Pop Up Beach Tent, L(3-4) Person/S(2-3) Person Lightweight Beach Tent, Instant Outdoor UV 50+ Protection Sun Shelter, Perfect for Family Hiking Trip Cookou

Dimensions: | 57.5 x 57.5 x 7 cm; 2 Kilograms |
Brand: | Kejector |
Colour: | Light blue |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | kejector |
Colour: | Light blue |
This is a great little pop up. I got it for my kid but it works well for 2 adults as well. it pops up in seconds. It is not so easy to pop back in though. It needs a lot of practice.
I’m a 72 year old granny and bought this to take on a beach holiday with two of my grandchildren. My previous beach tent (with bendable poles that had to be threaded through) was really difficult for me to erect and to take down, but I can manage this one on my own. It’s easy to carry in its bag and was very useful as a base on the beach for all our stuff. With the front zipped up we took it in turns to get changed inside, easier for the kids than for me but it was possible. It appears to be sturdy and was good value for money.
So easy to use
Very sturdy and folded away with no problems at all. Will recommend all day long.
Trying to repack was a nightmare.
Used for beach day with grandchildre
Elle est super simple monter et replier. Aprs une grosse pluie, l’intrieur de la tente tait sec. Il y a une moustiquaire derrire. Le devant de la tente s’ouvre vers le bas et permet de garder la tente propre. a va faire plus d’un mois qu’elle est sur mon terrain et elle ne s’est pas dchire ni abm. Elle est de trs bonne qualit.
Hands down the best purchase of 2022 for me in terms of value for money. A great, sturdy little tent which my friend and I used recently on a trip to Cornwall. We used it on the beach as a place to house our bags and to have some privacy for changing out of bathing suits. The pegs worked well to keep it in place but we added sand to the side pockets just to give it a bit more weight. It’s easy to set up as it springs into place. Admittedly, like some others, I did struggle a bit in the beginning to fold it away but once I got the hang of it, I never struggled again. So hang in thereit does get easier & it’s definitely worth it!
Ho avuto la possibilit di testare questa tenda grazie al Programma Amazon vine.
Ovviamente non si tratta di una comune tenda da campeggio! consideriamola pi che altro una tenda sotto la quale trovare riparo nelle ore pi calde delle giornate estive, oppure grazie alla quale creare un punto d’ombra o riparato dal vento per i propri bimbi.
Per la prima volta l’abbiamo testata in un picnic in mezzo al bosco: in questo caso di ombra ovviamente ve nera gi a sufficienza, ma essendo una giornata abbastanza ventosa ci risultato molto comodo montare la tenda per tenere bimbe e giochi al riparo
“montare” tra l’altro non proprio il termine appropriato in quanto la tenda progettata per balzare in aria e prendere forma da sola. A voi toccher solo il semplice compito di decidere dove ancorarla, grazie alla presenza di un kit con picchetti e corde inclusi!
La tenda realizzata in doppio tessuto! Quello interno in realt una sorta di rete traspirante che permette di poter tenere appunto la tenda completamente arieggiata seppur “chiusa” . Viceversa si pu decidere di coprire tale parte col secondo strato realizzato dal classico tessuto sintetico delle tende.
La tenda richiudibile per mezzo di cerniera a zip. trasportabile comodamente grazie alla borsa rotonda inclusa, dentro la quale sono cucite le istruzioni disegnate per capire in maniera facile ed intuitiva come montarla e, soprattutto come richiuderla!
Onestamente diamo rimasti molto soddisfatti! Abbiamo infatit deciso di tenere la tenda sempre nel bagagliaio della macchina in quanto pu esserci comoda per ogni occasione fuori porta, avendo bimbi piccoli che necessitano ancora del sonnellino pomeridiano il fatto che sia poi impermeabile e progettata per proteggere dai raggi uv la rende un’alleata in pi in caso di temporale estivo imprevisto, oppure di sole cocente in spiaggia libera!
La dimensione perfetta per accogliere due adulti pi due bambini a mio avviso (ovviamente non per riposare.. In quel caso direi due, massimo 3 persone se vi un bimbo )
Hat uns echt gute Dienste im Urlaub geleistet, durch das Netz hinten kommt immer eine schne Brise in das Zelt und man kann es gut darin aushalten… Auch zum transportieren super da man es echt klein zusammenfalten kann.
Hatten etwas fr den Badesee gesucht. Hat sich als sehr einfach auf- und abzubauen herausgestellt. Ist mit den Heringen relativ stabil, hlt aber nicht unbedingt strkeren Windben stand ohne einzuknicken. Fr das Geld definitiv eine Kaufempfehlung.
Die Strandmuschel erfllt ihren Zweck. Sie entfaltet sich mega schnell. Das ist erfreulich! Das zusammenfalten ist gewhnungsbedrftig, funktioniert bei mehrmaliger Anwendung aber auch gut.
J’ai bien reu cette tente en couleur bleu .
elle est vraiment grande.
idal pour les enfants pour jouer dans le jardin ou mme l’amener au picnic ou la plage et aussi les campings .
Elle est trs facile dplier et plier .
Elle est livr avec des piquets pour pouvoir les planter dans le jardin et la monter .
Elle est bien are grce un un grillage .
Le tissu est fin mais de bonne qualit .
Je recommande .
si j’ai pu vous aider, n’hsitez pas me le faire savoir en cliquant sur utile en dessous
Diese Pop Up Strandmuschel haben wir fr unseren Ostseeurlaub gekauft. Abgesehen von der viel zu groen Kartonage kam es schnell an. Die Anleitung zum abbauen ist in der praktischen Tasche eingenht. Das auf und abbauen funktioniert einwandfrei. Wir haben es im Wohnzimmer ausprobiertum natrlich die Verarbeitung zu kontrollieren und um zu sehen ob es wirklich so easy geht. Das zusammenlegen und in der Tasche verstauen hat nicht mal 2 Minuten gedauert. Bei dem groen Zelt ist es einfacher es zu zweit zu machen. Alleine geht es allerdings auch. Alles in allem bin ich zufrieden und freue mich auf den Urlaub.
Produkt wurde wie beschrieben geliefert es konnten keine Mngel festgestellt werden und das auffallen wie auch das zusammenfalten gestaltet sich einfach. Es ist leider kein Schnppchen jedoch ist der Preis angemessen.
This is super easy to put up. Literally just pops up out of the bag. Perfect for creating shade on the beach or garden. It’s a generous size so there’s plenty of room. Even my dog likes to chill out in it!
Ich war eine Woche in Kroatien.
Und die Muschel war mein Lebensretter!
2 Kinder und 2 Erwachsene mit Gepck haben darin Platz!
Aufstellen und abbauen ruckizucki.
Da haben alle anderen nur so gestaunt.
Und die anderen mit kleinen Muscheln sind oft sogar neben ihrer gelegen und haben sich nur ein Handtuch ins Gesicht gelegt um nicht zu verbrennen, weils in ihrer zu hei wurde.
Nur die Anleitung ist leider lcherlich
Aber wenn man logisch nachdenkt, hat man es schnell raus.
Nur nicht mit Gewalt.
Der Trick ist >reindrehen< Werd mir noch 2 zulegen!
This erected really easily, and was ideal for sheltering our dogs from the sun and heat. It did need to be pinned down, as being an open fronted shelter, the merest breath of wind moved it. On the sandy beach, it wasn’t easy to pin down, so we used large rocks, which worked well. It wasn’t “quite” so easy to disassemble it, but we managed and stored it back in the bag
Produit dans un sac de transport assez pratique avec la notice accroche sur le sac ce qui est bien pratique au moment de replier l’abri, mais celle-ci est en allemand d’un ct et anglais de l’autre (pas de franais mais accompagn de dessin plutt explicite)
Le volume de l’abri est grand 3 4 personne sans soucis en comptant 2 adultes et 2 enfants fournit avec corde et piquet pour la fixer au sol.
Le produit est bon et aura une bonne utilit cet t.
Pas encore tester sur la plage, la toile semble bien limiter les UV et la lumire voir pour le ct impermable mais ce ne sera pas son utilisation premire.
Super Kundenservice
tolle groe Strandmuschel fr die ganze Familie (wir haben die groe gewhlt)
Die Strandmuschel eignet sich prima fr den mittagsschlaf fr die kleinsten, egal ob im Freibad, am See oder am Strand & den ganzen kruscht kann man auch darin prima verstauen ohne das was verloren geht!
Wrden wir immer wieder kaufen, daher eine klare Kaufempfehlung!
Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit unserer Strandmuschel. Sie bietet Platz fr 3 Erwachsene oder 2 Erwachsene und 2 Kinder plus Taschen und Khlbox, spendet wunderbar Schatten und im Inneren ist es wirklich angenehm khl. Auch der Auf- und Abbau funktioniert super. Wir kommen sie nur weiterempfehlen.
Had ordered this tenet for my children. The opening system is very effective and opens up automatically in secs. Even my child can do it. Offcourse closing it back is a bit tough for kids but easy for adults.
Tried the tent at extreme hot weather , 35 degs and it works perfectly and keeps the tent cool. Ventilation through the net window is very helpful.
In all , the tent is a superb product and would certainly recommend it.
Leider war es nach 10 Tagen Kroatien bereits sehr abgenutzt. (Kiesstrand)
Daher folgende Tipps:
1. bt das abbauen/zusammenlegen vorher in Ruhe Zuhause (hatten wir auch gemacht)
2. Zu zweit das Zelt in der Luft zusammenlegen und dann zu einer 8 eindrehen”
3. Legt unter das Zelt eine (Picknick)decke, vor allem bei schlechtem Untergrund (Kies, Erde)
4. Ein Akkuventilator kann oben im Zelt an zwei Schnren (die sind vorhanden) angebunden werden -> Bei Windstille ein Traum(!)
Ansonsten ist das Zelt mit den mitgelieferten Herringen einfach zu befestigen oder man fllt Steine in die vier Taschen, das steht dann relativ stabil.
Sehr praktisch mit kleinen Kindern oder wenn man im Urlaub die Kosten fr Liegen und Schirm sparen mchte.
Die verpackte Gre ist super, kann man sich auch ans Fahrrad hngen und mitnehmen, und prima fr 2 Leute geeignet, bei uns 4 gibts 2 Sonnenfans und 2 Schattenfans, also perfekt.
Es hat den blichen Lieferumfang, mit Tasche, Faltanleitung, Heringen (Metall). Vorteil fr uns bei dem: es lsst sich komplett verschliessen wenn man mal kurz weg will davon, und dann das man auf der Rckseite das hochrollen kann und somit einen prima Durchzug hat.
Am Strand im Urlaub ausprobiert, bei heftigstem Wind, dank der wirklich groen Sandtaschen steht das Ding wie eine 1. Und sie sind auch super wieder auszuleeren. Der Faltmechanismus sitzt wenn man das 2x gemacht hat.
Einfach aufmachen und die Muschel steht. Mit zwei Kindern fast zu klein aber es reicht uns, die Mae stehen ja dort. Praktisch ist auch dass man an der Rckseite aufmachen kann so dass sich die Hitze nicht zu sehr aufstaut:)
Wir haben es immer im Freibad dabei, wir stellen dann die Taschen rein dann brauch man es bei Wind nicht verankern.
Ich empfehle vorher auf YouTube die Anleitung zum Abbau anzuschauen ist einfacher als es auf den Bildern beschrieben ist und auf jedenfall vorher zuhause machen dann kommt man mit Kindern nicht unter Zeitdruck. Fand das erste mal schwierig und dann hat es aber ruckzuck geklappt man muss nur den Dreh raus haben.
Sehr gut! Wir haben die grere Strandmuschel in Spanien am Strand benutzt bei starkem Wind. Durch die Sandscke hlt die Muschel super sicher. Die Gre ist perfekt, sodass wir ein kleines Plantschbecken fr unseren Sohn reinstellen konnten und ich noch daneben lag. Andere Strandgnger waren ebenfalls von der Muschel beeindruckt und haben uns angesprochen. Klare Kaufempfehlung. Leicht zusammen zu bauen (Zuhause 1-2 mal ausprobieren). Top Produkt!
INTRO – Gi da tempo usiamo in famiglia portare con noi al mare una piccola tenda autoinstallante che ci agevola molto nel contenere le nostre cose senza spargerle per la spiaggia e tenerle in bella vista.
La nostra tenda per davvero piccolina per questo che ho voluto fare questo ordine e provare a fare un Upgrade con questa nuova tenda Pop-up.
Scopriamo quindi insieme come mi sembrata.
LA CONFEZIONE E IL CONTENUTO – Il Prodotto arriver in una semplice busta in plastica tanto anonima quanto trasparente, la sua protezione durante il trasporto sar del tutto demandata al classico imballaggio Amazon.
All’interno della busta troveremo:
– La Tenda a sua volta contenuta nella propria sacca circolare dotata di manici;
– Set da 10 picchetti + set 4 Cordoncini entrambi contenuti in una pochette.
I MATERIALI E LE CARATTERISTICHE – La tenda interamente fatta in Poliestere, la sua caratteristica pop-up la rende autoinstallante, baster quindi toglierla dalla propria custodia per vederla prendere forma automaticamente.
Ci nonostante la tenda sar corredata da picchetti e cordoncini per un pi saldo ancoraggio al terreno ma anche di sacche esterne in cui mettere eventuali zavorre come pietre o sabbia.
Tra le caratteristiche principali troveremo:
– Apertura principale dotata di chiusura a cerniera richiudibile anche dall’interno.
– Apertura posteriore con tendalino arrotolabile e rete traspirante.
– 2 ampie tasche interne (non richiudibili).
Le sue dimensioni sono orientativamente quelle dichiarate 195 cm x 240 cm x 140 cm ed ha un peso di circa 2 kg.
Secondo quanto dichiarato dal produttore la tenda offre spazio per 2 — 4 persone.
La sacca dotata di una comoda guida alla chiusura della tenda che servir come attento promemoria per le prime volte in cui si user.
LA PROVA – Come gi accennato non la prima volta che uso una tenda Pop-up, le trovo molto comode e pratiche perch veloci da usare e riporre basta farci la mano.
Questa volta sono stato attirato dalle dimensioni che risultano essere davvero generose.
Secondo me questa tenda pu essere una COMODISSIMA tenda per 2 PERSONE e magari un bimbo, oppure una GIUSTA tenda per 3 PERSONE, oppure una tenda che riesce a contenere anche 4 PERSONE per STRETTINE STRETTINE fate voi.
Noi siamo 2 adulti ed un bambino e per noi davvero comoda, forse addirittura anche troppo grande per le nostre esigenze.
Non ho rilevato difetti di produzione anzi devo dire che la sua manifattura mi piace cos come i materiali, cuciture e rifiniture sono davvero ben fatte e non raffazzonate come invece ho riscontrato in altri prodotti del genere in passato.
L’apertura che la tenda propone sul retro, corredata da retina nera, da la possibilit di non asfissiare al suo interno consentendo una maggiore aerazione ma devo comunque dire che secondo la mia esperienza con queste tende il caldo si sentir comunque.
Anche l’apertura frontale con zip richiudibile dall’interno pu essere utile a farci fare un eventuale cambio costume senza imbarazzo.
La trovo una buona tenda per chi deve stare tuuuuutto il giorno in spiaggia come per chi vi deve passarvi la notte ma non di certo una tenda per fare del campeggio, troppo leggera e poco strutturata.
Apprezzo la presenza dei picchetti, utili se volete montarla in giardino, ma di fatto in spiaggia non servono, per ancorarla io uso sempre le sacche riempiendole di sabbia o pietre di fortuna.
Passiamo ora a quello che definibile “il nodo cruciale” di queste tende autoinstallanti ovvero la loro chiusura. Chiudere queste tende per chi non abituato ed alle prime armi pu risultare difficile e farvi fare delle figure al limite del “Fantozziano” ne so qualcosa ma vi assicuro che solo questione di metabolizzare i movimenti ed il meccanismo, fatto ci richiuderla non sar pi tanto difficile.
A tal proposito ho voluto fare un video, sperando di farvi cosa gradita, in cui mostro come richiuderla e come sia possibile farlo anche da soli.
Certo farlo in due pi facile perch si pu sistemare la tenda in maniera pi ordinata ma comunque il movimento finale che la far “accartocciare” a mio parere varr sempre svolto da una persona sola.
IN CONCLUSIONE – Un prodotto che mi ha convinto per la buona manifattura ma anche per alcune caratteristiche che la rendono pi comoda rispetto ad altre, in primis la doppia apertura che promette una buona aerazione dell’ambiente interno. Facile nella sua chiusura a patto che ci prendiate la mano (bastano poche volte).
PREZZO al momento della Recensione EUR 54,99 (Un prezzo a mio parere adeguato al prodotto come sempre per a voi l’ultima scelta!)
I (Miei) PRO:
– Buoni materiali e buona manifattura.
– Con la pratica si monta e smonta in pochi istanti.
– La doppia apertura permetter di far passare l’aria e non asfissiare al suo interno.
– L’apertura frontale richiudibile all’interno facendola divenire un comodo “camerino”.
I (Miei) CONTRO:
– Attualmente nessuno.
Grazie per il vostro tempo! Spero di esservi stato utile.
This is a really good pop up beach tent, it can really be used anywhere, my daughter has took this to the beach with here several times and finds it really handy to put her lunch bags in to keep them out of direct sunlight also she and her friends but all their bags etc in it and close it when they go in the sea for a swim so her personal belongings are safe, it comes flat packed in a bag, the tent itself just pops up and is up in seconds, it also after use pops back down and had a bag to store it in, it come with ground pegs to put in floor to keep tent securely in place, it’s a very handy tent that can be used anywhere really and has been used a lot already by my daughter.
This pops up really well but it also travels very compact in its little bag.
It is ideal for the beach to keep all your belongings in and maybe just find some shelter when you need it. Two people can sit in there relatively comfortably. It has an opening on one side and then on the other side it has a mesh opening so that airflow can flow through. I think for the price is an absolute bargain. I didn’t find it too difficult to put it down I just use the images on this page to guide me on what to do to get it to go back down.
It comes with pegs to pick it down into the sand as well.
I definitely recommend this to people going to the beach.
It’s probably not tall enough to sit in there with a chair though
I will taking this light weight large popup tent on our bench holiday this year. This Kejector branded pop-up beach tent is well constructed and being pop-up it’s really quick to set up on the bench. Once in position on the beach it’s just a matter of filling each fixed sandbag, the thin metal pegs are only suitable for putting in soil, so for garden use only.
The large sized popup tent is suitable for 3-4 people, ideal for a small family. The tent will offer protection from direct sunlight and the silver coated polyester gives UV 50+ sun protection. The back of the tent can be opened up just leaving a net, this is great of you want to get a good airflow and cooling in the tent. The front of the tent folds forwards down onto the ground, this can be used for siting or laying on.
I was suppressed how easy this pop-up was to fold back into its circles and pop into its bag, I normally struggle with standard pop-up tents.
Overall, this is a great large popup tent offering good sun protection in the garden or on the beach.
Excellent and simple pop up tent for beach and camping.
Out of the bag
Very easy to erect as it pops up when you take it out of the bag. There are pegs included in the pack to secure it to the ground – although not used it on the beach so not sure how secure they would be. The tent unfolds itself as you take it out of the bag, so I only needed to work out which way up it needed to be. There is a ‘door’ flap that secures to the top of the tent which is handy to keep an eye on my little ones. The rear of the tent also has a flap which I keep open for ventilation.
Are very light but feel fairly strong.
I have the larger version and found there was plenty of room for 3 adults or several children. It is roomy and comes with a handy base sheet built into the tent – saves me taking an extra base sheet.
The material is easily cleaned. I used soapy water and it cleaned up well.
Folding away
It was a little tricky folding the tent back into the bag, but I would recommend watching the video and practising at home.
Value for money
This isn’t designed to be a holiday camping tent but for the money. it is well worth the spend to keep my little ones out of the sun.
Utilizzato nel weekend a mare, e si dimostrato un ottimo prodotto. Facilissimo da utilizzare, si apre in un attimo. Frontalmente ovviamente tutto aperto, mentre dietro abbiamo la possibilit di aprirla o chiuderla. E’ molto grande, la descrizione dice per 4 persone, in realt secondo me perfetta per 2, si sta larghissimi e ci si pu anche sdraiare. Ai 4 angoli abbiamo dei sacchi da riempire ad esempio con della sabbia in modo da far stare ferma la tenda. Con il sole forte comunque si percepisce il caldo ovviamente, un po’ meglio se apriamo anche la parte posteriore. Ottima impermeabilit, ho provato con dell’acqua a sciacquarla per togliere la sabbia ed effettivamente non ne entrata dentro. Richiuderla il vero problema, anche seguendo le istruzioni in foto non molto semplice, bisogna sbattere un po’
Diese Strandmuschel ist einfach fantastisch! Sie hat uns jetzt durch unseren 14 tgigen Strandurlaub begleitet und auch mal einen kurzen Regenschauer berstanden. Sie hielt bei Wind und Wetter durch und bot gengend Platz fr 2 Personen plus Taschen. Das Zusammenklappen der Muschel haben wir im Vorfeld “gebt” und es ist wirklich so einfach und unkompliziert in wenigen Sekunden gemacht. Wir sind einfach vollkommen zufrieden mit dem Kauf und empfehlen sie gerne weiter!
This is a fantastic pop up tent, it’s easy to set up, good value, and a decent size – plenty of space for 2 children or 2 children and 2 adults.
It comes with pegs supplied to anchor it on grass etc., but also has small pockets that you can full with sand onthe beach to keep it weighted.
Folding it back down is less easy than putting it up, but after a couple of tries I seem to have developed the knack.
Product arrived very promptly as ordered. Good value for a simple pop up tent. Care needed to ensure instructions are followed for erecting tent. I would recommend viewing YouTube to understand process !
una tenda fatta e pensata bene. L’ho usata al mare e il vantaggio di questo prodotto rispetto a prodotti simili che consente il circolo dell’aria. Infatti aperta sia sul davanti che sulla parte posteriore dove presente una rete per gli insetti e se si vuole pi intimit si pu chiudere tirando una zip.
La tenda nella custodia misura 60 cm ed molto leggera e facile da trasportare. L’interno foderato per proteggere dai raggi solari. Il tessuto il classico poliestere.
L’interno davvero spazioso e due persone ci stanno molto comode.
L’installazione semplice e devi solo rimuoverla dalla custodia.
Il procedimento inverso a dirla tutta pi complicato ma serve solo capire i passaggi da seguire, provare e ripeterli in modo da prendere dimestichezza.
Io ho visto il video con le istruzione pubblicato in allegato alla presentazione del prodotto e mi sono esercitato a casa per fissare alcuni punti. Ammetto di aver avuto qualche difficolt iniziale ma poi con calma sono riuscito a chiuderla.
Per quel che riguarda la resistenza al vento, la tenda leggera a tutto vantaggio della trasportabilit ma in presenza di vento necessario prendere qualche accorgimento. Per fortuna la tenda consente d’inserire in 4 sacche poste ai 4 vertici la sabbia oppure se non sei al mare puoi usare i paletti in acciaio, inclusi nella confezione, per fissarla al terreno.
Per l’utilizzo da spiaggia direi che va pi che bene.
My daughter claimed this instantly and is really pleased with it, the tent comes in carry bag and is lightweight and larger than she expected, easy to transport it’s perfect for days at beach.It’s also good for her hikes and she even uses in garden for dogs to shade under in hot weather.It’s pop up and once get knack quite simple to fold back up.Well made lightweight beach te
For a family of four (two adults and two children) this is the perfect beach tent choice for us.
It is so lightweight to carry and its shape when packed allows you to easily slot it into the boot of the car without taking up space.
Taking it out to set up really is a case of simply just opening up the bag and shaking the tent to pop-up. Then to give it some shape and security, you simply peg it down into the sand.
We were not only able to get changed in this after coming out of the sea but it also allowed us to sit and relax on the beach for half of the day providing shade and relief from the sun.
Packing it back up is a little harder to do – and that part we have still to master!
Overall, this has made our regular beach trips so much more comfortable.
This is worth every penny.
On ne va pas se mentir, avec ce genre d’article, c’est toujours le remballage qui pose problme, mais ici, a va ce n’est pas trop compliqu, mme s’il faudra prendre le coup.
Le souci, c’est qu’on risque de ne s’en servir qu’ une priode de l’anne et qu’on sera oblig de reprendre ce fameux coup pour l’anne suivante.
Sinon a reste une tente de plage qui sert vraiment se prserver du soleil.
Sa toile reste en effet fine.
Des sardines sont fournies au cas o on n’aura rien pour la lester, car oui, elle est vraiment lgre.
Elle est impermable moindre mesure.
Ho ricevuto questa piccola tenda a vela grazie al programma Amazon Vine e sono felice di poter condividere la mia esperienza di utilizzo, in qunato in vacanza, la utilizzeremo quotidianamente per mettere al riparo le nostre cose e per trovare scampo al sole delle vacanza nelle ore pi calde del giorno.
La tenda infatti di dimensioni perfette per coprire comodamente due persone affiancate, gi in tre a mio avviso si sta un po’ stretti.
La tenda misura, da chiusa, 60 cm ed un cerchio leggerissimo da portare con s in spiaggia, da aperta le misure rispecchiano quanto descritto (240*195*140), un pochino bassa ma ci si sta comunque comodamente seduti dentro, inoltre, il fatto di poterla aprire completamente dietro non la fa diventare un forno una volta aperta.
Si apre esattamente come da descrizione, lanciandola (distante), e si sviluppa in un secondo, poi si pu teoricamente fissare con i picchetti in dotazione(ce ne sono 10), tuttavia in spiaggia meglio ancorarla con sassi e borse all’interno in quanto non reggerebbe.
All’interno ha delle tasche in cui mettere caricatori, cellulari o altri oggetti, sul retro, da chiusa, ha una finestrella con zanzariera che si pu agevolmente richiudere con la sua cerniera.
Il tessuto classico: si tratta di poliestere “tecnico” e leggerissimo, molto simile ad attrezzatura tecnica che mio figlio utilizza (da scout), in campeggio, che, per quanto leggerissimo, abbastanza resistente e protegge benissimo dai raggi UV.
Unico difetto, che sostanzialmente impatta, poco, che abbiamo fatto davvero tantissima fatica all’inizio a piegarla per riporla nella custodia, non proprio agevolissimo farlo, ma poi ci si impratichisce.
Il prezzo sostanzialmente buono ed allineato ad altri prodotti simili, non eccellente, ma comunque passabile rispetto alla qualit complessiva, mi riservo comunque di rivedere il giudizio dopo un utilizzo intensivo, al termine della stagione estiva.
Spero di essere stata utile
This pop up beach tent is perfect for hot sunny days at the seaside.
It pops up in seconds so is super easy to set up.
It’s nicely designed too with plenty of space inside for a small family or group of friends – providing excellent shelter from the sun.
The fact it can be opened up on two sides makes it even better as with careful positioning you can achieve a nice breeze through the tent.
Folding it back up after use proved a little trickier (but to be fair we had all had more than a couple of cold ciders that day!) but didn’t take too long.
Note – this is definitely designed for day use and is NOT suitable for camping/festivals etc. Hikers looking for similar shelters should look else wear too as this weighs quite a bit and even folded is very big.
This pop up tent is available in light blue at 39.99 or sky blue at 29.99 (prices correct at the time of writing this review) I received the light blue pop up tent to review
The tent comes enclosed in its own carry bag along with 10 metal stakes and 4 ropes. The tent is water resistant and made of polyester, it offers UV protection of 50+
Once you take the tent out of the bag it takes under a minute to pop it up. As well as the stakes and ropes, the tent also has external sandbags that you can either fill with sand if at at the beach, or if at the park, filled water bottles or rocks will secure the tent instead
You can open the door from either inside or outside of the tent, and the mesh window at the back can rolled up to let the air flow through. Inside the tent are 2 pockets which are handy to store any personal items
Once you’ve finished it takes a few minutes to put the tent back down again, this can be tricky but it soon becomes second nature. There are various videos on YouTube that will help, plus the seller has included step by step instructions on their page, could be worth taking a screenshot or photo to help if need be. There are also instructions attached to the bag
This tent takes up very little room in the car and is lightweight if you need to carry it anywhere, it’s perfect for days out to the beach or park and can easily fit up to 4 people inside. This will be coming with us to our next holiday, really pleased with it, and happy to recommend
Une superbe petite tente de plage. Enfin, petite, pas vraiment, elle est plutt assez grande en vrai c’est vraiment chouette et elle n’est pas faite que pour la plage, a suffira pour faire quelques nuits en dpannage l’t sans trop de vent et surtout quand il fait sec. Parce que sous la pluie, je ne suis pas sur que a tienne le choc.
Elle est toute lgre, se transporte facilement, se monte facilement galement si vous avez dj mont des tentes auparavant, elle est ouvrable sur les deux cts avec une moustiquaire, tout est livr mais la notice est en anglais par contre.
Effectivement, le repliage est galre, je vais tre honnte je n’ai pas russi la remettre comme d’origine, je l’ai donc simplement plie et pose dans le coffre de la voiture. Nous ne prvoyons pas de partir en camping avec donc a ira bien pour la plage.
Je recommande, un super rapport qualit/prix par rapport sa facilit tre emport partout en tous les cas en voiture, attention si vous devez prendre l’avion avec haha.
Une superbe petite villa de plage
Perfect for the beach. Lightweight and easily put up and taken down. Would recommend.
Ritengo che una tenda da campeggio, non debba mai mancare tra gli elementi che possiamo stipare nel garage o in mansarda, perch pu sempre capitare di organizzare con la famiglia o con gli amici, un’uscita ed una permanenza in tenda, nel bosco o anche perch no sulla spiaggia, specialmente in vista della bella stagione, che stiamo per vivere.
Questa una tenda adatta al campeggio, sia per coloro che hanno appena iniziato ad appassionarsi a questo mondo, sia per coloro che sono veterani per ci che riguarda i campeggi.
Proprio per questo motivo ho scelto di testare questa tenda a cupola, adatta ad ospitare fino a 4 persone, quindi possiamo dire che una famiglia con due figli ci sta benissimo al suo interno.
E’ una tenda il cui tessuto appare subito essere molto resistente.
La grande porta e la finestra posteriore in rete, con aletta arrotolabile, garantiscono aria fresca durante la calda estate.
Grazie al doppio cursore possibile aprire e chiudere la porta dall’interno.
Abbiamo anche 2 grandi tasche interne per mantenere tutto ben organizzato.
I sacchi di sabbia esterni ed i picchetti rendono la tenda pi stabile in caso di presenza di vento.
E’ rivestita da materiale in poliestere resistente e impermeabile resiste alla pioggia leggera e offre una protezione UV 50+
All’interno del pacco sono presenti pali e paletti e la tenda in s. Il tutto si pu richiudere in una comoda borsa, che occupa poco spazio, anche in auto.
Per montarla sono presenti le istruzioni, in ogni modo il montaggio risulta essere non complicato, anche perch presente un sistema di guide continue per i pali, che a differenza delle altre guide costituite da due sezioni separate, questa in grado di rendere tutto pi semplice, infatti i pali scorrono velocemente lungo le guide, senza difficolt e presenza di nodi.
Dopo aver assemblato tra di loro i paletti dotati di corde, occorre inserirli nelle guide. Subito dopo dobbiamo sollevarli per alzare ed issare la tenda.
La tende al suo interno spaziosa e comoda.
Sono presenti anche delle piccole fessure per far circolare l’aria ed un sistema di ventilazione che si pu regolare.
Questa tenda da spiaggia portatile pesa circa 2 kg.
La tenda misura 195 cm x 240 cm x 140 cm di altezza.
La confezione include:
-1 tenda a scomparsa
-1 borsa per il trasporto
-10 paletti di metallo
-4 corde.
Buon prodotto e perfetto per le nostre escursioni e nottate in spiaggia, magari pescando!
This isn’t the biggest beach tent I’ve tried but it’s good for babies and small children.
The fabric is quite thin so I’m not sure how much it’ll stand up to strong beach breeze.
However it’s good for a day trip to keep tge little ones out of the sun.
It’s pop up which is a bonus and it’s easy to get back in the bag.
I’d say if you want something small, thin and lightweight then this is for you.
A very easy fast pop up tent. Opens up in seconds. Taking it down needs a little practise bit once you get the hang of it its super easy. The perfect beach tent.
Seul bmol, la replier : Toujours scabreux quand on n’a pas l’habitude, on a l’impression que a va claquer…
Pour le reste, elle pourra facilement abriter et protger les bambinos. Seule exigence, la lester car la prise au vent peut tre loin d’tre ngligeable.
We holiday in the UK a lot and are often on the beach so this is handy for our family and for storing out belongings in etc or for our YA children to get changed into their wetsuits. We used to have something similar but not a pop up one.
This pops up great. It was larger than I expected and plenty big enough for us as a family of five.
My YA son was the one to put it away. He did have to refer to the video showing how in the Q&A section but once he watched it twice, he was able to fold it easily enough and got it back in the bag, so I would suggest watching the video!
It has a back mesh window (with roll-up flap). Double pull sliders allow you to open/close the door from inside.
RRP is 38.59 which I don’t think is too bad for a large pop up tent. Our previous one which you had to self assemble used to take us quite a while, so to have something a lot easier but pay a little extra is worth it.
It is very lightweight, easy to set up and pack and it is great for a day out on the beach. My kids loved i
It is quite light weight ! Initially i struggled with folding it but later by watching some youtube video was a quick win ! It wud be nice if more pictures with detailed instructions are added !
Overall feels durable, gonna try them out this weekend on the beach..
So far looks value for money .. i will say give this a try..
Ho ordinato questa tenda grazie al programma Vine di Amazon, pensando di usarla – ovviamente – in spiaggia durante l’estate ormai in arrivo.
La tenda arriva confezionata in una sacca dello stesso colore, con all’interno anche un sacchetto con dei paletti (necessari per fissarla in terra) e null’altro. Le istruzioni per ripiegarla sono stampate con grandi foto e fissate su di una porzione di telo cucito all’interno della stessa sacca. Ho trovato queste istruzioni poco chiare, perch il primo step da cui partono, mostra gi la tenda piegata. Dopo qualche tentativo per capire il meccanismo di chiusura (ho temuto di dovermela tenere aperta per sempre!), sono riuscito a riporla nella sua sacca che, per fortuna, non di quelle grandi un millimetro pi del contenuto. L’apertura invece rapida come ci si aspetterebbe. Basta “lanciare” il disco estratto dalla sacca e poi sistemare solo i bordi con i sistemi di fissaggio.
La dimensione superiore alle mie aspettative. Non so se dalle foto e video che allego si riesca a percepire, ma partendo dal “disco” in cui racchiusa, la dimensione una volta aperta decisamente ampia. Probabilmente le 4 persone indicate nella descrizione ci starebbero n po strette, ma la mia famiglia di 3 ci star perfettamente. Anche l’altezza al centro della tenda buona, non ci si pu stare in piedi, ma comunque discretamente alta.
Buono anche il doppio sistema di ancoraggio al suolo. In parte con i picchetti, in parte con 4 tasche porta-sabbia poste ai 4 lati della tenda. Nella parte frontale presente una “estensione del telo che permette di avere una superficie ampia a sufficienza per distenderci sopra dei teli da mare.
Sul retro c’ una doppia tela. Quella pi esterna che pu essere arrotolata e fissata tramite due ganci a bottone, e quella pi interna che fissa, non rimovibile, ma micro-forata. Questo secondo telo avrei preferito fosse ugualmente rimovibile per permettere maggior passaggio di aria, ma vedremo la prova in spiaggia per capire se possa essere un elemento di sofferenza da caldo.
Sono fiducioso che, con un minimo ingombro e peso, grazie a questo prodotto della Kejector, questa estate sar meno carico di ombrelloni vari, e con un maggior spazio all’ombra per i momenti di riposo al mare. Non ho idea del costo di prodotti simili ma direi che forse il prezzo attuale (55 al momento della recensione) andr valutato in termini di resa nel tempo. Facendo un confronto, un ombrellone di quelli economici (che di solito faticano a durare oltre una stagione) si trova sui 10/15, mentre per un ombrellone decente si devono spendere dai 30 in su (ma in quei casi per si ottiene qualcosa che dura a lungo). Al termine dell’estate potr dare una valutazione pi informata, ma per il momento mi sembra un buon prodotto.
Per questo motivo ho optato per questa pi grande visto che con quella piccola si sono divertiti parecchio i nipotini nel giardino, adesso che sono pi grandi la seconda tenda pi grande non nuoce.
Il materiale che piuttosto molto fine ed impermeabile svolge un ‘ottima protezione contro il sole perch non si sono scottati in questo periodo che fa caldo fuori e la tenda anche ben arieggiata perch sul retro ha una finestra in rete ma che volendo sui pu anche coprire srotolando l’apposita tenda per chiuderla, se resta aperta bisogna prestare l’attenzione da dove arriva il sole per non scottarsi all’interno senza volere.
La tenda si nasconde dentro un borsone rotondo con un diametro di 60 cm con due grandi maniglie da poterlo portare anche su una spalla, leggerissimo considerando quando spazio in grado di offrire questa tenda anche se non poi cos grande come potrebbe sembrare, facile non solo da trasportarla a mano ma anche in macchina dove praticamente occupa un minimo di spazio visto che il borsone piatto.
Non bisogna aspettarsi i materiali molto robusti ed il motivo perch bisogna un po’ trattarla con i guanti, penso che pi grande questo tipo di tenda pi delicata diventa durante la manipolazione.
Comunque quella pi piccola sono due anni che la usiamo tutto l’estate e la mettiamo a posto tutti i santi giorni per la paura che di notte la porti via il vento.
La stessa cosa vale anche per questa, si tratta di un’operazione semplice e veloce in due minuti con calma ci si riesce ma vi avverto non la piegate mai nel modo sbagliato forzando il telaio.
Per chiuderla prima bisogna appiattirla avvicinando i due lati e poi si procede per terra, i primi passi sono semplici ma bisogna imparare il trucco dei cerchi che si formano praticamente da soli se si procede nella maniera giusta, l’ultimo passo imparare a infilarli nella posizione corretta e senza forzare altrimenti amen.
Se pensate di usarla sulla spiaggia in mezzo a tanta gente vi consiglio di imparare a piegarla a casa altrimenti date spettacolo alle persone nelle vicinanze.
Io sono ormai allenata molto bene grazie alla tenda quella pi piccola che inizialmente ho fatto fuori un po’ di comiche prima di prenderci la mano e imparato per bene come farlo, una volta capito il trucco non ci sono problemi, ci sono anche le istruzioni con i disegni su un foglio attaccato all’interno del borsone, dunque niente panico e per male che vada in internet c’ anche il video che in seguito l’ho fatto anch’io.
La tenda si pu aprire semplicemente con solo un lancio ma attenti ai denti, bisogna lanciarla lontano, questo pi semplice con quella pi piccola ma non impossibile.
Una volta aperta va assicurata tramite le corde e picchietti che si trovano in una borsetta fatta dello stesso materiale che si chiude con le cordicelle.
Sui latti esterni sono integrate le bustine per poterle riempire con la sabbia o materiali pesanti poter bloccare meglio la tenda e all’interno ha le borse integrate da metterci dentro gli oggetti.
Au total, un super produit qui remplace ou accompagne (selon les besoins) trs bien le traditionnel parasol. Sa lgret simplifie grandement le transport malgr le diamtre assez large de la tente une fois plie, une autre qualit pour l’emmener la moindre sortie. En revanche, un bmol tout de mme… Je partage l’avis dj exprim par certains autres retours au sujet du pliage, beaucoup plus complexe que le dpliage ! Mme les photographies d’illustration n’aident pas beaucoup, encore moins avec les instructions en anglais hmm, et il n’y a rien d’intuitif dans le procd. On finit par y arriver, si l’on ne perd pas patience avant, mais bonjour la galre les premires fois. L’un des clients voque 30min pour le premier essai, je n’ai pas mesur chronomtre en main mais cela me parat un bon ordre d’ide. Bref, un conseil, entranez-vous la maison avant, au risque de vous agacer quand il faudra plier bagage sur la plage ou autre…
Bought as way to keep my equipment dry on rainy days when at circuit events with my car. Very impressed for the cheap price, pops up easy and goes away easily as long as you follow the instructions. It’s pretty big as well as a plus and seems to take the punishment of heavy garage equipment well enough so seems fairly durable but at under 30 quid you can’t complain if you get a good few uses out of it.
une tente pour se protger du soleil
super facile a installer
hop, est il s’ouvre directe
trs facile a transporter
je l’adore
mais pour le premier pliage je n’ai pas russi rapidement,
il y a un modle mais je n’ai pas compris rapidement, il faudrait tre un peu plus claire, car en ralit a prend moins d’une minute a la plie
La tente est trs belle en bleu turquoise. Je l’aime bien, elle est trs apaisante.
Elle s’installe en 2 secondes. Elle est grande, on y loge allongs 4 maxi.
Elle est trs lgre mais son tissu est fin et fragile, il faut y aller doucement en la fermant avec la fermeture clair.
Pratique et are: d’un ct elle est ferme par une moustiquaire noire qui ne s’ouvre pas, de l’autre une porte zippe qui peut s’ouvrir entirement.
Comme elle est trs lgre, il faut absolument la lester et remplir les poches de ses coins avec du sable. Si vous voulez vous en servir dans le jardin, pour les enfants, il vaut mieux utiliser les sardines incluses.
(Il faudra juste vous procurer un marteau).
La tente est impermable a une petite pluie.
Elle a un sac de transport assez grand pour la mettre dedans.
Seule chose, la notice n’est pas trs claire. Pourtant en images, mais on a du mal comprendre comment la replier pour la ranger dans son sac. On a mis plus de 30 minutes trouver comment faire…
Il faut trouver comment la plier dans le bon sens, sur elle-mme (en forme de poire). Ensuite la replier dans le sens de la largeur et la tourner en 8 sur elle-mme.
Un coup prendre, que je n’ai pas encore enregistr… !
Ct positif: elle est cousue sur son sac de transport, comme a pas de risque de la perdre. Par contre elle n’est qu’en anglais et en allemand.
Note aux fabricants : a quand des jolies flches de couleur avec des numros pour nous aider la replier rapidement ?
Elle sera trs bien pour la plage mais comme elle est grande, vous risquez de gner vos voisins !
Dans le jardin, mon fils de 8 ans adore jouer dedans. Et pour nous, elle nous permet de bronzer un peu l’abri de nos voisins !
Material is very high quality, and very spacious. Children are excited and play happily inside the tent. Good for both indoor and outdoor leisure. Recommend.
This tent is super useful and it makes life so easy because it pops up and is self-installing which is great. It is a good size and is great for a hot day on the beach when you want protection from the sun. It has pockets that you can fill with weights so it does not move in the wind which is a great feature.
There are zips that you can open up to allow more air circulation inside the tent itself. It is spacious and really nixie to sit in. I highly recommend it and good value for money.
Cette petite tente est extrmement rapide mettre en place, elle se dplie d’un seul geste, il reste mettre les sardines si vous le voulez et le tour est jou
Mme si les dimensions sont prsentes sur la page du produit, j’ai quand mme t surpris par sa taille, je ne m’attendais pas ce qu’elle soit si spacieuse. Mon fils a pass l’aprs midi jouer dedans et s’est clat l’abri du soleil.
Le rangement est plutt complexe la premire fois, mais je pense qu’avec le coup de main a sera plus facile la seconde fois.
En tout cas trs bon produit pour obtenir rapidement un espace abrit du soleil ou des petites btes, que ce soit pour un adulte ou un enfant !
Alors cette tente de plage se dplie toute seule comme par magie….rien faire
Ensuite, il suffit juste de mettre les cordelettes avec les petits piquets pour ne pas qu’elle s’envole sur la plage…
Par contre pour la replier….mme avec les schmas pour moi c’est compliqu….il faut je pense un peu d’entranement….ce n’est pas vident…en mme temps, je ne suis pas trs manuelle…c’est peut tre l le problme
Du coup, c’est pour cela que j’ai enlev une toile.
A part ce petit casse-tte pour le pliage, elle est vraiment trs bien! La couleur bleue ciel, j’adore! L’espace important est top, la grande fentre avec la moustiquaire est gniale, la petite avance pour s’assoir devant est un vritable plus. Bref, elle est top…vivement les vacances la mer!!!!
My first impressions were this is big, It’s a very big carry case with handles suited to hold or put on your shoulder when you’re open zip and pull out the tent you noticed instructions Sown into the inner zip instructions are very good and clear to follow and mainly for putting the tent back in its carrier.
It took all of 30 seconds for the tent to unravel and be wrecked simple you get a little pack of spikes and guide ropes to help keep the tent in place( This is due to the size).
I can’t believe how big the tent is and the front opening and zips to become a little ground sheet fantastic.
Very happy with the quality and size of the tent a lot of spikes to help keep it in place price point at 33 is exceptional brilliant.
When it’s a bit windy on the beach the last thing you want is to start messing with poles and threading things through. My last beach tent was a pain and needed a lot of effort to assemble and it was hard in the wind. This is light years above my old one. It literally pops up in seconds. I found sticking some heavy rocks from the beach inside the corners the best way to keep it sturdy and from blowing away.
The quality is great. It’s that strong nylon durable material tents are made from. It’s large enough for 2 adults and a child at a squeeze. It protects you from the sun. Great to store beach things in. The only issue is trying to get it back in the bag after. I can’t do it. My partner has the knack but I’m afriad I still struggle.
For those wishing to establish a base for the day on a beach, or other popular location, this tent is ideal. It’s eminently portable due to its light weight, but it’s solid at the same time, and not at all flimsy.
It has plenty of sheltered space and the ‘groundsheet’ ensures you don’t get soaked from dewy surfaces.
It’s also easy to put-up, and all-in-all is a very useful item to take with you in the car – or even to carry as hand luggage.
Pop Up Beach Tent, L(3-4) Person/S(2-3) Person Lightweight Beach Tent, Instant Outdoor UV 50+ ……..
Brand: kejector
This is a great pop-up beach tent or fun for the kids in the garden. It comes in a circular pack which contains the tent, a small pouch containing 10 tent pegs and 4 pieces of cord. It is very easy to put up, just take it out of the pack and open it up and it will spring up into shape. Just peg out the corners, add cord to the upper corners and peg them out too. If you are on a sandy beach, then there are flaps at each corner that can be weighted down as the pegs would be no use. There is a gauze vent at the rear which has a flap for privacy that can be rolled up or down from the outside and secured with toggles. The front has a large, zipped opening which is pretty much the whole front which unzips from the top and forms a flap which lays on the ground in front of the tent.
Although putting it up was very easy, packing it away was not, the instructions are printed on a flap on the inside of the carry bag and seems to miss out the early steps. I managed to get it folded but I have no idea if it is correct or not and it was pure luck and a bit of force to bend it into a circle to fit it back into the bag. I suppose once you know how to do it, then it would be very fast and easy. There are better instructions on the Amazon web page, but I didn’t have the internet with me, so better instructions with the tent would certainly help.
It is very lite weight and easy to carry around. I think this is the 3–4-person tent as its quite roomy, but this is not for camping or sleeping in, so don’t expect to have 4 persons sleeping inside, it’s not that sort of tent and would not fit.
1 sec to install, 1 min to assemble again. Very lightweight and roomy.
A good tent for light hearted leisure and resting. Nothing overly fancy here though I love the net window complete with blinds.
I am not incredibly fond of the pegs however they do the trick and would do it even better if a handy small mallet was supplied but I acknowledge I’m asking too much…
I got my phone out to note the wind direction and then used my compass as it is worth taking into consideration the wind direction with this product as you can set it up so the wind has a through route to lessen bombardment and also the breeze can be used effectively to ventilate the tent as it can incur a little of the greenhouse effect in there.
Not just light hearted but light and compact and you have a nice portable set up.
When you first open this, ensure you are in an outside space or at least have a lot of room around you as it pings into shape the moment it comes out of the bag. Putting it away again takes much, much longer, despite the presence of instructions, unless you are particularly skilled at these things. I can sometimes do it straight away, but mostly lack the knack and it can baffle me for ages. As I said, you’ve either got it (the skill to do this) or you don’t and I am usually in the latter camp. Watch the video on the product page and it gives you an idea, although it annoyingly seems to skip the bit that you need to watch – they have possibly edited out the two hours that were spent trying to do it! Joking aside, it is tricky to put back in the bag and something worth practising before you go out with it. I couldn’t explain how I did it in the end, but there is a knack, hidden somewhere.
The frame seems very robust and flexible, withstanding my many attempts to repack this, so it seems capable of being manhandled (I do my best) many times. It seems most likely that the fabric, which is thin, will fail before the frame does.
The tent is squat and enables sitting inside to stay out of the breeze with the vent at the rear helping to avoid take-off in the wind. The pegs supplied with these things are never very good and I permanently borrowed my Dad’s proper pegs a while ago; they do the job for all tent and tarpaulin related needs and are much better than the ones that came with this.
Although this is more robustly built than many of these options and heavier to boot, it is still lightweight for what it is and comes in a relatively small bag (a disk shape) to carry to your destination, so it won’t bulk you down unless packing away defeats you at the end. Handy and durable.
This instant pop up beach tent comes in its own bag with shoulder straps and has metal tent pegs to hold it down securely. When out of the bag it will spring into shape ready to use. It has a black mesh window with an optional screen and a double zip opening with a large attached ground sheet. It’s big enough for 4 adults and absolutely perfect for picnics and shade on the beach (and ideal for privacy when getting changed) it folds down to the size of a child’s bicycle wheel and is very easy to carry. There are instructions for folding it down in the bag, but just bring the 2 metal sides together then bend the top half down whilst keeping your foot or knee on the lower part. Then twist it and it will fold back into a small circle again. It’s made of fairly lightweight fabric so be sure to peg it down well or you might have to chase it down the beach or across the park lol a lovely idea for instant shade and privacy.
Bigger than I thought and will easily fit two adults plus gear. Lightweight and easy to erect. Handy to be able to zip up. Didn’t have too much trouble packing away. Haven’t tried it at the beach yet.
Funktionstest war ok , keine Mngel an der Ware, zufriedenstellende Lieferung
This pop-up worked straight out the bag, going up without any issues at all, even with the breeze! Once I had one corner pegged down with the supplied pegs, the rest of the tent pulled out square straight away and was soon fully secure with the included guide ropes. The ability to open vents at the back was great to keep a breeze going through and the ability to zip up the door was also great – most of these items are usually open at the front, with this one being able to close up it provides extra options for use.
Overall a great product which I would recommend.
I bought this tent for taking to beach with the family. I love the colour and look of the tent – it looks really stylish! And it was so quick to assemble and then similarly to pack away. I like that it has the bags to fill with sand and the tent pegs for that added security on a windy day. It also comes in a very handy bag with a handle so will be super easy to carry onto the beach. I can’t wait to take it on our next getaway! I would highly recommend this product to others looking to buy something similar.
Absolutely love this product, brilliant to use on the beach for the children to get dressed in or stay out of the sun.
Highly recommend.
It’s as easy as opening the bag and it sets itself up, I did find it a little more difficult to pack away, but there is some handy picture guides to help with this attached to the bag. My wife however did not find this an issue and did it with ease.
Very easy to set up, tent just sprang open. Easily fits 3 people, maybe even one more. Instructions for packing it back up could be clearer, it was a bit fiddly.
For the price it’s a great cheap tent for quickly putting up places. I doubt it would do well in heavy rain or wind but that’s not it’s purpose. It can be difficult to put away until you get it right and then you remind yourself it’s really easy once you get the knack of it…. then promptly forget agai
Probably bought the best pop up tent. It’s slightly difficult to pack away but eventually you’ll get the gist of it just like any other tent. It’s so light and perfect for the beach. LOVE IT!!! The minute you take it out of the bag, it just pops up by itself so convenient as well.
super easy to put up great for the kids in the garden knowing it has sun protection makes a great play tent
light weight and folds down small for easy storage
will be great for the beach In the summer and picnics
Easy to get out. Popped up straightaway. There are tent pegs for each corner and if you’re on the beach 4 pouches for putting sand in to weigh it down. It’s large inside enough room for 6 small children at least or upto 6 adults. At the back is a mesh window with a simple flap that can be tied with a toggle. The front can lay down on the ground to give more room for sitting. I thought I’d have trouble getting it down back into its case but after looking at the instructions very carefully it turned out to be very easy. Great little case with handle. Not too heavy on the shoulder. So it’s definitely great for taking to any eve
I used this at our local water park a few days ago. It was up in no time and also packed away in less than a minute. My kids are 7yrs and 5 yrs old. I don’t know why I didn’t get one earlier. I will be keeping this in my car this summer and using it for trips to the park, zoo and picnics. I would recommend!
Absolutely fab tent. We bought it to use in the garden for our two little girls and not only do they absolutely love it but it shades them from the sun but also let’s a breeze run through. It’s super easy to set up and put away and is also fab for the beach too!
Would highly recommend!!!
Simply put this is great it’s as easy to put down as it’s as easy to put up – if you’ve had one of these before you know what I mean!!!
Very pleased with this tent. Ideal for two adults or can fit up to 4 kids. The tent is spacious for its size and very light and compact. Very easy to pitch, poles are good quality.
I really like this tent. It pops up easy/ is quick to assemble and to put away too.
It’s good to use in the garden when the sun out both my niece and my dog have been making good use of it! You can fit 2-3 people in the tent I got.
I needed something small and robust and found thus really happy.
I’m really pleased with this tent. It is very easy to put up (it pops up in a matter of seconds) and, perhaps more importantly, is easy to put away when following the clear instructions provided. It’s a good size and has the option of using the zip up door to extend the floor area (as shown in the photos), as well as unzipping and rolling up the back panel to create a “window”. All in all, a great tent which will be perfect for protecting my 18 month old from the sun on the beach or in the garden!
We bought one mainly to provide some shade for our children (ages 4 and 1.5) in the garden. It’s fun for them but also practical. It’s lightweight and easy to carry so we will very likely use it for beach trips/holidays too. I did find it a bit tricky the first time refolding the tent back into its carrier, but after a couple of tries, it’s straightforward once you know how! Very pleased with the purchase overall.
Man muss sie dann nur noch etwas ausrichten und gegeben Falls an den Ecken und mit den Schnren verankern. Die hierfr mitgelieferten Ecken sind gut fr festen Boden geeignet. In feinem tiefen Sand wie an einem Sandstrand blich, ist die Verankerung mit diesen kurzen Haken jedoch nicht mglich.
Die Qualitt der Strandmuschel ist einwandfrei und perfekt fr uns am See geeignet. Auf der Liegewiese mit festem Untergrund hlt die Verankerung einwandfrei. Das Design mit der zu ffnenden Rckwand ist ebenfalls praktisch und war auch der Grund warum ich mich fr dieses Modell entschieden habe.
Beim Zusammenbau habe ich allerdings etwas bung bentigt bis ich es wieder geschafft hatte die Strandmuschel wieder in den Lieferungszustand und somit auch die Hlle zu bringen. Dies gelingt jedoch und hat vor Allem den Vorteil das die Aufbewahrung sehr platzsparend mglich ist.
Fazit: preiswert und gut.
A easy tent to pop up with bags to keep it from blowing away in the wind. It also came with pegs and instructions for putting it up and down. Perfect for the beach as it comes in an easy to carry bag!
Would recommend!
Nice bright blue colour very summery. This is brilliant so easy to use pops up very quickly as soon as you take out of the bag. It’s perfect for the garden the kids have enjoyed playing in it. I was surprised it’s very spacious we managed to get 2 adults and 1 child in comfortably. Was very easy to put up didn’t need the instructions. There are some pegs to position and weigh down so it doesn’t move. Putting it away is very simple comes in a carry bag, very lightweight even the kids can carry around. Perfect if you want something simple and fuss free.
Grandson loves to play in it because it keeps him out of the sun. It is Worth the money I payed. A Great product.
I purchased this for our trip to Barbados, they are expensive to hire on the beach.
This was wonderful, easy to erect and fold away afterwards.
Used as a sunshade and changing room too, sand pockets weighted it down in the breeze.
excellent product for our needs.
Lovely item easy to put up and fold away (comes with zip up bag) light and doesn’t take up much space. Kids have loved it indoors and in garden, yet to use it at beach but it’s only March!
Way bigger than I thought it’d be! I bought this for when I go to the beach in the summer and I can see it will easily fit 2 adults!
Popped straight up, no problems. Putting it away took a few minutes before realizing roughly what you have to do. Instructions were mostly ignored I admit.
Lightweight and easy to carry around. Perfect little pop-up tent. Can’t comment yet on its durability but so far I’m very happy.
Also comes with pegs as without anything to weigh it down, it will move.
It’s a very large tent ideal to go to the beach or to the park with children. Great product. I will definitely use it a lot during spring and summer time. Highly recommended
This pop-up tent is excellent quality and easy to use, it pops up when taken out of the bag. There are pegs provided that is handy depending on the weather and place where you plan to use it. I was positively surprised how easy it was to fold it and fit it back into the bag provided for storage and carry. Big advantage is that step by step instruction how to fold pop up tent is attache to the storage bag itself.
By the picture you can see how compact this tent really is. Just did a weekend away and managed to fit in my suitcase easily. Sturdy and easy to put up. Really pleased!
This is perfect for the garden for kids to play or taken to the beach to have some shade or even for serious camping. I had the bigger version already, but I needed a smaller one for my kid to play outside. Easy to fold back in, once you learn how to do it (instructions included), it’s piece of cake.