petite.
I have used them in the garden for bed rows, and also for indoor planting pots.
They have been very useful and strong enough to do the jobs required.
This little kit contains almost everything for taking care of some house plants. U shape shear, transplant tools, puncher, shovels, hand rake and some wires. They are small, and just fit for indoor plant size. Stickers, signs, and planting bags are provided too. I can see this kit suitable for all plant stages. The PU bag is so handy to keep everything together.
Das Bonsai Werkzeug wurde schnell geliefert. Im Set enthalten sind:
2 Mini Schaufeln,1 Mini Rechen,1Setzlingsheber,1 Pikierstab,1 Lffelschaufel,2 kleine Pflanzscke,2 Bonsaidrthe,1 Bonsaischere,1 Saatgutbox,75 kleine Aufkleber, 1 Hanfseil,10 Pflanzenschilder und eine Aufbewahrungstasche.Die Aufbewahrunstasche ist sehr praktisch da hat man immer alles zusammen und mu nicht lange suchen. Qualitativ ist das Set vollkommen in Ordnung. Preisleistung ist ok. Kaufempfehlung.
So it’s quite big set, easy to use, and plant, good quality, for indoor use. Mostly there is everything what you need to repot plants
Review from my husband:
This is a great kit for beginners and experts alike. It has all the tools you will ever need to get started in caring for your beautiful little plants. I myself don’t have a bonsai tree, but I grow a lot of other stuff. I recently grew some chickpeas and they’ve blossomed into decent size plants and these tools are invaluable as they help you remove and transfer delicate little seedlings from one pot to the other with relative ease and not damaging them at all. There’s a great selection of mini tools to help you with most micro gardening tasks, which leaves you feeling totally spoilt. Literally, it’s a really good kit and one, if green-fingered enough, will keep you satisfied for years to come. 5/5
This is a good starter kit for growing bonsai trees, it contains everything you need to get started, apart from the plants, soil and plants pots. It’s currently priced at 19.99 or 13.99 for Prime members
Although it’s aimed at bonsai growers, it can also be used for cacti and succulents too
The set comes in a PU leather case with a zip fastener and includes; 2 planting bags, shears, rakes, transplant tool, puncher, shovels, wires, a seed box, hemp, bonsai wires and stickers
The planting bags can be used initially to help the plant grow as it locks in moisture and keeps the soil damp for longer
This is a great set and is bound to appeal, it would have been good if there was a leaflet included letting beginners know what tool to use and when with some hints and tips on successful growing
Das Werkzeugset beinhaltet 16 Utensilien fr das Pflanzen kleiner Pflanzen. Neben kleinen Schaufeln und Pflanzhilfen sind eine Samendose, ein Topfberzieher, kleine Drhte zum Drahten von Bonsai und Schilder inklusive Etiketten enthalten. Die Etiketten waren leider etwas verknickt. Insgesamt ist das Set lustig und hilfreich beim Pflanzen von Samen und den ersten Bonsai-Versuchen. Das Einzige was ich dabei vermisse ist jedoch eine kleine Schere zum Gestalten der Bonsai. Ein Profi wird mit dem Set nicht zufrieden sein, da fr Bonsai-Experten kaum hilfreiche Werkzeuge dabei sind.
Insgesamt finde ich das Set jedoch ganz niedlich und werde die Werkzeuge beim Pflanzen von Samen sicherlich nutzen knnen. Da die Etiketten jedoch verknickt waren (siehe Foto) gibt es 4 statt 5 Sterne.
Ich hoffe, ich konnte euch mit dieser Bewertung weiterhelfen.
I have three terrariums and this kit is brilliant.
It’s difficult to get your hands in a terrarium so the little shovels and accessories work really well with planting etc.
I like that they are contained in a zipped pouch.
The little tools could be a bit sturdier but they are good enough.
I think this is good value for money overall and I’d buy another if I needed it.
I’m not an expert gardener but this is a fun little kit. The mini trowel was perfect to help repot some tomato plants, and I’ve already used all of the gardening wire and most of the wire ties. I’m now sure how useful the seed holder is as I tend to keep them in the packets, but I found the rest of the kit really useful and all the tools feel really robust when you use them. The zip case is great for ease of transport and it doesn’t take up much storage space at all. A nice set for novice and keen gardeners.
Das Set sieht gut aus und ist ordentlich verarbeitet. Es ist alles dabei um meine beiden Bonsai zu pflegen. Das Werkzeug ist in einer bersichtlichen Tasche verpackt. Der Bindedraht ist fr die Bonsai perfekt. Alles in allem ein tolles Set.
This is a really cute and useful little gardening kit, which could be used for other gardening projects, not just bonsai. It is a 25 piece set which comes in a nice black faux leather zipped case. It comprises of; 2 glued waterproof planting bags, a U-shaped shear, a transplant tool, a puncher, bucket shovel, hand rake, wide shovel, narrow shovel, wires, seed box, stickers, 2 bonsai wires, 1 hemp rope, and 10 square signs. Everything seems to be reasonably well made and it all looks great in the case. A great gift for any gardener and can be used for all types of gardening.
Fantastic set for everything that might be needed to transplant seedlings of any variety, definitely not just a bonsai set. The tools in here would be perfect for transplanting things like tomatoes to a bigger pot or even the delicate roots of sweetcorn.
The set comes well presented in a leather-like case that opens up with the tools neatly presented in their own sections.
Great gift for the green fingered either for someone else or a gift to yourself like this was for me.
fr den kleinen grnen daumen ein ganz ordentlicher set. vielen dank
This set is supposed to be for bonsai trees but I find it very useful to care for house plants and planting seedlings. It has nice gentle plant ties and comes in a case to keep all the pieces together.
This little gardening set by Arrinew contains some interesting bits & pieces and is ideal for indoor gardeners. The case is actually the best part of this collection and keeps everything safely in place — once you’ve used some of the items it can easily be restocked with whatever you need. The tools themselves are a bit basic but you certainly can’t complain at the price — currently around fourteen pounds from Amazon. Maybe not something you would buy for yourself but it would make an ideal gift idea or Christmas stocking-filler — but it looks more useful than it might actually turn out to be! My wife quite likes it and has been using it around her herb garden where it has proved rather handy — four stars for what it offers at the price.
Bei diesem schn sortierten Set ist wirklich alles drin, was man bentigt um seine kleinen Freunde zu hegen und pflegen. Ideal ist auch, das man alles bersichtlich in einen praktischen Kfferchen hat. So muss man nicht immer erst im Schrank alles zusammen suchen. Sicher ist das Werkzeug nicht mit irgendwelchen Profiequipment zu vergleichen, aber fr den einfachen Heimgebrauch vollkommen okay.
Ich kann fr dieses Set definitv eine Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.
This mini tool kit has everything from plant labels and stickers to a mini trowels. It’s aimed at bonsai care but you could easily use this for most indoor plants. It all stores away in It’s own zipped folio which is perfect to keep everything together.
I have lots of small plants such as cacti and succulents so this mini gardening kit is perfect for those small plants. All tools come in a case that can be zipped up so it’s great for storage as it doesn’t take up much space at all.
The set contains 2 glued waterproof planting bags, 1 U-shaped shear, 1 transplant tool, 1 puncher, 1 bucket shovel, 1 hand rake, 1 wide shovel, 1 narrow shovel, 1 wires, 1 seed box, 1 sticker(1.2×2.2cm), 2 bonsai wires, 1 hemp rope(5m), 10 PVC square signs.
It’s advertised as a bonsai kit but can be used for all small plants as the tools are quite general. It’s a good kit to have and would actually make a good gift for plant lovers too that have small plants around the house.
Ich durfte das Produkt kostenfrei testen. Danke!
*Versand und Verpackung:
Das Produkt wurde schnell und gut verpackt geliefert.
*Qualitt und Eigenschaften:
Die kleinen Werkzeuge befinden sich in einer Tasche, gut verpackt. So hat alles seinen Platz und man braucht nicht lange suchen. ber eine kleine Schaufel, Schere, Pflanzstecker und Band ist alles dabei was man braucht.
Die Qualitt ist fr den Preis vllig in Ordnung.
Gutes Set mit dem ich meinen Bonsai gut versorgen kann.
Dieses sehr Reichhaltige Bonsai-Werkzeug-Set hat fr den Anfang alles, was man zum Grtnern auf Balkonien braucht. Ich habe zwar keine Bonsais, aber fr das bearbeiten meiner selbst gezogenen Wstenrosen wird es gute Dienste leisten. Der Bindedraht, zum Formen der ste, macht einen stabilen Eindruck. Die Schere dagegen ist nur aus billigem Kunststoff, hat aber eine ordentliche schrfe. Bis 5 mm Weichholz sollte kein Problem sein. Alles darber knnte das Plastik zum brechen bringen.
Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist fr das gebotene in Ordnung.
Great little kit with everything you need to get planting bonsai & other small plants, I always start my plants off as seedlings in propagators which always require transplanting to other pots once they’ve grown enough, this process always worries me as I don’t want to cause damage to the roots & kill them.
This kit has a nifty little plastic transplanting tool to secure the plant without damaging it & small plastic narrow shovel which are perfectly suited for this process, these were the main tools in the kit that appealed to me though there are some other nice sturdy tools that I will be able to get some use out of including a couple of small stainless steel shovels & a rake also supplied.
I like that this kit comes in a zipped compartmented case that holds each tool in place so you’ll no longer lose your tools & have to replace them, everything is kept neatly together which is great for organisation, good tools but a little pricey in my opinion hence the stars I’ve given.
The small planting bags are a nice little feature which allows you to re-pot your seedlings & small plants without creating all the mess as they catch any spilt soil, this also saves money as there’s much less wastage.
I’ve been growing a couple of pine bonsai from seeds gathered and they’re ready to be transferred to something bigger. This kit is excellent it has so many tools for growing ans shaping your bonsai. There are tools for repotting, trimming and wire to help shape the plant how you want aswell as a very handy zip close packet. The wire is quite strong and coloured nicely
The tools are not the most premium, but as bonsai is on a smaller scale they work well and all at a reasonable price.
Good little Gardening kit for inside or small plants. Lots of accessories to be used.
This gardening kit is good not only for bonsai plant but also for planning or re-potting different plants. Set includes small spade, rake, shovel, hole maker, cutting blade, seeds container, labelling plaques with stickers, shaping wires with ties, rope, linen pot sleeves, line maker V shaped tool. All organised well in zipper case. I’m going to change pots for few plants so these tools will come in handy. It’s nice set, good quality.
As an avid gardener since childhood I’m very pleased to be able to encourage my teenage grandson to follow in my footsteps rather than sitting in front of a computer every day. So I’m delighted to be able to give him the Arrinew Bonsai Planting Tool set for him to nurture his cacti and succulents which these tools are ideal for. The set comprises of 26 items including 2 planting bags, shears, rakes, shovels, training wire, ties, labels, string, seed holder, to name but a few, and they’re all positioned inside a PU leather case with zipper fastening. The tools may not be the sturdiest but they’re fine for caring for small indoor plants and will give my grandson a sense of achievement when his plants thrive. I think the price is reasonable too for what’s offered in the set and am happy to recommend it.
The set came in black zipped casing and clear bag over it.
All of the pieces of this set are nicely placed in their desired places, secured by elastic bands.
The tools are good quality and should last for some time.
The two linen baskets for plants are pretty messy. I think they are made of linen. They have hole on the bottom to let water out. They are cute, but just messy.
The small leaf cutters are clever things, needed them actually.
Shovel, rake and spade have metal heads and plastic handles, the other black tools are fully made of hard plastic. The cutrers have metal blade within the plastic handles.
I have bonsai tree at home but never used any strings or special tools for it. Now I can take care of it more. Also I can use this set for my other indoor plants, when removing dry leaves, re-potting, trimming, etc.
This set will come handy, I’m glad I have it. Set is small but have all the bits I need to take care of my plants.
Klasse Werkzeugset, welches viele Gartenwerkzeuge bereit hlt, die einem beim Umgang mit Pflanzen helfen, nur eben in kleiner. Mit dabei ist unter anderem ein Mini-Rechen, ne kleine Schaufel, Seil und Binder, Pflanzenschilder und natrlich eine Schere zum verschneiden des Bonsais. Qualitativ berzeugt das Set und dank der Tasche befindet sich immer alles an Ort und Stelle. Volle Punktzahl!
I wouldn’t say this kit has much in it specifically for Bonsai trees apart from some wire and the rake tool, the rest of the tools are great for other plant care. I keep bonsai and succulents and have found the little shovel tools great for the fiddly work.
The tools come in a zip up folder which keeps them together. I have found the set a little over priced.
I have not gotten a bonsai tool kit before, so I have nothing to compare this one too, but this kit seems okay. I have a couple of succulents and a bunch of tiny African violet plants, and I am always wishing I had smaller tools to work with when taking care of these and other small plants, and this seemed to be what I need. I would not say the tools are the sturdiest. I tried to use the clippers yesterday with a small plant, and any branch that had the slightest bit of thickness to it was really hard to cut, and I can tell they just will not hold up to a whole lot of heavy work. For just occasional use, I would say everything is okay. It does come with a nice case to keep it all organized in so you are not losing track of your tools.