Arteza Real Brush Pens, 96 Colours for Watercolour Painting

Arteza Real Brush Pens, 96 Colours for Watercolour Painting with Flexible Nylon Brush Tips, Paint Markers for Colouring, Calligraphy and Drawing with Water Brush + Organizer Case with 108 Slots

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Weight: | 1.84 kg |
Dimensions: | 28.91 x 27.99 x 10.9 cm; 1.84 Kilograms |
Brand: | ARTEZA |
Model: | ARTZ-8340 |
Colour: | 96 colors |
Dimensions: | 28.91 x 27.99 x 10.9 cm; 1.84 Kilograms |
Excellent color and feel and the look great on paper when water coloring, however I ordered these specifically for each individual brush pen to be labeled with its individual color so that I could differentiate to use them.
As a color blind artist, it is not effective to have jumbled up colors with none of them labeled, but the company is looking to bring back individual colors per pen. 5 stars when they do so.
Fun product with a large number of colors good for beginners and advanced artists alike. The case is a great case works well and great storage.
These watercolor pens are great for anyone from the beginner to the more experienced artist. I love the carrying case that keeps everything organized and color-coded so it’s easy to grab the pen that you need. The colors are vibrant and the brush tip makes the pens easy to work with and gives you a more traditional painted watercolor look. Overall a great value set.
I had looked at reviews on youtube and they were right, amazing. Great for details!
However, the case does not stand well, the base is curved. Also, the hook-n-look on one side was incorrectly sown in place. I had to rip it off and sew it in the proper place. Other than that, the case is actually nice. It goes on sale, if the retail price is too high, just wait bit.
I highly recommend good watercolor paper. You’ll think any watercolor paint is terrible with bad paper.
This works amazing for my croquis. It blends but does not smudge the original lines. It’s would also be great for adding details to images.
I like the pens but getting great results in not always easy, they require a bit of practice if you have not used them before. After practice you can often be pleased with results but I do feel that as they dry quickly this can some times be a disadvantage but I think experimenting with different papers may help alleviate this problem
I love these! However, be sure to inventory the markers. I got the 96 colors with the case. One color I have two of, and three colors that are missing from what is on the 96 color pallet.
The case is amazing, sturdy, and opens like a book after undoing all the velcro sides.
As far as the colors I’m missing, I’m hoping customer service is responsive.
I’m by no means an artist call me a novice who likes to dabble in art. These pens are lovely and come in a compact carry case. Great for an experienced artist and beginners, I’m just discovering the joys of using these pens. Definitely recommend and none of the pens were dried out but full of vibration and muted ink.
High quality colours, very affordable, easy to use and very sturdy.
I’m a beginner artist but thanks to this wonderful product I feel so professional already
P.S. I noticed I had two pens of the same colour, so I contacted them for the missing colour and I was willing to send back the duplicate. They replied immediately and were so kind enough to send an entire new set! Thank you and God bless you more Arteza
I’ve used these since they first launched Amazing quality and produce the best art. Now in a decent sturdy case at long last.
Thank you Arteza the case is durable and so user friendly.
The pens are great – I had a small issue which was sorted out promptly and way above my expectations . I was pleasantly surprised .
No hassle or issue – dealt with efficiently and professionally .
I bought three of these, two were gifts and one for myself. They are perfect for adults coloring books!
Got it for my son for Christmas, he absolutely love it. Beauty made in practical bag, which he can carry anywhere he wants. Highly recommend i
Les feutres sont parfait la pointe pinceau est vraiment facile d’utilisation, le pinceau recervoir inclus dans la malette est lui aussi en forme de pinceau .
J’avais dj des feutres aquarelle d’une autre marque et je voulais essayer ceux de chez arteza, et je ne regrette pas, les couleurs sont trs belle et suffisamment pigmentes.
J’apprcie beaucoup cette marque que ce soit pour le papier,le matriel artistique… peinture,crayons etc
Je ne regrette jamais mes achats
I love the colors. But some of these pens were on the dry side…just not as smooth as I had hoped.
I bought these as an alternative to my favorite Kuretake Zog Clean Color real brush pens. I am blown away my the value you get, the marker case alone was worth the purchase.
Very interesting color selection. This set has mostly vibrant bright colors, and not so many neutrals, making it perfect to compliment my Zigs. There’s an awesome range of blues and greens included.
Most markers were very juicy, with the exception of one. I contacted customer service, and they were kind enough to immediately send out the marker that I needed at no charge to me. That is what will make me continue buying from this brand.
Quality art supplies at a reasonable price. Excellent color selection for brights. Superior customer service.
Thanks, Arteza!
Beautiful set, array of colors, usability of pens. Adds flexibility in creating watercolor art.
FYI: These are brush markers not like Tombows. Can’t compre them to tombows since they are in different categories.
Con: Quite a few markers came like the brown marker that I included. Some had the ink pooling on the bottom of the cap so when I opened it, it came down the pen and on my hands.
Have to go slow so the ink disperses evenly.
Pros: quite pigmented.
-came exactly as description.
Overall I wouldn’t necessarily buy them again. I would try another brand with a brush style to compare.
These are wonderful pens with very vivid colors. Some of them have a few hairs sticking out, but it’s easily remedied with a good pair of scissors! I love the storage bag! This way the pens are not all over the place and can be neatly stored. Other brand brush pens fit too, like Jane Davenport brush pens! I bought another, empty Arteza bag to store them. It really helps to keep my painting supply brushes & thinner marker pens organized! The slots are too small for thicker markers or pens…! I’m very happy with the brush pens & the storage bag & will buy the pens separately to refill the bag!
Love these. The brushes hold up and keep their shape. The colors are beautiful.
Bought these for my son. He’s almost 20 and loves art. He is really enjoying these. Took him a lil bit to figure them out but he always wanted to do watercolors and this made it easier and less messy. I highly recommend!! And the case it comes in is also great!! He loves it all!!
Great water colour brush pens. this is the second set of these I have bought.
I enjoy using brush pens for ease in my use as a beginner because it makes it fun while I learn.
Excellent quality! My daughter was an art major and loves the pens, and really adores the case they came in. Super nice quality and everything has its place. Great way to keep them organized and easy to get to. She’s done several projects with them so far. A little bit of a learning curve with them, but she loves them so far.
Bought these for my husband for Christmas and he loved them, he’s gone through the whole kit and sorted the colours out on paper so as not to waste what the colours looked like ON PAPER if that makes sense. It was worth the wai
Ampia variet di colori e buona resa. La penna brush inclusa comoda da usare e morbida rispetto ad altre che ho usato. Le setole sono morbide e facili da lavorare. La borsa molto comoda da usare. Comprer sicuramente altri prodotti Arteza che mi ha colpito per le recensioni positive. Sono prodotti di medio alto livello adatti sia a professionisti sia a neofiti come me.
I treated myself to the set of 96 Arteza brush pens and was not disappointed. Quality is excellent, all pens work, no dried or split ends and all blended well with the water brush when making swatch cards, which is all I’ve have time for so far. When doing the swatches, I identified I had one duplicate & one missing pen but Arteza’s customer services responded and fixed this same day. Excellent. One happy customer!
Ho comperato questo articolo per la mia ragazza che da sempre ha una certa vena artistica. Per mancanza di tempo e volont di non sporcare troppo in giro aveva messo da parte questo hobby. Con questo pratico regalo si rimessa a disegnare nei ritagli di tempo e devo dire che rifiorita questa sua passione. Consiglio a chi ha un po’ di manualit in campo artistico e vuole provare un’esperienza diversa. Ottimo sotto il punto di vista dei materiali dei singoli colori e della valigetta che li contiene, molto pratica per il trasporto. Il prezzo vale il prodotto.
It’s a good set just you need to buy there special paper if you want to blend and draw out better colo
Mixed media artist using just about all Arteza brand products. Thanks.
They are beautiful. Tried all the colours and I recommend these paint pens…
Dies Set ist perfekt, alle Stifte sind wunderbar in der Tasche verstaut, sind auch fr ltere Knstler sehr bequem zu entnehmen und wieder einzustecken. Die Qualitt der Stifte ist exzellent. Die Tasche ist gut verarbeitet und auch fr unterwegs sehr bequem mitzufhren.
I love the way these worked just like real water colour brushes. They don’t bleed through the page!
Loved the carrying case. Color variety is excellent. Pens are long lasting and well made.
Great set of water color pens. I am very happy with the pens and the case is a bonus.
On my the case! This brand is just amazing! My daughter loves them! This is her second set, she also has the hard tip pens! We love them and all the colors are beautiful
Muy buen estuche..todo bien guardado.
Pintan muy bien y muchos colores…lo recomiendo sin dudarlo
If you (like myself) have received a duplicate color. please go to the arteza site and talk to customer service. They fixed a missing color in my kit and did it super fast. This kit was worth every penny
Immediately when they arrived, I checked every pen from other reviews stating the requirements weren’t met. Only 3 of mine had split bristles, they worked fine only needed to be mindful. I love the design and handling. Its a bummer only one type of water brush is included. But overall, an excellent set of watercolour brushes.
J’adore les couleurs et la facilit d’utilisation, parfait pour aquarelliste dbutante comme moi, plus facile de mlanger les couleurs. Les possibilits son infinie! Le seul bmol, la qualit des brosses n’est pas gale, quelques uns perdent des poils (fils) et d’autre sont plus secs. Mais j’adore quand mme mon nouvel ensemble ! Combin avec les marqueurs fins inkonik on peut faire des miracles de dbutants
Regalati a mia sorella che frequenta la seconda media. Ottimi e professionali. La custodia comoda e molto carina, essenziale per poter tenere tutto in ordine e a portata di mano, visto il numero considerevole di pennarelli!
I loved that it was easy to use but not when you are writing.
I previously bought the 48 pack of these watercolor pens. I had so much fun with them that I decided I “needed” the 96 pack.
I’m so glad I took the leap, there are so many colors! I’m not a pro at them yet but they’re still a lot of fun. The case is definitely worth the extra $10…and it is SUPER nice, and high quality that really impressed me.
I did have an issue and contacted Customer Service, and it was handled promptly and pleasantly. Very impressed with this company.
Very nice product, the pens behave very merry ch like brushes. The bristle is soft just like in the real brush.
Puedes usarlos tal cual y conseguir un color auper vibrante o bien por ejemplo pintar sobre mojado (incluyen un pincel recargable de agua) y conseguir los colores ms suaves.
Puedes mezclar unos colores con otros. Recomiendo que busquis tutoriales in youtube, hay varios y ensean trucos.
Yo estoy encantada con ellos, aon super divertidos Y la gama de colores es enorme!! Pudiendo conseguir con cada uno distintos tonos segn cuanto lo mezcles con agua
This was a present for my granddaughter who was thrilled to bits with it.
A gift for my partner, she is new to painting and sketching and she loves it. Good value for a novice bundle. V .
These pens are really fun to use and have a good variety and value for the cost.
J’ai offert cette mallette mon filleul, dessinateur averti, pour ses 10 ans. Elle est magnifique ! Il tait aux anges.
Love how easy they are to use. Great range of colors. Customer service at Arteza is great. I had 2 bad brushes and they replaced them quickly. I have ordered many Arteza products and they never disappoint me with their ease of use and value.
As for the pen, they definitely take a bit of time to get used to.
The tip is very soft and flexible and is capable of fine details. The color range is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and they blend perfectly.
I had difficulty getting that nice watercolor effect on certain types of paper but with trial and error I find they work well on smooth multimedia paper.
The travel case is very sturdy and practical, I recommend putting in the extra 20 $ in to get it, especially if you plan to carry the pens around.
Overall I am very satisfied with my purchase and would recommend these. They would make a superb gift for any artist.
I am starting to learn how to use the product, I will need a few more months to make a good review.
Ich hatte zuvor eine kleinere Packung einer anderen Marke ausprobiert und die Pinselstifte wurden schnell zu meinen Lieblingsstiften. Leider gab es von dieser Marke keine greren Sortimente, somit entschied ich mich fr dieses Produkt. In der Tasche sind die Stifte super und bersichtlich aufgehoben. Kein Stift war eingetrocknet.
Leider gibt es aber dennoch ein paar kleinere Markel, einige Stifte sind etwas ausgefranzt, dies hlt sich jedoch noch im Rahmen, allerdings scheinen in den Borsten einzelne weniger flexible Pinselhaare verarbeitet zu sein, welche sich dann beim Malen nicht so gut kontrollieren lassen wie der Rest des Pinsels. Auch gab es einige lose und/oder zu lange Pinselhaare, dies kann man dann herausziehen oder vorsichtig abschneiden. Was mich persnlich aber am meisten strt ist, dass die Farben gerne durchbluten und vom Papier regelrecht aufgesaugt werden, dies verhlt sich von Farbe zu Farbe unterschiedlich. Bei diesem Umstand ist dann an ein nachtrgliches Vermalen mit Wasser nicht zu denken. Mglicherweise liegt dies am Papier, habe jedoch sowohl unterschiedliche Papierstrken, sowie von normalen Druckerpapier bis zu Aquarellpapier einiges ausprobiert, leider Fehlanzeige. Fr mich nicht ganz so schlimm, da ich die Stifte hauptschlich zum Ausmalen nutze, hier ist das Durchbluten das grere Problem und man sollte nur einseitig bedruckte Ausmalbgen verwenden und immer ein dickes Blatt Papier darunter legen.
Wenn man wei, worauf man achten muss, ist es aber dennoch ein toller Satz Pinselstifte.
I like these. They are easy to use. I only had one that came with a loose cap that comes off occasionally. I use them for adult coloring and for my bullet journal.
Great color range would be great in open stock. I would use with cheaper watercolor paper(not cotton) that has a smoother surface as the pigment didn’t move well on cotton paper!
Present for my nine year old “mad about art” granddaughter. She absolutely loves it.
hese were a gift for the boss and she says they are easy to use and the range of colours are wonderful
These watercolor paint brushes are marvelous!! I used a few of them today to paint some tulips and I fell in love. Yes, they are that good. Try them and see if you do not fall in love again!
Il problema che il liquido all’interno scorre troppo veloce, sono di precisione e questo fa di un pennarello una cosa molto importante.
The colors are nice and they blend well. The case is great for traveling. My only complaint with the markers is that the brush tip is too long which makes it really difficult to control. Also, sometimes a haiir will come out at the tip of the brush.
A couple was them were dry so a bit disappointed about tha
Great gift for my granddaughter who is studying costume design at university.
My wife loves these and is already having fun using them for her art projects. Well worth the money and they are so versatile.
The pens are so wonderful to use. It is a shame two were missing! Only 94 in the set which is disappointing.
Bought these as a Christmas present for my daughter so haven’t been used yet but pack looks very good. Will update once she tries them
I love this set of brushes. I have only just started to use these type of water colour brushes as I normally use coloured pencils. I love the effects that you can produce. I do have a very good set of traditional water colour paints but these brushes are so much easier to use. My only big criticism is that I wish the set came with a colour chart showing each colour Instead of being able to enjoy using the set immediately I am to have to spend time making my own colour chart. It is good ( and essential ) that each brush pen has its shade name and number written on it but the print is so tiny that it is quite hard to find each colour quickly. However I do agree with others that the case is a great bonus to this se
They are very nicely pigmented, the colour moves with water so well, and they blend beautifully. I have a small porcelain well I use for mixing, blending and diluting the watercolours when needed.
I found they work well on watercolour paper but also in my “Beauty Lives in Nature” journaling book which has a little bit heavier paper in it than say ordinary colouring book pages.
The only thing negative I could say is that some of the brush tips have an odd fibre that is longer than others, which while it’s nice for long skinny areas, it makes it a wee bit tricky to control its placement.
he colors are A LOT DARKER then they appear on the cap of the pe