Delanie Professional Nail Drill Machine 35000RPM for Acrylic Nails Gel Polish Electric Nail File Kit Manicure Drill Set for Home and Salon Use with Six Sanding Bands and Drill Bits (Gray)
Tolles Produkt. Fr den Preis gibts nichts zu meckern. Rechts- und Linkslauf ist einstellbar, sowie die gewnschte Drehzahl. Das Gert ist schn leise und es Vibriert nicht stark in der Hand. Frsleistung ist toll. Vielleicht nicht unbedingt fr ein Studio nutzbar aber fr den Hausgebrauch super geeignet.
Trs bonne ponceuse! Facile et agrable se recharge rapidement, une facilit employer et toute en dlicatesse la molette vous aidera pour l’intensit et c’est trs rapide! Quel gain de temps! Vous ne regretterez pas! Je vous la recommande! Son aspect est vraiment trs joli, beau design et extrmement lgre trs facile d’emploi et on l’emporte partout elle prend trs peu d’espace! Un bonheur au quotidien! Je vous la recommande chaudement! J’ai opt pour le modle rechargeable et j’en suis extrmement ravie! Un 10/10 pour moi! Les embouts sont de qualits et les recharges restent universelles ! Donc pas d’inquitudes! Allez y! Parole d’une consommatrice qui lit tous les avis avant de ce dcider acheter et j’en ai t convaincue trs aisment ds ma premire utilisation! Vous ne serez pas du vraiment!!! J’espre vous avoir aid.. et bonne commande!
Ein/Ausschalter am Handstck wre schn, ansonsten luft sehr ruhig, kein rucken und unrund laufen. Fpr den Preis vollkommen in Ordnung, zumindest im Hobby Bereich
La verdad es que despus de bastante tiempo utilizndolo, tengo que decir que ni pierde potencia y la verdad que la por el precio merece la pena. Es un aparato que cumple perfectamente con sus funciones. A mi me ha venido como anillo al dedo.
Das Gert ist jetzt genau 1 Jahr alt, wurde vielleicht 12 mal genutzt und nun ist es defekt. Der Motor stottert nur. Nichts geht mehr.
Kundenservice sehr freundlich und es konnte eine Lsung gefunden werden.
Fa il suo dovere, la uso principalmente per smontare il gel e non ho niente da dire. Comodo il fatto che si possa invertire la rotazione della fresa. Ho notato per che i cilindretti si usurano facilmente. Si surriscalda poco e occupa poco spazio. Se non si devono fare grandi lavori e non si hanno molte pretese la consiglio
Ich kann diesen Frser einfach nur empfehlen. Ich bin sehr begeistert. Die Farbe ist mega schn. Auch fr Anfnger bestens geeignet. Klare Kaufempfehlung. Fr mich der beste
Contento con la compra. Me ahorro el dinero del podlogo. Se me forman engrosamientos en la ua por deporte de impacto y con esto me va genial para rebajar cada cierto tiempo y no pagar 20 euros de podlogo por 5 minutos…
I tried my drill out for the first time today and it’s a great powerful drill, lightweight and looks smart, only downfall was i ordered the wireless version and i received the one with the wire so i lost out on 5
There is an option to send back, but i can’t wait around any longer for one to be sent back.
Over all I’m very happy with my purchase, just would have been more practical to have wireless.
Habe den Frser vor einem Jahr gekauft und er tut was er soll, er frst ohne Probleme Gel und Acryl. Leider ist nach einem Jahr das Handstck kaputt gegangen. (Wackelkontakt/Kabelbruch)
Dieses kann man einzeln bei Amazon nachkaufen und es scheint auch an den kritischen Stellen verbessert worden zu sein.
Einen weiteren kleinen Abzug gibt es, da man zwar stufenlos die Drehzahl einstellen kann, leider jedoch nicht sehen kann wie hoch sie grade ist.
Der Frser ist absolut fr Anfnger und Hobby Nageldesigner zu empfehlen.
LG, hoffe, ich konnte weiterhelfen. 🙂
I have been using this to do my own nails, and it’s a very good e file. I bought the rose gold and it looks beautiful on my dressing table. I love the design.
Usata spesso da mia moglie non in maniera continuativa ne professionale da un anno e pienamente soddisfatta se non fosse che il filo del manipolo dopo 11 mesi circa ha iniziato a dare problemi come se avesse una interruzione intermittente dipendente dalla posizione con cui si tiene in mano e quindi costretto ad ordinare il ricambio!
Love this e file, I was debating on which one to get for a very long time! I ended up choosing this one and I was not disappointed. I’m a fully qualified nail tech and I find this amazing compared to some high end e files. Low noise, end extremely effective in gel/ acrylic removal. Bits that come with the efile aren’t great but that’s not why I bought this. Get yourself good quality bits. Rpm seems to be accurate too so it’ll have a removal done in no time.
As a nail tech , this is the best purchase I made. I sat and though and then I went all in. Is small easy to use, lowwww noise and beautiful as a design as well. was my first review…. But after I use the e-file for 2 sets of nails it stopped working. Really disappointed as I loved the produc
I just wanted to say, I’ve never done my own nails before, very nervous to buy something like this……I’m glad I did its amazing does everything is says it does….BRILLIANT VALUE, EASY TO USE, WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!
I’ve been a nail tech for 5 years and have had a number of efiles, some expensive and some not so expensive. I absolutely love this one!!! it’s so light to carry as a complete unit so it’s perfect for moving around the salon. The hand unit feels sturdy and well made
It super low on vibrations and looks great.
Considering that I was checking on this item as a cordless charging one, it was not wrth the money because there are other drill units that are of same amount of
turns but of a much better value but as a corded option, I preferred to pay extra so that to have a cordless option. Really disappointed.
I received this today 30th December 2021 and I have to say the overall look is great..I have had a quick go off it and it’s fantastic..does exactly what it is supposed to do..I bought two other drills previous which were alot cheaper but they didn’t do what I expected of them and so now I wish I had of just bought this one in the first place..its great can take anywhere anytime. Love the colour..
Dieser Nagelfrser ist das optimale Intrument zum abtragen von Gel und/oder Acryl aufbau, theoretisch auch frs Heimwerken, aber kaum ein Handwerker wird eine pinke Frse kaufen 😉 Meine Frau nutzt die Frse selbstverstndlich nicht ich selbst, ansonsten wrde sie stndig wegen handverletzungen im Krankehaus landen.
Die Frse ist stufenlos einstellbar und erreicht eine hohe Geschwindigkeit. In Kombination mit den passenden Keramikspitzen ist das Gert verdammt schnell und sehr effizient. Die Leistung ist enorm, weshalb ein wenig einarbeitung erforderlich ist. Wer vorher mit gnstigen Shina-billig Frsern gearbeitet hat wird hier eventuell auf eine Verletzungsgefahr treffen.
Aufgrund der enorm hohen Leistung werte ich hier mit “bedingt fr Anfnger geeignet”, eher etwas fr Nageldsigner:innen mit etwas mehr Erfahrung. Ansonsten gibts hier nicht viel zu sagen, Das Gert sieht gut aus, passt mitsamt der Spitze in die Ablage und erzielt eine enorme Leistung die Stufenlos regelbar ist. Akustisch kann man sich auch nciht beschweren, die Delanie Nagelfrse ist sehr leise. Als Profi Heimwerker bin ich berzeugt das dieses Teil richtig gut ist und sicherlich, die entsprechenden Spitzen vorausgesetzt, nicht nur fr Nageldesigner interessant wre…
Very good product, highly recommended
If you are someone who is just starting do use a drill this product is perfect. Very easy to use and very steady in the hands.
Great product only not wireless as stated I paid an extra 6.01 for this option as wired one listed few pounds cheaper but the one I recieved is wired so I hope they will refund me back the difference. Otherwise I am very pleased with the product!
Well what can I say I did not expect it to be that good! Everything about this is perfect.. but I wish there was a choice of what side the cable that attaches to the handle could be put either side or at the back as I’m right handed and the wire just overlaps over. Apart from that it’s amazing! It’s very quiet! and easy to use so far only used once.. but I absolutely love it! So different from the rest on the market. Can’t wait to start using it on my clients.
Was smaller than expected , but doesn’t need to be any bigger . Pen storage is the best.
Vibration is low, and has been a game changer, older bits I had which I thought were all bad seems to have a new least of life with this drill. Highly recommend
Update stopped working day 3 after 2 acrylic sets . Very disappointed, as Initially everything couldn’t be bette
Had a couple I was pondering over, so glad I went for this one. Love the portability. Took off my acrylics with ease and the gel varnish on my toes was super speedy. Nice and quiet. The charge last for ages, 2 hours in and didn’t need to re charge. My nails look much better than soaking them off as i did before. Just love this unit.
Love this’s a game changer for me doing my own nail. But I use better quality drill bits then the ones supplied to take off acrylic. This drill has good torque even on low.. I would definitely recommend to a friend.
My old E-File was getting a bit worse for wear and looked dated, so I was in the market for a new one. Finally settled on this cute little device! I absolutely adore the shape and colour, it’s fantastic that it’s rechargeable too, no more pesky wires getting in the way!
It looks very sleek and modern, something my past device lacked. It’s super lightweight, but the hand piece still has some weight to it, meaning the product doesn’t feel cheap. There are no nasty vibrations or anything to be concerned about, and the reverse button is useful.
It’s fairly compact in size and looks nice on a desk – the speed/on-off wheel has a good audible click to it before it turns the device on and requires a little bit of pressure to turn into the on position, meaning you won’t accidentally turn it on by brushing it against something.
You could consider the price a little high compared to some others out there (I spent around 30 on my old one, and it shows – it also wasn’t rechargeable and needed an adaptor). However I fully believe it’s justified in the overall design and build quality of the device – if you’re just looking for something that works and don’t care about design, there are other choices – but personally I wanted something that looked nice too 🙂
It comes with a set of bits in a small case, however they’re the generic “cheap” type you usually get with E-files. They work and are certainly appreciated particularly if you expect to get going right out of the box, but I’d recommend upgrading to a metal or ceramic set of bits. Some devices have holders for these bits, however this one does not, so bit storage is something to be aware of.
It’s partially charged out of the box, I’ve used it for about 3 hours or so and haven’t needed to charge it yet, so if you want to open the box and get right to doing your nails without worrying about charging it, you can 🙂
Fully recommend this as a medium budget device for home use, great appearance, great quality and great functionality!
Thanks to all ladies,for your review about this drill. That what actually made me buy this mashine.
So, I could say if I compare with my previous drill,could say this one is absolutely amazing,biggest plus is vibration is very low, feels like expensive drill. So no vibration,lightweight and beautiful and small. Would say definitely get it if you qre thinking about it!
I was looking for a E-file and came across this but before I decided to buy I decided to check Youtube for reviews. The reviews were amazing so from the reviews I made the purchase. And I was not let down, the rose colour is beautiful and so lightweight. It is not noisy at all.
The attachments fit in the device so easily and is so comfortable to hold. You don’t get any vibration from it. I must admit I haven’t used it at it’s highest speed though.
I highly recommend this cute E-File. I will be using this for personal use to help me get a nice set of nails .
As a qualified nail technician I have struggled for a long time trying to find a suitable electric nail file system and this is definitely the one. It’s not big and clumsy… it’s small design is great. Thanks
I love love love this product it’s amazing so small and compact but does get hot and isnt too loud I have a pet and they dont like loud noises so its perfec
Bought this for my daughter for christmas I bought it because it looked different not the usual square style and colour shees thrilled with it and says it knocks so much time off very easy to use and lightweight couldn’t be happie
Ich habe diesen Frser gekauft, weil meiner Aussetzer hatte. Dieser hier, wurde positiv in einer Fingernagelgruppe im Social Media erwhnt. Ein Unterschied wie Tag und Nacht. Nun ich dachte eigentlich, solange er links und rechts luft, kann man nicht viel falsch machen, denn das A und O sind ja die Bits. Neeeeeeein, ich hab was gelernt. Dieser Frser ist mein persnlicher Mercedes. Unfassbar, wie er arbeitet auf allerkleinster Stufe. Dazu auf jeder Stufe seeeehr leise. Die Bits die dabei sind, sind von sehr guter Qualitt, aber wenn ich meine alten Bits einlege, ist natrlich klar, dass das bessere Ergebnis und einfachere Arbeiten, von dem Gert kommt. Er hat einfach ordentlich Power. Die kleinen rosa Gummis setzt man von unten auf die Bits auf und legt diese dann in das Handteil ein. Sie schtzen das Handteil vor Frsstaub. Das Verriegeln, geht sehr einfach durch Drehen am Handteil. Bei meinem alten Frser, wurden die Bits nur reingedrckt. Raus ging dann nur mit Zange. Sehr nervig. Ich habe das Modell wiederaufladbar. Dachte ich erst, brauch ich nicht. Vorallem bedeutet das ja nur, dass das ganze Gert nicht an der Steckdose hngen muss. Das Handteil ist trotzdem fest mit der Kugel verbunden. Ich finde es trotzdem jetzt praktisch. Ich bin sehr begeistert von diesem Frser und wrde ihn wieder kaufen.
Rosie. R.
I ordered this as a present for my partner for Christmas and when she used it she was very surprised how little noise it made, she’s very happy with the product.
Compr este torno porque aunque ya tengo alguno elctrico necesitaba uno ms potente y profesional para utilizar con clientas y que el acabado quede impecable. Me encant este porque es como una bolita, me pareci muy original.
Torno para manicura y pedicura profesional, apto para uso domstico y saln de belleza.
Prctico para moler, cortar, tallar, eliminar esmaltes de gel y cutculas para uas naturales, uas acrlicas y uas de gel.
Buena presentacin en su caja con cada elemento protegido.
El torno consta de una mquina o controlador con motor en forma esfrica que es lo que hace funcionar el propio torno o bolgrafo pulidor que se conecta a travs de un cable.
El torno o pieza de mano est realizado en aleacin de aluminio de alta calidad.
La mquina del motor gris, con buenos acabados y efecto mate, y queda bien a la vista. Se enchufa a la corriente elctrica.
Desde esa mquina es donde se escogen los parmetros como las velocidades o las vibraciones a travs de una ruleta.
Tambin se puede seleccionar el sentido de la rotacin de las limas, mediante dos teclas.
Velocidad variable de hasta 35000 rpm.
Rotacin en dos sentidos: el dispositivo puede funcionar tanto en rotacin derecha como izquierda.
Incluye 6 cabezales para poder utilizar en las uas y dejar una manicura o pedicura impoluta.
El precio es ms elevado en comparacin a los tornos que he estado utilizando hasta ahora, pero se nota mucho la diferencia y es precisamente lo que buscaba para uso profesional, ya que a veces encuentras manos con uas que se resisten sobre todo a la hora del limado o incluso las cutculas. Creo que para profesionales est muy bien.
It is small and very easy to use i love it.. ot would be even better if there was a switch on the pen so you could turn it off with out having to go to turn the machine off all the time
This nail drill is light weight and easy to hold, it’s very smooth and doesn’t jerk like some other nail drills I’ve had in the past. I like the fact the unit is quite small as some nail drills are quite big this one doesn’t take up much space on the table which is a plus. I have to admit at first I wasn’t sure about this item as I thought it wouldn’t be very good because of the price (meaning it was too cheap to be any good) but I was pleasantly surprised and would definitely recommend, the other good thing about it is inside the box is a contact card so if you have any questions or need advice it’s just an email away
Really happy with this product, needed it to help with lockdown nail removal. Easy to use once got hang of it. And it arrived a day early. Very happy and would definitely use this brand agai
Great little nail drill. Much smaller than expected which is great. Very powerful, much better than the cheaper ones I have used in the past. The company even sent me a 5 voucher along with the product. Overall excellent experience!
Great piece of tool to have in your beauty salon, or it’s so small and elegant you can even having at home as a little addition to dressing table, it’s a very easy way to file, shape maintain your nails at the highest standards with minimum effort, as it comes with a powerful motor which is adjustable to desired speed with many attachments that makes reaching every tight edge is easy and comfortable..
Amazing little drill. This drill is so good, it is easy to use, it has clear markings on so you know where everything goes. This is twist lock function drill. It charges really quick, no vibration when in use on high speed’s, small and compacted. You can store the hand piece inside the whole on the unit. The hand piece is a weight not heavy fit’s comfortably in my hand. It removes product’s with ease. It comes with a set of standard bit’s, and rubber caps that go on your bit’s to stop dust getting into the hand piece and has a UK plug.
It is a lovely rose pink colour.
The drill unit is small doesn’t take up much space at all.
This drill maybe small it fit’s in my hand but it is amazing I absolutely love it, super easy to use and problem’s at all, it is built very well. I would highly recommend this drill, it is amazing value for money.
I purchased this for my other half who is forever changing her nail styles. She was talking about these nail file machines so I thought it would be a lovely gift for her and she’s pretty pleased with it 🙂
It definitely looks very glam and I purchased her the pink one which I have to say is very shiny as you can see from the pics.
The idea is that you use the various heads of the tool to gently file away the nail which basically eliminates all the time you would usually take when filing it plus you avoid constantly dipping your nails in harsh chemicals.
Her favourite tip is the ‘cone’ which she says feels the most gentle on her nails. She’s happy so I’m happy 🙂
Just done my own cuticle work so far, but such a good product, no vibration and very very low sound, will definitely be trying more of there other items
I love how looks this product . Shine rose gold can look even like decoration 🙂 is good power , quickly removing gel and not making noises . As well is not burning your nails during drilling !!! This product is awesome !
First of all, I have to say I love the design of this nail drill. The ball shape looks amazing, but the fact that it also holds the drill makes it perfect. This drill feels very solid and it is powerful. There is a good selection of drill bits and they lock securely onto the drill and they did not jiggle around when I was using the drill. I was very impressed with the results. It is pricier than some of the nail drills on the market, but it definitely feels more robust. I have learned in the past that buying a low-powered flimsy drill is a false economy.
Comes nicely packaged in a box, each component has it’s own box too. This has the same power 0-35000 RPM as my 120 Belle e file, it’s a nice small desktop file which hardly takes up any space. The handpiece sits nice and snug in the body. Comes with UK plug. The handpiece plug’s into the body. Comes with the usual standard drill bits. The white ceramic bit in the case (see pics) is my own and did not come with this file, it came with instead a very similar shaped one but metal. Came with 6 corse sanding bands which slide straight onto the sanding bit that comes with the file. Gorgeous colour with pink on the handpiece, the body of the one I got is more of a gun metal grey than a black. It performs great, it’s not loud at all and didn’t loose power when filing hard acrylic nails off! The handpiece is solid metal but not too heavy. It has forward/reverse mode and you can change RPM with the knob on the side of the body. Great little e file.
Der Ultrakompakte Frser liegt sehr gut in der Hand. Das Verbindungskabel ist extrem flexibel und
ausreichend lang und bietet so eine gute Bewegungsfreiheit.
Der Wechsel der Aufstze ist werkzeuglos und kinderleicht mit einem Handgriff mglich.
Einfach am Griff entriegeln (Symbol offenes Vorhngeschloss) und Einsatz entnehmen.
Die Drehzahlregulierung an der Akku-Kugel ist exakt und genau.
In meinem kurzen Video habe ich lediglich die Durchzugskraft des Motors demonstriert.
Auch mit der geringsten Drehzahl arbeitet der Schleifaufsatz mit dem grten Durchmesser
noch effektiv und man kann ihn praktisch nicht stoppen.
So soll es sein – damit kann man profimig arbeiten.
Der brstenlose Motor gibt ein angenehmes Gerusch von sich, der Griff wird nur minimal warm.
Recht- oder Linkslauf ist an der Akkukugel vorne per Knopfdruck whlbar und die LED
leuchtet entsprechend grn oder rot.
Die im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Frsaufstze sind diamantbeschichtet, auer die
Schleiftrommeln natrlich.
Es ist eine ausfhrliche Beschreibung mit dabei und ein Ladegert.
Ist der Akku voll geladen, wechselt hier die LED von rot auf grn. (super)
Das gesamte Gert ist technisch perfekt ausgefhrt und die Motorleistung mehr als
Ich finde auch die optische Gestaltung gelungen und es ist praktisch den Motorstift
direkt in der Akkukugel ablegen zu knnen.
hier stimmt alles – ein Gert das Freude macht und kein Spielzeug ist.
Profi-Gerät, starke Durchzugskraft bei jeder Geschwindigkei
No me ha durado nada y eso q solo he usado en ocasiones, desencantada totalmente
fungerar mycket bra till det den r byggd fr, enkel att byta stift och tidigare kpta standard stift fungerar bra.
In general, it’s not bad, but I drop a star for this.
Tolles Produkt. Fr den Preis gibts nichts zu meckern. Rechts- und Linkslauf ist einstellbar, sowie die gewnschte Drehzahl. Das Gert ist schn leise und es Vibriert nicht stark in der Hand. Frsleistung ist toll. Vielleicht nicht unbedingt fr ein Studio nutzbar aber fr den Hausgebrauch super geeignet.
Ein/Ausschalter am Handstck wre schn, ansonsten luft sehr ruhig, kein rucken und unrund laufen. Fpr den Preis vollkommen in Ordnung, zumindest im Hobby Bereich
Ein An- und Ausschalter am Handstck wre noch toll, ansonsten top fr den Preis
La verdad es que despus de bastante tiempo utilizndolo, tengo que decir que ni pierde potencia y la verdad que la por el precio merece la pena. Es un aparato que cumple perfectamente con sus funciones. A mi me ha venido como anillo al dedo.
Fresa molto buona. Poche vibrazioni. Comoda la versione ricaricabile per non avere fili in giro
Kundenservice sehr freundlich und es konnte eine Lsung gefunden werden.
Fa il suo dovere, la uso principalmente per smontare il gel e non ho niente da dire. Comodo il fatto che si possa invertire la rotazione della fresa. Ho notato per che i cilindretti si usurano facilmente. Si surriscalda poco e occupa poco spazio. Se non si devono fare grandi lavori e non si hanno molte pretese la consiglio
Ich kann diesen Frser einfach nur empfehlen. Ich bin sehr begeistert. Die Farbe ist mega schn. Auch fr Anfnger bestens geeignet. Klare Kaufempfehlung. Fr mich der beste
What like it to be cheaper but value for money is fabulous. Best one I’ve had.
Contento con la compra. Me ahorro el dinero del podlogo. Se me forman engrosamientos en la ua por deporte de impacto y con esto me va genial para rebajar cada cierto tiempo y no pagar 20 euros de podlogo por 5 minutos…
I tried my drill out for the first time today and it’s a great powerful drill, lightweight and looks smart, only downfall was i ordered the wireless version and i received the one with the wire so i lost out on 5
There is an option to send back, but i can’t wait around any longer for one to be sent back.
Over all I’m very happy with my purchase, just would have been more practical to have wireless.
Drill bits are the cheapest quality and too rough. I bought good ones separate. By itself nail fail is easy to use and I’m happy with it.
Habe den Frser vor einem Jahr gekauft und er tut was er soll, er frst ohne Probleme Gel und Acryl. Leider ist nach einem Jahr das Handstck kaputt gegangen. (Wackelkontakt/Kabelbruch)
Dieses kann man einzeln bei Amazon nachkaufen und es scheint auch an den kritischen Stellen verbessert worden zu sein.
Einen weiteren kleinen Abzug gibt es, da man zwar stufenlos die Drehzahl einstellen kann, leider jedoch nicht sehen kann wie hoch sie grade ist.
Der Frser ist absolut fr Anfnger und Hobby Nageldesigner zu empfehlen.
LG, hoffe, ich konnte weiterhelfen. 🙂
I have been using this to do my own nails, and it’s a very good e file. I bought the rose gold and it looks beautiful on my dressing table. I love the design.
Love this e file, I was debating on which one to get for a very long time! I ended up choosing this one and I was not disappointed. I’m a fully qualified nail tech and I find this amazing compared to some high end e files. Low noise, end extremely effective in gel/ acrylic removal. Bits that come with the efile aren’t great but that’s not why I bought this. Get yourself good quality bits. Rpm seems to be accurate too so it’ll have a removal done in no time.
Easy to use the pen is very light weight low noise and I like the fact that it’s wireless so it can take it anywhere. I recommend!!
As a nail tech , this is the best purchase I made. I sat and though and then I went all in. Is small easy to use, lowwww noise and beautiful as a design as well. was my first review…. But after I use the e-file for 2 sets of nails it stopped working. Really disappointed as I loved the produc
I just wanted to say, I’ve never done my own nails before, very nervous to buy something like this……I’m glad I did its amazing does everything is says it does….BRILLIANT VALUE, EASY TO USE, WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!
Works like a dream, quiet, efficient, best one I have ever bought. Well worth the money
I’ve been a nail tech for 5 years and have had a number of efiles, some expensive and some not so expensive. I absolutely love this one!!! it’s so light to carry as a complete unit so it’s perfect for moving around the salon. The hand unit feels sturdy and well made
It super low on vibrations and looks great.
It’s pretty, the tools are robust and effective. The motor is quiet and it does a great job.
Good purchase but i had to repair the button as soon as it came as it had been put on backwards.
Considering that I was checking on this item as a cordless charging one, it was not wrth the money because there are other drill units that are of same amount of
turns but of a much better value but as a corded option, I preferred to pay extra so that to have a cordless option. Really disappointed.
Die Frse ist stufenlos einstellbar und erreicht eine hohe Geschwindigkeit. In Kombination mit den passenden Keramikspitzen ist das Gert verdammt schnell und sehr effizient. Die Leistung ist enorm, weshalb ein wenig einarbeitung erforderlich ist. Wer vorher mit gnstigen Shina-billig Frsern gearbeitet hat wird hier eventuell auf eine Verletzungsgefahr treffen.
Aufgrund der enorm hohen Leistung werte ich hier mit “bedingt fr Anfnger geeignet”, eher etwas fr Nageldsigner:innen mit etwas mehr Erfahrung. Ansonsten gibts hier nicht viel zu sagen, Das Gert sieht gut aus, passt mitsamt der Spitze in die Ablage und erzielt eine enorme Leistung die Stufenlos regelbar ist. Akustisch kann man sich auch nciht beschweren, die Delanie Nagelfrse ist sehr leise. Als Profi Heimwerker bin ich berzeugt das dieses Teil richtig gut ist und sicherlich, die entsprechenden Spitzen vorausgesetzt, nicht nur fr Nageldesigner interessant wre…
Absolutely love this drill. Very low vibration and lightweight. Just as good as a kupa excellent!
This product is amazing! Its literally perfect in every way! Definitely worth the money I would 10000% recommend it to anyone
Very good product, highly recommended
If you are someone who is just starting do use a drill this product is perfect. Very easy to use and very steady in the hands.
Nice loooking design
Easy to use
So much faster than my other one
Great product only not wireless as stated I paid an extra 6.01 for this option as wired one listed few pounds cheaper but the one I recieved is wired so I hope they will refund me back the difference. Otherwise I am very pleased with the product!
Love that’s it’s easily portable and stays powerful for a rechargeable item. Definitely recommend
Really disappointed that the drill has died on me after I purchased it 11 months ago and only working half a year due to covid. Avoid and do not buy.
Was smaller than expected , but doesn’t need to be any bigger . Pen storage is the best.
Vibration is low, and has been a game changer, older bits I had which I thought were all bad seems to have a new least of life with this drill. Highly recommend
Update stopped working day 3 after 2 acrylic sets . Very disappointed, as Initially everything couldn’t be bette
Easy to operate, powerful, speeds up removal of gels. Thoroughly recommend for professional use
Cracking little efile, low vibration, low noise, nice weight to the hand piece and also looks cute sat on my nail desk!
Very compact and not noisy at all. Incredible that is work without cable. It is easy to use and lightweight. I like it!
Much better than the last one looks more professional it is easy to use, lightweight and excellent value for money thoroughly recommend
It looks very sleek and modern, something my past device lacked. It’s super lightweight, but the hand piece still has some weight to it, meaning the product doesn’t feel cheap. There are no nasty vibrations or anything to be concerned about, and the reverse button is useful.
It’s fairly compact in size and looks nice on a desk – the speed/on-off wheel has a good audible click to it before it turns the device on and requires a little bit of pressure to turn into the on position, meaning you won’t accidentally turn it on by brushing it against something.
You could consider the price a little high compared to some others out there (I spent around 30 on my old one, and it shows – it also wasn’t rechargeable and needed an adaptor). However I fully believe it’s justified in the overall design and build quality of the device – if you’re just looking for something that works and don’t care about design, there are other choices – but personally I wanted something that looked nice too 🙂
It comes with a set of bits in a small case, however they’re the generic “cheap” type you usually get with E-files. They work and are certainly appreciated particularly if you expect to get going right out of the box, but I’d recommend upgrading to a metal or ceramic set of bits. Some devices have holders for these bits, however this one does not, so bit storage is something to be aware of.
It’s partially charged out of the box, I’ve used it for about 3 hours or so and haven’t needed to charge it yet, so if you want to open the box and get right to doing your nails without worrying about charging it, you can 🙂
Fully recommend this as a medium budget device for home use, great appearance, great quality and great functionality!
Really enjoy using this product and this is my first drill and always been unsure of them but now happy to use
Really good e-file, comes with few bits as well and the battery lasts quite a long time once fully charged. Really happy with it 🙂
So, I could say if I compare with my previous drill,could say this one is absolutely amazing,biggest plus is vibration is very low, feels like expensive drill. So no vibration,lightweight and beautiful and small. Would say definitely get it if you qre thinking about it!
The attachments fit in the device so easily and is so comfortable to hold. You don’t get any vibration from it. I must admit I haven’t used it at it’s highest speed though.
I highly recommend this cute E-File. I will be using this for personal use to help me get a nice set of nails .
As a qualified nail technician I have struggled for a long time trying to find a suitable electric nail file system and this is definitely the one. It’s not big and clumsy… it’s small design is great. Thanks
Love my nail drill I was able to remove old acrylics as its so easy self explanitry. I reccomend this product five stars all the way.
good value for money easy to use lightweight no vibratio
A compact piece of equipment nice to use and powerful without getting too hot.
I love love love this product it’s amazing so small and compact but does get hot and isnt too loud I have a pet and they dont like loud noises so its perfec
Bought this for my daughter for christmas I bought it because it looked different not the usual square style and colour shees thrilled with it and says it knocks so much time off very easy to use and lightweight couldn’t be happie
Rosie. R.
I ordered this as a present for my partner for Christmas and when she used it she was very surprised how little noise it made, she’s very happy with the product.
Love it , easy & light weight & changeable bits with no hassle . Torque great too
It’s an amazing product for the beginners or self use.
Torno para manicura y pedicura profesional, apto para uso domstico y saln de belleza.
Prctico para moler, cortar, tallar, eliminar esmaltes de gel y cutculas para uas naturales, uas acrlicas y uas de gel.
Buena presentacin en su caja con cada elemento protegido.
El torno consta de una mquina o controlador con motor en forma esfrica que es lo que hace funcionar el propio torno o bolgrafo pulidor que se conecta a travs de un cable.
El torno o pieza de mano est realizado en aleacin de aluminio de alta calidad.
La mquina del motor gris, con buenos acabados y efecto mate, y queda bien a la vista. Se enchufa a la corriente elctrica.
Desde esa mquina es donde se escogen los parmetros como las velocidades o las vibraciones a travs de una ruleta.
Tambin se puede seleccionar el sentido de la rotacin de las limas, mediante dos teclas.
Velocidad variable de hasta 35000 rpm.
Rotacin en dos sentidos: el dispositivo puede funcionar tanto en rotacin derecha como izquierda.
Incluye 6 cabezales para poder utilizar en las uas y dejar una manicura o pedicura impoluta.
El precio es ms elevado en comparacin a los tornos que he estado utilizando hasta ahora, pero se nota mucho la diferencia y es precisamente lo que buscaba para uso profesional, ya que a veces encuentras manos con uas que se resisten sobre todo a la hora del limado o incluso las cutculas. Creo que para profesionales est muy bien.
What’s an amazing product. It looks lovely and it’s so compact,smooth and quiet. If your thinking of ordering….do it!
It is small and very easy to use i love it.. ot would be even better if there was a switch on the pen so you could turn it off with out having to go to turn the machine off all the time
This nail drill is light weight and easy to hold, it’s very smooth and doesn’t jerk like some other nail drills I’ve had in the past. I like the fact the unit is quite small as some nail drills are quite big this one doesn’t take up much space on the table which is a plus. I have to admit at first I wasn’t sure about this item as I thought it wouldn’t be very good because of the price (meaning it was too cheap to be any good) but I was pleasantly surprised and would definitely recommend, the other good thing about it is inside the box is a contact card so if you have any questions or need advice it’s just an email away
Really happy with this product, needed it to help with lockdown nail removal. Easy to use once got hang of it. And it arrived a day early. Very happy and would definitely use this brand agai
Great little nail drill. Much smaller than expected which is great. Very powerful, much better than the cheaper ones I have used in the past. The company even sent me a 5 voucher along with the product. Overall excellent experience!
Great piece of tool to have in your beauty salon, or it’s so small and elegant you can even having at home as a little addition to dressing table, it’s a very easy way to file, shape maintain your nails at the highest standards with minimum effort, as it comes with a powerful motor which is adjustable to desired speed with many attachments that makes reaching every tight edge is easy and comfortable..
I absolutely love this drill… being a nail technician I saved me so much time… will 100% recommend
Amazing little drill. This drill is so good, it is easy to use, it has clear markings on so you know where everything goes. This is twist lock function drill. It charges really quick, no vibration when in use on high speed’s, small and compacted. You can store the hand piece inside the whole on the unit. The hand piece is a weight not heavy fit’s comfortably in my hand. It removes product’s with ease. It comes with a set of standard bit’s, and rubber caps that go on your bit’s to stop dust getting into the hand piece and has a UK plug.
It is a lovely rose pink colour.
The drill unit is small doesn’t take up much space at all.
This drill maybe small it fit’s in my hand but it is amazing I absolutely love it, super easy to use and problem’s at all, it is built very well. I would highly recommend this drill, it is amazing value for money.
It definitely looks very glam and I purchased her the pink one which I have to say is very shiny as you can see from the pics.
The idea is that you use the various heads of the tool to gently file away the nail which basically eliminates all the time you would usually take when filing it plus you avoid constantly dipping your nails in harsh chemicals.
Her favourite tip is the ‘cone’ which she says feels the most gentle on her nails. She’s happy so I’m happy 🙂
Excellent efile. Have purchased for my students @no38academy. Really happy with the quality.
Just done my own cuticle work so far, but such a good product, no vibration and very very low sound, will definitely be trying more of there other items
I love how looks this product . Shine rose gold can look even like decoration 🙂 is good power , quickly removing gel and not making noises . As well is not burning your nails during drilling !!! This product is awesome !
Super silent, powerful and easy to use.
I got this as a present and I’m loving it.
Very good drill.Doesn’t make noise.I’m so happy for this.
ausreichend lang und bietet so eine gute Bewegungsfreiheit.
Der Wechsel der Aufstze ist werkzeuglos und kinderleicht mit einem Handgriff mglich.
Einfach am Griff entriegeln (Symbol offenes Vorhngeschloss) und Einsatz entnehmen.
Die Drehzahlregulierung an der Akku-Kugel ist exakt und genau.
In meinem kurzen Video habe ich lediglich die Durchzugskraft des Motors demonstriert.
Auch mit der geringsten Drehzahl arbeitet der Schleifaufsatz mit dem grten Durchmesser
noch effektiv und man kann ihn praktisch nicht stoppen.
So soll es sein – damit kann man profimig arbeiten.
Der brstenlose Motor gibt ein angenehmes Gerusch von sich, der Griff wird nur minimal warm.
Recht- oder Linkslauf ist an der Akkukugel vorne per Knopfdruck whlbar und die LED
leuchtet entsprechend grn oder rot.
Die im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Frsaufstze sind diamantbeschichtet, auer die
Schleiftrommeln natrlich.
Es ist eine ausfhrliche Beschreibung mit dabei und ein Ladegert.
Ist der Akku voll geladen, wechselt hier die LED von rot auf grn. (super)
Das gesamte Gert ist technisch perfekt ausgefhrt und die Motorleistung mehr als
Ich finde auch die optische Gestaltung gelungen und es ist praktisch den Motorstift
direkt in der Akkukugel ablegen zu knnen.
hier stimmt alles – ein Gert das Freude macht und kein Spielzeug ist.