Banana GT Balance Bike – Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3,
Banana GT Balance Bike – Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year old Boys and Girls – No Pedal Bikes for kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat – Aluminium, Air Tires – Training Bike
Weight: | 4.6 Kilograms |
Dimensions: | 58.42 x 33.53 x 16 cm; 3.6 Kilograms |
Brand: | Banana Bike |
Model: | BBGT2 |
Colour: | Red |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Banana Bike |
Age: | Toddler |
Dimensions: | 58.42 x 33.53 x 16 cm; 3.6 Kilograms |
Nothing to dislike good value for money and easy to assemble got it for my grandsons birthday
Bought for our 3yr old granddaughter. Some balance bikes we looked at were flimsy. This one is very sturdy, she speeds around on it all day. Very happy with it.
Bought for our 3yr old granddaughter. Some balance bikes we looked at were flimsy. This one is very sturdy, she speeds around on it all day. Very happy with it.
Bought for our 3yr old granddaughter. Some balance bikes we looked at were flimsy. This one is very sturdy, she speeds around on it all day. Very happy with it.
Bought for my sons 2nd birthday. Great price, well packaged, arrived earlier than expected date and good quality produc
I never had a balance bike when I was a kid (not sure they were even a thing yet back then), but my friend said it worked for his kids, and his kids were riding bikes at 3 years old! So after a bit of research, I got this for my daughter a couple months before she turned 4. I didn’t want to spend too much, since the goal is to have them stop using the balance bike after they learn to balance. But also didn’t want something too cheap, that it would break before my 2nd kid could use it. This one fit the bill. Assembly was easy. After the first few (several?) falls and tantrums, she started to get the hang of it, and within a few inconsistent weeks of learning to balance on this bike, she graduated to pedaling on a real bike without training wheels. I think she learned to ride a bike at a younger age than I did!
Easy to put together, feels sturdy and well built, rubber tyres is a plus – my son loves it!
We had a small part missing and we got it shipped to us within days after contacting customer service, very happy with this purchase.
Easy to put together, feels sturdy and well built, rubber tyres is a plus – my son loves it!
We had a small part missing and we got it shipped to us within days after contacting customer service, very happy with this purchase.
This is actually my second time purchasing this same bike. The initial purchase was for my own son about a year ago, and the current one for my nephew. Both bikes are going strong and I have absolutely no complaints. If anything I noticed that on the current version they have changed the handle bar design to a much more adjustable set up so I am seeing only improvements on an already great product.
When compared to the strider 12 (double the price of this) I see absolutely no differences between the two. I personally am very impressed.
Top class piece of kit. My boy’s eyes lit up when he saw it on Christmas Day. Speedy delivery and excellent customer care. The saddle had a slight rip on it. I emailed and without question or hassle they immediately sent out a new one. Thank you so much.
A perfect little bike. Our child is on the shorter side and this was one of the shortest rise bikes I could find. It didn’t disappoint. I love that the handles have ample rubber so when she drops/throws her bike on the ground it doesn’t hurt anything. She also likes being able to change the distance to the handle bars. This is certainly a bike she can grow into. Plus it’s lightweight and easy to carry for those days she decides she wants to walk or be carried half way into her ride. This is the perfect little balance bike at a great price point. You won’t regret this purchase!
My 3 year old loves this bike, it was easy to assemble with the tools included but does need the use of a bike pump.
This was the perfect bike for my sons Xmas, he loves it.
It was really fast abs easy to set up and the quality is perfect so far.
For our grandson who is 2 years 5 months and he loves i
This is a really sturdy and great quality bike. Unlike others it has good features such as a real headset with bearings, not your normal plastic headset, and pneumatic tires which makes it more comfortable for your little one. The saddle is also of a much better quality than others I have seen. It is really easy to build and will stand up to the abuse it will undoubtedly get from a toddler. My boy is 2 and is getting to grips with it just fine. Great purchase.
Solid toddler bike that is half the cost of a Strider.
Xmas present. Look good. Time will tell for the quality
Perfect for my Grandson who had just turned 2, not problem he was whizzing round on i
Perfect for my Grandson who had just turned 2, not problem he was whizzing round on i
Perfect for my Grandson who had just turned 2, not problem he was whizzing round on i
This product is brilliant value and has held up well after 8 months of getting a good hammering.
Was hesitant about this as it’s quite heavy compared to other balance bikes, but that is actually a benefit on rough ground as it provides stability. My son loves riding down hills and through puddles and pot holes. The pneumatic wheels are chunky and again give a stable ride. Don’t even consider getting something with plastic wheels.
The quick release seat is the best feature. Allows you to adjust on the fly (which you will need to do on almost every ride as kids seem to grow overnight)
The only negative is the seat has frayed where it sits against the ground.
Overall great value bike and well designed to give a good ride experience.
This product is brilliant value and has held up well after 8 months of getting a good hammering.
Was hesitant about this as it’s quite heavy compared to other balance bikes, but that is actually a benefit on rough ground as it provides stability. My son loves riding down hills and through puddles and pot holes. The pneumatic wheels are chunky and again give a stable ride. Don’t even consider getting something with plastic wheels.
The quick release seat is the best feature. Allows you to adjust on the fly (which you will need to do on almost every ride as kids seem to grow overnight)
The only negative is the seat has frayed where it sits against the ground.
Overall great value bike and well designed to give a good ride experience.
This product is brilliant value and has held up well after 8 months of getting a good hammering.
Was hesitant about this as it’s quite heavy compared to other balance bikes, but that is actually a benefit on rough ground as it provides stability. My son loves riding down hills and through puddles and pot holes. The pneumatic wheels are chunky and again give a stable ride. Don’t even consider getting something with plastic wheels.
The quick release seat is the best feature. Allows you to adjust on the fly (which you will need to do on almost every ride as kids seem to grow overnight)
The only negative is the seat has frayed where it sits against the ground.
Overall great value bike and well designed to give a good ride experience.
After trying out several different balance bikes in Halfords with our toddler who is approaching 2 years old, we decided the bikes available were too heavy. Not wanting to pay the price of the more lightweight ones such as Strider, we stumbled across the Banana bike, reading the spec, we decided to go for it and we are not disappointed. Hubby built it up to check all parts are there, can’t wait for my son to have it on his birthday. It’s a cool colour, sturdy and lightweight at a small price!
After trying out several different balance bikes in Halfords with our toddler who is approaching 2 years old, we decided the bikes available were too heavy. Not wanting to pay the price of the more lightweight ones such as Strider, we stumbled across the Banana bike, reading the spec, we decided to go for it and we are not disappointed. Hubby built it up to check all parts are there, can’t wait for my son to have it on his birthday. It’s a cool colour, sturdy and lightweight at a small price!
After trying out several different balance bikes in Halfords with our toddler who is approaching 2 years old, we decided the bikes available were too heavy. Not wanting to pay the price of the more lightweight ones such as Strider, we stumbled across the Banana bike, reading the spec, we decided to go for it and we are not disappointed. Hubby built it up to check all parts are there, can’t wait for my son to have it on his birthday. It’s a cool colour, sturdy and lightweight at a small price!
After trying out several different balance bikes in Halfords with our toddler who is approaching 2 years old, we decided the bikes available were too heavy. Not wanting to pay the price of the more lightweight ones such as Strider, we stumbled across the Banana bike, reading the spec, we decided to go for it and we are not disappointed. Hubby built it up to check all parts are there, can’t wait for my son to have it on his birthday. It’s a cool colour, sturdy and lightweight at a small price!
After trying out several different balance bikes in Halfords with our toddler who is approaching 2 years old, we decided the bikes available were too heavy. Not wanting to pay the price of the more lightweight ones such as Strider, we stumbled across the Banana bike, reading the spec, we decided to go for it and we are not disappointed. Hubby built it up to check all parts are there, can’t wait for my son to have it on his birthday. It’s a cool colour, sturdy and lightweight at a small price!
After trying out several different balance bikes in Halfords with our toddler who is approaching 2 years old, we decided the bikes available were too heavy. Not wanting to pay the price of the more lightweight ones such as Strider, we stumbled across the Banana bike, reading the spec, we decided to go for it and we are not disappointed. Hubby built it up to check all parts are there, can’t wait for my son to have it on his birthday. It’s a cool colour, sturdy and lightweight at a small price!
Easy to assemble and a quality bike that should last years. Love the design and colou
This is a great bike easy to put together, the red is a great colou
Light weight, entry level balance bike with some nice features at this price point. I like the pneumatic tires, soft foam seat and smooth handling; however, the are a few minor “issues” that ultimately led me to return it. I put issues in quotations because they are relative to my son and me and they might not be issues to others.
First, my son keeps hitting his ankles against the exposed bolts at the rear axle. I wish these were recessed to allow for more clearance. Next, the handle bar has no limiter to prevent over-steering. I saw a more expensive brand include a small strap on the head unit to rectify this item. Finally, the bike is advertised to fit up to 5 year olds. My son is in the first half of four and only slightly above average in the height department but this seems too small for him. I made sure to measure his inseam and I adjusted the seat to its highest level but he is still in an uncomfortable seating position which makes pushing himself off rather difficult.
All in all, it’s hard to beat this bike when you consider what you get at this price point.
I have 4 little boys so have a lot of experience with balance bikes and this has been one of the very best. Really good quality and very lightweight making it easy for the little ones!
We purchased this bike over a year ago for our 2yr. old’s birthday (now he’s almost 3) – we LOVE this bike. I can’t say enough good things about it. My son used it in our unfinished basement most of the winter months and it was perfect for him to get used to it, once spring rolled around he was a pro on it! I am so impressed with his balance and coordination, he even tries to stand up on it! I love that it has rubber tires – I hate those foam ones – we’ve never had problems with them deflating and I think he gets way better traction. Trust me if you have an adventurous child – get the one with the rubber tires, the seat adjusts easily and has nice groves for your fingers on the underneath side if you need to hold on and help them balance.
Literally the ONLY recommendations I have for this bike are:
#1) It would be nice if there were a little place for the kids to put their feet up when they’re gliding – I’ve seen him try to bring his knees up and rest his feet on something, and there is nothing there. He ends up putting his feet on the bar for the back wheel.
#2) I would love if there were the option to add pedals once he’s more advanced. I love the size of this bike, my son is not tall and finding a bike with pedals that is his size has proven difficult.
#3) I would also like a little kick stand – my kiddo just drops it and the rubber handlebar grips are torn at the ends allowing the metal bar to come through – we try to teach our kids to respect their things (ie- not just dropping toys etc. on the ground) so I’d love if this had a little kick stand.
The bike arrived on time and everything was is place. There was an alen key and a flat cone wrench inside the package. I had zero problems assembling it. My kid is 89cm and with the saddle at the lowest point, the front half of his feet reach the ground.
The front wheel is used. There are small dents and scratches on the rim and the hub. There is some rust on the some spoke heads and there is play on front bearing. I tried to fix the play on the bearing but it was not possible. The rear wheel was ok, no play and no blemishes.
For 75 Euros it’s on ok choice.
I received it today and quite happy with the look.. it’s for my sons and 2nd birthday.. he loved it .. hope it will be as good in the use as well..
I have ordered this on Monday afternoon, got it delivered on Wednesday morning. From Germany to Budapest, Hungary. Should I order this from a domestic webshop, I do not get it delivered this fast. For more or less the same delivery cost (!). The bike itself? Is a superb looking and well designed training (balance) bike for kids. My son (2.5) took it and rode it immediately without any problems. OK, he has already some experience with training bikes and can ride a scooter as well, but still: Ergonomics: 5 stars, Value for money : 5 stars, Easy to assemble: 5 stars. Only one thing that needs to be improved: make sure you have a wrench size 13 at home. The one they gave has no quality and to make sure the wheels are fastened well, you need a good wrench. But that’s all. Value for money, good looking, easy to assemble (10 min max), ergonomic, easy to ride (at least it seems). A good product with a superfast delivery service for a competitive price. Who wants more?
I wanted a good balance bike with air filled tires. This one is great. It’s not listed often in the tests and reviews online but it’s great. No sharp edges, quick adjust for height of the seat, solid and lightweight enough to carry it if the little one prefers to walk.
Only downside if this is important to you: it doesn’t have a steering angle limiter. But i don’t see how this is a big risk for accidents.
This bike is a joy to use, looks great, is super sturdy and light and easy to carry as a parent, which is required sometimes on long walks. It has a long saddle post which makes it ideal as they grow. It is so much fun his older bother who can cycle properly still loves to go on it. It is easy to put together. It is solid and study.
This bike is a joy to use, looks great, is super sturdy and light and easy to carry as a parent, which is required sometimes on long walks. It has a long saddle post which makes it ideal as they grow. It is so much fun his older bother who can cycle properly still loves to go on it. It is easy to put together. It is solid and study.
This bike is a joy to use, looks great, is super sturdy and light and easy to carry as a parent, which is required sometimes on long walks. It has a long saddle post which makes it ideal as they grow. It is so much fun his older bother who can cycle properly still loves to go on it. It is easy to put together. It is solid and study.
Mein Sohn hat es mit 2 Jahren bekommen.
Wir haben uns fr Luftreifen entschieden da wir viele Schotter Wege haben.
Er kam schnell damit zurecht und liebt es sehr. ber Rasen oder Schotter kein Problem.
Allerdings muss man sagen das er fr sein alter schon etwas grer ist als Andere Kinder.
Fr kleine, schmchtige Kinder wrde ich es erst ab 3 empfehlen,
da es doch recht schwer ist im Gegensatz zu anderen Laufrdern.
Zusammenbau ging gut und schnell.
Teile sind robust und gut verarbeitet.
Es muss nicht immer ein teures Puky sein 😉
Perfect starter bike. Our two-year-old was ecstatic to get this for her birthday. She’s of average size and the seat is still a smidge too tall for her. Give it a few weeks and I’m sure it’ll be perfect. We went with this model due to the airfield tires we live in the country and have gravel roads. So far this bike seems like it’ll be great compared to other bikes with hard foam tires. It’s very light she’s able to stand it up without issue. I do understand others reviews about not having the ability to stop the handlebars from turning completely around. The only issue I could see this causing is if they were going downhill and had difficulty controlling the handles. Other than that I don’t know if it would be that big of an issue. Super cute bike, excellent alternative to more expensive brands.
We researched many balance bikes before deciding on this one. In my opinion you can’t beat this bike for the price. There are MANY balance bikes out there and they can get pretty pricey. Our son was 2 and a half when we got this for him and we didn’t want to spend a bunch of money on something that he’s going to outgrow in 1-2 years. The bike is lightweight and easy to handle for him or for me if I have to carry it. Pneumatic tires are a plus because many bikes come with just hard foam. The instructions were easy and it was assembled within 10 minutes. The seat has a simple lock mechanism that is easy to adjust the height in seconds. He has used it for a year now and it’s holding up great. I honestly have nothing bad to say about this bike. I would definitely recommend.
Good little bike. Easier I think for two people to put it together as it was only me but it just takes a while. My 3 year old loves it and I have to run to keep up with him.
It’s a really nice bike.
A bit heavy for a two And a half year old but after a few times trying he got the hang out of it.
Great bike, my grandson is 3 , good first bike, once he has learnt to balance , then on to his
First bike with wheels
Awesome… Forget the support wheels on a standard bike to teach and use this one instead. Easy to assemble but u need a pump to inflate the tires.
Bike arrived in box, for simple assembly. Instructions, tools and parts all easy to see. Put together in 10 mins, riding in 15mins!
Fantastic wee bike. The wee man loves it and if it came in big man sizes, I’d buy one for myself too!!!
Sturdy yet light weight. Has alot of features similar to more expensive bikes. Air filled tyres. It’s perfect for my 2 year old voy
My two year son loves this bike. He uses it every day and has mastered it with ease.
Sturdy, good free wheeling, well made, easily adjustable seat
Would definitely recommend
My two year son loves this bike. He uses it every day and has mastered it with ease.
Sturdy, good free wheeling, well made, easily adjustable seat
Would definitely recommend
My two year son loves this bike. He uses it every day and has mastered it with ease.
Sturdy, good free wheeling, well made, easily adjustable seat
Would definitely recommend
We love it! Great bike, great customer service. Gave our sons so much confidence!
We purchased two originally during the pandemic, and, unfortunately, they were lost in the mail for several weeks. But we had great customer service, a full and immediate refund and the second set of bikes was delivered quickly with no issues.
My 3 yo and almost 5 yo, love them! They are so confident and comfortable after just 3 days. In fact, so confident, this bike gave my 4 yo the confidence to ride his pedal bike without training wheels. It took him about 30 minutes to figure it out, and now he’s cruising around like he’s been riding his whole life. This is exactly what I was hoping for, but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast! That’s ok, though, now we’ll be able to share his balance bike with his 2 yo cousin, so everyone can ride together.
They were easy to assemble and have great features like soft handles, light weight so even the little guys can pick them up easily, cushy adjustable seats, and awesome real-bike wheels.
Buy it, enjoy it, love it, and watch your kids soar!
After looking at a lot of balance bike options, this seemed to be a good middle ground: air tires, good range of seat adjustment, and light weight – but without paying the $100+ price tag for fancier features.
3 year old kid was excited about the bike and enjoyed helping put it together. He probably had dreams of hopping on and driving like a pro, so it was frustrating the first 1 or 2 attempts, but within a week, he was starting to coast with his feet up and decent steering control.
Carrying the bike (when necessary) is very convenient – the center frame makes for a very convenient handle near the balance point and it’s lighter than I expected. Wheels were also better than I expected and I actually rode it (130lbs) for a bit.
If you plan on biking in hilly areas or your child is a bit older, it may be worth investing in a bike with hand brakes. I’m happy with this one, though, as a good stepping stone and then expect we will be getting a pedal bike with hand brakes in another year or so.
Assembly was fine and I can’t wait for my girls to ride it! However, It came with flat tires and the tire pump we have won’t fit because the spokes are too close together to get our air pump in there. So now I don’t know when my kids will get to ride it. I’ll update my review when we have found a pump that works with this bike.
**update, March 4, 2022, changed from 3 to 4 stars:
Once we bought a new pump, the kids have gotten lots of use out of this bike. My now 5-yr old started riding a regular bike just after her 4th birthday and never needed training wheels since she was used to her balance bike.
My now-4yr old still usually prefers the balance bike to her regular bike (2 wheels, no training wheels) but that’s just because she has a hard time getting the regular bike started by herself.
My now-2yr old isn’t interested in the balance bike at all, which surprises me. My husband was pushing her around on a regular bike way back and now she just wants us to do that instead of riding the balance bike herself. So that’s our fault.
Overall this balance bike is awesome and is a nice way to avoid the training wheels on a bike as your kid transitions to a real bike.
Fab tires, hard wearing bike. My 2 year old loves it!
Bought this bike for my 3 year old son as he had grown out of his smaller balance bike. He loves it . It’s very sturdy and not too heavy..
I evaluated a lot of balance bikes before choosing this one. It is high in quality and has real rubber air-filled tires, not the foam ones most other balance bikes have. Cute design, and easy to step in and out for my 2 1/2 year old grandson. Assembly was easy, about 15 minutes from box to on-the road. My only suggestion for the seller is to consider using another carrier than UPS. UPS delayed the delivery time twice, and I didn’t get any proactive communication about it. It took about 3 weeks to get here which was frustrating, though probably understandable due to the COVID-19 situation. Just make sure you are ordering well ahead of when you need it.
Excellent first bike. My 2 year old loves it. Easy to assemble and lightweigh
My 3 year old loves this. He wasn’t ready to give up his balance bike obsession but was far too tall. This was the perfect solution!
The bike is fab I got it for my sons 2nd birthday and he loves it! The only thing about it is its a bit heavy and the long bit that comes down that’s for adjusting the hight of the saddle is very low. But other then that it’s fab.
Amazing bike our 2 1/2 year old loves his banana bike!
He’s tall for his age and should last him a while by the looks of the height adjustment.
Only the seat you can raise.
Only fault I’d point out is that the quick release for the seat adjustment has to be really tight dor it to not slip or move so had to tighten with an Alan key almost rendering the quick release pointless.
Amazing bike our 2 1/2 year old loves his banana bike!
He’s tall for his age and should last him a while by the looks of the height adjustment.
Only the seat you can raise.
Only fault I’d point out is that the quick release for the seat adjustment has to be really tight dor it to not slip or move so had to tighten with an Alan key almost rendering the quick release pointless.
Amazing bike our 2 1/2 year old loves his banana bike!
He’s tall for his age and should last him a while by the looks of the height adjustment.
Only the seat you can raise.
Only fault I’d point out is that the quick release for the seat adjustment has to be really tight dor it to not slip or move so had to tighten with an Alan key almost rendering the quick release pointless.
Arrived this morning after 3 working days, well packaged with easy to follow instructions. Took 20 minutes at most to assemble. Build quality seems great! Really glad someone recommended this brand before I spend double on one from the bike shop.
Good little bike bought for my son’s 2nd Birthday
Still have not tried it but is sturdy
The seat quick release clamp was reversed just twisted it the other way
The steering is a bit stiff but I will try to loosen it a bit
Looks great and I like the air filled tyres
Good little bike bought for my son’s 2nd Birthday
Still have not tried it but is sturdy
The seat quick release clamp was reversed just twisted it the other way
The steering is a bit stiff but I will try to loosen it a bit
Looks great and I like the air filled tyres
Good little bike bought for my son’s 2nd Birthday
Still have not tried it but is sturdy
The seat quick release clamp was reversed just twisted it the other way
The steering is a bit stiff but I will try to loosen it a bit
Looks great and I like the air filled tyres
This thing is awesome. It turns a lot of head when I cruise down the strip. My wife says it’s because “You look ridiculous”. I know it’s because it’s so awesome.
Only gave 4 stars as when item arrived it had no seat. Amazon couldn’t send me a seat for this so I have to purchase again wait 14 days for a refund and take it to the post office to send back. Quite an inconvenience. Other than that the bike looks sturdy and pleasing to look at but my son will know more when he eventually gets on i
Only gave 4 stars as when item arrived it had no seat. Amazon couldn’t send me a seat for this so I have to purchase again wait 14 days for a refund and take it to the post office to send back. Quite an inconvenience. Other than that the bike looks sturdy and pleasing to look at but my son will know more when he eventually gets on i
Only gave 4 stars as when item arrived it had no seat. Amazon couldn’t send me a seat for this so I have to purchase again wait 14 days for a refund and take it to the post office to send back. Quite an inconvenience. Other than that the bike looks sturdy and pleasing to look at but my son will know more when he eventually gets on i
Only gave 4 stars as when item arrived it had no seat. Amazon couldn’t send me a seat for this so I have to purchase again wait 14 days for a refund and take it to the post office to send back. Quite an inconvenience. Other than that the bike looks sturdy and pleasing to look at but my son will know more when he eventually gets on i
I’ve given this bike 5 stars because on reflection the balance of quality and value are high compared with alternatives. My son is will be 3 in 3 months time and is getting to grips with it just great.
There are some improvements in the future design that I would like to see though, and which would make this clearly the best product of it’s kind out there in my opinion. The main one is that there is no ‘stop’ on turning the handlebars. That means it’s easy for a child to get on the bike with the handlebars the wrong way around ie 180 degrees from the way they should be. To stop this I’ve resorted to tying some paracord around the bars and stem. Thast’s enough to stop him being able to turn the bars past 90 degress either way.
Other recommended but less essential improvements I would offer to the manufacturer are:
– the rear wheel bolts could be smaller/flush with the frame
– the seat adjustment range is excellent, but the stem on the bars isn’t. Some height adjustment to allow them to be raised would give the bike more lifespan as a child grows to their first pedalbike.
Overall though advantages to this bike is the seat adjustment range (better than alternatives, especially wooden balance bikes) and the tires (air filled are great for all different terrain and better than foam wheels) and the bearings (nice and smooth so far.) It also looks nice, and the frame is very solidly built. The hand grips are also a nice size for small hands, with really good end pieces that stop their hands slipping off easily which is also great.
So a long review, but with all that in mind I would’t hesitate to recommend this purchase.
I’ve given this bike 5 stars because on reflection the balance of quality and value are high compared with alternatives. My son is will be 3 in 3 months time and is getting to grips with it just great.
There are some improvements in the future design that I would like to see though, and which would make this clearly the best product of it’s kind out there in my opinion. The main one is that there is no ‘stop’ on turning the handlebars. That means it’s easy for a child to get on the bike with the handlebars the wrong way around ie 180 degrees from the way they should be. To stop this I’ve resorted to tying some paracord around the bars and stem. Thast’s enough to stop him being able to turn the bars past 90 degress either way.
Other recommended but less essential improvements I would offer to the manufacturer are:
– the rear wheel bolts could be smaller/flush with the frame
– the seat adjustment range is excellent, but the stem on the bars isn’t. Some height adjustment to allow them to be raised would give the bike more lifespan as a child grows to their first pedalbike.
Overall though advantages to this bike is the seat adjustment range (better than alternatives, especially wooden balance bikes) and the tires (air filled are great for all different terrain and better than foam wheels) and the bearings (nice and smooth so far.) It also looks nice, and the frame is very solidly built. The hand grips are also a nice size for small hands, with really good end pieces that stop their hands slipping off easily which is also great.
So a long review, but with all that in mind I would’t hesitate to recommend this purchase.
I’ve given this bike 5 stars because on reflection the balance of quality and value are high compared with alternatives. My son is will be 3 in 3 months time and is getting to grips with it just great.
There are some improvements in the future design that I would like to see though, and which would make this clearly the best product of it’s kind out there in my opinion. The main one is that there is no ‘stop’ on turning the handlebars. That means it’s easy for a child to get on the bike with the handlebars the wrong way around ie 180 degrees from the way they should be. To stop this I’ve resorted to tying some paracord around the bars and stem. Thast’s enough to stop him being able to turn the bars past 90 degress either way.
Other recommended but less essential improvements I would offer to the manufacturer are:
– the rear wheel bolts could be smaller/flush with the frame
– the seat adjustment range is excellent, but the stem on the bars isn’t. Some height adjustment to allow them to be raised would give the bike more lifespan as a child grows to their first pedalbike.
Overall though advantages to this bike is the seat adjustment range (better than alternatives, especially wooden balance bikes) and the tires (air filled are great for all different terrain and better than foam wheels) and the bearings (nice and smooth so far.) It also looks nice, and the frame is very solidly built. The hand grips are also a nice size for small hands, with really good end pieces that stop their hands slipping off easily which is also great.
So a long review, but with all that in mind I would’t hesitate to recommend this purchase.
Thought these looked really good when assembled. The children loved them.
Great little bike. Easy to build kit. Son loves it.
We absolutely love this! Well worth the money for my 4 year old who is building up his confidence on a bike.
4.5 stars! Easy to assemble, light weight, easy to move seat up and down, high quality air filled tires and easy for kids to get on and off. The only potential need for improvement is a handle bar restricter to prevent child from being able to turn front wheel sideways. For the price, I don’t think there is a better balance bike. I researched the options for a couple weeks. You can easily spend 2-4x more and receive no advantage. Within 30 mins my daughter was balancing on the bike for a length of 20-30 yards. 30 mins after that she had the confidence to ride it down our driveway which lead to a ride around the block, going up and down every driveway. The next morning she tried her bike with pedals for the first time ever without training wheels and immediately rode down the driveway and around the block. We went for a 1 mile bike ride after that and she rode perfectly with confidence. My 2 year old son is now using the balance bike in the house and learning to walk around on it. I’m sure he’ll be coasting on it within days to weeks.
Great product good value for money grandson really enjoys playing on this
I am mega happy with this bike for my son. For the money it is great quality. Thank you!!
Easy to use, good quality product. I would recommend for others. .
Really like this bike. It’s very sturdy and my daughter loves it. I like the bendy design.
Fantastic little bike!My 2 year old took to it very easily. I was a little worried after having to return a previous balance bike (different brand) and this one being quite heavier but it is very sturdy and my son took to it very easily. Looks great in red too!
My son loves it, easy to assemble and good value.
We bought this bike for my daughter who has outgrown her Indi Balance Bike (~10″ wheels).
She is small for her age & while the Indi was usable, she’d reached the limit of seat adjustment (and then some) and the bike was starting to look a bit cramped.
This is a decent step-up in size over her previous bike.
It was well packed & went together really easily – <10 mins until it was being crashed into the furniture.
The only thing I could see people having an issue with is inflating the tyres - the straight valves & small wheels don't make it easy - if you have a pump with a 'press-on & pull lever' style chuck then you will struggle. It's probably worth getting a pump with a screw-on hose.
It's a good looking bike & the quality seems pretty good - very good for the price, to be honest. It's fairly lightweight; the 'proper' wheels & pneumatic tyres add some weight over plastic wheels & foam solid tyres, but I figured the improved comfort of pneumatic tyres & better grip was worth having.
My daughter has taken to riding it without any bother at all. Geometry seems pretty well sorted & stable; my only concern going forward with it is that the handlebar height doesn't adjust, so as saddle height goes up she might feel that she's being pitched forwards a bit.
There's tons of saddle height adjustment.
We bought this bike for my daughter who has outgrown her Indi Balance Bike (~10″ wheels).
She is small for her age & while the Indi was usable, she’d reached the limit of seat adjustment (and then some) and the bike was starting to look a bit cramped.
This is a decent step-up in size over her previous bike.
It was well packed & went together really easily – <10 mins until it was being crashed into the furniture.
The only thing I could see people having an issue with is inflating the tyres - the straight valves & small wheels don't make it easy - if you have a pump with a 'press-on & pull lever' style chuck then you will struggle. It's probably worth getting a pump with a screw-on hose.
It's a good looking bike & the quality seems pretty good - very good for the price, to be honest. It's fairly lightweight; the 'proper' wheels & pneumatic tyres add some weight over plastic wheels & foam solid tyres, but I figured the improved comfort of pneumatic tyres & better grip was worth having.
My daughter has taken to riding it without any bother at all. Geometry seems pretty well sorted & stable; my only concern going forward with it is that the handlebar height doesn't adjust, so as saddle height goes up she might feel that she's being pitched forwards a bit.
There's tons of saddle height adjustment.
We bought this bike for my daughter who has outgrown her Indi Balance Bike (~10″ wheels).
She is small for her age & while the Indi was usable, she’d reached the limit of seat adjustment (and then some) and the bike was starting to look a bit cramped.
This is a decent step-up in size over her previous bike.
It was well packed & went together really easily – <10 mins until it was being crashed into the furniture.
The only thing I could see people having an issue with is inflating the tyres - the straight valves & small wheels don't make it easy - if you have a pump with a 'press-on & pull lever' style chuck then you will struggle. It's probably worth getting a pump with a screw-on hose.
It's a good looking bike & the quality seems pretty good - very good for the price, to be honest. It's fairly lightweight; the 'proper' wheels & pneumatic tyres add some weight over plastic wheels & foam solid tyres, but I figured the improved comfort of pneumatic tyres & better grip was worth having.
My daughter has taken to riding it without any bother at all. Geometry seems pretty well sorted & stable; my only concern going forward with it is that the handlebar height doesn't adjust, so as saddle height goes up she might feel that she's being pitched forwards a bit.
There's tons of saddle height adjustment.
We bought this bike for my daughter who has outgrown her Indi Balance Bike (~10″ wheels).
She is small for her age & while the Indi was usable, she’d reached the limit of seat adjustment (and then some) and the bike was starting to look a bit cramped.
This is a decent step-up in size over her previous bike.
It was well packed & went together really easily – <10 mins until it was being crashed into the furniture.
The only thing I could see people having an issue with is inflating the tyres - the straight valves & small wheels don't make it easy - if you have a pump with a 'press-on & pull lever' style chuck then you will struggle. It's probably worth getting a pump with a screw-on hose.
It's a good looking bike & the quality seems pretty good - very good for the price, to be honest. It's fairly lightweight; the 'proper' wheels & pneumatic tyres add some weight over plastic wheels & foam solid tyres, but I figured the improved comfort of pneumatic tyres & better grip was worth having.
My daughter has taken to riding it without any bother at all. Geometry seems pretty well sorted & stable; my only concern going forward with it is that the handlebar height doesn't adjust, so as saddle height goes up she might feel that she's being pitched forwards a bit.
There's tons of saddle height adjustment.
This really is a great little first bike & good value for money
Wonderful first bike for my two year old, who can’t get enough of it!! It’s very easy to put together and looks so smart!
Really nice balance bike, my 3 year old is zooming around on it. Would recommend.
This bike…. it is AWESOME! I love it and I know my son will as soon as he gets the bug and the courage. It is beautiful, sturdy, cool and feels really well made. Instructions were fab and I am extremely happy with it and the service from yourselves. Well done and a massive thank you!
Being my son’s first bike (2 year old) I did a LOT of research. Pedal bike or balance bike. Contentious, but I opted for a balance. Then which balance bike. What make. What model. What price. What weight. What size. Plastic (solid) or rubber (air) tyres. The result? Well my son loves it. Already, scooting around the park on his second outing (tarmac and grass). It’s a pretty solid bike, with good saddle and handlebar adjustability (so plenty room to grow). Can’t fault it. Well boxed and easy to assemble too (took me 5 minutes). There are cheaper bikes, there are much more expensive bikes. This seems like it’s built to last. I recommend. Oh, and my wife doesn’t mind it sitting around the house so I guess it’s aesthetically pleasing (score!)
Being my son’s first bike (2 year old) I did a LOT of research. Pedal bike or balance bike. Contentious, but I opted for a balance. Then which balance bike. What make. What model. What price. What weight. What size. Plastic (solid) or rubber (air) tyres. The result? Well my son loves it. Already, scooting around the park on his second outing (tarmac and grass). It’s a pretty solid bike, with good saddle and handlebar adjustability (so plenty room to grow). Can’t fault it. Well boxed and easy to assemble too (took me 5 minutes). There are cheaper bikes, there are much more expensive bikes. This seems like it’s built to last. I recommend. Oh, and my wife doesn’t mind it sitting around the house so I guess it’s aesthetically pleasing (score!)
Being my son’s first bike (2 year old) I did a LOT of research. Pedal bike or balance bike. Contentious, but I opted for a balance. Then which balance bike. What make. What model. What price. What weight. What size. Plastic (solid) or rubber (air) tyres. The result? Well my son loves it. Already, scooting around the park on his second outing (tarmac and grass). It’s a pretty solid bike, with good saddle and handlebar adjustability (so plenty room to grow). Can’t fault it. Well boxed and easy to assemble too (took me 5 minutes). There are cheaper bikes, there are much more expensive bikes. This seems like it’s built to last. I recommend. Oh, and my wife doesn’t mind it sitting around the house so I guess it’s aesthetically pleasing (score!)
Being my son’s first bike (2 year old) I did a LOT of research. Pedal bike or balance bike. Contentious, but I opted for a balance. Then which balance bike. What make. What model. What price. What weight. What size. Plastic (solid) or rubber (air) tyres. The result? Well my son loves it. Already, scooting around the park on his second outing (tarmac and grass). It’s a pretty solid bike, with good saddle and handlebar adjustability (so plenty room to grow). Can’t fault it. Well boxed and easy to assemble too (took me 5 minutes). There are cheaper bikes, there are much more expensive bikes. This seems like it’s built to last. I recommend. Oh, and my wife doesn’t mind it sitting around the house so I guess it’s aesthetically pleasing (score!)