JBL Flip 6 Portable Bluetooth Speaker with 2-way speaker system and powerful JBL Original Pro Sound, up to 12 hours of playtime, in red

Take the party to the next level using JBL PartyBoost. Simply connect 2 or more JBL PartyBoost speakers together for clear stereo sound.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Robust materialReady for anything thanks to the durable fabric material and robust rubber casing.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” /> JBL Flip 6Comparison
Bluetooth | ||
Waterproofing | ||
USB-C | ||
Unlimited number | PartyBoost | > 100 loud speakers |
Up to 12 hours | Playtime | Up to 20 hours |
JBL Pro Sound | JBL Sound | JBL Pro Sound |
Bluetooth | ||
Waterproofing | ||
USB-C | ||
Unlimited number | PartyBoost | > 100 loud speakers |
Up to 12 hours | Playtime | Up to 15 hours |
JBL Pro Sound | JBL Sound | JBL Pro Sound |
- JBL Charge 5
- JBL Xtreme 3
Weight: | 550 g |
Dimensions: | 17.8 x 7.2 x 6.8 cm; 550 Grams |
Model: | JBLFLIP6RED |
Colour: | Red |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Colour: | Red |
Dimensions: | 17.8 x 7.2 x 6.8 cm; 550 Grams |
Bought JBL Flip 6 @ bargain price of 65.00 (only on the white model) and it really is a great speaker. Twinned with another I already had – so simple & great sound. Excellent product.
The letters JBL on the front of the speaker are huge. I don’t like the way they put blatant advertising on the front. I got the white version of the speaker and the JBL letters are bordered in orange, which makes them stand out even more.
Abituato ad impianti hi-fi di un certo livello, mi imbatto da un amico in questo gioiellino; suono limpido e profondo, bassi articolati e ” da JBL” ( per chi conosce le sorelle maggiori )
Riscoperto il meraviglioso ascoltare la musica e non…l’impianto
Regalo per mio figlio di 16 anni che ne rimasto entusiasta, per la qualit della riproduzione, la facilit di uso e di trasporto e per la potenza del suono che la rende adatta anche a piccole feste tra amici anche in ambienti esterni
Very impressed so far. Easy to connect and sound is rich and poweful… better than my Sony bluetooth speaker. Added advantage of size and waterproof… not tested this but reassuring to know
I love this product so much. The sound quality is absolutely impeccable. It’s that good. I’ve just bought a smaller version for my mum who is hard of hearing and since purchasing this for her she has really enjoyed listening to her radio as the sound and voices are much clearer for her. I would recommend the speakers 100% and give them five stars.
I don’t write many reviews,however this speaker is worth the mention. Great sound,volume is pretty loud & even on full it’s perfectly clear. Seems to keep its charge too. Light & handy enough to carry around so can literally take it anywhere. Was bought as a present for my son. He loves his music & is impressed. The price was great too as this item cost alot more in the main stores.
I bought these Bluetooth speakers and am very impressed with them. I am a huge fan of JBL and these are not the first speakers I bought from them. However, the last mini speakers (JBL Go) I bought for my daughter disappointed me a little bit, so I was very curious about these ones. These do not disappoint: light, beautiful, clear sound and amazing battery life. Haven’t quite understood the app and why do I need it. Other than that, amazing purchase!
O produto muito bom, tem tima sonoridade, potncia e a bateria dura bastante. Alm de ser extremamente verstil, pois tem dimenses reduzidas, isto , voc pode levar com voc com tranquilidade. Recomendo.
Die JBL Flip 6 Bluetooth-Box in Rot hat mich mit ihrer beeindruckenden Klangqualitt und ihrem attraktiven Design berzeugt. Der tragbare Lautsprecher bietet eine kraftvolle Audioleistung und einen klaren Sound, egal ob ich meine Lieblingsmusik hre oder Podcasts im Laden abspiele. Die 2-Wege-Lautsprecher sorgen fr einen ausgewogenen Klang und eine gute Klangtiefe. Die Bluetooth-Konnektivitt funktioniert einwandfrei und ermglicht es mir, meine Musik drahtlos von meinem Smartphone oder Tablet zu streamen. Die wasserdichte Funktion ist ein groes Plus, da ich den Lautsprecher auch in feuchten Umgebungen bedenkenlos nutzen kann. Die robuste Bauweise des Flip 6 sorgt fr eine hohe Langlebigkeit und macht ihn perfekt fr den tglichen Einsatz im Laden. Die rote Farbe verleiht dem Lautsprecher einen stylischen Look, der gut zu meinem Geschft passt. Die Akkulaufzeit ist beeindruckend und ermglicht stundenlanges Musikhren, ohne dass ich mich um das Aufladen kmmern muss. Die Bedienelemente sind intuitiv und leicht zugnglich. Insgesamt ist die JBL Flip 6 Bluetooth-Box ein zuverlssiger und leistungsstarker Lautsprecher, den ich jeden Tag im Laden nutze und ohne Bedenken weiterempfehlen kann.
Meu noivo sempre quis ter uma caixinha da JBL, depois de pesquisar muito cheguei a concluso que essa era a melhor escolha, e foi! Ela compacta, potente, dura entre 10 a 12 horas direta, e o melhor, ele amou o presente!!!
Produkt kam gut verpackt an. Farbe des Produktes wie auf den Bildern angegeben. Klang Qualitt super mir gefllt es sogar besser als der von Sonos. Hatte vorher ein Sonos der mir zu monoton war und nur gedrhnt hat. Bei diesen Lautsprecher von JBL bekommt man super Stimmen,Sound und Bass Qualitt. Er sieht super aus also sehr modern und passt in jeden Raum rein. Ist sehr schn und robust verarbeitet glaube der hlt einiges aus. Aufgeladen ist er mit usb c Anschluss super schnell. Und der Akku hlt auch so wie in der Beschreibung sehr gut durch. Verbindung zu Handy oder Tablet per Bluetooth super schnell und stabil ohne Verzgerung. Bei Musik klingt er super und man ist animiert mit zu singen/tanzen. Er wirkt von Klang und Bass auf keinen Fall aufdringlich oder unangenehm.
Qualidade excepcional, como j era esperado da JBL. A caixinha compacta, at menor do que eu imaginava, mas tem um som incrvelmente bom, com timos graves e agdos. tima aquisio para quem gosta de um som de qualidade. At o momento s usei dentro de casa, ento em ambientes fechados a melhor escolha – mal uso metade do volume dentro de casa e j d bastante som.
Have had JBL products before; 2 go speakers and a JBL playlist. We wanted something a bit louder for the garden this summer and decided to shop around, there are cheaper speakers on the market but knowing the quality of JBL products decided to buy another. The speaker is well made, a substantial bit of kit, it pairs with Bluetooth easily, and has the ability to link to other JBL speakers if they are compatible. The sound is bassy and rich and there is an equalizer on the app to facilitate change to different musical genres. it sounds great with different styles of music from hip-hop, dance, rock, blues, reggae, and country……if you can don’t compromise on quality as you won’t be disappointed. It also comes well-presented in its box…. very pleased with it and looking forward to it being our main source of portable audio entertainment for years to come.
I gave this to my friend for her birthday and she told me it surprised he
Ottima qualit del suono, considerate le dimensioni di una lattina. Facilissimo da connettere e esteticamente bello.
J’ai apprci ses performances acoustiques, les sons graves sont bien rendus, la possibilit de se dplacer sans interruption du morceau de musique en cours, son esthtique, bel objet.
I heard this at a lunch and thought the sound was from a stereo hi-fi. I couldnt believe that the full spectrum sound was from this small bluetooth speaker. My kids had them and they all sounded flat and tinny. I bought this and continued to be surprised at the quality. I use it primarily for listening to audio books, replacing my usual headphones. Lovely, rich vocal tones. Also good for music of all genres, but sound quality falls off at higher volumes, but this isn’t meant to be a “room filler”. The battery life is great, many hours of play without recharge. Solid, waterproof construction, with simple operation. It doesn’t have any tone alteration on the body, but you can alter the sound via the JBL app. I used in in my workshop, sawdust, no problem. All in all a great little speaker.
Muy contento con el altavoz. Funciona muy bien, conexin sin problemas. El sonido es claro tirando un poco a empastado en graves, cuando le subes a tope distorsiona, pero es normal en altavoces de este tamao, no puedes pedirle que rinda como un 15 pulgadas o un 18. Para tener msica mientras haces cosas y que se escuche casi en toda la casa va perfecto. Buena compra
Honestly it’s serving it’s purpose…portable, quality sound, fine-looking product, look strong, lasting battery and affordable price
Brilliant sound, fills. Large room.
Brilliant value with a more than fair price
I have been using JBL products for a long time and the previous one was a small box which I had portable enough to carry it anywhere. This model is a big piece and portable as well. The ultimate benefit is the quality of sound and battery life which lasts for nearly 10 hours on full consumption mode.
Bought as a gift to replace an Ultimate Ears Boom speaker which battery has died after 3yrs use by teenage daughter. She’s informed me this one has better sound quality and she is so far very impressed with it. Can’t comment on battery life yet as only been used since Xmas
Room filling high quality sound in a small package.
Worth every penny.
Se lo compr a un familiar como regalo y cuando lo probamos quise uno para m. Tiene un gran compromiso entre tamao/peso y potencia. El sonido es claro y de calidad y con un excelente bajo. La batera es suficiente para usarlo muchas horas seguidas sin problemas. Mi familiar me ha dicho que se lo lleva a la playa/piscina sin problemas, yo lo uso mucho en la ducha y cero daos.
Ein Wunder was das kleine Teil schafft sehr laut klarer klang
Atende as expectativas em relao ao que oferecido. Um aparelho de som porttil e isso. Nada a mais, nada a menos.
Ameiiii demais.
Ameii a entrega.
Ainda no posso falar o tempo que ela dura tocando.
Chegou ontem.
Mas ameiii
impossibile trovare un difetto in questo speaker JBL. Qualit del suono davvero curata nei dettagli, bassi davvero travolgenti. Totalmente impermeabile all’immersione (provata personalmente nella vasca da bagno per 13 minuti). Poi veramente bella esteticamente, nonostante sia grandicella molto versatile. Ovviamente ci sono speaker bluetooth a 20 che come potenza potrebbero quasi eguagliarla, ma come qualit la JBL tutt’altra roba. Poi con party boost puoi collegare pi speaker contemporaneamente, il limite l’immaginazione. COMPLIMENTONI
De fcil manuseio e do tamanho ideal vai conosco pra todos os passeio e faz a alegria da famlia com o som na altura certa!
Produto igual ao anncio
Chegou super rpido e bem acondicionado
Etwas teuer aber der Sound ist nice. Fr jeden Strand perfekt 🙂
Sensacional! Alta qualidade de som, alta qualidade de construo. Zero crticas.
Great sound – like a much bigger speaker with very clear vocals and subtle bass; very easy to connect and use, very prompt delivery.
Produto de tima qualidade, a entrega chegou antes do prazo. O som muito bom para um ambiente fechado. A bateria dura em torno de 6 7 horas se o volume no estiver muito alto.
Caixa de som muito potente para o tamanho, o som tem bons graves e um timo equilbrio, mais perde grave em volumes mais altos, vale super a pena se conseguir pegar com um preo legal.
Presa per un regalo ad un amico, la usiamo in spiaggia e in acqua!!! Fantastica, JBL una garanzia, suono super e molto bella. Prezzo Amazon ottimo.
I wanted a little speaker to leave in the kitchen when i’m doing cooking, so splash proof was a must. Sound great, easy to set up, absolutely no fuss.
Suono strepitoso, la batteria dura moltissimo e un buon marchio gi essere JBL lo dice tutto. L’unica cosa che non si pu registrare la garanzia in Italia per il resto tutto +
Suono perfetto, collegamento bluetooth facilissimo sia con Iphone che Huawei. Ormai una garanzia per gli aperitivi estivi
Caixa bluetooth excelente , original .
Recomendo Amazon est de parabns pela entrega rpida
WIr haben sie immer bei uns…im Garten eine tolle Alternative fr gute Mukke im Hintergrund, taugt sogar bei lauterer Lautstrke. Klare Kaufempfehlung, gute Klangqualitt.
Sohnemann hat sich mega gefreut, wir haben die Box zum letzten Wandertag im Rucksack mit gehabt und fr die musikalische Umrandung gesorgt. Super Teil, wrde ich wieder kaufen.
Bought it as a replacement for a previous speaker that stopped working. This speaker is great, no unwanted vibrations when put on a flat surface. Great clear sound. Would recommend.
Die normale Evolution dieser Klasse/Baureihe ist stringent weitergefhrt.
Der Klang ist wie immer ordentlich, nicht immer perfekt, das hngt ja auch vom Aufstellungsort ab.
Als Nachfolger meiner Flip3 vermisse ich allerdings den entfallenen 3,5mm Klinke Anschluss.
Teams Meeting ber iPad und Flip via BT hatten schon mal eine fehlende Verbindung. Da Gru ich gerne aufs sichere Kabel zurck.
Ebenso diente die Flip als bungslautsprecher an der E-Gitarre in Kombination mit einem VOX Kopfhreramp/ Verstrker via Kabel.
Das geht nun nicht mehr. Leider.
Recomendo para quem gosta muito de qualidade sonora, at acho que muito barato em relao a outras marcas e modelos do mesmo padro. A bateria vai muito rpido quando est com volume alto por muito tempo. Em torno de duras horas de alto som.
Honestly it’s lovely. You know a speaker is excelling when you can’t stop listening.
Testing it out in the garden for a few moments turned into a event. Drinks were poured and plans were changed just to take turns playing our favourite songs.
Does it compete with an actual sound system, of course not, it’s not supposed to. Does it compete with the popular desk delwelling Edifier R1280s? Yes it joyfully dances all over them.
I could wait a while, probe for weaknesses and submit a more sober impression, but why? It sparks joy. I chucked it on the lawn hit play and was astonished, haven’t stopped smiling since.
Wondering what a pair would do….
Ho acquistato questo speaker della JBL per portarlo con me nelle trasferte di lavoro e poter ascoltare un po’ di musica la sera in hotel quando non c’ niente di meglio da fare.
Avevo letto molte recensioni positive, ma non mi aspettavo di certo questa qualit da uno speaker cos piccolo. Suona veramente molto bene. Certo.. non ha un suono perfetto. Su alcune tracce mancano alcuni toni medi, ma non si possono pretendere miracoli da una cassa di queste dimensioni. Sono curioso di provarlo in abbinamento ad un altro speaker JBL pi grande cos da poter creare anche un mini impianto casalingo.
In ogni caso per aver speso 100 super consigliato.
Excelente qualidade, o que eu esperava a comprar uma caixa da harmin, qualidade muito boa, alm de possuir um software para configurao dos graves da caixinha. O software e meio incompleto poderia ter mais informaes relacionadas a caixa em si. Mas a qualidade do produto muito boa. No digo que uma caixa com o custo beneficio muito boa, pois uma caixa com um preo superior as similares. Mas no tenho o que reclamar da caixa
Ho avuto per tre anni la jbl flip 5 e mi sono sempre trovato benissimo, l’ho sfruttata sempre al massimo e non ha mai dato problemi! Poi un po’ per batteria un po’ per normale usura sono passato alle 6 e che dire, top come sempre! Possibilit di usare l’equalizzatore dall’app e il tweeter dedicato alla riproduzione delle alte frequenze rende tutto il suono pi avvolgente! Bassi presenti ma chiaramente parliamo sempre di speaker piccoli
Bassi intensi e profondi, suono pulito e design originale. Scordatevi grandi potenze perch sono solo 20 watt. Buon rapporto qualit/prezzo se acquistato con uno sconto
Glad I got this speaker. Have had jelly speakers before and they just work. For the price it sounds good and there is not too much bass. Am happy.
Colis reu en bon tat et dans les temps, enceinte fonctionne comme convenu mais pour le prix je pense qu’un bloc alim n’aurait pas tait un lux.
Le rendu du son est correct, j’ai un JBL 3W, le mme son mais en plus amplifi. Je recommande.
No expert on speakers did a fair amount of research before purchase JBL Flip 6 really impressed by the sound easy to set up on 5.2 Bluetooth works faultless very happy with my purchase so fa
usato ancora poche volte ma fino a questo momento sono soddisfatto della qualit e del design della cassa.
El sonido es increble para el tamao que tiene, no defrauda, tena otro ms pequeo que tambin se escucha genial, pero este tiene ms volumen sin distorsin.