Electric Air Pump Rechargeable for Inflatable: Battery Powered Portable Wireless Mini USB Inflate & Deflate Inflator with Nozzles for Paddling Pools Swimming Airbed Camping Air bed Kayak Air Mattress

Weight: | 295 Grams |
Size: | 10cmÃ7.6cmÃ7.6cm |
Dimensions: | 10 x 7.6 x 7.6 cm; 275 Grams |
Brand: | AKSOUL |
Model: | AKSOUL |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | AKSOUL |
Colour: | Black |
Department: | Unisex |
Department: | Unisex |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 10cmÃ7.6cmÃ7.6cm |
Die Luftmatratze war beim Campen abseits von jeder Steckdose mit dem Gert schnell aufgepumpt.
I bought this for inflating my kayak. It saves me so much time and energy, which makes me enjoy kayaking that much more! Great product!
Diese wunderbare kleine Pumpe hat mir in der letzten Zeltsaison allerbeste Dienste geleistet.
Div. Luftmatatzen und ein Single Festbett (2,5 min), Air Zelt mit 3 Schluchen, wurden in erstaunlich kurzer Zeit unbhngig vom Festnetz, aufgepumpt und abgepumpt. Dabei (ca. 5 Matratzen) war der Akku nicht einmal halb leer. Vorausgesetzt vorher gut aufgeladen! Die Geruschentwicklung ist moderat. Man sollte, um nicht den Nachbarn auf dem Zeltplatz zu verrgern, nicht in der Nacht oder Ruhezeit pumpen. Hab zu Reseve immer noch eine Doppelhubpumpe dabei.
Grosse Luftmatratzen in ein paar wenigen Minuten aufgeblasen. Hat sich bereits mehrfach bewhrt.
A little bit noisy, but this was expected. The pump is great, the battery lasted my whole vacation and it was a life saver at the beach.
his thing is awesome! portable, lightweight, and comes with all the attachments we need to blow up rafts, or paddleboards. definitely impressed with how well it works for the price!
Funktioniert tadellos ohne Kabelwirrwarr. Zum Glck stand in den Rezessionen dass man lnger auf den Knopf drcken muss, um es einzuschalten.
Wurde fr meine wchentliche Angel Ausflge angeschafft um das Angelbot schnellstmglich aufzubauen und abzubauen und die diverse luftmatratze
Haben tglich mehrere Luftmatratzen aufgeblasen und abends Luft abgesaugt. Top.
Super!!! Klare Kaufempfehlung. Der Akku hat locker 4 Tage Camping-Tour mit tglich 2 normalen und einer Doppel-Luftmatratze aufblasen gehalten. Zwar sehr laut, aber schnell mit viel power. Die Mini-Gre ist sehr praktisch frs Reisegepck. Die unterschiedliche Matratzen waren durch verschiedene Aufstze kein Problem. Sehr zufriede
Wir haben sie fr den Urlaub geholt, um am Strand Sachen aufpumpen zu knnen. Neben den blichen Sachen haben wir damit auch unser 3-Personen-Boot aufgeblasen. Der Akku reicht dicke, die Power ebenfalls. Sie ist halt ein wenig laut, aber das sind alle elektrischen Pumpen. Sollte man nur dran denken, in einer ruhigen Bucht kann das schon mal unangenehm sein^^
Wir haben 3 Pumpen (eine mit Strom, eine mit Akku – leider ist da das Ladekabel defekt – und diese) und die Lautstrke ist berall gleich.
I use it to pump my inflatable kayak it works great , you still have to use the manual pump at the end two or three pump but it will save you so much time and energy , my favorite part was deflating the kayak , i just connect it and let it do it’s job , the battery is great It won’t die on you I used it 4 times in one day each time 10 minutes and was still having enough juice , highly recommended
Really love that it’s rechargeable- takes 5 hours for the first charge but then has aired up the mattresses multiple times. Love it and it’s surprise lightweight.
Im Urlaub am Strand 2 Luftmadratzen und Schwimmring aufgeblasen. Von den 4 Lampen der Akkuanzeige ging dabei nicht einmal die erste aus. Besonders laut ist die Pumpe auch nicht. 3 verschiedene Aufstze. Luft absaugen ging auch gut. Kann ich empfehlen.
This hand held device actually does what it says it does! It is very easy to use and easily inflates pool floats quickly. The charge lasts for an unusually long time. Really offers a lot of power for a small unit. Very happy with this purchase.
Super Pumpe mit Akku. Nehme sie immer mit zum baden um luftmatratze etc. Aufzupeppen. Ist handlich und passt gut in Rucksack. Einziger Nachteil sie ist ziemlich laut.
My daughter charged it up and took her kids to the river. Easily inflated all the toys but what she absolutely loved was the fact it efficiently deflated them too. Great product!
Habe mal ein video hinzugefgt, Zeitraffer, im gesamten hat es ca 4-5 min gedauert bist der ganze Pool aufgeblasen var. Ich habe jetzt nur den letzten Part reingegeben. Fr den kleinen kinderpool mit den ganzen Extras was man aufpupmen muss (Dino, Ringe, Rutsche, Brcke Bumechen) hat es dann nicht mehr gereicht mit dem Akku aber war i.o habe. Das Gert ist etwas laut ja aber gut das Teil passt gerade mal in eine Hand und der Motor muss arbeiten. Ich finde ihn sehr gut, kann man nix falsch machen damit, also Kaufempfehlung.
Good item but a little bit small and slow on airflow but works
Super small and lightweight. Pumps multiple things before needing to be charged again. Great buy!
Blows up airbeds, swimming pools and inflatable wubble balls in no time at all, and deflates them as quickly. Different sized nozzles a must have. Excellent.
Klare Kauf entfllung anm Anfang einmal aufgeladen der aku extrem gut Schoch seit 2 monten immer mal im Einsatz musste noch nicht aufgelad en werden bin beeindruckt super Teil
Nos encontramos con inflador inalmbrico y con batera recargable por usb.
Es compacto y ligero aunque tengo que decir que ya los he visto ms pequeos pero como he indicando no lo haba probado antes.
Mi experiencia ha sido increble no puede decir otra cosa por ahora que todo funciona bien,llegas a la playa te sientas en tu silla con tu cerveza y tranquilamente sin esfuerzo Pons las colchonetas de los nios y en un plis las tienes listas sin tener que dejarte all medio pulmn inflando.
Trae 3 boquillas intercambiables y lo mismo que puedes inflar despus lo desinflas y quedan ms compactos para guardar.
Hace un poco de ruido pero es lgico y llega a un momento que no puede inflar ms no tiene ms potencia por lo que para inflar colchones y colchonetas est bien pero para nada ms, lo digo porque lo he utilizado para inflar la tabla de Paddle sur, inflar la infla pero llega un momento que no tiras ms porque no tiene potencia y hay que terminarlo con la bomba, pero lo ms Gordo te lo quita de la tabla y ya con la bomba lo rematas, la verdad que por ahora yo estoy satisfecho con el producto.
Espero haberos ayudado !! Saludos!!
Ottimo prodotto per ora,l’ ho provato su un kayak gonfiabile, ha svolto molto bene il suo dovere.
Adesso devo provare la durata della batteria.
Die Kleine Pumpe ist super. Ich war sehr skeptisch, ob sie es schafft, unser Familienschlauchboot aufzupumpen. Klappt einwandfrei und hat noch Kapazitt fr mehr. Der einzige Nachteil: sie ist ziemlich laut !
Das Pumpen von Hand oder mit dem Fu waren wir leid, am Auto konnten wir den Pool nur beim Erstgebrauch mit Luft fllen.
Geladen hlt die Pumpe wirklich lange.
Einfache Handhabung und Bedienung, mehrere Aufstze fr unterschiedliche Ventile vorhanden und sogar die kleine Tasche zum Transport.
Excellente petite pompe lectrique sur accus. Certes un brin bruyante, mais d’une grande efficacit pour sa petite taille. Je recommande sans restriction.
Ich kann nicht nachvollziehen was manche Leute hier schreiben. Die Luftpumpe tut genau das was in der Produktbeschreibung steht! Und was will man mehr fr den Preis erwarten? Ich bin zu 100% zufrieden!
In den Fragen steht ob man ein Kajak damit aufpumpen kann, fiele schrieben Nein, das stimmt nicht!
Man kann wunderbar wie auf dem Bild zu sehen ist ein einfaches aufblasen, bis zu ca. 90% (ca. fnf min.) den Rest, damit es Prall voll wird mit dem Mund.
Nun muss sie noch zwei Jahre halten ^^
Habe damit eine Badeinsel aufgepumpt und spter damit die Luft wieder abgelassen. Der Akku hat dafr nicht mal eins von 4 Lichtern verloren. Ich hoffe das Teil hlt noch lange. Total Klasse. Einziger Minuspunkt, ich finde es etwas laut wenn es ringsum leise ist. Das strt Evtl andere. Am besten auf dem Parkplatz benutzen. Und mega klein das Teil, passt immer irgendwo rein.
This is a GREAT portable air pump for travel! Pumped up our river rafts in under 2 min! Love this product and now other family members are going to buy one as well! Super fast shipping!
Gefllt mir wirklich sehr gut! Als die Pumpe kam, dachte ich ih gott dieses Mini Ding soll die grosse Luftmatratze aufpumpen? Aber sie macht das Ruck Zuck! Es sind auch noch 3 Aufstze dabei, man kann auch die Luft ablassen, zum Laden ber USB. Ich find sie perfekt und der Preis ist auch fair!
Ich habe die Pumpe gekauft um das Planschbecken meines Sohnes aufzupumpen und genau das macht das Gert auch. Die Lrmentwicklung hlt sich in Grenzen (daneben schlafen kann man nicht…), der Aufblasvorgang ist zgig abgeschlossen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Perfetto..in 3 minuti gonfia un materassino matrimoniale comoda e pratica
Arriva l’estate e un classico delle giornate al mare il materassino, piacevole da usare ma molto meno piacevole da gonfiare.
Questa pompa portatile dalle dimensioni contenute (circa cm 10 x 8) e abbastanza leggera pu essere una valida soluzione al posto della classica pompa a mano o a pedale, una pompa elettrica con batteria ricaricabile da 4000mAh, la ricarica avviene tramite un classico cavetto usb fornito in dotazione.
inoltre fornita di un sacchetto per riporla e di 3 differenti tipi di ugello utili a seconda del tipo di gonfiabile che andremo ad utilizzare.
Per una ricarica completa della batteria sono necessarie alcune ore, il livello di carica viene indicata dai 4 led blu presenti lateralmente sotto il tasto di accensione, per avviare la pompa necessario tenerlo premuto qualche secondo, sistema utile onde evitare che si possa accendere inavvertitamente.
un po’ rumorosa, quindi se si decide di gonfiare un materassino al mare sarebbe meglio farlo non durate le ore in cui i vicini di ombrellone stiano appisolati dopo il pranzo.
Il prezzo di vendita, circa 32 euro a giugno 2022 un po’ alto rispetto a prodotti pi o meno simili.
It is good for what it is, a device to inflate pool toys. I doubt it would air up a bicycle tire though.
Ho preso questa pompa di gonfiaggio per gonfiare principalmente due cuscini gonfiabili telati e un materassino singolo telato da campeggio che uso sempre sia in acqua che fuori. Avevo una pompa a pile, ma questa pompa ha una batteria ricaricabile e francamente molto pi pratica ed economica. La batteria ha una buona dorata e sono riuscita facilmente a gonfiare il materassino e i due cuscini in poco tempo, non molto potente ma con un poco di pazienza gonfia tutto, il rumore non eccessivo, la mia vecchia pompa a pile faceva pi rumore. A fine giornata sono riuscita anche a sgonfiare il tutto e avevo ancora carica. La pompa viene fornita di sacchetto per riporla, tre inserti adatti al gonfiaggio di diversi oggetti, un cavetto per la ricarica e un manuale d’uso. molto compatta e leggera, date le piccole dimensioni l’ingombro e il peso sono irrisori. Nonostante le piccole dimensioni per la pompa ha svolto bene il suo lavoro e spero mi accompagni per tutta questa stagione estiva e chiss anche le prossime. Il prezzo non basso ma la qualit si sta dimostrando buona, i punti di forza rimangono sicuramente la compattezza e la leggerezza che rendono questa pompa un accessorio non pi ingombrante durante vacanze o tempo libero.
Used it to inflate a double airbed. Worked perfectly and the battery has more than enough capacity.
This might be quite a specific reference, but it pumped up an Intex Challenger 3 in about 5 minutes and didn’t seem to bat an eyelid. Battery life seemed to remain unaltered – so if you are wondering if this is capable of blowing up a decent size inflatable dinghy (as I was….) – it definitely can!!! Very happy with this!
La spedizione stata celere come sempre, il pacco arrivato integro e ben imballato. Si tratta di una pompa elettrica.
Il prodotto arriva in una confezione con sopra riportate le immagini esemplificative del prodotto. Al suo interno:
* la pompa elettrica
* il cavo di alimentazione
* 3 ugelli
* il sacchetto per il trasporto
* il manuale delle istruzioni (non in inglese)
* Marchio: AKSOUL
* Materiale: plastica
* 2 funzioni: gonfiaggio e aspirazione
* 3 ugelli multifunzione
* Batteria: 4000 mAh
* Autonomia: 30 min
* made in China.
Per funzionare il prodotto deve essere completamente ricaricato utilizzando il cavetto fornito con un qualunque alimentatore in casa.
Sul manico presente un interruttore per metterlo in funzione una volta acceso saranno visibili anche i LED di stato a indicare il livello di carica.
La pompa dotata di due fessure per l’aria, una laterale che emette aria (e serve a gonfiare) e l’altra nella parte superiore che la risucchia (per mettere sottovuoto). In confezione sono forniti diversi ugelli (beccucci) da utilizzare in base alla necessit. Essi vanno incastrati seguendo le scanalature previste sugli stessi.
presente in confezione anche quello che pu essere utilizzato con i sacchetti sottovuoto per la biancheria ma non fornito l’accessorio che serve ad attaccarlo al sacchetto e che ho utilizzato nel video.
La pompa elettrica leggera, compatta e maneggevole da utilizzare. L’interruttore per azionarla posizionato in punto facilmente accessibile con il pollice. I beccucci si incastrano perfettamente alle fessure dell’aria senza dover fare una pressione eccessiva e restano in posizione fin quando non vengono manualmente rimossi. Peccato che non venga fornito l’accessorio per il sottovuoto: senza di lui il beccuccio della po la risulta piccolo per il sacchetto sottovuoto e non riesce a svuotare l’aria.
Il prodotto funziona bene, mi capitato di gonfiare dei palloncini ma anche un materasso ad aria della grandezza di 80 x 190 e non ho riscontrato malfunzionamenti. Il gonfiaggio non l’ho trovati lento ma il rumore pu risultare fastidioso.
Come dicevo prima l’ho utilizzata anche con i classici sacchetti sottovuoto per la biancheria e, anche in questo caso, utilizzando l’accessorio mancante che gi possedevo, il funzionamento stato corretto: l’aspirazione dell’aria stata molto forte infatti sono riuscita a mettere sottovuoto una coperta di lana di 190 x 200 cm e la pompa non andata sotto sforzo e non ha perso potenza durante l’operazione tuttavia l procedura risultata molto lenta, quasi 5 minuti in confronto al minuto della pompa con filo che utilizzavo normalmente.
Rapporto qualit-prezzo medi. I materiali di cui fatta mi sembrano buoni. Il prezzo di circa 29 (al momento della recensione) lo trovo leggermente pi alto rispetto a quello di altri prodotti dello stesso tipo in commercio al pari di caratteristiche, funzionalit e accessori forniti.
Spero che la mia recensione possa tornarvi utile e…. buono shopping!!
Ahora que llega el buen tiempo empezamos a sacar los brtulos para ir a la playa y la piscina y una de las cosas que menos me gusta es hinchar las colchonetas e hinchables de los peques.
Hasta ahora tenamos una pequea bomba de pie que la verdad lleva mucho tiempo para meter aire sobre todo en colchonetas grandes, pero gracias a esta pequea bomba elctrica ya no hacemos ms esfuerzo.
El hecho de que tenga batera es lo mejor ya que no hay que hinchar los juguetes en el coche, si no que se puede hacer en cualquier sitio, por ejemplo en la arena directamente, eso s, teniendo cuidado de que la bomba no se llene de arena.
La calidad de los materiales es buena para el precio que tiene, est construida en plstico y aunque es bastante ruidosa da un buen caudal de aire.
Tiene dos bocas, una para inflar y otra para desinflar que vienen marcadas en ingls (nosotros le hemos puesto una etiqueta para cuando la usen los abuelos y no haya confusiones 🙂
Las instrucciones tampoco vienen en espaol y como digo siempre si se vende en Espaa deberan incluirlas en espaol, no por nosotros si no por la gente mayor.
La batera de momento no la hemos acabado, aunque la verdad que este mes no la hemos usado mucho, pero puedo decir que dura para varios das de playa. En la caja se incluye un pequeo cable que es muy corto (unos 50 centmetros) y anticuado (es micro USB) pero no un cargador. Tambin trae unos adaptadores para distintas bocas que igualmente son de plstico y aunque no tienen mucha calidad sirven para el uso que se les va a dar.
Todo ello viene dentro de una bolsa que es muy cmoda de guardar en cualquier sitio y que pesa muy poco. Las veces que vamos andando o en bici a la playa tambin nos lo llevamos.
Resumiendo, una bomba de aire muy compacta y que funciona bastante bien. Si tienes peques y muchos hinchables y colchonetas que inflar te va a venir muy bien este verano.
I like having this air blower at our pool club to blow up my kids inflatable stuff. It’s easy to use and it’s small that I can stick it in my pool bag. It moves enough air to blow things up pretty quickly too!!
over all good but not for large item to inflate even it is powerful as small pump
Excellent product used to blow all the kids inflatables up at the pool side! Still full battery after 2 x lilos 1 killer whale and 3 unicorns!! I was the envy of the other parents blowing there stuff up by there mouths
El producto llega en una caja de cartn sencilla. En su interior, se encuentra una bolsa, 3 adaptadores, un cable de carga, la bomba y un manual de instrucciones.
El producto cuando me llega, tiene un 75% de carga, al ponerlo a cargar tarda unos 40 minutos en completarse la carga.
La potencia de esta bomba de aire, es muy elevada en 3 minutos hincha con mucha presin una colchoneta. Lo que destaca es que consigue colocar mas aire (250litros por minutos), con una presin de 3300PA, porque al tener mucha fuerza, le da ms firmeza que otros productos similares.
Su funcionamiento es muy sencillo, es tan fcil como colocar el adaptador, en la colchoneta o lo que se quiera hinchar, se presiona el botn, y trabajar para nosotros.
Se ve un producto durable, y de muy buenas calidades, la batera tiene una capacidad de 4000 MAH y una vez cargada por completo dura unas 2 horas de hinchado.
Eso es estimativo, ya que utilizndolo 10 veces en sesiones de aproximadamente 3 minutos, todava no ha llegado al 75% de carga. ( va bajando de 25% en 25%)
Al incluir una bolsita para transportarla y al ocupar muy poco espacio es un producto totalmente apto para la playa o para viajes, ya que cabe en cualquier mochila.
La bomba de aire cuando est hinchando hace mucho ruido, me parece algo correcto ya que es muy potente, y el ruido viene del propio compresor.
La relacin calidad precio me parece excelente ya que ofrece muy buenas calidades y ser tu aliado en tus escapadas. Lo recomiendo sin dudas.
Espero te haya sido util.
Really surprised how small it is, but it’s mega powerful and inflated our queen very high bed and two chairs with ease with only one bar of batter. Did not need a charge over the whole trip. Really recommend.
Tena muchas ganas de contar con un hinchador de estas caractersticas, me refiero a un hinchador elctrico que sea de batera y no haga falta conectarlo al coche o a un enchufe.
Dispone de tres boquillas de diferentes tamaos las cuales resulta muy sencillo cambiarlas pues basta con girarla en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj y tirar de ellas hacia ti y para ponerlas realizamos la misma maniobra pero en sentido contrario, se acoplan empujando girando en sentido de las agujas del reloj. Cada una de ellas es para diferentes tipos de vlvulas dependiendo de la circunferencia de las mismas.
Se pueden hinchar lanchas neumticas, flotadores, colchonetas, etc, pero tambin se puede utilizar con pelotas, balones..etc.
El funcionamiento correcto se lleva a cabo de la siguiente manera. Se coloca la boquilla que queramos utilizar y se acopla a la vlvula del objeto neumtico que queremos hinchar. Se pulsa el botn de inicio y se nos encienden unas luces LED azules que nos indican el nivel de la batera y a la vez que est en funcionamiento. Aunque hace bastante ruido, no resulta molesto para el oido. Es muy potente por lo que puede hinchar de forma eficaz en muy poco tiempo cualquier objeto neumtico. Como tiene un tamao muy reducido, ocupa muy poco espacio y podemos guardarlo o transportarlo en cualquier bolsa o recipiente sin ningn tipo de problema, aunque lo ms cmodo y prctico es llevarlo dentro de la bolsa que viene incluida y que resulta muy til.
La batera como es obvio durar en funcin del tiempo que lo usemos, pero tiene suficiente autonoma como para estar varios das sin recargarse. La recarga se realiza mediante cable con conexin usb y es muy rpida. Estoy deseando que empiece la temporada de playa para hinchar con ella todos los juguetes hinchables de mi hija, voy a ahorrar mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. Gran relacin calidad precio.
The battery didn’t take too long to fully charge which was good! Has a good run time and was powerful enough to fully inflate my double bed for camping. Very impressed and would recommend to any camper!
Its small, charges in about 2 hours from flat.
So far it has inflated 6 double airbeds on one charge and is still going.
I lent it to some bikers who after using immediately bought 2.
Comoda, per non dire comodissima in spiaggia per il gonfiaggio e lo sgonfiaggio dei giocattoli per i bambini e per i pi grandi.
Di aspetto molto rassicurante, realizzato in plastica di buona qualit, dotato di 4 velocit, azionabili sequenzialmente, attraverso l’unico pulsante presente, individuabili da quattro Led spia blu, fornito con adattatori per potersi adattare ai diversi beccucci dei gonfiabili in commercio.
Piuttosto potente, si fa sentire abbastanza, d’altro canto una pompa silenziosa difficile da trovare, effettivamente in grado di gonfiare piuttosto velocemente materassini e salvagenti, forse in grado anche di gonfiare dei canotti, ma non ho ancora verificato, la cosa interessante che utilizzando la presa sulla testa possibile sgonfiare rapidamente, cos come precedentemente si gonfiato, il materassino, la ciambella o quello che sia stato.
In conclusione si tratta di un buon articolo, il prezzo al momento della recensione di circa 70 euro mi sembra un poco alto, per questo motivo la mia valutazione sar positiva ma non massima.
Ringrazio il programma Amazon Vine che mi ha offerto di provare e usare gratuitamente questo buon articolo.
Dotato di batteria interna ricaricabile di 4.000 mAh, lo trovo un buon ausilio da portare in spiaggia, leggero, comodo nella sua custodia a sacchetto, dotato di presa e cavo di ricarica MicroUsb, standard superato da anni dall’attuale UsbC, l’autonomia di 40 minuti dichiarata, ma non verificata dal sottoscritto, interessante, per non mi convince il prezzo.
Spero di essere stata utile
A portable pump fits size of your palm and can last quite a while of cable can be charged before you go on any trips and can inflate and deflate comes with neat little bag
This is so good for low-pressure inflatables, like beach balls and dingy’s, and is great for taking to the beach so you don’t need to work up a sweat with a manual pump.
The battery lasts a good amount of time, I’ve used it for over 20 mins with no issue but as expected it is rather loud.
It’s well made and compact at a good price.
Does exactly what you would expect. Good quality product and I had no issues with it.
This air pump is small enough to pack into a bag but still quite powerful.
It is charged using a USB port with the supplied charging cable although no plug adapter is provided so you will need one.
It is quite simple to operate, just attach the correct adapter for what you are inflating and press the button on the side to start inflation and then press again to stop.
It can be used to inflate pretty well anything that doesn’t require high pressure such as mattresses, air beds, beach balls, etc. and only takes a few minutes even with the larger ones. The 30 minute use time is plenty for inflating a few things on the beach or while camping. You can even recharge it from a powerbank or computer although this can take quite some time for a full recharge.
Better to inflate than deflate but not to bad at all
This is a great Electric Air Pump, is compact, portable, and very practical because of the way that is rechargeable, which is good.
Looks well made to me and is working well, plus is easy to charge by USB cable.
I like that you can inflate and deflate and is fast.
Comes with some interchangeable nozzles, it is a really good air pump, I recommend it.
This is a rechargable air pump and you will be very surprise this palm size pump can be so efficient. Take an example, to pump up an inflatable camping mattress only takes less than 5 min. To inflat a beach ball is only less than a minute. The pump can last for approx 30 min of pumping job so this is a very good one to bring along for a day out on beach.
Didn’t realise this was so small..perfect for caring in bag to beach etc.
Arrived fully chargedpressed button to switch on and wow is it powerful.
Quite noisy ..but when your blowing up inflatables this is the item to have
Comes with three different size adapters.usb charging cableand a bag to put in
4 little lights on front tells you when it needs recharging.
Adapters clip on easy.as with removing.
Great little machine.
Would recommend
Does what it says it’s a rechargable fan for air beds etc. Haven’t had a chance to use it properly but it works and has decent power to is so no complaints
Very good air pump. It’s amazing that you can easily charge it and take it with you anywhere you might need it and use it freely without having to plug it in anywhere. Very easy to use. It inflates everything very quickly….when i say everything i mean…beach balls…camping mattresses…not balloons….i tried….this is not made for that. Overall…i love it….it’s very versatile….great value for money. Would recommend this to anyone.
Pump arrived quickly and once I had charged it up, off we went to the campsite. It was easy to use and not particularly noisy but what impressed me the most was how quick it was to inflate a double airbed. Lent it to my daughter who is now planning on purchasing one as saved us both so much time and energy.
Small pump, easy to take with you. Fit to use for air beds, inflatable float. For some beds may not do enough pressure.
This rechargeable electric pump is so handy for inflating items such as air beds, without having to mess about finding a suitable power source as you would have to do with conventional pumps. It’s quite a compact unit, constructed of reasonable quality plastics. It has a reasonable weight to it, contributing to a quality feel, without being too heavy. It’s also quite powerful, with a good amount of air being pushed along, allowing the process of inflating to be much quicker than some other pumps available on the market. Another nice feature is that this pump has both an inlet and an outlet, so it can also be used to deflate too.
Overall I really like this product. Recommended
Great pump for a good price.
Works great. Suitable for camping mats, mattresses and beach toys.
Comes with 3 different nozzles.
Very happy with product.
So surely can recommend it to all.
I got this to blow up my inflatable kayak and it worked like a dream! It still says its fully charged after doing a two man kayak with seats. Couldn’t be happier.
This unit took ages to charge and even when first plugging in no lights lit up which make me think it was broken but after a while it started flashing.
Once charged this little unit has a lot of power and the wind coming out was crazy for such a small device.
Pumped up my airbed super quickly compared to my 12v car pump.
This is a great gadget for camping or seaside trip.
Quick powerful and last 30-40 mins, hence inflate and deflate 10 medium size inflatables should be fine.
You can always top up via powerbank or mains.
This is a great upgrade from my battery operated one ( 8 AA batteries were required ) on only last about 5 inflatables.
At less than 300g and not taller that 8cm, a must in the picnic bag.
Would be great if this can be use to charge some devices ( ie: USB port out )
This is useful as you do not have to be near a power source.
Better for small things to inflate – I thick 15minutes will be its longest time – need to let it cool down and be re-charges after that.
This is a compact little unit that charges via the supplied USB lead and gives around 40 minutes of working time.
There is an inlet on the top and outlet on the side, to which both fit the three supplied nozzles. This means you can inflate air beds, paddling pools, water toys, etc. and deflate them quickly too if required. It also works on clothes vacuum storage bags too, where it can really get all the air out.
Lightweight and really packs a punch.
There are so many electric air pumps on the market that describe themselves as “portable” when really you need a car socket or mains to operate. This pump IS actually portable as it can be charged up and used without a power supply. It is far smaller than expected which is fantastic as it can easily fit in your bag. Despite the small size it still provides a good amount of power. Charge doesnt last a huge amount of time but should be plenty to pump up whatever you’re using it for. Comes with various nozzle attachments for a range of inflatables. Good value for money. Would recommend.
A self contained rechargeable pump, well that’s novel and it gets rid of coupling wires to batteries etc.
It will inflate and deflate.
Like most, Its a little bit noisy and a little bit slow and will run for about 20 minutes ok.
It charges back up via USB-C but like most products these days there isn’t a charge plug included but there is a nice soft bag to keep it in and it will blow up smaller inflatables having lots of included adaptors.
A bit weighty due to the battery pack
The pump is a compact unit, that comes with adapters for inflatables, as well as a wide one for low pressure inflation of larger items such as boats.
The pump comes charged, and holding down the button for a few seconds starts it running. Another push stops the pump. When running, the pump has a blue charge light on the side just above the charging port, this is in bar graph format with 4 LEDs to show the charge levels from lowest to full. A short mini USB cable is provided that fits well into the socket. Charging was easy with the charge indicator light on the side showing the current charge level and flashing as charging is underway.
When I took the pump out of the box and shook out the instructions. I was surprised when some debris fell out, which included some very small pieces of wood and some other non-identifiable bits. They went back in the box for disposal, but not good to find.
The tools fit well to both the inflation socket on the side, and the deflation socket on the top, although the top is just push fit. This is because of the injection moulding process at the factory is likely to be two-part. The pressure is good and enough to inflate things like paddling pools and swim toys. It is not super quick but did the job and with a lot less effort than a foot pump and about the same size. Without a flexible tube, you have to keep holding the pump.
The pressure is not strong enough for inflatable tents. I tried it through a RH valve that one of the supplied tools fits to, and the pump got part way. This is typical of low pressure, high-volume pumps where the output is not restricted, unlike when pumping up a pool toy, but I did the test to set expectations.
Certification marks are carried on the device including CE.
purchased this to use for an airbed, was easy to use and charge, i did find after prolonged use of 20 odd minutes you could tell the battery needed charging, which is fine!
it did was it was intended for, but if your looking for something with an long battery life i would avoid.
this is small and compact and comes with all the added fittings you may need, great buy for small jobs!
Well packaged air pump (see pictures). Comes with all attachements needed to pump up inflatables.
First job is charge up via USB, lead supplied very easy to charge. This only needed topping up as it was mostly charged on arrival. Instructions are very clear and easy to follow.
If you are inflating a large item i.e paddling pool you must only use the pump for 15 minutes and then allow to cool as this is only a small pump.
Excellent value and would highly recommend
Very handy little pump, especially with summer approaching. I love how compact it is, only 10cm high means it will take up very little space both in the home and in our van when we go off in the better weather. I recently got one of the huge exercise balls, it took a fair bit of inflating and was in need of a top up. I tried this pump on that, and what a difference it makes, no more tired arms using little hand pumps that take forever. It comes with the most common types of nozzles you will need for inflatables. It is easy to charge via USB and has indicator LED lights to show when fully charged. It really is a powerful little pump that will make inflating out air mattress so much easier this year.
It is portable with high pressure when used. Comes with different pump nozzles, storage bag and the charging ports isn’t a fast one.
Powerful pump for its size
Was impressed this will be great for our camping trips to inflate beds quickly
It’s small and powerful so great to keep in the car it has a few attachments to inflate different types of stuff
Excellent pump. Suitable for mattresses, water balls, swimming airbed.
Very easy to use it. And its comes with the 3 different nozzles.
Quite fast inflating.
Price is also good for such item.
So surely I can recommend it to all.
A really compact little pump, much smaller than I had expected, but really quick to pump up my inflatables. It is so handy – not having to be near a plug. This will be ideal for camping and beach trips.
charging was easy – just a micro usb. It comes with a range on nozzles.
The first thing that strikes you is the size of this pump ~ just 10cm by 8cm) but don’t let that put you off, it may be small but it is very powerful and highly efficient pump with a built in rechargeable lithium battery. Operation is super simple and easy to understand. There are two ports one for inflating and one for deflation. Connect the port with one of the adaptors (included) press the on button for 2 seconds and the pump comes into action. This pump has a USB connection and lead for recharging. Whenever the pump is in operation four led lights appear on one side to indicate remaining battery charge. I shall put this pump with my camping gear and will make inflating the double air bed so easy. Five stars and highly recommended.