Gesentur Garden Sprinkler, Automatic Lawn Water Sprinkler 360 Degree 3 Arm Rotating Sprinkler System, Upgraded Brass Interface, Leak Free Design, Hose Easy to Connec

Dimensions: | 24 x 19 x 10.5 cm; 300 Grams |
Part: | SSQ |
Manufacture: | Gesentur |
Dimensions: | 24 x 19 x 10.5 cm; 300 Grams |
Reference: | SSQ |
We have had this for the summer this year, we bought it after the one I got from ASDA broke after 2 days!! we are very happy with it and wouldn’t feel the need to buy any other garden sprinkler – so simple to use and my son had fun running through the water on a hot day.
Erfllt sein Zweck ist aber nicht besonders langlebig sollte man nicht unbedingt drauen liegen lassen.
Sehr guter Rasensprenger. Habe ihn schon seit einigen Jahren und er hlt.
Habe jetzt noch einen 2 nachgekauft.
Leider hat sich der Preis fast verdoppelt. Es knnen auch mehrere Sprenger in Reihe angeschlossen werden.
molto ampio il flusso di acqua vedete il video quello che avevo prima dovevo spostare la Pompa per annaffiare pi lontano grande anche divertente da vedere mio figlio di tre anni si incanta
Contiene tutti i riduttori necessari al collegamento e funziona davvero bene
Great item, arrived fast, easy to use, kids love jumping through this and reaches quite far when watering the grass
Put new turf down on top soil during the summer and really needed this to make sure the turf took.
Brought to keep the grass in a new build alive and it’s done a good job, occasionally have to move it about but gets a good reach.
Really easy to assemble provides good water coverage, great sprinkler.
Seen a few in other folks garden. Great for watering the grass. Lect in the veg patch when it needed a good drink. Fab product. Love i
Easy to use and most importantly works aswell as it said it would
This sprinkle works really well. Initially I thought that there was a problem whit it as it was only reaching a maximum of about 6 feet which meant that I had to constantly move it around to water the garden.
The problem was the water pressure. We had a plumber in to fix a problem with our boiler and he increase the water pressure. This fixed the issue with the sprinkler – it now works really well. I can water the whole garden, leaving the sprinkler in the centre. It goes about 25 feet with the water not turned fully on.
If you are having problems with this check your water pressure.
Amazing, actually bought to keep the dogs cool during the weather an its been amazing
I wasn’t expecting much because it was dirt cheap but I’m really impressed with it. It works with a regular (hose lock) type hose and a flexi hose which has a different connector. The range is great also. I have to turn it down otherwise it will water everywhere . Yes I really like this and glad o bought it.
Great value fir money .So easy to assemble and is very lightweight . Highly recommend this sprinkler.
Easy to set up and use. Useful tape provided that helps seal hose connections.
Good build quality for the price. Stable in operation and gives an even spread. I had to turn it down a bit, it was so enthusiastic. It comes with an optional screw in top spray, that I haven’t used. I think this product is good value for money and performs well.
It covers a pretty large area. Im glad I don’t have to stand with my hose to water my shrubs and flowers. I would buy it again.
Only used it once so far it easy to use its great value for money just fit it to hose and leave it to water law
My old sprinkler didn’t work well with low water pressure, so I picked this as a replacement largely due to reviews which said how well it coped with low pressure. I’m pleased to say it’s excellent and water’s the lawn with the tap only partially on. With the tap fully open it would cover an area far larger than my small lawn, with either spray head.
This was an excellent buy so pleased with it so light too the spray is powerful am happy
Ideal garden sprinkler. Just as described and great value too. Delivered the same day we ordered.
This is lightweight and easy to use. Much easier than trying to water the garden with a watering can. Well worth it.
Bought so the kids could have it to play in the garden. And was well received.
This fits on my hozelock fitting without leaking. Bigger than I thought it would be too. Good spread in my garden with the tap not fully open. Just need to set up and adjust to get desired coverage.
Great sprinkler, a good quality bit of kit, and the extras are a added bonus, delighted with i
achet moins de 10 euros il y a quelque temps (avant le “vous-savez-quoi” prtexte toutes sortes de drives y compris sur les prix) et ce prix l je trouve que c’est correct
si c’est prsent plus cher, cherchez ailleurs
Great coverage. Company but covers a large area of the garden. We have high water pressure so worked really well. Couldn’t go wrong with the price paid. I hope it lasts.
This Garden Sprinkler, Automatic 360 Rotating Lawn Water Sprinkler Irrigation System for Large Lawn Area works well and there are loads of extra bits and attachments. Especially appreciated was the PTFE white tape that helps make the connections more leak proof and therefore reduces leaks. It seems to spread water quite far not needing the water flow to be on full power. Now that winter has approached I have brought it inside as I dont think it will survive a fros
Ho acquistato questo prodotto per evitare di innaffiare manualmente ogni sera il mio giardino.
Mi subito piaciuto e fa il lavoro per me.
Ha un grande getto e riesce a ricoprire una bella area.
very good product does what it says on the ti
very good product does what it says on the ti
Io l’ho acquistato per fare un regalo…comunque chi lo ha ricevuto mi ha detto che le piaciuto moltissimo sotto i punti di vista.
Good product, does the job intended, would have been helpful to have instructions with it for the different settings but worked it out in the end.
Great sprinkler. Very wide coverage too. We had no instructions with ours but it was easy to change the heads.
It doesn’t cover a huge area but it does work very well on the grass.
Bought for my husband as the last thing he wants to do when he gets in from work is standing in the garden for ages watering the garden!
Quite a few extra bits with this and even includes ptfe in case of any slight leaks. So far ours isn’t showing any signs of leaks.
Tap wasn’t on full when the video was taken but even still the ground coverage of water is good.
Very pleased with purchase.
Hit the spot – just as advertised, good delivery & quality
Achat ralis pour arroser mes carrs potagers. Facile installer grce a sa polyvalence de raccordement et sa compatibilit avec les raccords standards de jardin de grandes marques, cet arroseur a l’avantage d’tre traversant, en enlevant le bouchon d’extrmit vous pouvez connecter en srie plusieurs arroseurs, j’ai donc aisment pu rajouter un basculeur la suite. Les 2 diffrentes ttes fournissent des qualits d’arrosages qui vous permettront tantt d’arroser de gros lgumes, tantt d’arroser de fragiles semis. Ensemble stable et plastique robuste
Wie jeder wei: neuer Rollrasen bentigt extrem viel Wasser!
Also musste auch ein neuer Rasensprenger her und da mir das Markenprodukt aus dem Baumarkt, auch in diesem Fall, zu teuer war, hab ich kurzerhand dieses Modell bestellt.
Lieferung schnell & unkompliziert – Amazon like.
Das ganze wird geliefert in einer Plastikverpackung bzw. einer Art Zipp Beutel. Klasse, da man so direkt was hat wo man das Zubehr drin lassen kann.
Der Sprenger hat unterschiedliche Funktionen und Aufstze, sodass man ihn auch fr unterschiedliche Spritzweiten / Radien” benutzen kann! Alle Dsen funktionieren einwandfrei und der Umbau ist kinderleicht.
J’ai achet cette arroseur de jardin afin d’arroser ma pelouse, j’ai opt pour celui-ci pour son arccordement en serie et son systme d’arrosage rotatif 360. L’installation se fait trs facilement car tout est fournie afin de pouvoir enclencher son tuyau d’arrosage. L’arroseur est assez lger mais reste bien en place une fois pos terre.
Je recommande
Pochi pezzi da montare, basta agganciarlo alla canna , mettere uno dei due attrezzi per irrigare e il gioco fatto.
Quindi voto 10 per la semplicit, utilizzabile da chiunque per esperti e non.
All’interno possiamo trovare anche un adattatore con attacco rapido per agganciarlo alla canna, quindi abbiamo tutto l’occorrente per iniziare subito appena arriva il pacco da Amazon.
La qualit in confronto al prezzo sembra piuttosto alta. La plastica dura, solida, lo si capisce appena si tocca e anche dal peso.
Ha due getti di spruzzo. Il primo un getto lungo a pioggia a spirale (come da foto) , il secondo con l’attrezzo a forma ovale montato fa uno spruzzo pi fine e sparso in modo pi omogeneo (ho messo foto ma essendo molto veloce e molto fine non chiarissima).
In ogni caso il prato perfettamente irrigato, se il giardino molto grande ovviamente va spostato manualmente da una zona all’altra.
Buonissimo prodotto con un rapporto qualit prezzo davvero molto alto.
Dieser Rasensprenger ist gut um grere Flchen zu bewssern und dabei noch ein schnes Wasserspiel kreiert. Es ist nett anzuschauen und hilft den Pflanzen in der Regenarmen zeit.
Das kleine Ding hat fr den Preis richtig was drauf. Werde mir fr den nchsten Sommer noch einen zulegen.
Ich war erstaunt uebwrbdie gute und hochwertige Verarbeitung zu diesem sehr niedrigen Preis. Bis jetzt haben wir nichts auszusetzen ! Wrde ich sofort wieder kaufen !
Je partais en cong et n’ayant Pas un mari qui aime s’occuper De l’arrosage j’ai trouve que c’tait trs intressant ! Il n’ A plus qu’ Tourner le robinet !
Did what it was meant to do! What more can I say? Sturdy piece of kit.
Does a good job but i have one slightly larger, made of same material that does an even better job.
I like the 2 spray patterns as I have curved edges on my lawn and enables me to spread the watering accordingly.
Toller Sprinkler habe eher einen kleinen/lnglichen Garten lsst sich gut einstellen auch mithilfe vom Wasserdruck.
Gutes Preis Leistungs Verhltnis bin zufrieden. Gruss Markus
It’s ok, our water pressure is not good! It got better the longer it was o
fait le job mais fuit au raccord, un coup de teflon ruban et c’est bo
Dadurch, dass das Wasser nicht so hoch versprht wird verdunstet weniger
und es kommt mehr bei Blumen & Rasen an.
Works really well and covers a good area. Would recommend
Rapporto qualit prezzo eccellente. Nessun difetto riscontrato. Modulando la pressione si possono coprire anche spazi piccoli di 1 m. Spedizione perfetta come sempre. La descrizione dice timer auto ma in realt Non c’ credo sia un errore di traduzione
Perfettamente funzionanti ambio raggio d’irrigazione, ho avuto difficolt a montarli in serie perch manca un raccordo difficile da trovare .
Sauf que le second reu tait compltement fuyard de partout, et surtout, livr diffremment du premier.
En effet, le premier avait un rouleau de tflon, un embout pour clipser le tuyau, et un truc papillon qui tourne pour arroser diffremment en remplacement des 3 bras, en option.
Le premier marche au top, RAS !
Dieses Gert ist TOP. Im Gegensatz zu den teuren Markenprodukten arbeitet dieser preisgnstige Sprenger sehr gut. Auch kann man den Radius gut einstellen. Klare Empfehlung von mir !!!
Super Sprenger mit 2 Aufstzen. Toller groer Radius, in dem jeder Zentimeter nass wird ohne zu “ertrinken”. Als eigentlicher Gardena-Fan ist der wirklich super und lsst Gardena im Schatten stehen.
Knnte man auch gut fr den Teich benutzen. 🙂
Ich habe ihn allerdings fr die Kinder an heien Tagen gekauft. Hatten sehr viel Spa damit.
Zum rasensprengen eignet er sich natrlich auch.
Best one I have ever had and I have tried many .this it great covering.
great but a bit too powerful for my garden but ok
Ein wirklich solider Gartenhelfer, habe 2 Stck bestellt und bin sehr zufrieden ! Vorher Viereckregner aufgestellt, die aber oft stehen blieben. Produkt ist sehr flexibel einstellbar (flchenmig), gerade fr lngere Urlaubsperioden. Normale 24 h Zeitschaltuhr vor die Pumpe gesteckt und die Sprenger taten ihre Pflicht – sattes Grn, nach 20 Tagen Urlaub … bei diesem Sommer !!! Habe gleich zwei weitere bestellt ! Und Preis-Leistung TOP !
Le produit est de qualit, aucun soucis dplorer pour le moment. Je verrais dans le temps si cela se confirme.
Je recommande ce produi
Der Sprengler macht was er soll. Das Gert kann ich weiter empfehlen.
Fr den Preis sehr gut und gibt auch optimale Leistung bei der Beregnung vom Rasen. Radius ber den Wasserdruck einstellbar. Htte ich schon Anfang vom Sommer kaufen sollen….
Der Rasensprenger wird komplett Montiert geliefert. Als kostenloses Zubehr ist ein zweiter Aufsatz (nennt sich glaube ich Butterfly) zum Bewssern dabei sowie ein Universal-Anschlussstck fr den Gartenschlauch und eine kleine Rolle Silikondichtungsband (Dieses habe ich z.B. gar nicht gebraucht.
Der Gartensprenger mit dem Dreiarm arbeitet Zuverlssig und fast vllig Geruschlos. Das herunterfallende wasser auf dem Rasen ist lauter als das Gert selbst. Anders der Butterfly-Aufsatz. Dieser ist im betrieb durch ein Surren deutlich zu hren.
Die Spritzreichweite ist ok. Ich schtze ich kann damit gut 4-5m in jede Richtung den Rasen Bewssern. Ich habe mir gleich noch ein zweites Gert gekauft und diese dann in Reihe gekoppelt. Fr ein drittes reicht aber mein Wasserdruck nicht mehr aus und der Bewsserungsradius wird kleiner.
Fazit: Erstklassiger Bewsserer zu einen wirklich gnstigen Preis.
Loads of fun for kids. Great to have two attachments for different spray dimensions. Exactly what is needed. Good quality hoze lock with minimal seepage. Recommended
The sprinkler works really well and I like that you can chain two or more together. The various spray attachments are really good for setting the coverage you need.
A reli ensemble.
J tais septique en voyant le prix mais je ne regrette en aucun cas mon achat
Fonctionne parfaitement deux buses de fourni facile monter
A voir sur du long terme
Super produit . Trs satisfait de cet achat. Bien mieux que le Gardena que j’avais avant . Livre avec 2 mcanismes permettant de choisir le rayon d’action. Un rapport qualit prix dlai de livraison imbattable !
This is great. We got this during this years heat wave and our garden is so green now. It has a lot of power and the kids love running through it too.
Product easy to fix to XHose and easy to set up.
Saves loads of time watering the garden and my lawn is really flourishing in this dry weather thanks to this sprinkler. Good range. Just pop it on for 20 mins in the evening
This is a simple and effective water sprinkler. It can be adjusted to to high or low spread. Very good value for money.
Works well and the variations are useful. It’s stable, good flow and huge spraying area.
Petit, lg mais tient bien au sol malgr la pression.
La pelouse est arros de toute part, aprs plusieurs semaines d’utilisation rien signaler.
ist zuverlssig und leicht zu handhaben. Was will man mehr. Er verdient volle fnf Punkte.
Ich kann ihn weiter empfehlen.
Excellent, arrived on time and does exactly what I need. Very pleased with purchase and would highly recommend it.
Looks good so far, but only time will tell how durable.
Irrigatore piccolo.. ma sufficiente per annaffiare un discreto giardino, serve collegarlo al tubo, in base alla forza del acqua spruzza meno o pi forte.. bisogna spostarlo manualmente dopo un po’, annaffia un raggio di circa 35 mq.. se sarebbe a batteria con comandi da remoto “per spostarlo o inserire il timer” lo definirei un oggetto top. Cos e’ buono.. ma niente di eccezionale..
Brilliant! Just buy it!
You won’t be disappointed.
Even if you have low pressure
Ich bin sehr zu frieden. Erfllt seinen Zweck!! Habe mir vorher einen gnstigeren Sprinkler bestellt der nicht sehr zufriedenstellend war. Deshalb freut es mich um so mehr das ich dieses mal das richtige Produkt bestellt habe.
Fast delivery, and does a grand job, covers a good area and spreads the water very well very happy
Excellent, good ground coverage with an added bonus sprinkler head for smaller areas