Amazon Brand-Eono Car Phone Holder Air Vent, Universal Air Vent Car Phone Mount 360° Rotation, One-button Release Mobile Phone Cradle with Adjustable Clip Compatible for iPhone,Galaxy, Huawei etc.
My husbands dash has a curve and he’s had many phone holders. All of them broke pretty much straight away.
He’s had this one 3 weeks now and he loves it. Wasn’t an issue to fit. Fits most phones.
Really sturdy. Highly recommend.
Very useful for the car. Would just check the vent you are thinking about putting it on before buying. As my vent moves easily, the phone holding often falls off whilst I’m driving
Easy to install, fairly sturdy (although I think that’s really down to the design of our vents which it clips on to) Holds my good old big iPhone 14 HD easily and is easy to remove. Once the phone is in the holder, I am satisfied that it will stay there until I remove it. Absolutely essential for me, travelling long distances on my own being able to follow google maps and listen to my podcasts!
Attaching the holder to your fan is a bit of a faff due to having to screw it shut – makes it hard to operate depending on the car, but generally a great holder.
I drive different vehicles every day for work and this design is best for jobs that require you to put in and take out the holder everyday. I find you lose the ‘stick’ on the phone holders that suction to the screen whereas this one is perfect.
Love this product. I have a Dacia car which means the air vents are not compatible with many phone holders but not an issue with this. Easy to install, holds phone in place and releases with the touch of a button. Very sturdy and reliable.
Struggled for ages to find a decent phone holder for the car, no luck with the rubber sucker windscreen ones as gey kept popping off, tried the vent/magnet thingies but limited success. This new one is great, does the job, firmly holds my Huawei P30 pro and yet to eject my phone when I hit a bump, so far, very happy, wish I’d bought one ages ago.
The clamp to go between the vents is very thick I couldn’t get it between my central vents so have had to put on the vent nesr the door as the gaps were slightly larger. It does not go to the back so I’m not sure if it will fall off doesn’t seem very secure.
I like the fact I don’t need to attach this to the windscreen and that ut takes up little space. It secured fine and can be maneuvered to a suitable location to use. As it has the ability to tighten the grip to the air vent I feel this is more sturdy than ones that just have a clip to attach to the vent, this way if you’re not moving it often it’s a reliable choice.
Phone holder is great, fits s22 ultra in it but the phone weighs down the air vent so it’s not quite as sturdy as it could be however it’s the only holder I’ve found so far that fits my phone. One other downside is one of the silicone patches fell off the holder before I got it out the packaging.
I have always bought windscreen mounted holders previously, but after the last one gave up – I wanted something that would last. This is easily transferrable between vehicles and on top of that – is sturdy and easy to use. Very impressed after 1 month (and 50+ hours of usage).
J’ai hsiter avec d’autre modle et vraiment c’est un super achat, il tient trs bien et ne bouge pas. Si vous avez besoin d’un support avec un prix tout fait correct, il est parfait.
Arrive avec 4 jours d’avance, solide, ne bouge pas et est bien fix, ne trombe pas lorsque l’on roule, facile install. Je l’utilise avec un huawei p30 mais s’adapte tout les model de tlphone. Un peu cher mais on peut dire qu’il vaut son prix. Trs bon produit, je vous le recommande.
Le seul bmol pour l’instant… Mais c’est pas bien.. Si on veut crire un message ou autre saisie texte… Les rebords du support rendent difficile l’accs au clavier concernant les lettres proches du support.
Sinon trs content.
Montage facile rapide
Serrage parfait
Accessibilit de la prise recharge tlphone
Il est bien fix la grille de ventilation de la voiture et maintient bien le tlphone. De plus il est trs facile d’insrer le tlphone grce un bouton qui fait coulisser les cts. Je recommande.
Es un soporte universal ya que se ajusta al tamao de mvil y la apertura es lo suficientemente amplia para cualquier modelo del mercado.
Es muy fcil de instalar, lo he colocado en la rejilla de ventilacin, lo he apretado y no se mueve tras bastantes das de uso, ni siquiera se ha aflojado.
Para colocar el mvil simplemente apretaremos los laterales, los cuales quedan perfectamente ajustados al nuestro mvil, para extraerlo solo tendremos que pulsar el botn que tiene en el lateral y recoger nuestro telfono. Abre con mucha suavidad.
Tiene rotacin 360 grados. Yo lo uso cuando necesito utilizar el GPS y me viene genial, lo puedo colocar a la altura que necesito y no tener que desviar innecesariamente la vista de la carretera.
El detalle de que la parte de abajo del telfono quede libre, para poder cargar, es otro punto a su favor.
Buen precio y calidad aceptable.
Me ha resultado muy til.
I got this car phone holder for my Son in USA. It arrived on day it was said to.
My Son is so pleased with it, he said it was easy to fit together and it fits well in his car vent and sturdy enough to hold his phone and swivel it from side to side up and down if need be. I’m so happy I got this one for him. Thank you from the both of us.
Amazon Brand-Eono Car Phone Holder Air Vent, Universal Air Vent Car Phone Mount 360 Rotation, One-button Release Mobile Phone Cradlewith Adjustable Clip Compatible for iPhone,Galaxy, Huawei etc. is currently at the price of 10.49 (with an extra 30% off voucher) including next day quick delivery and 30 days return if anything goes wrong with the item.
I have bought a few car chargers in the past for myself, my friends and family, and I have to say this one is one of my favourite ones.
To set it up, it is very straightforward, but you do have a manual with the charger if you have any questions.
The air vent clip is a never more robust design, as you can adjust the hold on the vent, so you can be sure it will not come out by accident.
Once you plug the charger in and switch it on (at the back on the top, you have a little touch button), the sides will go wider, and you can put your phone in. It will go nice and tight around your phone, and the coil in the middle will move to ensure it is aligned in the right place with your phone to charge it quickly and adequately.
Most of the charger is made of thick and strong plastic, but the bottom holder part is metal, which is great as I feel more secure that it will hold my big phone with no issues.
All in all, I think this charger is excellent, and it is at a reasonable price, so I definitely would recommend it.
Perfetto! Si monta come nel video e poi in macchina basta agganciarla alle bocchette dell’aria e girare la manopolina. Per inserire il telefono dietro c’ un pulsantino che apre i sostegni laterali, in modo da mettere molto tipi di telefono. Mi piace tantissimo!
Sto utilizzando questo supporto nella mia auto e mi sto trovando molto bene,si aggancia perfettamente e tiene ben telefono, facilmente regolabile sia per la direzione che per la misura del telefono,inizialmente non avevo ben capito il meccanismo di apertura ma poi ci sono riuscita.
I materiali sono davvero ottimi,plastica molto robusta che non tende a scricchiolare o a spaccarsi come altri prodotti simili comprati in passato.
Concludo dicendo che sono molto soddisfatta del prodotto e ritengo il prezzo di vendita abbastanza giusto,5 stelle meritatissime
Spero che la mia recensione sincera e imparziale vi sia stata utile e vi sia piaciuta
Really pleased with this! It’s dinky and doesn’t block my view. Very easy to assemble too. You just clip it onto the air vent, tighten it, then press and release to insert and remove your phone. Brilliant!
ce support est classique, le tlphone est bien maintenu, on le retire facilement. l’installation au niveau de la grille de ventilation est simple, la pince est en mtal avec une molette pour serrer la pince sur la grille d’aration. ce n’est pas le systme que je prfre mais il fait le job. le portable peut tre pivot 360 degr. Dans l’ensemble, c’est un bon produit. le prix est dans la moyenne.
Au fait, si vous avez une question spcifique sur un article, utilisez simplement la fonction de question spciale du client Amazon la fin de la description de l’article. Vous tes galement invits consulter plus d’avis dans notre profil ou simplement nous suivre ! Pour rendre votre achat un peu plus sr, nous testons les articles que nous recevons pendant plusieurs jours avant de crer un avis honnte spcifique. Nous ne sommes pas des professionnels, nous sommes comme vous et nous sommes souvent dus par des produits qui ne tiennent pas nos promesses. Bien entendu, la rception des chantillons n’a aucun impact positif sur nos avis.
Ich habe diese Handyhalterung fr mein iPhone 12 Pro bestellt und es passt perfekt. Dadurch das man es beliebig an den Seiten verstellen kann ist es fr fast alle Handys geeignet.
Man montiert diese Halterung mit einer Art Klammer an die Lftung und dreht diese oben an der Klammer fest. Ich finde es toll das diese Halterung flexibel gedreht werden kann wie es einem fr die Fahrt passt.
Ich habe eine 4 Stndige Autofahrt hinter mir und die Halterung hat super Widerstand geleistet und sich nicht verstellt oder gar abgefallen.
Im Groen und Ganzen eine schnell montierte Handyhalterung die perfekt fr eine Autofahrt geeignet ist.
This is a good, solid, mechanical piece of kit for supporting mobile phones on car vents. It’s a simple and sleek design, easy to install and doesn’t require any tools. It can be used in any vehicle and the phone cradle and foot support are extendable to fit small or large smartphones – up to 7 inches. Great value and doesn’t look ugly when empty.
Die Halterung wurde mit im Rahmen des VINE-Programms angeboten und da ich grad noch eine gebrauchen konnte, habe ich zugegriffen.
Die Verarbeitung ist gut und ordentlich.
Also montiert, zunchst die Klemme am Lftungsgitter. Die Schraube gut festgezogen und sie hlt.
Dann die Handyhalterung an die Klemme geschraubt, hlt ebenfalls gut und man kann das Handy schn von oben hinein stecken.
Das Handy wird gut fest gehalten – selbst Kopfsteinpflaster schttelt es nicht los.
Ich war schon beim Auspacken & Montieren begeistert, was sich auch nach der Probefahrt nicht gendert hat.
My husbands dash has a curve and he’s had many phone holders. All of them broke pretty much straight away.
He’s had this one 3 weeks now and he loves it. Wasn’t an issue to fit. Fits most phones.
Really sturdy. Highly recommend.
Very useful for the car. Would just check the vent you are thinking about putting it on before buying. As my vent moves easily, the phone holding often falls off whilst I’m driving
Easy to install, fairly sturdy (although I think that’s really down to the design of our vents which it clips on to) Holds my good old big iPhone 14 HD easily and is easy to remove. Once the phone is in the holder, I am satisfied that it will stay there until I remove it. Absolutely essential for me, travelling long distances on my own being able to follow google maps and listen to my podcasts!
Attaching the holder to your fan is a bit of a faff due to having to screw it shut – makes it hard to operate depending on the car, but generally a great holder.
I drive different vehicles every day for work and this design is best for jobs that require you to put in and take out the holder everyday. I find you lose the ‘stick’ on the phone holders that suction to the screen whereas this one is perfect.
Love this product. I have a Dacia car which means the air vents are not compatible with many phone holders but not an issue with this. Easy to install, holds phone in place and releases with the touch of a button. Very sturdy and reliable.
Struggled for ages to find a decent phone holder for the car, no luck with the rubber sucker windscreen ones as gey kept popping off, tried the vent/magnet thingies but limited success. This new one is great, does the job, firmly holds my Huawei P30 pro and yet to eject my phone when I hit a bump, so far, very happy, wish I’d bought one ages ago.
The clamp to go between the vents is very thick I couldn’t get it between my central vents so have had to put on the vent nesr the door as the gaps were slightly larger. It does not go to the back so I’m not sure if it will fall off doesn’t seem very secure.
I like the fact I don’t need to attach this to the windscreen and that ut takes up little space. It secured fine and can be maneuvered to a suitable location to use. As it has the ability to tighten the grip to the air vent I feel this is more sturdy than ones that just have a clip to attach to the vent, this way if you’re not moving it often it’s a reliable choice.
Phone holder is great, fits s22 ultra in it but the phone weighs down the air vent so it’s not quite as sturdy as it could be however it’s the only holder I’ve found so far that fits my phone. One other downside is one of the silicone patches fell off the holder before I got it out the packaging.
Super facile installer – super facile utiliser et TRS adhrent le tlphone ne bouge pas d’un millimtre donc je suis trs satisfaite!!
Trs simple d’utilisation nanmoins je suis pas convaincu sur le long terme. Pour l’instant il n’est pas encore tomb.
Simple a monter, installer, petit, lger et maniable pour le tlphone.
El unico problema que hemos encontrado es la movilidad de las rendijas de salida del aire acondicionado que se mueve en los baches y mueve el mvil
Fait le job. A voir la solidit sur le long terme.
Satisfait de mon acha
Plutt facile installer. Mon tlphone protg par un tui en cuir tient parfaitement.
I have always bought windscreen mounted holders previously, but after the last one gave up – I wanted something that would last. This is easily transferrable between vehicles and on top of that – is sturdy and easy to use. Very impressed after 1 month (and 50+ hours of usage).
J’ai hsiter avec d’autre modle et vraiment c’est un super achat, il tient trs bien et ne bouge pas. Si vous avez besoin d’un support avec un prix tout fait correct, il est parfait.
It is easy to use and just what I needed
Sinon trs content.
Montage facile rapide
Serrage parfait
Accessibilit de la prise recharge tlphone
Il est bien fix la grille de ventilation de la voiture et maintient bien le tlphone. De plus il est trs facile d’insrer le tlphone grce un bouton qui fait coulisser les cts. Je recommande.
Soporte de coche para mvil, de la marca EONO.
Es un soporte universal ya que se ajusta al tamao de mvil y la apertura es lo suficientemente amplia para cualquier modelo del mercado.
Es muy fcil de instalar, lo he colocado en la rejilla de ventilacin, lo he apretado y no se mueve tras bastantes das de uso, ni siquiera se ha aflojado.
Para colocar el mvil simplemente apretaremos los laterales, los cuales quedan perfectamente ajustados al nuestro mvil, para extraerlo solo tendremos que pulsar el botn que tiene en el lateral y recoger nuestro telfono. Abre con mucha suavidad.
Tiene rotacin 360 grados. Yo lo uso cuando necesito utilizar el GPS y me viene genial, lo puedo colocar a la altura que necesito y no tener que desviar innecesariamente la vista de la carretera.
El detalle de que la parte de abajo del telfono quede libre, para poder cargar, es otro punto a su favor.
Buen precio y calidad aceptable.
Me ha resultado muy til.
Fissaggio stabile. Aggancio telefono pratico e veloce anche con una mano. Si sgancia solo quando lo decidi tu.
I got this car phone holder for my Son in USA. It arrived on day it was said to.
My Son is so pleased with it, he said it was easy to fit together and it fits well in his car vent and sturdy enough to hold his phone and swivel it from side to side up and down if need be. I’m so happy I got this one for him. Thank you from the both of us.
Cercavo un porta smartphone piccolo per la mia utilitaria. Questo prodotto piccolo, non ingombrante, robusto giusta qualit prezzo
Amazon Brand-Eono Car Phone Holder Air Vent, Universal Air Vent Car Phone Mount 360 Rotation, One-button Release Mobile Phone Cradlewith Adjustable Clip Compatible for iPhone,Galaxy, Huawei etc. is currently at the price of 10.49 (with an extra 30% off voucher) including next day quick delivery and 30 days return if anything goes wrong with the item.
I have bought a few car chargers in the past for myself, my friends and family, and I have to say this one is one of my favourite ones.
To set it up, it is very straightforward, but you do have a manual with the charger if you have any questions.
The air vent clip is a never more robust design, as you can adjust the hold on the vent, so you can be sure it will not come out by accident.
Once you plug the charger in and switch it on (at the back on the top, you have a little touch button), the sides will go wider, and you can put your phone in. It will go nice and tight around your phone, and the coil in the middle will move to ensure it is aligned in the right place with your phone to charge it quickly and adequately.
Most of the charger is made of thick and strong plastic, but the bottom holder part is metal, which is great as I feel more secure that it will hold my big phone with no issues.
All in all, I think this charger is excellent, and it is at a reasonable price, so I definitely would recommend it.
Perfetto! Si monta come nel video e poi in macchina basta agganciarla alle bocchette dell’aria e girare la manopolina. Per inserire il telefono dietro c’ un pulsantino che apre i sostegni laterali, in modo da mettere molto tipi di telefono. Mi piace tantissimo!
Sto utilizzando questo supporto nella mia auto e mi sto trovando molto bene,si aggancia perfettamente e tiene ben telefono, facilmente regolabile sia per la direzione che per la misura del telefono,inizialmente non avevo ben capito il meccanismo di apertura ma poi ci sono riuscita.
I materiali sono davvero ottimi,plastica molto robusta che non tende a scricchiolare o a spaccarsi come altri prodotti simili comprati in passato.
Concludo dicendo che sono molto soddisfatta del prodotto e ritengo il prezzo di vendita abbastanza giusto,5 stelle meritatissime
Spero che la mia recensione sincera e imparziale vi sia stata utile e vi sia piaciuta
Exactly as described. Works. Looks quite solid and easy to set up but time will tell…
Really pleased with this! It’s dinky and doesn’t block my view. Very easy to assemble too. You just clip it onto the air vent, tighten it, then press and release to insert and remove your phone. Brilliant!
Easy to install and does the job
Whilst listed as only being suitable for horizontal vents, I can’t see why it would not work on a vertical vent if the vent pane was large enough
Whilst branded Amazon-Eono on the listing, the item is just a generic air vent car phone holde
ce support est classique, le tlphone est bien maintenu, on le retire facilement. l’installation au niveau de la grille de ventilation est simple, la pince est en mtal avec une molette pour serrer la pince sur la grille d’aration. ce n’est pas le systme que je prfre mais il fait le job. le portable peut tre pivot 360 degr. Dans l’ensemble, c’est un bon produit. le prix est dans la moyenne.
Au fait, si vous avez une question spcifique sur un article, utilisez simplement la fonction de question spciale du client Amazon la fin de la description de l’article. Vous tes galement invits consulter plus d’avis dans notre profil ou simplement nous suivre ! Pour rendre votre achat un peu plus sr, nous testons les articles que nous recevons pendant plusieurs jours avant de crer un avis honnte spcifique. Nous ne sommes pas des professionnels, nous sommes comme vous et nous sommes souvent dus par des produits qui ne tiennent pas nos promesses. Bien entendu, la rception des chantillons n’a aucun impact positif sur nos avis.
Ich habe diese Handyhalterung fr mein iPhone 12 Pro bestellt und es passt perfekt. Dadurch das man es beliebig an den Seiten verstellen kann ist es fr fast alle Handys geeignet.
Man montiert diese Halterung mit einer Art Klammer an die Lftung und dreht diese oben an der Klammer fest. Ich finde es toll das diese Halterung flexibel gedreht werden kann wie es einem fr die Fahrt passt.
Ich habe eine 4 Stndige Autofahrt hinter mir und die Halterung hat super Widerstand geleistet und sich nicht verstellt oder gar abgefallen.
Im Groen und Ganzen eine schnell montierte Handyhalterung die perfekt fr eine Autofahrt geeignet ist.
Klare Kaufempfehlung!
This is a good, solid, mechanical piece of kit for supporting mobile phones on car vents. It’s a simple and sleek design, easy to install and doesn’t require any tools. It can be used in any vehicle and the phone cradle and foot support are extendable to fit small or large smartphones – up to 7 inches. Great value and doesn’t look ugly when empty.
Die Halterung wurde mit im Rahmen des VINE-Programms angeboten und da ich grad noch eine gebrauchen konnte, habe ich zugegriffen.
Die Verarbeitung ist gut und ordentlich.
Also montiert, zunchst die Klemme am Lftungsgitter. Die Schraube gut festgezogen und sie hlt.
Dann die Handyhalterung an die Klemme geschraubt, hlt ebenfalls gut und man kann das Handy schn von oben hinein stecken.
Das Handy wird gut fest gehalten – selbst Kopfsteinpflaster schttelt es nicht los.
Ich war schon beim Auspacken & Montieren begeistert, was sich auch nach der Probefahrt nicht gendert hat.
Fazit: Gute Halterung!