DejaNard 3/6pcs Rocket Toy Set for Kids Garden Toys Outdoor Toys Gifts for Boys Girls

Dimensions: | 25.8 x 25.7 x 7.9 cm; 330 Grams |
Brand: | DejaNard |
Colour: | 6 Tubes |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | LET’S GO! |
Age: | Kid |
Colour: | 6 Tubes |
Dimensions: | 25.8 x 25.7 x 7.9 cm; 330 Grams |
Easy to use and assemble. Got to be careful not to ram the rocket too far down or they will not launch. Quality seems fine and it looks ok. Kept the kids entertained for quite some time and they always want to take it if we are heading out to open outdoor spaces, so decent value for money.
We got this for our son’s birthday party and the kids never got tired of it. Only suggestion is to play in a wide open area, as the rockets always tend to land on neighbours lawn.
This has to be the best toy I have ever purchased……. My 2.5 year old Grandson (and myself) played for ages with it in the garden.
The rocket reaches great heights and you can also angle it to fly horizontaly.
If for some reason it should stop working I would certainly purchase agai
The launcher is a great success, my grandchildren all thoroughly enjoyed stamping on the pad and chasing the rocket. The children, age from 3, 4, 5 & 6years were all engaged and able to use the launcher unaided, they quickly realised the meaning of taking turns and got loads of physical interaction running around after the rockets. Very good value an excellent toy for all ages and the kids had so much fun.
Bought for my 4 year old grandson. He loves it. You do need to use it in a large open space, we took it to the park. It has been used daily, by 3 generations and is still going strong. Definitely recommend buying.
Surviving some really rambunctious play. Immense fun, such that the grown ups can’t resist either. I like that you can get replacement rockets while we’ve not lost any, we left a couple out and some sort of wildlife had carried them across the garden and chewed, so best to pack away, can’t be good for creatures
Bought this for my grandson who is 6 he loved it. We took rocket launcher to the park and it reached some good height grandson had great fun along with other kids at the park.
These were bought for visiting grandchildren aged 8, 6 & 3. Be aware that these rockets go big distances. I have a very large garden, so there wasn’t a problem with losing them into neighbouring gardens, but they are best suited to being used in a large open space. The first is still up a tree, the second flew over the house (3 floors) & has never been seen again & the other 4 have been found. Great fun, but choose your launch site carefully!
I bought this product to entertain a group of children between 3 and 12 at a family party. It was a great hit with everyone. The youngest children could easily manage to fire the rockets and loved watching them shoot up in the sky. The oldest in the group took to aiming the rockets and playing with the trajectory to hit targets. Great fun!
Saw my 4 year old granddaughter playing with this whilst her 8 year sister told me:’It’s not fair nanny, she won’t let me have a go and it’s the best present ever’.When she passed an exam I bought her one.The excitement and look on her face was worth 1ooo,ooo.The two girls play for hours with them.Hardwearing, safe and a total hit!!!!
Kept our 4 year old Grandson very entertained at the family barbecue. Gave it 4 stars as the pipe that connected the foot stomper to the launcher came off a few times. You get 6 rockets with this which is what you need. Lost 1 so not to bad. Overall a really good buy.
My little great nephew Charlie, loved this for his Easter present. He had great fun with his Uncle in the garden letting these rockets off – it’s quite powerful, they kept having to use a broom to knock them down out of the surrounding trees! All very safe – the rockets are made of foam. 🙂
Actually, for the price this has given mega bucks of fun to our grandchildren. Little ones – even 2 year olds can play and adults just like to show off!!! Rockets lose their wings rather easily but can be superglued back on. Can go surprisingly long distances so best played outside with lots of space – and watch where they land.
Also good inside as the rockets are sponge so won’t damage walls and ceilings.
We bought a second set.
Great fun for kids just do it outside away from fences or houses or you will lose the rockets!
Only thing likely to break are the Finns on the rocket but can easily be repaired with super glue. Good all round purchase.
Leicht zusammen zu bauen und schon kann der Spa beginnen. Die Raketen schieen wirklich in die Hhe
Die Raketen schieen ganz schn hoch.
Spielzeug fr drauen.
Der kleine hat mchtig Spa
Die Raketen sind ein super Geschenk fr Kindergeburtstage , mein kleiner hat sich wahnsinnig gefreut. Sogar die Erwachsenen haben Spa an den Raketen! Nur zu empfehle
leicht zu bedienendes Spielzeug, allerdings befrchte ich wird die Fupumpe nicht zulange halten.
Cadeau offert un petit garon de 6 ans ! Il tait ravi de son cadeau, ses parents aussi Montage en quelques secondes et les enfants se sont bien amuss. Je recommande ce produi
Es hat den Kindern direkt Spa gemacht. Aufbau war leicht.
Die Freude war riesig.
Allerdings gehen die Raketen schnell kaputt haben schon welche nachbestellt.
Les enfants s’amusent faire des envois le plus haut possible.
Grandchildren love it so i bought another to keep them happy
Bought for a friend’s boys 4th birthday. All the kids had loads of fun playing with this. Easy to put together and came with more rockets than other similar products. Good value and would recommend.
Lo compr para un detalle con un nio que cumpla 6 aos y le gust mucho.
unseren kurzen gefllt es und er hat spass. Es ist nur leider echt billig verarbeitet, fr den Preis ist es aber auch nicht anders zu erwarten gewesen. Es ist einfach von der Handhabung.
Es macht mega Spa damit zu spielen . Fr Kids uns Erwachsene 🙂
Easy and quick to put together, kids and adults had a “blast” playing.
Good fun but foam fins come off pretty easily after a couple of uses. Easily glued back on and doesn’t make too much difference if 1 comes off. Had a lot of fun out of it at my sons birthday party and all the kids loved i
Die Abschuss Vorrichtung ist in nicht mal 2 Minuten zusammen gebaut. Verarbeitung ist okay, ich denke der Blasebalg wird nicht lange halten.
Die 6 Raketen fliegen toll. Die hinteren schwarzen Flgel sind nicht gut angebracht. Bei der ersten Rakete fehlte bereits ein Teil nach wenigen Flgen.
The kids love it easy to assemble and great fun .
Und Erwachsene ebenso. Haben es meinem 4Jhrigen Sohn zum Geburtstag geschenkt und es war fr die Erwachsenen ein Spa und fr die Kinder noch mehr. Sie haben den ganzen Nachmittag damit gespielt bis wir es weg gepackt haben. Schade ist nur, dass der Schlauch schnell abgeht, man kann ihn aber genauso einfach wieder dran stecken.
Wir hatten das Produkt fr unseren Sohn gekauft. Die Raketen gehen wirklich ab. Es war selbst fr den Papa ein Riesenspa. Eine flog sogar aufs Dach. Der Winkel ist einstellbar, die Raketen fliegen weit und rufen viele Aaaahs und ooooohs hervor. Einzig die Langlebigkeit der Raketen knnte verbessert werden. Die schwarzen Flgel reien zu schnell ab. Ein halbes Jahr sollten sie schon mindestens halten- bei uns waren es nur drei ausgiebige Nachmittage. Daher geht es zurck und wird aber durch das gleiche ersetzt.
Bought this last minute for a large family gathering. Pleased to say that of all the toys – this was the most popular!!
Everyone had a go – & even the youngest, 16 months, managed to make the rocket “pop off”, much to her delight.
Great for every age, inside & out, can make it shoot out in different directions……& no batteries!!
Quite a few families said “we must get one of these”! A great buy!
Great fun for my grand children to teach them the laws of gravity and every action has equal opposite reaction. They just love playing with them.
We used it when we went camping and it was a hit, from children ages 4 up to 14.
Ce produit a t offert un petit garon de 5 ans et cela a t l’attraction du week-end
Tous les enfants ont voulu essayer
Jouer simple et efficace
Je recommande
Everyone’s had loads of fun with this,kids, dogs even grandad.
Simple et efficace, cela amuse mon fils pour moi plusieurs heures ! (Et moi aussi !)
Lo compre para mi sobrino y le ha encantado el cohete sale con fuerza bastante lejos
Ho comprato questo gioco per compleanno di mio figlio di 6anni. Regalo azzeccato. Regalo graditissimo. Divertimento garantito. un gioco facililissimo da montare . Il lancio lancia molto in alto . Puoi posizionarlo in diversi direzioni. Solo stare attenti agli occhi quando torno indietro . Comunque talmente morbido non pu far del male.
Got this for my 4year old grandson for when he goes camping. Good fu
Super Spa fr Gro und Klein
Leider fangen die Leitflgel an den Raketen sich nach kurzer intensiver Nutzung an, sich ab zu lsen.
Such fun for my 3 and 2.5 year old grandchildren. Literally hours of simple fu
Mein Kleiner freut sich sehr darber und er ist keine drei Jahre alt. Er musste am Anfang noch die Koordination ben um draufzutreten und gleichzeitig die Rakete zu beobachten, aber inzwischen geht es gut. Vor allem wenn er mit jemand anderes spielt macht es ihm groen Spa und er ist noch in einem Alter, wo das Raketensuchen und Zurckholen noch mit zum Spa beitrgt. Daher finde ich, dass es durchaus auch fr jngere Kinder nutzbar. Einzig die Qualitt der Raketen macht mir Sorgen. Man muss darauf aufpassen, dass sie nicht zu grob behandelt werden. Auch htte ich mir die Option gewischt unterschiedliche Farben fr die Raketen bestellen zu knnen.
I highly recommend it to keep ur little ones busy
El producto es lo que pone y est bien pero era para un regalo y no vena en una caja simplemente traa las etiquetas pegadas en la caja del producto y al quitarlas se rompa y la caja ya vena tocada con lo cual para presentarlo para un regalo queda bastante mal. Si hubiese estado envuelto por lo menos con algo
Fast delivery and easy to work my 3 year old loved i
Leider ist ein Flugobjekt nach mehreren Starts kaputt gegangen. Dennoch ist das Produkt bei meinem Patenkind sehr gut angekommen. Ich kann es nur weiterempfehle
Il manquait dj 2 fuse dans le paquet. 4 au lieu de 6… Sur les 4 3 on dj se sont dj dcoller aprs 30 minute de jeux.. A part tous ses problme a reste un chouette jeux dommage que la qualit n y est pas. J espre pouvoir retrouver des fuse pour qu’il puisse continuer s amuse
Our two year loves this toy, he enjoys putting it together himself.
Wurde an Weihnachten an meinen 5 jhrigen Neffen zustzlich verschenkt was soll ich sagen 4 jungs im Alter von 1.5 bis 5 Jahre hatten Heiligabend einen Riesenspa. Sie waren gar nicht davon loszubekommen. Jetzt 2 Monate spter ist das Teil immer noch hei begehrt wenn Freunde zu Besuch kommen. Tolle Idee! Kind glcklich und Tante auch
Molto originale e divertente. I bambini ne sono molto felici. Unico difetto la qualit della plastica pessima che fa si che si rompa facilmente
My children love this. Easy to use and set up and good fun
Would recommend
he kids loved this so much, they play with it every day, totally worth every penny.
From all his Christmas toys. This is my kids favourite!
We bought this for a friend’s 5 year old and he absolutely loves it. We are happy with the quality of it.
I bought this as a gift for a 3 year old. It was easy for them to use and they had so much fun playing with it! Plus the rockets go very high!
I found his very easy to set up. My grandson has loads of fun with i
I bought this for my four year old grandson and his 7 year old sister could play too. I don’t know how long it will last but he enjoyed it for his birthday
We have had so much fun with this rocket. Highly recommended.
Birthday gift. Time will tell if it survives a 4 year old playing with i
My friend’s son found it very easy to use: you push down on the foot bulb and the rocket shoots up. He loved it and had lots of fun with it.
Will be buying another for my nephew’s Christmas present.
My daughter received this as a gift from her grandpa. From the look of it you wouldn’t think the foot pump would have much force, but it can really shoot up high! She loves launching it and seeing how high they go.
A very fun toy! Kept the kids amused for ages!
All of them were easy to assemble strong enough not to break and were brilliant fun for the kids
I bought this for my 2.5 year old thinking he’d just enjoy watching the rockets fly and wouldn’t have the strength to fire the rockets(as it says for 5+) but he does and he loves it! He finds it hilarious!
Daughter loves it. Fast delivery and packaging was good like always. Will buy agai
Lovely product, great fun! So impressed I bought another one for my friends little boy for Christmas.
Fun toy for everyone to play! Can alter trajectory to really aim for dad lol my son loves it. Great value for money and not at all flimsy.
Great buy 🙂
A powerful little rocket. My son loves it! It went to high we even got one up on the roof that rolled off lol. I would say to be safe take to the middle of a field. The adults had fun too!
Excellent rocket launcher! Easy to assemble and good quality! We had so much fun!
Children love this toy. Easily assembled – perhaps not too sturdy but good value
It is supplied Boxed with instructions and three foam rockets , it is safe to use indoors as well as outdoors. Its very easy to put together and setup with no problems at all .
You simple push down on the foot bulb and the rocket shoots off , in actual fact quite a good distance .
Our nephew and son loved it and found it very easy to use and great fun too
We bought this for our son’s 3rd birthday and we’re worried it might not keep him entertained, but it was his favourite present! His 5 year old brother loves it too. Easy to put together and lots of fun. A great, reasonably priced gift 🙂
Great product. Purchased for 6 year old nieces birthday. we have one too. Lots of fun on a open field or beach!
Not opened yet as it’s for Xmas but we have seen another person using it and it was brillia
Bought this for my sons 4th birthday and he’s still playing with it 6 months later. We bought another for his friends birthday and it was great fun for all ages to play with!
I bought this as a gift for my nephew and he was delighted. It’s extremely easy to set-up and use, and you can really shoot the rockets high! One of the missiles got a bit damaged quite easily, but that probably says more about my nephew than the product.
This is a great little toy for all ages of children. The best thing about this toy is it is fun and it does not need any batteries.
It is powered by air which is pumped to the rocket through a tube which is linked to a foot pad. The child jumps or steps on the foot pad to push that air pressure to the rocket and make it take off.
This is endless hours of fun for everyone. It is priced well and I would definitely recommend this product, my children love it.
Important tip is to attach the hose properly to pump or it will keep disconnecting. And make sure the photo of the foot is face up so kids know which way to press on the pump . Positive attention from passers by in the park who were impressed at how highly goes, palot of people kept asking where we got it from.
Apart from the black wings breaking off after several launches (which I suppose could be stuck on again with glue because the rocket is made of sponge so it causes no injury to kids adults or animals) i highly recommend i
Great fun for the kids. The pipe does come off every use when you press the pad but we just used some super glue and resolved the issue. As described and happy kids
Very light rockets ideal for playing indoors if you live in a converted barn with high ceilings. Great fun for young grandchildre
Love this for a 3 year old onwards, our don is 4 and loved it, great gift during the summer too for little friends. Recommend this over a previous one as more stable and foam rocket bette
We have lots of fun with that rocket with my 2 little boys, the little one is nearly 2 and he manage to do it himself and he laughs so much. Its easy to use for every age
Stavo girando su amazon alla ricerca di un regalo per mio nipote di 4 anni. Non un gioco come tutti gli altri uno che poteva giocare con la sorelli in Giardino cercando cercando attirato la mia atezzione questo gioco di razzi vedendo il filmato pubblicato da Arezzooo si vedeva che il gioco era di ottima qualit e facile da montare. Come arrivato a casa era di ottima qualit i facilissimo da montare tanto che mio nipote ha inparato a rimontarlo da solo in un 1 ora grazie alla prossima