Brihard Business XL Safe Key-Lock, 53x39x38cm (HxWxD), Titanium Grey

Weight: | 16 kg |
Size: | Business XL (53x39x37.5cm) |
Dimensions: | 53.09 x 39.12 x 37.59 cm; 16 Kilograms |
Part: | Brihard Business XL K Grey |
Colour: | Titanium Grey, Ral 7015 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Brihard |
Colour: | Titanium Grey, Ral 7015 |
Dimensions: | 53.09 x 39.12 x 37.59 cm; 16 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Reference: | Brihard Business XL K Grey |
Size: | Business XL (53x39x37.5cm) |
C’tait pour mon pre il en est trs content !
Produit conforme la description et la livraison a t assez rapide, donc je suis satisfaite et recommande ce produit.
DIN A 4 Ordner ( Leitz z.B.) passen liegend sogar hinein. Befestigungsanker liegen ausreichend anbei. Amazonwrdige schnelle Lieferung. Alles in allem ein guter Tresor in diesem Preis/Leistungsverhltnis.
mi serviva un armadietto blindato non ingombrante e di facile uso.
ho trovato la soluzione al mio problema.
E me mi e arivata e veramente stupendo io sono contentissimo e pure e arivata un giorno prima VI CONSIGLIO DI COMPRARE CHE E VERAMENTE BELLO E SICURA
Arrived very quickly, simple to use and relatively easy to secure to a wall in my chosen location.
No trouble locking with provided keys and will do the job of keeping secure the items that I have put in it.
A paper template for hole drilling would have been useful as would a drill bit size other than that all is good.
schnelle Lieferung, guter Preis, perfekt fr Private zwecke, Millionen wrd ich aber nicht drinnen bunke
Contentissima di averla comprata facile da usare, e direi molto pesante
bon, ok il faudra une perceuse et un peu de force pour percer les 4 trous qui fixeront le coffre fort mais une fois accroch c’est parfait !
format permettant de mettre l’quivalent d’une boite chaussure dedans (donc assez grand)
l’tagre est amovible.
Hier stimmt das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis absolut. Fr den Hausgebrauch ein sicheres robustes Teil
Installation trs rapide et scurise, trs bon rapport qualit-prix, convient particulirement bien la conservation de documents
I bought this safe to keep my prescription medicine and nicotine (for vaping) out of the hands of my young children.
It is perfect.
Small enough that it fits where I want it, tough enough that if I wanted to store valuables in it I would feel convinced that they are safe.
Before purchasing the safe I watched some of The Lockpicking Lawyers and Bosnian Bills reviews of similarly priced small safes and concluded that this particular style (key lock only) has a lot fewer security risks than something with a keypad entry.
I am not disappointed at all as this safe is very sturdy and well made.
10/10 Outstanding.
Compte tenu de son prix, il ne s’agit pas d’un coffre haute scurit toute preuve…
Il est toutefois amplement suffisant pour un usage personnel : stockage de documents, liquide, et petits objets divers.
Il est livr avec 2 cls et 2 chevilles bton ce qui permet de le fixer solidement dans un mur et d’viter ainsi un arrachage facile du coffre le cas chant…
Un bon achat si l’on ne cherche pas un coffre de haute scurit.
ho dovuto restituirla perch troppo grande per le mie esigenze ma si vede che molto ben costruita, robusta e pratica.
Liked the larger size. And knowing that even if my house burned to the ground all my important things would be safe.
Hallo, alles hat nach einer Reklamation herausragend geklappt. Liebe Gre
Hab sie fast ein Jahr und alles wie sein soll
Je cherchais un coffre tage pour y mettre des objets en scurit. Je suis satisfait de mon achat.
Very sturdy and reliable for discreet use of safe in home
Macht einen guten Eindruck – die Schlssel fhlen sich wie Spielzeug und haben auch ein “dnnes” Gerusch
Prodotto solido e capiente, facile da installare ma il ripiano non regolabile, ma solo rimovibile.
Double enballage carton, tagre bloque par de la mousse pour le transport ainsi que la porte avec du tissu.a l’arriv le coffre et trs bien , tout fonctionne aucun soucis.2 cls.
Bellissima cassaforte, molto capiente, ottima qualit e prezzo.
Grazie sono soddisfatto.
I am very pleased with this product, it is firm , solid, and safe for its purpose.
I would recommend this product to anyone.
And if you got a solid floor and wall, you can bolt to the wall and floor,
to make it secure.
Da qualche recensione letta sembrava meno solida, invece la trovo robusta anche nelle pareti laterali. Imballo perfetto e nessun difetto riscontrato.
Je le dconseille pour entreposer ses lingots mais pour protger ses documents des regards indiscrets, il est suffisant.
Peut se fixer indiffremment au mur ou au sol avec les quatre fixations fournies.
solidit, rapport qualit-prix ou facile installer satisfait de notre acha
Prodotto discreto ma visto il prezzo non si pu pretendere oltre
Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem safe !
War das Geld auf jedenfall we
Feels sturdy and well made, bolted it to the floor and I think anyone getting it out will be making a lot of noise, the door bolts engage very nicely with a reassuring noise.
Chose a key operated safe over a keypad one because I prefer to have a key lock.
Fr unsere Bedrfnisse ein guter Tresor . Wir haben den in unseren Kleiderschrank eingebaut. Teil der Rckwand entfernt mit den dazugehrigen Schrauben angespielt und nochmals mit Bauschaum eingebaut. Fr uns eine gute Lsung um wichtige Sachen zu schtzen.
Good size can fit files in bottom half or top halfadjustable shelves too!
Bin mit dem Teil sehr zufrieden. Leider konnte ich bisher keinen Schlssel nachbestellen.
La semplicit e sicurezza del montaggio permette di inserirla in qualsiasi posizione, anche dentro i mobili
Was left in a bit of a pickle when the safe only come with two keys, we could not get these keys cut anywhere as this is a special secret key tha no locksmith in wales could copy.
Problem solved i spent three weeks building a tardis so i could go back in time and managed to use my sonic screwdriver to chisel my way around locksmiths I then came back to the future with the extra key that i needed thus solving the initial issue.
the paintwork of the safe was fantastic i particularly like the blobs of paint splattered all over the back i can only imagine that this was a spontanius decision by the artist when painting through creative drive and passion.
i like the carpet that was also sent with the safe, i like it that much that i have no orederd myself a whole roll of it for the living room and stairs, might do the landing if theres enough.
i also enjoy the fact that the walls of the safe are as thin as a rizzla.
delighted with the purchase
Very robust safe ! Well worth the money ideal for paperwork that you can’t fold
Bought as replacement for old fire safe. Lighter and not as solid as old safe but looks as if it is safe enough. Therefore easier to manoeuvre. Have addressed the fire proofing by purchasing some fire retardant A4 envelopes and together the whole lot seem smarter and up to the task and considerably cheaper. Arrived in good time. Well done Amazon and supplier.
Peccato perch arrivato ammaccato proprio lo spigolo dello sportello dovuto raddrizzare e con la verniciatura compromessa, voto zero per la consegna.
on un prodotto “professionale” per capirci una “family” , solo la porta spessa circa 4mm, tutto il resto e lamierino da 1.5mm circa, inoltre tra la porta e la cornice c’e suff spazio per un piede di porco anche se non credo ci siano problemi nella scelta di come scassinarla, in un minuto con un flessibile la pu aprire chiunque. Lascio 5 stelle xk a parte gli spessori costruita molto bene e verniciata a polvere quindi per la cifra spesa nn si poteva chiedere di pi. Io la uso come cassetta esterna allo studio , non come portavalori, ci mancherebbe, ma come box per scambiare i lavori con i miei tecnici per questo uso eccellente
El producto tiene una relacin calidad precio muy interesdante. Reforzada como caja, o seas dsa seguridad para la custoidia de algunas documentos y valores y facil de utiliza
Buona cassaforte per riporre oggetti di valore o cose da non voler far prendere dai propri figli (specialmente se ancora bambini) o, comunque, cose che di solito non il caso da tenere incustodite. Certamente non a prova di ladro esperto ma questo me lo aspettavo. La fattura ed il materiale sono tutto sommato soddisfacenti, quindi a mio parere risulta essere una buona cassaforte (con buon rapporto qualit/prezzo). Spedizione Amazon sempre puntuale e precisa.
La taille est raisonnable, et le poids permet un transport la main, ce qui est pratique par rapport des coffres plus lourds mme si moins scuritaire.
Cependant l’ensemble laisse une impression un peu bacle par endroit, comme le logo de la marque qui est coll un peu de travers.
Mais bon produit trs correct dans l’ensemble pour le prix je suis satisfait.
Nach dem Umtausch war der Artikel perfekt. Ich verwende den Tresor zur Aufbewahrung meiner persnlichen Papiere, meiner Wertgegenstnde und der Waffen (laut kleinen Waffenschein).
Der Service und die Qualitt stimmen!
Questo non vuol dire che scadente anzi tutto l’opposto… perfetta e di buona fattura, solida robusta e si chiude perfettamente!!!
Gi inclusa di 4 tasselli da muro e doppie chiavi!!!
Io la uso per la pistola pi i colpi e caricatori…lo spazio sufficientemente ampio…
Rapporto qualit prezzo top
Nelle catene di bricolage la stessa costa da circa 150/180 in su…
Per chi non ha grandi pretese l’ideale…
da ich den safe nicht wirklich fr wertsachen brauche , aber fr meine zwecke er ideal ist kann ich dem produkt
fr den grund zweck 4 von 5 sternen geben .
Ja ich hatte auch probleme das schloss zu ffnen , aber trick17 und boom auf :=) (einmal oder bissel mehrfach vorne auf das schloss hauen falls der schlssel sich nicht ganz drehen lsst)
So nun aber ne businiss bewertung …. ich wrde wenn ich ein laden habe mir den tresor nicht kaufen ..
1 weil er zu leicht ist 18,5 KG naja ne thx.
2 wenn ich mir das material angucke ja nice nette stahlwand aber sry da bist du wenn du echt mal nen problem haben solltes in 3 min maximal mit der flex durcht und kannst den dann als was wei ich nicht fr nen schrank nutzen oder man schweit es wieder ran und tauscht das schloss.
3. wenn ich das schloss mit einem von burgwchter billigen safes vergleiche ja dann 5 punkte fr BW und 2 fr hier weil es ein mittelmssig schloss ist –
4. die tr ist echt so mega dnn das ich mich nicht mehr frage warum der hier 99 kostet und dafr passt es aber vom preisleistung und lieferzeit raum.
fazit fr meine zwecke top fr andere echte wertsachen gibt mal mehr geld aus auch wenn es sich blde anhrt .
PS es fehlten 2 von den 5 monitir schrauben mein liefern .. waren nicht dabei.
daher nur kaufen wenn man in zweck entfremden will als WERTETRESOR SRY bitte was anderes kaufen …hier gibt es nicht mal ne info welchen sicherheits standart der safe hat… traurig.
se lo prendiamo come armadio corazzato , credo si un ottimo compromesso prezzo qualit .
se lo prendiamo per una sicurezza dei nostri documenti… i tipi di serratura garantiscono un minimo di sicurezza.
se lo prendiamo per oggetti di valore … diciamo che le serrature non reggono ad un ladro con un minimo di attrezzatura.
ho preso il modello 25X35X25 dentro molto spaziosa con un piano dove sopra ho messo i gioielli e sotto la pistola”
oltre alla cassaforte trovate 4 perne per murarla e 2 chiavi.
ho messo 5 stelle ma ne avrei messe pure 50
J’ai achet ce produit pour cesser de me casser le dos emporter les tablettes, ordinateurs portables et autres PS4 partout o je veux les soustraire l’addiction de mes enfants. Trs satisfaite de ce coffre, simple , bien fini, bien emball.
This product is excellent,strong and for storing important files & personnel stuff
Ma l’unico difetto sta nel peso stesso della cassa ancora vuota, dovendola mettere in casa senza incastrarla nel muro.
Tras la compra de una caja fuerte empotrada de mala experiencia, sta al no tener botonadura de cdigos y solo llave (pero que es suficiente), resulta til, recia y suficiente para lo que tengo que guardar.
This safe is NOT fireproof. It is NOT waterproof.
I cannot find an AiS Insurance Rating for this safe but f your looking to protect important documents (passports/wills etc) and/or cash/valuables up to 1000 from casual theft or damage, I think this would be a reasonable purchase. For larger value items/cash or documents that you really need to protect, I would suggest a fire/water resistant appropriate AiS Insurance value rated safe. Think of this safe as a pettycash box on steroids.
For the money, and the level of protection, it is a reasonable product. In my opinion.
4 toiles pour un colis peu discret; Le livreur sait desorm que je possde un coffre fort, ce qui est dommage!
Bon coffre, simple mais fonctionnel et vaste. J’avais lu dans certaine critique que les autocollant etait trs difficile enlev!!?
Le miens c’est dcoll sans l’aide de mes ongles.
Promis je rachete le mme quand celui-ci sera plein de lingots d’or.