Ausgepackt und mit Spannung ausprobiert
Die Hlle passt genau , sieht super aus
Die Hlle gefllt mir sehr gut. Jederzeit wieder
Spigen ist fr mich das beste
Mittlerweile die 4te Hlle fr das 4ze Handy von Spigen!
Kann diese Hllen fr jeden empfehlen der auf optimalen Schutz setzen will.
Man muss allerdings dazu sagen dass das Handy immer ein gutes Srck grer und “klobiger” wird.
El material es suficientemente rgido lo que manteniene el celular al interior de la funda, la cual preserva su elegante apariencia negro mate al que no se le pega facilmente grasa y polvo. Su dureza me inspira confianza misma que se podr confirmar despus de una de una caida.
Habe mir die Hlle fr mein S 22 Ultra gekauft. Bin damit auch sehr zufrieden, aber es gibt eine verbesserung die man vielleicht bei der nchsten Hlle machen knnte. An der rechten Seite wo die Tasten fr die Lautstrke und die ein/aus Taste sind. Dort htte man es besser machen knnen. Die Powertaste merkt man sofort aber man merkt nicht wo die unterschiedlichen Lautstrketasten sind. Ich verwechsel im dunkeln oft lautstre mit der Powertaste. Sonst ist die Hlle wirklich super. Macht das Handy zwar gefhlt um das doppelte schwerer, bietet aber einen guten Schutz.
Die Hlle rutscht nicht, sie passt haargenau. Gute Qualitt. Natrlich kann sie nicht alle Folgen eines Sturzes verhinderrn. Ein Nutzer schrieb, dass sein Handy auf den Fliesenboden gefallen wre und beschwert sich, dass die Hlle danach in Ordnung war, aber nicht sein Handy. Eigentlich zum Schmunzeln! Sicherlich gibt es keine Schutzhlle die das verhindern knnte.
I purchased this for my S22 Ultra. It’s a decent case. I wish the stand on the back had more options in regards to how it props up. It does make adding a screen protector a little more difficult but I would assume that would be the case for most if not all cases I purchase for this phone. Not bad, definitely worth the price.
I love Spigen cases. They are simple and straight forward and have the little stand to prop up your phone. They arent bulky and look good. Had one for my Samsung S9+ for 4 years, now I have one for my new S22 Ultra.
Dropped my s22 ultra a lot of times and this case absorbed the impact every single time. Recently I dropped my phone and somehow my S pen came out and broke into pieces but the screen is safe. Imagine the impact if my S pen broke, could have been the same case with my phone screen but this case protected it. The next Gen models could do something to protect the S pen though.
Siempre compro la misma solo que para los distintos modelos de mviles que he tenido desde el S8+, S9+, S10 ultra, S22 ultra, Note 8, Note 9+, Note 20 ultra y la verdad no me arrepiento hasta ahora
Ottima, come tutte le cover spigen, una delle migliori marche, se non la migliore in assoluto. Robusta, bella alla vista. su s22 ultra d molto pi grip al telefono, che con i suoi bordi curvi normalmente abbastanza scivoloso.
Die Schutzhlle ist sehr robust und schtzt das Handy gut. Wer sich einen dezenten Schutz frs Handy erwartet, ist mit dieser Hlle schlecht beraten, denn der sehr gute Schutz macht sich mit einer dicken Hlle bezahlt. Das Handy wiegt danach gefhlt das doppelte. Aber das ist Physik. Guter Schutz braucht etwas mehr Materie ums Handy rum.
Haba comprado anteriormente esta marca para otros dispositivos y la capa exterior se desprenda con relativa facilidad quedando con un mal aspecto. Parece que han mejorado la calidad bastante ya que llevo varios meses de uso sin un cuidado especial y la funda no tiene ningn rayn ni desgaste en la capa exterior.
E un prodotto di altissima qualit e robustezza , grazie alla cover spigen ho salvato il mio telefono un paio di volte . Non deludono mai i loro prodotti sono una garanzia
Llevo comprando Spigen desde que tuve el galaxy S3 y nunca me defrauda. Mira que se me ha cado veces el mvil al suelo de todas las formas y nunca se ha hecho ni un slo roce.
Kick stand might as well not be present as it’s useless for holding the phone in a vertical position as it’s just far too flimsy for the weight if the phone, landscape is OK. Overall a nice case except for the stand.
Ya he probado la marca en otros modelos y en mi s22 ultra tampoco fue decepcionante, la calidad es excelente, se siente la proteccin con tan solo tomar el equipo.
Avevo gi acquistato un’altra Spigen Cover per un Samsung Note 9 e ne ero rimasto soddisfatto.
Ho ripetuto l’acquisto per un Samsung S22 Ultra che costa anche di pi del mio note e la qualit e la robustezza credo siano al Top. Esteticamente il bordo intorno non sottilissimo ma comunque piacevole visivamente e la presa eccellente. Con questa cover mi sento pi tranquilllo !!!
I can’t say how much I absolutely enjoy this case. I used the Note 8’s version of if for well over 4 years and never had a complaint. I was very happy to see that they continued it’s production with a version for the S22 Ultra and immediately purchased one at the same time I purchased the phone itself.
La cover di ottima fattura, per manca uno sportello per la protezione delle fotocamere!
Il piedistallo , comodo in parte, lo si pu utilizzarlo solo in un unica posizione.
Das Spigen Tough Armor Case fr das Galaxy S22 Ultra ist eine zweischichtige Schutzhlle mit integriertem Stnder. Sie besteht aus flexiblem TPU und hartem Polycarbonat, um Ihr Handy vor Sten und Strzen zu schtzen. Die stoabsorbierende Innenseite dmpft Ihr Gert gegen Ste, whrend die Auenseite einen stabilen, festen Schutz bietet. Das Spigen Tough Armor Case verfgt auerdem ber einen Stnder, mit dem Sie Ihr Telefon in einem bestimmten Winkel aufstellen knnen.
Compro da anni i prodotti Spigen, garanzia di qualit e protezione x ogni telefono !!!
Protezione eccellente materiali di alta gamma compatibile con vetro protettivo e protezione delle fotocamere.
grossa, cambia l’estetica del telefono e non si vede il colore del telaio ma a me interessa proteggerlo e questa cover lo fa. Dietro ha una “linguetta” che permette di posizionare il telefono per vedere video. Mi caduto un paio di volte ma il telefono non ha avuto danni e la cover qualche piccolo segna ma rimasta integra. Poi dipende da superfici, violenza dell’impatto e come cade quindi ho avuto fortuna, ma ha fatto il suo lavoro.
La funda no se siente nada mal, funciona bien en la carga inalmbrica… Voy a usarla un tiempo para ver si la cambio o la mantengo porque hasta ahora solo me molesta que es un poco pesada y los bordes no son prolijos porque no se siente muy agradable al roce
I bought a belt pouch for the S22 Ultra. It came with a case similar to the Spigen, but the fit was too tight for my liking – too hard to get the phone in, too hard to get it out. The Spigen is a Goldilocks case, not too loose, not too tight. If one has to struggle to get the phone into or out of the case, there’s a chance it will be dropped!
The other thing I like about the Spigen is there is a little lip at the top and bottom which makes it easier to get grip to pull the phone out of the belt pouch or a jeans pocket without having to get a finger or thumb on the screen.
Me parece muy buena funda , ya se ma ha cado un par de veces el mvil y sin rasguos . El accesorio para mantenerlo al clocarlo de lado me ha sido til un par de veces y cerrado no molesta en lo absoluto . Contento .
I bought a Spigen Tough Armor case for my S10 a few years back and really liked it. It’s great on the S22 Ultra too. The kickstand is still a little flimsy given how heavy this phone is, but the case otherwise screams durability and is easy to hold too.
I will say that with the S10, I had issues with overheating because the case was thick, so this time around I’m using a thin case for daily use and saving this one for travel/activity.
Que dire ,fait le boulot,robuste ,bien dcouper, protge bien le smartphone contre les chutes,le smartphone est certes plus epais mais au moins on est rassur, depuis plus de 3 ans je prend que des coques spigen et jamais du
Spigen sinonimo di qualit. Cover fantastica al tatto, restituisce una sensazione davvero bella. Solida, materiali ottimi e calza a pennello. Ogni foroz ogni tasto sono al proprio posto, i cavi USB c sono tutti compatibili e ottima compatibilit anche con la S-pen. Consiglio assolutamente
Come mi aspettavo da Spigen la cover veramente bella, al tatto d una sensazione di solidit elevata ed i materiali sono di altissima qualit. Il telefono in mano non scivola ed i fori sono allineati perfettamente.
Unici difetti lo spessore che fa aumentare di non poco l’ingombro del telefono soprattutto i tasti del volume che essendo perfettamente a filo con il resto della cover non li trovi mai e anche quando li trovi non si capisce dove si separano il + e il -.
Cela fait 3 tlphones que je protge avec ces coques, et que je suis satisfait !
Elles protgent trs bien des chocs et sont esthtiques.
Le seul point ngatif est le prix, mais on peut majoritairement l’attribuer la mise au point des produits…
I’ve had this on my S22 for a couple of months now, and it’s definitely a phone case. Nothing flashy, not the best, but it’s gotten the job done thus far. I can easily get it in and out of my pocket, it holds nice in my hands, I like that it isn’t too bulky.
I don’t find myself using the small phone stand on the back much, and when it do it’s a bit flimsy and doesn’t sit at the right angle, but I can’t say I mind this much. I didn’t buy this case for the stand and you’re better off putting a pop socket on the back anyways.
I haven’t dropped my phone a whole lot so I can’t speak on how durable it is, but the once or twice I have dropped it the case stays on, absorbs the fall, and has left my phone with no cracks or bumps. All in all for the price point I think this is a great phone case if you’re just wanting a low profile, simple phone case so you don’t have to feel the slipperyness on the back of the S22.
A protective case is usually one of the first things I purchase for my phone when I get a new one. For my previous phone, I had a wallet case, which protected both the screen and phone in case I dropped it, but it also limited access to my stylus. I decided to go with a standard case for this one and really like this one. Here are my pros and cons:
– Solid case: This case seems like it’ll protect the phone from normal side drops and normal protection from every day use. As far as protection, it will not offer screen protection, but has provided prection from the sides and back. It has a tight fit around the phone, holding onto the phone very well.
– Price – $20 is a pretty good price for a case. As with other products for phones, purchasing on Amazon seems to really cut down on the price. A similar case at the phone store was about $10 more for something similar.
– Ease of installation and accessability: This is easy to install like many others. It just snaps around the phone. The buttons still operate easily and, my favorite thing about this case, the stylus is easily accessible. Like I stated above, the old case on my previous phone made it nearly impossible to get the stylus out. In many cases, I had to use something to pull it out. And lastly, the sides of the screen are still easily seen unlike my wallet case.
– No screen protection: If you drop your phone screen down, it can still get damaged. My wallet case has protected my old phone for a few years worth of accidental drops.
– Buttons: While the buttons are not really hindered by the case, I sometimes find it difficult to know what button I’m on, especially with the volume buttons. This is especially true when you first start to use it.
– Stand: I like the stand option, especially if I want to prop it on its side to watch videos, but I have 2 small complaints. 1) It feels cheap. I’m always afraid of breaking it. 2) The mechanism only works to prop the phone on its side and does not lock. I don’t mind this when I want it for watching videos, but some people may want to use it for video calls. I do not do this, so it is no sweat, but I know my mom likes to do them and sure others do as well. In some cases, people like to be hands free when doing it, so you’ll need a way to hold the phone up.
I’m very happy with this case. It keeps my phone protected very well from every day uses, especially now that I’m in the office more. It is thin enough not to feel like a bolder in your pocket, cheap, durable, and holds the phone very well. It is one that I would recommend buying.
Samsung galaxy S22 Ultra. Spigen cases have never let me down and this feels like it will be exactly the same. It’s tough and gives a good snug fit. Yes it adds some bulk to an already large phone but that’s the compromise for having a good solid case on a phone that cost me over 1200!
The case feels great, soft and it s great quality.Makes to phone look quite big for a woman but I don t mind. Happy that I bought it and I recommend it.
For the price, this is a great case. Your camera is protected because the case is raised above it. Small lip in the front to protect the screen. I have the samsung screen protector on my S22 Ultra and the edges of this case juuuust barely come up to it. But not enough to peel any of it away so I’m thankful for that. The best thing about this case is the soft feel while holding it. The kickstand is trash. It’s way too flimsy for this giant phone. It won’t stand up in portrait mode, this phone is way too heavy and it simply topples over. In landscape mode, it works fine. But again, you’ll want to be careful with this kickstand. I foresee it being the first thing that fails on this case. If spigen put one of their metal kickstands on it, it would’ve been great. But this tiny piece of plastic. Nah. This won’t cut it. If you’re looking for a solid kickstand case, keep looking. Save your $20 for that. Trust me.
I always buy Spigen phone cases. They have never let me down and I see no reason to change. This one fits perfectly and is combined with the Spigen Neoflex screen protector.
I don’t normally do reviews but this case saved my very expensive s22 ultra 256gig phone today and as I was putting the phone in my inside pocket of my coat I missed it and the phone fell from chest height to the floor and I’m about 6 foot and it hit hard on the bottom of the case on the floor and landed on its back,as you can imagine I nearly died but I picked the phone up and there was no damage whatsoever and I even took the phone out of the case to check it to when I got home and the phone was fine,what’s more to say it passed in a real life scenario,thank god for this case… Excellent.
Been buying these covers for years now to protect my phones, sturdy and I like the little kick stand that allows to up place the phone upright on a surface to watch YouTube or chat online.
Three of us in this household have these covers and they last.
Great case and I have no doubts whatsoever this will protect my phone, however I find with the s22 ultra being a large phone that this case just makes it that bit too bulky. I have since ordered the spigen liquid crystal and much prefer this one.
Excellent case and Very strong case . good value needed a case for my new samsung s22 ultra…I looked on YouTube first so decided to get Spigen. I not dropped my phone yet.. but from the feel of it I think its very well made for it..
My 4th spigen case. They go on my Samsung Notes from new. The tough armor is strong, elegant and well designed. It’s protected my phones through knocks and drops.
I would take alot to move me to another case.
Yes, it actually works really well…many cases are a hit or a miss. I would have liked a space for a card or two but then again I had the Samsung LED one which over time, causes a line to mark the screen where the card edge touches the screen. Despite this it does the job…not bulky at all which was important to me.
I’ve had the S10 version of this case and that gave some pretty solid all round protection (edge and back wise that is – maybe the screen but that depends on how you drop the phone)
And now that I have the S22 Ultra – this case and brand were a no brainer!
I’ve gotten the black version of this case and I have the burgundy S22 ultra. It’s a 2 piece case where it has a removable hard plastic shell (which just makes putting the phone into the case easier when removed) and the almost rubber like protective case, it has the internal cushion as well to absorb impact which is a really nice touch!
What I will say is that the burgundy and the black case go really well together! Again, provides that much needed protection whilst also making the S22 Ultra more comfortable to hold with it’s rounded edges; making this much more comfortable to hold both in portrait and landscape mode.
The kickstand is unfortunately a flappy bit of plastic but that doesn’t deter me from using as a prop for when I want to watch videos in landscape orientation – just don’t expect it to hold up in portrait. But if the stand pops out for any reason – just pop it back in and you’re good to go!
I realise the way this sounds, it sounds like I’m being paid. I promise you, I’m not – I just really like this particular line of Spigen’s cases.
Picking up a courtesy car, I didn’t realise I’d dropped my 7 day old S22 Ultra as I got into it. After retracing my steps back to the shop, the receptionist said ‘yeah, we saw you drive over it on the way out’. The phone is still in perfect condition, I’m using it to write this!! The case is a bit scuffed and that’s all really, although I will have to replace the Spigen screen protector. Very happy with this product.
This feels like a great, sturdy case with a good feel and look. However, without getting callipers out it does not appear to cover the full depth of the phone. This means if the phone is dropped and lands the screen down, the screen is destined to take the brunt of the force.
Really great products from this firm so when I got my new S22 ultra I had to get the cover from Spigen. I went for the armour one and it fits really well and feels comfortable and secure to hold. Highly recommended.
This is the best case there is for my galaxy s22 ultra , extremely good grip , very sturdy.
I trust this case will protect the phone easy.
Highly recommended
I can’t remember how many Samsung phones I’ve had over the years, but they’ve always been brilliantly preserved in a spigen case. Very happy with the case I have for my new S22 Ultra. The holes and cutout bits are perfect for charging and accessing the s pen, etc.
Always a safe bet with spigen!
I have had this case for few years now you might say how cos I had the same product for my note 9 and it was amazing and now the same reliability and solid product will be used on my ultra 22.. 5-star all around
Only had the case a few days but all in all very happy with it, it feels really smooth and pleasant to hold and feels thick enough that your phone feels protected. The cut out holes fit perfectly with the different sections that you need such as Stylus and charging port etc. The only gripe I have is that the sides don’t feel high enough, the screen is basically level with the case so it doesn’t feel like it would have any protection if it fell directly on the screen.
I have been using Spigen cases for a number of years now on all my phones. It is the go-to case for protection and quality. Buit to withstand all sorts of use and (unintentional) abuse. This one is as good as the rest.
I’ve bumped the phone, dropped the phone on concrete and every time it drops I hold my breath but every time I pick up the phone undamaged.
I would recommend this for everyone on all phones.
Soy fan de la marca y esta vez no me defraudaron, la funda viene con una calidad muy buena. Aunque no es la ms delgada, se sigue viendo elegante y protege mucho. Otra de las funcionalidades que me agrado, es el accesorio para poder parar el celular cuando veo videos.
-doesn’t obstruct anything
-buttons feel correctly and are responsive
-cutouts are in correct spots
-the stand is a little flimsy but still usable
-could use a little more grip on the sides as it can still get slippery
-would like to see covers for the charger port and S pe
After smashing my smashing note 10+ I got a new Samsung s22 ultra and decided I needed a case for it. Went with this one. Does feel very solid and yes the big phone feels slightly bigger again. Can’t tell if it will protect it if I drop it as that’s not happened yet…(and hopefully won’t).
I’ve used cases from many of the top manufacturers, and this wasn’t my first Spigen. The case feels reasonably durable and I think it would hold up in a fall. The coverings over the power and volume buttons on the side of the phone feel great, and are some of the best I’ve tried. There are things I don’t like though. The kickstand is flimsy, and it doesn’t securely close without having to push it multiple times. The back is a little slippery, but not a deal breaker. I wish the camera cutout was not such a wide blob, and was more concise around the cameras as other cases are. The biggest reason I stopped using the case was the cutouts on the bottom of the phone. A big phone like the s22 ultra can be hard to hold with one hand. I typically rest the phone on my curled pinky which is actually holding the weight of the phone. The cutouts on the bottom of the case felt sharp, making it uncomfortable to hold the phone. There’s no way around feeling the scratchiness of the cutouts, so I swapped the case out for one made by Samsung. The Samsung case feels less protective, but it’s much more comfortable in the hand. If you don’t hold your phone the same way I do, this might be a good case with respectable protection.
What more to say? Fits perfectly, feels good to hold, the stand is a god send when travelling for work. Have had this case for my last few phones & they have always stayed in perfect condition thanks to this case
Fits S22 ultra very well. It has a little kickstand but that only works in landscape mode. (Phone must be on its side) Also works with my wireless charger. For me it was worth the buy.
This is a really good case from Spigen for the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
I’ve previously had a clear hard case, and whilst I liked the fact that the Samsung logo showed (cos I’m sad like that), the case was a fingerprint magnet and it also seem to pick up sticky stuff wherever I went.
The Spigen case is smooth hard plastic, so no worries there. It’s feels really nice in your hand, and the phone feels well protected. All the cutouts are in the right pkace, and there is a good frame around the camera lenses. The little pull out stand is very flimsy, but for now at least it does the job.
This Spigen case for the Samsung S22 Ultra is of the usual highest quality by Spigen.
The phone fits like a glove, giving absolute protection.
It doesn’t make the overall size of the phone much bigger and fits very well in the hand.
Special absorbing corners that should protect well if phone is dropped!
Comes with a kick stand for film and TV viewing which is very useful.
I’ve had many Spigen cases and this Is the best yet.
Highly recommended.
Fits perfectly I have been buying spigen tough armour cases for my family phones for over last 6 years and they are great quality and very durable and do as exactly what it said they would do as we have all dropped our phones several times at some point great product to buy would recommend
A good sturdy case, allows full access to the s pen (unlike others I tried first) the stand is a good edition but may be a little flimsy but only time will tell on that so for now I’ve given it the full 5 stars.
I had the S21 Ultra version of this case and it’s very similar in construction. It withstood all sorts of abuse and I’m sure this will be exactly the same. It looks good and doesn’t impede any functions of the phone.
Key points that make this case great for me:
– Easy to fit and remove
– The protruding camera lenses are now recessed & protected when you put them on a surface. It’s one thing I wasn’t keen about the S22 design so this case solves that.
– S-pen is still easy to remove even with this case installed
– There are raised bumpers at the top/ bottom of the screen which help protect it if placed face down
– The rear kick stand, if a little flimsy, is useful at times
I’d be very surprised if any issues occured because my S21 Ultra case was brilliant. So I’m giving this 5*
Item received on delivery date, preordered my S22 Ultra and have always purchased Spigen cases for my phones, they have an excellent level of build and protection well worth the money, good sturdy cases looks even better than the image and feels really good to hold, still fits in pocket a very slim design, also has a built in stand to be able to use it to watch movies, very ingenious design, the yellow with the black a good choice and well contrasted case design, another excellent product from Spigen, finally put my phone in the case after getting it on launch day, it fits perfect and keeps it well encased, fits perfectly with a Spigen screen protector, adds weight to it but a great case, still easy to hold, finger print scanner still works very well with the protector on, couldn’t be more pleased with the products made by Spigen, i certainly would recommend buying this case and would buy more of their products
As per usual spigen has done it again purchase one of these for my S21 ultra and it’s been solid and dropped on many occasions and it’s done it’s job, so I’ve purchase this one for my Pre ordered S22 ultra and I have no doubt it’ll be just as good at the job it’s needed fo
I have pre ordered the Samsung S22 Ultra for delivery in just under 2 weeks so this review is purely based on my experience with my previous purchases. In the photo I have the 22 Ultra case next to my S20 Ultra case and the build quality and protection seems to be consistent.
I have had my previous phone in the Spigen Tough Armor consistently as I am one of those people who like to look after my phones.
Whilst I have dropped my phone on a few occasions as most of us do, the case has held up amazingly and 2 years on, my S20 Ultra is scratch and dent free. Absolutely no damage or wear is apparent.
Obviously, until I get the S22 Ultra, my review is based on my previous experience.
From what I do know, this is the same build quality and detail that has kept my current phone looking brand new.
This does not have a front screen protector and the only obvious differences between the two are the corners, which slightly adds curve and so a more comfortable feel in the hand and the open slot for the S-pen.
Overall I recommend this for everyday use but if you are clumsy or work in a more manic environment, you may want to consider a more bulky case
Ausgepackt und mit Spannung ausprobiert
Die Hlle passt genau , sieht super aus
Die Hlle gefllt mir sehr gut. Jederzeit wieder
Spigen ist fr mich das beste
Great case if the sturdiness is what’s you are looking for. Keep in mind that the case makes your phone heavier and thicker.
Not too bulky, and fits the phone perfectly.
I don’t know if it would protect it as it should though, and I hope I never find out :0)
Mittlerweile die 4te Hlle fr das 4ze Handy von Spigen!
Kann diese Hllen fr jeden empfehlen der auf optimalen Schutz setzen will.
Man muss allerdings dazu sagen dass das Handy immer ein gutes Srck grer und “klobiger” wird.
El material es suficientemente rgido lo que manteniene el celular al interior de la funda, la cual preserva su elegante apariencia negro mate al que no se le pega facilmente grasa y polvo. Su dureza me inspira confianza misma que se podr confirmar despus de una de una caida.
Il telefono cambia e questa custodia sempre il primo acquisti.
Ottima robustezza al giusto prezzo.
Die Hlle rutscht nicht, sie passt haargenau. Gute Qualitt. Natrlich kann sie nicht alle Folgen eines Sturzes verhinderrn. Ein Nutzer schrieb, dass sein Handy auf den Fliesenboden gefallen wre und beschwert sich, dass die Hlle danach in Ordnung war, aber nicht sein Handy. Eigentlich zum Schmunzeln! Sicherlich gibt es keine Schutzhlle die das verhindern knnte.
Bella cover, molto protettiva, forse leggermente spessa, ma ci sta per il tipo di cellulare
I purchased this for my S22 Ultra. It’s a decent case. I wish the stand on the back had more options in regards to how it props up. It does make adding a screen protector a little more difficult but I would assume that would be the case for most if not all cases I purchase for this phone. Not bad, definitely worth the price.
I love Spigen cases. They are simple and straight forward and have the little stand to prop up your phone. They arent bulky and look good. Had one for my Samsung S9+ for 4 years, now I have one for my new S22 Ultra.
Dropped my s22 ultra a lot of times and this case absorbed the impact every single time. Recently I dropped my phone and somehow my S pen came out and broke into pieces but the screen is safe. Imagine the impact if my S pen broke, could have been the same case with my phone screen but this case protected it. The next Gen models could do something to protect the S pen though.
Hab jetzt fr das Galaxy S22 Ultra meine 3te Hlle bestellt. (vorher fr andere Handys)
Bisher immer super zufrieden…
Se vuoi proteggere lo smartphone questa la cover perfetta con materiali ottimi. Acquisto consigliato.
Siempre compro la misma solo que para los distintos modelos de mviles que he tenido desde el S8+, S9+, S10 ultra, S22 ultra, Note 8, Note 9+, Note 20 ultra y la verdad no me arrepiento hasta ahora
Ottima, come tutte le cover spigen, una delle migliori marche, se non la migliore in assoluto. Robusta, bella alla vista. su s22 ultra d molto pi grip al telefono, che con i suoi bordi curvi normalmente abbastanza scivoloso.
Die Schutzhlle ist sehr robust und schtzt das Handy gut. Wer sich einen dezenten Schutz frs Handy erwartet, ist mit dieser Hlle schlecht beraten, denn der sehr gute Schutz macht sich mit einer dicken Hlle bezahlt. Das Handy wiegt danach gefhlt das doppelte. Aber das ist Physik. Guter Schutz braucht etwas mehr Materie ums Handy rum.
Haba comprado anteriormente esta marca para otros dispositivos y la capa exterior se desprenda con relativa facilidad quedando con un mal aspecto. Parece que han mejorado la calidad bastante ya que llevo varios meses de uso sin un cuidado especial y la funda no tiene ningn rayn ni desgaste en la capa exterior.
E un prodotto di altissima qualit e robustezza , grazie alla cover spigen ho salvato il mio telefono un paio di volte . Non deludono mai i loro prodotti sono una garanzia
Llevo comprando Spigen desde que tuve el galaxy S3 y nunca me defrauda. Mira que se me ha cado veces el mvil al suelo de todas las formas y nunca se ha hecho ni un slo roce.
Recomiendo su compra 100%.
Kick stand might as well not be present as it’s useless for holding the phone in a vertical position as it’s just far too flimsy for the weight if the phone, landscape is OK. Overall a nice case except for the stand.
Ya he probado la marca en otros modelos y en mi s22 ultra tampoco fue decepcionante, la calidad es excelente, se siente la proteccin con tan solo tomar el equipo.
Questa la terza cover della spigen che acquisto per i miei smartphone. Sono prodotti eccezionali e dall’alta protezione. Consigliatissimi.
Avevo gi acquistato un’altra Spigen Cover per un Samsung Note 9 e ne ero rimasto soddisfatto.
Ho ripetuto l’acquisto per un Samsung S22 Ultra che costa anche di pi del mio note e la qualit e la robustezza credo siano al Top. Esteticamente il bordo intorno non sottilissimo ma comunque piacevole visivamente e la presa eccellente. Con questa cover mi sento pi tranquilllo !!!
I can’t say how much I absolutely enjoy this case. I used the Note 8’s version of if for well over 4 years and never had a complaint. I was very happy to see that they continued it’s production with a version for the S22 Ultra and immediately purchased one at the same time I purchased the phone itself.
10/10 would buy again.
I have been using spigen since s9 plus. It protects well our device. You can go for it for sure
La cover di ottima fattura, per manca uno sportello per la protezione delle fotocamere!
Il piedistallo , comodo in parte, lo si pu utilizzarlo solo in un unica posizione.
Das Spigen Tough Armor Case fr das Galaxy S22 Ultra ist eine zweischichtige Schutzhlle mit integriertem Stnder. Sie besteht aus flexiblem TPU und hartem Polycarbonat, um Ihr Handy vor Sten und Strzen zu schtzen. Die stoabsorbierende Innenseite dmpft Ihr Gert gegen Ste, whrend die Auenseite einen stabilen, festen Schutz bietet. Das Spigen Tough Armor Case verfgt auerdem ber einen Stnder, mit dem Sie Ihr Telefon in einem bestimmten Winkel aufstellen knnen.
Compro da anni i prodotti Spigen, garanzia di qualit e protezione x ogni telefono !!!
Protezione eccellente materiali di alta gamma compatibile con vetro protettivo e protezione delle fotocamere.
Stabile Handyhlle.
Schtzt den Display gut weil die Hlle paar mm ber den Display geht. Bin sehr zufriede
grossa, cambia l’estetica del telefono e non si vede il colore del telaio ma a me interessa proteggerlo e questa cover lo fa. Dietro ha una “linguetta” che permette di posizionare il telefono per vedere video. Mi caduto un paio di volte ma il telefono non ha avuto danni e la cover qualche piccolo segna ma rimasta integra. Poi dipende da superfici, violenza dell’impatto e come cade quindi ho avuto fortuna, ma ha fatto il suo lavoro.
La funda no se siente nada mal, funciona bien en la carga inalmbrica… Voy a usarla un tiempo para ver si la cambio o la mantengo porque hasta ahora solo me molesta que es un poco pesada y los bordes no son prolijos porque no se siente muy agradable al roce
I bought a belt pouch for the S22 Ultra. It came with a case similar to the Spigen, but the fit was too tight for my liking – too hard to get the phone in, too hard to get it out. The Spigen is a Goldilocks case, not too loose, not too tight. If one has to struggle to get the phone into or out of the case, there’s a chance it will be dropped!
The other thing I like about the Spigen is there is a little lip at the top and bottom which makes it easier to get grip to pull the phone out of the belt pouch or a jeans pocket without having to get a finger or thumb on the screen.
Mein Mann ist sehr zufrieden mit der handy Hlle, bestellt auch jedesmal die selbe fr seine neuen Telefone
Me parece muy buena funda , ya se ma ha cado un par de veces el mvil y sin rasguos . El accesorio para mantenerlo al clocarlo de lado me ha sido til un par de veces y cerrado no molesta en lo absoluto . Contento .
j’utilise cette marque et ce style de coque depuis des annes et aucune dceptio
I bought a Spigen Tough Armor case for my S10 a few years back and really liked it. It’s great on the S22 Ultra too. The kickstand is still a little flimsy given how heavy this phone is, but the case otherwise screams durability and is easy to hold too.
I will say that with the S10, I had issues with overheating because the case was thick, so this time around I’m using a thin case for daily use and saving this one for travel/activity.
client de la marque depuis mon premier samsung note, je ne change pas, design efficace !
Que dire ,fait le boulot,robuste ,bien dcouper, protge bien le smartphone contre les chutes,le smartphone est certes plus epais mais au moins on est rassur, depuis plus de 3 ans je prend que des coques spigen et jamais du
Spigen sinonimo di qualit. Cover fantastica al tatto, restituisce una sensazione davvero bella. Solida, materiali ottimi e calza a pennello. Ogni foroz ogni tasto sono al proprio posto, i cavi USB c sono tutti compatibili e ottima compatibilit anche con la S-pen. Consiglio assolutamente
Come mi aspettavo da Spigen la cover veramente bella, al tatto d una sensazione di solidit elevata ed i materiali sono di altissima qualit. Il telefono in mano non scivola ed i fori sono allineati perfettamente.
Unici difetti lo spessore che fa aumentare di non poco l’ingombro del telefono soprattutto i tasti del volume che essendo perfettamente a filo con il resto della cover non li trovi mai e anche quando li trovi non si capisce dove si separano il + e il -.
Cela fait 3 tlphones que je protge avec ces coques, et que je suis satisfait !
Elles protgent trs bien des chocs et sont esthtiques.
Le seul point ngatif est le prix, mais on peut majoritairement l’attribuer la mise au point des produits…
I’ve had this on my S22 for a couple of months now, and it’s definitely a phone case. Nothing flashy, not the best, but it’s gotten the job done thus far. I can easily get it in and out of my pocket, it holds nice in my hands, I like that it isn’t too bulky.
I don’t find myself using the small phone stand on the back much, and when it do it’s a bit flimsy and doesn’t sit at the right angle, but I can’t say I mind this much. I didn’t buy this case for the stand and you’re better off putting a pop socket on the back anyways.
I haven’t dropped my phone a whole lot so I can’t speak on how durable it is, but the once or twice I have dropped it the case stays on, absorbs the fall, and has left my phone with no cracks or bumps. All in all for the price point I think this is a great phone case if you’re just wanting a low profile, simple phone case so you don’t have to feel the slipperyness on the back of the S22.
I always buy this superb classic case always recommend this case to anyone wanting great protection and looks.
– Solid case: This case seems like it’ll protect the phone from normal side drops and normal protection from every day use. As far as protection, it will not offer screen protection, but has provided prection from the sides and back. It has a tight fit around the phone, holding onto the phone very well.
– Price – $20 is a pretty good price for a case. As with other products for phones, purchasing on Amazon seems to really cut down on the price. A similar case at the phone store was about $10 more for something similar.
– Ease of installation and accessability: This is easy to install like many others. It just snaps around the phone. The buttons still operate easily and, my favorite thing about this case, the stylus is easily accessible. Like I stated above, the old case on my previous phone made it nearly impossible to get the stylus out. In many cases, I had to use something to pull it out. And lastly, the sides of the screen are still easily seen unlike my wallet case.
– No screen protection: If you drop your phone screen down, it can still get damaged. My wallet case has protected my old phone for a few years worth of accidental drops.
– Buttons: While the buttons are not really hindered by the case, I sometimes find it difficult to know what button I’m on, especially with the volume buttons. This is especially true when you first start to use it.
– Stand: I like the stand option, especially if I want to prop it on its side to watch videos, but I have 2 small complaints. 1) It feels cheap. I’m always afraid of breaking it. 2) The mechanism only works to prop the phone on its side and does not lock. I don’t mind this when I want it for watching videos, but some people may want to use it for video calls. I do not do this, so it is no sweat, but I know my mom likes to do them and sure others do as well. In some cases, people like to be hands free when doing it, so you’ll need a way to hold the phone up.
I’m very happy with this case. It keeps my phone protected very well from every day uses, especially now that I’m in the office more. It is thin enough not to feel like a bolder in your pocket, cheap, durable, and holds the phone very well. It is one that I would recommend buying.
I often forget I have a case in my phone!
I have dropped my phone so many times and no damage what so ever! the case is very worth it!
Great product. Bought for new phone as had case for previous phone and liked it.
Fits great, looks as though itll protect the phone, ill come back and uodate, if i ever drop i
Samsung galaxy S22 Ultra. Spigen cases have never let me down and this feels like it will be exactly the same. It’s tough and gives a good snug fit. Yes it adds some bulk to an already large phone but that’s the compromise for having a good solid case on a phone that cost me over 1200!
The case feels great, soft and it s great quality.Makes to phone look quite big for a woman but I don t mind. Happy that I bought it and I recommend it.
For the price, this is a great case. Your camera is protected because the case is raised above it. Small lip in the front to protect the screen. I have the samsung screen protector on my S22 Ultra and the edges of this case juuuust barely come up to it. But not enough to peel any of it away so I’m thankful for that. The best thing about this case is the soft feel while holding it. The kickstand is trash. It’s way too flimsy for this giant phone. It won’t stand up in portrait mode, this phone is way too heavy and it simply topples over. In landscape mode, it works fine. But again, you’ll want to be careful with this kickstand. I foresee it being the first thing that fails on this case. If spigen put one of their metal kickstands on it, it would’ve been great. But this tiny piece of plastic. Nah. This won’t cut it. If you’re looking for a solid kickstand case, keep looking. Save your $20 for that. Trust me.
I always buy Spigen phone cases. They have never let me down and I see no reason to change. This one fits perfectly and is combined with the Spigen Neoflex screen protector.
Another great Spigen cover. Fits perfectly, access to ports. Allows for screen protection.
I don’t normally do reviews but this case saved my very expensive s22 ultra 256gig phone today and as I was putting the phone in my inside pocket of my coat I missed it and the phone fell from chest height to the floor and I’m about 6 foot and it hit hard on the bottom of the case on the floor and landed on its back,as you can imagine I nearly died but I picked the phone up and there was no damage whatsoever and I even took the phone out of the case to check it to when I got home and the phone was fine,what’s more to say it passed in a real life scenario,thank god for this case… Excellent.
If you want full protection if dropped this is the case to purchase. Excelle
Just buy this, has saved multiple phones I have owned as I always buy this case.
All cutouts and buttons are perfect, kickstand is awesome.
Been buying these covers for years now to protect my phones, sturdy and I like the little kick stand that allows to up place the phone upright on a surface to watch YouTube or chat online.
Three of us in this household have these covers and they last.
This is a very sturdy and nice quality case that protects the phone well. The kickstand is a great addition!
Great case and I have no doubts whatsoever this will protect my phone, however I find with the s22 ultra being a large phone that this case just makes it that bit too bulky. I have since ordered the spigen liquid crystal and much prefer this one.
Excellent case and Very strong case . good value needed a case for my new samsung s22 ultra…I looked on YouTube first so decided to get Spigen. I not dropped my phone yet.. but from the feel of it I think its very well made for it..
My 4th spigen case. They go on my Samsung Notes from new. The tough armor is strong, elegant and well designed. It’s protected my phones through knocks and drops.
I would take alot to move me to another case.
Yes, it actually works really well…many cases are a hit or a miss. I would have liked a space for a card or two but then again I had the Samsung LED one which over time, causes a line to mark the screen where the card edge touches the screen. Despite this it does the job…not bulky at all which was important to me.
I would of liked it to come with a screen protecto
Great product but unfortunately effects screen protector, not sure if this is sue to case or protector though.
I’ve had the S10 version of this case and that gave some pretty solid all round protection (edge and back wise that is – maybe the screen but that depends on how you drop the phone)
And now that I have the S22 Ultra – this case and brand were a no brainer!
I’ve gotten the black version of this case and I have the burgundy S22 ultra. It’s a 2 piece case where it has a removable hard plastic shell (which just makes putting the phone into the case easier when removed) and the almost rubber like protective case, it has the internal cushion as well to absorb impact which is a really nice touch!
What I will say is that the burgundy and the black case go really well together! Again, provides that much needed protection whilst also making the S22 Ultra more comfortable to hold with it’s rounded edges; making this much more comfortable to hold both in portrait and landscape mode.
The kickstand is unfortunately a flappy bit of plastic but that doesn’t deter me from using as a prop for when I want to watch videos in landscape orientation – just don’t expect it to hold up in portrait. But if the stand pops out for any reason – just pop it back in and you’re good to go!
I realise the way this sounds, it sounds like I’m being paid. I promise you, I’m not – I just really like this particular line of Spigen’s cases.
I recommend this highly!
Picking up a courtesy car, I didn’t realise I’d dropped my 7 day old S22 Ultra as I got into it. After retracing my steps back to the shop, the receptionist said ‘yeah, we saw you drive over it on the way out’. The phone is still in perfect condition, I’m using it to write this!! The case is a bit scuffed and that’s all really, although I will have to replace the Spigen screen protector. Very happy with this product.
This feels like a great, sturdy case with a good feel and look. However, without getting callipers out it does not appear to cover the full depth of the phone. This means if the phone is dropped and lands the screen down, the screen is destined to take the brunt of the force.
Really great products from this firm so when I got my new S22 ultra I had to get the cover from Spigen. I went for the armour one and it fits really well and feels comfortable and secure to hold. Highly recommended.
I’ve used Spigen cases for years and dropped my phone’s a lot. Never had one break yet.
There are a lot more expensive cases that aren’t as tough or good looking.
This is the best case there is for my galaxy s22 ultra , extremely good grip , very sturdy.
I trust this case will protect the phone easy.
Highly recommended
I can’t remember how many Samsung phones I’ve had over the years, but they’ve always been brilliantly preserved in a spigen case. Very happy with the case I have for my new S22 Ultra. The holes and cutout bits are perfect for charging and accessing the s pen, etc.
Always a safe bet with spigen!
I have had this case for few years now you might say how cos I had the same product for my note 9 and it was amazing and now the same reliability and solid product will be used on my ultra 22.. 5-star all around
Only had the case a few days but all in all very happy with it, it feels really smooth and pleasant to hold and feels thick enough that your phone feels protected. The cut out holes fit perfectly with the different sections that you need such as Stylus and charging port etc. The only gripe I have is that the sides don’t feel high enough, the screen is basically level with the case so it doesn’t feel like it would have any protection if it fell directly on the screen.
Very sturdy, very good case. Good quality. Would highly recommend.
I have been using Spigen cases for a number of years now on all my phones. It is the go-to case for protection and quality. Buit to withstand all sorts of use and (unintentional) abuse. This one is as good as the rest.
I’ve bumped the phone, dropped the phone on concrete and every time it drops I hold my breath but every time I pick up the phone undamaged.
I would recommend this for everyone on all phones.
Soy fan de la marca y esta vez no me defraudaron, la funda viene con una calidad muy buena. Aunque no es la ms delgada, se sigue viendo elegante y protege mucho. Otra de las funcionalidades que me agrado, es el accesorio para poder parar el celular cuando veo videos.
-doesn’t obstruct anything
-buttons feel correctly and are responsive
-cutouts are in correct spots
-the stand is a little flimsy but still usable
-could use a little more grip on the sides as it can still get slippery
-would like to see covers for the charger port and S pe
love these spigen cases. They are a must on all my phones
After smashing my smashing note 10+ I got a new Samsung s22 ultra and decided I needed a case for it. Went with this one. Does feel very solid and yes the big phone feels slightly bigger again. Can’t tell if it will protect it if I drop it as that’s not happened yet…(and hopefully won’t).
Another great product from Spigen. This is the fourth case i have bought for my phones and every one has been a good buy.
A very good case. Had the dame case type for my previous S20 Ultra, hence bought this for my new phone. Works just as good and love the kickstand.
Openings well aligned, grip is good, would prefer a little more elevation of sides for screen.
Brinda buena proteccin al telfono y el diseo y material es perfecto.
I’ve used cases from many of the top manufacturers, and this wasn’t my first Spigen. The case feels reasonably durable and I think it would hold up in a fall. The coverings over the power and volume buttons on the side of the phone feel great, and are some of the best I’ve tried. There are things I don’t like though. The kickstand is flimsy, and it doesn’t securely close without having to push it multiple times. The back is a little slippery, but not a deal breaker. I wish the camera cutout was not such a wide blob, and was more concise around the cameras as other cases are. The biggest reason I stopped using the case was the cutouts on the bottom of the phone. A big phone like the s22 ultra can be hard to hold with one hand. I typically rest the phone on my curled pinky which is actually holding the weight of the phone. The cutouts on the bottom of the case felt sharp, making it uncomfortable to hold the phone. There’s no way around feeling the scratchiness of the cutouts, so I swapped the case out for one made by Samsung. The Samsung case feels less protective, but it’s much more comfortable in the hand. If you don’t hold your phone the same way I do, this might be a good case with respectable protection.
What more to say? Fits perfectly, feels good to hold, the stand is a god send when travelling for work. Have had this case for my last few phones & they have always stayed in perfect condition thanks to this case
This is a really good case from Spigen for the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
I’ve previously had a clear hard case, and whilst I liked the fact that the Samsung logo showed (cos I’m sad like that), the case was a fingerprint magnet and it also seem to pick up sticky stuff wherever I went.
The Spigen case is smooth hard plastic, so no worries there. It’s feels really nice in your hand, and the phone feels well protected. All the cutouts are in the right pkace, and there is a good frame around the camera lenses. The little pull out stand is very flimsy, but for now at least it does the job.
A really nice case, well worth considering.
Thanks for listening.
I have always bought spigen covers for my phones and they haven’t let me down not once.
This Spigen case for the Samsung S22 Ultra is of the usual highest quality by Spigen.
The phone fits like a glove, giving absolute protection.
It doesn’t make the overall size of the phone much bigger and fits very well in the hand.
Special absorbing corners that should protect well if phone is dropped!
Comes with a kick stand for film and TV viewing which is very useful.
I’ve had many Spigen cases and this Is the best yet.
Highly recommended.
Brilliant.product again from Spigen, always buy these, fits like a glove, feels safe, a must to protect your 22…
Fits perfectly I have been buying spigen tough armour cases for my family phones for over last 6 years and they are great quality and very durable and do as exactly what it said they would do as we have all dropped our phones several times at some point great product to buy would recommend
This case I feel really protects the phone, feels snug around the phone. The stand feels okay but not used it much
One thing I would say which has not been a problem would to have a bit more grip
A good sturdy case, allows full access to the s pen (unlike others I tried first) the stand is a good edition but may be a little flimsy but only time will tell on that so for now I’ve given it the full 5 stars.
Yet again another flawless case for my new samsung. Already dropped it onto hard floor and not a scratch on the phone.
Key points that make this case great for me:
– Easy to fit and remove
– The protruding camera lenses are now recessed & protected when you put them on a surface. It’s one thing I wasn’t keen about the S22 design so this case solves that.
– S-pen is still easy to remove even with this case installed
– There are raised bumpers at the top/ bottom of the screen which help protect it if placed face down
– The rear kick stand, if a little flimsy, is useful at times
I’d be very surprised if any issues occured because my S21 Ultra case was brilliant. So I’m giving this 5*
As per usual spigen has done it again purchase one of these for my S21 ultra and it’s been solid and dropped on many occasions and it’s done it’s job, so I’ve purchase this one for my Pre ordered S22 ultra and I have no doubt it’ll be just as good at the job it’s needed fo
I have pre ordered the Samsung S22 Ultra for delivery in just under 2 weeks so this review is purely based on my experience with my previous purchases. In the photo I have the 22 Ultra case next to my S20 Ultra case and the build quality and protection seems to be consistent.
I have had my previous phone in the Spigen Tough Armor consistently as I am one of those people who like to look after my phones.
Whilst I have dropped my phone on a few occasions as most of us do, the case has held up amazingly and 2 years on, my S20 Ultra is scratch and dent free. Absolutely no damage or wear is apparent.
Obviously, until I get the S22 Ultra, my review is based on my previous experience.
From what I do know, this is the same build quality and detail that has kept my current phone looking brand new.
This does not have a front screen protector and the only obvious differences between the two are the corners, which slightly adds curve and so a more comfortable feel in the hand and the open slot for the S-pen.
Overall I recommend this for everyday use but if you are clumsy or work in a more manic environment, you may want to consider a more bulky case