WIMAXIT 14inch Portable Touch Screen Monitor,External Second Screen Dual Full Featured Type C and Mini HDMI Port With Foldable Kickstand Compatible with Laptop,PC,PS4 Xbox Seleted Android Phone

Weight: | 585 g |
Dimensions: | 32 x 19.2 x 1.15 cm; 585 Grams |
Brand: | WIMAXIT |
Model: | M1410CT |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | WIMAXIT |
This monitor is great for boosting productivity. I always find myself limited to working with just one screen and this was a big drawback when using my monitor. However, with this I am able to have a second display and it fits right in the backpack with my laptop. It has a built in stand that works both in landscape or portrait mode. With a native resolution of 1920×1080 it can also be used for consuming media and for any other FHD content. Low response time is something that it is lacking, at 15ms, I would not recommend this for any serious gaming in which every millisecond counts. If PD (power delivery) is available on the device that you connect to it, this will be enough to power the unit without needing to use the supplied power supply. What made this an incredible value was that it also has touch screen capabilities.
If you are looking for something small and light that can be used with a single USB-C cable, fit in the bag with your laptop for ultimate portability, then this is a great buy.
Hope this helps!
I just got back from my first trip using this, and really enjoyed it once I figured it out. It’s quite annoying that there’s absolutely no documentation or instructions with the device, so you have to figure out by trial an error that the stand hides important bits, and that you have to have power to use the touchscreen. Having figured that out, though, this little guy is perfect for traveling, light weight, no need to charge, and will happily power itself off usb c while in use. Recommend.
Finally found a reasonably sized, portable, touchscreen monitor that works with my Microsoft Surface Pro 4. It’s so lightweight without feeling cheap and works as advertised!
I needed one adapter to get this to work with my Surface Pro 4: mini display port to HDMI adapter.
In order for the touchscreen feature to work the USB-C had to be connected to my laptop along with the HDMI. Otherwise you just have a standard non-touchscreen monitor with just the HDMI alone. If you’re using the HDMI alone (no touchscreen) then the USB-C has to be plugged to the wall for power.
If you have the USB C connected to the laptop then the monitor doesn’t have to be plugged in to the wall for power. You can use the included USB-C to standard USB cord to connect the monitor to the laptop (I believe that included cord is meant to be the power cord used with an included wall plug).
With all these wires going between the monitor and the laptop I feel a bit like Neo plugged in to the Matrix. But worth it to finally have an extra monitor!
Oh, with all the wires plugged in to the monitor you can’t close the kickstand, the kickstand blocks the ports when closed. But the kickstand does rotate all the way up so you can still kinda lay the monitor flat.
I acquired this monitor to use as a primary monitor for my Raspberry Pi 400 (keyboard with embedded Raspberry Pi 4). It works very well. I’ve attached a picture of the Pi 400 playing a Youtube video, with audio through the monitor’s speakers. The video quality is excellent; the audio is what you’d expect from the tiny speakers that have to fit inside the monitor’s form factor. The monitor’s controls worked as expected. I was able to turn the audio up and down and to select between two possible video inputs.
The monitor has one mini HDMI input and two bidirectional type C USB ports. One of the USB-C ports is used for supplying power (in my case using the provided wall wart) to the monitor (minimum 2 amps, which some devices may not be able to supply; thus the wall wart as a backup). The remaining USB-C port can be used to send touch information on the monitor back to the driving machine, or anything else you can do with a USB-C port. I didn’t test the touch capability with the Pi 400.
The kickstand is nice. It swivels though 180 degrees and is hinged about 25% of the way up the back. This arrangement allows for a nearly vertical setup, and when rotated on over and the monitor flipped, a nearly horizontal orientation, with all positions in between possible. That’s very handy if it’s easy on your device to indicate you’ve turned the display upside down.
The monitor came with a USB-C to USB-C cable, an HDMI to mini HDMI cable (the monitor’s input is mini), and a two amp wall wart. There was supposed to be a USB-A to USB-C cable in the box but I didn’t receive one. Fortunately I had some on hand. You need it to connect the wall wart to the monitor.
This Pi / monitor package is fairly portable. And given the Pi 400’s are only $100 it makes a nice under $250 portable computer that can play videos, surf the Web and entertain the kids.
One nit, which I knew when I ordered the monitor: there’s no protective cover. If you plan to carry the monitor around you’re gong to have to find a way to protect it. Since it was clear when ordering there was no cover offered I’m not taking any stars off.
The owner’s manual is much better than average. It’s readable, well organized and it covers what you need to know.
This is a 4-1/2 star review because of the missing USB cable. I’m rounding up to 5.
Review is for WIMAXIT 14inch Portable Touch Screen Monitor
I have several of these type portable monitors, but this one is the smallest of the bunch.
NOTE – there is NO MANUAL in the box. Because I have several, I knew how to work the menu in this monitor, but this should not be the case. Include a manual next time.
Getting that out of the way….this thing is pretty good, for what it is…lightweight, very portable monitor. The included kick stand attached to the monitor is a win. This thing is super lightweight!
There is NO power button, just connect it up to a power source and it will turn on.
Connected my Samsung phone to it and Samsung Dex started right up, so did the monitor, without having to connect to external power. Full touchscreen. Didn’t have to fiddle with a thing. I was also able to increase brightness to full using the wonky menu system via the side control of the monitor. What a pain. Super tiny toggle button, and a enter button above that. Not so great, so I am taking off one star for no manual and hard to get to and operate menu system.
Picture quality is good, but not fantastic. This is a 1920×1080 monitor, no 4K here. My Samsung phone output full HD to the monitor and videos look good.
Included cables are USB-C to USB-C, Full HDMI to mini HDMI, ultra small power brick with USB to USB-C cable for power. If your source, like phone or laptop has enough power, you won’t need an external source to power the monitor. I connected up a Nintendo Switch, but while I got a picture for a second, it was not powerful enough to run the monitor, so had to use external power. You can connect either USB-C port to power and or video input. They both work.
matte finish. I wish it had a glass front, but that would have added to the weight and cost.
As it is, this is a good price for a very lightweight, portable monitor. Touchscreen. You will get touchscreen working if your device uses it. Samsung Dex works with touchscreen without doing a thing.
Connected up two ways to a Surface Pro 8. One with the included mini-HDMI to full HDMI cable to a USB-C hub connected to the Surface. Works fine, but no touchscreen as expected. You will need external power when using the mini HDMI port on this monitor, connected to either USB-C ports. Picture was nice and crisp on this monitor. Then used the included USB-C to USB-C cable and connected directly to the Surface 8 Pro, worked as expected, no external power needed and touchscreen worked right away. Picture is quite good. Price is good for what you are getting. This thing is really, super lightweight.
Although it says the touchscreen functions don’t work with a MacBook, it worked reasonably fine with my Macbook Air. The cursor was a bit off, but it worked fantastically for scrolling and moving windows. No issues on my Android tablet
The one annoyance about this screen is that the metal stand hides the ports. You must use the kickstand to use the screen. That limits the placement of the screen as well as mounting it. It includes most of the cables you’ll need, which is a nice touch. I wish for a fold-over screen protector as well, but I just saved the bag it came in.
It’s a great monitor for small money.
Very good is that you don’t need a power plug, if you’re using it via usb-c (720p). For full HD you’ll need HDMI and power.
The brightness of the monitor is good and it’s very easy to install – plug in – done!
I really love the weight and thickness. It fits easily in my laptop case and makes it a great device for traveling. I’m using it with the new MacBook Pro 14″. With the variable stand it makes it very comfortable to work, for example if you’re using an editing software like Premiere pro.
It comes with usb-c, hdmi and power cable.
Wicked screen for portable work. Got it for a trip working away from home and it is great. Perfect for expanding my workspace on Adobe CC.
1080p – bright and functional. Added benefit of having pass-through charging so can charge my macbook through it and minimise ports being used on my Mac.
Would recommend adjust settings for brighter screen and stronger colours. Kickstand is styrdt and monitor is well built.
HDM to mini HDMI
Geliefert wird der Monitor mit einem Netzteil, einem USB A auf USB C Kabel zur Spannungsversorgung, einem HDMI auf Mini HDMI Kabel und einem USB C auf USB C Kabel.
Der Monitor kann durch einen Aufklappstnder aufgestellt werden, dieser muss auch wenigstens weggeklappt werden, da sich dahinter die Anschlsse befinden.
Das verbinden mit meinem Laptop funktionierte direkt und ohne Probleme. Dabei bentigt man auch nicht zwingend das Netzteil, die Verbindung zu ber USB C ist hier ausreichend.
Der Touchscreen lsst sich dabei angenehm bedienen und ich musste dafr nichts weiter konfigurieren.
Eine ltere Version von Wimaxit, welche ich auch besitze, verfgte noch nicht ber den Touchscreen, aber auch neben dieser Vernderung kann man Verbesserungen feststellen.
Den Preis finde ich fr das Produkt angemessen.
The WIMAXIT 14inch Portable Touch Screen Monitor arrives well packaged and some accompanying appropriate cables for setup. I plugged the screen monitor into both a Windows Dell laptop and a Apple Mac. The extended screen facility works. I was not able to use the touch functionality but did not persist further, touch option might be available. I have used the touch screen on a Switch and this works well. I did attempt to try to set up on a iPad but was unable to proceed further as I could not set up. Looking up technical details and connections might offer a solution for iPad connectivity if there is one available I am not sure. The supplied cables are of relative good quality and worked as I used them. The screen is quite flat and easy to store in a think laptop type bag. The actual screen itself I thought was quite good in the colour and sharpness provided. The sound is much as I expected and appropriate to this type of small screen. As I used this, it worked well for me. Happy in how I used this and will use this in future both at home and as a work companion. It used the functionality this offers and will make use of this going forward.
HP ENVY x360 13
Exljzdp 15.6 HD 1920×1080 HDR IPS 178 USB Type-C/Mini HDMI FreeSync PS4/XBOX/Switch/PC/Mac (15.6 )
USB Type-Cx2
USB Type-AType-C
USB Type-CType-C
Runpower 87W USB-CUSB-C-USB-C
miniHDMIHP ENVY x360 13
USB Type-CType-CGeneric Billboard Debice
UPDD Universal Installer Setup
USB Type-CType-C
HP ENVY x360 13
* Doesn’t come with a manual of sorts and had to request one from the seller
– Light and thin monitor as it doesn’t have any battery or any other extra features that increases its weight, it’s just an external monitor
– Has a built in stand that is strong and robust but isn’t hard to adjust
– Stand has the ability to turn 180 degrees and snaps close on the other end to allow the ports to be exposed fully
– Has 3 ports, 2 USB-C and 1 mini HDMI that’s all hidden underneath the stand
– This monitor is touchscreen though if doesn’t feel as responsive as a phone’s screen
– Would be amazing to have a feature within the settings to rotate the screen’s orientation
– Location of the scroll wheel and the selector button makes it very hard to use them since it is placed quite deep and far away from the edge of the bezel
– Audio output is quite close to the monitor which limits what kind of headphone you can use
– When a phone is plugged in and you plug in a separate powerful whether from a powerbank or a charger, it would also charge the phone which is pretty cool
Der tragbare Monitore von Wimaxit ist gut verarbeitet und nachdem ich ihn mit meinem Windows Mini PC verbunden habe, sofort einsatzbereit. Laut Herstellerangabe wird hier die Eye Care Technologie verwendet und ich finde, das merkt man, denn der Bildschirm ist fr die Augen ziemlich angenehm. Die Bildqualitt ist klasse und der HDR Modus sorgt fr ein klares Bild und satte Farben. Auch die Tonqualitt ist ber die zwei eingebauten Lautsprecher berraschend gut und mit dem Stnder lsst er sich so aufstellen, wie man es bentigt.
Um die Kompatibilitt mit anderen Betriebssystemen zu testen, habe ich den Monitor an mein Android Smartphone und auch an die Switch angeschlossen. Mit allen Systemen lief er reibungslos. Der Touchscreen ist natrlich klasse, denn so bentigt man im Zweifelsfall weder eine Maus noch eine Tastatur und die bertragung luft problemlos (so wie es sein soll).
Fr mich ist dieser kompakte, augenschonende und leichte Monitor wunderbar geeignet. Ich kann damit berall arbeiten und ihn auch gut als zweiten Monitor verwenden.
Ich habe mir das Display bestellt und ehrlich gesagt nicht besonders viel erwartet. Aber ich wurde absolut positiv berrascht.
Das Display sieht wirklich gut aus, hochwertig, dnner Rand und ein tolles Bild. Natrlich kein 4K, aber absolut ausreichend fr alles, selbst fr Filme.
Ich habe testweise ein Samsung Galaxy S8 angeschlossen per mitgeliefertem USB-C, es wurde direkt erkannt und Samsung Dex (?) gestartet. Mega geil, man konnte mehrere Apps gleichzeitig ffnen und laufen lassen. Auch kann ich mir das ganze gut als Streamdeck vorstellen.
Der Touchscreen reagiert ohne Probleme, es macht wirklich Spa. Ich denke ich werde ein Fire TV Stick anschlieen und das ganze als kleine Multimediazentrale laufen lassen.
Wollte das Display eigentlich fr einen Case Mod in meinem LianLi Dynamic Mini nutzen, doch soweit sollte es erst garnicht kommen. Bereits beim Auspacken musste ich feststellen dass starke gebrauchsspuren wie Kratzer, Reste von Kleber auf dem Monitor waren. ber der eigentlichen Displayflche war auf KEINE Folie geklebt die das Display i.d.R. whrend des Transportes in der Verpackung vor Kratzern oder anderen ueren Einwirkungen schtzen soll. All das bekrftigt meine Vermutung dass ich hier keine Neuware erhalten habe.
Dennoch habe ich den Monitor vorerst angeschlossen um zu testen ob dieser denn funktioniert.
Leider kam auch hier die Ernchterung: Obwohl das beigelegte Netzteil und USB Kabel zur Stromversorgung genutzt wurde, flackerte der Monitor alle 7 – 10 Sekunden einmal auf. Dieses Problem trat bei allen getesteten Ausgabequellen (Grafikkartte vom PC, Smartphone, Notebook) auf.
Fazit: Ich habe diuesen Monitor retourniert und mir ein anderes, preislich hheres Modell von Wimaxit gekauft welches problemlos funktioniert.
Update 09.06.2022:
Der Verkufer war sehr engagiert und ist nach meiner Rezension auf mich zugekommen und hat mir einen neuen Monitor angeboten. Dieser funtkioniert mit allen Gerten problemlos. Ich erhhe auf 4 Sterne.
Da ich nicht so viel Platz auf meinem Arbeitstisch habe, hat sich dieser Monitor angeboten.
Folgende Eigenschaften hat das Produkt:
das Produkt hat mehrere Mglichkeiten an ein Endgert angeschlossen zu werden: Entweder ber USB-C oder ber (mini) HDMI, ein Anschluss von mehreren Gerten gleichzeitig ist auch mglich, allerdings muss man dann natrlich umswitchen
neben dem Bild wird auch der Ton bertragen, sodass die Tonausgabe auch ber den Monitor stattfindet. Der Sound ist sehr gut. Wem das nicht reicht, kann ber den Kopfhrerausgang Kopfhrer oder Boxen anschlieen
die Bildqualitt ist durch das IPS Display klar und schn. Ich kann keinen Unterschied zu meinem Notebook feststellen. Die Auflsung ist sehr gut.
Man kann den Bildschirm sowohl in Spiegelfuktion oder Erweiterungsfunktion nutzen
der an dem Gert befestigte Fu ist ausklabbar und das Gert steht dadurch in einem guten Winkel auf dem Tisch.
Ganz interessant und auch eigentlich klar: die Touch Funktion funktioniert nur beim Anschluss ber USB-C nicht ber HDMI.
Fazit: Der Monitor ist eine klasse Ergnzung, wenn man keinen groen Arbeitsbereich hat und seinen Monitor erweitern mchte. Gut htte ich mir eine VESA Bohrungen vorstellen knnen, um den Monitor ggf. ber oder neben den Hauptmonitor zu hngen, aber das ist Meckern auf hohem Niveau. Daher gebe ich dem Monitor insgesamt 5 Sterne.
14″ Foldable Portable display. Came well packaged in the box with good padding. In the box you get the monitor with all the cables needed such as hdmi .. type C type C power cable . Easy to set up straight out the box. Display settings are crisp and smooth . A really nice product for any desktop set up . The Foldable Kickstand holds well and feels solid when in position.
The is a card inside with contact details for any support if needed. A very nice product. Looks very smart and does a very good job .
No tenia tele en mi habitacin y buscaba algo que me fuera verstil; utilizarlo como tele y como segundo monitor con mi ordenador de torre. Compr esta pantalla y estoy contento. Le conecto una TDT y me hace de televisor con resolucin fullHD. Ya tiene soporte de estos reclinables y lo hace muy cmodo de llevar. Tambin lo utilizo para poner la linea de tiempo de mi programa de edicin y as tener ms espacio en mi pantalla principal. La calidad del color y el brillo est bien, no es espectacular pero cumple perfectamente para lo que lo quiero.
Super Qualitt
Matter entspiegelter Bildschirm
Sehr robust
Gute Farbqualitt
Mini Hdmi Kabel auf HDMI dabei
Viele Anschlussmglichkeiten
Geringer Stromverbrauch (12 Watt)
Es gibt bisher nichts zu meckern
Fazit : Ich bin begeistert! Ich hatte vorher keinerlei Erfahrung mit einem Tragbaren Bildschirm. Aber dieser hier hat mich auf Anhieb berzeugen knnen. Die Verbindung klappt ausgezeichnet. Ob mit dem Handy oder z. B. Meiner Nintendo Switch. Selbst der Sound von dem Bildschirm kann sich absolut sehen bzw. Hren lassen. Man kann den Bildschirm sogar via Powerbank betreiben und gleichzeitig das Handy laden. Der Touchscreen ist sehr gut.
Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung!
Danke das sie sich meine Rezension durchgelesen haben. Ich hoffe ich konnte ihnen weiterhelfen.
Das Display habe ich zum Test an meinem Laptop via HDMI angeschlossen und es wurde sofort erkannt. Es funktionierte auch problemlos und konnte sofort als zweiter Monitor verwendet werden. Hier ist also alles perfekt.
Als nchstes habe ich es an mein Samsung Smartphone angeschlossen. Hier habe ich nur das USB-C Kabel verwendet und der Bildschirm startete. Mein Handy hat erkannt, dass es sich um ein Bildschirm handelt und sofort Samsung Dex gestartet. Somit hatte ich einen vollwertigen PC mit Touchscreen vor mir stehen.
Die Verarbeitung ist einfach klasse. Der ganze Rahmen ist schn klein gehalten und macht dennoch einen stabilen Eindruck. Mich strt persnlich etwas die Anordnung der Anschlsse. Man muss zwingend den Fu ausklappen um das Display anzuschlieen. Es wre schner gewesen, wenn die Anschlsse wo anders wren um das Display auch z.B. flach vor sich hin zu legen.
Ich gebe dennoch die vollen 5 Sterne denn so einfach und schnell wie das Display aufgebaut und einsatzbereit ist, ist es einfach perfekt.
Die Auflsung vom Gert ist normales FullHD also 1920x1080p bei 14Zoll ist das dennoch ein scharfes, schnes Bild und somit vollkommen ausreichend. Gerade fr mich als Samsung Nutzer ist der Bildschirm super. Aber auch um z.B. einen Raspberry Pi zu betreiben oder einfach nur an einem Server schnell mal ein Bildsignal zu haben um etwas zu prfen ist es einfach klasse. Ich finde hier bis auf die Anschlsse nichts zu meckern. Die meisten Personen werden das Display nicht auf den Tisch legen und somit stren die Anschlsse nicht.
This is great for both work and pleasure; I’ve used it for a presentation during a work meeting with my laptop, and mainly use it with my phone at home, as my eyesight is worsening and this really helps me read texts and navigate apps.
One thing I didn’t like was the lack of detailed instructions – although it is easy & straightforward to figure out. Trust me that if someone as clueless as me can set this up, then I think anyone can.
A nice monitor that is portable and light, easy to set up. Has various wires which give you ability to set up with laptop or Nintendo switch.
Unfortunately my box didn’t come sealed so the instructions were missing from the product (fell out maybe in transit or in the warehouse?) and I have NO idea how to change any of the settings like volume, brightness etc. There’s a button pull switch on the side that gives one access to everything but I find it tricky to use as it doesn’t explain what to do or which way to press so I’m scared to do anything with that button That I won’t know how to go back and fix later.
Item description says “touch screen” but mine doesn’t seem to be? It doesn’t respond to any kind of touch whatsoever? Item wire seems a bit iffy – I can use the product as long as that wire is not touched in any way whatsoever, the slightest shifting of that wire switches the thing right off – I’m probably just one of the unlucky ones who got a faulty wire, but it can be irritating if you’re using it for a laptop in bed (which I do in the evenings) and you might need to move the laptop table, etc.
Works very well for Nintendo switch, colours are vibrant and picture is nice, lovely bright colours, sound clear and not too tinny. Makes it a delight to play in whatever room I’m in without needing the tv or squinting at the small screen.
Simple set up, item comes in a keyboard sized box (like the size of a box you’d expect a keyboard in), not too many wires. Screen stand is adjustable and the full length of the screen so it’s very sturdy and not prone to toppling. Would be really good for taking on caravan holidays Or cottage holidays or something if you want to take a Nintendo switch for gaming, as it travels flat.
All in all very good value, it’s just unfortunate mine doesn’t have instruction booklet and the wire can be a little temperamental.
Let’s get the good sorted first – this is such a flexible piece of kit, I love it. Laptop, Mac Mini, P30, it’s worked seamlessly for the job I have asked of it. The kickstand is sturdy enough and just works. The screen size is great at 14 in as well.
At one point I had my P30 running its extended desktop, which I never knew it had! Suddenly I had a touchscreen (that went OK, with a few glitches) desktop version which I couldn’t quite believe. I used it as a secondary screen on the laptop, and my primary screen on my Mac Mini to take advantage of it’s little portable nature.
So, it turned a phone into a desktop, turned my Mac into ALMOST a laptop-like thing, dual-screened my laptop, and of course, you can use it as a tablet when plugged into your phone as well (if compatible).
The other thing that amazed me was I had it plugged in, and it started charging my phone through the input. NO idea how or if that’s right, but having pass-through charging was not expected!
Based on that – it flies to 5 stars. But it isn’t without faults – and some are a bit ridiculous.
The bezel around the screen whilst working to hide a bit of the leads also creates 2 irritating elements –
1- Trying to use the menu scroll and selector becomes a nightmare. It’s not easy to get your fingers around that to access the menu and therefore picture settings.
2 – Headphone/Audio output – it’s too close to the bezel, there’s not much room at all, it’s only for very small inputs – think a mobile phone headset.
Picture Quality:
The picture quality is very reasonable, it could perhaps be a bit better – although HD videos do look lovely on it in fairness.
So a couple of niggles, on an otherwise VERY handy piece of hardware. Turn your phone into a tablet, or even a desktop if it allows, extra screen, etc.
Is it worth 179.99 – now that’s a question I can’t answer for sure, I recall looking into these portable monitors before and finding them quite expensive. If it’s what you need, it’s worth it, because it is such a flexible little device!
Definitely five stars from me. Great little product!
I hope you found this review helpful.
I got this 14inch monitor to connect to my android phone, I was not certain if it would work, so when I got it I was a bit nervous, I used the C port to connect to my phone and it connected instantly, there was nothing that I had to do and the picture quality was superb, it also touch control.
I was very pleased, basically, all the features on my phone are replicated on this monitor, so you have a larger monitor, for videos and other films, books and photos, this is perfect, if only it was Bluetooth, but otherwise, it is great. I tried to connect this to my laptop, Dell, but it did not connect, I am sure you can but it probably needs a driver or some other part, so if you want to connect to a laptop you may not be successful.
Otherwise, as a second monitor for an android phone, this is perfect, it is lightweight, has folding legs and various plugin options, such as HDMI and really can be carried out as it weighs very little, it is a shame they did not give you a nice case, as the price to buy this monitor is not cheap, I think it is a bit overpriced, but the quality is there, so one star off and a four star product.
This panel is light but feels well made with the kickstand being quite stiff so it doesn’t flop. Out the box, I found the display a bit colourless and dull, but using the setting I changes to sRGB colour gamut which boosted the colours. I didn’t notice any stuck pixels on the screen.
Usage and setup is pretty much self-explanatory, just as well as there were no instruction in the box! It’s just as well you can set-and-forget as the jog-wheel to select options on the OSD is tiny and fiddly to use.
The device is very light so is OK to travel with; this display could be seen by clients while you run the PowerPoint on a laptop for example.
Sound isn’t great, being very limited in bass. Most laptops sound better.
What features you get does depend on the source. On an iPad 4 it was basically screen mirroring. With an HP Elitebook connected by USB-C, I got the extended display in Windows and the touch panel features too. USB-C connection is preferred as that also powers the panel, however there’s the option to connect using mini-HDMI for video and USB-C for power. All cables and a power-plug are in the box
All in all, for 180 I was impressed by the quality and features of this panel.