besrey 5 in 1 Balance Toddler Bike Kids Trike Toddler

besrey 5 in 1 Balance Toddler Bike Kids Trike Toddler Tricycle ideal for 10 Months to 4 Years Old Kids Boys Girls Indoor Outdoor, First Birthday Gifts – Gree

Dimensions: | 59.99 x 45.01 x 46 cm; 3.3 Kilograms |
Model: | BR-C7271 |
Material: | Carbon Steel |
Colour: | Green |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Assembly: | Yes |
Dimensions: | 59.99 x 45.01 x 46 cm; 3.3 Kilograms |
Material: | Carbon Steel |
Like this because its adjustable and changes easily to fit all skill levels
Das kleine Rad lie sich superschnell aufbauen. Die Umstellung vom Drei- zum Laufrad klappt mit wenigen Klicks und ohne Werkzeug.
Auch das Preis- Leistungsverhltnis passt.
Ich wrde das Produkt sofort wieder kaufen.
Buscaba una bici para mi hijo y este modelo fue un gran descubrimiento. El montaje es muy cmodo y le encant. Recomiendable para cuando el peque vaya controlando la marcha y para a partir de 80cm de altura aprox . El mo est encantado.
Si monta in un attimo,la mia bimba di 15 mesi lo adora,anche se con il sellino abbassato del tutto non appoggia ancora benissimo tutto il piede a terra!
My daughter did not like it as a present and had to return it as she liked another bike at a store. The bike seemed to be good quality by looking at it.
Ein super schn verarbeitetes Kinderfahrrad, Roller und Dreirad mit wirklich leisen Rdern
Meine kleine hat paar Tage gebraucht aber nach paar Tagen ist sie am rum fahren wie ein Profi
J’ai offert ce tricycle a un petit garon de 2 ans, la taille est parfaite, il l’adore.
En plus le look est super sympa, et il a l’air bien solide.
Me ha encantado, hoy se la voy a regalar a mi pequea de 2 aos. Facil montaje. Le puedes poner y quitar pedales, mover el manillar para ajustarlo y poner 2 ruedas detrs o ponerla como 1 rueda sin necesidad de usar destornillador. En contra que para subir y bajar el silln si tienes que usar una llave.
Impressive little bike. Only complaint is that I wish the wheels where a more durable quality. They seem to be wearing out quickly on concrete for school walks.
Haben es bis jetzt nur in der Wohnung als Dreirad benutzt ohne Pedale.
Kleinkind mit 1,5 Jahren mag es uns scheit damit gut klar zu kommen.
Das Rad wirkt auch Stabil, hab da keine Bedenken.
Really easy to put together and very sturdy. Not cheap at all
Easy to assemble and to change into its various modes. The height of the parent bar works just great for both myself and my husband (heights are 5’2″ and 6′). The only things I don’t love are that it can easily flip when going at a faster speed and turning sharp. Obvious consequence, but a toddler doesn’t know this. Also the tires are like a firm foam. They work fine, but after just a few days use, it is loaded with dents and scratches – and we’ve only used it in our neighborhood circle thus far.
Or two year old loves it! She rides all through the house and this spring will be taking it through the neighborhood. I will however use the safety bar included so she doesn’t get away!!
This company packages their product very well. I ordered 2 of the Besrey bikes. One for our 2- year- old grandson and the upgraded one for our 4- year- old granddaughter. The bikes were easy to assemble, and I am sure will provide many years of enjoyment. The added features that these bikes provide are a bonus!
La bici esta bien un poco plsticorro pero mi hijo esta muy contento y la maneja bien ya veremos si llega a usarla en todas sus formas
This is a really nice trike! The main part of the frame is metal (I was expecting plastic) and I was pleasantly surprised. This is a well thought out toy and perfect for a 2-4 year old. My Grand son is 15 month old and it’s just a tad to big.
Das Laufrad ist sehr hochwertig verarbeitet. Leider kamm es bei uns bisschen beschdigt an, vermutlich war es mal zurck geschickt von jemanden. Aber nach Rcksprache mit dem Verkaufer haben wir eine Teilrckerstattung erhalten. Die Kommunikation mit dem Verkaufer lief einwandfrei, die sind extrem Nett gewesen und Hilfsbereit. Also ich wrde es auf jeden fall weiter Empfehlen und ich werde bestimmt nochmal einen Laufrad bestellen fr meine Tochter.
he steering wheel tilts forward and back too much for driving, I don’t know if it should be like that, but it’s not safe for a child
sono passati diversi mese dall’acquisto e devo dire che il prodotti si rivelato solido e di buona fattura
Consiglio l’acquisto
I hate that it’s made in China. But, it’s very functional. It’s good that it can be easy to stored and folded up and it wasn’t too terrible to assemble. I think the instructions were awful but common sense goes a long way when putting this together. A assembly video would be nice.
I just gotta get him to learn to ride it. Assembly was fast and easy different settings were easy to get through too
I purchased this bike for my granddaughter to ride when I keep her during the week. This is a stepping stone bike for her to learn to pedal and balance. Can’t wait for her to get this on Sunday for Christmas.
Robusta e facile da montare,mio nipote ha un anno da poco compiuto e arriva tranquillamente con i piedi a terra
Bien emball.
Seul bmol les pdales sont trs loin pour un enfant de petite taille
I love the quality of this bike. It’s sturdy and grows with my son. I’m glad I tried this. I would definitely recommend getting this!
Sympa et facile monter. Par contre enfant de moins de 85 cm c’est pas possible
Ein sehr gutes Dreirad mit mehreren funktionen . Hat sich sehr gut zusammen bauen lassen . Ein schnes Weihnachtsgeschenk fr unsere Enkeltochter . Klarer wieder kaufswert .Fnf Sterne dafr .
Facile da montare. Facile da trasformare. Sembra bella robusta. Leggera.
L’ho regalato ad un mio bisnipote mi hanno detto che tutto OK
Das Laufrad wird sehr gut von unserem Sohn angenommen, es war sehr leicht zusammengebaut. Wir nutzen es derzeitig ausschlielich als Laufrad und haben die Rder mit einem leichten spalten bereitgestellt, so dass er nicht mit den Hacken gegen die Quertrger komm
Arrivato subito l’ho montato in 30 minuti (ma sono un po’ imbranata) robusto
Ho comprato questo triciclo soprattutto per la sua versalit. Purtroppo mi arrivato senza la clip di fissaggio della sella. Ho contattato il venditore che si attivato subito per la risoluzione del problema in tempi rapidissimi. Devo davvero elogiare il venditore per la sua pronta disponibilit, seriet, correttezza ed affidabilit. Esperienza davvero molto positiva! Ora non mi resta che vedere la felicit negli occhi della mia nipotina appena vedr il suo bellissimo triciclo! P. S. Nero fantastico
Les roues sont en gommes donc roule parfaitement sans faire de bruit,
L’axe du guidon n’est pas trs large donc le vlo ne tourne pas normment
le vlo est trs lger donc il ne fait pas bcp contre poids lorsque bb tombe d’un ct
Mis par ceci
Je recommande trs bon produit !
I gave this to my granddaughter for her 2nd birthday and it’s perfect! The best part is the ability to adjust components for her skill set. You can have pedals or not; make it a trike, or a true balance bike she can self-propel; and handle bar adjusts closer or farther away. And once you’ve assembled, it’s all manual adjustments- no need to find tools. We’re very pleased!
Articolo robusto e molto ben costruito. La versatilit la facilit con la quale si passa da triciclo a biciclo, con pedali o senza lo rende veramente un articolo costruito con grande ingegno dove tutti i pezzi si assemblano facilmente e perfettamente.
I recently gifted this to a one-year for his birthday. He and his two-yo brother seem to really enjoy it. It’s so versatile for both of them to enjoy, and it’s easy to customize it for either one to enjoy. I’m quite pleased with this purchase!
Bin zufrieden unsere Tochter ist jetzt 2 Jahre (Kleidergre86/92) und kommt gerade runter um es anzuschieben. Negativ:
Die Beschreibung ist schlecht, ich konnte nicht raus lesen das man erst die Rder umstellen muss, das die mittlere Einstellung einrastet.
Im ersten Moment dachte ich es wre kaputt.
Die sollte nochmal berarbeitet werden.
D’aprs les images facile monter je ne le dball pas jusqu’ Nol pour offrir en esprant que si problme il y a je puisse le signaler d’ici l
The bike was very easy to assemble. My 18 no granddaughter loves scooting around on it. Sturdy build.
I purchased this multi-purpose trike/bicycle for my one year old granddaughter hoping that she could initially use it as a balance bike/trike initially. Though the seat was adjusted all the way down, she couldn’t touch the pedals. This was a short leg problem rather than an intrinsic problem with the trike, however and it should prove wonderful for anyone who purchases this item. Was very pleased with the ease of assembly and it appears to be something that she will easily be able to use into its bicycle stage!
L’ho presa a mio figlio due mesi fa, aveva un anno e tre mesi. In questi due mesi l’abbiamo sempre usata come triciclo ma ora si spinge e corre, pi avanti metteremo i pedali e poi ridurremo la distanza delle ruote. Un acquisto, tanti usi. In pi molto robusta. Anche il manubrio si pu regolare , non in altezza ma solo di posizione . Bella, bella , bella.
I miei twin sono stati contentissimi , sono molto versatili,e andando al parco ho notato che anche altri bimbi hanno codesto modello.
Una gran bella invenzione
Assembly was the only irritating thing with this. Handlebar was a bit difficult to secure without a second person holding the screw. Has to be a better way to do it or manufacture it. Product is durable and my boy loves it! Wheels are good on roads but not as good as asphalt. Great on the trails and most roads that aren’t in bad condition. Within a week he was a pro at it and is ready for a bike.
Una fantastica bici che segue la crescita del bambino fino a renderlo autonomo!
Facile da montare e smontare e ben fatta!!
La consiglio
Achat pour un enfant de 19 mois. Facilit de montage, article de quali
My kid loves this to the core. Absolutely brilliant product. It looks very sturdy too. Works well for different ages. Highly recommend this product.
Buon prodotto. La bici ha diverse posizioni e funzioni. Il mio piccolo ha 2 anni e si trova bene a spingersi con i piedi, le ruote posteriori si possono posizionare in 2 diverse modalit. I pedali sono rimovibili (un po’ duri da rimuovere ma ci sta). Volante e sedia hanno diverse posizioni. Il volante pu anche essere portato pi in avanti o indietro per la comodit del bimbo.
It has multiple modes however wheels are not spinning easily also pedals are bit far so would of been nice if seat can be adjusted front and backwards for various age group
Il pacco arriva nella sua scatola originale, senza alle confezioni.
Ho acquistato questo triciclo per fare un regalo ad un bambino di un anno.
Sono molto soddisfatta dell’acquisto.
La struttura in metallo, la sella in similpelle imbottita e le ruote di plastica rigida.
L’ho montato in pochi minuti, le istruzioni sono semplici, chiare ed anche in italiano.
Mi ha incuriosito molto il fatto che si possa trasformare in bici senza pedali, in modo da poterlo sfruttare pi a lungo. Credo che piacer anche al bambino che lo ricever ed ai suoi genitori.
Spedizione come sempre ultra rapida.
Arrivata il giorno successivo dall’ordine con istruzioni chiarissime per il montaggio. Come extra forniscono una vite con il dado di scorta per fissare il volante e una chiave esagonale che da un lato ha questa funzione e dall’altro ha la punta di un cacciavite a stella. Io l’ho scelta verde ed bellissima, ben fatta, solida ed essenziale! Cambiare modalit della bici molto semplice, mi piaciuto tantissimo che c’ il pezzo di ferro( non conosco il nome tecnico), per fissare le ruote nella posizione bici e se si passa alla modalit triciclo hanno pensato ad un uno spazio apposito dove incastrarlo per averlo a portata di mano senza rischiare di perderlo.
La mia bimba ha poco pi di due anni e l’ha adorata! Ci dorme pure insieme
Oltre al design, alla versatilit della bici, molto bella perch sia il sellino che il volante sono regolabili e questo significa che seguir la crescita della bambina senza bisogno di cambiare bicicletta.
La consiglio vivamente, anche come regalo!
I bambini impazziranno
Surprised at the size of tge box this came in, however wasn’t disappointed, it is a well made, well thought out toy, will last our little one some considerable time.
Brilliant little bike for toddlers, my 2 year old is just the right height and size to reach the pedals, pedals are easy to attach and remove, also can use as a ride on bike and balance bike aswell as a trike, my son loves it, took about 10mins to assemble
My son loves this, it’s so easy to put together.
I bought this as a first bike for our grandaughter. She’s not quite ready to balance, so the fact that this could be used as a trike – with or without pedals – is perfect. Handlebars and saddle adjust easily, pedals are clip on clip off, with a bit on the bike to store them when not in use, so they don’t get lost. Took me less than 10 minutes to assemble, and I’m not usually good at that part!!
I would highly recommend this little bike – fantastic value too.
Easy to put together and as I said before my grandson loves i
The Tricycle appears to be well engineered and of high quality construction. Assembly was straightforward and took only a few minutes with the tool supplied. Only time will tell but I think it will stand up to the rigours of being used by my one-year-old grandson.
The trike arrived in good condition. Our child liked the product.
Bought for my 22 month Grandson, he loved it immediately. It was quick to put up and looks very sturdy. It’s very easy to convert from trike to bike. Height adjustable so hopefully will get long use.
Ordered this for my grandson’s first birthday. It was easy to assemble and we were impressed by how stable it is with the triangle formed by the back wheels and the seat providing much of this stability. It has obviously been well thought out. One example of this is the way the pedals are stored on either side of the front handlebar shaft when not being used (which they won’t be for a while as the child is so young). Another is the way in which the handlebars have the capacity to adapt to different angles as the child grows and again, they are not fiddly to move. Well designed in good, solid materials this little trike should provide fun until outgrown. Now we’re waiting to see what our grandson’s reaction is on his birthday!
I was confused looking at several bikes not sure which one to buy for my son 18 months old, But for this product I read more good reviews and they recommended it. I gave a go and the bike arrived on time and did a quick assembly and my son loves it and uses every day. This product is worth the money.
Such a lovely trike. Took me 3mins to build it. So happy with a purchase. My little one will love it.
Excellent bike for indoor and out door, my son enjoys with this bike and using it daily
This product is really quite clever in it’s design. Every version of bicycle it offers it achieves with minimal adaptation. I cannot fault the design in this respect. It’s sturdy, smart looking and of a good quality. My only criticism is it’s ‘masculine’ appearance. I bought this for my daughter as it met my desired needs and safety brief but felt the need to tie pink ribbons on the handle bars to make it appealing to her. It has zero character in its design but 100% does the job you wanted it to do. I’m happy with the price as this is a good bicycle in comparison to other on the market.
What I live about this bike is that the quality is outstanding for the price compared to other 3-1 bikes I’ve seen. It’s very easy to assemble (10 minutes) and only takes a few seconds to change the bike from tricycle, balance bike, and to a real two wheel mine bike by setting the back wheels pressed together into one wide wheel. First setting wheels distanced apart for tricycle, second setting the wheels are pressed closer together but an inch apart to make a nice balance bike, and third setting with back wheels completely pressed together to make it a two wheel bike. Each setting holds strong by a metal bar that keeps the wheels in place and locked so I have no worried of the wheels coming apart if hit or sat on it’s side. It really does grow with her as she get’s older
It’s also very sturdy and well made. The body is made of strong metal. The wheels are made of stiff rubber which was unexpected and very good thing! (Easy on wood floor and makes easy to ride on carpet). We’re letting her practice before taking her ride outside for now.
My daughter is 32.5 inches weighing 30 lb and the bike is perfect height at it’s lowest setting on it’s seat and could be adjusted to max height of 9-10 inches more. At her weight of 30 lb, the bike is holding her very well on the tricycle mode. I see no where the bike would potentially break as most parts are made of metal and welded well. I’m sure she’ll be riding it for several years to come.
I uploaded a picture to help for reference
Update: it’s been several months and bike still going strong even after so much abuse thrown around, seat stepped on by my 30 pounder child, sat on side ways to sit on wheels like a stool
The bike itself seems very well built and has a strong metal frame. It was pretty easy to put together (even with an impatient child looking over your shoulder!) and the instructions have clear pictures to follow. Highly recommended.
Not for older children but a great bike to start with for 3year olds.
Love it! Daughter is still learning how to use it, she just turned 1
Es muy cmodo tiene mucha resistencia y se ve tan hermoso mi nieto arriba de el
Looks like it will be ideal for our granddaughter, especially as the height of both the saddle and handle bars can be adjusted
Fcil de montar.
Calidad aceptable.el manubrio no est muy fijo y se corre. Pero est bien para un cri.
Very satisfied with it and this child will be able to cherish it for years to come
I love how cute this trike is but it I’d extremely small ide say this is for 1 year old not a 2+ xx
Mi nena tiene 2.6 aos y la verdad lo est disfrutando muchsimo en cada una de sus modalidades, para m, es de loas cmodo, no pesa nada y es fcil de acomodar dentro de casa…. Nos encanta!
Great design which is not only a trike also a walking toy.
Very useful to learn balance, steering and changing direction.
Good gift for toddlers.