Playmobil 70222 Knights of Novelmore Fortress with Playmobil figures and functions, for Children 5+

Fantastic adventures with the PLAYMOBIL Novelmore Knights
PLAYMOBIL Novelmore Fortress
After decades of stagnation and peace, the old conflict between the Novelmore Knights and the Burnham Raiders breaks out again. Both parties are trying to gain possession of the magical armour Invincibus and thereby become invincible. In their castle, the Novelmore Knights are well equipped for battle with many creative weapons and projectiles. While Dario DaVanci is still explaining the function of the latest water cannon to his friend Prince Arwynn, Lord Francis guards the castle gate and monitors the action. King John would like everything to be as it used to be, calm and peaceful, but unfortunately there is no way back, only forward.
The new knight play world from PLAYMOBIL surprises with creative weapons, clever defence systems and original characters. The PLAYMOBIL classic in an ingenious new design ensures hours of fun. The playset includes the Novelmore characters King John and his son Prince Arwynn, as well as inventor Dario DaVanci and Lord Francis Forthwind.
At a glance:
- Toy suitable for children ages 4+
- 214-piece play figure set: 4 figures, 1 horse, 1 wolf, 32 accessories and much more
- Functions: integrated catapult and surprise trapdoor
- With instructions for assembly
- High-quality (Made in Europe)

The knights of the castles band together with dragons to use their magic for good. With the PLAYMOBIL Novelmore range, carefully designed figures and accessories allow children to create exciting worlds and new adventures.


Novelmore Fortress

Fire away!

Watch out for the trapdoor!
Dimensions: | 52.71 x 40.01 x 15.88 cm; 2.59 Grams |
Model: | 70222 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multi-coloured |
Pack Quantity: | 214 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 5 – 10 years |
Assembly: | No |
Colour: | Multi-coloured |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 214 |
We love Playmobil sets. My 7 and 5 year old have multiple different sets they’ve acquired over the years of Christmases and birthdays. They use them all together to create their own little town/world. Promotes creativity and imagination.
Easy to assemble.
Plastic, but has held up very well.
Would definitely recommend.
This toy castle definitely went the extra mile with detail and story behind the castle/toys. It did have A LOT of tiny pieces (extra pieces to play with, like tools and weapons etc). The instructions could have been a little clearer, nothing was labeled and things were packaged randomly rather than by part. It was a little difficult to stick the sides together as well, only reason why I took a star off. Overall a great toy.
Die Ritterburg kam an Weihnachten super an. Zum Glck habe ich die bestellt und nicht noch die grere,da sie selber schon die perfekte Gre hat. Mein Sohn spielt jeden Tag dami
Es como viene la foto, es un set muy bonito grande y llego a tiempo antes de navidad
Once again, playmobil did not disappoint! The assembly was pretty easy but did take a bit of time. There were small parts that I personally found difficult during the assembling process but I was also working with one arm in a sling—having two functioning arms would make it go quicker and easier. The amount of accessories that also come with it to add to the story of the knights are an added bonus. So far my son’s favorite piece is the catapult feature! Overall, it is amazing and sturdy. Much bigger than I thought but once out of the box and set up is the perfect size for a kingdom. Definitely worth the purchase!
Era para un regalo y le ha encantado!! Es perfecto cono todo lo de playmobil la verdad que lo peor es el montaje porqur te lleva un buen rato pero luego es una pasada
Got this for my 8yr Olds birthday as he loves knights and castles and he loves it so much hours of fun for him and little brother great buy.
Easy to put together sturdy and great quality
Muy buen servicio ante cualquier duda o cambio justificado, a los nios de 5 y 6 aos les ha encantado
Juguete muy positivo para los pequeos ya que desarrollan la creatividad entre otras cosas.
Nuestro hijo de 4 aos est entusiasmado con el castillo. Muchas grandes funciones (calabozo, trampillas, catapulta) estimulan su imaginacin. De lo nico que se quejaba era de que el castillo no tena un puente levadizo como entrada…
Muy wapo y fcil de montar, es duro para un nio de 6 aos
Acquistato come regalo di Natale per mio nipote, soddisfato come sempre da Playmobil, una garanzia
Castello molto bello. Puro divertimento per grandi e piccini. Dimensioni ottime. Sono presenti tante rifiniture, porte, armi…. veramente ben fatto.
Un Castello robusto e ampio, permette giochi di ruolo coi personaggi che propone. Mio nipote ci gioca spesso, in camera ha trovato la sua posizione privilegiata
Diese Burg ist perfekt und vllig ausreichend. In meinen Augen sogar von Vorteil was die Grsse betrifft als ihr grsseres Gegenstck. Zusammen mit dem Adventskalender war das die perfekte Geschenkidee.
As expected a good quality toy, lovely detail and aspects of play. My 4 yr old is very happy
Takes a while to assemble but once it’s together it’s worth it my little boy loves playing with this
Stupendo, il nostro primo play mobile. Siamo sorpresi dalla qualit e nostro figlio di 5 anni impazzito
pacco confezionato alla perfezione, ricevuto nei tempi previsti (unica pecca la consegna affidata a poste!). Il castello quello che nostro figlio desiderava ed davvero superiore alle aspettative. davvero Stupendo!
Il montaggio pu richiedere l’assistenza di un adulto, ma una volta completo il divertimento assicurato!
est bien, es completo y tiene a los principales personajes, aunque poda ser un poco ms grande y no tener que comprar anexos para que est completo
Un peu cher (mais moins qu’en magasin ou que sur le site playmobil officiel)
C’est top, mon fils adore. Facile a construire, robuste, je pense que ce jouet durera dans le temps. Et on peut agrandir le chateau avec d’autres botes compatibles pour d’autres occasions.
Bonne ide cadeau !
Got this for our little boy for his birthday, he plays with it almost everyday roleplaying has a total blast especially when he introduces his dinosaurs into play.
A bit fiddly to put all the things together, but worth it. Very solid and stable with lots of features like the trap door, dungeon and drawbridge. The characters are really good and there’s a horse and dog – the characters can ride the horse – everything works properly. I would have loved this as a kid. There’s a canon and catapult which both work for the arrow things and the plastic stones – fairly powerful but not in the “watch you don’t have someone’s eye out” stakes so it’s fine with young kids.
Altissimi livelli, una garanzia e curato nei minimi dettagli (le porte con il chiavistello, le segrete, camminamenti con passaggi che si abbassano ed alzano, stendardi). Rispetto ad altra roba di qualit davvero infima che si vede in giro, vale tutto quello che si paga. Spedizione rapidissima. Imballo ok.
la qualit Playmobil la conosciamo, il prezzo ha fatto la differenza rispetto al sito ufficiale. bambino entusiasta (e pap anche), splendido castello con trabocchetti.
Playmobil, poco ms que decir, tras lo aos va mejorando
iente da dire, la playmobil si riconferma ottima azienda. il castello perfetto, facile il montaggio. dopo averlo allestito ciclo di gioco con figlio di una settimana…
Instructions are good but could be a little better. But very very sturdy, you have to really push the plastic to get it to lock in and once it’s locked in its difficult to take a part (which if you have children like mine that’s a good thing) I was shocked at how sturdy they are.
Prvoir 30 mn 45 mn pour le montage aid par un adulte.
Beaucoup de dtails avec des trappes, des rampes pour boulets, une catapulte et pleins de petits objets et accessoires d’poque qui viennent enrichir le produit et donc le jeu des enfants.
Attention, sur ma photo, le chteau avait t investis par quelques princesses.
Finalement le rapport qualit/prix est assez intressant la vue de la taille du produit, du nombre de personnages et accessoires fournis.
Quelques heures d’amusement en perspective.
Bien con sus instrucciones, buen tamao, mi hijo est encantadisimo. Con muchos detalles, la nica pega que se desmonta con facilidad los muros, y tenemos que estar siempre nontsndolos
J’ai offert ce cadeau mon petit neveu de 6ans. Il est agile et cratif donc pas de soucis avec ce jouet pourtant recommand partir de 8ans. Cela dit son grand frre de 10ans a d l’aider pour le montage. C’est du solide et il faut donc forcer un peu pour l’assemblage.
Les personnages chevaliers ont eu beaucoup de succs. Tout de suite en voyant la boite il a cri de joie en me disant qu’il y a mme une catapulte et des cachettes. Effectivement ce jouet est trs bien conu avec tous ces accessoires et dcors, le cavalier, le canon qui lance des projectiles (doucement hein), roi couronn, et surtout le pont levis! Quoi dire de plus que le rapport qualit prix est trs bon.
Je recommande ce jouet les yeux ferms.
Queda muy chulo montado con todos sus detalles. Me tir un buen rato montndolo pero dificil dificil no es.
Mi hijo esta encantado
Super rapport qualit prix. Je l’ai offert Nol a mon papa et je m’attendais pas un si gros chteau.
Beau chteau, avec plein de pices sympa, une prison style oubliettes, une trappe dissimule pour y envoyer les mchants, une catapulte…
Montage assez complexe, beaucoup d’lments qui sont facilement dmontable par le petit si comme le mien c’est un destructeur ! Mais pendant les quelques mois o il a t entier, beaucoup de jeux et d’histoires de chevaliers.
This was a huge hit for my grandsons this past Christmas.
Ich bin fr den Prwis mehr als zufrieden, vielen dank
Mio figlio di 7 anni e’ stato entusiasta. Lo ha montato da solo e ci ha passato il Natale a giocare
Prodotto perfetto, come da descrizione, arrivato in tempi rapidissimi, in imballaggio impeccabile. Nulla di negativo da segnalare.
Bien conu, bonne qualit et facile monter.
Beaucoup de scenarios diffrents possibles, le bonheur d’un garon de 8 ans assur.
Mon fils de 6 ans a beaucoup aim recevoir ce chteau fort playmobil. Comme toujours chez cette marque, c’est du solide. Les murs peuvent tre assembl diffremment de ce qui est indiqu dans la notice si on le souhaite. Les personnages sont tous diffrents. Un cavalier, un soldat, un architecte et un roi sont inclus. Les petits accessoires sont top. Beau cadeau dans tous les cas.
Fue par un regalo de pap Noel para mi sobrino un acierto su cara de felicidad lo deca todo
Al nio le ha encantado! Tiene 7 aos y aunque l haba pedido el castillo, el grande, este no le defraud. Es ms prctico, no ocupa tanto y una vez montado puedes moverlo sin problema y cambiarlo de sitio.
Molto bello ricco di particolari e i bambini si divertono molto a giocare, fatto bene
Mon petit fils de 3 1/2 ans ( oui je sais il est assez jeune ) a ador ce nouveau jeu reu Nol ….Il voulait des chteaux ,des chevaliers
,il est ravi et a va l’occuper longtemps!
Le jeu est d’excellente qualit et avec l’aide d’un adulte l’assemblage est facile a raliser .
Ne reste qu’ s’amuser par la suite ….
Il gioco liace moltissimo al mio nipotino e lo usa spesso. davvero ben fatto anche se jn po’ troppo caro
Jouet solide et massif.
Les dtails sont top, mon petit adore la trappe et la catapulte des heures de jeu en perspective !
Muy bonito y slido. Una hora para montarlo siguiendo las instrucciones.
La play fa bei giochi… Costicchiano ma i bimbi giocano sereni
Le calendrier de l avant est arriv intactecet en parfait tat. Mon fils a vraiment hte d etre au 1er dcembre. C est un fan absolu de Playmobil et plus particulirement des chevaliers.
Au regard de ce qu il y a a l intrieur, le rapport qualit prix est excellent. Je recommande e vivement ce produit, vous ne serez pas du.
Ni trop gros, ni trop petit, pas mal de fonctionnalits qui enchante mon fils de 8 ans, rien a dire sur l’esthtique ni la qualit du produit. Comme quoi pas toujours besoin de recycler une vieille franchise pour faire du bon produit.
Regalato a mio figlio di 8 anni. Si diverte come un matto a fare battaglie medievali e giochiamo insieme. robusto ed ha parecchie opzioni di gioco. Trappole. Catapulta. Lo consiglio.
Prodotto di ottima qualit, facile da montare per un adulto, minimo aiuto per un bambino. Possibilit di utilizzare pi spazi del castello da parte dei personaggi, catapulta efficiente. Regalato a nostro figlio di 6 anni….estasiato.
Excellent product , high quality and durable, did take a while to put together but well worth it . Attention to detail is fantastic , our 5 year old boy loves it.
Fantastico mio figlio di cinque anni amante di tutto ci che playmobil stato molto felice e piace molto anche a me.
Il y a tout un tas de petites cachettes et fonctionnalits bien penses.
Les enfants adorent.