Very sturdy bike, excellent quality. The stabilisers seem to have quite a bit of give between them so is more tricky for the child to start with but when they get going after a few weeks it doesn’t restrict them.
Overall, really pleased to buy something that feels like it’ll last a long time not the cost engineered, cheap quality stuff that you seem to get these days.
This was bought for our 3 year old son and I have to say we are thoroughly impressed with it. Delivery was as good and as stated with tracking so we were reassured it would arrive before Christmas. The bike came in truth >90% assembled. Written assembly instructions were not brilliant but there is a very easy to follow video on YouTube, and assembly is easy. When built bike feels very sturdy. I have seen some complaints about the weight of the bike, I personally find this quite reassuring and certainly it has not caused our son any issues in riding or manoeuvring the bike. He is very happy with the bike and the only problem now is keeping up with him !!
Fairly easy to assemble and very robust from first impressions. Training wheels are solid and there’s no movement in them so my little one feels safe that the bike isn’t going to tip over.
Looks fantastic excellent buy . Can’t wait for Xmas to give to our grandchild . Sturdy good quality, easy to assemble. Looks stunning so very impressed. And to top it it came way before Expected delivery date.
Very sturdy bike, excellent quality. The stabilisers seem to have quite a bit of give between them so is more tricky for the child to start with but when they get going after a few weeks it doesn’t restrict them.
Overall, really pleased to buy something that feels like it’ll last a long time not the cost engineered, cheap quality stuff that you seem to get these days.
Everything was ok!! I recommend this shop and delivery team
This was bought for our 3 year old son and I have to say we are thoroughly impressed with it. Delivery was as good and as stated with tracking so we were reassured it would arrive before Christmas. The bike came in truth >90% assembled. Written assembly instructions were not brilliant but there is a very easy to follow video on YouTube, and assembly is easy. When built bike feels very sturdy. I have seen some complaints about the weight of the bike, I personally find this quite reassuring and certainly it has not caused our son any issues in riding or manoeuvring the bike. He is very happy with the bike and the only problem now is keeping up with him !!
Fairly easy to assemble and very robust from first impressions. Training wheels are solid and there’s no movement in them so my little one feels safe that the bike isn’t going to tip over.
Looks fantastic excellent buy . Can’t wait for Xmas to give to our grandchild . Sturdy good quality, easy to assemble. Looks stunning so very impressed. And to top it it came way before Expected delivery date.
Ordered bike for a main birthday present and was amazed by the quality and price. It is perfect for trips to the park and is a much loved prese
Royal baby bike is looking good and is very easy and fast when putting them together not like other in the market
Royal baby well done