Ledger Nano S Plus – Crypto Hardware Wallet – Safeguard your crypto, NFTs and tokens






Manage your NFTs
Visualize, receive and send your NFTs with Ledger Live. Always secure and in total control thanks to your Nano device. Coins, tokens, NFTs – you have all your digital assets in one place.
Dimensions: | 6.2 x 1.74 x 1.02 cm; 140 Grams |
Model: | Ledger Nano S Plus |
Manufacture: | Ledger |
Origin: | France |
Ottimo articolo, lo consiglio per chi vuole proteggere le proprie crypto valute
Very easy to use. On screen guides are very straightforward to follow!
100% recommend getting all your crypto off CEX and into your wallet!
Je suis content de pouvoir utiliser un produit Franais de qualit.
Le guide est bien fait.
Je recommande, a acheter si vous avez plus d’une centaine d’euros en crypto
I decided to go for the Ledger Nano S Plus and have not looked back since.
The item is great value as the wallet is easy to use as instructions are provided within the box simplifying the setup process.
I did not have any difficulties transferring my crypto over to my Ledger as the interface of the Ledger Live software is also easy to understand and navigate.
I would highly recommend this to anyone who holds crypto currency.
Great product. Was easy to get set up, can be set up to hold multiple different tokens. One of the safest ways you can keep your crypto.
No issues with the product upon delivery and it was brand new not a returned product.
Lo consiglio per la semplicit di utilizzo ed il suo attuale prezzo
Nachfolger des Nano x, auer der Bluetooth Funktion sind die Ausstattungsmerkmale gleich, kleiner und kompakter, ich finde ihn prima.
Gerade fr Kryptoneulinge durch die Ledger Live App simpel und verstndlich erklrt, von der Einrichtung bis zur ersten Transaktion.
Per chiunque possieda delle crypto un best buy, non dovrebbe mancare. Ci trasferisci le tue monete e finch non perderai le parole chiavi, saranno al sicuro. Facile da utilizzare, su internet trovi moltissimi video a riguardo
Ho appena usato questo wallet hardware, funziona bene, l’unica pecca solo che fra le varie lingue non supporta l’italiano.
Klein und kompakt, einfach Einzurichten und man kann die allermeisten Kryptos selber verwalten! Ledger ist sehr weit verbreitet ist mit sehr vielen Software wallets kompatibel. Kann ich uneingeschrnkt weiterempfehlen.
Perfekt verpackt, einfach in der Anwendung. Alles, was ich vom Ladger brauche, ist da drin. Es funktioniert und lsst sich ganz einfach einrichten. Ich bin damit zufrieden.
Dispositivo robusto e facile da usare.
la configurazione ed eventuale ripristino veramente semplice.
La scelta delle cripto veramente ampia anche se molte (minori) necessitano di un appoggio a servizi esterni per essere gestiti.
Wer sich intensiver mit Kryptowhrungen beschftigt, wird frher oder spter nicht um ein Cold Wallet herum kommen. Nicht erst seit der FTX Insolvenz ist es wichtig, seine Kryptowhrungen abzusichern.
Meine Wahl fiel auf den Ledger Nano S Plus in Tiefseeblau. Verkauft von Ledger und Versand durch Amazon. Geliefert wurde wie gewohnt schnell in Originalverpackung. Beim Auspacken ist mir direkt die blaue Farbe ins Auge gefallen. Auf den Produktbildern sieht es eher nach einem dunkleren leicht metallischem Blau aus. Tatschlich ist eher Hellblau. Das hat aber nichts mit der eigentlichen Funktion zu tun und daher fr mich eher nebenschlich.
Zum Einrichten wird die Ledger Live Software bentigt, welche beim Hersteller herunter geladen werden kann. Die Software fhrt Schritt fr Schritt durch die Einrichtung und generiert dabei eine 24 Wort Wiederherstellungsphrase, welche auf einem beiliegendem Blatt notiert und sicher verwahrt werden muss. Ohne diese Wrter ist keine Wiederherstellung bei defekt oder Diebstahl mehr mglich. Nach ca. 15-20 Minuten ist der Ledger eingerichtet und man kann seine Kryptowhrungen (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain Coins uvm.) bertragen.
Einfacher einzurichten, erhht Sicherheit enorm, angemessener Preis. Klasse Produkt. Nur die Farbe passt nicht ganz
Use the ledger nano S plus to store my cryptocurrency! Work great!
Nachdem ich vielen Brsen nicht mehr traute, habe ich mich informiert und muss ganz klar sagen, fr das Geld ist dieser Stick die beste Wahl. Ich brauche kein Bluetooth, ich mchte es nur am Laptop nutzen und daher habe ich mich fr die Nano S Plus Variante entschieden. Sie kann alles und ich spre, dass nun meine Coins sicher verwahrt sind. Der Transfer der Coins von CB gelang mir als Laie ohne Probleme. Es ist alles sehr gut erklrt und gut verstndlich. Ich htte schon frher zugreifen sollen.
Wer hat den Fall mit FTX nicht mitbekommen, leider. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mir den Ledger geholt. Ich hatte am Anfang ein wenig Bedenken ob ich die Installation hinbekomme und alles so funktioniert wie es sollte. Was soll ich sagen, nach einer Stunde waren all meine Kryptos auf dem Ledger bzw. in der neuen Wallet. Denn die Coins sind nicht auf dem Ledger sondern in der Blockchain. Der Ledger macht nur die Verbindung dahin. Das Einrichten an sich wird Schritt fr Schritt genau erklrt. Auch die 24 Wrter werden gut leserlich angezeigt. Wir haben die Wrter zu zweit abgeschrieben und verglichen. Denn wenn diese falsch sind, hat man keine Chance seine Coins wieder zu bekommen wenn der Ledger kaputt, geklaut oder verloren wurde. Denn nur dafr werden diese gebraucht. Solange man den eingerichteten Ledger hat, braucht man diese 24 Wrter nicht. Die erste Transaktion habe ich mit einem kleinen Betrag gemacht um sicher zu gehen das alles passt, aber es hat alles funktioniert. Von BTC ber ETH bis hin zum Doge Coin wurde alles innerhalb von ein paar Minuten aus der bestehenden Wallet auf die neue Wallet bertragen.
Einfache Handhabung.
Momentan absolutes muss!
Einziges Manko- relativ hohe Gebhren.
Ho preso questo wallet dopo qualche ricerca online su quale potesse essere il marchio pi adatto per sicurezza e affidabilit. Beh, tutto sommato Ledger non delude le aspettative! Confezione sigillata da una pellicola di plastica, scatola compatta, elegante e funzionale. All’interno quasi tutto quello che occorre…dico quasi perch, ahinoi, a mancare la lingua italiana nei manuali cartacei e nell’ interfaccia dei software. Perch non fornirli anche in italiano se li vendono pure nel Belpaese? A noi clienti non costata poco, a loro azienda quanto potrebbe mai costare l’ingaggio di un traduttore?! Non un problema drammatico per chi mastica le lingue, ma una pecca da far presente. Altra cosetta fastidiosa, il cavo USB in dotazione: resta rigido e curvo anche dopo averlo estratto dalla scatola e collegato al computer. Ho avuto qualche difficolt a tenere la pennetta nel “verso giusto” mentre lavoravo al setup e poi ai trasferimenti, con lo schermo (gi piccolo e poco risoluto di suo) che tendeva a capovolgersi verso il piano della scrivania. Inezie, intendiamoci, che per possono tornare utili a chi valuta l’acquisto. Ci vuole un’oretta buona per scaricare programma e app, aggiornare il firmware, creare account e chiavi di sicurezza. Poi per fila tutto liscio, val la pena insomma!
Je dois avouer que les dernire actualits avec FTX ne me font pas du tout regretter mon achat, pour ceux qui souhaitent investir sur le long terme en crypto je pense que cet appareil est rellement ncessaire.
Le ledger nous permet de rellement possder nos fonds moindre risques.
Ce modle peut tre utilis en ledger de secours si on possde un modle suprieur.
Il Ledger Nano S Plus rappresenta secondo me la primissima scelta per chi decide di approcciarsi al mondo degli hardware wallet per salvare le proprie criptovalute. La mancanza di una batteria interna che ci garantisca l’uso anche se non collegato ad un pc sicuramente uno svantaggio e una scomodit. Tuttavia cosa di ben poco conto se paragonato alle tante funzionalit che lo rendono una ottima soluzione per il cold storage, con pi memoria rispetto ad alcuni dispositivi di prezzo pi basso, unito a un display grande quanto i prodotti di fascia pi alta. Manca altres della connessione Bluetooth che appartiene al fratello pi grande (il Ledger Nano X) ma che alla fin fine non indispensabile per l’uso che se ne deve fare (secondo il mio avviso).
Spero con questa recensione di esservi stato di aiuto e vi aspetto con la prossima. BYE.
Bellissimo questo colore, facilissimo da utilizzare e settare come sempre. Arriva completo di cavetto usbc di quali
Working well. Received and well package. Reset all to make sure it does not tamper.
Sar che Ledger il wallet forse pi famoso, pi diffuso e pi osannato, ma mi aspettavo qualcosa in pi, quantomeno per 80 euro.
vero: Ledger sinonimo di sicurezza e seriet, probabilmente quello che mantiene i prezzi cos alti.
Ricalco i giudizi delle stellette di Amazon per dire cosa ne penso:
Comodit: visto che questo wallet va utilizzato esclusivamente con un PC, avrei messo un USB classica a scomparsa, come usano molte “chiavette storage USB” piuttosto che un cavetto, che deve essere sempre disponibile con il dispositivo.
Il sistema di navigazione a due tasti invece stato studiato abbastanza bene e non risulta troppo macchinoso, piuttosto facile e rapido da utilizzare.
Rapporto qualit prezzo: come dicevo sopra, secondo me si paga il nome e la garanzia di sicurezza che pu garantire, perch chiaro che lo sviluppo e l’aggiornamento del software ha un costo d’investimento alto, ma una volta creato, sempre lo stesso per migliaia di dispositivi che a livello costruttivo di materiali ed elettronica avr un prezzo irrisorio.
Stile: anche qui, ragazzi… Si potevano sforzare un po’di pi! Bello il packaging, ma il device ha l’estetica pari a una qualsiasi chiavetta USB… Ho visto recensioni che dicevano “ottima qualit dei materiali”… un guscio di plastica con una flangia metallica che gira attorno. Negli anno 80, ho visto chiavette USB MP3 molto pi stilose e ardite.
Riassumendo, sono contento dell’acquisto perch mi da una certa sicurezza, secondo me costa troppo, ma quello il prezzo imposto dal produttore, fa quello che deve fare, ma non poi cos eclatante.
ante applicazioni installabili, basta questo per molte criptovalute differenti, e svariate blockchain in simultanea, nella memoria molto piu’ capiente del nano S.
Un must have per gli appassionati di cripto!
Un po’ macchinoso all inizio ma poi ci si fa la mano.
Very pleased with this product. Very sturdy and easy to use. When investing in crypto it is important that you have a save place to store your coins, especially with all the crypto fraud that is happening right now. I managed to transfer all my investments onto the key with no problem and now have peace of mind. Great product and would recommend.
It’s easy to use, I bought it to use as a backup and it’s good for value…
Da ich die unterschiedlichen Kryto-Whrungen, die ich halte, an einer Hand abzhlen kann, war fr mich der Ledger Nano S Plus ausreichend.
Der Ledger kam in der originalen, ungeffneten Verpackung und musste erst mal mit dem beigelegten USB-C Kabel geladen werden, um sich starten zu lassen.
Nach dem Starten ffnete sich das Fenster zum Einrichten eines Pins und einer neuen Seed Phrase, deren 24 Worte man auf 3 beigelegten Papieren notieren konnte.
Um sicher zu gehen, dass niemand den Stick vor mir in der Hand hatte, habe ich die erste Seed Phrase, die mir vorgeschlagen wurde, im Anschluss direkt wieder gelscht und mit einer neuen 24-Wort Seed-Phrase neu gestartet, die ich aber auf einem Stck Aluminium eingraviert habe, welches ich dann sehr gut versteckt habe, falls der Ledger mal kaputt geht, gestohlen wird oder die Untersttzung seitens Ledger eingestellt wird.
Fr Leute, die noch mehr Sicherheit wollen, lsst sich auerdem noch eine Pass-Phrase, also quasi ein 25. Wort, als zustzlicher Schutz einrichten.
Nach dem Einrichten des Ledgers habe ich dann noch die Ledger Live Software auf dem PC und Handy installiert und mit dem Ledger synchronisiert. Auch ein Firmware-Update war verfgbar und wurde direkt installiert. Dann war der Ledger startbereit.
Ich habe dann zuerst versucht kleine Kryptobetrge von der Krypto-Brse, auf der ich aktiv bin, auf meinen Ledger abzuheben, um im Fall eines Fehlers keine groen Verluste hinnehmen zu mssen.
Solche Abhebungen knnen aber, je nach Brse, einige Stunden bis Tage dauern. Nachdem das funktioniert hat, habe ich auch den Rest auf den Ledger bertragen, welcher nun seit August in meinem in der Wand eingebauten Safe liegt.
Mit der Ledger Live App auf dem Handy habe ich auerdem immer Einblick auf den Inhalt und kann live die Kurse verfolgen.
Fr Leute, die grere Betrge von Krypto-Whrungen halten und dies auch langfristig vorhaben, lohnt sich die Investition in eine derartige Hardware-Wallet auf alle Flle, egal ob sie von Ledger oder den Alternativen kommt. Man ist zwar selbst fr die Sicherheit verantwortlich, aber bleibt damit von Pleiten von Krypto-Brsen verschont, was schnell in einem Totalverlust seiner Investitionen enden kann.
Ottimo acquisto! Fa il suo lavoro! Non c’ la lingua italiana ma si capisce bene lo stesso, e comunque su internet ci sono tantissimi tutorial su come usarlo. Scaricata l’app basta seguire le istruzioni e in poco tempo abbiamo il nostro hard wallet!
Lo conosciamo tutti quelli che vogliono proteggere le proprie crypto. Ottimo prodotto software per la gestione dei wallet.
Es una poco “tocho” pero con muy buen acabado Se adhiere perfectamente y con solidez al mvil. De momento todo funciona perfectamente.
Ottimo hardware wallet per crypto. Migliorato rispetto alla versione S sia nel display che nella memoria (ben 1,3 MB) per installare pi crypto.
Just what I needed to safely keep track of my crypto investment. Simple to use and set up.
Rule of thumb: Use a cold wallet when you begin to have more crypto than you’d be comfortable losing.
So yes – these wallets seem expensive. But if you only have a couple hundred quid of crypto, then you can argue that keeping them on an exchange or hot wallet is safe enough.
But for those with thousands or tens of thousands of quid invested, and for those who have crypto as part of their investment portfolio IE. long term hodling, this (or any other cold storage wallet) is a no brainer and worth the initial cost layout.
– It’s super simple to set up and use
– Ledger provides a database of learning material for you to read and watch
– It’s safe from malware if you plug it into an infected pc
– Gives you piece of mind that your private keys are safely removed from the internet and any online hackers
A part of me thinks I should have splurged for the nano x instead. What’s an extra 70 when my Crypto goes 100x over the coming years lol (I wish & hope). But happy with the purchase for now 🙂
Was entirely at a loss as to what this was and turns out I was right to be baffled as its a niche item. I gave it to the pal who decifered what it was for me who now uses it as his wallet for crypto. He says its slick, smart and a contender with the branded items. He loves it.
The product is genuine well sealed and it’s very easy to work with. Just follow all the steps and you will be ok
I feel safe keeping my crypto with a cold wallet.
Ottimo rispetto alla sua controparte pi economica Ledger nano S (dove ci stanno dentro pochissime Coin salvabili per via della pochissima memoria) e rispetto alla sua controparte pi costosa Nano X (stessa memoria, ma in pi capacit di utilizzo bluetooth via telefono e batteria al suo interno, per me un deficit perch tra anni magari la batteria si gonfia e si butta letteralmente il Device), questo il connubio perfetto, giusta memoria, funziona sempre, no rischio batteria che muore/si gonfia tra qualche anno.
Il concetto del cold wallet il suo poco utilizzo, come una cassaforte, si apre poche volte e solo per spostamenti importanti (o anche mai e si lascia l per la pensione). Altrimenti tanto vale tenere un hot wallet sempre online come i tanti ottimi gi presenti, tutti funzionali ovvio ma quando si parla di banca personale non credo esista un limite alla sicurezza.
Il prodotto ti segue passo passo nella installazione tramite il suo software, ma consiglio sempre di studiarlo meglio con qualche video esplicativo su YouTube.
Mi raccomando il tutto detto e gi stradetto in ogni dove…
Le 24 parole non scrivetele/salvatele in nessun device elettronico, se proprio dovete, che sia sempre un device che tenete offline. Sforzatevi ad impararle a memoria e non pensateci pi.
IMPORTANTE, controllare bene che il prodotto arrivi ben sigillato e in nessun modo manomesso, altrimenti da rimandare indietro, e comprarlo solo se spedito dalla casa madre.
Arrivato 1 giorno dopo.
Per il resto servizio prime ottimo come sempre.
A must have for any crypto enthusiasts, wanting to keep their coins in safe haven. The ledger Nano S plus being the better option out of the 3 models, in my opinion.
Setting up the device was rather straight forward, though if you get a bit stuck, there’s plenty of guides on YouTube.
I feel there is a lot of misconception when it comes to buying your ledger off of Amazon, and the possibility of receiving a tampered device. Just make sure that you’re receiving your seedphase straight from your ledger, and not any pre written one. There is also a device authentication check at the end of setting up, to further confirm the legitimacy.
Buying off of Amazon will also prevent you from possibly being a victim of yet another data breach, if you were to buy from the official store.
Works perfectly fine and the software is easy to use
This pen is excellent, the quality and feel is great and easily works as well as the Microsoft pen. If you are looking for a pen for your Surface you will not be disappointed with this one.
Wanted to get my cryto off a exchange and waited ages but glad I finally got this
I have no experience with competing products.
I understand that the possibility of independently updating the applications of each cryptocurrency gives the product better possibilities of adapting to market changes (as long as they are made)
This is a well made item. Absolutely no problems with it. Well made and sturdy, all the buttons work well so it’s easy and reliable to use. When inputting pin numbers and choosing security words and phrases, works well with no misspelling or misschoosing of numbers or choices. This is important when setting up and using. There’s nothing worse than the buttons not working and not doing exactly what you need them to do. I would highly recommend this.
I purchased this as a backup to my Nano X. I wanted the same amount of storage but did not need the Bluetooth capabilities on my secondary device.
The device does not feel as quality as the NANO X but is a step forward from the Nano S. Better screen and storage and now configured as my back up.
What you need
At the time of this review this crypto hardware wallet is 69.00. I opted for this as i have been interested in crypto for a while now but i wanted to go the secure route. Having received this and read all the detailed instructions etc that come with it I’m quite impressed. It does seem a little complicated for a novice so i would personally spend some time researching etc to make sure you are getting exactly what it is that you want. I know a few reviews have made reference to the buttons being quite small but i havent had that problem myself. I’m only starting off so this seems plenty ample and secure and for the price it doesnt seem i can go wrong. It arrived in a fully sealed plastic wrap so it hadn’t been opened before it arrived.
Questo Ledger Nano S Plus costituisce un passo davvero enorme rispetto al suo predecessore Nano S che offriva una memoria davvero esigua. Qu invece abbiamo in sostanza la stessa memoria o quasi offerta dal nano X (suo fratello maggiore) che ci consente di installare oltre 100 apps, e con un display identico sempre al nano X da 12864 pixel. Ci che manca rispetto al fratello maggiore la sola batteria che permette un collegamento bluetooth con l’app Ledger Live Mobile. Ma parliamoci chiaro, se si spostano piccole somme, ci si pu anche pensare alla possibilit di operare da smartphone, ma se le somme sono un p pi “importanti”, o se in ogni caso non stiamo tutti i giorni a spostare assets allora che senso avrebbe operare da smartphone? Siamo qu per la sicurezza quindi penso potremo fare a meno dello smartphone ed in ogni caso operare da pc. Detto questo quindi, a cosa ci importa della connettivit bluetooth? XD Per non parlare del fatto che il nano x pesa di pi 34gr contro i 21gr del S Plus, pi grande e sopratutto costa 70 in pi. Un costo davvero notevole per la sola batteria/bluetooth del tutto bypassabile come abbiamo visto. Costo poi anche rialzato senza alcun motivo visto che pochissimi mesi fa veniva venduto a 120.
In conclusione non posso che non incoraggiarvi ad acquistare questo favoloso hard wallet. Buone crypto e buona fortuna a tutti voi :).
A few years ago everyone would have agreed that keeping physical money in a safe place would be a good thing to do as it provided some security for its owner.
Nowadays that kind of money is increasingly difficult to obtain and use.
We are in the era where money has become and just a combination of letters and numbers.
Because of this evolution or transformation, we have to find better ways to protect that money safely.
With the help of this Crypto Hardware Wallet, your money will be safe offline until the right time you need i
A good place for your BTC and the rest. Instructions are good and it works really well and looks the part though the buttons are a tad fiddly for my big fingers. Have been using for a few months trouble free now so am happy with this.
This is much the same as the Ledger Nano X but in a smaller and better package. The Nano X had a problem where the cover would rub on the screen and scratch it, this has been fixed for the Nano S+. The S+ is a similar size to the S but with the same functionality and internal memory as the X. It also uses USB type-C rather than the S’s old micro USB port.
I was able to add an existing Seed phrase to the S+ and create a duplicate of the other device with ease. It’s great to have multiple Ledgers because this means they are invulnerable to fire and theft and it provides much better security. They should reall create a twin pack of ledgers so they can be used in this exact way.
This is the best Ledger yet. it combines the best of the S and the X into one neat package.
Love this, lots of space for apps for your crypto. Big improvement on the older version if your looking to store a lot of different coins or nuts.
I bought the original Ledger Nano years ago yet only managed to use it a couple of times.
This is a great improvement, looks pretty slick and works well and easily.
As this can store a number of different cryptocurrencies, as well as NFTs, it’s a great way to keep everything all in one place and safe, away from the risk of viruses or hackers who might make their way into your system to steal your tokens.
It just needs to be connected to your PC, and you can access it using the app. When you first use it, it will get you to set up a pin code, and then will show you 24 words which will be used to recover your wallet later.
It’s a small device with small buttons, so if you have fat fingers like me, you might want a different solution, but I’m OK with that.
For now I haven’t used it to make any transactions, but am storing a few tokens on here for the future. Doing that was pretty seamless.
For the price, it’s worth it if you have a good amount of crypto that you want to keep safe, but I wouldn’t bother unless you have quite the stash. If you’re only keeping a couple hundred pounds worth of crypto, it’s probably not worth the expense.
This is a nice upgrade from my nano s which did not have much room for apps, this has plenty of room and changing over from the s was simple by restoring with my 24 worked seed from my old nano s, best of all my nano s can now be a backup for my new s plus, the screen is much better on the s plus as well so it’s a win all around.
The product is really easy to use, thanks to the mini-guide included and the app, which is really well made.
This is a nice crypto wallet that is easy to use and set up/ follow. The screen is great and for a beginner at this it was easy to understand. Would recommend!
Bought this to hold some crypto on. It appears to work well, in that the instructions that came with it, detailed use and setup well. You can check it’s validity through logging onto the official website which validates of its an original rather than a copy. My only criticism is the buttons are a little small for larger fingers, and it can be a little frustrating finding your path to your desired action.
Arrived sealed and genuine. This is my second ledger device – as I thought it safer to split my crypto and keep in two locations for long term holdings.
Very easy to set up, and includes everything you need to get started (just keep your 24 words safe!). The software is fantastic, very intuitive and user friendly. As is the app, so you can check your portfolio on the move. However desktop is really the way to go for these things.
Zero issues with this at all. Would recommend any ledger product without hesitation.
I find it hard to get my head around cryptocurrency, tokens and NFTs, but this is a ‘wallet’ which doesn’t store the coins/NFTs themselves, but the apps and therefore keys which allow you to access them. As the contents of this neat little thumb drive type device are never online, then, even when it’s plugged into a computer, the keys can never be hacked. It’s supported by an online service which allows you to manage your investments. Up to 100 different apps can be stored.
To prevent you losing all your investments if you lose the device, you have to create a 24 word security code, which you need to write down which you can then use to set up a new device and recover your assets
It’s very important you put that bit of paper in a safe place.
Do not be put off by the low price, this device will keep your crypto and files safe and uncorrupted.
The device works and does exactly what it is meant to and does it really well. The device is very well made and is pretty much all you will need for cold storage.
The Ledger Nano S Plus is suitable for beginners who are relatively new to crypto who are worried around security. Whilst software wallets are good – some people just prefer the piece of mind ensuring their keys, used to transact crypto are not provided to a 3rd party and this fulfills that.
Once I got my head around the concept of how this worked, I had downloaded the ledger software and in no time was taken through an excellent tutorial on how to setup the device. The main work is around setting up a series of 24 words that should (all things going well) allow you to access your crypto even if you lose this hardware device and/or set up another device with access to your keys. However in the same vein – it could just as easily allow somebody to steal all your crypto remotely so it is incredibly important to keep this secure!
Once set up – this device ensures it must be plugged into your desktop in order to trade currency. There is another version which supposedly can do this over bluetooth – whilst again never sharing your keys even whilst online. This is a bit of a hassle but nobody said security made things simpler!
Ultimately you hear of a lot of scams online and therefore this fills a good gap in the market though make sure nobody gets hold of it and your pin.
If you’re looking to secure your deadweight crypto assets, look no further!
Seriously, given the instability of the cryptocurrency market right now, I do think these devices a little overpriced, however the Ledger Nano S+ is definitely one of the best, safest cryptocurrency wallets – and it can store NFTs and tokens too. So if you want to gamble that the market will bounce back, or you simply value your NFTs for other reasons, this would be a good choice to secure them.
It is easy to use, you connect to your ledger using the app which allows you to check the market value, send, receive, buy and sell – but the physical ledger must be connected to do so which is what makes this so secure; along with offline encryption of the wallet itself, even while plugged in,
It uses a 24-string recovery phrase which you can use to access your wallet in case you forget your PIN or even lose your device (supposedly you can recover your wallet on a new S+ device if your original device is lost or stolen)
It also looks very sleek and stylish and is very portable and easy to hide. It would fit very easily even into a padlock safe – just make sure to stash your recovery phrase separately!
Overall I would recommend this – just maybe not right now… Not with the current market, at least not at this price.
I like almost all about this product. Performs as stated on official website, except the connection with my Pixel 4a 5g. I use high grade USB C cables (not OTG kit) to connect phone with Ledger and it just resets (as if power is not enough, maybe phone is garbage…) on loading/entering Apps on Ledger. This locks the device and you must enter PIN again and again until you are lucky to load the app on Ledger. Switching sides upsida down on cable connection sometimes helped. Frustrated with that.
Much larger screen than the original nano s and easier to use . Also, the updated version has much needed larger capacity. With easy transfer from the nano s , this is now a perfect hardware wallet , secure and good value for money . Don’t hesitate to upgrade if you own the original.
Ledger nano S Plus this is the larger storage version and can hold upto 100 crypto or NFTs
Very well made some people don’t like the buttons but I think there fine there is a X version available for those that really don’t want buttons
It’s quite easy to set up just download the version you need Windows mac or Linux there is even smart phone support
The set up process is secure and a little time consuming but it needs to be done you get a physical copy of 24 words that you need to write down in the provided security sheet there are a couple extra for mistakes or back up keep this safe this is your back up if for what ever reason you can’t access your account
The instructions are clear and it even runs a Check to ensure the device is legit and genuine
There’s a USB type c cable included black braded with the Ledger logo on so you know to use the correct lead
Even a brand sticker and key loop included I think its impressive and probably the most secure way to store your crypto profits
The ledger website even has charts data and other things to check out I recommend getting this one over the standard S as it’s only slightly more expensive but instead of just 3 crypto apps like BTC etc and Doge for eg it would be full
Where as the S plus this one it can store upto 100 crypto that’s a big price to performance increase and as I said very secure I love mine and recommend it foe investors crypto holders NFT holders etc
An sich ist der Ledger Nano S Plus eine gelungene Palettenerweiterung. Einerseits ist er preislich halbwegs attraktiv, hat aber gengend Speicher, um auch mehrere Krypto-Werte ohne Uminstallation verwalten zu knnen.
Die Kompatibiltt mit bekannten Wallets wie Electrum ist genauso gegeben und funktioniert problemlos. Ledger Live ist durchaus ebenso verwendbar und bersichtlich.
Aufpassen sollte man, dass man sich zuerst sachkundig macht und wei, wie Seeds und Passphrase zusammenarbeiten ebenso wie die Abbildung der Kryptowerte in der Blockchain. Sonst legt man sich schnell mal Wallets an, die aber dann nicht sicher sind und muss spter alles wieder umkonfigurieren. Mir ist es zumindest so gegangen. Meine Empfehlung daher, Passphasen zu nutzen und Kryptos gleich direkt von der Exchange auf die verdeckte Adresse zu senden, um die Nachvollziehbarkeit zu erschweren.
Whether your a newbie or experienced with Crypto I suggest getting one of these , for peace of mind and security , it’s super sleek and lightweight, it’s just like having a pen drive , it’s compact, well made , can be taken anywhere at all times if needed , it’s secure , has a good clear display too , well worth it , a good option in my opinion.
I think at 66 for this it is good value too , it’s got great features and is very easy to use and get started up. Good for beginners or experienced, I wouldn’t be without it now.
For the price the nano s is a steal. Its half the price of the nano x and the only actual difference is no bluetooth. Highly recommend!
I’ve had only one wallet before this one and can say that there is a huge difference between the two. Firstly, this one costs around 66, I’ve paid for my previous one over 100, second – the size, this one is like a USB stick, my previous one was like a small storage box and it didn’t support NFTs which was a huge minus.
It works very well, and stores a variety of tokens. Also, comes with handy sheets for the recovery phrases, it’s very handy for me as I already lost one wallet because I had it written on the paper. I really like it, it’s compact, modern and works well.
This is the best and most secured way to store crypto and also nfts with this device
Was pretty straight forward to set this up
Everything worked great for me
Was able to send my eth to this in mins
This usb device it self is well made and looks really sleek!
Love i
My sis is really getting into crypto and has been trying to explain the whole thing to me. I thought I would get her this ledger for an early birthday present as she’s always jotting passwords down
This brings her crypto hardware wallet into her purse and she can add yet another layer of security for peace of mind
The one thing I found a niggle is that the smartphone app is android only
its great but keep it on you if you do do a lot of transactions throughout the day. There was also one instant that required tooo many confirmations went to about 69 (nice) then stopped try. but that was the only time that happened in that one situation, other than that it works great.
Feature rich crypto wallet! Very happy with the one day delivery and save the hassle of paying for customs
By far the most secure way of storing crypto is on a hardware wallet, and Ledger are highly trusted and have an excellent reputation in the crypto space. Inside the box there is a startup guide, a recovery sheet for recording your keys, a keychain, a USB cable, and the Ledger Nano S Plus itself.
The Nano S Plus is surprisingly small, but the screen is still a good size and very easy to read. There is both a mobile app and a desktop app available for this, and it also integrates with metamask, which is a great feature.
In use, transferring crypto to this wallet is very straightforward and intuitive, and the built-in GUI is excellent, this is definitely one of the best hardware wallets on the market.
Ottimo prodotto, via di mezzo ideale tra gli altri due modelli di legger, chiaramente come da caratteristiche non ha bluetooth, funziona solo col cavo attaccato al PC, ma ovviamente lo sapevo lo valuto io cos, il prodotto arrivato senza nessun problema, lo installo tramite una guida su YouTube ma alla fine trovo che sia semplice da installare, pensavo fosse pi complicato, se non si vuole per forza qualcosa da usare da per tutto senza collegarlo al pc, lo consiglio vivamente
Surtout lorsque l’on sait qu’en cas de d’oubli du mot de passe vous ne pouvez plus rien faire !
Une belle qualit de fabrication et un packaging soign pour cette cl USB qui permettra de grer non seulement les cryptos
mais galement les NFT et Tokens.
Pour 79.00 on a forcment un bon rapport qualit prix pour la scurit promise et le service rendu.
Merci de m’avoir lu, si mon commentaire, mes photos vous ont t utile, un petit clic est toujours apprciable pour moi
H preso questo Ledger perch finora ho detenuto Ethereum come ETC e volevo finalmente fare il passo e prendere dei token “veri” da dentenere. A questo scopo ho voluto usare un portafoglio hardware che dovrebbe dare un grado di sicurezza superiore.
Preso questo nano S plus perch ha maggiore momoria del nano S normale e costa poco di pi, non mi serve la connessione bluetooth della costosa versione X , ma poter tenere pi applicazioni fa comodo e il nano S normale ha veramente poco spazio di memoria
Il prodottosi presenta bene la scatola arrivata sigillata e per configurarlo dovete collegarlo al PC o smartphone e seguire i passi per generare la lista di 24 parole che in realt quello il portafoglio che va custodita accuratamente. Riporta MADE in FRANCE la confezione elegante include anche un cavetto di collegamento USB al PC.
La configurazione non troppo complessa ma un minimo di praticit occorre averla con il PC ed annottate accuratamente le famose 24 parole. Viene fornito un tagliandino cartaceo dove scriverle , per ulteriore sicurezza ho anche preso una tavoletta in acciaio dove inciderle.
da un prima vista vi sconsiglio di usare i provider interni per acquistare crypto contro Euro visto che applicano uno spread acquisto vendita notevole , pi conveniente rivolgersi ad un exchange e poi trasferire sul ledger i token.
So easy to use, it is safer than wallets and mobile phones, easy to carry and easy to use
Very easy and simple to use. It’s very secure for your crypto. I already have a nano s and the s+ has a bigger screen which is much easier to read when verifying transactions. Can host hundreds of different coins and also the s+ allows you to store your nfts aswell. Overall great product om really happy with it thankyou.
This is my first crypto wallet and already im telling myself “it’ll probably be my last” – unless i get mugged or get clumsy and lose it.
I was pretty skeptic of its form factor thinking i wanted something like a credit card. I couldnt have been more wrong. This feels perfect, like i have a mini bank atm in the palm of my hand.
Real downer is only recieving a usb c to usb cable for pc use. I really wished it had a super short usb c to c as well; all the ones im finding online are ~20cm, honestly, even thats too long to carry around.
it would be nice for it to be android compatable out of the box. overall, the pc cable included feels pretty good.
in regards to everything else, anyone could nit pick ie. for an improved keychain, but its a waste of breath; the product feels premium enough to dismiss insignificant details.
Prodotto impeccabile, Amazon sempre al top con la spedizione. Raccomandato al posto del modello NANO S per la possibilit di avere pi di 3 crypto contemporaneamente, e soprattutto contro la NANO X, ad un prezzo decisamente molto alto per il prodotto offerto.
Attualmente forse il migliore hw. Pi economico della versione x , e molto meglio dell’S. Consigliato per chi non usa( come me) Bluetooth e non gli serve la batteria.