Car Phone Holder, Blukar Air Vent Car Phone Mount Cradle with One Button Release Function and Hook Clip – 360° Rotation Super Stable Car Phone Holder Compatible with All 4.0 to 6.7 inches Phones

Dimensions: | 10 x 6.1 x 1.8 cm; 131 Grams |
Model: | K9771 |
Manufacture: | Blukar |
Origin: | China |
Easier to see my phone with this holder, instead of it being in my center console where I couldn’t see the sat nav.
Bought another one for a gift now.
This is great – it can be tightly secured on the vent and doesn’t wobble at all when the phone is in the holder. This holds a Samsung S22 perfectly, even in a wallet phone case. No suction required as it hooks behind the vent, and then you tighten it (it hasn’t fallen once, and phone hasn’t fallen out once either).
It was a bit difficult to fit to my air vents – had to kind of jam it in – but once it’s in place, it’s great. Holds the phone securely, has a gap at the bottom so you can attach charger easily while driving, easy to open and close around the phone, and you can swivel it so that it’s at an angle that suits you.
Not keen to have sticky mounts or drilling holes in the dash, this seemed perfect and has proved thus. Taking a minute or so to install in my air vent, it has proved to be a very good, inexpensive phone holder. What is comically addictive is the release button action, as it releases the phone like a hydraulic action.! Ha little things!!
One of the best holders. I had one exactly the same before and it broke after half be very honest,as i am delivering daily,i use it alot.put phone in and out around 150 time per day. So in my opinion this is one of the best holders
Decent product,fair size and easy to use, hung this with climate grill and put iphone on it and its still holding properly
The only thing i would say need improvement is suction power as there is a play while holding mobile but nothing serious
Really clever design, the part that attaches to a heater vent extends forwards, enabling you fit it to the vent, and then tighten up to provide a very secure fixing. No problems with it so far, would definitely recommend.
This holds my phone really well without it bouncing around or without it stressing my vents and I’ve had a few holders which none seem to fit the shape or size of my phone I have a Galaxy Note 8 with a chunky case on it and this holder holds onto the phone and case nicely
i love this device for my car it’s so convenient and fully supports the phone when i’m driving. no wobbling and the ajustibke direction is convenient for passengers and drivers to access. however i don’t belobe it’s suitable for evey car it depends on what air vents you have, otherwise the device doesn’t fit. so double check weather your vents match the photo before you buy
Clips nicely into the vent in my car. Phone fits well and is very easily adjusted for phones of all sizes. Only downside is that the weight of my phone seems make the holder off balance and leans slightly to the side, nothing too off putting but it’s noticeable.
I haven’t had much success with phone holders using suction pads, they fall off after a while, usually at the very moment I need the satnav, but this seems very secure and I really like the patent for inserting and removing the phone, might not work for every type of car ve
It does the job, and the easy-release buttons are very cool and handy. But it does seem a bit big/heavy for the vent and sometimes my phone will tilt downwards from being too heavy. Perhaps I haven’t installed it properly though.
A quick background – I was looking for one of these for a while as I’ve had plenty of useless ones and they break often
Firstly I have to say the good points;
It’s very very sturdy 9/10
it fits a very large phone (samsung s22 ultra in a military case on this occasion )
it spins when needed to be landscape or portrait
bad point(s) ;
i believe the hook would be unsuitable for some vents as it hooks behind the vent or if it is installed incorrectly I would worry about my car
THAT SAID- I love this product and for me it works, I can only say that it works perfectly on my Nissan Qashai 2019 vent so if you think the vent is similar it would probably work for you, it’s the sturdiest one i’ve found
Brilliant phone holder for my van. This is the second unit I have bought, as I over tighted the first one and the plastic part that connects and tightens to the vent. It would be better if hook was built from a metal.
I love this holder, bought one for both of my cars.
it locks in place on the vents really well, no jumping or shaking.
The phone is held firmly and I’ve never been worried about it coming loose or falling.
I did find though that it can be easy to over tighten and warp or move the vent fins
Fits perfectly in my mini which has the most difficult air vents to find a phone holder. Only problem is that I have a big phone so can’t use the release buttons behind as my phone covers them so have to pull my phone out.
Needed to try to fit on several places on my Ford Focus, had to balance view ability with the unit not interfering with my driving. Found one eventually. Needed to take phone out of case.
Easy to install
Great to use
Never drop your phone
I had bought and returned so many phone mounts in the past because they either didn’t work with vent grills, had terrible suction, or held the phone very flimsily.
But not this one! It is quite sturdy, grips the phone very effectively, rotates in all the right directions, can be easily adjusted without taking it off, and the most important thing – the hook mechanism works like a charm!
Safely secures it on my car’s vent grill, allowing me to use my phone while driving and keeping my eyes on the road.
So easy to fit and a dream in operation. Just place my phone in the cradle and push sides together to fit. It grips gently and quickly but securely and accommodates the phone case holding my phone with no problem at all. No struggling to make it fit, it just does the job brilliantly.
Removing the phone is an absolute doddle too. Just press one or both of the release buttons at the sides of the holder and the phone is released easily with one hand.
Compare with others I have struggled with in the past it is far far better, I am glad my last one broke and I wish I had found this one earlier.
The fit of the holder into the car vents is also MUCH more secure and I no longer worry about it dropping off, which used to happen a lot with my old holder.
Added to all the above is a very low cost to buy and quick delivery so all in all, superb product and price.
It was good and it was what I was looking fo
One of the best mobile holders I’ve bought strong and does the job perfectly
There is no suction power it fits to your air vent, the design it great and it’s very sturdy.
I bought this to come abroad and it’s been great!
There isn’t one thing they haven’t thought of with this I was wary about the air vent clip having had previous holders fall out – this one adjusts its depth so it really clips on. Very happy and such a good price.
This holder is brilliant. All the clamping points grip really well its very well made its hard to believe this was so cheap. I bought a second for the wife’s car. Really impressed highly recommended *****
Very sturdy. Easy to install, and to remove. My last one was just a push in one that was always getting loose, this one is brilliant. So glad I bought this.
Relatively easy to instal and very very sturdy. Does the job.
Better quality than I thought and great value for money
Awesome stuff. Just fits perfectly into the vents without being wobbly or having any suction issues. One of the best ones I have bought yet.
Habe mir diese Handyhalterung fr mein Iphone 11 pro fr einen Ford Focus gekauft, weil ich keine Windschutzscheibenhalterung mehr haben wollte.
War positiv berrascht weil die form meiner Lftungsschlitze nicht angegeben war und trotzdem passte sie, zu fest kann man sie auch nicht anschrauben, weil dass ein ratschensystem verhindert.
Preis/Leistung top
Tena miedo que se cayese porque mi mvil pesa un poco, pero para nada. Queda perfectamente sujeto a la rejilla. Lleva como un gancho que puede fijar roscando la base.
El mvil lo puedes poner y quitar solo con una mano.
Producto recomendable!
This holder is surprisingly sturdy, if a little large. However, most of the time I’m alone in tge car – so put it on tge vent on tge other side – which is perfec
Wasn’t sure if this would be study enough or just come apart in my hands but its a real little wonder. I now have my phone at hand for safer driving and being able to see where I’m going without confusion. Excellent value for money and worth investing in!!
Very good value for money.
Easy to install and doesn’t look cheap.
Very pleased.
Very good sturdy holder and fits nicely in your vents good product!
Bel supporto solido e robusto non me lo aspettavo complimenti buon prodotto, un po’ ingombrante verso il frontale, se si ha una guida non troppo vicina al volante e perfetto…….
Buscaba un soporte de rejilla que fuera econmico y proporcionara una sujecin slida, y este producto ana ambas virtudes. Aunque solo cuenta con un gancho, el agarre es sorprendentemente firme, tanto a la rejilla de ventilacin como el propio mvil. La compra ha sido todo un acierto.
Il sistema di aggancio con il rampino che va dietro alla aletta, l’unica soluzione che ti garantisce che il telefono non cadr mai.
Il rampino solido e compatto. Inoltre la corsa notevole adattandosi a moltissimi tipi di aletta. Penso siano veramente pochi i veicoli su cui potrebbe essere difficile agganciarlo.
Io lo uso perfettamente sulla Zoe 52 che ha l’aletta piccola e parzialmente coperta dal touch.
Esteticamente molto bello. Sia l’aggancio che lo sgancio del telefono rapidissimo e puoi farlo anche con una mano sola, anche senza guardarlo.
Veramente pienente soddisfatto, prodotto ottimo.
It does what it’s supposed to do and looks smart.
L ho scelto per la mia auto dopo aver letto molte recensioni – non si adatta a tutti gli aeratori – e perch pu essere girato in posizione orizzontale. Per me ottimo. Per la resistenza vedremo con il tempo, l ho acquistato a giugno 2022.
The best phone holder I’ve used. Holds my Samsung A22 very securely and quick to release
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo, robusto. Tiene bene con il gancio le alette. Meccanismo pronto per l’aggancio del telefono. Ben protetto da parti un silicone . Rimane per un poco presente, anche se non ingombrante
This is a good car air vent phone holder that works well provided you have the correct type of air vent, horizontal slats rather than circular ones. The phone holder arrives in two parts together with a good set of instructions. The air vent mounting part has a metal hook that can be adjusted in and out by turning the collar on the mount; the metal hook is hooked on to an air vent slat and then the mount is tightened, the phone holder is then attached by a ball-joint, adjusted and tightened. The two press buttons on the side of the holder are pressed and the wings open out, the phone is put in and the wings pressed together with a ratchet mechanism holding the phone. There is some up and down adjustment on the phone placement by pulling out the foot section of the holder, this could be required if the wings pressed any buttons on the phone; my OnePlus Nord was fine. It all works very well.
muy aparatoso en el sentido de que abulta mucho, pero muy seguro. me encanta. he comprado otro para un familiar. mUy robusto. creo que me durar mucho.
La verdad me encanta, se agarra de maravilla, lo he probado en 3 tipos de rejilla diferentes y va perfecto.
Estoy encantado con el, tena otro parecido pero con un sistema de enganche diferente que cerraba a presin y otros que he probado…
Nada que ver con ninguno de los sistemas clsicos. Se ajusta perfectamente a las rejillas y al apretar queda justo en el punto para no moverse.
Lo recomiendo
Ottimo porta cellulare, supporta e mantiene tranquillamente iPhone 12 e Samsung s20, non si piega ne si stacca, nonostante le nostre auto facciano vibrare molto l’auto. Consigliato
Il porta cellulare si fissa bene sulle bocchette d’aria della vettura e anche il fissaggio del telefono buono. Peccato che , per i miei gusti, risulti un po’ troppo grande e ingombrante, avrei preferito dimensioni leggermente ridotte.
J’ai eu un peu de mal l’installer car je ne m’y prenais pas comme il faut, et une fois install nickel. Le tlphone tient bien en place (mieux qu’avec le mini support aimant que j’avais), et ce, mme avec mon tui flip case qui est assez pais. On peut l’incliner de plusieurs faons mais sur mes grilles je trouve qu’il manque encore un peu de marge et d’inclinaison ( grille ronde sur ancienne ibiza) mais a fait le job parfaitement . Pour la solidit voir sur la dure, je ne l’ai que depuis 1 semaine mais il a l’air solide. Je suis satisfaite de cet achat.
Easy to set up, quality parts that should last, holds any size phone and would buy again.
Es un soporte de buena calidad. Se sujeta firmemente a la rejilla de aireacin y an con el peso del mvil apenas vibra. Relacin calidad-precio excelente.
Lo compr indecisa porque los soportes en la rejilla de calefaccin siempre me han parecido inestables pero fue una grata sorpresa. Lo estren en un viaje de 4 horas y el mvil se qued fijo en la posicin que lo puse. Es muy cmodo y adems no quita visibilidad en la carretera como los que se pegan en el cristal.
Sin duda lo recomendara.
This is a very well thought out phone holder for the car. The buttons on the side release the sides and then you can just lift out the phone. There is enough room for the power cable down the centre of the holder.
It keeps the phone in place despite bumps on the road which has been a huge problem for me with almost any other holder.
I’ve combined mine with the CD player mount so there is no chance the phone can tumble out now (touch wood). It also comes with a mount for heating vents which is better than other heating vent mounts I’ve tried, it may even work on sloped vents, but I’ve not tried that out yet.
Highly recommended.
This holder fits firmly into a vent. It holds a phone securely in place. A strong robust phone holder. Easy to fit and attach phone to
This is a great moblie phone holder.
This is the hook design, which hooks around the back of the vent and tightens to form a strong hold.
The hook is a little thicker than some, this maybe an issue for you – if your vents are narrowly spaced.
The holder itself attaches by the usual manner a ball socket on the arm connects into the holder and is held tight and fixed in position by a screw.
This device is better than many as the arms that clamp the phone are released by buttons to the side of the holder, not a button to the back, which I find is more convenient.
The holder is well made, has good silicon rubber backing and grips, the bottom part of the holder also extends.
In conclusion a good product, but be careful if your vents are narrowly spaced – this device may not work for you.
360 tilt and slight angling positioning, this mount is great if you want you phone to be mounted across one of your air vents in order to hand free answer calls, play music or have the likes of maps. Really simple to install, push into place and then tighten. Once in place it’s actually very sturdy and I can’t see it falling out. It then has a universal fitting for small to large phones they just push and grab in and away you go. There is also a little slot so you can add power to the phone too. Arrived smartly packaged and set at an amazing price.
Car Phone Holder, Blukar Air Vent Car Phone Mount Cradle with One Button Release
This is a good car mobile phone holder, very well made, top quality piece of kit. This utilises a metal hook that attaches to the ventilation grill, it’s held very firm and shows no sign of coming loose, touch wood 🙂
The phone holder unit grips the phone very well with soft silicon pads located either side and on the base support, the phone has no chance of getting scratched ot damaged, I’ve been using my Sony Xperia 1 II in this holder with no issues whatsoever.
The phone holder sure is a ‘one-handed’ operation which is what I prefer making attaching and removal very fast and easy.
The phone can be positioned vertically or horizontally in this holder.
15.99 seems a reasonable price for such good quality.
Very happy to recommend.
The packaging makes this suitable for gifting.
AmazonCustomer B09TB6V5HG 090422