Smart Watch, Dbasne Fitness Tracker 1.69″ Touch Screen Fitness Watch with Heart Rate Sleep Monitor, 8 Sports Modes IP68 Waterproof Smartwatch for Men Women Sleep Sport Activity Tracker for iOS Android

Dimensions: | 4.45 x 3.7 x 1.05 cm; 40 Grams |
Model: | TS29B1 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Dbasne |
Esta mejorado, se puede aadir foto de fondo, es mas preciso
Per il prezzo che l’ho pagato e un ottimo orologio
credevo avesse anche la funzione promemoria, ma mi sono sbagliato io, il resto ok
Regalato a mio figlio gli piaciuto tanto.
Io ne ho uno della huawei comprato il triplo di questo ma sono quasi uguali .Lo riacquistare sicuramente anche come regalo.
Ha poche funzioni ma prezzo basso e buon display. Se non attivate l’accensione automatica la batteria dura veramente tanto, se la attivate un disastro.
Reloj cmodo y fcil de usar, buena relacin calidad precio, la batera me dura unos 5 o 6 das y no tengo que estar cargandolo cada 1 o 2 das que es bastante engorroso.
Selbstverstndlich sind die angezeigten Werte nur Hausnummern, aber als Uhr gut zu gebrauchen. Diese Gummiarmbnder sind frchterlich
Habe mir diese Smartwatch zu gelegt weil meine alte nach 3 Jahren den Geist aufgegeben hat.
War wirklich berrascht fr den Preis eine wirklich gute Uhr.
Non posso dire che non faccia il suo dovere. Le varie funzioni dello smartwatch sono pi o meno rispettate. Non mi aspettavo un contapassi perfetto (per questo prezzo meglio non considerarlo neanche) , ne una precisione assoluta nel battito cardiaco (in realt funziona abbastanza bene anche se non mi ci affiderei per la mia vita). Senza infamia e senza lode la gestione del telefono. Ma quello che mi ha lasciato interdetto e la funzione timer che per me fondamentale. L’impossibilit di impostare timer diversi mi ha reso impossibile utilizzare lo smartwatch. Questo unitamente alle difficolta di ripresa quando passava dallo standby all’uso al sollevamento del braccio: talvolta non rispondeva in fretta e devo dire che fastidioso. Buona la durata della batteria.
I always buy a cheap smart watch, usually around 20, and I find this one ok for price. It’s fairly easy to use once you get used to it. It can take a few hours to charge, as for accuracy I’ve got nothing to compare to, so am saying it seems ok.
No confiaba en el producto, dije a probar, pero la verdad es que me ha sorprendido muy gratamente, fcil usar, intuitivo y sin ningn tipo de problema
Prodotto arrivato in anticipo. Confezione minimalista, ma istruzioni in Italiano. Smartwatch leggero, non si sente quasi di averlo al polso. Cinturino in gomma morbido e sottile. Ottima leggibilit del display. Smartwatch leggero ed elegante. L’App “Da Fit” essenziale, ma fa quello che deve. Le watchfaces disponibili sono numerose, ma la maggior parte sono di aspetto “giocoso”, pi che altro destinate ad un pubblico femminile o molto giovane. Sulla durata della batteria non posso esprimermi, perch sono ancora alla prima giornata di utilizzo.
I didn’t originally plan to buy a smart watch but, when I saw this for about the same price as the item I wanted, I thought I would give it a try. I’ve had it almost a week now.
I like that I had display choices. I was able to find one that’s acceptable to me. Most of them have cute characters or frilly designs. I prefer something more basic – just give me the information. I used to work in television and still want to know the correct time to the second. I was disappointed that the only displays that appear to do that were the analog looking ones. As a previous reviewer said, if I wanted an analog display, I would have bought an analog watch.
The battery isn’t lasting 7 days as I remember it being advertised. I can barely get two days on a charge. To me that’s not a big deal. I tend to just put things on the charger at night anyway.
I didn’t feel the need for the steps and heart rate but, I’m quickly growing to like them. The step counter is motivating me to move a little more.
All in all, I would say it’s a decent first smart watch for someone to see if that’s a direction they want to go without committing a lot of money to the experiment. When I’m ready to spend more, I’ll know what features I want and can spend prudently.
Very good watch, does what it says, but do have another smart watch that seems to be better, with less functions though.
This one is ok.
Me ha gustado el tamao. La calidad de la pantalla. Colores intensos hasta con sol. Precio es aceptable para lo que te dan .
Consegna….OK. Vi dico che non avevo nessun tipo di esigenza x l’orologio.
L’orologio bello e leggero, molto luminoso con quadrante grande.
Ha tantissime funzioni (NON le uso tutte) con la su App dedicata (Da Fit),
la batteria SUPER…l’ho ricaricato dopo 3gg dalla consegna. Forse l’unico
piccolissimo…ma dico piccolissimo problemino riguarda il cinturino…mi sembra
molto DELICATO, non vorrei che si rompesse in fretta, x questo forse era meglio
averne 2 in dotazione. Forse contatto il Rivenditore e ne compro 1 di scorta.
Se non avete grosse pretese…questo fa al caso Vs. Consiglio l’acquisto.
Specialmente x il rapporto…qualit-prezzo.
J’ai achet cette montre en premier pour ses fonctions et le prix m’a dcid, trs facile mettre en uvre grce l’application, les constantes sont bonnes, vrifies avec divers appareils, possibilit changer le mode cran, on peut le personnaliser avec une photo, ce que j’ai fait. A voir dans le temps, pour l’instant je recommande.
Cri Cri
Brought this for walk as I didn’t want you ues my best keeps good time so easy to ues
Bello e funziona bene menu semplice e buoni funzioni una pecca errore mio credevo fosse un po piu grande
It is very good for the price I bought for 20 and for this price is perfect good battery life nice functions and very comfy it looks like apple watch and for my opinion it is fine.
En otro comentario que hice le di 5 estrellas pero le he quitado 1 porque segn las indicaciones la batera dura una semana y no consigue durar 7 das.
Anteriormente tuve otro de otra marca que me sali muy fantstico pero dej de sincronizar por lo que decid comprar este. De momento, todo perfecto, es muy sencillo de manejar y se sincroniza muy bien (con android). Va muy fluido y la pantalla se ve muy bien.
Trs belle montre pour le prix, les heures de coucher sont pas fiables me marque coucher vers les 20h alors que c’est vers les 23h l’heure de rveil est correct.
La montre en elle mme est trs bien. Mais le bracelet se dchire dj…. prvoyez en un plus solide. (largeur 20 mm). un mode d’affichage plus “classique” aurait aussi t souhait, mais bon… 🙂
montre superbe attention de tous de mme a la batterie du tlphone qui se dcharge plus rapidement en mode notification sinon j’ai mis une seule toile sur certaine fonctionnalit car je ne les utilises pas
I got this watch to track my steps and such. It works pretty well for that.
The Blood Oxygen meter i check at the doctors office using their meter as well and it was spot on.
The Heart Beat monitor was spot on as well.
The Blood Pressure meter is garbage. It was telling me that my pressure was 190 over 99 when it was really 120 over 80 on my doctors BP cuff .. My doctor told me that NO WATCH will ever give you your blood pressure. So please do not get this watch for that reason.
I like that the watch will remind you to get up and stretch your legs if you sit too long.
You can even set it up to give you reminders to drink a glass of water throughout the day.
It has a bunch of exercise modes as well for walking, running, biking and such..
The sleep monitor i don’t think works that great. If you are watching a movie or reading or something where you are not moving that much the watch thinks you are sleeping ..
You will need the app installed on your smart phone if you want to use some of the other features like the weather and messaging and such. It uses blutooth to send that info to your watch.
Over all its a nice smart watch for the price.
Est bien. Lo compre por las buenas reseas. Es funcional. Los pasos no los mide bien, yo uso otro podmetro mas profesional y este reloj mide aproximadamente un 50% ms de pasos de los que realmente se dan.
Es til y funcional, por ese precio no se puede pedir mas. Lo que ms me gusta es que se pueden vincular las notificaciones de las apps con el mvil. Yo tengo un iPhone 8 y funciona bien.
I’ve tried too many smartwatch variations and brands (varying levels of quality in build, and app/software function)… And, had to return most of my previous purchases due to major issues that wouldn’t work for me.
This watch is the first one that I’ve decided to settle on. Reliable app, and most importantly sync with Google fit and syncs my activity in the background flawlessly… Most other brands that use apps other than Da Fit or Glory Fit, it seems do not have option to sync with google fit, which is a big miss for those others.
This particular watch actually delivered on expectations and is a worthy budget substitute to Apple or Samsung watches, which no doubt are nicer but priced very differently