Very nice and well made laptop bag it’s a very good size and has good feel to the quality of it also has a long shoulder strap to carry it if you like very good value for money
I love this bag, I use it for computer club, and also to store and cart my perfumery journals about,. I am amazed at how much I can get in it, that is probably due to the flexible side though they are padded, the handles don’t look sturdy but they are and it has a good shoulder strap and the stripes make it a bit more fun and easy to pick out amongst other bags at the club.
Very nice and well made laptop bag it’s a very good size and has good feel to the quality of it also has a long shoulder strap to carry it if you like very good value for money
It has so many pockets and holder for the lagguege and enough big.
I love this bag, I use it for computer club, and also to store and cart my perfumery journals about,. I am amazed at how much I can get in it, that is probably due to the flexible side though they are padded, the handles don’t look sturdy but they are and it has a good shoulder strap and the stripes make it a bit more fun and easy to pick out amongst other bags at the club.