Intex Seahawk – Inflatable Boat, green, 236 x 114 x 41 cm

Dimensions: 236 x 41 x 114 cm; 8.44 Kilograms
Model: 68347EP
Material: Compound
Colour: Green
Pack Quantity: 5
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 3 year and up
Assembly: No
Colour: Green
Composition: Compound
Material: Compound
Quantity: 5

141 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Canotto buono per divertirsi in famiglia e con i bambini, senza grosse pretese. Sembrerebbe anche abbastanza robusto. I remi montabili in PVC lasciano a desiderare, consiglio di sostituirli con altri pi robusti. La pompa fa bene il suo dovere, generalmente in meno di 10 minuti si riesce a gonfiare il canotto. Anche se sono presenti dei poggia canna da pesca, lo ritengo poco adatto per andarci a pescare, quanto meno al mare. Vi sono anche delle predisposizioni per il supporto di un eventuale motore elettrico, ma anche in questo caso rimango scettico.

  2. Delmar8093 says:

     United States

    Durable, quality materials, affordable for those on a tight budget, and perfect for those who are new to rowing and handling a water craft. I also like that it’s easy to modify and easy to mount a trolling motor on it. This little guy can do anything a standard boat can do just on a smaller scale which makes it perfect for smaller water systems and perfect for summer when levels are too low for a traditional boat. I wouldn’t feel safe going out into the ocean necessarily in this little guy but all around I am totally happy with this purchase!

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Used this in the ocean and didn’t have any problems. A great boat. Very durable and easy to inflate/deflate. Got plenty of use over a 9 day period.

    Used this in the ocean and didn’t have any problems. A great boat. Very durable and easy to inflate/deflate. Got plenty of use over a 9 day period.

  4. freeminz says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Boot ist stabil und fr den Preis berraschend gut. Viel Zubehr wie Pattel, Sitze und Pumpe. Kann man ohne bedenken weiter empfehle

  5. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Metal oars + inflatable pillow and the boat would get 5stars.

  6. GordonLogsdon says:

     United Kingdom

    I was worried about the quality and how long it will take to launch it once unboxed but I was very happy with the product. It took me 17 min from unbox to launch it and the quality is really great. Used it in the lake district and we all loved it. I would highly recommend it, it took me roughly between 5 to 10 min to take the air out and pack it again so for me it’s worth every penny.

    Brilliant product !!!

  7. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Genau die richtige Gre fr meine Frau. Sie kann nicht genug haben.

  8. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    So far so good. The quality on this boat is nice: thick and sturdy. I am not sure about have two heavy adults in it, but perfect for kids or for going on a ride with your little one!

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great value we brought this and have loads of fu

  10. Jessica Peace Love Books says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Zum Glck dieser Summer ist lang und voll sonnig. Ich habe diese Schlauchboote fr 50 gekauft und habe mehrmals bentzt. Bis jetzt habe ich keine Problem gehabt. Was es mir ber diese boat gefllt ist die kleine wasserdicht tasche die kann man Handy und Accessoires rein tun. Es dauert ungefhr 15 min komplet aufzublasen. Alles top und ich empfehle 100% weiter.

  11. Ham Home says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Perfekt für einen Erwachsenen mit Kind

  12. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Easy to pump. The actual quality of the pump is low so I had to get another one. Great to fish with

  13. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Schlauchboot wurde von mir im Urlaub am Meer benutzt. Es wirkt sehr robust und gut verarbeitet. Ich finde das Preis Leistungsverhltnis daher gut. Natrlich wurde beim Zubehr etwas gespart, die Paddel und Luftpumpe funktionieren, knnten aber besser sein. Ich empfehle es trotzdem!

  14. Reed4272wgqptz says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our Users1st time using this type of boat as you can tell! Got the hang of it after 5 minutes. I think its a good buy. Can fit 2 people, but wouldn’t be the must comfortably. But its doable.

  15. WillyE50vjb says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEasy to set up and carry fully inflated. Good for 1 person and equipment, tight with 2 people. Recommended for 1 adult and 1 child

  16. GloriaEnjenw says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Easy to inflate.punctures easily on bottom .get out of when coming in I have found that bottoms of lake shore sand can mess up bottom quickly.

  17. ElliotMcLerie says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBeen using these fir years now and Iove them, I just wish the floor filled with air the same way as the rest of the boa

  18. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Se volete un bel canotto acquistate questo: ideale per 1 adulto e 2 bambini oppure 2 adulti.
    Facile da gonfiare e molto robusto. Completo di tutti gli accessori necessari.
    Questo il secondo canotto che acquisto: vorrei realizzare una flotta famigliare

  19. VernaGenders says:

     United Kingdom

    This boat is the really well made very happy with

  20. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    La lancha sta la compr el verano pasado y no tuve ningn problema con ella estando 2 personas dentro.

    Me cost 52 y ya la rentabilic la primera vez que la us porque lo pas pipa con ella.

    Hay que saber remar. Si te tiras al mar con ella sin saber remar all t.

  21. SheliaSchreffle says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Molto godibile e maneggevole. Comodo e accessoriato. La plastica dei ganci aperti per riporre i remi un po’ troppo molle, forse in relazione alla temperatura, non sempre riesce a trattenerli.

  22. MiloLEstrange says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Muy amplia y robusta. Lo que no me gusta son los remos son muy dbiles. Me gustara que se pudieran juntar para hacerlos tipo kayak. Pero la barca en si esta bie

    Super amplia

  23. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Mi serviva un mezzo pratico da portare in spiaggia per far divertire i miei 5 nipotini (anni 9, 8, 7, 6, 5). Facile da usare, i remi sono forse troppo piccoli cos come il gonfiatore. Nel complesso soddisfacente.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fairly easy to inflate, works well on the water ,Easy set up and take down and much more travel friendly,Great product and more sturdy than you would expect from an inflatable. We have had it out several times with no issues at all. very good value.

  25. Spooky Vegan says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Le produit semble costaud. Mon neveu de 4 ans a pass une aprs-midi entire jouer avec dans l’herbe, il a saut dessus et nous en avons fait ensemble dans la piscine et sur lac et il n’y a aucun problme signaler pour l’instant. Semble costaud

  26. EveTimmerman says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Reu dans les temps. l’air solide, et matriel complet et non endommag l’intrieur.

  27. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottimo prodotto . Ricco di accessori : attacco per canne da pesca , tasca portaoggetti, anelli portatemi , pompa per gonfiaggio. Nel complesso prodotto robusto. Remi in plastica smontabili tutto sommato adeguati. Noi lo usiamo con un adulto e un bambino , lo spazio non e’ tanto ma ci si adatta incrociando le gambe. Adatto per piccoli spostamenti non lontano da riva . La consegna e’ stata rapidissima .

  28. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersReu dans les dlais, conforme la description.
    Juste gonfl, mais tout me parat bien.
    Sera utilis 1re quinzaine de juin, je vous ferais un retour ce moment l sur la qualit de ce bateau gonflable

    Livraison conforme à la description. Joli bateau.

  29. LucindaBMYE says:

     France 🇫🇷

    J’utilise ce bateau comme navette pour mon voilier de 21 pieds. Je voulais un petit bateau gonflable facile a transporter et stocker (poids/taille degongl). Ce modele convient tres bien cet usage. Toutefois la pompe livre avec le bateau est sous-dimensionne j’utilise une pompe double action pour kite-surf a la place. Et les rames fournies sont en plastique, que je vais remplacer par des rames en alu. Attention – bateau utiliser avec discernement en cas de vent/courant.

  30. KathieFroude says:

     United Kingdom

    Great fun, I went into the sea with this and it was choppy near the shore, i stayed in the boat the whole time, through no skill of my own.
    Defo recommend

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce bateau pour emmener mes enfants descendre une rivire tranquille. La rivire est borde de ronce et est peu profonde.
    3 enfants, un adulte, le bateau a frl des ronces, le fond a but sur des cailloux, mais le bateau n’a aucune marque. Je suis surpris de sa rsistance. Les bateaux d’entre de gamme se dchirent rapidement avec les jeux de mes enfants, celui-ci durera bien plus longtemps.

  32. SusannaLyell says:

     United Kingdom

    Came a day early and have been on out on it once and it is excellent so far. Great quality especially for the bargain price. So sturdy and easy to set up/inflate. Slightly cosy for two adult males but perfect in every other way. Pump and oars are excellent too

    Great Value and Very Sturdy

  33. Anonymous says:


    Fr den Preis ein super Produkt. War schon fter unterwegs und hatte keine Probleme bis jetzt. Auf und Abpumpen geht relativ schnell. Alles ist vorhanden um direkt loszulegen. Bei 2 Personen wirds aber schon eng.

  34. CherylFoletta says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wow – ist echt ein Platzwunder !
    Wollte unbedingt noch fr das Sommerende das Seahawk 3 haben .. welches leider berall ausverkauft war und eine ewige Lieferzeit hatte.
    Schweren Herzens habe ich dann die S2 bestellt und es reicht vollkommen fr 2 Leute, da wre das S3 viel zu gro gewesen ! (passt so nmlich (einmal ausgepackt) gut in eine blaue Ikea-Tasche .. hihi)
    lsst sich mega leicht aufpumpen und ist mega stabil.
    Hat richtig spa gemacht .. auch wenn die Paddel nicht so gut sind .. aber fr den Preis alles Bestens !

  35. AndreasSprouse says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is in no way a 2 person dingy! Unless you are two very small people. That being said, I didn’t buy it for two people. I got it as an inflatable dingy I can pack into the cargo area of my float plane, and use it to venture off shore to go fishing when camping at some remote lake in the north country here in Canada. For that, it works well, and performs as expected. It allows me to fly to a remote lake, set up camp, and paddle out 50 or 100 feet into deeper waters to get my shore lunch.

  36. subs says:

     United Kingdom

    Fit for purpose. We don’t fish but it has attachments for two rods

  37. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    L’ho comprato per la vacanza al mare.
    Vorrei poter scrivere due recensioni diverse, una per il prodotto e una per la consegna.
    Il prodotto ottimo, le dimensioni sono quelle scritte, sembra robusto, comodo, non troppo pesante, cos lo si pu sollevare agevolmente su una spalla per riporlo in spiaggia negli appositi spazi, abbastanza maneggevole da poterlo spostare fra i lettini e gli ombrelloni (distanziati dal covid19).
    Comodo anche da far scivolare sull’acqua, si rema senza fatica e i remi non sono tanto piccoli.. se il mare calmo, va come una scheggia!
    Avrei solo voluto riceverlo in tempo utile!
    La consegna stata ritardata inspiegabilmente di parecchi giorni, poi quando finalmente il corriere SDS intendeva consegnare, non riusciva a trovare il mio portone (perch misteriosamente manca il numero civico di fuori) e si rifiutava (perch non tenuto!) di leggere le istruzioni che avevo lasciato per la consegna, con tanto di numero di telefono per contattarmi in qualsiasi momento e ascoltare le mie spiegazioni a voce.
    Quindi arrivava, dava una veloce occhiata, non trovava subito e se ne andava, per ben 3 volte.
    Ovviamente ogni volta ho chiamato l’assistenza clienti di Amazon che puntualmente faceva segnalazioni specifiche al corriere, che pare che le abbia recepite solo alla terza volta.
    Finalmente il corriere mi ha telefonato, ma non mi lasciava nemmeno parlare per spiegare quale fosse il portone!!
    Tutto questo ha fatto ritardare di altri 6 giorni, in totale ben 2 settimane di ritardo!!! che per una vacanza al mare davvero troppo… praticamente il canotto mi arrivato il terzultimo giorno di vacanza. Ci siamo divertiti a usarlo, ma per troppo poco tempo, e mi rimane l’amaro in bocca.
    Prodotto ottimo, consegna da dimenticare. Per fortuna con Amazon succede molto raramente..

  38. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI use it as a dinghy in a 24 foot boat to blow up as needed when we island camp. I use an auto pump. Hand pumping would take a while. We hauled gear from the boat buoy in the Puget Sound and then the kids played all day in it while camping. Saltwater and rocky shore and kids I thought would be a disaster but it did not tear. For the money this is a great buy.

  39. RandellBoismenu says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My husband and I bought this two-seater Seahawk to take to local lakes for fishing. Having been favorably impressed with our Intex inflatable hot tub, we were happy to see that the boat was equally sturdy and well-constructed. A lot of features for the price! This model is fairly small; not much room to move around. I sit sideways with my feet hanging over the side, and that helps. We like that it’s small enough to fit in the back of our van (inflated), and it’s very light to carry. But for larger people, you would probably want the next bigger size.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent small dinghy. The fact that an outboard kit is available is a definite bonus.
    Easily inflated and very easy to row. Being used as my tender to get out to my yach


  41. Hillary says:


    He tenido mas de este tipo y comparativamente, es la mejor de todas en este rango de precios.

    Al segundo ao y un mes: zambombazo. Inflndola como otras veces revent por una de las costuras. Se despidi con orgullo y le rendimos los correspondientes honores, mientras llorbamos de la risa.

    Para el prximo verano compraremos otra.