Smart Watch, Dbasne Fitness Tracker 1.69″ Touch Screen Fitness Watch with Heart Rate Sleep Monitor, 8 Sports Modes IP68 Waterproof Smartwatch for Men Women Sleep Sport Activity Tracker for iOS Android

Dimensions: | 4.45 x 3.7 x 1.05 cm; 40 Grams |
Model: | TS29B1 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Dbasne |
For the price this is a brilliant lightweight smart watch. The face and messages are easy to read, and twice I was asked was it an Apple watch…. that’ll do for me
La nica pega es que no dura nada la batera
Got this as a present for my husband. He is over the moon with it. The app and set up was straight forward and the watch does all the things a apple watch does. He was chuffed with the fact he could have his own photo screen saver .
I like that it’s pretty precis regardin Blood pressure and o2 saturation and pulse but not regarding sleep…
Produto bastante bsico, algumas dificuldades para interaco mas depois ate facil. Relao qualidade/preos esta dentro do aceitavel. em portugus, o que valoriza o produto
Really pleased with this product. Great service and a good price. Would definitely recommend this watch.
Para k marcar mis pasos y mis caloras y no funciona bien no se puede controla
No kidding, I’m impressed with this smartwatch. It does everything and more.
La montre a t reue en temps et en heure. La connection a t rapide. Elle se montre maniable et efficace dans la gestion des applications et de qualit ( voir avec le temps).
Diffrents crans sont possibles, langue en franais.
Je viens de la recevoir mais la montre parat solide et polyvalente.
Je conseille sans pb.
Limited compared to my top of range TAG connect watch, but I did pay a small fortune for that. However I bought this for work and find it quite accurate and worth every penny. Good watch for the money, only real downside is battery life, needs regular charging.
As good as some more expensive smart watches out there.
Tiene muchsimas funciones, destacar la funcin de recibir mensajes del whatsapp en la pantalla, as como poder medir los tiempos y frecuencias en cada entrenamiento.
La caja es pequea, incluso cabra en el bolsillo del pantaln o chaqueta, lleva cargador.
Sin duda, recomiendo este reloj para todos los pblicos que necesiten algo as que en relacin calidad precio cubra tantas necesidades.
La montre et bien ,mais il manque quelques chose, mettre nos propres photos en fond d ecran ,il en existe d autres modles ou on peu le faire.
Par contre la mise en service pas terrible, il faut changer le tbs29 par tbs29 b
Et c est pas crit sur le mode d emploi, d d’ailleurs il y en a pas de mode d emploi ,on se dbrouille seul .
Partendo dal fatto che non l’orologio della marca pi famosa, questo orologio fa il suo lavoro egregiamente.
Corrisponde alla descrizione e supera le aspettative.
1)facile da collegare e da usare
2)mostra notifiche (utile in caso si ricevano molte notifiche cos uno tiene in mano il cell solo quando arriva una notifica importante) e in caso di corsa o bici
3)le diverse misurazioni che fa sembrano affidabili
4)attraverso l’applicazione si pu impostare di fare misurazione ogni tot cos da avere un grafico completo a fine giornata con l’andamento della corrispondente misura
5)l’interfaccia dell’orologio si pu cambiare e ce ne sono altri che possono essere scaricati, inoltre si pu mettere un’immagine personalizzata.
6)il tracciamento del sonno molto utile
7)la batteria la batteria la batteria dura per giorni, una garanzia, cio se si deve uscire con la batteria che non carichissima, non si ha paura perch non finir mai.
1)il foglio illustrativo contiene le info basilari, cio per collegarlo all’app e altra piccole cose avrei preferito vedere altre istruzioni per in generale molto facile da usare quindi non affatto un problema perch ad imparare tutto quello che fa non ci si mette tanto molto intuitivo
2)l’app si pu migliorare per contenere pi funzionalit, interfaccia migliore e per salvare pi dati
3)l’orologio ha il potenziale per essere uno tra i migliori quindi secondo me si pu migliorare ulteriormente
Io l’ho collegato all’app su iphone 7, si collega subitissimo, non c’ nessun problema nel collegamento (appena si accende il bluetooth si collega subito, ci puoi contare, ovviamente questo dopo il primo pairing) o nel vedere le notifiche (se non negli emoji che a quanto pare non ottimizzato per visualizzarli) tante altre volte lo uso senza collegarlo come orologio o misuratore di pressione, conta passi, ecc e va alla grande.
Lo consiglio!
Uno tra i miei acquisti preferiti.
Te controla la presin arterial y latidos corazn, te avisa cuando beber, ejercitarse y controla ejercicio al aire libre, y la calidad del sueo, todo al parecer muy correcto, la pega que parece tener es la escasa precisin de la prueba de oxgeno en sangre… En resumen bueno, bonito y barato. Ah! Y se puede colocar diferentes relojes de todo tipo, nmeros y datos grandes, pequeos, agujas, etc.
elle est plutt pas mal, elle tient bien au niveau batterie, je garde que les SMS(n’oubliez pas de mettre le bluetooth sinon a ne marche pas) pour les autres messages a marche plutt bien !!!
SEUL BEMOL , il serait bien bien qu’une Mise A Jour soit faite afin d’viter que la montre compte des pas alors que l’on ne marche pas !!! je viens vlo au travail et elle me compte 4 kms alors que je ne marche que 500 m. Elle compte mme les pas dans le canap; ma montre prcdente ne comptait pas ces pas l !!!
VRAIMENT DOMMAGE sur ce point L !!!!!!!!!!!!
only had it a day but arrived on time easy to set up looks good so fa
Akku muss nach drei Tagen geladen werden nicht so gu
Kann sich mit teuren SmartWatch vergleichen und sieht nicht schlecht aus
Ideal for work a lot cheaper then most on the market, ideal for me
Would buy agai
It has a sleep monitor, Alarm, Pedometer, Heart rate and BP monitor. You can use IOS or Android with this watch.The screen is really bright and has a long battery life. This watch is quite smart and water proof. So, Overall I highly recommend it. It’s worth the price.
This watch has a 8 sport modes. Additionally, It has a Heart rate, Blood pressure, Weather, SP02 test, Remote and player Shutter, and remind to drink option. It can measure heart rate, BP and oxygen level correctly. This watch is a low-cost smart watch and really efficient. Highly recommend it!
Bought this out of the blue after reading reviews forever!!! GLAD I DID!! Whilst testing it’s features, showed I had very high blood pressure! Tested with a proper cuff, and it was right! Already been to the doctor and on medication and going for full service and human MOT! Haven’t felt bad, so no reason to check my blood pressure, this could be a LIFESAVER for me! Very pleased with everything, from looks to features, fit, battery life! Obviously, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
This is good if your going to use it just has a watch, but that’s about it,, the step counter is about 4 steps out, out of 50 my wife is a callout home nurse so has all the blood pressure and heart gadgets to hand
On doing a test on both identical watches we purchased we found the readings weren’t that accurate on the blood pressure, so if your buying this for blood pressure purposes (don’t bother) it will give you false readings,,, on wife’s blood pressure equipment on me I was showing 121/63 on the watch it was showing 167/82
Heart rate was giving all different readings depending on how tight you had the strap on your wrist but found it quite accurate if you sit and relax for a few minutes first and have your arm perfectly still
Battery is around 3 / 4 Days
Ich habe mir diese Smartwatch zur Puls und O2 berwachung angeschafft und um sportliche Aktivitten unter Kontrolle zu halten und das macht der Dbasne- Tracker tadellos, auer Uhrzeit angeben!.
Ach ja, es gibt noch weitere Spielereien/ Funktionen fr das Geld, die aber fr mich nebenschlich sind.
Mein Urteil : Viele – und gute Funktionen fr wenig Geld! Wer mehr Schnickschnack will muss halt zu den berteuerten Dingern greifen Kaufempfehlung von mir!
What a excellent watch for the money, this was my third attempt at getting one of these watches, tried several other makes this one is by far the bes
This low-cost smart watch is surprisingly good. It can pretty much do all the things that a Fitbit can do and it is very accurate. It can measure my heart rate, oxygen level, blood pressure, etc and there is an exercise mode to measure the activity levels during exercise. I borrowed my girlfriend’s Fitbit to compare those values between these two watches and the results are pretty much the same. One minor complaint though, is that the font is extremely ugly and it is like the font you see on a paper receipt.
I’ve had this smart watch for about 2 weeks now and I’m very impressed. The battery life is amazing and the features are very good. I bought it mainly to keep track of my fitness and I can confirm that it’s been very helpful. The fact that it’s water resistance is a plus point as I take it in the shower and it’s all good. Only thing I was a bit disappointed about is the charging cable as it’s not your usual micro USB or C type cable. It’s magnetic and not something I’ve seen or used before and am not really sure how easily it is to purchase more if needed.
Orologio perfetto per chiunque.
Che tu sia uno sportivo oppure che tu voglia semplicemente leggere i messaggi e vedere chi ti chiama questo orologio va benissimo.
Ha impostati diversi tipi di allenamento e ti monitora anche la pressione, l’ossigenazione del sangue e anche il battito cardiaco.
La batteria dura minimo 3 giorni tenendolo sempre al polso.
Di notte inoltre ti monitora il sonno e ti dice se hai dormito bene.
Well packed. Good looking not expensive watch. Can’t tell a lot about how accurate it is . But in about ten hour driving in my car watch counted more than 800 steps.
The watch had a amazing interface exactly like a apple watch. It allowed me to check messages and answer phone calls. For the price i bought it for I would say it is worth it especially the battery. The battery lives for almost 3 days at full charge which I find amazing
It’s a great watch and does exactly what’s advertised. Can edit watch faces easily and tracks bpm, steps, calories, messages, phone calls and much more.
I use to carry my phone to calculate my steps and heart rate but now I can see it much better as at work can’t keep your phone with you all the time good stuff
This smart watch is the best. It does every thing I need, step, calories and heart rate. It is fabulous. Easy to use and set up also comfortable to wear and the screen is visible in any connection.
I have been using a Garmin Forerunner 235 for about 5 years + and its been a terrible experience. Constant issues with the product locking or not syncing with the phone. So I wanted to get something that was easy to use and didn’t cost the earth. So I picked this. Its super easy to sync with the phone. The watch itself tells me all the things I want to know like heartbeat, steps, the time and Date + I can control my music and camera etc. All the things that you expect. My only criticism is that its not fully waterproof for swimming (Only splash and light submersion) but that’s my fault for not reading the description. Its a wonderful watch and easy to use for a great price. Is it as good as an Apple watch .. No .. but its 1/10th of the price (Less actually) Anyone who wants to track steps and fitness get this watch. The battery lasted me 6 days of mild to heavy use. I love it. Garmin is going in the draw.
Smartwatch semplice ma completo, molte pi funzioni di quanto uno si aspetti rispetto alla fascia prezzo, da design moderno e minimale sta bene un po’ con tutto.
Personalmente l’utilizzo principale che ne faccio per vedere le notifiche di chiamate e messaggi, oltre ad essere un valido aiuto per lo sport con timer, cardiofrequenzimetro e contapassi.
Ottima la durata della batteria che dura tranquillamente pi di un giorno, nonostante io abbia l’abitudine di metterlo in carica la sera potrebbe andare avanti ancora parecchio.
Ha molte funzioni extra che devo ancora imparare ad approfondire, inoltre si interfaccia bene con l’app proprietaria e Google Fit, inoltre ha anche un minimo di personalizzazione della skin.
Un buon modello per chi non vuole spendere troppo e avere comunque un buon numero di funzioni, valido per le misurazioni mediche e le notifiche.
Comprato per iniziare a monitorare gli allenamenti, lo smartwatch si presenta con un ottimo design moderno e sportivo, perfetto per chi come me vuole usarlo principalmente per l’attivit fisica. Ci sono numerose funzioni da fitness tracker come il contapassi, il contacalorie e il cardiofrequenzimentro, che sono sicuramente le 3 funzioni che uso maggiormente quando mi alleno. Sono anche presenti funzioni per sport specifici che devo ancora testare, ma che sembrano molto precise. Ottimo acquisto!
I bought this for my brother’s birthday, and he likes it very much, easy to use easy to touch and easy to connect to my brother’s phone, and very accurate, this Smart Watch, a Fitness Tracker 1.69″ Touch Screen Fitness Watch with Heart Rate Sleep Monitor, with 8 Sports Modes IP68 Waterproof Smartwatch for Men and Women, Sleep Sport Activity Tracker for iOS Android, im happy of my purchase, value for money
Excellent watch to use while running, Cheap & cheerful yet has all the features of more expensive brands. Battery life is much longer than I expected. Overall very impressed so fa
I bought this fitness tracker as I wanted to get back into my fitness and be able to track my progress to help motivate myself. I am happy to say that this tracks my progress well and accurately. Along with this the battery life of the watch is very good which allows me to go throughout my day without having to worry about charging it. Also the the screen quality is to a high level. Overall very happy with this.
I was seeking a Smart Watch which could monitor my fitness regime and decided to go for this Fitness Tracker. I’m pleasently surprised at its build quality. Its touchscreen offers smooth scrolling for the various facilities it provides. This watch has a app you download which worked perfectly with my iPhone and which helps to control it.
The watch has a number of useful function including heart rate, blood pressure and even a sleep monitor. Additionally, it monitors blood oxygen levels as well as calories and step counter. The battery life is really good and for me goes through days before requiring a charge, and it does need charged it comes with a handy charging pod which is handy to carry and easy to use.
All in all I’m glad I opted for this Smart Watch.
Scrivo questa recensione dopo diversi giorni di utilizzo dell’orologio. Dopo 8gg di utilizzo la batteria non ha bisogno ancora di essere ricaricata, quindi direi non male .
L’installazione semplice….basta scaricare la sua APP e attivare il bluetooth nessuna altra azione richiesta. Dopo l’installazione il software aggiorna immediatamente il dispositivo. APP ricca di funzionalit. Suono delle sveglie nitido e forte. Nulla da ridire.
Tiene muchas funciones, adems es impermeable, yo lo uso en la piscina y es lo que ms me gusta ya que no me lo quito para nada. En la foto se ve como monitoriza la frecuencia cardaca, te mide el consumo de las caloras consumidas en el ejercicio y llegan todas las notificaciones de WhatsApp y del Gmail. Tambin puedes usarlo para activar la cmara del telfono, as que los selfies salen genial. Ha sido una gran compra.
Preso per usarlo come contapassi, timer e ovviamente vedere l’ora, le notifiche a chiamate e messaggi sono stata una cosa gradita, perch affidabili e leggibili.
Sembra abbastanza resistente, lo uso a diretto contatto con la ghisa quindi il rischio di graffiare lo schermo alto, per questo la scelta caduta su un modello economico.
che dire, poche cose ma le fa bene, anche google fit integrato e non ha il minimo problema di connessione.
La batteria non il massimo, meno di 3 giorni con notifiche e vibrazione attive, diciamo nella media per la categoria.
Sicuramente per il suo prezzo consigliato!
I did not expect the battery life is really long. Nice product. The photos show 5days the battery still have 40%
Great smart watch for monitoring your sleep, steps and calories burnt etc. Battery life is pretty good and charges fairly fast and it’s compatible with both iPhone and android phones, good all rounder for a good price
Testato anche durante l’attivit fisica con gli appositi programmi: conta calorie, numero di passi e frequenzimetro, tutto funziona egregiamente.
La durata della batteria si attesta intorno ai 4 giorni di utilizzo intenso.
Configurazione rapida mediante l’app Da Fit scaricabile attraverso QR Code che si trova all’interno del manuale o direttamente dal Play Store.
Possibilit di modificare/scaricare vari quadranti che si possono impostare, tra cui anche quello analogico con o senza datario.
Nella confezione troviamo:
– Smart watch bello il design pratico leggero e funzionale;
– Cavo magnetico di ricarica;
– Manuale istruzioni anche in italiano;
Ottimo il rapporto qualit/prezzo.
Il design e’ il punto forte di questo orologio. Molto bello e sottile e anche elegante. Contiene molte funzionalita’ tra cui le piu’ famose come controllo del battito, controllo del sonno ecc. Molto gradite sono il controllo della pressione del sangue e l’ossigenazione nel sangue. Ovviamente per 40 euro non aspettatevi una precisione enorme.Molto apprezzata l’impermeabilit Consiglio per chi vuole un bel orologio che cmq fa il suo.
l’ho comprato senza molte aspettative e invece mi sto trovando sorprendentemente bene, molto comodo facile da usare e collegare al telefono, parecchio intuitivo, per come lo uso io non gli manca praticamente nulla, la cosa pi comoda poter leggere le notifiche e controllare la musica non il volume per e ai messaggi non si pu rispondere ma li puoi solo leggere ma personalmente non lo trovo un problema… super consigliato!
Value , good battery life. I been having a bit of a heart issue. So decided to get a “smart” watch to. I discovered a lot more useful function that I love. Text notification is exceptionally useful for me. And I like you take pictures from afar.
A watch came originally packed. It was very easy to connect it with my phone via app(QR code included in user manual). Once it’s done watch updated its software automatically. Many wallpapers to choose. Comfortable on hand as it’s very light weight. Screen is sharp looking. I don’t need now my phone to control music. I can do it easily on this smart watch. Also my favourite steps counting and many else. Very good quality so it’s worth the money.
First smart watch that ive owned, does the job havent taken it off since only to charge which is like maybe once a week ? Tracks my steps, has a timer, measures my heart rate, overall pretty great. OH best feature has an alarm which will buzz your arm off till you wake up which is actually great!
The battery lasted over a week with regular use. It was really easy to set up and connect with the phone app. I am quite happy with the information layout and graphics. I was able to change the background screen which was bit possible with my older watch.
Looks premium and better than its pictures. The strap could have been a bit softer but I am still OK with it.
Orologio elegante dal cinturino morbido molto comodo. Dispone di varie funzioni per misurare tutti i valori che possono servire a uno sportivo. Batteria molto lunga. Bella la possibilit di ricevere i messaggi di testo e le notifiche direttamente sull’orologio. Ho apprezzato molto anche la funzione scatto a distanza per farmi dei selfie con il cavalletto senza dover mettere il timer ma toccando semplicemente lo schermo.
Smartwatch veramente di alto livello, avevo necessita di cambiare il mio vecchio e ho preso questo senza troppe aspettative (lo uso pi che altro per l’orario) ma ha stra superato le mie aspettative
Ha mille funzioni, la lettura dei passi funziona molto bene ed molto bello al polso
Per il resto non d problemi sotto l’acqua (il mio vecchio impazziva quando l’acqua arrivava sopra e durante la doccia ero costretto a levarmelo) quindi posso tenerlo addosso sempre
Brilliant product, works just as it says easy to use and set up. I am a gym lover and this is a excellent bit of kit to monitor your progress ie heart rate distance in steps. Good battery life and very light.
Es un reloj pulsera muy bueno de acabado fino, funciona perfectamente al tacto y se ha vinculado sin ningn problema a mi telfono mvil. La pantalla es muy buena y tiene colores excelentes una compra muy buena sin duda alguna. Tiene varias opciones para monitorizar la Salud y el deporte y recordatorios para hidratarte y para las mujeres un seguimiento de los meses de regla con muy buen ritmo.
Pero’ vorrei soffermarmi un attimo sulle skin, ovvero, tramite l’applicazione potete cambiare sostanzialmente la skin dell’orologio e impostarne di diversi tipi, vi lascio lo screenshot nelle immagini di alcune skin impostabili (e’ lo screenshot dove c’e’ scritto Watch Face).
In questo modo sara’ come avere un orologio nuovo tutte le volte che volete, anche se io sinceramente mi sono innamorato subito di quella basa che ho reimpostato dopo qualche test.
Per il momento direi che e’ un ottimo prodotto e anche con una buonissima durata della batteria, per la configurazione dovete aggiungere sul vostro telefono il dispositivo: TS29B
L’app su android e’ Da Fit produttore CRREPA. (ve lo scrivo perche’ dal mio telefono con l’app del qr code non ci arrivavo ma ho risolto scaricandola direttamente)
Se vi serve uno smartphone questo e’ davvero valito. Nel caso poi aggiornero’ la recensione.
This smart watch surprised me with a lot of functions and the readings are very accurate compared with other devices. Heart rate,blood pressure monitoring, oxygen level,physical activity trackers ,camera function and so on. It’s long lasting battery and I only charge it after few days. Overall,good value for money.
I got this smart watch for my training and I can guarantee that is the best smart watch ever.
I give 5 star because it works perfectly the battery lasts a very long time and it’s so beautiful. Worth it 100%
Pagato poco e comunque davvero un bellissimi orologio. Esteticamente sembra un orologio di marche pi famose, e al polso comodo e leggero. Ha tutte le funzioni ormai base per uno smartwatch e in pi, con mia sorpresa, anche il misuratore della saturazione dell’ossigeno e quello della pressione. Il contapassi preciso ed possibile regolare la lunghezza del passo, funzione di solito riservata a smartwatch molto pi costosi. In definitiva, stra-consigliato.
I think the best thing about this watch is the battery time. I have used it for 2 days in one full charge and it still has 25% battery left. Overall it’s a nice watch
I received the product and it works very well, it has
no defects and it is contemporary.
The battery works amazing and the way to answer
calls and read messages from the watch is right this
is a great produc
I have used this watch it is very good I wasn’t expecting this quality with great battery life . Quality wise it’s impressive with such low price . I wasn’t expecting this product at this price we can track our health statistics it is good for fitness journey
This could be genuine apple..
It’s smart and savy. Got it to track my steps at work and so far seems accurate..
Not having to charge constantly so a bonus.
Happy overall with price and quality
Battery is quite good , easy to connect . features r Nice
Heart rate , blood pressure oxygen level , steps count , Sleep tracker and many different modes for fitness tracking
U can see ur massages , social media notifications on ur watch does’nt need to check the phone. Its very
Comfortable to wear . Easy to connect with th phone
Nice smart watch with good price
This is the most efficient smart watch so far I’ve had. The interface is very easy to read and work with. It gives you weather, low battery warning among other features that are more usual for sport watchers.
It’s not too difficult to use and set up.
But my favourite feature is replaceable bracelet, which is very handy to match with different outfits.
Will definitely recommend.
I’ve purchased a dew smart watches for my husband now that have lasted only 5 minutes, usually a problem with charging but this one is just spot on!
Hubby is very happy with it….. He did have a fit bit at one point which he says this one is as good, if not better yet at a reasonable price compared!
Tge quality is very good and it’s very easy to use, just don’t forget to download the app first.
It connected via Bluetooth to my phone on first attempt.
Hubby has had no issues with this watch, it works exactly as Tge description describes.
Can reccomend.
Smartwatch veramente utile.
Arriva sigillato con una scatola molto piacevole.
Funzioni utili, conta passi, misurazione pressione, ossigeno e battiti cardiaci. Ho fatto la comparazione con la strumentazione singola ed effettivamente i valori sono uguali.
Prodotto ben fatto e personalizzabile. Si pu scaricare applicazione e gestire anche da cellulare le varie opzioni.
Consigliato ad un prezzo accessibile a tutti.
Consiglio vivamente per chi cerca uno smartwatch
It s a great watch I really like it very useful and easy to set up.
I love this product!!!! It’s so good the battery life is excellent! The packaging was safe and easy to open as well. I 100% recommended you buy this product. The steps are so accurate and the smart watch is so easy to set up and great for all ages!
Impressed by the quality of the display, able to upload pictures as well as many watch faces.
Long lasting battery, unit last very long and luminosity is quite effective to, with many levels.
Has lots of features, when to drink, steps heart rate, still finding more as go along.quite easy to set up. Useful for my partner who needs to keep heart rate tracked and steps. Battery seems to go down quite quickly though.
Ho acquistato questo smartwatch, pur avendo qualche dubbio, visto che la media dei prezzi di quelli che ho visto pi o meno di marca parecchio elevata.
Invece sono rimasta stupito, facile da utilizzare, al momento si sta comportando bene, ci sono diversi schermi da cambiare, arrivano le notifiche, ho provato il cardiofrequenzimetro, l’ossigenazione, la pressione, direi molto attendibile……oggi prover la parte di esercizi.
With the price its a very good value watch screen size is good waterproof can be taken into the pool battery life so far good but obviously you get what you pay fo
This is a gift for my dad. He really likes it and it’s really convenient with heart rate, blood oxygen level and blood pressure measurer. The app for controlling the watch is also very easy to use.
This product is really good for measuring your heart rate,steps,blood pressure, and much more.
The product is really reliable and has good battery power for up to 3/4 days without recharge.
Any alerts which come through my iPhone phone gives me notifications on my smart watch which really handy.
I would recommend this product to anyone that wants a smart watch.
This is very comfortable smart watch. Screen size is good. Multiple sport functions and also health functions like HR and BP. I like its waterproof quality as well, because I do running out side and sometimes its raining, so cool stuff. It has so many functions, you do not miss anything. It is full package. I am still working through. Overall, nice watch to wear, I love the soft strap, it feels comfortable.
Display ben fatto, grande abbastanza ma diventare un padellone.
Le diverse funzionalit come la misurazione della pressione ed il valore di assegnazione sono ormai un must have.
Ottima l’applicazione con cui si pu personalizzare praticamente la qualunque , dallo sfondo , alle notifiche fino all’allarme di sedentariet.
amazing for the price, works well, and seems to be accurate. battery life is long and has some amazing features!
you can link up your phone to view all notifications on the watch and control music.
Very happy with this watch. I bought it as a present for my sister and she is more than thrilled. It looks very decent on the wrist and does all that those expensive watches do for you. Definitely, I would recommend this!
In fact functionaly possibly better than my 250 fossil.
Let me explain.. I recently had a bit of a health scare. So finding out that not only does the watch measure my heart rate. But also does blood pressure and Blood oxygen also.
So I think my expensive fancy fossil. Which is nice I have to admit.. It going to be put to one side as this thing is great.
Even has a few different watch faces.
Would recommend both as a tool and to be fair looks good too. Would say like a I watch but personally I think it’s better.
Great price. Great features nicely presented fora Gift also.
I really like this watch. I am always on the go. It is very useful counts my steps while i am working. Works well with my phone . I like all the features. Soft and comfortable fit. Been wearing it for my gym session.
Amazing features and perfect watch for health. It’s battry timing is so excellent as well as we can put our photo as wallpaper. Looks so cool. Screen resolution is also nice.
i am surprised by this watch, it’s wonderful! modern, very practical and gorgeous
So many functions as important cell phone notifications, step counter, breathing and more.
I really loved it!!!
I buy this Watch for my brother he love him . He can connect the Watch to iPhone is easy to use for him .
This watch has many good features
Such has heart rate/ blood pressure/ sleep monitor
Blood oxygen as well as on the normal features such as calories/step/ exercises
It has a long battery life and the charging pod is great. Downloading the app and using all the features was very simple to do
Good buy for my son. Looks good on hand and features are good enough and sufficient for kid. Hopefully it works well. All over decent price watch
I bought this for my nephew he is very happy with this .it’s very good to keep eye on daily routine and work out.easy to use and install and gave right results. Very good quality as well .
From being able to customise your wallpaper to monitoring your heart rate and setting your daily goals for workouts. This watch is the full package, these are affordable and durable. This watch will be the best gift you can gift to someone! It even has an app which you can connect it to your phone. Highly recommend you buy.
This is an amazing watch with full of features and functions. This watch looks exactly like the picture and its amazing quality.
I like all the app as it is easy to use.. The charge lasts for more hours and it’s worth the money. I am very satisfied with this purchase.
I’ve ordered plenty of watches in the last, this one is my favourite by far. It has so many unique features that you will use every day and the actual watch looks classy on. It’s high quality and looks sleek. The step count is the most accurate I’ve come across. Definitely recommend.
I really like this watch, you can change the display to other options. battery life is good and blood pressure readings are accurate as I’ve compared it with my other monitor
It offers contactless rechargeable, just sit the watch on the charge and an hour later you are good to go.
i was looking for smart watch for a while its cheap and perfect. i can note heart rate while in exercise . count my calories and most important i can use for many other things without touching my phone
For this price its like free . Will definitely recommend to other buyers..
Is it worth the money? If I am honest since the demand for these kind of watches is very high the prices must go down and so therefore the price of this is VERY CHEAP in comparison to HIGH QUALITY of this product. It has all the basic media essentials you need.
Without hesitation, this a great gift product for a teenager or so. Thank you