EMARTH Science Microscope for Kids Beginners Children

EMARTH Science Microscope for Kids Beginners Children Student, 40X- 1000X Compound Microscopes with 52 pcs Educational Science Kits

Package Include
Every beginner microscope comes with SCIENCE KITS approx 52pcs: 2× Eyepieces(FW10X, FW25X), Magnifying Glass, Specimen slides(25pcs), petri dish, forceps, dropper, razor,test tube, cover slip, instruction manual and much more.Children can view different specimen via microscopes– animals, flowers, plants
Various Magnification
It offers 40X, 100X, 250X, 400X and 1000X. This is a perfect microscope for students to learn science. Kids can take a look at various materials on prepared slides or peer directly at plants,jewelry, coins, and more with the various magnification eyepiece. It’s simple enough for first-timers enough to keep advanced, junior scientists busy at work
Cultivate Children’s Curiosit
The Kids always keep curiosit to something around themselves, how are they composed? The Emarth microscope is designed for Kids and Students to understand science and nature by allowing them to peek into the microscopic world to inspire curiosity, encourage discovery, empower imagination, and allow for creativity
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Magnification | 40X- 1000X | 16x,40x |
Lens Coatings | Multi-coated | Multi-coated |
Prism Material | BaK4 | BaK4 |
Assembled Weight | 2.7 lbs | 3.8 lbs |
Dimensions: | 10 x 14 x 30 cm; 1.21 Kilograms |
Model: | MIC-BLUE |
Manufacture: | shenzhenshishuangchengyuekejifazhanyouxiangongsi |
Dimensions: | 10 x 14 x 30 cm; 1.21 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
Le stelle in meno riguardano solo il costo troppo elevato per un microscopio per bambini, per il resto lo consiglio decisamente.
La visuale buona, arriva imballato bene e ha molti accessori.
Ne ho provato qualche altro meno costoso, ma era davvero difficile mettere a fuoco oppure aveva le lenti impolverate perch imballato male, insomma ho avuto paura che un bambino perdesse interesse se troppo complicato da usare. Consiglio l’obiettivo 25x invece del 10x perch concentra meglio il campo visivo ( pi facile vederci dentro per un bambino). La luce dall’alto permette una visuale in 3D anche di oggetti non trasparenti, tipo la sabbia di mare.
Von der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung war es ein reibungsloser und schneller Ablauf! Das Teleskop entspricht dem Preis-Leistungsverhltnis. Unsere Enkelin ist hoch begeistert!!!
Acquistato come regalo per il compleanno di mio figlio, inizialmente pensavo non funzionasse. In realt non mettevo bene a fuoco i vetrini. I risultati migliori pe noi con monoculare 40x e piccoli oggetti reperiti dal contesto quotidiano (per esempio pari di piante e fiori)
Das Mokroskop reicht fr kleine Endecker vollkommen aus…wenn das Interesse dann gewachsen ist kann man dann evtl. in hochwertigere Mikroskope investieren..aber ansosnten ein funktionales Mikroskop
I miei figli ( 7 e 11 anni ) sono contenti.
Gli accessori sono sufficienti
I vetrini preparati sono interessanti e diversi, ce ne sono anche alcuni da preparare per con rispettivi coprivetrino ,Il coprivetrino sembra in vetro ma i vetrini supporto sono in plastica , io li avrei preferiti in vetro classici ma essendo un prodotto destinato a dei bambini va bene cosi’.
Alcune foto fatte con il cellulare senza alcun supporto ( quindi la qualita’reale e’migliore)
Obiettivi tutti completamente smontabili per una facile pulizia e che dannpo un aspetto piu’interessante al tutto
We tried another slightly cheaper one which was practically just a gimmick. This one though is great, and my 7yo loves it, as do the rest of the household. Everyone wants to examine everything, from pollen, to flies, pond water, spiders and crisps.. Clear images, decent light settings, haven’t managed to see any microbes yet but we’ll keep trying! If you’re buying for a child under 10, you can’t go wrong with this thing at all.
Returned it because it was for a great grandson and he already had o
Ho regalato questo microscopio a mio figlio di 5 anni e lo ha apprezzato molto. La messa a fuoco non facilissima, poich occorre ruotare la ghiera di pochissimo per perderla, ma come primo approccio al mondo dell’ultra piccolo lo consiglio.
Tiene una buena calidad para su precio y las muestras, y objetos que lo acompaan tambin son bastante buenos. Con los aumentos que trae hemos podido observar microalgas, protozoos… etc. Mi hijo de 9 aos est encantado y nosotros tambin lo disfrutamos.
Bellissimo microscopio, stabile, compatto, perfetto in qualsiasi dettaglio. Arriva con alcuni vetrini gi preparati e altri che si possono preparare. Unica pecca sono le istruzioni solo in inglese…ma potrebbero essere uno stimolo per il bambino.
Complessivamente consigliato!
Purchased for our grandson (5yrs old) it performs well, good quality image, backlight and lots of slides with samples to view. Well worth the money
Not bad for the price. Adjustment at high magnification is a little rough; lens adjustment could be a little more sensitive, but overall it’s a good little package. One small point is that it could do with a lens cover when not in use.
Fr Kinder nach einer kurzen Einfhrung sehr geeignet.
Weckt Interesse und regt an, immer wieder neue Objekte zu untersuche
Das Mikroskop ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk und wird erst spter bergeben. Mein Enkelkind hat sich schon lange das gewnscht und wid sich freuen.
Fertige Prparate erleichtern den Einstieg
Einfache und schnelle Bedienung
Stabiles Gert, gut nutzba
It’s lightweight which was unexpected but actually that is helpful as it means my 8 year old can move it from room to room as needed. A great bit of kit for any child wanting to learn how to use a microscope.
Bought as a Christmas present, looks good, appears to work well. Will take time to evaluate but so far so good.
Funktioniert wie es soll ohne Abstriche.
Preis/Leistung ist top.
Unsere 10j. Tochter ist begeistert.
Completo del necessario per educare lo spirito e la curiosit scientifica. Non uno strumento professionale, per molto pi che un gioco. Completo di una serie di vetrini gi pronti e di altri da preparare, grazie agli strumenti forniti. Un po’ scarsa la robustezza della struttura in plastica, per fa egregiamente la sua funzione.
My son is 9 years old and all he wanted for Christmas was a microscope, this has made his Christmas. Comes with lots of slides with different things in them and some spares to make your own. He is so happy!!!
Votre enfant va pouvoir lire chaque feuille en OUVRANT SON MANUEL de faon lire le texte franais et suivre avec les IMAGES correspondantes.
Bonne dcouverte et bonne fte de NOL 2021
Voici les 9 pages
Mon filsde 8 ans ador l’utiliser et observer tous les insectes qu’il trouve.
A great microscope for beginners. However most of the glass slide covers were broken and the seller could only replace them if we returned the entire package. We just bought some more elsewhere.
Bought this for my grandson he is very happily with i
Regalo gradito , felicissimo chi lo ha ricevuto facile da usare
Eso si, las explicaciones y muestras, todo en ingls, pero el uso intuitivo.
Una pega: viene material pero ningn folleto para dar ideas a los nios de qu mirar ni como usar ese material.
Muy chulo y entretenido. A mi hijo le ha encantado. Se ve todo muy bie
Pero la foto de la caja tiene un chico bastante joven para utilizar este microscopio , eso da una impresion de que es un juguete y no para estudiar. En conclusion todo perfecto, menos lo que comente antes.
Eight year old grandson loved it and plays with it constantly.
Sehr zu empfehlen fr die Kinder die wirklich Interesse haben .
Mio figlio di 8 anni contentissimo del microscopio. L’oggetto solido e molto ben illuminato. un acquisto azzeccato e duraturo.
Ha sido un regalo para mi hija de 8 aos. El microscopio est muy bien y viene muy completo.
Tuvimos un pequea incidencia con el producto y el vendedor ha solucion rpida y eficaz.
Quedamos muy satisfechos con esta compra.
I miei bimbi sn contenti, sn incuriositi e giocano e imparano molto allegramente
Muy buena relacin calidad precio.
Ideal para que los nios aprendan y jueguen
Traen variedad de cristales con muestras
I got this for my 6yo and we love it. The low magnification setting is great for looking at every day objects (dead insects found the in the garden are always a winner!) and the higher mag’ is great with the sample slides that come in the kit. Good build quality for the price, and for those who want to get more advanced there are instructions and equipment for preparing your own slides too. Nice.
Son loved this for his birthday – we have had some great fun in looking at things microscopically – grass, hair, insect wings – all very cool! Great way to get kids into science!
Le produit est de qualit, assez lourd mais mon sens c’est mieux que d’tre lger et cheap.
Le kit et les accessoires fournis avec permettront de raliser diverses expriences, c’est vraiment sympa pour dcouvrir les capacits d’un microscope et je suppose mme qu’on peut l’utiliser de manire plus pousse que juste de la dcouverte au vu des diffrentes lentilles et accessoires fournis. Le rapport qualit-prix est adapt.
Hallo, das Microscope fr meine Enkelin ist gut angekommen! Ich bentige allerdings eine Gebrauchserklrung in Deutscher Sprache. Danke, Karin Greier-Korduan.
Me ha gustado mucho la calidad que tiene, muy chulo lo nico malo es que las instrucciones no vienen en espaol
Brilliant little microscope! My 11yr old found it really easy to use and there are lots of extras with it.
Auch die beigefgten fertigen Prparate und die Mittel zum Herstellen von eigenen Prparaten lassen keine Wnsche brig.
Leider ist die Beschreibung nur in englisch.
Perfecto para principiantes. Los reyes magos lo trajeron para mi hijo de 9 aos y le encant, lleva 14 muestras para ver y muchos accesorios.
Se o regale a mi hija y, la verdad nos sorprendi lo bueno que es para ser un microscopio para nios. Ofrece una calidad de visionado muy buena, nada k ver con los clsicos que suelen vender en jugueteras.
Ser regalo de reyes de mi hijo. Parece de buena calidad
Mes enfants adorent la qualit et top et vraiment complet.
Really well built, worth the 59, my son loves it.
ottimo prodottto per bambini curiosi di imarare cose nuove sulla scienza