Abuytwo Bluetooth Speaker – Loud Portable Bluetooth Wireless Speakers with Led Lights, IPX7 Waterproof, Bluetooth 5.0, Speaker 30W, 24H Playtime, Built-in Mic, Trave Speakers for Outdoor, Beach -Black

Dimensions: | 18.6 x 7.4 x 7.4 cm; 520 Grams |
Model: | INFI Essential A3102 |
Manufacture: | Abuytwo |
Origin: | China |
El altavoz va genial , lo lleva mi hijo a todos lados , se escucha bastante bien , lo recomiendo
ho acquistato il prodotto per sentire la musica da pc e devo dire che mi ritrovo abbastanza soddisfatto.
Es el primer altavoz inalambrico que compramos y la verdad es que sorprende tanto su diseo, resistencia y sonido.
De momento ningn problema y muy satisfechos.
Piacevolmente sorpreso ottimi bassi e buon volume. Tra qualit e costo dico che conviene.
Preso per doccia , su ripiano , con Alexa via Bluetooth si sente musica senza assordare tutta casa soddisfatto dell’ acquisto consiglio
Cette enceinte portable est puissante et sa sonorit est quilibre. Je recommande.
Suona bene (per il prezzo pagato) e la durata della batteria impressionante! Pi di 8 ore a volume massimo
Soddisfatto dell’acquisto, si connette subito allo smartphone o PC, buona qualit di riproduzione e volume, adatto per casa, con luci a led rgb.
Ne ho comprati due. le casse si accoppiano per un ottimo ascolto
della musica. ottima anche la durata delle batteria. Ottima qualita’
El altavoz de momento est bien, el sonido tambin, The Mojarlo no lo css resistente al agua porque no lo hemos probado
Muy buen sonido, ntido y con bastante potencia. Y la bateria dura muchisimo. Lo recomiendo 100%.
Fr mein Badezimmer habe ich mir jetzt diesen wasserdichten Lautsprecher gekauft. So kann ich auch in der Badewanne meine Lieblingsmusik hren. Besonders gut gefllt mir auch sie Farbe.
Den Lautsprecher konnte ich problemlos mit dem Bluetooth auf meinem Handy verbinden. Den Lautsprecher kann man natrlich berall nutzen und so auch Musik hren im Garten, Bett usw. Die Klangwiedergabe berzeugt mich.
Bellissima cassa esteticamente con gli effetti led.. che puoi cambiare in base ai tuoi gusti o umori la qualit del suono eccellente e il rapporto qualit-prezzo buono. Per quanto riguarda l’impermeabilit non so… non ho provato ancora ho l’ansia ma all’umidit resiste!
Je l’utilise pour la TV en mode appairage le son 360 prend tout son sens
Muy chulo, lo de las lucecitas est muy bien, el sonido tambin, conexin bluetooth bien, y para almacenar canciones lo he hecho con tarjeta TF de 32 mb….tambin bien….pero si metes la tarjeta inmediatamente te reproduce la msica y no puedes pasar a otra cancin, es decir, te las reproduce una a una en el orden que estn….pero bueno….
Ich hatte meiner Frau ein JB
L geschenkt, was ich sehr gut fand. Dann sah ich dieses Angebot fr ein Drittel des Preises, bestellte es und habe es nicht bereut . Fast kein Unterschied zu merken und Akkutechnisch hlt er sogar lnger. Also sehr zu empfehlen…
Muy buen subwoofer alucinas con su potencia y es muy cmodo
Ottimo suono anche a volume massimo. Semplice da usare e da connettere al telefono. Come dichiarato nella descrizione, effettivamente possibile controllarlo anche da stanze distanti.
Effetto al buio davvero molto gradevole.
Ottima la consegna in un giorno.
Lo utilizo en pdel surf y se a mojado y sigue bie
Produit avec un son incroyable mme meilleur que certaine grande marque
Pratique s emmne partout
Super couleur
Au top je recommande
Me gusta mucho calidad precio sonido muy bueno aunq me hubiera gustado q sonar ms fuerte pero me imagino
Es muy fuerte,me lleve todo verano a la playa.
La batera aguanta mucho y se carga ligero.
Muy buena relacin calidad – precio… Buen sonido, la batera dura mucho. Por poner un defecto:falta una bolsita para protegerlo y guardarlo.
je n’utilise cette enceinte que depuis peu de temps mais elle est de bonne qualit j’ai un qualiseur sur mon appli samsung le son restitu est de bonne qualit ne semble pas saturer bonne autonomie je suis satisfai
Ottimo prodotto rapporto qualit prezzo molto soddisfacente con funzionalit facile da utilizzare
Suena fenomenal. Resistente al agua de verdad (al menos se sumergi en una piscina unos segundos con la tapa del cargador abierta) y no he tenido luego el menor problema. El bluetooth es bueno (permite tener la fuente lejos) y la batera tambin tiene bastante duracin.
Suono pulito e cristallino, la batteria dura veramente tanto e si ricarica abbastanza in fretta. L’impermeabilit non l’ho provata per cui non saprei
Son assez puissant, bonnes basses, baterie tenant ses promesses… en bref super produit pour un prix trs correc
Pour une enceinte bluetooth, elle est top! Dure de batterie, qualit de son, volume du son, design, ergonomie, robustesse,…et tout a pour moins de 40e,… franchement bien!
El sonido es excelente y las luces son muy bonitas; tiene diferentes frecuencias de color y la relacin calidad- precio es buena. Sin duda, lo aconsejo. La entrega fue la adecuada y cumple con mis necesidades. Buen producto y espero dure porque an es muy reciente para hablar de su duraci
El sonido es bastante amplio los sonidos graves se aprecian y apenas distorsionan si pones el volumen a tope. Volvera a comprarlo es una buena compra se nota que no es un altavoz chinaco de bazar, este es de ms calidad.
La duracin de la batera no la he probado pero usndolo a horas sueltas dura varios das.
Sono esterrefatta da questa cassa non ero cos felice nemmeno quando ho visto per la prima volta un iPhone tra le mie mani credetemi L acquisto pi soddisfacente della mia vita! Che non dimenticher perch L ho presa con un buono regalo per i miei 30 anni da parte di due amici di infanzia
Dieser leichter Bluetooth Lautsprecher ist der ideale Begleiter fr drauen. Also jetzt nicht gerade zum Spazierengehen, warum eigentlich nicht, aber im Garten, auf dem Hof oder bei sportlichen Aktivitten im Park. Auch Regen macht der Box nichts aus, da Sie wasserdicht mit der Zertifizierung IPX7 ist. Selbst das richtige Eintauchen im Wasser ist kein Problem. Der Sound kann sich auch hren lassen. Die eingebaute Lichtanlage peppt die Sache natrlich noch ein bisschen auf. Nach der Verbindung mit einem Smartphone kann man auch Gesprche entgegen nehmen. Die Box kann berhaupt mit allen bluetoothfhigen Gerten verbunden werden. Mit einer zweiten gleichen Box erhlt man eine ganz respektable Stereoanlage. Wer nicht unbedingt auf Hightech steht, dem drfte das vllig gengen.
Lo compr porqu no era ni el ms barato ni el ms caro, quera algo que donar medianamente bien. Tengo otro ms econmico y no se escucha nada. El sonido es bueno en interiores, buenos bajos. En exterior es para msica ambiental y poco ms. Pero si quieres uno de exterior tienes que ir a gamas ms superiores. Satisfecho con la compra, relacin calidad precio correcta.
Questa cassa fa il suo dovere. Ottimo suono e prestazioni. Facile da trasportare. Si ricarica come un telefono. Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Compre ese altavoz de uso comunitario en casa, para escuchar msica, conectarlo al Pc, al telfono, e incluso para la conexin de alguna que otra vdeo llamada, pero mi hijo al verlo se ha adueado un poco de l , porque es muy chulo y las luces llaman bastante la atencin.
El sonido es bastante ntido y para tenerlo en casa es justo lo que buscbamos, da la potencia que necesitbamos. El diseo es bastante moderno y tiene la peculiaridad que con la msica las luces van cambiando de color.
Yo uso uso incluso cuando estoy cocinando pongo msica a travs del mvil y mi hijo igualmente con la conexin al telfono, se ve las pelis con un sonido ms potente de lo que da el altavoz del mvil, con lo que disfruta mucho.
Su calidad/precio es genial.
Wir haben uns diesen Bluetooth Lautsprecher hier fr den privaten Eigengebrauch bestellt. Das Gert habe ich damals auch gleich nach Erhalt ausgepackt und ausprobiert. Die eingebaute Akkubatterie war sogar komplett vorgeladen, sodass ich das Gert auch nicht zuerst aufladen musste, sondern direkt austesten konnte. Innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden konnte ich mich via Smartphone per Bluetooth Funktion mit dem Lautsprecher verbinden. Der Verbindungsaufbau funktionierte bei mir auf Anhieb. Auch konnte ich danach bereits die ersten Songs ber YouTube abspielen. Meiner Meinung nach ist die abgegebene Soundqualitt sehr gut, da der Sound sehr klar und deutlich zu hren (ohne Rauschen) ist.
Je voulais une enceinte portative et performante mais aussi au design different avec si possible un jeu de lumire pour les soires o je reois la maison.
Celle-ci arrive bien protge dans une boite en carton, avec une prise USB et une prise jack.
Le mode opratoire est en franais dans une section ce qui est rare et donc trs apprciable : l’utilisation est simple comprendre et le fonctionnement est intuitif donc ce n’est aucunement un problme mais cela reste top d’avoir un petit livret de rfrence au cas o.
La finition est trs soigne, l’ensemble est joli et bien fini avec le dtail des prises lgamment dissimulees sous un cache. Tout est lisse et agrable aussi bien au regard qu’au toucher.
L’enceinte se pose horizontalement pour profiter de la lumire chaque extrmit : soit en couleur unique, soit en rythme avec la musique soit en dgrad color
La musique s’chappe par le pourtour tandis que les boutons de contrle se trouvent en ligne sur un “ct” du rond.
Mon enceinte est arrive dj charge 100 pour cent donc j’ai pu l’allumer et l’utiliser immdiatement.
Elle indique alors qu’elle est prte pour l’appairrage Bluetooth.
Et ds que ma tablette ou mon smartphone a le Bluetooth allum, il suffit de choisir “Abuytwo – INFI essential” dans la liste : la connexion est alors instantane (avec un petit son musical qui valide l’appairage) et on peut lancer de la musique.
Chez moi, elle est pose dans le grand meuble de mon salon qui fait 30m2, et elle attire tout de suite l’oeil avec sa luminosit.
Les lumires LED sont vibrantes avec un spectre de couleurs qui va du rose au bleu au vert avec des dgrads selon le mode choisi.
Du point de vue technique du son, rien dire.
La musique innonde clairement la pice de 30m2 avec un son trs net, avec un bon niveau de basses, et la gestion du volume est trs fine. On peut appairer 2 enceintes en stro ce qui est un vrai plus que j’envisage vu la taille de la pice.
presa per portarla nella casa al mare, e ovviamente anche in spiaggia, il suono molto corposo e si sentono bene sia gli alti che i bassi che una cosa molto rara per le piccole casse bluetooth perch non hanno la membrana adatta per crearli, poi ha la piccola chicca delle luci che si accendono e cambiamo colore a ritmo….davvero un ottimo prodotto!
Pour le prix que cote cette enceinte je suis entirement satisfait de la qualit du son produit ainsi que la puissance… Je recommande vivement ce produit pour les petits budgets
Trs bon son, trs bon visuel, avoir dans le temps,je n’es pas test l tanchits
Belle surprise !
Son : pour le prix, c est vraiment bien.
tanchit : non test.
Design : me convient trs bien.
Utilisation : Appairage trs simple, utilisation hyper facile.
Bilan : je ne peux que conseille
Carte TF de 32Go et aux minimum.
Puissante pour moi veut dire avec des basses profondes. Evidemment la connexion serait en Bluetooth 5.0 afin de bnficier de plus de stabilit et de puissance du signal.
Vu qu’elle va nous accompagner en vacances galement, elle doit tre tanche l’eau et au sable ! Donc minimum IPX7.
Puissant pour moi veut dire galement 30 watts minimum.
L’assistant vocal est le bienvenu (vivons avec son temps). Donc micro intgr.
Vu qu’elle va voyager souvent une petite taille compacte est apprcie.
Ne cherchez plus cette enceinte ci a toutes ces caractristiques.
En surfant sur mon site prfr et en lisant les caractristiques techniques elle m’a de suite sduit. La lecture des diffrents commentaires des autres utilisateurs m’ont dfinitivement convaincu de l’adopter. Et j’en suis ravi.
J’espre avoir pu vous aider dans votre choix.
Bon produit pour cout tt les jours si on est pas trop regardant. Le son est bon mais c’est pas le top qualit. Perso le produit me convient trs bien pour l’usage que j’en ai.
Une excellente enceinte, le son rend bien mme fond, ne grsille pas.
Je n’ai pas encore test l’tanchit donc je ne peux pas juger.
Seul bmol, on ne peut pas brancher une cl USB, et c’est bien dommage car si a avait t le cas, cette enceinte aurait t parfaite 100%!
Mais dans l’ensemble j’en suis quand mme trs contente, pas besoin de payer plus cher pr une marque suprieure, celle ci fait aussi bien le job et un tarif bien plus abordable.
Velocit di connessione bluetooth ottima e buon suono, compatto ma non pesante. Consigliato
Not bad sound bit flat in some places can make some songs sound distorted but not on all songs type c charging cable included aux port and tf port. Easy instructions you can turn the flashing lights on or off. Comes with cord to hold it. The sound doesn’t seem to have a good base
Prodotto buono, qualit del suono pi che soddisfacente. Buona la durata della batteria.
E’ una bella cassa BT utile sia come estensione delle casse audio del cellulare, sia per animare un po di feste.
Ha una bella forma cilindrica con due cerchi led agli estremi.
La potenza in linea con quella erogata da altri competitor da 30W.
Carina l’illuminazione delle due zone laterali (che fungono anche da bassi corposi) a ritmo di musica.
Che dire, l’ho regalata ed stata graditissima!
Spero di esservi stato utile
Tanta potenza e durata della batteria…
Certo, di casse Bluetooth ne esistono moltissimi modelli, di tutti i prezzi e dimensioni. Che siano piccoli o grandi, alcuni di loro ora ha un suoni e bassi davvero buoni. Tuttavia, questa sicuramente un buon acquisto, grazie ai suoi bassi e all’audio, tutto questo rimando in una gamma di prezzi ragionevole.
Secondo me i Pro di questa cassa sono:
* Potenza
* Buoni Bassi
* Durata della batteria
* Resistente agli schizzi d’acqua
* Cavo di ricarica Type C
* Slot SD per inserire card con mp3
* La base di appoggio poteva essere pi grande/stabile
Esteticamente accattivante, solida e rifinita con una superficie gommata e delicata al tatto. Tasti a pressione immediata, con led colorati sui lati della cassa, per un carino effetto luminoso.
Dalla dimensioni giusta per essere facilmente trasportata. Presente anche un cordino per il trasporto o anche per appenderla.
Il suono risulta potente e pulito, anche i bassi li ho trovati adeguati alla fascia di prezzo.
Insomma se il prezzo, rientra nelle vostro budget di spesa previsto, questa secondo me, potrebbe essere da prendere in considerazione…
couter la musique partout.
Remarque :les enceintes
rpandent une odeur nausabonde (tissus ?) autrement, je recommande ce produit. Achet par paire
Et apaires, la stro est bluffant. Par contre, les raccordements sont beaucoup trop petits. Cette
mesquinerie mrite une toile en moins
Nice Speaker with great souns So Far. It’s initial time so don’t have much to say.
Es kommt natrlich auf den Einsatzort bzw. den Zweck an wofr man den Lautsprecher bentigt. Ich suchte einen Bluetooth Lautsprecher fr die Terrasse mit brauchbarem Klang. Eher zum Musikhren nebenbei und nicht um Party zu machen und die Nachbarn zu rgern !! Dafr reicht mir der kleine Lautsprecher aus. Fr Innenrume macht er ausreichend Krach – im Freien sind natrlich Grenzen gesetzt. Ich benutze Radio- und Musikplayerapps, die die Mglichkeit durch Equalizer haben, den Klang noch etwas zu verfeinern. So kann man individuell den Klang an die Hrgewohnheiten anpassen. Fr mich war das ausreichend. Bsse, Mitten und Hhen sind vorhanden und fr mich ausreichend ( man sollte natrlich auch die Preisklasse beachten und dementsprechend seine Erwartungen nicht zu hoch setzen ).
Die Wasserfestigkeit konnte ich noch nicht prfen – kein schlechtes Wetter in Sicht !
Fazit : Kaufempfehlung ( fr den geschilderten Einsatzort )
The product is amazing. It’s extremely loud. The colour change lights on the ends are a great added extra. Great water protection on this speaker. And is super easy to charge
Lo dicho bueno bonito y barato por sus caractersticas lo recomiendo si no quieres gastar mucho lo seguir probando y os cuento.
Lieferumfang: Die Boombox inkl. Anleitung, USB-C-Ladekabel und Klinke (3,5mm “AUX-Kabel”)
An- und Verwendung: Sehr cool fr unterwegs
Mir gefllt:
+ Angemessener Preis
+ Hochwertige Verarbeitung
+ Ansprechendes Design
+ Stabiler Stand
+ Drehbarere Lautstrkeregler
+ Anschluss ber AUX, TF (micro-SD), Bluetooth
+ Vor Wasser geschtztes Design (aber nicht wasserdicht, s.u.)
+ Gute Soundqualitt in Hhen und dem Bass, sehr “voluminser” Sound
+ Handkordel
+ Vergleichsweise lange Laufzeit (5-8 Stunden je nach Lautstrke) bei kurzer Ladezeit (2-3 Stunden)
Mir gefllt weniger:
– NICHT gnzlich wasserdicht (auer bei Nieselregen vielleicht). Keineswegs im Regen stehen haben. Das vertrgt sie gar nicht.
Gesamtbewertung: Schickes Design, guter Preis, aber NICHT wasserdicht Empfehlenswert!
Estaba buscando un altavoz para realizar un viaje y la verdad que bastante sorprendido con la compra, una calidad de sonido muy buena, fcil de transportar resistente al agua, y dispone de dos altavoces internos muy buenos.
For around 30 I wasn’t expecting much.
Was actually highly surprised with the volume, sound quality and battery life.
Great great product with a greater price.
Bought this for holiday just as a travel speaker, but was instantly impressed. Simple, good sound quality and reasonable price. I’ve just bought another one to take advantage of the dual mode.
Sound quality is absolutely amazing, as loud as you would ever need from a speaker this size.
Works well, I have it connected up to an Echo input and listen to music on it too. It sounds good, and it looks good too. On one end the flat circular panel was loose on mine, but it doesn’t affect its use.
It’s light, it’s portable and fits perfectly in a standard bike drinks holder.
The battery life is about 6 days from one full charge with 2 hours of daily usage.
The sound quality is great, the bass isn’t very deep. Apart from that it’s a really great little speaker. Ideal for the beach days or parties /park/ cycling or garden parties.
For less than 30 you really can’t go wrong. The light show is an additional bonus if your having a party at night.
Ordered to use outside in the garden as its water resistant and seemed really safe for outdoor use. It charges quickly and the sound is amazing! The lights look great they add such a special effect. Got so many people asking where its from as it sounds great and battery lasts forever. Havent had to charge it since the first charge which was a month ago and its used every day. For the price I’m super impressed!
The speaker was something that quite shocked me. the reason being was based on the size they actually came in it was much smaller than I had expected although it size may not be the best feature the quality of the sound is most definitely. I really did admire the quality of sound and how much it fit most of the base of the music I was listening to now on one hand the sound was fine to an extent but if you increase the volume to a certain level then of course it starts to create a different sound which is more of a static sound just because it can’t actually handle the base now for the price I think it’s worth it because it doesn’t actually provide that much power in the stereos in order for it to exert that much sound at that volume. the design is really nice I really do like the design and I appreciate the uniqueness of the product it feels nice and easy to carry around is very small and durable it’s convenient especially if you’re on the go of your travelling you wish to take the speaker I feel like this is a very affordable wireless Bluetooth speaker which is reliable definitely and of course you can do many things with it which is of course the most useful having been able to answer calls and such. I appreciate this speaker a lot just due to the actual premium quality of the speaker as well as the design. overall I feel like it’s great for something that’s portable easy to carry around if you’re on the move a lot this is a brilliant piece of equipment to have got 10 hours battery after charged full so why not head for it!
Not used this for any length of time so far ,so can`t say if battery life is good-I think the volume is adequate and didn`t even realize I could connect Very easily to my phone letting me ( in principal ) answer calls using it. I love gadgets and this is a nice gadget.
I needed a Bluetooth speaker for vacation which also is water-resistant and got this one, which turned out to be a really good speaker.
The sound quality is very good, of course not on a level like sonos or expensiver ones, but they also cost 10 times as much. So yes you get a decent sound experience, a bit base heavy, but I do quite like it.
Waterproof is true as well, it fell in the pool once and just kept going and no signs of any damage to it.
The quality of the materials and feel is also very good and it has quite a weight to it, but I think that is due to the big battery, as it lasts really very long before you would need to charge it.
connecting it via BT was super easy and it shows up on the Spotify player with no problem, which is the main purpose we use it for.
As it is Bluetooth 5 you can also connect more than 1 phone to the speaker at the same time, we did not use this feature really as we have just multiple phones connected to Spotify where we can stream the music to the speaker.
All in all a very capable and decent Bluetooth Speaker for the pool or beach 🙂
Speaker is great and the bluetooth connectivity is very surprisingly long distance. The sound clarity is very good and also the battery life is amazing for how cheap the product is. It lights up and looks even cooler at night and it does get very loud if you adjust it. I hope my review was helpful
I have tried a few different Bluetooth speakers, some have extras such as FM or even DAB radios but this one really concentrates on sound quality and volume.
It is quite a large speaker, cylindrical is shape with generous bass speakers at each end, enhanced by coloured LED lights. There is a panel on the side with controls and a similar panel on the other side with an Aux input, an SD card slot and the USB-C charging port.
A nice extra is the inclusion of a microphone so that it can be used to provide amplified hands-free telephony. This really came into its own when my elderly, hard of hearing mother needed to have a video call with a solicitor, she wouldn’t have been able to hear what was said just using the phone speaker, but using this there was no problem at all.
Overall this is a really good quality Bluetooth speaker, with superb sound quality, great build quality and good looks. I can’t believe that it is currently priced at 32.99, it looks and sounds as if it should be a lot more expensive.
This is a good quality bluetooth speaker. It pairs easily and is easy to connect to a bluetooth device. The speaker itself feels good and is sturdy. It has LED lights on the ends which flash, although you can turn this off. It supports a micro SD card, so you can play music from the card, or from the device it’s connected to. The sound is okay for a portable speaker. It’s a little tinny at times, but it’s okay for what you would use it for, and the volume is fairly decent. it’s also waterproof, so good to use at the beach, pool or in the bathroom. At just under 33, I think it’s a little expensive and I would imagine you could buy similar for cheaper.
Lovely speaker. Helpful Bluetooth speaker.
It’s got good battery life. Charging for 2hrs will get you about 5hours I wouldn’t trust the 24hr playback. Good value for money and super quick delivery! Super quality. It’s quite big in size also almost the size of a 500ml water bottle but thicker so be mindful.
Overall I am very happy with i
I love the feel of the protective cover/carry case, I love the fact the the ends give it colour snd movements with the base! Highly recommended, small enough to go in your large handbag
Easy to connect wirelessly and sounds great.
Loud for its size with good bass.
The battery lasts hours of playing over several days.
Great quality and very well priced too.
This is a well made, easy to pair bluetooth speaker which sounds good but I’m not sure about the best way to position this.
It sounds a bit rough on start up, with a grainy sounding (intentional) rev noise, but don’t let that put you off as once you have music going through this, it sounds perfectly good for this price point. It maybe lacks a touch of extra bass and it’s not going to be an audiophile listening experience, but it’s perfectly good for general home/garden/outdoor listening or even the bathroom (as it is IPX7 rated so should survive a good splash).
Pairing was as simple as switching it on and searching for a new pairing on my phone.
There is a thick rubber flap that protects the ports and card slot and the nylon fabric that covers the outer feels good and grippy in the hand. At each end are the subwoofers which are also LED lit. When the music is playing the LED lights change colour as the bass vibrates the ends.
My only main gripe is that I found the listening position frustrating. Is this meant to stand up? In which case one of the bass ends is muffled into the table/shelf/ground and one of the the LEDs is hidden. Is it meant to lie horizontally? In which case the lanyard positioning is annoying, and the speaker tends to roll so that the on speaker buttons roll out of easy finger access.
Otherwise if you are after a good sounding, well priced speaker then this is worth considering.
Lo primero es decir que 30W RMS es una barbaridad, puro marketing, no los tiene o no al menos como estamos acostumbrados a escucharlos (imposible de medir o comprobar). Sin embargo reproduce sonido con gran potencia, en el cual los graves tienen presencia, los agudos estn bien definidos y los medios que se disparan conforme subes el volumen al mismo tiempo que el bajo pierde firmeza (al final es un equipo portable).
La calidad de la construccin est por encima de la media en estos altavoces. Construido en un cuerpo de aluminio recubierto por una gruesa capa textil trenzada que lo protege de golpes, rozaduras y le da un aspecto muy chulo
Prestaciones y rendimiento
Cuenta con prestaciones avanzadas como LEDS sincronizados con la msica, poder conectar ms altavoces a la vez, manos libres, etc…
Totalmente resistente al agua. Como se puede ver en el vdeo lo aguanta muy bien.
3600mAh de batera y altavoz de 30W, no dara para tenerlo encendido ms de una hora a tope. (haciendo los clculos que corresponde) Publicidad engaosa.
Altavoz un poco desconocido pero con una relacin calidad precio equilibrada. Rene unas caractersticas y prestaciones que satisfacen con creces las exigencias del usuario promedio. Hay que tener en cuenta que los altavoces no estn en los extremos, esos son membranas para la presin del sonido en su interior (fijos en las fotos del producto)
Lo recomendara a cualquiera que quiera un altavoz bluetooth de prestaciones un poquito ms avanzadas por un precio razonable
Si has llegado hasta aqu y consideras que lo que has ledo el vdeo o las fotos te han sido de utilidad, djalo reflejado de esta forma ayudars a cualquier otro lector, que se encontrar esta informacin con mayor facilidad y a mi, que me animar a hacerlo mejor.
Y si tienes alguna pregunta djala en la cajita que tratar de responderla cuanto antes.
This is a 2 x 15 watt speaker, it produces decent quality sound for the price. The bass can sometimes kill the mid-range slightly but it does depend on the type of music and the volume level. It’s very clear for audiobooks and speech in general.
It paired instantly with my iPad, I like the fact that you can turn the LEDs off and change their sequence. At night I don’t want LEDs flashing by my bed but they’re a nice touch for parties or outdoor evenings.
The only problem I found was that one end panel was completely separate from the speaker. You can see on the speaker where the glue has been but it doesn’t seem to have ever made contact with the end disc. Easy enough to remedy but poor quality control.
Price wise, it’s probably about what I’d expect to pay for this type of speaker.
Build quality is pretty decent and the sound is loud and easily fills a room. It’s not the greatest of sound quality, but enough for use in the house or in the garden. The sound isn’t that clear, so not for audiophiles, as the vocals feel a bit drowned out.
The speaker has lights on both ends that change with the music and can be configured, but I tend to turn these off. Might be nice for parties!
Overall, a good speake
Also the compact size makes it very versatile device. Easy to clean, good looking and it has a reasonable price.
This is a really nice design for a Bluetooth speaker. You have lights either side on the speakers, which bounce with the music and bass, the lights can be changed, so you can have singular colours, mixed colours, different sequences of colours etc, which looks fantastic. All of the function buttons are down the front side. At the back you have the USB-C charging, there is a cable provided. This takes around 4 hours to charge and it can last up to 30 hours, depending on the volume and which mode you’re using. You also have a memory card slot too, UpTo 64gb. So the speaker can play via Bluetooth or a tf card.
The buttons are nice and simple, you can play, pause, skip forward, return back. Use it for answering calls, ending and declining calls. You also have the mode change button, to switch between Bluetooth and memory card. You can change the lights via the power button.
The speaker sound quality is better than I thought it would be, for the price anyway. I wasn’t sure what to expect as sometimes the cheaper ones can be good and other times not. This one is brilliant for around 30. You can have the volume up high, without getting any crackling or distortions. There is a little base, nothing incredible but still there. Everything is nice and clear, even phone calls aren’t bad. You can even take your phone across your house and the speaker will still stay connected.
I would recommend this. I love the design and small size. The lights look fab when going with the music. The sound is spot on for what you want. Worth the price.
small but mighty.
volume can be really loud.
Bluetooth easy to connect.
the ends light up which add another dimension – they are cool.
the carry handle is useful.
reasonably priced.
simple controls.
some slight distortion at the highest volume (but still good at this price point).
I’m happy to recommend.
I hope you find my review helpful
I got this on VINE review and the speaker was well presented and packaged. The speaker itself looks so well made and luxurious in every way. There are the dual speakers inside and the bass subs on each end with the colourful LEDs light display once powered on. There are a row 6 stylish buttons on the speakers fabric plastic cover. I like how the speaker is solid and have an ABS plastic frame and reinforced ends.
The hand cord is handy for when I’m carrying the speaker about.
Now that I’m fully satisfied with the build quality and workmanship, I had doubts about the sound quality at this price bracket.
Blue toothing the speaker to my phone was simple and straight forward and with a strong connection.
My music on my phone are DSD, FLAC and similar high quality music.
As soon as I played my first music track, I was flabbergasted and blown away by the amazing sound quality! I never expected such good sounds across the board.
I played a dozen of my favourite tracks and each one came out so beautifully rendered.
Bass, mids, highs and vocals etc.. sounded so balanced, alive, 3D and real. The depth, instrumental and vocal separation was excellent. Vocals sound so energetic, natural and like it wasn’t coming from the speaker and being sang right in front of me.
The bass was excellent in everyway and I just wanted to listen more. And with the alternating colourful LED lights added to the beautiful music.
Currently, this is the best sound that I’ve heard and I have fussy ears for good sound.
I am absolutely amazed and wanted to offer this brand product 10 Stars rating. That is how impressed I am with this product. It sounded better than my other speaker that costed 5 times as much.
I have transferred my music to a TF card and can plug it into the TF card slot next to the charging USB-C port and AUX socket.
I’ll be using my phone to play music to the speaker because the phones DAC music software is high quality and sounds better and does a better job.
This product represents excellent value for money.
This Bluetooth speaker is very good indeed and for its RRP offers excellent value. The sound quality on it is excellent, its easy to set up and pair to devices, and is easy to operate thanks to very responsive and easy to access buttons on the front of the speaker that controls volume, pairing, and on/off. There is also a button that allows a single speaker to be “paired” to a second, creating a surround sound effect when done so.
In terms of ease of use and sound quality, this speaker is 5/5. The only drawback to the speaker is the “rainbow” lights on the rims at each end of the speaker which flash to the beat of the music being played. While I initially liked this feature, it quickly got annoying and there is no way to turn this feature off. While not a total deal breaker, its a bit annoying when using the speaker at night or in a low light environment.
Despite this, the quality of the speaker is excellent and for the RRP offers superb value. I would recommend it!
Barrel shaped speaker that can be connected via 3.5mm cable (supplied) or bluetooth and can also play music on a micro SD card. Each end has RGB lighting which changes in time with the music, the mode can be changed through use of quick pressing the power button. It has a USB-C port for charging and comes supplied with a USB-A to USB-C charging cable. It also comes with a 3.5mm to 3.5mm aux cable. On full charge (which takes a while due to the battery capacity) it will last up to 24 hours which is very respectable. It is also waterproofed up to IPX7 and has a rubber cover over the USB-C and 3.5mm sockets.
There are six buttons on the side of the speaker: power (change lighting mode if pressed quickly), volume up (next track if held down), play (answer/end call, voice assistant if held down), volume down (previous track if held down), bluetooth pairing and mode (bluetooth/micro sd/aux) buttons. Pairing is relatively simple.
The sound from the speaker is good, better than you would expect from a speaker of this size. The volume range is impressive and sounds quality was clear enough even at the (loud) full volume. Apparently if you buy two of these you can create a double stereo sound although I was unable to test this with only the one speaker. The controls during playback are straightforward and having a built in microphone allows the taking of calls or use of personal assistant, such as Siri. Sound quality during a call is quite respectable too. All in all, a great speaker when you are out an about, even if it’s just in your garden.
I’ve had so many Bluetooth speakers and they really do vary in quality- a greater price tag doesn’t always mean that they are better either. This packs a punch in terms of sound quality and the lights are an added bonus. There is no tinny effect here and it’s perfect for home or taking out and about, such as on holiday. Charges quickly and lasts at least 24 hours of play- highly recommended
i don’t think i have come across a louder speaker in this size for this price before. you don’t get premium brand sound quality but you are not paying premium brand price.
this has it all, strong sound, great batter life and waterproof with some fancy colours for a remarkable price. it is also very strong and easy to pair to your phone.
the only reason for knocking one star off is that the higher end sounds are not as crisps as they could be – the bass is almost a little too much. but otherwise, i don’t think you will find a better, more feature rich speaker for this price.
This Bluetooth Speaker is a very good product the build quality is good the sound quality is excellent. Easy to set up .
Comes well packaged. Volume is pretty loud and bass level is pretty good . No distortion. In all a very good product very practical. I would recommend this produc
Yup. My eyebrows certainly raised at 32.99 – in a good way! I don’t usually like these little speakers.
The clarity is nice, they are of course a little middly. The bass is stronger when you hold it closer to you. I mean, expectations here – you should not be expecting anything like deep subby sound with a speaker of this size.
The pairing was truly a doddle. I like the colours, they appear to respond to sound, you can also change the feature so it is individual colours changing, or multiple colours together phasing around, or off of course – plus one or two others.
The little cones on either end really give it some in terms of vibration.
Comes with a little audio connector cable as well.
As a little Bluetooth speaker, it really took me by surprise. It’s funky, it feels quality material-wise. , the sounds decent for the price and size.
EASY Five stars from me. Love it!
This is a super Bluetooth speaker for the price. The build quality is excellent, and it’s reassuring to know that it’s waterproof – so no worries about using it in the bathroom, or taking it to areas where it might get wet, like the swimming pool, beach etc.
In the box you get:
1x Bluetooth speaker
1x USB charging cable
1x Aux cable
1x detachable Lanyard
1x User manual
I found that pairing it up to my old iPhone 5 was VERY easy and VERY quick. The music quality is excellent, and there is plenty of volume available if you need it. On a ‘sensible’ volume you can enjoy 24+ hours of music before a re-charge is necessary. I do like that there is a Micro SD slot, and a 3.5mm Audio port, which allows you to hook up the speaker to other devices via the included cable. To prolong the life of the battery, the manufacturer advises to fully charge it before it’s first use. Mine came pre-charged – so it only took 30 minutes to fully charge it. When the battery is low a red flashing light is displayed (just below the on/off button). The red light flashes when the speaker is being charged – when charged the light goes off. This does have a circle of lights top and bottom, which have three modes, though you can also turn them off. It’s compact size and weight (500g) makes it a practical, portable device to take anywhere with you – music on the go if you like. If you are seeking a Bluetooth speaker, then this one is well worth considering. My wife has paired it with her laptop, and enjoys the quality of the sound when she views concerts or watches movies. I’ve been using this speaker to listen to music when carrying out craft projects in my garage workshop. Given its quality, practicality, versatility, and reasonable price, I have no hesitation at all in recommending this product to you.
Connects easily and can be found easily via Bluetooth.
The sound can be adjusted via the buttons on the front of the unit. The sound is extremely good and the amps are also loud plenty for a party on the beach or round the pool. It has a handy strap to carry and can be placed upright on its side and sounds just as good either way.
There are some lights that changed colour on each end and also on dis/connection-a sound is played to confirm all is good.
The only small criticism is the base is not as perfect as a large speaker but that would be due to size and not quality and would not impact my star rating.
For me this is a great buy.
For its size this blue tooth speaker is a beast. Before I even removed it from its box I knew it was going to be good but I didn’t know how good. It comes in a nice printed box with a printed sleeve. In the box it straight forward the speaker instructions and a little black box with charge cable and auxiliary cable. Within 5 minutes i had it set up and playing, it linked with my blue tooth on my phone within a second just one button to press then find it in your blue tooth menu tap on the name of the speaker and your off. On a full 4 hour charge you get about 30 hours of play at low to mid volume and a bit less on full. The added lights are a great bonus and look great in a darkened room plus you can also link 2 together and use one for left channel and one for right channel I can only imaging how good that would sound as just with the one the clarity of sound is top notch. At top volume it’s well adequate for a small party which is what I had sat night and it never faulted. The instructions are only 5 pages long so I put up photos of them so you can read all ins and outs about the speaker and a video of it bang it out, sorry about song choice. It’s a good all round speaker and suited to all would be great in a child’s bedroom. For its size you won’t believe how good the sound is.I hope this review helps you to make up your mind to buy our not to buy but if you buy then enjoy I know I’m going to at home and my caravan.
At 7.25″ long and 3″ wide this is by no means a mini-speaker, but it’s small enough to be portable, and can be hung, stood upright or lay on its side.
Pairing is straightforward, and once paired, Bluetooth connection is swift and reliable. Connection range is exceptional. Leaving my phone in the front bedroom, I was out of my back door and over my patio and onto my back lawn before connection started to fail. Very impressive! There’s a little LED to show connection status, that flashes during pairing, but most of the time it’s blue when the unit is switched on and connected.
Charging is via USB-C, using the 50cm lead provided, or your own lead. I found it wasn’t fussy about which cable it would charge with, which isn’t always the case. A red LED lights while the unit is being charged, turning off when fully charged. Charging time isn’t that quick, so bung it on charge and leave it overnight. There’s also a 50cm 3.5mm stereo jack-plug lead provided, to allow you to use the speaker with a wired external audio source.
Connections provided are the USB charging socket, the 3.5mm external input socket, and a micro-SD socket. Put some MP3s on a micro SD card, pop it in the socket (which is sprung), and then press and hold the Bluetooth button for two seconds to select the SD card as a source. The MP3 will play until you press the triangular “play ” button to pause it, or until you press the Bluetooth button for 2 seconds to swap back to your connected device. Switching between the SD card and Bluetooth is simple enough, and the music carries on plying from where you left off on the SD card, which makes this feature particularly useful for listening to audiobooks. The downside is there’s no track forward or backwards control buttons, but I can live with that.
Sound quality is pretty good for this price point, neither being surprisingly good or bad. It’s okay, with good midrange, a bit of base and inoffensive treble. At full volume there’s no distortion and it’s respectably loud without being surprisingly loud. I like that you can play it at full volume without feeling you’re damaging it.
One feature of this speaker is that the two end speakers are backlit with multicolour LEDs. In Bluetooth mode, the colours cycle round gently, and the LEDs flash in time with the music. In SD card mode, the colours change to a full ring of colour which changes through different colours and again, flashes in time with the music. It’s cute and fun or annoying, depending on what your inclination it. Personally, I like it.
The buttons all work as you’d expect and, slightly garish flashing light-show aside, it’s a handsome and classy-looking device. Everything about it feels well-made and robust. The claimed waterproof rating of IPX7 is believable, but an IPX7 rating is nothing amazing to marvel over.
I originally rated this speaker at 4*, then when I reviewed it, going through the features, range and build quality, I upped my rating to 5*. But then coming back to the price, I’ve knocked it back to 4*. This is a handsome, well-made Bluetooth speaker and if you buy it, you’ll be happy with it. It doesn’t quite impress me enough for me to unreservedly recommend it, but I can’t actually fault anything it does. If you see it priced under 30, add that missing star onto my review rating.
Great feeling quality item good sound and the lights are and added bonus
The speaker’s battery was at a 100% charge out of the box. This may point to excellent battery life but that remains to be confirmed. The built quality at this price is very good. The controls are responsive and easy to operate. I like the LED rhythmic lighting on the speakers (at each end). It is not the clearest but I think in this price range, this is the best sounding speaker I have listened to. Good bass that does not overpower the mids. There is no significant distortion even at the maximum volume.
In dotazione un cavo USB type C (quello che si inserisce indifferentemente capovolto) e un jack audio da 3.5. Ha anche alloggiamento per scheda microSD. Manuale d’uso essenziale e in lingua anche italiana.
Buon prodotto nel complesso.