CASARIA Orchidea Garden Bench 145 cm Plastic 3 Seater Garden Bench Park Bench Garden Balcony Bench

Dimensions: | 145 x 49 x 74 cm; 9.6 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | Casaria |
Dimensions: | 145 x 49 x 74 cm; 9.6 Kilograms |
Dimensions: | 145 x 49 x 74 cm; 9.6 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | Casaria |
Dimensions: | 145 x 49 x 74 cm; 9.6 Kilograms |
Die Bank ist gut alleine und einfach aufzubauen. Es wird beim Aufbau kein Werkzeug bentigt.
Es sind Plastikschrauben mit Plastikmuttern die aber gut funktionieren.
Ich brauchte zwar rd. 1 Std., aber ich bin auch nicht gerade der super Handwerker.
Mir gefllt die Bank auch sehr gut.
Nos cost colocar tres tornillos porque el tamao de los agujeros correspondientes era algo justo. Es ligero y bonito y ocupa menos espacio que otro que hemos tenido, sobre todo de fondo.
Schnelle Lieferung, die Plastikschrauben neigen zum schnellen berdrehen. Lies sich einfach zusammen bauen. Bei voller Belastung auf Rasen ein wenig wackelig, hlt aber drei Personen gut aus. Fr den Preis vllig in Ordnung. Gerne wieder.
Se monta muy bien, solo con la mano, no necesita herramientas. Cmodo, para no estar mucho tiempo sentado, a mi me hace muy buen servicio. Es del mismo material q las butacas de plstico buenas y el precio me parece correcto. Estoy muy contenta con el.
Die schlechten Bewertungen kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Fr den gnstigen Preis ist die Bank super, ist halt zum sitzen und nicht zum turnen.
This garden bench is great value for money, it’s sturdy, and there’s nothing to rust. The only down side, is the fixing holes are slightly out of alignment, but easily sorted. It’s quite heavy, so would suggest a two man job.
Nice Product very easy to assemble delivered on time Well Done
Much better than wood or metal for long term keeping
came as flat pack ,strugged to assemble alone, but managed evetually.two handed job really.
sturdy and looks well.
Je ne peux valuer les fonctionnalits car il m’est impossible de le monter du fait du manque de visserie dans le colis.
Buona, bella e semplice da montare, ottima per il giardino
Habe an 3 Stellen die Schrauben nicht durchbekommen, aber man trotzdem drauf sitzen. Mit einem Hammer wollte ich nicht arbeiten.
It came with plastic fittings and was easy to assemble I did it on my own in in under an hour. As mentioned one or two of the holes did not line up but easily sorted. Slight movement but sturdy by having one of the sides against a wall. It was easy to assemble the back and the seat came in one section which made it a lot quicker to put together. Very pleased with it. Only thing I will day there was a slight discolouration in two places on the seating section nothing to worry about.
Fidle sa description et montage facile
Produit que je conseille
Parat solide ,facile monter et rsiste au temps du nord de la France
Ce banc prsente les caractristiques que l’on attend de ce genre de produit. S’il est mont dans les rgles, avec un bon serrage ds crous et boulons fournis, il prsente un bonne tenue. Agrable utiliser.
Ce produit est destin un solarium;
Bon rapport qualit/prix
Wasn’t expecting much for the price but was pleasantly surprised was put up quickly and looks grea
Looks great in my garden easy to keep clean and good value for money
Flat packed and reasonably easy to assemble, but a two handed job. When putting in the plastic screws we found unless someone pushes the two parts together, it won’t line up. Once assembled it was sturdy. We tested it and found it didn’t move easily with the combined weight of 22 stones. Could come in useful indoors for family get together etc.
bien, assez facile a monter mme a 1 seule personne.
par contre, je vais probablement fixer une entretoise entre les pieds pour qu’ils gardent un cartement correcte.
il est vrai que ce banc peut accueillir 3 personnes, j’ai test et je fais plus de 100Kg.
bel article mais un peu cher pour du plastique 20 euros de moins sur le prix aurait ete parfai
Je suis trs satisfait de mon achat .Le banc est assez robuste, facile monter, pas plus de 10 minutes, et trs confortable car soutien bien le dos.
Easy enough for an old arthritic bird like myself put up in approximately 20 minutes got it in white for 50 which is excellent value x wobbles slightly if only one person is sitting on it but easily solved by sitting in the middle and sturdy enough for both me and my extra large hubby
Quite easy to assemble, does move a bit side to side but takes a lot of weight downwards. Good basic bench.
I bought it as other benches need painting or rot. I think these will be good for a few years until the plastic starts to degrade.
It’s plastic so not the sturdier bench, but it’s good for 2 grown men, 1 being the heavier me. I would suggest digging it in and concrete. Took 20 mins.
Fr den Preis eine gute kleine Gartenbank aus wetterfestem Voll-Kunststoff. Beim Zusammenbauen muss man etwas fummeln und die Teile mit etwas grerer Kraft in die richtige Position pressen, damit die beiliegenden Kunststoffschrauben durch die Lcher passen. Auch ein Cuttermesser sollte man dabei haben um berstehende Kunststoffgrate an einigen Lchern und Bankteilen abzuschneiden. Ansonsten bentigt man fr den Zusammenbau kein Werkzeug. Zusammengepasst hat am Ende nach ca. einer halben Stunde jedenfalls alles. Die Sitzflche der Bank ist nicht sehr gro aber ausreichend und man sitzt bequem drauf. Man sollte die Bank aber unbedingt auf eine ebene, befestigte Flche stellen, weil sich sonst die Bank bedingt durch die Konstruktion aus Vollplastik verbiegen und verziehen kann. Zum Sitzen auch fr zwei Personen ist sie aber ausreichend stabil.
This is the third one i have brought and found them good value easy to assemble and quite sturdy and good service.
I bought two of these benches and found them very easy to assemble and look good.
Very easy to assemble though instructions not easy to follow…very sturdy worth the money
Bought to replace rotted wooden bench. I wasn’t expecting much for the price but once constructed this is a sturdy, good looking garden bench. He only issue is It’s a pain to put together due to the amount of excess plastic swarf left on the parts so I would suggest firing up the dremel and sanding over the plastic seams to get rid of this prior to construction. Once this was done I occasionally found I needed a g-clamp to persuade some of the connecting holes to overlap enough to fit the plastic bolts. When you get the bolts in place you still have to ensure the square parts are locked into the corresponding holes so that you can tighten up the plastic nuts. A small rubber mallet worked for me anda couple of gentle taps secured them in place. Once you have managed to construct it remember to go back round all the bolts and tighten them again! I found quite a few that needed retightening once it was in one piece.
All in all a decent replacement that won’t rot and is easy to maintain. Despite the issues with construction I will be buying another one.
As it’s plastic, need to make sure feet area is level otherwise it will bend.
Point fort, la qualit et solidit
Point faible, le prix un peu lev.
Je recommande
Replacement for one I had for years until it broke
If this one lasts as long as the last one I’ll be happy
El banco muy bien!!!…pero no entiendo que con el banco gris, vengan los tornillos blancos!!!
Nous sommes une cole, je vais voir l’usage la solidit aprs 1 trimestre de cours
does what it says on the tin . It was a pity the first one was delivered damaged by Yodel and had to be returned. Full refund received from Amazon.
This bench was quite easy to assemble, a friend helped me. It is sturdy and looks very classy, people are surprised to find out it’s a resin bench. Excellent value for money
Very comfortable bench. Nice and light to move and suits our Garden very nicely.
article tout fait conforme au descriptif et mes attente. Pour la solidit, je viens juste de le recevoir, il faut attendre un peu. En tout cas je suis satisfaite.
usage domestique. Il devrait y avoir un pied au milieu du banc
Le banc est dj arriv hors dlai prvu lors de l’achat et en plus lorsque je l’ai dball, il tait cass au niveau de l’assise ! Voir photo
Client dessus car je voulais en racheter un autre mais…..!
Ce banc est dans le jardin. Nous nous y installons au soleil. La couleur grise est trs fonce mais jolie.
Aunque el material no parezca muy resistente y el espacio para sentarse resulte un poco estrecho, el color del banco es bonito y cumple su funcin.
Basic value for money bench for the allotment. East to assemble apart from some flashing in the screw holes which needed cleaning up. Plastic parts cheap and a bit warped but managed to fit all together. Can’t complain at the price.