Windows 11 Mini PC,Intel Core i5-8279U(Up to 4.1GHz),16GB RAM+256GB M.2 SSD Small Desktop PC,Support 2.5″ mSATA SSD/Bluetooth 4.2/WiFi 5/USB3.0/4K HD,Fingerprint Unlock Working&Gaming Mini Compute
J’ai comparer ce modle l avec une marque trs connu de msi et franchement pour le rapport qualit prix i5 c’est super de trs bon composants.
Le seule soucis c’est la configuration l emprunte digitale juste aprs l ecrant bugge , peux tre cause du Windows 11 .
C’est pas un pc gameur comme il est crit donc ne pas ce faire avoi
avendo dovuto riformattare il pc per eliminare alcuni messaggi che apparivano in fase di avvio, e non avendo potuto verificare il Product Key di Microsoft Windows 11 PRO, mi hanno inviato subito un nuovo Product Key e adesso il pc funziona davvero molto bene!
Surpris par le produit vraiment tres rapide avec toutes les fonctions meme un lecteur d’empreintes!!
Le vendeur est tres reactif merci a lui d’avoir corriger 2 erreurs de commande et m’avoir quand meme accorder la remise
Me llego el primero con un fallo y tras hacer las pruebas pertinentes, se lo envi de vuelta y en dos das me llego el nuevo a casa. Solucin rpido y sencillo.
FANTASTISCHER MINI-PC !! Neu und praktisch ist die Funktion zum Entsperren per Fingerabdruck. Und mit einer Typ-C-Schnittstelle erspart es Ihnen eine Menge rger. Erwhnenswert ist auch, dass die Khlfunktion wirklich gut ist. Es ist ein einzigartiges Kraftpaket, hergestellt aus groartigen Materialien, superschnellem Prozessor, wunderschnem Design !!! Ich kann es jedem empfehlen kaufen ist ein echtes Schnppchen !!!
Der Mini PC kommt gut verpackt in einem kleinen Karton an.
Zum Lieferumfang gehren auer der Mini PC noch ein Stromkabel, HDMi Kabel, Vesa Halterung, SATA Kabel dazu.
Beim Auspacken Fllt direckt das Gewicht auf. Das er Recht schwer ist fr so einen kleinen Kasten.
Das liegt zum grten Teil an dem echt schnen Gehuse da es aus einem Metal oder Alu ist und nicht aus Billigen Plastik.
Beim ersten Start kommt man in die Windows 11 letzen Installations Schritt rein wo man noch einen Benutzer Namen Vergeben muss und WLAN einrichten kann und so weiter.
Die Leistung ist fr so eine kleine Kiste echt berwltigend lter spiele und Emulatoren laufen Problemlos. Selbst neuere Indi Games Laufen reibungslos.
Programme wie Office, Fotoshop oder auch YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video machen dem kleinen keine Sorgen.
Fr Home Office / Schooling und gelegentliche Kleine Spiele vollkommen ausreichend.
Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit meiner Rezension etwas weiterhelfen.
Hier bekommt man fr einen durchschnittlichen Preis richtig viel Power und super Qualitt
Der Mini PC ist von seinen Abmessungen wirklich richtig klein. Den kann man berall verstecken oder ggf hinter dem Monitor montieren. VESA Vorbohrungen sind vorhanden und Material ist auch dabei.
Qualitativ ist der Mini PC super verarbeitet. Smtliche Anschlsse halten die Kabel perfekt. Gleichzeitig gibt es keinerlei scharfe Kanten oder sonstiges. Wenn man den Mini PC in der Hand hlt schon die gute Qualitt und kein Plastikzeug.
Mit dem i5 Prozessor rennt der Mini PC auch richtig. Windows ist bereits vorinstalliert und daher braucht der Rechner keine 15 Sekunden vom starten bis er einsatzbereit ist.
16 GB Arbeitsspeicher sollten derzeit noch allemal ausreichen. Man kann ggf auch auf 32 GB 16 hat man aber keinerlei Probleme mit smtlichen Office Anwendungen oder dem normalen Betrieb.
Die M2 256 SSD Speicherkarte reicht fr das Betriebssystem und wichtigen Programme auf jeden fall aus. Damit ist der Mini PC super schnell in seiner Performance. Wer gerne mehr haben mchte kann bis zu 2 TB einbauen. Das wird erkannt
Ich fand es auch super das der Mini PC noch einen VGA Anschluss hat. Hab noch einen Monitor der sehr gut ist aber eben etwas lter und kann den direkt anschlieen ohne neuen Monitor etc zu kaufen.
Ansonsten sind ausreichend Anschlsse fr Tastatur, Maus etc vorhanden
Hochauflsende Spiele sind mglich aber nur auf absolut Minimalstern Stufe. Die Grafikkarte reicht dafr nicht aus.
Wer aber einen sehr guten und schnellen Computer fr den Alltag sucht und dann noch nicht viel Platz hat der ist hier auf jeden Fall gut berate
This mini PC is great. It is designed in a way that makes it easy to use and set up. All the attachments are not necessary except for the HDMI cable. Once the TV and the mini PC were connected it was like setting up a normal laptop. This works exactly like a laptop. The quality does not disappoint; it is fast, as fast as your internet connection lets it to be. I do not regret buying this at all. Having this means that I don’t need to spend do much money for subscriptions and to have extra bits to add to the TV to have the same access. Definitely recommend this. This is a laptop thay I can take on the go.
Very disappointed as tlhe item stopped working after one month, so ive returned it to Amazon for a full refund and purchased an alternative make and model.
J’ai reu le produit avant-hier et je l’ai utilis pendant deux jours.Aujourd’hui, j’ai vu un e-mail d’Amazon m’invitant l’valuer. Bon, permettez-moi de parler de mon exprience d’utilisation ces derniers jours.J’ai besoin d’un mini PC avec une configuration leve.Aprs avoir compar plusieurs magasins, j’ai trouv que dans la mme configuration, son prix est correct. Aprs avoir reu la marchandise, je n’ai pas t du. Son apparence est petite, seulement environ la taille de ma paume, son design d’apparence est magnifique, le systme est Windows 11 Pro, l’interface est rafrachissante, la vitesse de fonctionnement est fluide, la page Web s’ouvre en quelques secondes, le son de l’hte est presque nul, sa dissipation thermique est rapide, laissez-moi Satisfait, avec mon cran d’ordinateur prcdent, il suffit de jouer des jeux et de travailler en ligne. Je suis trs satisfait, l’efficacit du travail est leve et mon humeur s’est galement amliore!
Dballage et premier coup d’il :
l’ouverture de la bote, je dcouvre un mini PC et ses accessoires qui respirent la qualit au niveau des matriaux utiliss et de la finition. Le design est lui aussi au rendez-vous. Reste voir ce qu’il a dans le ventre. Alors, passons au test !
Test :
contenu : le mini PC, un cble HDMI, un cble de donnes SATA, un adaptateur secteur, un support vesa, un jeu de vis pour fixer le support et son mode d’emploi.
taille : un “presque” carr de 13 cm x 12,5 cm avec une hauteur de 5 cm. Il se logera donc de partout sans prendre beaucoup de place.
poids : 560g pour tre prcis, ce qui en fait un poids plume qui pourra sans peine se loger n’importe o sans crer de surpoids.
ports : il dispose de 4 ports USB 3.0, 2 ports USB 2.0, 1 port TF, 1 port HDMI 1.4, 1 port VGA, 1 port Type-C, 1 port Gigabit Ethernet, 1 prise casque et 1 prise microphone. Autant dire qu’il est polyvalent et complet.
capacit : 256GB de SSD en SATA. Pour ceux qui veulent de la capacit de stockage en plus, une trappe actionner permet d’ajouter un SSD en SATA trs facilement.Une excellente ide, surtout pour ce PC clairement typ gaming !
puissance : c’est une belle bte de 16G de RAM. Cette puissance se fait immdiatement ressentir car couple au SSD, tout est trs rapide et extrmement fluide. Contrairement au stockage SSD, la RAM ne peut pas tre remplace car elle est soude.
utilisation : pour commencer je prcise que j’aime le ct discret des mini PC et celui-ci n’chappe pas la rgle avec sa plaque de fixation VESA pour le loger en toute discrtion derrire le moniteur par exemple. Sur un bureau, il permet de gagner de la place et de la rendre aussi plus propre et pure. Pour le connecter l’cran le cble HDMI est fourni. Windows 11 pro est prinstall et en quelques minutes on peut donc utiliser l’ordinateur ( noter bien videmment, qu’il faudra installer aussi un clavier et une souris en plus du moniteur et en Bluetooth svp pour garder le ct pur sur le bureau). Pour ma part, c’est direct sur le tlviseur et je prcise que le streaming en 4K via le wifi fonctionne et tourne merveille.
prix : 299,90 avec un coupon de 80 de rduction lors de la rdaction du commentaire, c’est un bon rapport qualit/prix.
Bilan :
5 toiles pour ce mini PC typ gaming, puissant, versatile et avec de multiples possibilits de connexions.
PC puissant, versatile et avec de multiples possibilités de connexion !
Un buen amigo y muy entendido en la materia me recomend este tipo de mini ordenadores, ya que lo iba a necesitar para cosas especficas y necesitaba que no fuese un armatroste y que tuviese las mejores calidades posibles para poder funcionar con el sin ningn tipo de problemas.
Al principio estaba un poco reacio ya que era una pasta lo que deba desembolsar, pero vi tan seguro a mi amigo de lo que me estaba diciendo que me convenci.
Decir que fue todo un acierto
Tengo un ordenador bueno de sobremesa, con el cual estoy encantado, pero debido a unos cambios necesitaba el poder tener enchufado un ordenador potente en la televisin del saln, el cual tambien me sirviese para dar buena cobertura al proyector que tengo.
Necesitaba que cumpliese con unas condiciones exactas pero lo principal que necesitaba era una buena memoria RAM. que fuese rapido a la hora de trabajar con el. No necesitaba mucho mas, a parte de una buena grfica.
Despues de mirar mucho , nos hemos decidido por esto, y no puedo estar ms contento con mi compra
Instalandole un raton y teclado inalmbrico, junto al equipo de msica que tengo instalado en la televisin de 65 pulgadas, tengo una bomba al completo .
Su sistema operativo hace que todo vaya como un avin, sin ningn tipo de problema.
Pero lo mejor de todo es su reducido espacio. Todos los cables recogidos y bien guardados, hacen que no tenga nada a la vista.
Le he instalado dos discos duros adicionales para poder instalar todo tipo de juegos los cuales me van a pedir mucha memoria.
Y por lo dems poco ms
Muy contento con mi nuevo aparato, la verdad que me cost decidirme pero al final creo que he acertado y que estoy de lo ms contento con mi nueva compra.
Es bastante silencioso, aunque el ventilador se conecta a ratos, pero nada grave.
PD: dispone de espacio de sobra para instalar un disco duro adicional. Los que yo he instalado son por fuera porque tengo espacio mas que de sobra detrs de la televisin para su instalacin .
Have it running 24/7 as a server for multiple processes, mainly Plex with 4k transcoding but also comics server, backup server and 6 other processes. On top of that with all that running is still fully usable for Excel, general browsing and normal use, 16gb ram does good job here. CPU isn’t newest one but it’s fully capable of doing what I need it to do. The case keep it cool and the fam does not running all the time. It’s really good mini pc
I’ll be honest and say I wasn’t expecting this tiny PC to be as good as it is. Obviously it’s not designed for gamming, but everyday applications it’s perfect. Very easy to get up and running, just plug in all your cables and your ready to go. I would recommend adding another drive as the internal drive is fairly small. Very pleased with this mini-PC, well worth the money. No hesitation in highly recommending this to anyone looking for a good cheap PC.
This is a brilliant mini-PC that may not be the fastest machine you’ll ever use, is perfectly serviceable if you want to use it for ‘normal’ computing, and not very power-hungry games. It runs web browsers, Office software etc with ease, and has all the connections you’ll ever need. Video output is surprisingly good. It really is amazing how such a little thing can do so good a job. Four stars.
Ho acquistato questo mini pc, perch ne avevo bisogno al lavoro.
Avevo necessit di trasferire su di esso, tutto il materiale ed i miei documenti lavorativi, per poter lavorare anche da casa, visto lo smartworking, che spesso sono portata ad eseguire.
Ho eseguito delle ricerche e tra tanti mini pc, ho deciso di acquistare questo prodotto, del marchio SNUNMU, e nello specifico il modello CK10, perch mi ha particolarmente convinta rispetto ad altri, per le sue caratteristiche tecniche e per la presenza di un buon processore, veloce e stabile.
Ma cerchiamo di analizzare insieme le caratteristiche che contraddistinguono questo prodotto.
Partiamo da ci che troveremo all’interno della scatola che riceveremo a casa.
-il mini pc
-un alimentatore e cavo di alimentazione
-cavo hdmi
-supporto vesa
-manuale d’istruzioni
-4 viti per il montaggio del mini pc al monitor.
Il mini pc dotato di un processore Intel Core i5-8279u, un ottimo processore che consente al mini pc di essere veloce nell’elaborazione dei dati, nell’apertura delle pagine web e veloce anche nell’ apertura dei software che decideremo d’installare su di esso.
Come GPu abbiamo installata sul mini pc un Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645.
La velocit del processore pu arrivare fino ai 2,4 Ghz, come frequenza di burst, in quanto come frequenza di base, abbiamo circa 4.1 GHz.
E’ un mini pc che non manca di nulla, non ha nulla a che invidiare ai normali pc di casa.
E’ dotato di una DDR4 da 16 Gb e da un SSD mSata da 512 Gb.
La ram si pu estendere fino a 32 gb.
Nel caso dovesse servire, potremo anche estendere lo spazio ed arrivare fino a 1 Tr, per avere molto pi spazio d’archiviazione a disposizione.
Come sistema operativo, installato un Windows 11 Pro, in grado di supportare il 4K ed il 5G di Wifi.
E’ un mini pc molto veloce, con una discreta dissipazione del calore, che avviene in modalit passiva, grazie alla presenza di un dissipatore passivo, che stato posizionato sulla CPU ed all’assenza di ventole di dissipazione del calore, presenti in altre parti.
In ogni caso ho notato che dopo un po’ che sta acceso e che viene utilizzato, tende comunque a surriscaldarsi e non di poco.
Pu supportare fino a tre schermi contemporaneamente, tramite la presenza di tre porte: hdmi, vga e type C.
Il mini pc, dotato di 6 porte usb, posizionate in modo corretto ed essenziale.
Nello specifico abbiamo 3 porte usb 3.0, 2 porte usb 2.0.
In aggiunta dispone di 3 porte di uscita video, HDMI, VGA, DP.
Per ci che concerne la visualizzazione in 4K, possiamo averla ad una potenza di 60hz tramite il Dp e di 30hz grazie all’HDMI. La VGA a 30hz.
E’ un mini pc, in grado di supportare la micro Sd da 128 gb.
Sono presenti anche due porte per la connessione RJ45 e RS232.
Potremo avere la possibilit di collegare anche microfoni ed auricolari, grazie alla presenza di un’uscita ed entrata jack.
Il Bluethoot 4.2 stabile ed anche veloce nella trasmissione dei dati e di documenti. La connessione wifi supporta anche il 5G ghz, e non solo il 2,4G ghz.
Il mini pc realizzato interamente in alluminio, anche la case, quindi risulta essere robusto e ben resistente, anche nel tempo, dopo un utilizzo continuativo.
E’ anche supportata la crittografia delle impronte digitali.
Le sue dimensioni sono compatte e consentono di portarlo sempre con s. Abbiamo circa 1,3 kg di peso e come dimensioni abbiamo 22 cm x 15 cm x 6 cm.
Grazie al supporto VESA presente all’interno del pacco ed alle 4 viti, potremo collegare il mini pc direttamente dietro al monitor tv, in modo da non vederlo e non averlo posato sulla scrivania.
Nel complesso posso confermare che un buon prodotto, completo di tutto ci che un mini pc deve avere. Veloce, stabile e performante.
Per questo motivo consiglio l’acquisto.
Mini pc SNUNMU, con processore Intel Core i5 e crittografia delle impronte digitali
Der Mini PC ist an sich sehr leistungsfhig, nur mir persnlich ist der Startvorgang viel zu langsam. Es dauert teilweise bis zu 15 Sekunden bis der Bildschirm ein Bild zeigt. Ansonsten gibt es nichts zu meckern. Vor allem der Preis ist fr ein Gert dieser Klasse sehr gut.
I bought a portable and mini computer for the first time. Sometimes I need to carry my own files with me. I do not want to log into my accounts from a different computer while traveling. Especially my google history and cookies help me get things done fast. So it was time to buy such a computer.
I bought the 256GB SSD model as I will only use it for work. I can say that SSDs and Rams are reliable. Because some brands or cheap parts do not give 100% usage rights. It appears to be 16GB, but when you look closely, it says 13.8. In some, it says 15.4. It varies by brand and quality. Everything is pretty good and nice on this computer I bought. The parts are literally usable parts.
Windows 11 now requires at least 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. So I recommend getting at least 256GB because we download and use a lot of files now. Using the computer at 90% full slows the computer down. Therefore, leaving at least 25% free space makes the SSD work better and faster. You can test this. I have now uploaded all my work files on this computer.
With photos, videos, designs, documents, presentations and offers… Also the services we have given before… 101GB files to be exact. I installed several programs. I’m using a total of 202GB of space with these. I don’t plan on uploading any more. Everything is fine now. The computer boots up fast and everything works great.
It is very good that they use 16GB of RAM. Because RAM is important for people who open and use a lot of files. With Google Chrome open, if you are listening to music, opening Excel, browsing other files, and sometimes using a calculator and finally a mail program such as outlook, such small computers may slow down or freeze. I use more of these programs at the same time. I haven’t had any slowdown or freezing issues yet. I am very happy with everything so far.
Also, one of the features that I liked the most was the WiFi. It is a product with a very high probability of connection with a cable. However, this brand has added the WiFi feature to increase the ease of use.
You can connect, control and use all equipment such as Headphones, Microphone, Computer, Additional Case, TV, Mouse, Keyboard, Printer, Projector, Camera. It is no different from a normal computer.
You may think that you will make a lot of noise (like me) But you answered me about the sound. It sounds like a normal computer case. It hasn’t gotten too hot yet. I’m tiring the rams, but there is no heating problem. I can say that I can use it for many years. Of course, technology moves fast. So I don’t know what could happen a few years from now.
Sometimes I go to private companies to give training for a few days. I will use this computer in the presentation. I have a great projector. These two products make a great duo. In addition, I can check 1 day before the training and correct any mistakes or deficiencies about my presentation. Because now I have a computer small enough to fit in my pocket 🙂
I have 1080P, 2K and 4K monitors I also have a very large TV. I have tried using all of them. It really supports up to 4K. If it didn’t, the image quality would be pixelated.
If you ask about the video card, there is no video card. But instead of graphics card, there is Graphics Co-Processor. So common use with Processor. Many economically priced computers are already like this. For small sized computers, the video card is a big part.
The i5 processor, on the other hand, is pretty good for a work computer. For the money I’ve already paid, it doesn’t get any better than this. I made a small account and after this account I bought this product directly. I am very pleased with every subject and every detail I mentioned.
Intel Core i5-8279U average 150-200
256GB M.2 SSD average 30-50
16GB of RAM on average 75-100
Windows 11 License average 100
Mini PC case around 50
Calculate the average of the very basic materials is 450. You will have to spend time or pay a computer developer to put all these parts together. It is a product that has parts of higher quality than all these parts.
Having a metal case is great for cooling, it already provides an advantage with its stylish design, it has a fan inside, it has smart design and fingerprint lock, it has wifi feature, it has bluetooth feature and it has many more advantages. If you buy just one Bluetooth stick, the cheapest and most useless one is worth 15-20, if you buy the cheapest and most useless WiFi stick it is worth 15-20.
When I calculate all these, I am very happy that I bought this product.
Sono davvero delle Prestazioni molto interessanti per permettere di Assemblare una Postazione da Lavoro, con le Prestazioni di questo Mini PC, si possono fare davvero molte cose, anche uso Gaming non troppo spinto, un Emulazione di una Console andr pi che bene, anche se le Grafiche Integrate non riescono ad offrire prestazioni altissime su Piattaforme Mobile, questa gira nettamente meglio rispetto ai Notebook, questo perch sono alimentate in modo diretto, senza ottimizzazioni per il Risparmio Energetico “come le batterie dei Notebook”. Con questo Mini PC si riesce ad utilizzare Programmi Importanti come la Suite di Adobe, come PhotoShop, GIMP, PhotoPlus o quelli pi pesanti come AutoCAD, Cinema 4D e Sony Vegas. Non ci sono problemi nell’utilizzare questi programmi su questa macchina, testato personalmente perch il mio amico ci lavora con AutoCAD, ed soddisfatto dell’esperienza d’uso con questi Software.
Con questa scheda tecnica ad un prezzo cos un affare, lo uso principalmente per fotografia (lightroom e photoshop) e devo dire che le prime impressioni sono decisamente positive. Molto silenzioso, si sente appena la ventola che gira quando richiede un p pi di prestazioni. Consigliato!
Ce mini PC est tout vraiment gnial !
Avec un grand nombre de ports de tout type, il se classe parmi les meilleurs prsents des mini PC. Ses spcificits gnrales sont bonnes, trs rapide grce ses 16G de RAM et 256G de ROM,et le botier est discret. Elle est seulement deux plus grande que mon tlphone. Il se connecte tout type d’cran. Il est livr avec une version de Windows 10 incluse. Aprs l’installation qui est simple, on peut en rcuprer tous les lments sur le site du fabricant. Usage domotique + traitement photos. Je recommande sans hsiter.
Pequeo pero muy potente y cargadito de cosas novedosas, al menos para mi.
No voy a repetir todas las especificaciones aqu, pero si al menos que la versin que yo compr era i5-8279u con 16Gb RAM y 256Gb SSD, ms que suficiente para el uso que le voy a dar de ofimtica.
Tuve en su momento uno similar pero con CPU tipo CELERON y a veces se quedan cortos.
Esta vez quera algo potente y que no te arrepintieras de no haberlo comprado ms potente en 2 meses.
Este i5 es muy potente, pero a la vez fresquito y silencioso.
Estoy harto de mini pcs justos en todo que hacen que “odies” a estos pequeines. Este modelo te har creer de nuevo en ellos.
El mini pc trae un ventilador interno que arranca de vez en cuanto (va segn el % de uso de la CPU) y, bueno, algo de ruido hace, pero bueno, yo creo que es algo normal (podra decir que es la nica pega que tiene). Si quieres un i5 necesitas ventilar algo si le das mucho uso. Cuando navegas por internet no hace nada de ruido.
Componentes de calidad DDR4, ADATA, …. y adems una “casi” grata sorpresa (ver las fotos). V un slot para una tarjeta SIM pero yo creo que le falta el propio modulo 4G (a futuro igual compro ese modulo y pruebo). Wifi muy bien de cobertura, no se me desconecta nunca, y trae puerto LAN gigabit.
Otra cosa muy til es el lector de huellas, desbloquea muy muy rapido el mini pc (ver el video). Es algo nuevo para mi y me parece super til.
Tambin mir el consumo (ver fotos) no he visto nada por encima de unos 50W, y generalmente est por debajo de 25W.
Te sirve para domtica, servidor linux, plex, pelis en el saln, etc… pero dado que trae Windows 11 Pro preactivado, yo lo he preferido usar para ofimtica.
Adems del SSD 256Gb permite aadir otro disco duro de 2.5″, as que perfecto (trae todos los cables para poder aadirlo). Dispone solo de 1 slot de ram, pero con 16Gb no creo que me haga falta nunca ampliarlo. (ver fotos del interior)
Como conclusin: maquinn y muy compacto
NOTA: No lo he probado pero supuestamente puedes sacar la seal de video por VGA, HDMI y usbC a la vez y as tener 3 pantallas.
Pequeño pero muy muy potente y cargadito de cosas novedosas
Un mini PC piccolo molto compatto, la scocca interamente in metallo, design molto elegante. Molto utile il lettore di impronte posto sulla scocca superiore, garantir una maggiore sicurezza ai vostri dati evitando l’accesso ai non autorizzati. Le specifiche del dispositivo sono davvero interessanti partendo dalla CPU i5 8279u 4core/ 8 thread freq base 2.4 GHz e freq max 4.2 GHz , la RAM sodimm 16g single rank freq 2666 MHz marca adata, SSD M2 da 256gb, lo slot permette l’installazione di memorie M2 nvme, presente uno secondo slot M2 mod dispositivo permette anche di poter installare un hdd/SSD SATA .per La connettivit troviamo un modulo WiFi 5 802.11 ac Intel 7269 per quanto riguarda la porta RJ45 per connessione via cavo troviamo Intel i219-v velocit fino a 1 gbps. La GPU integrata Intel iris plus 655, lo a GPU non concepita per il gaming poich da 1gb. Nel complesso il dispositivo si comporta benissimo in tutte le situazioni, garantendo una buona esperienza di usabilit dell’ambiente Windows 11( arriva gi pre installato con licenza permanente e digitale), tempi di avvio rapidissimi, zero caricamenti, applicazioni fluide e molto responsive, il dispositivo sempre reattivo . Per concludere questo dispositivo mi ha convinto per l’uso ufficio fantastico poich oltre ad essere veloce ha zero ingombro.
Excellent mini Pc, je l’ai pris en version 16 go DDR et 512 go ssd. Pour de la bureautique c’est plus que suffisant. Pour de l’mulation d’anciennes consoles la GameCube et la Wii passent sans problme, en revanche pour la PS2 il y a des ralentissements. Je le recommande fortement au vu de son rapport prix / performances.
J’ai toujours considr que les ordinateurs portables taient des accessoires accessoires, qui ne prenaient leur sens que lorsque j’avais besoin de me dplacer. Chez moi j’ai toujours eu des desktop. Mais depuis quelques annes, je n’ai vraiment plus grand chose mettre dans les ports d’extension (genre ports PCI). Notre produit ici prends donc maintenant tout son sens, car avoir un gros boitier devient inutile. J’avais un cran de bonne qualit de disponible, et il me fallait y ajouter un ordinateur derrire pour les autres membres de ma famille.
A l’arrive du produit, c’est la petite taille du boitier qui en fait tout le charme. Pas forcment d’une esthtique fantastique pour tout le monde, mais quand mme tout mtal, et plutt de bonne qualit.
A l’intrieur du boitier (je suis lectronicien) c’est propre. Le disque dur M2 a son radiateur, maintenu entre autres par deux lastiques ! Le disque dur que l’on peut rajouter en connection SATA reoit une connectique particulire au niveau des broches d’alimentation. Le cble est fourni, de longueur correcte. On dcouvre aussi, surprise, un emplacement pour carte puce, et des broches pour une alimentation de PC plus “standard desktop”. Voir photos.
Il y a un QR code sur la documentation qui nous permet d’obtenir deux vidos. La premire m’a indiqu comment ouvrir le boitier. En fait il faut enlever les quatre pads de caoutchouc du dessous avant de pouvoir accder la visserie. Un des soucis, c’est que ces lments souples sont colls. C’est dj beaucoup moins le cas quand on les remets ensuite en place.
Sur la seconde vido, on va trouver un lien pour tlcharger une version de sauvegarde de son systme Windows. Je vous conseille vivement de la prendre et de bien la conserver. Tout rinstaller sera probablement la seule solution dans quelques annes, lorsque tout tournera beaucoup moins bien, force d’y avoir ajout tout et n’importe quoi comme logiciels.
A l’usage, pour faire de la bureautique ou visualiser des pages web, aucun souci, tout va bien. C’est quand mme l’essentiel. La mise en oeuvre est rapide.
Si je voulais tout de mme citer quelques dfauts ? Ce serait la faiblesse de la carte graphique. Elle n’est pas trop prvue pour faire des jeux en 3D et haute rsolution. Nous ne sommes pas devant une machine pour joueurs. Autre point, j’aurais aim avoir une sortie audio optique.
Très bien pour de la bureautique et du web si vous avez déjà un écran et un clavie
o he podido ni usarlo, colgado a la hora de introducir el pin, lo he arrancado mas de 5 veces y no hay forma
Bueno pues cambio la valoracin, pues tras ponerme en contacto con el vendedor, me ha solucionado el problema
Se han portado muy bien incluso me han devuelto parte del dinero. BUEN SERVICIO postventa.
Necesitaba un pc buenony que no ocupara especio y este equipo me ha sorprendido por partida doble. Destacando primero sus dimensionea ya que es mas pequeo de un palmo de la mano por lo que puedes dijarlo detras de la panralla. En cuanto a las orestaciones tiene una cpu i5 con grafica muy potente (da resultados mejores que pcs con graficas dedicadas de 2gb). Tiene un disco ssd que da mas de 500 mb por segundo de lectura y escritura. Ultima version de windows PRO activada y un monton de puertos usb 3, bluetooth, wifi y hasta lector de huellas para iniciar sesin usando el dedo. Arranca en segundos. Puedes ampliar la ram (aunque trae un modulo de 16gb mas que sobrado) y poner un disco sata y otro sss si necesitas mas almacenamiento. Es una mini maravilla de ordenador.
This mini PC meets all my needs. I usually like to play League of Legends, ordinary configuration of the host can not meet the requirements of the game configuration. The PC has more graphics and memory than the game allows. The most important thing is that it is easy to carry. I can always connect to my big TV, no matter watching TV or playing games, it is very good to enjoy. I can also take it to my friend’s house to play with. I can also use it for my laptop that I need for work. It’s perfect.
Le mini PC vient avec son alimentation lectrique, un cble HDMI ainsi qu’une plaque afin de pouvoir le monter l’arrire d’un cran qui a un systme d’attache VESA pour pouvoir se crer un PC tout en un. Le PC vient avec Windows 11 pro prinstall : en quelques minutes aprs avoir raccord le botier un cran ainsi qu’un clavier et une souris, on peut utiliser la machine. Une petite trappe permet de rajouter un SSD en SATA trs rapidement pour augmenter la capacit du PC. Les plus tmraires peuvent dmonter entirement la machine et voir que le SSD inclus est au format M2 pourrait aussi tre remplac. En revanche la ram est soude et ne peut pas tre remplace – il est capital de choisir la quantit de RAM souhaite ds le dpart (une version 16 Go de RAM/256 Go de ROM de prfrence pour windows 11 pro). Le botier est plutt bien loti en connexion, bien mieux qu’un portable moderne. D’un point de vue puissance, c’est parfait pour faire un petit NAS ou une borne d’arcade pour muler de vieilles consoles ou encore une petite machine multimdia accroche derrire la TV. Le streaming en 4K sur du wifi a trs bien fonctionn par exemple. donc c’est plus appropri rsolution infrieure. iBonne petite machine si on a des attentes raisonnables pour son prix qui inclut un OS payant.
Der Rechner ist blitzschnell, den Lfter fr die CPU hrt man ab und zu, aber es ist fr meinen empfinden nicht strend. Alle Aufgaben werden schnell erledigt, und YouTube schauen macht mit dem Rechner richtig Spa, ber Bluetooth habe ich meine JBL Box gekoppelt. Die Bildqualitt ist der absolute Hammer. So eine Starke Leistung im einem kleinen Computer, finde ich super, da ich persnlich keine Sperrige Computer mag. Klare Kaufempfehlung
Machine trs belle en acier, finitions impeccables, installation de Windows 11 rapide, trs rapide, l’empreinte pour la connexion Windows est gniale, mais: il y a un petit mais la carte carte graphique fonctionne bien mais elle n’est pas assez puissante mon got pour le reste c’est le top. seulement 4 toiles. Je rajoute une cinquime toile le jeu Halo tourne dessus ainsi que les simulateurs arien.
I’m using two for light, browser based software. Runs at about 50 to 70C under load. Small fans are a little noisy, but it’s to be expected for their size and the price mark. Power consumption is very low.
Il pacco viene spedito dopo poco tempo e consegnato entro la data di stima, il imballaggio risultato ben realizzato in protezione contro i urti.
Esso si presenta come da aspettative, dimensioni piccole, leggero alla presa, come indicato da foto.
Processore Intel core i5-8279u, ram da 16Gb molto veloce e stabile durante uso. Meno interna ssd da 256GB. Sistema operativo Windows 11 pro preinstallato.
Offre una lavoro in modo stabile che non delude mai. Possono anche ampliare la memoria con una card da acquistare a parte.
Esso pur essendo di piccole dimensioni ha comunque varie porte di uscite e entrate per ogni esigenza. un buon mini of da ufficio o da casa.
Il costo di buon mercato per le sue caratteristiche.
I thought of buying a computer for my home for my personal use. Searched a few and felt it’s very large. Finally, find this SNUNMU Mini PC which is small in size and smart in performance. I bought this compact PC. Solid built and stylish shape fit’s well in small space behind the screen or under the monitor raiser. Well, the mini-computer took up very little space in my living room. It is equipped with an 8 generation Intel Core i5 processor, windows 11 pro which is good in performance. It is running all my office apps. After finishing my work, it is useful for playing games and watching movies. It is facilitated with 16GB RAM and 256 GB internal storage runs any apps like smooth as butte & still there’s an option of an upgrade for heavy performances which makes it last long for future uses. This SNUNMU CK10 mini pc has many features like fingerprint unlock to secure your PC. It supports triple display either HDMA, VGA, Type C port making life easy to connect. It is having a strong casing & durable. Less noise while operating and yet it’s cool. This mini-computer can connect to Wifi, Bluetooth also & connect Logitech keyboard & mouse and even speakers via BT works well without any lags. This mini-computer is very comfortable for me to work with. I am very pleased with this mini computer’s performance. Highly recommend.
The SNUNMU Mini PC includes an Intel Core i5 processor, alongside 8GB of Ram and 256GB of solid-state drive (SSD) storage. The metal chassis provides a robust and high quality feel. It is a speed demon! Everything from web-browsing, office work and even photo/video editing is achievable with excellent responsiveness and minimum fuss. It’s virtually silent to operate. The finger print sensor adds an additional layer of security, which is especially useful for keeping contents safe during daily computes. Ports-wise, the Mini PC includes multiple USB ports, HDMI/VGA connectivity as well as LAN. There’s built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi too. This enables it to comfortably connect to and support triple HD Ultra 4K displays. A great all-round produc
This mini pc is a packs some nice specs for the money they ask for it. The 8gb ram should be enough for most basic tasks, and even though the 128gb ssd is not large by any measure, it again should be enough for light duty especially these days when so many cloud service provider competes for our attention. The only weaker part in the system is the celeron processor, buyers shouldn’t expect any heavy lifting from this processor but again, it’s not meant to do that any way and for 200 it’s completely agreeable. There are enought ports on the machine, and you can connect a monitor via hdmi or d-sub and there are a few usb ports too to connect other peripherials. The pc is very small and lightweight and it’s also very silent. Windows 10 pro is pre-installed but you need to go through the set up process the first time, it takes about 15 minutes and then you’ll spend a considerable time updating windows os but this will largely depend on your internet connection. According to microsoft the Intel Celeron J4125 is going to be compatible with windows 11 which is great but so far win 11 update is not available for me on this pc which is weird as I already upgraded my laptop to win 11. maybe it’s due to the fact that this is a pro version of windows 10 rather than the home version. This machine is a no brainer for anyone who is looking for a compact light duty computer or a media player pc. I didn’t find anything wrong with it and the specs reflect the price, therefore 5 star rating is deserved.
I have an ancient laptop that keeps on switching itself after ten minutes use as it gets too hot. I have wanted a mini pc for years as it is very easy to take it wherever you want.
Now with every PC setting it up takes an age, but that was to be expected. Once I got it set up I was very impressed with it.
I am only using it for the occasional streaming service (when I connect it to my main TV) but mainly it is being used for general internet browsing and word processing. For that it is second to none. It certainly has the memory for it and speed. Now bearing in mind virtually everything now is stored in the Cloud it doesn’t really need much built in space.
It has enough USB ports for me too. I use a wireless mouse and keyboard, and it works perfectly with this.
The mini PC comes with Windows 10. If you want any other programs such as Word/Excel you need to load these yourself.
The WiFi connection on it is great. It has always connected to it and never dropped out. This is even when it has been moved to different rooms in the house (this will of course depend on your router).
For the price, it really does exactly what I need it to do.
I’ve not owned a desktop PC for year, what with laptops, netbooks, Chromebooks, endless tablet, phablets, and phones, there just wasn’t any real need. However, when this SNUNMU (yeah, me neither…) Mini PC showed up, I thought now is the time to get back into the PC business (without taking up space).
The PC arrived in a teeny, tiny box, I wasn’t prepared for just how small the thing is despite the name “Mini PC”. Inside the box was the PC itself in all its tiny glory, an HDMI cable, power cable/unit, a mount, and scant instruction leaflet.
The PC was solidly built, no loose ports, no wonky alignments, so I set about turning it on. The initial set up was brief and painless, the usual Windows gumph, and its Windows 10 Pro rather than Home and comes activated.
Unfortunately, there then followed some pain. The unit wouldn’t connect to my WiFi, then it would, then it wouldn’t, then it would connect and tell me there’s no internet, then eventually it managed to get and maintain a stable connection. So I set about doing all the available Windows updates, and there was more pain. Downloads and installs would fail, the display would blink on and off every few seconds, I had to force manual reboots, but, eventually, after several hours it was done.
The WiFi is “slow” (I have a 500Mb/s connection and most of my devices are around that or slightly above (apart from my Nintendo Switch which is apparently 20Mb/s) but the best this Mini PC could get is 55Mb/s ish.
However, once I was setup, this is a pretty competent, but basic PC (what do you expect for sub-200?). It has multiple USB ports (2.0 and 3.0), 2 HDMI, Mic, LAN, VGA. It supports up to 2TB SSD, and comes with 128GB SSD anyway (this is better than some of my older laptops). It also supports up to 3 monitors!
Now, you need to temper your expectations with this thing. You aren’t going to be rendering 4k footage, you aren’t going to play the pinnacle of PC gaming, this is a basic system. You’ll browse, you’ll do some untaxing gaming, you’ll play YouTube videos, you’ll maybe do some office work. For that, and a bit more, this is an extremely affordable and decent system.
Are there better systems? Yes, of course there are, but at this price point I’m not too sure…
Was extremely painful to setup but a ended up being a competent but basic PC
You probably don’t need a powerful computer with a lot of storage. Laptop manufacturers, for decades now, have sold by upping redundant storage and beefing up processors far beyond the needs of the average user. But mostly, most of the time, for most people, your laptop is far more powerful than you need it to be, and quite probably filled with programs you’ll never use.
This then is a mini PC the size of a drinks coaster. It comes with Windows 10 pro installed – a business suite aimed at professional users, and can support three monitors and a plethora of display and storage options.
I need two three monitors going at home all the time for my online businesses, and have little need for the processing power needed for anything else but the basics, so it’s ideal for me. If you are just needing a setup for home use, and already have all the peripherals, it’s a good affordable option.
I’m surprised how tiny this PC is, but it’s still extremely powerful with good specs and worthwhile to have.
It’s size makes it super portable and convenient to have on the go. The quality feels well made the sides feel robust however the top and bottom feels slightly cheaper I think it because they’re covers and can be opened so it feels a lot more hollow then the rest of the mini pc. I found this machine powerful enough to do standard work from documentation, browsing the internet and watching a film all at the same time. It can do very light gaming but anything else where it requires high quality graphics is when it starts to get too demanding for this PC and it will struggle.
It’s features packed with many USB ports, and it even has the ability to hook up onto 3 screens which is really impressive. Wi-FI and Bluetooth both work a charm. Generally it’s very silent but the more demanding the task or when it start to get hot the more louder it gets. It feels quite snappy with relatively fast boot time taking around 10 seconds and super fast shut down time.
Overall, this ting PC has enough power and is adequate for my needs. It’s great to have on the go and if you want something a bit more then a laptop. For it’s price I think it’s very good value for money. I’m a big fan of these mini PC’s and would recommend it.
Hope you found my review useful.
Convenient PC but still extremely powerful enough to do work o
This is a perfectly effective mini-PC which matches its price well. I am using it to process all our family photos using an install of Plex Server and it is working well, albeit prpocessing images slower than the bigger machines. The fan is on the loud side but not oppressive – it comes on whenever Plex is working.
The case is all plastic apart from the inlay tray for adding a 2.5″ SSD. To open the case remove the locking screw next to the release lever or it won’t budge! There’s a secured plastic sheet over the motherboard so changing the M.2 SSD that’s included is a bit more involved than you might expect.
The machine boots fairly quickly. The preloaded Windows 10 took several updates before it came up-to-date to 21H1. The range of ports is OK but these days USB-C is becoming necessary and this only has USB-A so I had to use the supplied HDMI cable for the monitor instead of the USB-C cable the monitor came with (and thus also had to connect its USB hub with a seperate cable). Thus connected, the machine copes well with my 4k monitor.
As a single-task or budget PC this is a good buy. Just match your expectations to the price!
I’d not heard of SNUNMU beforee, some checks revealed this mini-PC is sold under an umbrella of brands but mostly ACEPC. If you search online for “ACEPC GK3V” you’ll find reviews. That said, support is limited to a half-hearted forum, so don’t buy this as your first PC and expect to have ample phone support etc. Indeed you’ll find this mini-PC is used to run various OS and games-emulators by tech enthusiasts.
As supplied you get Windows 10 Pro, it’s a big plus that Pro is installed rather than Home. Also there’s no bloatware such as Norton that you need to spend time removing. At least on my machine, the Windows 10 on the 128GB SSD was Version 20H1 (aka 2004) so some updates and rebootsn werre needed to get to Windows 10 21H1 and all the drivers updated. Once upgraded all the expected features of new Edge etc. were there. I was impressed that the 5GHz WiFi maxxed out my Broadband at 100Mbps so installs are rapid; there’s also a 1Gbps wired LAN option.
The bad news for the adventuous is that the AMI BIOS is pretty much locked down, although I was able to enable TPM in the BIOS. However, WhyNotWin11 reports there’s no secure boot which is a blocker to a simple upgrade to Windows 11 (not that I would recommend that until Windows 11 Service Pack 1 comes out!)
As is typical with mini-PC you need to source the keyboard, mouse etc. There’s several USB-A ports for these (or wireless dongles), however no USB-C connections for a dock or power which is a little disappointing. Power is via a barrel-plug and wall-wart with clip-on UK 3-pin plug supplied. Power draw maxes out at 20W so running this mini-PC is economical.
Also in the box is an HDMI cable and a VESA mount to hang the mini-PC on the back of a monitor or TV. As mentioned the device has a 128GB SSD and 8GB of RAM, both are fixed. For expansion, under the lid there’s room for a SSD SATA drive, I added a 250GB SSD for games and media storage.
For general internet use, web browsing and using Office Online this mini-PC performed very well when connected to a HP monitor at 1920×1080 and refreshed at 75Hz. The 4-core CPU handles this sort of workload without any problem on this mini-PC.
However my intended use was as a media PC so I added Amazon Prime Music, Prime Video and for gaming, World of Warship. I linked to a Sony TV via a Sony soundbar using HDMI. Note that as a media PC, HDMI is the only connection available, there’s no S/PDIF digital audio output. I set the refresh to 60Hz but otherwise all the HDMI sound setting were automatically discovered.
Music and Video played perfectly using the ‘max’ settings, this mini-PC certainly has no problems streaming and being used as media player. Youtube played without glitches at 1080p.
World of Warships was steady at 19fps on 1920×1080, which was certainly playable. NB I play the free version so wasn’t changing the game graphic settings.
I tried Forza 4 and was impossible to play, incredibly slow and often crashing. The much simpler Forza Street was playable.
The device does have a small fan which comes on as needed, with the device right in front of you this is audible – certainly more so that a laptop fan. However it’s OK once tucked away.
As the price of 200 is what you’d pay for a just gaming CPU or a graphics card, you need to set your expectations – this isn’t a hard-core gaming rig or suitable for rendering 4K videos.
But all in all, I was very impressed by this mini-PC and will be happy using as a media-PC with the option of web browsing and some light games too.
J’ai comparer ce modle l avec une marque trs connu de msi et franchement pour le rapport qualit prix i5 c’est super de trs bon composants.
Le seule soucis c’est la configuration l emprunte digitale juste aprs l ecrant bugge , peux tre cause du Windows 11 .
C’est pas un pc gameur comme il est crit donc ne pas ce faire avoi
avendo dovuto riformattare il pc per eliminare alcuni messaggi che apparivano in fase di avvio, e non avendo potuto verificare il Product Key di Microsoft Windows 11 PRO, mi hanno inviato subito un nuovo Product Key e adesso il pc funziona davvero molto bene!
Surpris par le produit vraiment tres rapide avec toutes les fonctions meme un lecteur d’empreintes!!
Le vendeur est tres reactif merci a lui d’avoir corriger 2 erreurs de commande et m’avoir quand meme accorder la remise
Me llego el primero con un fallo y tras hacer las pruebas pertinentes, se lo envi de vuelta y en dos das me llego el nuevo a casa. Solucin rpido y sencillo.
FANTASTISCHER MINI-PC !! Neu und praktisch ist die Funktion zum Entsperren per Fingerabdruck. Und mit einer Typ-C-Schnittstelle erspart es Ihnen eine Menge rger. Erwhnenswert ist auch, dass die Khlfunktion wirklich gut ist. Es ist ein einzigartiges Kraftpaket, hergestellt aus groartigen Materialien, superschnellem Prozessor, wunderschnem Design !!! Ich kann es jedem empfehlen kaufen ist ein echtes Schnppchen !!!
Der Mini PC kommt gut verpackt in einem kleinen Karton an.
Zum Lieferumfang gehren auer der Mini PC noch ein Stromkabel, HDMi Kabel, Vesa Halterung, SATA Kabel dazu.
Beim Auspacken Fllt direckt das Gewicht auf. Das er Recht schwer ist fr so einen kleinen Kasten.
Das liegt zum grten Teil an dem echt schnen Gehuse da es aus einem Metal oder Alu ist und nicht aus Billigen Plastik.
Beim ersten Start kommt man in die Windows 11 letzen Installations Schritt rein wo man noch einen Benutzer Namen Vergeben muss und WLAN einrichten kann und so weiter.
Die Leistung ist fr so eine kleine Kiste echt berwltigend lter spiele und Emulatoren laufen Problemlos. Selbst neuere Indi Games Laufen reibungslos.
Programme wie Office, Fotoshop oder auch YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video machen dem kleinen keine Sorgen.
Fr Home Office / Schooling und gelegentliche Kleine Spiele vollkommen ausreichend.
Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit meiner Rezension etwas weiterhelfen.
Hier bekommt man fr einen durchschnittlichen Preis richtig viel Power und super Qualitt
Der Mini PC ist von seinen Abmessungen wirklich richtig klein. Den kann man berall verstecken oder ggf hinter dem Monitor montieren. VESA Vorbohrungen sind vorhanden und Material ist auch dabei.
Qualitativ ist der Mini PC super verarbeitet. Smtliche Anschlsse halten die Kabel perfekt. Gleichzeitig gibt es keinerlei scharfe Kanten oder sonstiges. Wenn man den Mini PC in der Hand hlt schon die gute Qualitt und kein Plastikzeug.
Mit dem i5 Prozessor rennt der Mini PC auch richtig. Windows ist bereits vorinstalliert und daher braucht der Rechner keine 15 Sekunden vom starten bis er einsatzbereit ist.
16 GB Arbeitsspeicher sollten derzeit noch allemal ausreichen. Man kann ggf auch auf 32 GB 16 hat man aber keinerlei Probleme mit smtlichen Office Anwendungen oder dem normalen Betrieb.
Die M2 256 SSD Speicherkarte reicht fr das Betriebssystem und wichtigen Programme auf jeden fall aus. Damit ist der Mini PC super schnell in seiner Performance. Wer gerne mehr haben mchte kann bis zu 2 TB einbauen. Das wird erkannt
Ich fand es auch super das der Mini PC noch einen VGA Anschluss hat. Hab noch einen Monitor der sehr gut ist aber eben etwas lter und kann den direkt anschlieen ohne neuen Monitor etc zu kaufen.
Ansonsten sind ausreichend Anschlsse fr Tastatur, Maus etc vorhanden
Hochauflsende Spiele sind mglich aber nur auf absolut Minimalstern Stufe. Die Grafikkarte reicht dafr nicht aus.
Wer aber einen sehr guten und schnellen Computer fr den Alltag sucht und dann noch nicht viel Platz hat der ist hier auf jeden Fall gut berate
This mini PC is great. It is designed in a way that makes it easy to use and set up. All the attachments are not necessary except for the HDMI cable. Once the TV and the mini PC were connected it was like setting up a normal laptop. This works exactly like a laptop. The quality does not disappoint; it is fast, as fast as your internet connection lets it to be. I do not regret buying this at all. Having this means that I don’t need to spend do much money for subscriptions and to have extra bits to add to the TV to have the same access. Definitely recommend this. This is a laptop thay I can take on the go.
Very disappointed as tlhe item stopped working after one month, so ive returned it to Amazon for a full refund and purchased an alternative make and model.
J’ai reu le produit avant-hier et je l’ai utilis pendant deux jours.Aujourd’hui, j’ai vu un e-mail d’Amazon m’invitant l’valuer. Bon, permettez-moi de parler de mon exprience d’utilisation ces derniers jours.J’ai besoin d’un mini PC avec une configuration leve.Aprs avoir compar plusieurs magasins, j’ai trouv que dans la mme configuration, son prix est correct. Aprs avoir reu la marchandise, je n’ai pas t du. Son apparence est petite, seulement environ la taille de ma paume, son design d’apparence est magnifique, le systme est Windows 11 Pro, l’interface est rafrachissante, la vitesse de fonctionnement est fluide, la page Web s’ouvre en quelques secondes, le son de l’hte est presque nul, sa dissipation thermique est rapide, laissez-moi Satisfait, avec mon cran d’ordinateur prcdent, il suffit de jouer des jeux et de travailler en ligne. Je suis trs satisfait, l’efficacit du travail est leve et mon humeur s’est galement amliore!
Dballage et premier coup d’il :
l’ouverture de la bote, je dcouvre un mini PC et ses accessoires qui respirent la qualit au niveau des matriaux utiliss et de la finition. Le design est lui aussi au rendez-vous. Reste voir ce qu’il a dans le ventre. Alors, passons au test !
Test :
contenu : le mini PC, un cble HDMI, un cble de donnes SATA, un adaptateur secteur, un support vesa, un jeu de vis pour fixer le support et son mode d’emploi.
taille : un “presque” carr de 13 cm x 12,5 cm avec une hauteur de 5 cm. Il se logera donc de partout sans prendre beaucoup de place.
poids : 560g pour tre prcis, ce qui en fait un poids plume qui pourra sans peine se loger n’importe o sans crer de surpoids.
ports : il dispose de 4 ports USB 3.0, 2 ports USB 2.0, 1 port TF, 1 port HDMI 1.4, 1 port VGA, 1 port Type-C, 1 port Gigabit Ethernet, 1 prise casque et 1 prise microphone. Autant dire qu’il est polyvalent et complet.
capacit : 256GB de SSD en SATA. Pour ceux qui veulent de la capacit de stockage en plus, une trappe actionner permet d’ajouter un SSD en SATA trs facilement.Une excellente ide, surtout pour ce PC clairement typ gaming !
puissance : c’est une belle bte de 16G de RAM. Cette puissance se fait immdiatement ressentir car couple au SSD, tout est trs rapide et extrmement fluide. Contrairement au stockage SSD, la RAM ne peut pas tre remplace car elle est soude.
utilisation : pour commencer je prcise que j’aime le ct discret des mini PC et celui-ci n’chappe pas la rgle avec sa plaque de fixation VESA pour le loger en toute discrtion derrire le moniteur par exemple. Sur un bureau, il permet de gagner de la place et de la rendre aussi plus propre et pure. Pour le connecter l’cran le cble HDMI est fourni. Windows 11 pro est prinstall et en quelques minutes on peut donc utiliser l’ordinateur ( noter bien videmment, qu’il faudra installer aussi un clavier et une souris en plus du moniteur et en Bluetooth svp pour garder le ct pur sur le bureau). Pour ma part, c’est direct sur le tlviseur et je prcise que le streaming en 4K via le wifi fonctionne et tourne merveille.
prix : 299,90 avec un coupon de 80 de rduction lors de la rdaction du commentaire, c’est un bon rapport qualit/prix.
Bilan :
5 toiles pour ce mini PC typ gaming, puissant, versatile et avec de multiples possibilits de connexions.
Un buen amigo y muy entendido en la materia me recomend este tipo de mini ordenadores, ya que lo iba a necesitar para cosas especficas y necesitaba que no fuese un armatroste y que tuviese las mejores calidades posibles para poder funcionar con el sin ningn tipo de problemas.
Al principio estaba un poco reacio ya que era una pasta lo que deba desembolsar, pero vi tan seguro a mi amigo de lo que me estaba diciendo que me convenci.
Decir que fue todo un acierto
Tengo un ordenador bueno de sobremesa, con el cual estoy encantado, pero debido a unos cambios necesitaba el poder tener enchufado un ordenador potente en la televisin del saln, el cual tambien me sirviese para dar buena cobertura al proyector que tengo.
Necesitaba que cumpliese con unas condiciones exactas pero lo principal que necesitaba era una buena memoria RAM. que fuese rapido a la hora de trabajar con el. No necesitaba mucho mas, a parte de una buena grfica.
Despues de mirar mucho , nos hemos decidido por esto, y no puedo estar ms contento con mi compra
Instalandole un raton y teclado inalmbrico, junto al equipo de msica que tengo instalado en la televisin de 65 pulgadas, tengo una bomba al completo .
Su sistema operativo hace que todo vaya como un avin, sin ningn tipo de problema.
Pero lo mejor de todo es su reducido espacio. Todos los cables recogidos y bien guardados, hacen que no tenga nada a la vista.
Le he instalado dos discos duros adicionales para poder instalar todo tipo de juegos los cuales me van a pedir mucha memoria.
Y por lo dems poco ms
Muy contento con mi nuevo aparato, la verdad que me cost decidirme pero al final creo que he acertado y que estoy de lo ms contento con mi nueva compra.
Es bastante silencioso, aunque el ventilador se conecta a ratos, pero nada grave.
PD: dispone de espacio de sobra para instalar un disco duro adicional. Los que yo he instalado son por fuera porque tengo espacio mas que de sobra detrs de la televisin para su instalacin .
Have it running 24/7 as a server for multiple processes, mainly Plex with 4k transcoding but also comics server, backup server and 6 other processes. On top of that with all that running is still fully usable for Excel, general browsing and normal use, 16gb ram does good job here. CPU isn’t newest one but it’s fully capable of doing what I need it to do. The case keep it cool and the fam does not running all the time. It’s really good mini pc
I’ll be honest and say I wasn’t expecting this tiny PC to be as good as it is. Obviously it’s not designed for gamming, but everyday applications it’s perfect. Very easy to get up and running, just plug in all your cables and your ready to go. I would recommend adding another drive as the internal drive is fairly small. Very pleased with this mini-PC, well worth the money. No hesitation in highly recommending this to anyone looking for a good cheap PC.
This is a brilliant mini-PC that may not be the fastest machine you’ll ever use, is perfectly serviceable if you want to use it for ‘normal’ computing, and not very power-hungry games. It runs web browsers, Office software etc with ease, and has all the connections you’ll ever need. Video output is surprisingly good. It really is amazing how such a little thing can do so good a job. Four stars.
Avevo necessit di trasferire su di esso, tutto il materiale ed i miei documenti lavorativi, per poter lavorare anche da casa, visto lo smartworking, che spesso sono portata ad eseguire.
Ho eseguito delle ricerche e tra tanti mini pc, ho deciso di acquistare questo prodotto, del marchio SNUNMU, e nello specifico il modello CK10, perch mi ha particolarmente convinta rispetto ad altri, per le sue caratteristiche tecniche e per la presenza di un buon processore, veloce e stabile.
Ma cerchiamo di analizzare insieme le caratteristiche che contraddistinguono questo prodotto.
Partiamo da ci che troveremo all’interno della scatola che riceveremo a casa.
-il mini pc
-un alimentatore e cavo di alimentazione
-cavo hdmi
-supporto vesa
-manuale d’istruzioni
-4 viti per il montaggio del mini pc al monitor.
Il mini pc dotato di un processore Intel Core i5-8279u, un ottimo processore che consente al mini pc di essere veloce nell’elaborazione dei dati, nell’apertura delle pagine web e veloce anche nell’ apertura dei software che decideremo d’installare su di esso.
Come GPu abbiamo installata sul mini pc un Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645.
La velocit del processore pu arrivare fino ai 2,4 Ghz, come frequenza di burst, in quanto come frequenza di base, abbiamo circa 4.1 GHz.
E’ un mini pc che non manca di nulla, non ha nulla a che invidiare ai normali pc di casa.
E’ dotato di una DDR4 da 16 Gb e da un SSD mSata da 512 Gb.
La ram si pu estendere fino a 32 gb.
Nel caso dovesse servire, potremo anche estendere lo spazio ed arrivare fino a 1 Tr, per avere molto pi spazio d’archiviazione a disposizione.
Come sistema operativo, installato un Windows 11 Pro, in grado di supportare il 4K ed il 5G di Wifi.
E’ un mini pc molto veloce, con una discreta dissipazione del calore, che avviene in modalit passiva, grazie alla presenza di un dissipatore passivo, che stato posizionato sulla CPU ed all’assenza di ventole di dissipazione del calore, presenti in altre parti.
In ogni caso ho notato che dopo un po’ che sta acceso e che viene utilizzato, tende comunque a surriscaldarsi e non di poco.
Pu supportare fino a tre schermi contemporaneamente, tramite la presenza di tre porte: hdmi, vga e type C.
Il mini pc, dotato di 6 porte usb, posizionate in modo corretto ed essenziale.
Nello specifico abbiamo 3 porte usb 3.0, 2 porte usb 2.0.
In aggiunta dispone di 3 porte di uscita video, HDMI, VGA, DP.
Per ci che concerne la visualizzazione in 4K, possiamo averla ad una potenza di 60hz tramite il Dp e di 30hz grazie all’HDMI. La VGA a 30hz.
E’ un mini pc, in grado di supportare la micro Sd da 128 gb.
Sono presenti anche due porte per la connessione RJ45 e RS232.
Potremo avere la possibilit di collegare anche microfoni ed auricolari, grazie alla presenza di un’uscita ed entrata jack.
Il Bluethoot 4.2 stabile ed anche veloce nella trasmissione dei dati e di documenti. La connessione wifi supporta anche il 5G ghz, e non solo il 2,4G ghz.
Il mini pc realizzato interamente in alluminio, anche la case, quindi risulta essere robusto e ben resistente, anche nel tempo, dopo un utilizzo continuativo.
E’ anche supportata la crittografia delle impronte digitali.
Le sue dimensioni sono compatte e consentono di portarlo sempre con s. Abbiamo circa 1,3 kg di peso e come dimensioni abbiamo 22 cm x 15 cm x 6 cm.
Grazie al supporto VESA presente all’interno del pacco ed alle 4 viti, potremo collegare il mini pc direttamente dietro al monitor tv, in modo da non vederlo e non averlo posato sulla scrivania.
Nel complesso posso confermare che un buon prodotto, completo di tutto ci che un mini pc deve avere. Veloce, stabile e performante.
Per questo motivo consiglio l’acquisto.
Der Mini PC ist an sich sehr leistungsfhig, nur mir persnlich ist der Startvorgang viel zu langsam. Es dauert teilweise bis zu 15 Sekunden bis der Bildschirm ein Bild zeigt. Ansonsten gibt es nichts zu meckern. Vor allem der Preis ist fr ein Gert dieser Klasse sehr gut.
I bought the 256GB SSD model as I will only use it for work. I can say that SSDs and Rams are reliable. Because some brands or cheap parts do not give 100% usage rights. It appears to be 16GB, but when you look closely, it says 13.8. In some, it says 15.4. It varies by brand and quality. Everything is pretty good and nice on this computer I bought. The parts are literally usable parts.
Windows 11 now requires at least 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. So I recommend getting at least 256GB because we download and use a lot of files now. Using the computer at 90% full slows the computer down. Therefore, leaving at least 25% free space makes the SSD work better and faster. You can test this. I have now uploaded all my work files on this computer.
With photos, videos, designs, documents, presentations and offers… Also the services we have given before… 101GB files to be exact. I installed several programs. I’m using a total of 202GB of space with these. I don’t plan on uploading any more. Everything is fine now. The computer boots up fast and everything works great.
It is very good that they use 16GB of RAM. Because RAM is important for people who open and use a lot of files. With Google Chrome open, if you are listening to music, opening Excel, browsing other files, and sometimes using a calculator and finally a mail program such as outlook, such small computers may slow down or freeze. I use more of these programs at the same time. I haven’t had any slowdown or freezing issues yet. I am very happy with everything so far.
Also, one of the features that I liked the most was the WiFi. It is a product with a very high probability of connection with a cable. However, this brand has added the WiFi feature to increase the ease of use.
You can connect, control and use all equipment such as Headphones, Microphone, Computer, Additional Case, TV, Mouse, Keyboard, Printer, Projector, Camera. It is no different from a normal computer.
You may think that you will make a lot of noise (like me) But you answered me about the sound. It sounds like a normal computer case. It hasn’t gotten too hot yet. I’m tiring the rams, but there is no heating problem. I can say that I can use it for many years. Of course, technology moves fast. So I don’t know what could happen a few years from now.
Sometimes I go to private companies to give training for a few days. I will use this computer in the presentation. I have a great projector. These two products make a great duo. In addition, I can check 1 day before the training and correct any mistakes or deficiencies about my presentation. Because now I have a computer small enough to fit in my pocket 🙂
I have 1080P, 2K and 4K monitors I also have a very large TV. I have tried using all of them. It really supports up to 4K. If it didn’t, the image quality would be pixelated.
If you ask about the video card, there is no video card. But instead of graphics card, there is Graphics Co-Processor. So common use with Processor. Many economically priced computers are already like this. For small sized computers, the video card is a big part.
The i5 processor, on the other hand, is pretty good for a work computer. For the money I’ve already paid, it doesn’t get any better than this. I made a small account and after this account I bought this product directly. I am very pleased with every subject and every detail I mentioned.
Intel Core i5-8279U average 150-200
256GB M.2 SSD average 30-50
16GB of RAM on average 75-100
Windows 11 License average 100
Mini PC case around 50
Calculate the average of the very basic materials is 450. You will have to spend time or pay a computer developer to put all these parts together. It is a product that has parts of higher quality than all these parts.
Having a metal case is great for cooling, it already provides an advantage with its stylish design, it has a fan inside, it has smart design and fingerprint lock, it has wifi feature, it has bluetooth feature and it has many more advantages. If you buy just one Bluetooth stick, the cheapest and most useless one is worth 15-20, if you buy the cheapest and most useless WiFi stick it is worth 15-20.
When I calculate all these, I am very happy that I bought this product.
Sono davvero delle Prestazioni molto interessanti per permettere di Assemblare una Postazione da Lavoro, con le Prestazioni di questo Mini PC, si possono fare davvero molte cose, anche uso Gaming non troppo spinto, un Emulazione di una Console andr pi che bene, anche se le Grafiche Integrate non riescono ad offrire prestazioni altissime su Piattaforme Mobile, questa gira nettamente meglio rispetto ai Notebook, questo perch sono alimentate in modo diretto, senza ottimizzazioni per il Risparmio Energetico “come le batterie dei Notebook”. Con questo Mini PC si riesce ad utilizzare Programmi Importanti come la Suite di Adobe, come PhotoShop, GIMP, PhotoPlus o quelli pi pesanti come AutoCAD, Cinema 4D e Sony Vegas. Non ci sono problemi nell’utilizzare questi programmi su questa macchina, testato personalmente perch il mio amico ci lavora con AutoCAD, ed soddisfatto dell’esperienza d’uso con questi Software.
Con questa scheda tecnica ad un prezzo cos un affare, lo uso principalmente per fotografia (lightroom e photoshop) e devo dire che le prime impressioni sono decisamente positive. Molto silenzioso, si sente appena la ventola che gira quando richiede un p pi di prestazioni. Consigliato!
Jestem zadowolony z zakupu. Polecam sprzedawc i zaznaczam, e kontakt ze sprzedawc jest perfekcyjny i nie budzi wtpliwoci.
Ce mini PC est tout vraiment gnial !
Avec un grand nombre de ports de tout type, il se classe parmi les meilleurs prsents des mini PC. Ses spcificits gnrales sont bonnes, trs rapide grce ses 16G de RAM et 256G de ROM,et le botier est discret. Elle est seulement deux plus grande que mon tlphone. Il se connecte tout type d’cran. Il est livr avec une version de Windows 10 incluse. Aprs l’installation qui est simple, on peut en rcuprer tous les lments sur le site du fabricant. Usage domotique + traitement photos. Je recommande sans hsiter.
Pequeo pero muy potente y cargadito de cosas novedosas, al menos para mi.
No voy a repetir todas las especificaciones aqu, pero si al menos que la versin que yo compr era i5-8279u con 16Gb RAM y 256Gb SSD, ms que suficiente para el uso que le voy a dar de ofimtica.
Tuve en su momento uno similar pero con CPU tipo CELERON y a veces se quedan cortos.
Esta vez quera algo potente y que no te arrepintieras de no haberlo comprado ms potente en 2 meses.
Este i5 es muy potente, pero a la vez fresquito y silencioso.
Estoy harto de mini pcs justos en todo que hacen que “odies” a estos pequeines. Este modelo te har creer de nuevo en ellos.
El mini pc trae un ventilador interno que arranca de vez en cuanto (va segn el % de uso de la CPU) y, bueno, algo de ruido hace, pero bueno, yo creo que es algo normal (podra decir que es la nica pega que tiene). Si quieres un i5 necesitas ventilar algo si le das mucho uso. Cuando navegas por internet no hace nada de ruido.
Componentes de calidad DDR4, ADATA, …. y adems una “casi” grata sorpresa (ver las fotos). V un slot para una tarjeta SIM pero yo creo que le falta el propio modulo 4G (a futuro igual compro ese modulo y pruebo). Wifi muy bien de cobertura, no se me desconecta nunca, y trae puerto LAN gigabit.
Otra cosa muy til es el lector de huellas, desbloquea muy muy rapido el mini pc (ver el video). Es algo nuevo para mi y me parece super til.
Tambin mir el consumo (ver fotos) no he visto nada por encima de unos 50W, y generalmente est por debajo de 25W.
Te sirve para domtica, servidor linux, plex, pelis en el saln, etc… pero dado que trae Windows 11 Pro preactivado, yo lo he preferido usar para ofimtica.
Adems del SSD 256Gb permite aadir otro disco duro de 2.5″, as que perfecto (trae todos los cables para poder aadirlo). Dispone solo de 1 slot de ram, pero con 16Gb no creo que me haga falta nunca ampliarlo. (ver fotos del interior)
Como conclusin: maquinn y muy compacto
NOTA: No lo he probado pero supuestamente puedes sacar la seal de video por VGA, HDMI y usbC a la vez y as tener 3 pantallas.
Prodotto assolutamente performante, lo consiglio vivamente. Ha tutto quello che serve, compresa la possibilit di espansione di ram e hard disk.
Un mini PC piccolo molto compatto, la scocca interamente in metallo, design molto elegante. Molto utile il lettore di impronte posto sulla scocca superiore, garantir una maggiore sicurezza ai vostri dati evitando l’accesso ai non autorizzati. Le specifiche del dispositivo sono davvero interessanti partendo dalla CPU i5 8279u 4core/ 8 thread freq base 2.4 GHz e freq max 4.2 GHz , la RAM sodimm 16g single rank freq 2666 MHz marca adata, SSD M2 da 256gb, lo slot permette l’installazione di memorie M2 nvme, presente uno secondo slot M2 mod dispositivo permette anche di poter installare un hdd/SSD SATA .per La connettivit troviamo un modulo WiFi 5 802.11 ac Intel 7269 per quanto riguarda la porta RJ45 per connessione via cavo troviamo Intel i219-v velocit fino a 1 gbps. La GPU integrata Intel iris plus 655, lo a GPU non concepita per il gaming poich da 1gb. Nel complesso il dispositivo si comporta benissimo in tutte le situazioni, garantendo una buona esperienza di usabilit dell’ambiente Windows 11( arriva gi pre installato con licenza permanente e digitale), tempi di avvio rapidissimi, zero caricamenti, applicazioni fluide e molto responsive, il dispositivo sempre reattivo . Per concludere questo dispositivo mi ha convinto per l’uso ufficio fantastico poich oltre ad essere veloce ha zero ingombro.
Excellent mini Pc, je l’ai pris en version 16 go DDR et 512 go ssd. Pour de la bureautique c’est plus que suffisant. Pour de l’mulation d’anciennes consoles la GameCube et la Wii passent sans problme, en revanche pour la PS2 il y a des ralentissements. Je le recommande fortement au vu de son rapport prix / performances.
J’ai toujours considr que les ordinateurs portables taient des accessoires accessoires, qui ne prenaient leur sens que lorsque j’avais besoin de me dplacer. Chez moi j’ai toujours eu des desktop. Mais depuis quelques annes, je n’ai vraiment plus grand chose mettre dans les ports d’extension (genre ports PCI). Notre produit ici prends donc maintenant tout son sens, car avoir un gros boitier devient inutile. J’avais un cran de bonne qualit de disponible, et il me fallait y ajouter un ordinateur derrire pour les autres membres de ma famille.
A l’arrive du produit, c’est la petite taille du boitier qui en fait tout le charme. Pas forcment d’une esthtique fantastique pour tout le monde, mais quand mme tout mtal, et plutt de bonne qualit.
A l’intrieur du boitier (je suis lectronicien) c’est propre. Le disque dur M2 a son radiateur, maintenu entre autres par deux lastiques ! Le disque dur que l’on peut rajouter en connection SATA reoit une connectique particulire au niveau des broches d’alimentation. Le cble est fourni, de longueur correcte. On dcouvre aussi, surprise, un emplacement pour carte puce, et des broches pour une alimentation de PC plus “standard desktop”. Voir photos.
Il y a un QR code sur la documentation qui nous permet d’obtenir deux vidos. La premire m’a indiqu comment ouvrir le boitier. En fait il faut enlever les quatre pads de caoutchouc du dessous avant de pouvoir accder la visserie. Un des soucis, c’est que ces lments souples sont colls. C’est dj beaucoup moins le cas quand on les remets ensuite en place.
Sur la seconde vido, on va trouver un lien pour tlcharger une version de sauvegarde de son systme Windows. Je vous conseille vivement de la prendre et de bien la conserver. Tout rinstaller sera probablement la seule solution dans quelques annes, lorsque tout tournera beaucoup moins bien, force d’y avoir ajout tout et n’importe quoi comme logiciels.
A l’usage, pour faire de la bureautique ou visualiser des pages web, aucun souci, tout va bien. C’est quand mme l’essentiel. La mise en oeuvre est rapide.
Si je voulais tout de mme citer quelques dfauts ? Ce serait la faiblesse de la carte graphique. Elle n’est pas trop prvue pour faire des jeux en 3D et haute rsolution. Nous ne sommes pas devant une machine pour joueurs. Autre point, j’aurais aim avoir une sortie audio optique.
o he podido ni usarlo, colgado a la hora de introducir el pin, lo he arrancado mas de 5 veces y no hay forma
Bueno pues cambio la valoracin, pues tras ponerme en contacto con el vendedor, me ha solucionado el problema
Se han portado muy bien incluso me han devuelto parte del dinero. BUEN SERVICIO postventa.
E’ un miniPC perfetto. Sodisfattismo dell’acquisto. Ho aumentato la Ram a 32 GB. Lo ricomprerei senz’altro.
Tutto o.k. tranne 1avviamento che impiega 47secondi x avvio.dopo velocissimo come funzionamento.
Necesitaba un pc buenony que no ocupara especio y este equipo me ha sorprendido por partida doble. Destacando primero sus dimensionea ya que es mas pequeo de un palmo de la mano por lo que puedes dijarlo detras de la panralla. En cuanto a las orestaciones tiene una cpu i5 con grafica muy potente (da resultados mejores que pcs con graficas dedicadas de 2gb). Tiene un disco ssd que da mas de 500 mb por segundo de lectura y escritura. Ultima version de windows PRO activada y un monton de puertos usb 3, bluetooth, wifi y hasta lector de huellas para iniciar sesin usando el dedo. Arranca en segundos. Puedes ampliar la ram (aunque trae un modulo de 16gb mas que sobrado) y poner un disco sata y otro sss si necesitas mas almacenamiento. Es una mini maravilla de ordenador.
Le mini PC vient avec son alimentation lectrique, un cble HDMI ainsi qu’une plaque afin de pouvoir le monter l’arrire d’un cran qui a un systme d’attache VESA pour pouvoir se crer un PC tout en un. Le PC vient avec Windows 11 pro prinstall : en quelques minutes aprs avoir raccord le botier un cran ainsi qu’un clavier et une souris, on peut utiliser la machine. Une petite trappe permet de rajouter un SSD en SATA trs rapidement pour augmenter la capacit du PC. Les plus tmraires peuvent dmonter entirement la machine et voir que le SSD inclus est au format M2 pourrait aussi tre remplac. En revanche la ram est soude et ne peut pas tre remplace – il est capital de choisir la quantit de RAM souhaite ds le dpart (une version 16 Go de RAM/256 Go de ROM de prfrence pour windows 11 pro). Le botier est plutt bien loti en connexion, bien mieux qu’un portable moderne. D’un point de vue puissance, c’est parfait pour faire un petit NAS ou une borne d’arcade pour muler de vieilles consoles ou encore une petite machine multimdia accroche derrire la TV. Le streaming en 4K sur du wifi a trs bien fonctionn par exemple. donc c’est plus appropri rsolution infrieure. iBonne petite machine si on a des attentes raisonnables pour son prix qui inclut un OS payant.
Machine trs belle en acier, finitions impeccables, installation de Windows 11 rapide, trs rapide, l’empreinte pour la connexion Windows est gniale, mais: il y a un petit mais la carte carte graphique fonctionne bien mais elle n’est pas assez puissante mon got pour le reste c’est le top. seulement 4 toiles. Je rajoute une cinquime toile le jeu Halo tourne dessus ainsi que les simulateurs arien.
I’m using two for light, browser based software. Runs at about 50 to 70C under load. Small fans are a little noisy, but it’s to be expected for their size and the price mark. Power consumption is very low.
Il pacco viene spedito dopo poco tempo e consegnato entro la data di stima, il imballaggio risultato ben realizzato in protezione contro i urti.
Esso si presenta come da aspettative, dimensioni piccole, leggero alla presa, come indicato da foto.
Processore Intel core i5-8279u, ram da 16Gb molto veloce e stabile durante uso. Meno interna ssd da 256GB. Sistema operativo Windows 11 pro preinstallato.
Offre una lavoro in modo stabile che non delude mai. Possono anche ampliare la memoria con una card da acquistare a parte.
Esso pur essendo di piccole dimensioni ha comunque varie porte di uscite e entrate per ogni esigenza. un buon mini of da ufficio o da casa.
Il costo di buon mercato per le sue caratteristiche.
This mini pc is a packs some nice specs for the money they ask for it. The 8gb ram should be enough for most basic tasks, and even though the 128gb ssd is not large by any measure, it again should be enough for light duty especially these days when so many cloud service provider competes for our attention. The only weaker part in the system is the celeron processor, buyers shouldn’t expect any heavy lifting from this processor but again, it’s not meant to do that any way and for 200 it’s completely agreeable. There are enought ports on the machine, and you can connect a monitor via hdmi or d-sub and there are a few usb ports too to connect other peripherials. The pc is very small and lightweight and it’s also very silent. Windows 10 pro is pre-installed but you need to go through the set up process the first time, it takes about 15 minutes and then you’ll spend a considerable time updating windows os but this will largely depend on your internet connection. According to microsoft the Intel Celeron J4125 is going to be compatible with windows 11 which is great but so far win 11 update is not available for me on this pc which is weird as I already upgraded my laptop to win 11. maybe it’s due to the fact that this is a pro version of windows 10 rather than the home version. This machine is a no brainer for anyone who is looking for a compact light duty computer or a media player pc. I didn’t find anything wrong with it and the specs reflect the price, therefore 5 star rating is deserved.
I have an ancient laptop that keeps on switching itself after ten minutes use as it gets too hot. I have wanted a mini pc for years as it is very easy to take it wherever you want.
Now with every PC setting it up takes an age, but that was to be expected. Once I got it set up I was very impressed with it.
I am only using it for the occasional streaming service (when I connect it to my main TV) but mainly it is being used for general internet browsing and word processing. For that it is second to none. It certainly has the memory for it and speed. Now bearing in mind virtually everything now is stored in the Cloud it doesn’t really need much built in space.
It has enough USB ports for me too. I use a wireless mouse and keyboard, and it works perfectly with this.
The mini PC comes with Windows 10. If you want any other programs such as Word/Excel you need to load these yourself.
The WiFi connection on it is great. It has always connected to it and never dropped out. This is even when it has been moved to different rooms in the house (this will of course depend on your router).
For the price, it really does exactly what I need it to do.
I’ve not owned a desktop PC for year, what with laptops, netbooks, Chromebooks, endless tablet, phablets, and phones, there just wasn’t any real need. However, when this SNUNMU (yeah, me neither…) Mini PC showed up, I thought now is the time to get back into the PC business (without taking up space).
The PC arrived in a teeny, tiny box, I wasn’t prepared for just how small the thing is despite the name “Mini PC”. Inside the box was the PC itself in all its tiny glory, an HDMI cable, power cable/unit, a mount, and scant instruction leaflet.
The PC was solidly built, no loose ports, no wonky alignments, so I set about turning it on. The initial set up was brief and painless, the usual Windows gumph, and its Windows 10 Pro rather than Home and comes activated.
Unfortunately, there then followed some pain. The unit wouldn’t connect to my WiFi, then it would, then it wouldn’t, then it would connect and tell me there’s no internet, then eventually it managed to get and maintain a stable connection. So I set about doing all the available Windows updates, and there was more pain. Downloads and installs would fail, the display would blink on and off every few seconds, I had to force manual reboots, but, eventually, after several hours it was done.
The WiFi is “slow” (I have a 500Mb/s connection and most of my devices are around that or slightly above (apart from my Nintendo Switch which is apparently 20Mb/s) but the best this Mini PC could get is 55Mb/s ish.
However, once I was setup, this is a pretty competent, but basic PC (what do you expect for sub-200?). It has multiple USB ports (2.0 and 3.0), 2 HDMI, Mic, LAN, VGA. It supports up to 2TB SSD, and comes with 128GB SSD anyway (this is better than some of my older laptops). It also supports up to 3 monitors!
Now, you need to temper your expectations with this thing. You aren’t going to be rendering 4k footage, you aren’t going to play the pinnacle of PC gaming, this is a basic system. You’ll browse, you’ll do some untaxing gaming, you’ll play YouTube videos, you’ll maybe do some office work. For that, and a bit more, this is an extremely affordable and decent system.
Are there better systems? Yes, of course there are, but at this price point I’m not too sure…
You probably don’t need a powerful computer with a lot of storage. Laptop manufacturers, for decades now, have sold by upping redundant storage and beefing up processors far beyond the needs of the average user. But mostly, most of the time, for most people, your laptop is far more powerful than you need it to be, and quite probably filled with programs you’ll never use.
This then is a mini PC the size of a drinks coaster. It comes with Windows 10 pro installed – a business suite aimed at professional users, and can support three monitors and a plethora of display and storage options.
I need two three monitors going at home all the time for my online businesses, and have little need for the processing power needed for anything else but the basics, so it’s ideal for me. If you are just needing a setup for home use, and already have all the peripherals, it’s a good affordable option.
I’m surprised how tiny this PC is, but it’s still extremely powerful with good specs and worthwhile to have.
It’s size makes it super portable and convenient to have on the go. The quality feels well made the sides feel robust however the top and bottom feels slightly cheaper I think it because they’re covers and can be opened so it feels a lot more hollow then the rest of the mini pc. I found this machine powerful enough to do standard work from documentation, browsing the internet and watching a film all at the same time. It can do very light gaming but anything else where it requires high quality graphics is when it starts to get too demanding for this PC and it will struggle.
It’s features packed with many USB ports, and it even has the ability to hook up onto 3 screens which is really impressive. Wi-FI and Bluetooth both work a charm. Generally it’s very silent but the more demanding the task or when it start to get hot the more louder it gets. It feels quite snappy with relatively fast boot time taking around 10 seconds and super fast shut down time.
Overall, this ting PC has enough power and is adequate for my needs. It’s great to have on the go and if you want something a bit more then a laptop. For it’s price I think it’s very good value for money. I’m a big fan of these mini PC’s and would recommend it.
Hope you found my review useful.
This is a perfectly effective mini-PC which matches its price well. I am using it to process all our family photos using an install of Plex Server and it is working well, albeit prpocessing images slower than the bigger machines. The fan is on the loud side but not oppressive – it comes on whenever Plex is working.
The case is all plastic apart from the inlay tray for adding a 2.5″ SSD. To open the case remove the locking screw next to the release lever or it won’t budge! There’s a secured plastic sheet over the motherboard so changing the M.2 SSD that’s included is a bit more involved than you might expect.
The machine boots fairly quickly. The preloaded Windows 10 took several updates before it came up-to-date to 21H1. The range of ports is OK but these days USB-C is becoming necessary and this only has USB-A so I had to use the supplied HDMI cable for the monitor instead of the USB-C cable the monitor came with (and thus also had to connect its USB hub with a seperate cable). Thus connected, the machine copes well with my 4k monitor.
As a single-task or budget PC this is a good buy. Just match your expectations to the price!
I’d not heard of SNUNMU beforee, some checks revealed this mini-PC is sold under an umbrella of brands but mostly ACEPC. If you search online for “ACEPC GK3V” you’ll find reviews. That said, support is limited to a half-hearted forum, so don’t buy this as your first PC and expect to have ample phone support etc. Indeed you’ll find this mini-PC is used to run various OS and games-emulators by tech enthusiasts.
As supplied you get Windows 10 Pro, it’s a big plus that Pro is installed rather than Home. Also there’s no bloatware such as Norton that you need to spend time removing. At least on my machine, the Windows 10 on the 128GB SSD was Version 20H1 (aka 2004) so some updates and rebootsn werre needed to get to Windows 10 21H1 and all the drivers updated. Once upgraded all the expected features of new Edge etc. were there. I was impressed that the 5GHz WiFi maxxed out my Broadband at 100Mbps so installs are rapid; there’s also a 1Gbps wired LAN option.
The bad news for the adventuous is that the AMI BIOS is pretty much locked down, although I was able to enable TPM in the BIOS. However, WhyNotWin11 reports there’s no secure boot which is a blocker to a simple upgrade to Windows 11 (not that I would recommend that until Windows 11 Service Pack 1 comes out!)
As is typical with mini-PC you need to source the keyboard, mouse etc. There’s several USB-A ports for these (or wireless dongles), however no USB-C connections for a dock or power which is a little disappointing. Power is via a barrel-plug and wall-wart with clip-on UK 3-pin plug supplied. Power draw maxes out at 20W so running this mini-PC is economical.
Also in the box is an HDMI cable and a VESA mount to hang the mini-PC on the back of a monitor or TV. As mentioned the device has a 128GB SSD and 8GB of RAM, both are fixed. For expansion, under the lid there’s room for a SSD SATA drive, I added a 250GB SSD for games and media storage.
For general internet use, web browsing and using Office Online this mini-PC performed very well when connected to a HP monitor at 1920×1080 and refreshed at 75Hz. The 4-core CPU handles this sort of workload without any problem on this mini-PC.
However my intended use was as a media PC so I added Amazon Prime Music, Prime Video and for gaming, World of Warship. I linked to a Sony TV via a Sony soundbar using HDMI. Note that as a media PC, HDMI is the only connection available, there’s no S/PDIF digital audio output. I set the refresh to 60Hz but otherwise all the HDMI sound setting were automatically discovered.
Music and Video played perfectly using the ‘max’ settings, this mini-PC certainly has no problems streaming and being used as media player. Youtube played without glitches at 1080p.
World of Warships was steady at 19fps on 1920×1080, which was certainly playable. NB I play the free version so wasn’t changing the game graphic settings.
I tried Forza 4 and was impossible to play, incredibly slow and often crashing. The much simpler Forza Street was playable.
The device does have a small fan which comes on as needed, with the device right in front of you this is audible – certainly more so that a laptop fan. However it’s OK once tucked away.
As the price of 200 is what you’d pay for a just gaming CPU or a graphics card, you need to set your expectations – this isn’t a hard-core gaming rig or suitable for rendering 4K videos.
But all in all, I was very impressed by this mini-PC and will be happy using as a media-PC with the option of web browsing and some light games too.