Desk Pad Large, DOBAOJIA Desk Mat, Laptop Mat, Writing Pad, Desk Blotter, Extended Mouse Mat, Large Mouse Pad for Office/Home, PU Leather Waterproof +Suede Non-Slip 31.5″ X 15.7″ (Brown)

The product in the following scenario is 31.5″ X 15.7″ Brown.

Warm Tip:
- New version: LOGO only on the band.
- Previous version: LOGO on the desk mat—–only for 60 x 30cm Dark Green/Dark Blue.
There may be slight color difference due to light effects, screen brightness or contrast settings.
The desk pad is rolled up when you receive it, and may take a little time to be flat after being unfolded.
You may put some heavy objects on the large mouse pad for time saving.
Package includes:
- 1 x Desk Pad
- 1 x Band
Dimensions: | 41.4 x 5.9 x 5.7 cm; 400 Grams |
Manufacture: | DOBAOJIA |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | SKUZD840BRN94 |
ich liebe diese unterlage. sie ist schn schmal und hat ne tolle farbe. bleibt am platz und macht den arbeitsplatz zu etwas besonderem und frisch.
Die Unterlage ist absolut geruchsfrei. Sie wirkt in der von mir gewhlten Farbe (Schlamm!) sehr edel auf einem holzfarbenen Schreibtisch. Fr einen Gamer und seiner PC-Maus mag die Unterlage evtl. nicht gleitend genug sein, fr normale Bromausclicks ist sie jedoch vllig ausreichend. Daher ist die Schreibtischunterlage eine Empfehlung wert, auch wenn sie ca. 5 teurer ist.
Embalaje genial y con una tira de piel
Para su transporte. Es fino pero de muy buena calidad. Es amplio para poner porttil y resto de cosas en la zona de trabajo. El color verde pastel precioso. Ideal para principiantes de uso de mousepad para poder deslizar sin trabas el mismo.
Tapis d’ordinateur trs pratique, vite le tapis de souris classique, la souris glisse bien, sans tre trop glissant non plus. Protge bien les alentours du clavier, l o l’on pose souvent une tasse, un crayon mal ferm,… Nettoyage facile, souple et esthtique.
Bien le mettre plat la livraison en mettant des gros livres sur les bords (car livr roul), et en quelques jours il a pris sa forme !
Lo compramos para una mesa de mrmol en bruto y va genial para trabajar. Asla del fro la mesa y es muy grande, por lo que cabe teclado ratn y libreta y an as sobre hueco.
Totalmente recomendada, espero que con el paso del tiempo no se estropee muy rpido, porque es genial.
He adquirido esta alfombrilla para el escritorio bajo el porttil y es realmente agradable al tacto y til como alfombrilla. Evita que se deslice el ordenador, funciona el ratn perfectamente y se escribe sobre ella con gusto. Respecto a si queda enrollada, no. Viene bien embalada y tras desenrollarla la dej extendida sobre la mesa y en un da estaba lisa sin hacer ms.
– Bello l’effetto sulla scrivania, molto elegante, sembra un tappetino in pelle colorata
– Comodo per ospitare sia la tastiera che il mouse (che scorre benissimo)
– sottile e non da’ nessun fastidio al polso
– Lavabile e non si segna con tazze o oggetti
– Steso con sopra un paio di libri (come suggerito) si distende rapidamente e si mantiene ben disteso
– Nessun cattivo odore
Per il prezzo che ha sembra un oggetto di maggior valore!
Ottimo tappetino, anche se dovrei scrivere tappetone per le dimensioni! Unica pecca che scivola un po’ sulla scrivania.
Es la segunda que compro. Muy prctica, estable ya que no resbala en la mesa y cumple totalmente su funcin. Totalmente recomendable.
Tiene una buena relacin calidad-precio. Es de tacto agradable, se limpia ms o menos bien y tiene el tamao XXL que esperaba. Quizas para mi gusto, me hubiera gustado algo ms gruesa.
Pas de recul pour l’instant ,mais me semble correct pour un prix intressant.
Correspond mes besoins
Ele parece ser de boa qualidade, fcil de manter limpo e com uma textura decente. nica coisa que nao gostei foi que rgido, duro… no se dobla com facilidades… um cobro com aspecto de plstico resistente. De qualquer forma, valeu o investimento e timo para meu da a da
J’ai achet ce tapis pour protger mon bureau il y a diffrentes couleur il est assez robuste pour l’instant je n’ai pas encore russi le tche
Le tapis est anti drapant et ne bouge plus une fois install. La souris de l’ordinateur glisse trs bien dessus (tandis que l’ordi ne bouge pas). La matire fait un trs bon rendu et la couleur (bleu gris) est trop belle !
Muy bonito y prctico, tal cual en la foto.
Llevo un mes de uso y puedo afirmar: el color sigue igual, al sacarlo del envoltorio se acopl a la mesa a la perfeccin y no se me enrollan las esquinas como pens que pasara, tengo la piel sensible y no he experimentado ninguna reaccin ante el roce constante con el material.
Todos los puntos negativos que le en algunas opiniones no son aplicables a mi experiencia, estoy muy contenta con la compra.
El nico problema que le encuentro es que hay que tener extremo cuidado con los bolis abiertos, si lo pintas sin querer y te das cuenta en el momento lo puedes limpiar pero tengo la sensacin que si en el momento no lo ves al da siguiente la mancha de boli sera imposible de quitar.
Che dire, prodotto pi che perfetto, elegante e curato nei particolari, soddisfatto dell’acquisto ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Gute Gre als Schreibtisch Unterlage fr unsere Tochter, genug Platz zum Basteln und leicht abwischbar. Noch dazu wirklich chick .
Essenziale e semplice per proteggere la superficie della scrivania e poter lavorare. Ben aderente e non scivola. Lo consiglio.
Calidad perfecta, se pega a la superficie y no se mueve. Acabado de calidad. Muy bien embalado con caja y trae una tira para sujetarlo enrollado.
Arrivato confezionato perfettamente.
Dopo averlo aperto ha preso subito la forma e rimane attaccato alla scrivania senza scivolare.
Tra l’altro ho poggiato pi volte tazze calde con la paura che rimanesse il segno, invece nulla, rimane intatto!
Lo consiglio per chi lavora in smartworking
Uso il sottobraccio sulla mia scrivania da tempo ma compravo quelli di plastica ma dopo pochi mesi si deformavano, invece questo in ecopelle il top, a parte che di ottima fattura ma poi veramente elegante e curano nei particolari, soddisfatto dell’acquisto ottimo rapporto qualit-prezzo.
Super sous main. Change l’ambiance de l’espace de travail. En revanche, il n’est pas tout fait facile nettoyer…
Ayant un bureau en chne qui a gondol un peu j’ai mis ce tapis. Il est trop tant pour tapper a l’ordinateur que pour crire
Molto bello il colore. Ho scelto il rosa ed delicato ma non banale o “sciapo”. Mi arrivato incartato con molta cura istruzioni incluse e un laccio dello stesso materiale per riarrotolarlo e portarlo in viaggio se serve. Una volta srotolato ha preso subito la forma piatta, morbido al tatto ma superfice plastificata per poterlo pulire al meglio. Vale la pena spendere un pochino di pi per avere un prodotto di qualit!
Je suis agrablement surprise ! J’en ai pris 2 et les deux sont d’une qualit +++. Rapport qualit prix +++. Facile entretenir. Et la couleur est conforme la photo.
I love this mat, the value is good, it’s strong and sturdy, easy to clean and packaging is great.
Das Material ist sehr angenehme. Die Maus gleitet ohne jegliche Einschrnkung darber. Wenn man etwas verschttet oder die Unterlage etwas staubig ist, einfach mit einem feuchten Tuch drber wischen und das Problem hat sich erledigt. Jedoch muss man eventuell mit kleinen optischen Mngeln leben. Abhngig davon, wie die Fe eines Laptops konstruiert sind (bspw. etwas scharfkantiger) kann es durch die normale Nutzung dazu fhren, dass man in der Unterlage Druckstellen vom Laptop sieht. Ist kein groes Manko, jedoch wre es natrlich fr den optischen Erhalt der Matte schner, wenn das Material etwas widerstandsfhiger wre. Zur Haltbarkeit kann ich ansonsten nach der bisher kurzen Nutzungzeit noch nicht viel zu sagen.
Les dimensions sont conformes l’annonce, c’est pile ce dont j’avais besoin pour l’espace que j’ai. La couleur (rose clair) est pas trop fluo, ni trop clair. Ca dois faire un bon mois que je l’utilise et pour le moment je ne constate pas d’usure. J’ai galement l’impression qu’on voit moins les marques de salissures sous la souris peut etre grace la couleur (sur mon ancien tapis noir ca se voyais pas mal), l’entretien je ne sais pas je l’ai pas encore lav.
Le seul petit point faible que je trouve c’est qu’il glisse lgrement sur mon bureau et comme je le met un endroit stratgique pour pas me faire mal avec l’arrte de la table a me gne un peu de le remettre en place de temps en temps, mais a passe c’est pas le pire des dfauts.
Fatto sta che partita la mia lunga ricerca per trovare quello pi adatto, vi dico che ne avevo salvati diversi di diverse marche…sembrano pi o meno tutti uguali ma ho scelto questo intanto per il colore, un azzurro grigiastro, che penso ci stia a pennello con la mia scrivania, sia perch il retro tipo felpato (non so con che altro termine rendere l’idea) e questa caratteristica fa in modo che esso rimanga ben saldo alla superficie…tale caratteristica , a mio parere, importantissima poich ti permette di muovere gli oggetti sul tappetino senza che il tappetino si muova sulla scrivania.
Inoltre, non presenta scritta la marca nell’angolo del tappetino, cosa invece presente in molti altri prodotti simili…qui presente unicamente nel cinturino in dotazione per arrotolarlo.
Oltretutto anche molto facile da pulire, io passo semplicemente un panno bagnato d’acqua e torna come nuovo.
In definitiva, sono super soddisfatta dell’acquisto e di aver scelto proprio questo specifico prodotto.
Allego diverse foto, scattate con diversi tipi di luce (durante la mattina, al tramonto e con la lampada a led), da vicino e da lontano, fronte e retro cos da poter rendere per bene l’idea, soprattutto riguardo al colore.
Spero di essere stata utile, penso che le recensioni siano utili al prossimo ed essenziali per spendere con consapevolezza i propri soldi.
My Magic Mouse suddenly works brilliantly again. I was blaming the mouse rather than the fact that my desk was loosing the colour and was too smooth and shiny under the surface for the mouse to work properly. I don’t like the mouse mats, but this just solved it all for me brilliantly
Very pleased with desk pad looks good protects desk & looks stylish.
Love the pad and its large enough to support my mouse and other activities. Good product and nice price.
I can’t believe the quality at the price! Highly recommend.
Bought for my daughters dressing table covers a good area of it and protects it and looks great too !
Fits on my desk perfectly! It’s a beautiful colour and has a suede side and a more leathery textured side! Meaning it doesn’t slide about or move on my desk! It folds out nicely and doesn’t curl up or feel cheap! Great quality and great mat I would buy again!! And definitely recommend
Purchased this for my granddaughter’s new desk that we bought for her birthday. She loves the colour, and it protects the desk perfectly.
we bought one and then another one after seeing that the first was nice looking, comfortable and a good size for us.
main points:
* can easily fit my mouse and keyboard on it, my monitors are not placed on it.
* no problem writing on it even on a single page
* as it arrived rolled, it wasn’t flat immediately but adjusted in no time
Exactly what I wanted, I was worried it was too cheap but it’s great, really classes up the place.
So so so much better than the fabric ones, I’ve had a bunch and this is by far the nicest most sleek one
I am impressed with this; the colour is exactly as pictured and the sizing info is accurate. It does not slip on my desk. It is very good value for money; I would purchase it again. When they saw mine, a couple of friends purchased one too.
This is a lovely desk mat. I thought I was taking a risk buying a pale coloured one, but it’s so easy to keep clean and looks pristine after months of daily use. Would 100% recommend.
It’s comfortable. I’ve been using it for a month and it’s perfect for my desk set up. I use a Magic mouse and have had no trouble moving it smoothly on the mat.
I wouldn’t say it’s easy to clean. Unfortunately, some pen stains didn’t come off with water. I might need to use another cleaner.
Great quality, very smart looking, good dark green colour. Great bit of kit.
I’ve got this for 16 and I have another small (30cm x 60cm) from wish app, that I paid 4.
The quality is a little bit different. This one, is softer (I bought a big size, then is bigger).
I think it could be cheaper, anyway I needed bigger than I had, so, I would recommend it.
Nice desk pad that’s big enough for a keyboard and mouse. Also provides a nice base when writing notes or letters. Colour even matched the rug.
An attractive and efficient plastic desk/mouse mat with a leather effect side and a suede effect side in a wide range of colours and four different sizes. It’s expensive for what it is but the most economical version on offer. I’ve had traditional thick card and blotting paper mats in the past but this seems well manufactured and easy to clean.
The Mat works great on the desk, easy to clean and the color looks great and the white desk.
Fits my daughters desk really well. She loves the neutral colour. This is the second one I have bought as I have it in green for my desk! Saves the worktop from pen marks and looks smart too!
Colour is as I expected from the pictures and fortunately was the perfect match for my desk bench.
Spent a little time rolling them to get them to lay straight, think I had them under the carpet for a while straightening out but they sit perfectly flat now.
Will see if they last and will be updating the review if they wear to quickly but so far, very happy customer 🙂
It’s really elegant and add a nice touch to your desk. It fits my keyboard and avoid the possible scratch on my desk. It’s well made.
Great size grey leather matt for 12 year old son covering a desk
Great value for money
Easy to clean, sticks to the table without moving around and gorgeous color!
I’d also like to mention the company were brilliant when I ordered the wrong colour by accident. Great customer service.
The mat is a perfect size for my desktop and easily accommodates my keypad and my mouse. Noise of my mouse moving across my desk is now massively reduced and my darling husband (who sits opposite me) no longer has to grate his teeth 😀
Colours are as shown in the description. I took the blue/gray and it was exactly as expected. Ordered the dark green by mistake and again can say its exactly as the one in the picture.
Definitely recommend this product.
Working on a glass desk or kitchen top means you get really cold and this really helps stop the cold getting into the arms AND is a fabulous work surface for mouse/keyboard/laptop etc. well worth every penny!
Fits my desk perfectly and the colour compliments my decor. Excellent quality product would 100% recommend!
It’s thin but is actually really good quality. I love it, nice feel and looks very smart.
I got light blue, very nice colour, easy to clean even when i got a bit of ink,paint and food on there! Does have a tendency to make your hand sweat more tho as its PU leather, really nice size and flattend quickly after purchase
I was worried that the cour wouldn’t be true to that on the screen but it was. I ordered the rosy pink colour and it is lovely. Took no time at all for the mat to become flat after being rolled and it looks great on my desk.
Great addition to home office, looks good and adds value to my desk, mouse work well anywhere, I would recommend
The desk pad is indeed large and perfect to accommodate the computer and peripherals. The pad is thick and easy to wipe down. The additional bonus is the the blue almost matches perfectly the blue of the new iMac and is a perfect accompaniment.
The mat is a nice finish and seems like good quality. I am very pleased with the item.
his is a bit smaller than pictured but still a great desk mat and think enough to still allow you to write on the surface. also works great with a mouse
It really sets the scene for you to get some serious work done, I recommend getting incense sticks also as it helped me focus and really get into my work.
Nice addition to my desk to help protect it from scratches or pen marks etc
It’s a mat for a desk and I like i
As described, good size, easy to wipe clean, stays in place, mouse works well on it, comfortable under hand/arm. Good for writing on too.
Quality material that protects my glass top table and looks good.
Provides a good base for my keyboard and mouse. I have the softer side upwards, and the base grips the desk with no movement.
This desk mat is superb: the suede side is non-slip which helps the mat stay in its place, and the PU leather feels and looks great (also comfortable if you have to place your arms/elbows for support). The mat allows excellent mouse movement (no drag or delay), and being waterproof is a plus for those little water/coffee spills (since the mat is non-absorbent there’s no stains, just wipe the surface with a cloth and good to go).
The desk mat comes with this little strap that secures the mat when folded. This is great to carry the mat with you when you’re going to multiple locations office/home/workspaces. All in all, I am super happy and satisfied with this purchase.
… not much to say except, lovely colour – British Racing Green as I call it, big enough for keyboard, mouse and wrist rest and more besides and makes my desk look oh so much nicer!
Takes a while to flatten out and gets dirty quite easily but is a solid choice – bigger than it seems but that’s because I’m terrible with measurements
Only issue is that it slides around easily in the desk- doesn’t stay still very well. Otherwise very good.
I am blown away by this pad. It looks very stylish, soft and fit for purpose. I am glad that I purchased it.
Considering the price this mouse mat is really good, the quality looks high and gives a better look to your desk . It might look a bit curved on the edges at the beginning but after 1 day it settles and it becomes flat. i with it was a bit ticker but apart from that I’m very happy with it. i would buy it again.
I ordered the middle size mat for a home
Office desk that is white so it would be protected. I chose the pink colour. Great value for money, does exactly what I needed it for. No need for a mouse mat on top of this desk pad. Would recommend!
his is lovely quality and im really pleased with it arrived quickly and looks really smart on my desk
Great item and addition to my office. No need for additional mouse mat. Arrives curled up but within minutes it lays flat, unlike another make I purchased which still curls at the end so am considering purchasing another of these mats!
The size is perfect for my desk i.e. not too big/small, looks well-made and the colour (grey-blue) is just what i was after.
Just what I need having a large area ideal for left and right handed folk. Great product thank you.
This is a really really nice product, and it certainly looks more expensive than it was. No weird smell either, packaged well, and even comes with a little button tie in the same material so you can store it rolled up. Considering the giant mousemat style pads are more expensive, this is a much much nicer option for cheaper. It’s not real leather, but you honestly can’t tell, and the suede side is also very nice. Highly recommended.
perfect to protect my desk. The mat stays flat and doesn’t curl up at the edges.
The smell is a bit nasty at the beginning but it goes away a few days.
Happy with this purchase!
I chose this mat because it was larger than others and filled the space perfectly. It’s a good quality mat and is definitely protecting my desk. The mouse glides over it with no issues so I’m very happy.
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looks real nice on my computer desk…..non slip….. just what i needed
Bought for my daughters desk and it was perfect, super cute colou
Bought as a gift. Wifey is extremely happy with the product which she needed for her office
This is a really well designed product.
The surface has just the right amount of give for writing on, yet leaving a monitor on it does not leave in imprint of the stand behind, when I lift the monitor off.
Ink stains are easily removed, so all in all, it does everything as required.
Protects surface of desk well and injects color into the room
Great quality and the size is perfect for my daughters desk. No more scuff marks!
Absolutely love it. Soft and sturdy with excellent stitching. It’s made my desk so much more functional.
Really nice feel and has made my deals space feel more organised. And the colour is lovely (dark green)
This is a good sized desk protector, and certainly adequately large enough for keyboard and mouse pad.
It does not provide the correct surface for smooth operation of an Apple mouse, which is a shame.
It’s large in size and covers a large portion of the desk area which not only looks good but it is super practical too. I can rest the keyboard and mouse as well as any teas or food without worrying about making a mess on the wooden desk as the mat is super easy to clean.