Dash Cam VIOFO A129 Duo Dual Full HD 1080P Sony Sensor Front and Rear Cameras Super Night Vision 2.0″ LCD 5GHz Wi-Fi GPS Included, Buffered Parking Mode, Motion Detection, G-sensor, WDR

Emergency Remote
Dimensions: | 8.4 x 3.6 x 5.2 cm; 800 Grams |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. |
Manufacture: | VIOFO |
Reference: | A129 DUO FR |
Als Nachfolgegert fr meine bisherige Dashcam Anlage mit Front- und Heckkamera angeschafft, war der Einbau kein Problem. Nach dem Anschlieen lief alles sofort. Die Kameras hatte ich zuvor schon eingerichtet und Uhrzeit, Auflsung usw. eingestellt.
Toll ist das mit dem GPS Modul, lsst sich doch die Frontkamera leicht aus ihrem Sockel schieben.
Nach einigen Fahrten habe ich noch den Ausschnitt genauer eingestellt, gut dass sich die Objektive in der Hhe einstellen lassen. Der Blickwinkel der Heckkamera ist sehr gro, was bei mir bedeutet (Die Kamera ist oben an der Heckscheibe montiert) das viel vom Blickwinkel verloren geht und im Bild stdig ein schwarzer Bogen zu sehen ist. Bildqualitt ist ordentlich und fr den Preis kann ich das System nur weiterempfehlen.
Devo dire facile da installare e pratica nel scaricare i video.
Semplice da istallare, peccato mancano le istruzioni in italiano. la seconda che compro per montarla in un altro veicolo.
Ho comprato questa Dash Cam per il prezzo conveniente ma soprattutto per avere pi sicurezza per la mia auto in caso di sinistri. Il prodotto si presenta come in descrizione ed composto da una camera frontale contenente un schermo e tutti i comandi per le varie funzioni e una camera posteriore che si collega facilmente alla camera frontale. La scatola contiene i cavi per attaccare le due camere, adesivi di ricambio, una piccola spatola per rimuovere le plastiche dove inserire il cavi e una riduzione per alimentare la Dash Cam tramite la presa 12V. presente anche la modalit parcheggio quindi anche se l’auto parcheggiata e riceve un urto la Cam si attiva per registrare per per avere questa funzione la Cam deve essere alimentata direttamente dalla batteria auto e quindi l’alimentazione gli deve arrivare 24h su 24h.
Ottimo prodotto!!!
A voir l’usage, car dj du par de nombreux autres modles (d’autres marques).
Perfetto in caso di sinistri, da proporre per le compagnie assicurative anzich mettere la scatola nera, Consigliatissimo
La uso da giugno dell’anno scorso, la cam posteriore non funziona pi per qualche ragione. Il venditore me l’ha sostituita senza neanche pretendere il reso, soddisfattissimo dell’acquisto e ancora di pi dell’assistenza post vendita, non posso che consigliarla
La cmara es muy til, con buena calidad de imagen y la app es buensima. El problema, en mi caso y que no ser un problema para todos, es que el cable de la cmara trasera es tan grueso que no puedo esconderlo, que siempre visible, situacin que no sucedi con el coche de mi esposa; En resumen, es recomendable, pero podras tener este inconveniente
Dopo aver letto varie recensioni, nonostante il prezzo, ho deciso per l’acquisto. La confezione, arrivata nei periodi stabiliti, si nota subito la cura dell’ imballo, che evidenzia la qualit superiore dei componenti. Nell’interno ci sono : il corpo dash cam anteriore e relativo cavo con convertitore presa accendisigari/usb, compreso il modulo GPS eWi-Fi, la dash cam posteriore e relativo cavo, molto lungo da poter essere istallata su un SUV, due mini guide per l’installazione, un pacchetto di guidafilo, uno strumento in plastica per inserire i cavi nelle guarnizioni, un cavetto pi piccolo per istallare la 2.a davanti per l’abitacolo . Le dashcam erano inserite in un alloggio di spugna antiurto. L’installazione nel duster della dash anteriore non ha creato nessun problema, basta seguire le indicazioni trovate su internet . L’installazione della dash posteriore ha richiesto un po’ pi di tempo ma alla fine stata collegata. Effetuata l’accensione sia la dash anteriore che la posteriore hanno iniziato a registrare . In visione i filmati risultano molto limpidi senza tremolii grazie al sensore Sony Starvis imx 290 che fa il suo dovere anche con scarsa illuminazione. Pu rilevare le targhe anche di notte, purch non siano in controluce, per questo si consiglia anche l’acquisto del filtro polarizzatore per ridurre i riflessi davanti al parabrezza. Un altro punto a favore della Viofo A 122 duo con Wi-Fi, la possibilit di collegarsi, con il cellulare, per vedere direttamente la registrazione e l’opportunit di scaricare i filmati che interessano sullo smartphone ( dopo aver istallato la app VIOFO) nei quali si evidenzia anche il percorso con Google maps . Altro punto interessante il GPS che registra velocit , orario e coordinate GPS. Sicuramente ci saranno delle dashcam migliori non lo so , ma questa vale al 100% la spesa sostenuta.
No me ha parecido fcil instalarlo. Pero una vez hecho, es un articulo que te da mucha seguridad en el coche. Buena definicin y calidad de video
Ne ho provate molte,di prezzi pi o meno simili. Il prodotto fantastico, facile da usare, qualit eccellente. Consigliatissima
Montata di lato al parabrezza, stondato perch aerodinamico si perde un po del lato opposto. Al centro tra specchio retrovisore e sensori non ci va bene. Ottima per tutto il resto.
Relatively easy to install when you buy separate fuse jacks
The rear camera cable more difficult to tuck away as it is quite thick
This is my second Viofo A129 camera I bought this for my wife’s car as the one I have has never given any problems and saved me a small fortune when someone rolled back and did nearly 3000 worth of damage.
Very easy to use. I am sure there are better ones but I don’t see the point in paying so much more when this does the job you need.
I am a driving school and I like to use my DASH CAM as a teaching aid. I have previously a DASH CAM which cost me a fortune and you can find them on Amazon for well in excess of 400 and they are absolutely useless at getting the Wi-Fi system to work and view the footage quickly. When the old dash cam decided to give up the ghost when I inserted a different card I thought I get something different and cheaper. This one is fantastic and really quick to review the footage to help my pupils learn. — Had one minute clips only on the old one I purchased it 250 but the new one ranges from one minute up to 10 and I’m not even sure that you could just switch it off and have a continuous record I must try it. I put it on 10 minute clips when someone is on a driving test and then come with you to see clips to see how they’ve done.The only gripe and someone else has mentioned it it does interfere with the DAB when using the rear camera, not a lot but Definitely noticeable. I also purchased what I call the dump button that I press to save a clip which is also a good purchase for my type of use but not needed if you are just a general — use
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo istallata da poco!! Speriamo che col tempo vada bene
J’ai eu la VIOFO 119 qui a bugg aprs un an et demi. Je vais voir si la 129 dure plus longtemps.
Sinon l’installation, parametrage et utilisation sont trs simples.
Le produit fait bien son job. Vision nocturne trs satisfaisante.
Grazie ad Amazon finalmente ho acquistato la mia prima Dash Cam. Come mia abitudine mi sono documentato in rete sui vari modelli per valutarne le caratteristiche, e ho deciso per questo modello perch mi sembrava la pi adatta alle mie esigenze. E’ piccola, non necessita di antiestetiche ventose, si toglie facilmente, ha numerose caratteristiche che si possono gestire facilmente tramite una app. molto completa, e soprattutto la qualit video di tutto rispetto anche al buio. Collegandola tramite usb al pc viene riconosciuta automaticamente e in un attimo si possono scaricare i video che interessano. Il piccolo libretto di “istruzioni” in verit ridotto all’essenziale, e occorre “smanettare” un p per capire il funzionamento. Il menu interno della dash molto articolato ma, molto completo. Il montaggio abbastanza semplice usando un p di attenzione nascondendo il filo fino ad arrivare alla presa usb oppure alla “presa accendisigari”. A momento non ho ancora montato la telecamera posteriore, un p a causa del freddo ma anche per mancanza di tempo, per per quanto riguarda quella anteriore devo dire che sono contentissimo dell’acquisto fatto. Pertanto a chi fosse interessato consiglio vivamente l’acquisto perch si trover un oggetto veramente utile in caso di un eventuale incidente ma anche per coloro che si dilettano ad un reportage di viaggio, dopo essersi muniti di una mini sd (io ne uso una da 128 Gb). Personalmente uso una risoluzione di 1920×1080 30P con un tempo per ogni video di 2 minuti che hanno un “peso” di circa 240 MB ognuno. Attenzione al settaggio del “time zone” (nel mio caso GMT -1) per avere una data ed un orario corretto. Ho allegato solo tre screnshot delle regolazioni dell’app. a titolo di esempio. Tramite WIFI possibile collegarsi alla Cam e vedere sullo smartphone ci che accade in diretta. Buon divertimento.
Arrived quickly and securely packaged. Relatively easy to use. Adhesive pads not very effective. Felt that the Micro SD card should have been included.
Front and rear camera quality is excellent and license plates are very clear. WiFi option to download straight onto my phone is a nice bonus.
Not a fan of the rear camera USB cable. It’s too thick and even in my Yaris, it barely reached my rear windscreen. I also had to flip the cable around so that the L-shaped connector was connected to the rear camera rather than the front. Otherwise it gets pressed up against the boot door frame when you use the other end.
Would have appreciated a slightly longer cable (extra half a meter) and thinner cable so it ticks under pillars or carpet better.
Graba perfectamente trayectos de muchas horas seguidas. Aguanta el altas temperaturas incluso cuando dejas el coche aparcado. Calidad de grabacin 100% en alta definicin. Muy recomendable.
– qualidade de imagem
– gravao nocturna
– possibilidades de gravao
No gostei
– cmara traseira apesar de pequena ainda muito grande e ocupa muito campo de viso e espao.
Happy with this product, took me about 2 hours to install front and back camera. Quality is great.
Tres bonne qualit d’image, facile d’installation.
le seul reproche est que la camera ne fonctionne que si le contact est mis, donc pas de mode “sentinelle” quand la voiture est gare par ex.
Good dash cam, I’m impressed with the quality of videos (had only some cheap cam before)
I’m pleased I’ve chosen this cam as I didn’t want a big screen and it’s very discreet easy to use once set up and that only takes a few minutes, I did spend a bit of time hiding the cables which I’m pleased I did if you want a simple cam and discreet then you can’t go wrong with this one
Relatively easy installation. I bought and installed the cam with the accessory hardwire kit and ran the wires under the interior panels. The available accessories like lens filters, hardwire kit, Bluetooth save action button, etc. are fairly, and the cam records beautifully. I would buy it again.
This package gives far superior 1080p rear camera footage so you can identify drivers, not just number plates. Being able to connect and review/ download via wifi is a real boon. All cables are more than long enough for a mid-size SUV.
Be aware that the rear camera cable is thicker than most and as such it will probably be impossible to feed through any existing flexi conduit feeding the rear hatch for an ultra clean install- believe me I tried to get the cable through and after an hour I had to give up. The rear camera is mounted on the rim of the rear hatch rather on the rear hatch glass so the view is a little compromised due to the depth of the rear window trim on my particular car. Horses for courses…
I’ve bought the hardwire kit but can’t review that yet as I need to sort out the vagaries of the car fuse box (and physically access it…)
Can’t fault the optics and ease of setting up via your phone rather than poking too small buttons with a tiny screen whilst craning your neck to try and see what you are doing!
A bit expensive but a well-worth upgrade. Recommended
The picture quality is good, even when your looking at the images on your phone. And the lil cam. The only down side is the stickers it comes with are not very good, the back camera kept coming off so we had to buy adhesive tape. Otherwise all good and it does the job.
Really worth spending the money on something like this. The front camera mounts well and the quality is very good. The rear camera is surprisingly also very good. Sound quality is good aswell. They give you plenty of cable and spare mounting pads which are very strong. Would definitely recommend spending the money on this.
Very good camera..this one is third one i bought.
Format and over ride feature for video don’t work physically have to delete when camera flashes
L’installation a t ralise dans une Volvo C30 avec passage du cble pour la camra arrire par le bas (rideau d’airbag dans le plafond) et n’a pris qu’une vingtaine de minute.
Petit bmol pour l’autocollant initial de la camra arrire n’est pas assez collant, j’ai du le doubl avec un autre.
Ct qualit des vidos: correcte sans aucun rglage, par temps de pluie et obscurit.
J’ai tlcharg leur application (sur androd) dommage qu’elle ne soit qu’en anglais. Elle est plutt basique si on ne veut que voir les vidos.
C’est une camra qui fait le job.
This is a neat little camera, both front and rear. Easy to use, and has great reviews. Just wish I had bought it before my accident!
Initially had a problem with the adhesive for the back camera which keeps falling off for some reason. Video quality is superb! Just need to tweak a bit its exposure for night recording. I have a tinted rear glass but still captures clearly even at night. Very easy to use specially with the app and connecting to it is quick and easy. With its design you will barely notice that a camera is in place. Highly recommended that you hardwire it for the motion sensing capability which works really well.
This dashcam does live up to all the positive reviews it receives. I did find the image suffered a little when driving down a leafy lane in Ireland. I imagine that image compression is overly challenged in such a situation and it wouldn’t affect the ability to read numbersplates anyway. When I remove the forward dashcam for safety it unclicks from the GPS unit very easily. Unfortunately the back camera plugs into this camera instead of plugging into the GPS unit. These are small niggles in an otherwise excellent dashcam. The corresponding smartphone app is well designed. It is a little slow downloading videos. If this unit was stolen I would buy an identical one and that’s probably the best way to judge it!
It give a great quality, wide and clear! For the price the best camera I have found!
It’s worth having the dash cam professionally fitted and hard wired. This will double the price but is worth every penny. Fit the biggest mini SD card you can afford. Then forget it. All your motoring is monitored.
Despite a few problems with the rear camera, which soon fixed. Very pleased with the VIOFO.
Can not fault the customer service, absolutely brilliant thank you
This was easy to install and provides really good image quality. I wasn’t willing to take the interior of the car apart to feed the cable through to the back camera so used the hooks with sticky tape on but found this didn’t stay on too well. However, I eventually found a reasonable way to pass the wire through without too much difficulty (under floor mats around seat surround etc. – highly recommended.
Never thought I would pay this much for dash cam, But compared to cheaper makes this out shines a lot of them AS a driving instructor, it is important I have reliable stuff, . The camera was easy to install I hard wired it myself, Discreet, tidy and compact, PLenty length of wires to fit larger cars like estate cars etc. Very happy instructo
I recently bought a new Ford Fiesta 2018 and really wanted a dash cam after spending that much money into a car.
I’ve been using it for a couple of days now and so far I’m very pleased with it.
I think it’s a great little dash cam and i knew from Reddit and Tech reviews that it was one of the best right now.
I’ve hardwired it to the fuse box myself, had no experience so had to do a lot of research, ask people online, watch videos etc. I managed to do it and am confident I did it the right / safe way. I did take my time to understand it fully though and also took notes.
I don’t use the parking mode when I’m at home because I don’t want to take the risk to drain the battery if I don’t use the car for a couple of days. Instead I only use it if I’m in a car park or anywhere where I know I’m gonna drive after to recharge the battery.
It took me some time to setup, probably half a day but it’s not difficult providing you have the right tools and are patient.
Something I’m really happy with, the dash cam doesn’t interfere with the DAB signal at all. I’ve tested all the stations and they play just fine. The made the rear cam cable go through the roof headliner.
The transfer over Wifi is very slow though so I’m planning to buy a Mini SD Card reader.
– Great picture quality, day and night
– A lot of features
– Reliable (Turns ON/OFF when it should)
– Can lock a file for quick access to it / prevent it from being deleted
– No DAB interference
– Very slow to transfer files over Wifi. Takes about 5-10 min to download a 300 Mb video.
– No shortcut to turn parking mode on/off
– Expensive
So once again, I’m very happy with it despite the negative points and feel less anxious on the road having this now.
Very useful and trouble free product , links to the phone very quickly
Sinon, fonctionne bien dans l’ensemble mais quelques dfauts qui lui cote une toile.
1- Si on fait un branchement simple via USB, qu’on coupe le moteur alors qu’on a programm des enregistrements vidos de 3 minutes ou plus, la dernire si elle n’est pas arriv sur la fin de son cycle d’enregistrement devient illisible.
2 – L’application est assez bien faite mais la connexion est franchement alatoire sans compter les time out.
Donc, il faudrait de nouveau une MAJ de l’appli ou du firmware de la camra et une astuce autre que la batterie externe pour limiter les erreurs de vido illisible.
Had it nearly 2 years now and it has worked well throughout .
For the price you will not get a better setup.
Fitted to BMW excellent car cam , very good high video play back , delivered in 2 days , would highly recommend .
* Hervorragende Bildqualitt sowohl vorne als auch hinten (bisher aber auch nur im hellen getestet!)
* Unkomplizierte Bedienung
* Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhltnis (die hier ist besser als die fr knapp 500 von meinem Kumpel)
* alles sehr wertig
Was mir weniger gefllt
* Micro SD lsst sich nur fummelig entfernen
* Micro bzw. Audo Qualitt eher mittelmig (fr mich aber nicht so wichtig, weil es mir hauptschlich um die Videoqualitt ging)
* Verlegen der Kabel war fr mich durch Dachhimmel als Laie nicht mglich (dafr kann aber die Kamera nichts, ist eher ein allgemeiner Kommentar)
After having a basic dashcam I decided to get a better quality one without splashing too much cash.
I only installed the front cam even though this product contains both. It’s easy to use and easy to install. I didnt want to hard wire it so I just used little clip stickers to neatly run the wire down. The camera is quite small so I was sceptical of the quality of the footage. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I watched footage via my laptop. Resolution is great. Iwould recommend it to anyone.
Good quality product and video for the money.
The wifi is slow to connect and download to your mobile device and the cable to the rear camera stops DAB radio working which I can live with but do find to be a little irritating.
The customer help via the viofo site was excellent, they actually read the questions and specifically provided the exact information I required.
Overall for the price I would be surprised if you can get a Camera with better picture quality.
After an alarming moment when my car was almost knocked off the road by a lorry which would have been unlikely to have noticed the incident, I thought it was time to get a dashcam. Reviews online suggested Viofo as a reliable manufacturer with good prices, and because I wanted cameras front and back I opted for the A129 Duo. Very glad I did. Discrete installation was a breeze, and the images are excellent, both at day and night. My son has installed another manufacturer’s offering, at more than 3 times the cost of the Viofo, and to be honest, although his has 4k video and Cloud storage, I can see no real differences. I don’t need the Cloud because my car isn’t internet enabled, and all the other facilities – parking cover, impact reaction, motion sensing, and GPS logging, for example, are there in the Viofo. Even the app looks similar! Feeling smug!
good wires, good mounting. they give extra pads. i like the rear camera. works out of the box after adding in a class 10 micro sd chip.
no battery! so when the car is off, the camera turns off or stays on depending on how you set it up. if the wire disconnects accidentally from the usb power while driving, it shuts down. so if i get in an accident and the plug is shaken out, the recording stops. it should have a small battery for 30 min operation.
Spent ages checking various dash cam reviews on the internet and Youtube before deciding on the Viofo A129duo .I’m glad
I did .It was easy to install ,and the video quality is superb from both front and rear camera.The only down side was an annoying buzz from the car radio when it was on. This happened when the radio was on AM frequency. I cured it by fitting
several ferrite capsules along the cable to the rear camera. I was informed that this was probably the cause. I have a Viofo a119V3 dash cam in another car and this radio problem is not present. So I think it is just the back camera that caused it. Would definitely recommend this dash cam.
Images trs bonne, ci joint des exemples d’un jour pluvieux sur Londres (probablement redimensionner l’upload, mais la qualit est rellement l).
L’unique bmol reste le mode parking incomprhensible pour moi. Ayant test de la laiss sur secteur via une grosse powerbank qui dure plusieurs jours. Le dtecteur de mouvement/parking enregistre constamment, ce qui ne sert rien du coup pour une powerbank. Tester plusieurs paramtre en vain. Pas russi mettre le mode “secousse” qui enregistre en cas de lger choque… comme certaines dashcam qui peuvent enregistrer si qqn vous touche, la camera s’allume). Ne fonctionnant pas (ou n’ayant pas trouver) ces modes l. Cela ne m’a pas inspirer laisser branch la camera via la boite fusible sur la batterie de la voiture. Pas envie de vider cette dernire.
Very happy with this purchase .
Great quality pictures and video and very easy to install
What a great camera, video quality probably the best you can get right now. As all dashcams do it has its limitations at night, but overall this is a nice discrete package that you really can’t go wrong with
Fairly easy to install, handy that it only needs 1 memory card. No need to charge up be4 installing.
La cmara trasera mejor instalarla en la parte de abajo, arriba del cristal trasero suele ir la antena de la radio y pude haber interferencias.
Easy to fit, easy to setup, mobile app just works.
Installed it myself with hardwire kit – low power parking mode works well.
Transfers to smartphone are fast over wifi, and you can always shift more data using card reader if needed.
Footage is high quality and easy to capture number plates both front/rear.
The whole setup is small and doesn’t shout out, not a thief magnet.
I’ve had this about a week now. So far so good! Installed it in about and hour, running the cables behind trim etc.
Set up was very simple and the app works well when the cameras are connected via WiFi.
Image quality during the day is spot on, bearing in mind it’s been very dull and wet, the picture is very clear. I haven’t tested it for night vision yet.
Nice and easy to download clips to my phone via the WiFi connection.
The rear camera is also full HD and is excellent quality. Even with black tinted glass at the back of the car, the image is crystal clear.
So far very impressed!!
The unit is bulkier than I expected, but it does look good. The location of the SD card, power cable and rear camera slot are awkward. Most people mount them by their rear view mirror, so you have to be careful about where you stick it, as you’ll either block the rear camera slot, or the SD card slot.
Overall it’s a good little unit for the cost, the rear camera cannot be powered and run separately which is a shame.
Remember to take the lense cover off the units 1st and disable the annoying beeps.
Mine is hardwired, however I haven’t set up parking mode yet, will wait for the cable to arrive
I’d buy agai
Easy to install and set up – well worth it.
Prima di dare un giudizio, ho testato la cam per 10 giorni
Premetto di aver gi utilizzato il modello 119 per poi passare alla 129 unicamente per il wifi e la telecamera posteriore
La Viofo a129 duo ha confermato le mie aspettative. Prodotto performante dalla immagini nitide e senza rivali per questa fascia di prezzo ( e forse anche per quelle pi blasonate e costose).
Unica nota negativa (ma non troppo) la poca chiarezza del manuale ma in rete si trovano tutte le informazioni necessarie.
Per sfruttare tutte le funzionalit indispensabile alimentarla con alimentatore con uscita ausiliaria (fortemente consigliato Viofo hk3) e di far fare l’installazione da un professionista.
Prodotto sicuramente consigliato
Very easy to install, and operate. Easy downloads to phone. Very good picture fore and aft. Takes minimal windscreen space. Their own kit to install permanent on to fusebox lacks a fitting which would make life do much easier.
Le fait d’avoir une camra l’avant et une l’arrire est un vritable atout et permet de capturer la quasi totalit de ce qui se passe.
Les cbles fournis sont assez longs et l’installation n’est pas difficile.
La qualit d’image est trs bonne.
Deux points un peu ngatifs: Les temps de transfert entre la camra et l’application qui sont vraiment lents.
Le mode parking qui ncessite un accessoire supplmentaire.
Works well great picture quality from front and rear camera’s microphone picks up sounds well I put a 256gb micro sd card in it. It can record front and rear camera’s almost a total of 34 hours on a continuous mode. if you want to use for parking mode I would hardwire i
The product was as described and came on time. The product was also well packed and installation and commissioning was easy.I can recommend this camera.
I’m happy with this camera because it makes beautiful images. One thing to note is that it doesn’t have a battery inside, so as soon as you plug it out, it turns off. Apparently it needs another accessory for it to also work “offline”.
Brilliant camera that captures a wide angle with a really good picture quality.easy playback of videos and easy to use app. Wouldent recomend more.
Excellent dash cam. Discrete location behind rear view mirror for front and small rear camera mounts centrally on rear window without impeding view. Easy to set up and access video footage. Multi element glass lens unlike other makes is less likely to get scratched. Cable for rest camera is quite thick but was fairly easy to run via roof lining and easily long enough for estate cars. Tool provided to help insert cable in to lining was very useful. Dash cam has already paid for itself by proving another party was 100% responsible for collision so insurance excess not applicable.
Brilliant set up and camera, app is very stable and footage is great, only tricky thing was to get the rear camera to stick to the back window – kept dropping, in the end I had to use a spare pad but for the bigger camera to get it to stick in place but otherwise is great so far.
As a company we already had the previous model dashcams in our vehicles which are still working after 5 years service, we only upgraded because we wanted to have more capacity in the memory card so never even thought about a different brand as these are good all round products.
We now have 5 HGV vehicles and 2 vans with them in, I also purchased one for my own vehicle – my girlfriends vehicle – my parents vehicle, the boss of the company also has one…….I think you get the message…. they are good at what they are supposed to do, they are well built, they have a lot of equipment with them in the box, image quality from the camera is good. Just stop reading any more reviews as you don’t have to – go buy one of VIOFO’s products don’t look any further.
Should have bought one of these before my last 2, great quality 🙂
Great camera for the price, easy to fit and easy to get video clips off of via the app or directly from the memory card.
Se ve muy bien tanto la delantera como la trasera. Muy facil de usar con la app. Acaba de llegar asi que mas adelante ya veremos que tal se porta.
Anyway, I am happy and recommend this product.
As car cam central has reviewed, this dashcam is an elite in its class as of now. It has descent video quality even at low light condition. Capturing even more detail on daylight. Just a heads up: if you have a car bigger than a standard hatchback, you might want to consider buying a separate cable for the rear dashcam. I have a regular sized hatchback and routed it in the most practical way but terminated at its exact length. But that’s okay considering the price point. Overall, you will be pleased with the quality of the video which is the most important so you get peace of mind without shelling out too much penny.
This is an excellent front/rear dash cam with good picture quality and easy fitting. When first setting up the screen is hard to see and the polarised filter is a must have for both cameras (a bit pricey at 12.99 each) but overall a very good buy
Really impressed with it. Back cam is quite clear and crisp than the front dash cam at night.
Connectivity is hassle free. Easy to set up. Yet to setup the parking mode as I’m still researching the best power source for it. Don’t want to use my car battery.
I’m very pleased with the overall quality of the product. I would definitely recommend it. A+
Muy contento con la compra. Facil instalacin por el techo del coche. Buena calidad.
Used on my Hyundai Ioniq, very neat. The sticky pads are amazing, never seen anything so efficient. (no suction).
Wiring is easy, but DO NOT use any other cable to extend it, you will ruin the connectors!
Wifi works very well
ich war lange auf der Suche nach einer guten und gnstigen Dual Dashcam fr meine VW Golf 7 GTI. Mit der Zulassung von Dashcam Videos als Beweis vor Gericht im Jahr 2018 z.B. bei einem Verkehrsunfall, war fr mich klar, das ich eine Dashcam in meinem Auto installieren mchte.
Nach lesen diverser Forenberichte auf dashcam talk und Co. sowie diverser youtube Videos habe ich mich fr die Viofo A219 Duo Dual Dashcam entschieden. Wichtig war mir, das die Kamera mglichst stealth, sprich von auen kaum sichtbar ist.
Bestellung, Versand und Lieferung:
Die Bestellung ging wie gewohnt unkompliziert und Versand und Lieferung dauerten dank Prime nur 1 Tag. Die Viofo A129 kommt in einem kleinen hbschen Karton verpackt daher.
Im Lieferungumfang befinden Sich:
die beiden Kameras in Folie verpackt und in Moosgummi sturzsicher eingelassen
Befestigungsadapter zum einklinken der Kameras fr die Front inkl. GPS Modul
Ladekabel ohne Netzeil (USB)
Verbindungskabel fr beide Kameras
Polarisationsfilter (optional, ich habe ihn mitbestellt und kann ihn empfehlen!)
diverse Klebepads und Kabelfhrungen
Plastiktool fr Verkleidungen
Qualitt und Verarbeitung:
Die Viofa A129 ist sauber verarbeitet und das verwendete Plastik macht einen stabilen Eindruck. Alles Tasten lassen sich mit gutem Druckpunkt bedienenDer Sony Starvis Sensor liefert tagsber und nachts eine hervorragende Bildqualitt und ich konnte bis jetzt jedes Kennzeichen einwandfrei erkennen. Der Aufnahmewinkel-/Bereich ist perfekt gewhlt und erfasst das gesamte Verkehrsgeschehen vor und hinter dem Fahrzeug. Der Bildschirm auf der Frontkamera ist recht klein, man erkennt trotzdem auch im Dualmodus alles ganz gut drauf.
Montage und Einbau:
In einem Golf 7 lsst sich die Kamera innerhalb 1 Stunde auch von einem Laien einbauen da keine greren Arbeiten am Fahrzeug notwendig werden und das mitgelieferte Plastiktool sehr hilfreich ist. Ich empfehle einfach in youtube nach Viofo und Einbau zu suchen. Damit sollte der Einbau kein Problem sein. Bei solchen Arbeiten ist es natrlich immer von Vorteil, wenn man diese zu zweit durchfhrt. Da ich nicht das Autoladekabel fr den Zigarettenanznder verwenden wollte, habe ich mir hier auf Amazon noch ein passendes Hardwirekit zur festen Montage besorgt. Die Positionierung der Kamera ist easy. Schade ist nur, dass das Objektiv der beiden Kameras nur eine vertikale aber leider keine horizontale Ausrichtung bietet. Klebt das Pad samt kamera einmal, lsst sich eben nur noch die Hhe verstellen. Besonders gefallen hat mir, dass die Kameras absolut stealth sind, d.h. man sieht sie im eingebauten modus nicht wenn man nicht wei das es sie gibt. Genau so wollte ich das haben :-).
Funktionsumfang und Bedienung:
Die Mens sind schon sehr reichhaltig und es kann an allen Ecken und Enden etwas eingestellt werden. Von der Auflsung ber eingeblendetes Kennzeichen geht alles und habe aufgrund der Vielfalt noch nicht jede Funktion erkundet ;-). Aber auch wer dieses ganzen Einstellungen nicht bentigt findet sich schnell zurecht und simple Funktionen wie Start und Stop der Aufnahme sind direkt ber Tasten an der Kamera steuerbar. Auch das Umschalten zwischen den verschiedenen Einzelansichten oder Dualansichten der beiden Kameras kann komfortabel ber einen Knopf gesteuert werden. Durch einen weiteren Knopf lsst sich das aktuelle Video gegen berschreibung schtzen, da die Kameras sonst im Endlosmodus immer wieder alte Aufnahmen berschreibt. Der optional erhltliche Polarisationsfilter verhindert auerdem die unangenehme Spiegelungen in den Aufnahmen der Frontkamera bei starkem Sonnenlicht. Als Speicherkarte habe ich eine Transcend Karten verwendet, die ich ebenfalls rezensiert habe und deren Kompatibilitt mit der A129 ich besttigen kann.
Per Smartphone und aktiver Wifi-Verbindung lassen sich zudem bequem die Videos auf dem Smartphone oder Tablett ansehen und archivieren. Das lstig Kabelanschlssen per USB zum Datentransfer entfllt somit. Trotzdem besteht natrlich auch die Mglichkeit, die Kamera per USB Kabel an einen Smart-TV anzuschlieen und die Videos zu zu betrachten.
Ich bin mit der Bildqualitt der Kamera absolut zufrieden, tagsber gestochen scharfe Bilder und Nachts ebenfalls eine gute Bildqualitt. Der Vorteil nicht nur vorne sondern auch das Geschehen hinten whrend dem Fahren zu filmen ist riesengro und bei einem Auffahrunfall, etc. als Beweissicherung sicherlich gold wert. Meine Erwartungen an die Kamera wurden alle erfllt und ich wrde Sie jedem weiterempfehlen. 4 Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
Ich hoffe meine Rezension konnte Dir bei deiner Kaufentscheidung weiterhelfen und bei Rckfragen kannst Du mir gerne einen Kommentar hinterlassen, ich antworte Dir dann schnellstmglich.
Danke frs Lesen und viele Gre
Caveat is that downloading via WiFi can be cumersome (for no reason), The video download occasionally restarts itself.
Besides it works just grea
Full true 1080p front and rear footage
Clear Audio
Capacitor camera not internal battery so will last many years unlike may others.
Takes huge memory cards up to 256gb
The new hardwire kit enables automatic parking mode to ensure vehicle security.
Tiny rear camera , almost invisible to the eye from outside.
Wi-Fi enabled and smartphone app so you don’t need a computer to retrieve any clips.
Build quality is also superb
Loads of features …..
I’ve used dashcams from many years and this is a purchase you won’t regret or replace anytime soon. This is simply the best dual camera system available for the price.
Didnt dislike anything! but all need too try too be better all the time! Settings was only for ine time of use!
Great camera. Came highly recommended by friends who have one. I’ve also recommended it to about 5 other people I know who have also purchased it. Great picture quality and good connectivity through the app.
Once sorted the dashcam was shipped promptly and delivered within a few days. Its sturdy and actually smaller than I expected – which is nice as it tucks nicely away behind the rear view mirror. setup is quick and painless, quality is excellent even in night time. wifi is a great feature and saves hassle of removing sd card to take files/clips off. Haven’t set up the rear cam yet as I need to sort out the cable routing. overall . very pleased with the value,support & product.
Easy installation and set up with a picure quality that is hard to beat. Easily as good as it’s much more expensive rivals.
Connection via wifi using the Viofo app works well. Settings may be changed along with a live view which makes positioning easy. Previously recorded video may also be viewed and, if required, saved.
I have a separate rechargeable dashcam battery, under the front passenger seat, hardwired to the car so using parking mode is not a problem and the car’s battery will not be affected. This does, of course, cost much more than a camera dedicated hardwire kit which should protect the car battery from low voltage if parking mode is activated.
One thing I did have a problem with, when connecting via wifi, was that it wouldn’t! It took a while to realise that it was not posible with mobile data activated on my phone. Whether this is an isolated case or in general I wouldn’t know?
One thing I did find during installation was the thickness of the front to rear cable is comparitively thick and harder to “hide” than some. It is quite flexible though.
This combination has to be recommended.
I needed to contact Viofo about a couple of things which were answered in a timely manner. Updating to ver. 1.5 firmware has addressed one of those.
Firmware updates available direct from manufacturers website.
They also contribute to a dashcam forum releasing beta updates for testing before final release.
Some people have issues with the rear camera interfering with DAB reception.
It does need a mainstream sdcard otherwise it does stop recording.
I also like the fact that you can manually lock files so they don’t get overwritten.
It is actually a lot smaller than it looks on the product page.
Install was very simple, even the rear-view camera cable that has to route to the front camera, which I run/installed the wire/lead in my roof lining (making sure that it is not installed anywhere near you’re DAB antenna/cable as you will get interference with the DAB reception & cutting out (but that will be with most dash-cams) EDIT: I have a Skoda Mk3 vRS with no DAB interference so anyone who gets DAB interference like reviews posted below or after my review then the common sense thing to do is to try & install the rear view dash-cam & the cable temporary (cable just laying on the floor) to prove the rear camera cable is not interfering with the DAB signal, the VW MQB platform of cars are very similar to each other & I can honestly say I have no problems with DAB reception whatsoever.
I watched plenty of YouTube videos regards the A129 before purchasing & the A129 is actually a very discreet camera & it’s one of those cameras that look so much better in the flesh especially once its in you’re hand, it really is different for the better compared to trying to look at it from the pictures, the pictures made me think that it is a big camera, as I had a mini 0806s before & I thought that was small (which it is) but the actual A129 is a perfect size dash-cam for the front & rear.
Now as for the Sony Starvis image sensor you really notice the capture/recording quality of his camera which is for the front & rear so you are getting a very good camera for the price range especially when comparing to other big name dash-cams in the market at 3-4 times the price, you get a lot of bang for you’re buck so to speak as regards this camera & definitely buy it with a GPS mount, CPL filter & the Bluetooth remote is also very handy to purchase with the A129 🙂
There is a 3 wire kit coming out real soon for this beautiful dash-camera which will enable you to use parking mode & possibly a few other features too (I wont be using this feature) The quality for a 1920 x 1080P 30FPS with both cameras connected is great & I couldn’t be more happier with my purchase. I do recommend watching a few YouTube videos & most of all get familiar on how to use the A129 features/settings, don’t keep the WiFi on while recording, just use the WiFi as of when you should & switch it back off.
I would have no hesitation in recommending the Viofo A129 to anyone based on my experience with using the A129 & anyone who wants a very reasonable priced, modern, upto date dash-camera packed with great features at a fraction of the price of other cameras, I would also like to say that the service I received from buying this dash-camera from “FoxofferLtd” & amazon has been outstanding, well packaged delivery, on-time prompt service.
Update Review: 14/07/2020
I had an issue with my rear camera & cable for the A129 which I originally purchased 22 months back. The rear camera or cable kept making the front camera constantly beep & freeze when I had the rear camera plugged in to the front camera, no matter what I tried it would not make the A129 operate unless I unplugged the rear view camera cable from the front camera.
I contacted Viofo last week to explain the fault that was happening & they kindly sent me out a free replacement rear camera & cable for the A129. I was the 1st reviewer & buyer via Amazon for Viofo & my camera has been working faultlessly until last week.
I appreciate the free replacement from Viofo & the customer service I have received is honorable & fantastic aftercare, If ever I need to change my dash camera in my car, I will no doubt without hesitation purchase another Viofo.
Thank you Viofo for your outstanding customer service.