Elegancely 60 Pcs Cedarwood Moth Repellent for Wardrobes, Red Cedar Wood Rings & Insect Repellent with Mesh Storage Bag & Sandpaper, 100% Natural Wardrobe Fresheners for Hangers, And Storage Drawers

Dimensions: | 28 x 23.6 x 2.1 cm; 450 Grams |
Manufacture: | Elegancely |
As well as adding a nice cedar scent to wardrobes and drawers, these do seem to mitigate moths getting into clothing.
In ancient Japan, expensive houses and castles were built with cedar wood which was reputed to keep down the number of insects.
I appreciate this year has seen a worryingly massive decline in insects worldwide. But, I have no sympathy for the aforementioned clothes moth.
I think I can say these cedar repellents work.
Unfortunately the box was squashed when it arrived, the plastic bag wasn’t sealed, it didn’t contain 60 discs and there was only 2 tiny squares of sand paper. Very disappointing, considering the price.
Have ordered similar products before, and these seem just the same. I always add extra lavender and cedar wood essential oils to scent the entire wardrobe. These absorbed well and fit neatly over the top of the hanger.
Hopefully they’ll get rid of the moths
I thought these might be rough but they were smooth and well scented – plenty to go around and easy to throw in a draw on a shelf or put on a hanger – solves the problem for everything; it came with a small piece of sandpaper and a single small net bag – could be quite time-consuming finding and sanding them all down but I as most of mine are in containers that may not be for a while! I have wrapped them in a tissue where they are next to cloths in a draw just in case there is any leakage from the wood but not experienced that to date.
Very convenient & easy to use, not much smell to a human, but must really pong if you’re a moth! We get plagued by moths in the Summer, but not seen ANY since we put these bad boys everywhere. Great stuff!
These are a nice easy to use moth repellent. You can place them on a shelf, or place them over the hook of a coat hanger. We also place them on the windowsills, to stop moths coming i
Arrived without issue, but they looked to be old stock and a little damp, dried them on the windowsill and sanded them down.
Stuck them on coat hangers and in the draws.
Only time will tell if they work !
These Cedarwood doughnuts have a pleasant scent and I like how you can hook them over hangers to save space. I recommend these cedarwood moth repellants
– Pleasant scent
– None that i can see
I’ve been putting cedar wood blocks in my clothes drawers and in with clothes and bedding that I store in my attic for years now, I’ve had no indication of moth infestation to date so I’m convinced that they work. These cedar discs have a hole drilled through them so that you can pop one onto a coat hanger hook to keep hanging garments protected as well.
If you notice that the smell of the cedar fades, you can give the discs a quick ‘sanding’ which will refresh them – this pack even comes with a bit of sandpaper. This is a nice natural way to keep moths away from clothes and bedding whilst it’s ‘stored’ away – happy to recommend.
The Elegancely 60 Pcs Cedarwood Moth Repellent Cedar Rings are supplied in a cardboard box measuring 235 x 280 x 18mm, within the box are 60 cedar wood rings with a hole in the middle, each ring measures 45mm in diameter, the middle hole 10mm in diameter. A single small gauze drawstring bag is also provided that can take around 8 of the rings. When taking them from the box there is a reasonably strong smell of cedar, so I was hoping this would transfer to the wardrobe containing my clothes.
We used them by hooking them over clothes hangers, and managed to use most of them all in the upper section of my wardrobe, and the rest have been distributed in my underwear, sock and t-shirt drawers. I could only detect the faintest smell of cedar after a day. It is too early to say whether these will deter moths but we have tried a good many deterrents with only seasonal wins — a lot of our best clothes are in plastic bags as a result. I will try to update this when I have a little more feedback to give.
I have no idea how efficacious these are in the moth repellent role. But they sure smell nice!
These are an ideal shape and size to slip over clothes hangers in wardrobes but they are very strong smelling and I’m a bit concerned that the smell will transfer to my clothes. I’ve had them in the wardrobe for a few days so it remains to be seen if they will ward of moths but here’s hoping. There are a good number of these in the box – more than enough for 2 large wardrobes
Anything to keep moths away! This is a huge box of very pleasant smelling cedar wood that can be either added to coat hangers or simply placed in drawers. Highly recommend!
I like using Cedarwood because they repel moths without chemicals.
I usually get the little balls, but these are much better as they are much bigger and chunky and have a larger surface area.
They also have a much stronger smell of cedar which obviously is the component that repels the moths.
In case you’re wondering see you just smells like wood and although when you open the drawer you can smell it it doesn’t really get onto your clothes. Even if it did, it’s very natural smell.
I really like these and would definitely buy again.
I love cedarwood rings for my wardrobes.
This is an excellent set and will be very useful for ALL the spare wardrobes and cupboards.
Very pleased with these.
Smells like incense, easy to pop on hanger, moths seem to do the crazy dizzy dance and fly away from clothes rail. It came with minimal packaging which I liked.
look good, smell good, not overpowering. no idea if how well they work as moth repellents yet but cedar wood usually does the job.
Price is reasonable for the quantity.
14.9 at time of ordering
These are great as the holes mean they they can fit on a variety of coat hangers. I also put some inn my drawers and kitchen cupboards. I have had a moth infestation a few years back and now always keep my clothes protected. I have used cedar moth balls for a while but lied how these can hang on the clothes hangers. They are a good size and smell out cedar although it’s not overpowering. I really like them, really useful.
I’ve had some cedar wood rings for a few years but the scent has weakened so I was looking for more when I found this set of 60 Moth Repellent Red Cedar Wood Rings on Vine.
The surface of the rings are really smooth, the colour is strong (I guess because it’s Red Cedar) and the scent is very noticeable compared to my previous cedar wood rings.
I’ve put them in our wardrobe and put around hangers.
I do see some moths around the house every now and then but I’m hoping they are not clothes moths. In any case the scent is woody, natural and lovely.
We can’t use chemical pesticides in our house because of the type of pets we own. We have to be very careful of what type of products we use, and sprays are definitely out of the question too. So these cedar rings are great alternative for us to use, as they offer a natural solution to deterring moth infestations. I noticed we were getting some tiny moths hanging about in the living room. So I put some of these rings around the house and within a few days I’d noticed the moths had made themselves scarce with no I’ll effects to our pet snakes or dog. Although I’d not seen any moths in the wardrobe I decided to put some rings in there to prevent them setting up home. So far so good, there’s been no moths in the bedroom or wardrobe.
The rings have a small hole in the centre of them so they can be hung on wire coat hangers. They’re too small to fit over the hook of our plastic coat hangers however. But because they have a hole in the centre, I can tie them up using string. They smell nice.
One bad point about the set is that there is one organza bag included for 60 rings. A few more bags would have great. They seem to work and smell nice.
Not sure if these work at repelling moths just yet, will edit my review once I know.
The box these arrive in is really lovely. They look well made and well packaged.
They have a very light woody scent so not offensive at all. My worry with anything moth repellent is that it will have that awful moth ball smell and these certainly don’t.
The little wooden circles fit nicely over the metal neck of a coat hanger so I have a few placed throughout my wardrobes. I’ve also put a couple in each of the draws of my cupboards with clothes in.
Hoping it’s enough to keep some of the moths we have found at bay!
Elegancely 60 Pcs Cedarwood Moth Repellent Rings with Mesh Storage Bag & Sandpaper.
Lately we discovered our woollen fibre clothes are covered in moth holes (though no visible moths)- it’s time to take action so it doesn’t happen again
Cedar wood comes highly recommended as a natural, non toxic moth deterrent, so this pack of 60 rings seems like a good way to blitz our drawers and wardrobes. When I opened the box I was really impressed by the way they look and feel, as well as the cedar smell. They’re just so natural, and the red colour of the cedar they’ve used comes through. The rings are nicely cut, they won’t damage clothes, and they can slot on hangers, or be put in the mesh bag provided, or just be put in between clothes in the drawers. We have done it all. So far so good! The scent isn’t overwhelming at all after first opening the box- It reminds me of the scent when you walk through a forest after the rain. The clothes hanging in the wardrobe don’t smell any different. Those with the cedar rings laid directly on them have just a hint of fresh woodiness.
They advise to use the sandpaper provided to freshen up the rings every 3-4 months. This seems like a wonderfully sustainable way to keep the deterrent working, and of course means that once you’ve bought the rings, they should last a very long time.
The current price of 14.99 seems very well worth it to me for what you get, and for how long it should last. That’s assuming they keep working of course! If not, I’ll post an update.
These are a good size wood ring, larger than others I’ve used. They look fresh and have a strong scent so should prove effective. The inclusion of mesh storage bags and some sandpaper for freshening the blocks is a nice touch.
These cedar rings are perfect for repelling moths in a safe, natural, pet-safe and environmentally friendly way. Just put a few in each drawer, pop one inside each shoe, or hang them on a coat hanger (they have a convenient little hole in the middle, which is perfect for sliding over a coat hangar).
They come with a small mesh bag which will hold a few of the rings, and a tiny piece of sanding paper should they need to be refreshed.
Although I knew there were 60 in the box, I was still surprised as just how many there were. I had enough to put some in all of our dressers, as well as in all of the cupboards. This box is serious value for money.
I’ve been using cedar wood as a natural moth repellent since I can remember. I’ve bought several different types over the years and these are as good as any I’ve tried.
You get 60 in a box. Each one slots over a clothes hanger, or you can simply place them loose in drawers. Basically anywhere you keep woollens, cashmere, anything that you want to protect from moths. Moths hate cedar. I actually love the woody fragrance. The smell will fade over a period of months, at which point you lightly sand them to revive the natural scent. A small piece of sandpaper is included for that very purpose, along with a small organza pouch and a thank you card from the vendor which is always a lovely touch.
Cedar is a natural moth repellent and feels kinder to use environmentally as well as ethically than anything that aims to kill the moth. I have used cedar for years in drawers and wardrobes and have rarely seen a moth anywhere in the vicinity and have certainly never had an issue with finding holes in clothes, so it is effective as well as kinder to the moths. The cedar seems to be effective for a long time, usually at least 6 months, but you can reinvigorate it by lightly sanding the surface of the pieces and it starts the clock again. A small piece of sandpaper is included and there is also a gauze bag for placing a few pieces in a drawer as well as placing the rings of cedar on coat hangers.
The pieces arrive boxed, so presentation is good and the cedar is nicely cut and smooth, so aren’t going to cause any pulled threads if they come into contact with delicates such as silk or cashmere.
They smelt quite strong when I first opened the box but that soon dissipated and they were quite delicately fragranced after a few minutes. To me, the cedarwood moth repellents smelt a bit like a natural pine Christmas Tree, so very pleasant, but I don’t think that they are strong enough to make my clothes smell, no matter how long they in my wardrobe. So much nicer than the awful moth balls my Nana used to use.
We tend to get a lot of little moths and we’re not sure where they are coming from, so I’m going to put these everywhere I can think of, even underneath the sideboard. Our clothes aren’t getting motheaten but we don’t like seeing them flying around all the time during the summer, and hubby looks like he’s playing tennis with his bug zapper bat.
There are 60 of these cedarwood discs, so there’s no need to economise with them, plenty of them to go everywhere.