Driver and wheel together as one unit. The design of our saddles and handles is matched to the shape of the body and leads to a better distribution of opposite forces. Uncomfortable pressure points and related complaints are eliminated.
Ergon developers are also passionate cyclists. They develop and test new concepts and ideas extensively where they are used – in the heat of the race, on the road, in the forest and on the bike paths throughout the city.
100% of our research and development performance takes place under one roof in beautiful Koblenz in Germany. From computer simulations to fast 3D prototypes to the final form of the product, each process is closely linked and subject to careful control.
Pro riders and teams.
Professional drivers play an important role in developing our products. The sporty competition drives demands to a higher level, while the detailed feedback from riders who spend life in the saddle leads to improved product design for everyday cyclists.
Intended use:
Touring, city, commuting, MTB.
Touring, city, commuting, MTB.
Touring, city, commuting, MTB.
MTB, Marathon, CrossCountry.
Trail, CrossCountry, MTB Tour, Fitness.
Trekking, touring, commuting.
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
Small/medium, medium/large.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
With arthritis affecting my wrists, I needed to improve my ride comfort by changing my handle bar grips. These alternatives were a great improvement, providing a multiple of hand positions to ease the pressure on my hands – particularly during a long leisure ride. They were easy to fit and adjust but do need a torque wrench to tighten correctly. My bike shop obliged during a recent service. A little bit expensive, but have paid dividends in improved comfort.
Habe es meinem Mann zum Geburtstag geschenkt, weil ihm immer die Hnde eingeschlafen sind und er nicht mehr Radfahren wollte. Letzte Woche erfolgreich getestet. superschnelle Lieferung, ganz leicht zum Montieren. Nicht ganz preiswert, aber es hat sich geloh
Just put them on my hybrid road bike and felt he difference immediately. Great to be able to have several hand positions and not get the numb feeling. An investment well worth making.
Die Griffe tragen sehr zur Entlastung bei, sind wertig, sehr leicht zu montieren. Gerade die “Hrnchen” sorgen fr unterschiedliche Krperhaltungen und insbesondere auch fter fr eine aufrechtere Sitzposition. Die erste grssere Tour damit steht aber noch aus.
Ergnzung: Erste grssere Tour damit gefahren – mchte sie nicht mehr misse
Aufgrund des schlechten Wetters kamen die Griffe bisher nur auf einer kurzen Testrunde zum Einsatz. Da machen Sie aber einen sehr guten Eindruck. Gut verarbeitet, solide, saubere Kontrolle des Bikes.
Ich habe sie mir gekauft, um bei entspannten Fahrten etwas aufrechter zu sitzen und mich bei Anstiegen gut absttzen zu knnen. Das scheinen sie zu gewhrleisten.
OMG! These grips are amazing. 10/10. Easy to install, easy to adjust (yes the vertical part is adjustable), and they just feel fantastic. I installed and my test drive was MUCH longer than I ever thought it would be just because it was so comfortable I didn’t want to stop riding. Totally worth it. Going to buy another pair for my son. They literally feel so good you WANT to ride more! 🙂
Die vielen Umgreifmglichkeiten bei lngeren Fahrten entspannen die Handgelenke genial.
Egal wie man greift, der GP5 passt immer und fhlt sich gut an. Nicht zu hart, nicht zu weich und keine klebrigen Finger.
Das Teil ist sein Geld wert.
Got these to fit on my Elliptigo bike, they are a lot cheaper than the original ones, but the quality is just as good and these are cheaper in price but not quality, they are very comfortable to use and help a lot for hill climbing, I recommend these
Das einstellen der Griffe brauchte etwas Zeit, aber seitdem ist es sehr angenehm damit zu fahren. Es entlastet den Rcken, weil man immer wieder mal eine andere Position einnehmen kann. Sie sitzen fest und haben eine angenehme Griffflche.
I just installed these on my 80lb adventure ebike and they have been fantastic. The bike and I are both tall and these allow me alternate hand and body positioning by adjusting my grip frequently during my often 2-3 hour rides. Being as my bike is unusually large the GP5 grips do not stand out looks wise like they might on a normal size bike but in any case, it should be all about comfort and utility and these grips provide both better than anything I have seen. They are pricey but considering my 400 – 500 miles a month ride routine they are a great bang for the buck purchase.
Re the grips slipping, you need to properly torque the screw to 8Nm as is indicated in the install instructions and printed on the grips next to the hex screw. 8Nm is pretty tight so you should use a proper a torque wrench or have a bike shop help you out.
I put these on my wife’s eMNT and she loves them. It’s so nice when traveling long access roads to get to and from trails to be able to sit in a more upright position taking stress of your back.
Great ergonomics! Biking was always a problem to me because i got numb hands, with this i get just a little, but i can always change position.
Very sturdy and well made! thank you!
die nicht zu toppen ist. Der Griff besteht aus einer nicht riechenden Gummi-, Kunststoffmischung. Der Griff ist der Ergonomie der Hand optimal angepasst. Die breiteren Enden des Griffs sollten so eingestellt werden, das Unterarme und Handgelenk gerade ausgerichtet sind, somit werden die Handgelenke gesttzt und entlastet. Die Lenkerhrnchen sind ebenso der Hand angepasst, diese kann man in der Hhe optimal anpassen. Ja , die Griffe kosten etwas mehr, aber Qualitt hat eben seinen Preis……….
Ich habe selber 2 Bandscheibenvorflle im HWS und musste neben besseren Griffe auch die Mglichkeit haben, etwas die Sitzposition zu verndern und durch die “Hrnchen” immer wieder den Nacken zu entlasten. Hat bei mir sehr gut funktioniert (habe den Lenker auch noch ein wenig erhht). Die Griffe waren leicht anzubringen und ich wrde die jederzeit wieder kaufen. Mir hat das geholfen, wieder schmerzfrei Fahrrad zu fahren.
These are by far the most comfortable grips I have used. I bought grips for all my bikes. However I can’t seem to get the tall end pieces for certain grip sizes? Am I ordering wrong. I would appreciate the choice to choose the grip end size I wanted. But the best grip ye
Easy to fit and totally awesome. Fitted to my Carrera MTB and love the Ergon design styling that gives you plenty of grip combinations with effortless comfort. Rubber grips are that good you wouldn’t necessary need gloves. Expensive but well engineered (Spend well – spend less). Buy some and you won’t be disappointed.
Installed them yesterday and went for a short ride. Such a big difference for me using these grips comfort and three different ways to hold the handle bar. Money well spent for my comfort and control of my bike.
Le ho acquistate per utilizzarle su di una mtb che purtroppo uso quasi solo su strada.
L’impugnatura sufficientemente ampia e morbida, con un ottimo grip.
Le appendici permettono un assetto un p pi stradale durante la pedalata.
Dopo aver regolato l’inclinazione delle impugnature e delle appendici il formicolio alla mia mano destra quasi sparito del tutto.
Buon prodotto, anche se un p costoso.
I was concerned that it would be hard to install on my bike, but it was very easy. To give you and idea, the hardest part was making sure they were at the same angle on both sides :). The palm size is generous, so that alone made my hands get some relief from pressure. When I do need to shift positions, the uppers are sturdy and the angle is moveable to whatever you desire. You can change the tilt after a few rides to get the best fit. The other feature I like is less prominent in the marketing; the end cap is removable. That allowed me to install a good mirror that folds away. Overall, this was a great buy and a huge difference in comfort on my rides.
Lsst sich leicht anbringen, hlt was es verspricht. Bei lngeren Fahrten ist es eine enorme Erleichterung, weil durch verschiedene Griffmglichkeiten die Hnde entspannt werden.
Der Griff liegt gut in der Hand, ist wie ich finde rutschfest.
I had a hard time finding these in stock anywhere. Plus, you have to be careful to get the right kind for your brakes. That being said, I love them. They have great support for my wrists, and, I like the large send of the extenders. The best.
Ich montiere sie senkrecht, damit ich auf meinem Haibike trekking Rad, dass recht tief vorne baut, auf lngeren Strecken aufrechte sitz Phasen haben kann. Fkt hervorragend.
Zudem sind die true sehr ergonomisch und untersttzen gut bergauf im leichten bis mittleren Gelnde.
Bereits bei der ersten Fahrt habe ich die Griffe so liebgewonnen, dass ich sie niemals freiwillig hergeben werde.
Die Montage war recht einfach. Ich musste aber die Position der Brems- und Schalthebel verndern, da die Griffe etwas breiter sind als meine alten.
Ich habe sie in Gre L, was fr meine Hnde mit Handschuhgre 11 gut passt.
I will prob contradict myself here but these grips are realy good.I Owned the gp3 version for my last bike which were great as well,these realy take a lot of finger tingle away as its something ive suffered on bikes for years.BUT 50 quid,come on.If you ride a lot you cant realy put a price on comfort.BUT 50 quid come on haha.Sorry just checked my order form 59squids
Gesucht wurde eine Mglichkeit beim Radfahren in eine aufrechtere Sitzposition wechseln zu knnen. Dafr einfach perfekt und wirklich einfach zu montieren. Im Griffende auerdem im Gegensatz zu anderen ergonomischen Griffen ein Stpsel um es zu ermglichen z.B. einen Spiegel am Griffende zu befestigen. Ich habe die Griffe jetzt auch fr das Fahrrad meiner Frau bestellt.
All good with the transaction. Wanted to do upgrades on my new-used KHS hybrid. Was fairly confident that I’d have a problem with the install due to the 700mm bar and Shimano rotary shifters, not enough bar length. I was correct with a short landing left for the grips. I went to plan B and replaced the rotary shifters with a shimano upgrade, which has less landing on the bars. I didn’t want longer bars and wanted to change out the shifters anyhow. Shifters arrived, performed the exchanges. Have about 8 rides on these. Takes about 90% of the blood circulation issue out of the picture, then with the horns, you get 100% out with periodic position changes. I did all my final adjustments in my living room during the inital install, taking time to eyeball, micro adjust, set horn angle off the natural angle of your arm and wrist. The set screws provide a very snug fit. After going out for a maintenance operational check, I retorqued everything down and haven’t performed any more adjustments. The local bikers tend to stop by during ride-break and inquire about these.
All good with the transaction. Wanted to do upgrades on my new-used KHS hybrid. Was fairly confident that I'd have a problem with the install due to the 700mm bar and Shimano rotary shifters, not enough bar length. I was correct with a short landing left for the grips. I went to plan B and replaced the rotary shifters with a shimano upgrade, which has less landing on the bars. I didn't want longer bars and wanted to change out the shifters anyhow. Shifters arrived, performed the exchanges. Have about 8 rides on these. Takes about 90% of the blood circulation issue out of the picture, then with the horns, you get 100% out with periodic position changes. I did all my final adjustments in my living room during the inital install, taking time to eyeball, micro adjust, set horn angle off the natural angle of your arm and wrist. The set screws provide a very snug fit. After going out for a maintenance operational check, I retorqued everything down and haven't performed any more adjustments. The local bikers tend to stop by during ride-break and inquire about these.
It seems to be well made and it was easy to install. They are pretty comfortable but don’t completely alleviate pressure against your hand. I don’t think any grip like this does anyway. I bought these because it had the incorporated extender grips which I’d plan to install. They are okay. They appear to be hard plastic with some (not enough) softer rubber insert. They provide the ability to have a different grip and riding position which is nice but I wish they were a little better material and more soft rubber for comfort. also I wish they were a little longer for more grip area and positioning. These were very pricey. Ergon is a good name and you’re paying for that name. I probably could have accomplished what I got from this for much less money. But still a decent grip.
Der doch nicht ganz so billige Preis hat mich erst abgeschreckt. Aber wer billig kauft, der kauft ja bekanntlich zweimal.
Nach jetzt mehreren lngeren Fahrten (50-100 Km) kann ich nur sagen, dass die Griffe einfach Top sind. Endlich kein kribbeln mehr in den Hnden! Auch vielen Dank an den Verkufer. Schneller Versand und Ware einwandfrei.
I’m so sad! I bought Bontrager bar end adapters from my local dealer, but they didn’t fit into the ends of these Ergon grips with my Isozone handlebars. And believe me, I really tried to get them to fit! I think these would have been awesome had they fit, because they felt great in my hand, so there is nothing wrong with the product itself–I just wanted to save someone the same headaches I just went through! My solution is to add Profile Designs boxer bar ends to my existing grips, and tape those suckers up, in hopes that they will be as comfy as these Ergon grips would have surely been.
These are great! very comfortable to use. The only issue was actually the removal of the old hand guards but then saw a youtube video about using an air compressor and they came right off!
I got these Ergon GP5 grips to give myself different positions when riding the bike. They are comfy grips but tend to slide around a bit. You can’t really put a ton of weight on the top of the grip/bar ends or you will lose balance, but that’s not really a big deal, I’d imagine most people would use the middle of the bar handle, not the parts pointing in. Also, this doesn’t come with a tool (you need an Allen wrench) which is kind of ridiculous considering how expensive these grips were. If you have a lot of money to spend, then I’d recommend these. If you don’t, these are nothing crazy special.
I got these Ergon GP5 grips to give myself different positions when riding the bike. They are comfy grips but tend to slide around a bit. You can't really put a ton of weight on the top of the grip/bar ends or you will lose balance, but that's not really a big deal, I'd imagine most people would use the middle of the bar handle, not the parts pointing in. Also, this doesn't come with a tool (you need an Allen wrench) which is kind of ridiculous considering how expensive these grips were. If you have a lot of money to spend, then I'd recommend these. If you don't, these are nothing crazy special.
Easy to install, independently adjustable climbing bars. A level of comfort I have yet to experience by buying independent handgrips and climbing bars…… Totally worth the money!
I ordered these recently, installed them yesterday and went out for a ride. These are excellent hand grips! The bar ends are adjustable & lock in place, keeping the whole unit unmovable. A slight adjustment on the position of my brake levers was needed, but only took a moment. The hand grips are soft rubber, providing good ‘painless’ support of your wrists. The bar ends provide numerous grip positions that help reduce arm, wrist, hand and shoulder discomfort during longer rides. I definitely would recommend the G5!
I recently purchased these and they’ve made a world of difference in my riding. Having tried several different grips in this style from other companies that only provided maybe 10-15 extra minutes of comfort before the tingling/numbness started to set in, I was somewhat skeptical but took the chance and am glad I did.
I can now ride for much longer periods of time; my longest having been 2 hours with no hint of any kind of pain. The horns are great for resting, climbs and downhill as they don’t budge or give way when really pushed and pulled on when properly tightened unlike some of the alternate brands.
Yes, they’re on the pricey side at $70, but well worth it to me for bringing back the enjoyment of riding, and I can’t imagine getting any future bikes and not having a pair of these on them.
Excellent product.
The grips need a small label for left and right. I installed them backwards and realized after the first ride then switched them. They are great after a 30 mile ride though and my wrists no longer hurt.
So comfortable to use, 4 hour rides and never any discomfort form hands. Don’t need the horns this long, would have gone with the 3s if I had seen them first but good for protecting you hands and bike in tight spots
Habe lnger berlegt, dann diese bestellt und montiert. Montage ist einfach, die alten Griffe zu entfernen war schwieriger als die neuen zu montieren.
Verpackung nur in Maisstrke Tten, Papier und Karton, kein Kunststoff vom Hersteller.
Fr Gelegenheitsfahrer sicherlich zu teuer aber wer fter und regelmig fhrt fr den ist es ein groer Vorteil aus meiner Sicht.
Der Weg zur Bremse dauert lnger wenn man oben die Hand hat aber das ist ja logisch
A very good product. Made in Germany. Even the plastic type wrapping is biodegradable.
I suffer from carpal tunnel on long rides and while these do not completely alleviate my symptoms, I would estimate an 80% improvement. In combination with bike aero bars I can now ride comfortably again.
The quality is VERY good and they are easy to install and adjust.
I liked them so much I purchased two more sets for my wife and daughters bikes.
I liked So Much I Purchased Additional Sets for my Family
I think it took me longer to get the old grips off than it did to install the new one’s. I was worried that they slid on too easily, they might not stay in position, but when I tightened up the allen screw, they were rock solid. I already have much less wrist pain after a 45 min ride (four rides so far). It’s nice to be able to grip the bars differently to relieve hand fatigue. I would definitely purchase again.
I purchased these 2-1/2 years ago to allow different hand positions and to “sit higher” when resting on my hybrid bike. When I upgraded bikes a year ago, I scrapped the OEM grips in favor of the Ergon’s. They do the job albeit I do not put a great deal of strain on them.
Great grips not as comfortable as I had hoped but I think thats more my issue and not the product. Easy to install and adjust. I would definitely buy again.
These things are super comfortable. They feel good, fit perfectly, and are a great addition to my bike. I took a quick ride on another bike that just had regular grips and then came home and took my bike out. Man, it felt so good to get back on my Ergon grips. They felt – luxurious.
I’ve been getting into street / trail riding with my mountain bike for health and weight loss. I do 2 or 3 rides a week which take around 2 hours (22-28 miles). I’ve been having intense thumb pain on my right hand such that I could not open a twist bottle with that hand (gatorade/milk/soda). This grip offers three different grip options which I’ve been purposely switching between on my rides. All three options are comfortable and usable (you can climb hills in any of the three without changing grips). Result: my finger numbness and thumb pain are basically gone. Highly recommend these grips. Also, super easy to install
I absolutely love a more upright riding position with multiple grip options and these handle bars fit my need perfectly. The comfort padding is just right, the grip height is ideal, these were the perfect addition to my bike. Two thumbs waaaay up from me!!
I absolutely love a more upright riding position with multiple grip options and these handle bars fit my need perfectly. The comfort padding is just right, the grip height is ideal, these were the perfect addition to my bike. Two thumbs waaaay up from me!!
I put these on my Trek FX-2, love them so far. I’ve read the reviews about the danger of the bar ends not being secure and coming off; I think this must be an installation issue with the grips not being pushed far enough onto the handlebar so that the bar end clamp doesn’t adequately grip the bar. I moved my shifters and brake levers in and took the end plug of the grips out when I installed them so I could visually confirm that the bar ends were seated completely on the bar. With the clamps tightened, they are rock solid and I can’t imagine how they would come off.
great product. Much more comfortable than the stock grip on my bike. One of the bars got loose in the middle of a 30 mile bike ride and I couldn;t use it for about 15 miles or so because it was rotating downwards if I put pressure on it. It was fixed by tightening the screw when I got home. Made my bike about 3 pounds heavier. A little expensive too.
All OK so far – some people reported that the horns get lose after some time – but not so far. But I’m also not the usual MTB user – just cruising in the community and bought these horns mostly to be able to sit in an more upright position (severe lower back problems – which is surprisingly relieved very well by moderate cycling in my case :-))
So I guess my user case is quite specific and they are not meant for this – but still do the trick.
Delivery, Product Quality and Value all 5 stars – only 4 stars for my very specific requirement.
+ Stabiler Halt !!!
+ Viele Verschiedene Einstellungen Mglich !
+ In Verschiedenen Versionen Zu Kaufen !!!
+/- Hoher Preis !
– Fr Den Hohen Preis: Optische Mngel (1 Punk Abzug)
Gutes Produkt Das Seinen Hohen Preis Gerecht Wird
Nachtrag: Der Ergon GP5 Ist Nicht So Mein Ding & Werde Mein Rad Wieder Auf Den Bullhornlenker Zurckrsten: Weil Das Leicht Kantige Ist Nicht So Mein Ding !!!
Brilliant! if you suffer from any kind of wrist pain then these are an excellent addition to any bike. They give so many options for hand position that you can keep riding and rest your wrists at the same time. They take a little practice to get the pads in the right place – took me a couple of rides to get them perfect. Worth noting that you can only use the alternative hand placements going up hill since you won’t reach the brakes 😉
Oh, they were dead easy to fit, too! Any amateur can fit these 🙂
Very well engineered grips. The palm is made of soft plastic which gives cushioned support. Especially matched with gel gloves for a comfortable ride which absorbs road chatter. I really like the style of the bar ends which give three positions to rest your hands on long rides and gain leverage when climbing out of the saddle. Only downside is the bar ends could be a little thicker as I have large hands. Overall very satisfied with this purchase. You can’t go wrong.
Leider war einer der Beiden Lenkergriffe defekt bei Ankunft der Ware. Man konnte beim Linken Griff die Schraube nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt drehen und dann blockierte das Gewinde. Es war mit freiem Auge nicht ersichtlich warum. Optisch hat alles gepasst aber die Schraube lie sich einfach nicht weiter drehen. Rckabwicklung (Rcksendung – kostenlos / Erstattung – nach 1 Tag Gutschrift) des Verkufers allerdings einwandfrei und anhand des funktionierenden Rechten Lenkergriffes kann man vorab sagen das dieses Produkt sehr gut zu sein scheint. Die Griffe sind aus meiner Sicht recht komfortabel. Auch in Sachen Stabilitt sollte alles gut und fest montierbar sein (wenn die Schraube funktioniert :)) … Falls sich etwas ndert in der zuknftigen Beurteilung der praktischen Handhabung werde ich dies aktualisieren, aber bis jetzt bleiben wir mal bei 5 Sternen vorerst.
Aktualisierung: Habe die Griffe neu bestellt. Gutschrift war innerhalb von 2 Tagen verfgbar. Die beiden Griffe waren einwandfrei zu montieren und halten sehr gut. Sehr angenehmes Fahrgefhl. Die Griffe halten genau das was sie versprechen. Es bleibt weiterhin bei den 5 Sternen.
Handles are of good quality but you cannot install it without bar ends. I tried for months to find position of bar ends that would make sense. However it did help to get rid of hand numbness that I had with a traditional handles. It would be even better if bar hands were shorte
Oh, this really really helps. Again, with a painful right wrist, sometimes cycling is less enjoyable. These handlebars combined with special gloves I always put on, it really makes difference and makes my commute more enjoyable.
Love these, have purchased 4 sets. The vertical extensions are not just short nubs that would be hard to hang onto. These grips are substantial which allows you to set up vertically and still feel safe and secure on the bike.
Ero scettico su queste manopole, non tanto per la qualit, su cui c’erano pochi dubbi, quanto per l’effettiva utilit delle appendici (o corna che dir si voglia) che sempre pi di rado si vedono sulle MTB recenti. Le appendici le avevo usate tanti anni fa su un paio di MTB con forcella rigida e mi ci trovavo benissimo (specie in salita). Passato poi a una bi-ammortizzata non le avevo pi adoperate per paura di snaturarne l’assetto, dando inoltre alla nuova bici un aspetto troppo vintage. Pian piano quindi ne avevo perso l’abitudine. Il mio scetticismo tuttavia era infondato: alla prima uscita ho potuto (ri)assaporarne tutta la praticit, non solo per affrontare pi comodamente le salite, ma anche per la possibilit di cambiare spesso la posizione delle mani sul manubrio, combattendo stanchezza e formicolii vari. Appendici a parte le manopole, anche in presa classica, sono comodissime e permettono di attutire molto l’effetto delle vibrazioni sui polsi grazie al design ergonomico e a materiali di qualit. Utilissime quindi per combattere/prevenire efficacemente malesseri tipo l’epicondilite. Il montaggio abbastanza semplice, occorre solo avere un po’ di pazienza per regolarle al meglio (trovare la giusta inclinazione di manopole e appendici) in virt delle proprie esigenze e conformazione fisica (oltre ovviamente che delle geometrie della bici). Faccio notare infine che ha differenza di quanto si potrebbe pensare le manopole consentono tranquillamente anche di impugnare il manubrio tenendo due dita fisse sulle leve dei freni (come in tanti fanno in discesa).
Die Wirkung (gegen eingeschlafene Hnde) und Bequemlichkeit der Griffe kann ich nur besttigen. Restlos begeistert aber bin ich von der Variante Gp5 mit komplett gebogenen Hrnchen, weil ich oft umgreife, was die Hnde ebenfalls entkrampft und mehr Kraft beim bergauf Fahren bringt. Die Hrnchen sind leicht, stabil und ebenfalls ergonomisch geformt, sodass sie in jeder Griffposition bequem passen – bequemer als meine alten, runden Hrnchen mit Polsterschaum. Sie lassen sich unabhbgig von der Position der Griffe verstellen. Zur Gre: Habe eher kleine Hnde, von der Handschuhgre htte auch S gepasst, empfinde jedoch L als angenehm. Wenn ich es recht verstehe, sind die Sttzen fr die Handballen sowieso eher gleich gro, nur der Griffumfang wre etwas schmler. Muss man wohl ausprobieren.
These grips are very comfortable, very solid and look really good on the bike. It’s great to be able to change your hand position by using the horns, but the wings on the grips keep your hands in a much more comfortable position to void your hands and wrists from going numb.
These grips are very comfortable, very solid and look really good on the bike. It's great to be able to change your hand position by using the horns, but the wings on the grips keep your hands in a much more comfortable position to void your hands and wrists from going numb.
I put these on my flat bar road bike for an upcoming distance ride, and I couldn’t have been happier. 60 miles and no tingling, or numbness! The area for the heal of the hand is extremely comfy, and I loved being able to change my hand positions through the ride. I would buy these again in a second.
At first I was unsure due to the high price, but the reviews convinced me to give them a try, after all amazon always takes items back or exchanges them. They are better than I hoped for confirming once again you get what you pay for. They have reduced hand fatigue and they’re solid enough to take the pressure of shifting body weight during bumps, turns, and sprints. They are worth the money. I have large hands (they offer different sizes) and the grip is perfect. You can adjust them to the angle that’s best for your use. Once you’re comfortable where you positioned them, tighten them in place and they stay put. Make sure to push them on completely before locking the hem in place.
Prima di acquistarle ci ho pensato un po’ perch il prezzo non basso, anche se giustificato dall’eccellenza dei materiali.
Possedevo gi delle manopole ergonomiche, ma queste sono di un altro pianeta! Una volta trovata la giusta inclinazione si possono appoggiare tranquillamente i palmi delle mani sui supporti e non si rischia di affaticare il polso. Inoltre la presa decisa e comoda.
Il montaggio abbastanza semplice, come anche il riposizionamento; una volta serrate le viti restano in posizione anche su percorsi molto sterrati.
Assolutamente consigliate se si usa molto la bicicletta e si fanno molti chilometri.
Easy to install and meaty. As a personal matter, I’m still finding the right fit for for my bike so handles still don’t relieve my discomfort on the bar as I had hoped but it has improved. It does offer gripping options and I was able to install a side mirror on it, so there’s that. I also like the look it gives my bike. All in all I recommend buying it. I gave it 5 stars because I believe once I realize my personal fit on the bike the handles will make a greater difference.
Easy to install and meaty. As a personal matter, I'm still finding the right fit for for my bike so handles still don't relieve my discomfort on the bar as I had hoped but it has improved. It does offer gripping options and I was able to install a side mirror on it, so there's that. I also like the look it gives my bike. All in all I recommend buying it. I gave it 5 stars because I believe once I realize my personal fit on the bike the handles will make a greater difference.
Installed these on my new mountain bike, as I loved having bar ends on my old one.i and to reposition a couple of times before my wrist didn’t hurt, but once set correctly, no sore wrists after wife has the shorter version and she also loves them.
Ich kann die Fahrradgriffe wirklich nur weiterempfehlen. Ein Unterschied wie Tag und Nacht beim Fahren! Es ist schon das dritte Paar das ich gekauft habe. Die Ablageflchen fr die Handballen sind bei der richtigen Einstellung genial und entlasten die Handgelenke! Der seitliche Griff nach oben ist toll zum Verndern der Griffstellung und der Oberkrper kommt etwas hher. Der Anbau ist auch leicht, sowie die Einstellung der einzelnen Teilstcke. Das die eine Seite des Gummis zum raufschieben auf den Lenker krzer als die andere Seite ist fllt nicht ins Gewicht, auch bei unterschiedlichen Gren nicht. Die Griffe haben bis jetzt auf drei verschiedene Fahrradlenker gepasst und nichts verschiebt sich. Absolute Kaufempfehlung!!!
I want to assure you that I do not work for Ergon’s sales team. I’m skeptical of these reviews sometimes. However I put these GP5’s on my bike last night and today I rode my bike on one of my usual routes. These GP5 grips are awesome. I stopped by a local bike shop to get a mechanic to check the amount of torque I had applied to the bolt that holds these grips in place. These are simple to install but the directions emphasize using a torque wrench so these won’t slip when you ride. To make a long story short I had the original handlebar grips on my bicycle which were great but these GP5’s accomodate several different hand positions. I rode 30 miles today. These grips are awesome. Only time will tell if they hold up to the miles the original grips have seen(4000 miles). These are very comfortable. If I remember I will post another review after these Ergon grips see 2000-3000 miles.
I had issues with minor numbness in my hands after 30 minutes of riding with the stock ergo grips that came with my bike (Ghost Andasol Trekking 5), and hoped these grips would cure that. Things got better, but as the stock handlebar is curved a lot towards the rider, the longer part of the bar ends is not comfortable to hold (wrists are twisted into unnatural position). The top part with the ~45 degree angle does offer an alternative grip, though, and helps in preventing numbness. I think the problem is with the handlebar shape, and with a straight(er) one the grips would be nearly perfect. In winter riding with thick gloves, the bar ends get a bit on the way, but I don’t think it can be avoided without losing the comfortable second grip position offered by the long bar ends. Given the price, I’m also slightly worried that the grips can be taken off by just loosening one bolt.
Best handlebar grips ever. Slapped a pair of these babies on my e-bike. Not only do they feel better on my hands, they also give me a greater sense of power and control. The bar ends also give at least two extra hand positions for climbing or leaning forward (more aero). Just make sure to put your hands back on the brakes if you think you might need to brake at all. Riding on the road can be dangerous.
Ich kann diese Griffe sehr empfehlen fr die Jenigen, die viel mit Fahrrad unterwegs sind!
Man hat guten Griff, es lsst sich gut einstellen und hlt bombenfest!
Der Preis ist meiner Meinung nach nur zu Teuer, deswegen 4 Sterne!
Nun ja man knnte auch sagen, Qualitt kostet halt mehr?
These are exactly what the doctor ordered – literally. I had arm nerve damage surgery and thumb ligament reconstruction surgery, and my hand surgeon told me to get these. (And he also uses them.) He said that anyone who rides more than about 15-20 miles at a time is going to get numbness or pain in the hands, and that was certainly the case for me, and these would help. Easy to install – make sure your wrist is at a natural, comfortable angle. Then I tried them out. Again, EVERY time I’ve ridden my bike over 10 miles in the last three years, my hands have gotten numb and sore. I rode 34 miles the first time, and 28 miles today and never once did I get any sensation of pain or numbness! (I use the conventional grip part when I’m braking or changing gears, and the extension* part when I’m cruising.) Any time I’d see a bump coming or feel a bump, I would just loosen my grip so the bars could vibrate within my loosely closed hands. Worked great. *Note that for me, the extension part does not point UP, it is parallel to the grip, so my wrist angle is natural. (Others’ pictures illustrate this.) Amazing so far – encouraged that I can keep up my biking.
Completed bike tour of the Pacific Coast with these grips on my touring bike’s flat handlebar. 8 hours a day resting palms on a handlebar puts a lot of stress on the hands and wrists but the grips helped cut down serious hand and palm problems. Suffered only some slight discomfort in left wrist after 32 consecutive days but it would have been far worse with stock grips on straight bars. Allows for 3 different hand positions which I found adequate to alleviate any repetitive stress in a single grip position. HIghly recommend the Ergon palm grip with any of the bar end configurations they come in.
These were bought on my account but my husband writes more readable, entertaining reviews than I ever could. so here are HIS words with which I totally agree!
“My wife wanted something like these for actual relief of issues she was having in positioning as we were starting to ride longer distances. She’s smart like that. As we were looking through options and doing some reading these came up. The longer “horn” was touted as a better fit than some of the shorter ones we read about. She made the choice-love that gal. Once I saw them I wanted some as well. For only one reason, they look absolutely bad azzzz! I had to have them! Of course now that we have ridden about 50 miles (16 today) with them….no doubt the best $60.00 (X2) we have spent on this cycling habit-so far. They offer a variety of comfortable options for hand and arm positioning while riding. Even the plain palm down grip is more comfortable because of the wider platform (than even Specialized body geometry grips I took off my bike). These Ergon GP5 grips are very adjustable – you can find the exact right position for yourself. If you are riding further than the corner store with Toto in a wicker basket, spend the $60 bucks already.” 🙂
Ich habe die Lenkerhrner seit September 2016 im Gebrauch, fast 2000km damit zurckgelegt und ihnen dabei einiges abverlangt.
Aus meinen gemachten Erfahrungen heraus kann ich sagen, die Teile sind teuer, ja, dafr aber jeden Cent wert.
Bei mir haben sie schon zwei schwere Strze berlebt. Bei einem Sturz wurde sogar der eine Hcker abgeschlagen und ich dachte schon dass war’s fr den Griff.
Aber von wegen, zu Hause hab ich bemerkt das ich ihn nur neu anschrauben muss.
Und ganz ehrlich, bei einem Sturz ber bzw. auf den Lenker ist es mir deutlich lieber, der Griff gibt nach und bohrt sich nicht in den Fahrer.
Jeder Griff besteht aus zwei Teilen, dem Griffkrper und dem Barend (Hcker). Beide Teile lassen sich unabhngig voneinander verstellen.
Am Anfang ist das ein bisschen fummelig und bedeutet dass man schon etwas herumprobieren muss, wenn man aber einmal die richtige Position gefunden hat sitzen sie perfekt.
Die Griffe halten Bombenfest, bei mir hat sich da noch nichts gelst obwohl ich zum Beispiel beim Bergauffahren stark an den Barends ziehe, ja beinahe schon reie.
Die ergonomische Form des Griffkrpers mit der Ausbeulung nach innen finde ich persnlich sehr angenehm, richtig eingestellt verhindert er dass das Handgelenk zu weit nach unten abgeknickt wird.
Was ich super finde sind die Hrner. Bei langen Fahrten kann ich die Hnde in verschiedenen Winkeln auflegen, das entlastet die Handgelenke deutlich.
Ich nutze dabei auch die nach innen zeigenden Enden der Hrner, dann liegen meine Hnde halb auf dem Ende, halb auf dem nach vorne zeigenden Teil und damit schrg mit ca. 45 zur Lenkerstange.
Ich fahre meistens ohne Handschuhe, zumindest im Sommer, und auch nach Stundenlangen fahren mit entsprechend schwitzenden Hnden kleben sie nicht und hinterlassen keine Rckstnde an den Hnden. Da hab ich mit Griffen anderer Hersteller schon deutlich schlechtere Erfahrungen sammeln drfen.
Anfangs fand ich sie ziemlich teuer, mittlerweile finde ich sie preiswert und wrde sie wieder kaufen.
Easy to install. nice and comfortable to grab. I mainly use these as an alternative grip. My hands tend to fall asleep when I keep them in one place. It is nice to be able to move my hands into different positions.I had an aluminum pair on my old bike. These are much nicer.
These are great and worth the money. I had hand numbness while riding. I wouldn’t make it 3 miles in and had issues. These didn’t completely cure it, but they help a lot. I am using them on a mountain bike and ride both on trails and on the road. Def recommend.
I used these grips to replace the factory grips on my Trek Navigator 3. The original grips were very comfortable, but I could never keep them from moving (twisting) on the handlebars. I’ve been told that it’s more due to me having too much pressure on the grips and that I should not lean on the grips so hard. Although there may be some truth to that, I don’t really care why they move, I just want it to stop. I also like to ride long distances and wanted at least one more riding position. These grips solved both problems. They were very easy to install and absolutely will not move when riding, regardless of the pressure I place on them. The bar extensions work perfectly to allow me a different riding position and they stay fixed in place as well. These grips are a great product and I’d definitely recommend them.
The Ergon GP5 Grips is an outstanding pair of grips. I bought this grip because I like to ride long distance and this grip allow me to hold on to different positions that will help me during my ride. The size I bought is L and to my surprise, it fitted my hand nicely. I was afraid that it might be too big for an asian.
If you are wonder if the vertical handle are too long, it not. I’m riding a foldie and even will the long vertical handle bar, it still quite compact after I fold my bike.
I’ve used these grips for the past few weeks and am very pleased with the changes they’ve made to the bike. The larger resting area for the heel of my hands greatly reduces the pressure that caused the discomfort in my hands. I previously had standard shape grips made of foam, and although they were an improvement over rubber grips, my hands would go numb after an hour or so. these grips extend that time and also give the handlebars a different (better) feel. In addition, the ‘horns’ allow me additional riding positions, allowing me to sit more upright on occasion. I debated if I wanted this type or the GP4 style. Settled on the GP5 style for the added height and additional hand position. Only negative I’ve run across it that I sometimes bump my hand against the additional curved length, but with time I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Overall, I’ve ended up with a more comfortable riding bike and at a savings vs. a new, longer handlebar stem longer cables.
Premesso che sono piuttosto costose, all’inizio non ero convinto dell’acquisto, pur essendo molto ergonomiche e della misura giusta dopo un po’ mi davano fastidio le mani.. Ho smanettato un po’ sull’inclinazione delle manopole e delle corna e alla fine ho trovato una posizione perfetta.. Posso dire che trovato l’angolo giusto sono davvero comodissime e giustificano la spesa.
Testate alla grande in vacanza nelle dolomiti Bellunesi sulla mia MTB per raggiungere il passo di Cibiana da Valle di Cadore e su un giro da 85 km e 4 ore verso il lago di Misurina e il passo Tre Croci, non ho avuto alcun problema che fossi in salita, discesa, asfalto o sterrato.
Davvero consigliate.
PS le corna sono di materiale plastico ma non per questo meno buone, all’inizio la cosa mi ha deluso ma sono molto resistenti, in 3 settimane sono scivolato accidentalmente su sterrato e le corna hanno subito ben pochi danni.
I have a hybrid/comfort bike for exercising in the evenings and weekends. I already have a pair of large hand grips with extended pad; but, still had hand numbness after 15-20 minutes of riding. I upgraded my gloves to OutdoorMaster Half Finger with Shock-absorbing Gel Pad and that got me up to 30-40 minutes before numbness would start to hit. The Ergon GP5 have a larger hand rest pad to spread the pressure and I like the handles to change your hand position for added comfort without sacrificing control of the bike. I’m still playing with the best handle position for comfort; but, I like them a little higher up than in the near horizontal setting.
The handle bar hole on the Ergon grips seemed to be a touch too big or my handle bar is a touch too small in diameter because the Ergon grips slipped on with not a lot off effort and rotated freely once I put my palms on them. I experimented with double wrapping black electrical tape the length of the grips on the handle bar and using hair spray to lubricate the bar/tape (YouTube trick). The grips went on with some resistance and took some effort once the hair spray started to evaporate after a while to adjust for the most comfortable hand/palm angle. I also had to insert the grips all the way to the end where the handle bar ends were near to the Ergon adjustable hand grip hold attaches with the Allen topped screw. If not, the Ergon handles will come loose/off when riding. Because of this, the supplied decorative end caps were too long to insert; but, no-one will notice. I have no grip rotation when riding and the handles are very secured on the ends. You may not have the same issue with your bike like I did.
I even ordered a 2nd pair for the wife’s bike because I like the improvement in comfort so much.
I bought these to help reduce wrist pains, my circulation getting cut off, and/or pinching of my nerves. After riding about 10 miles with the old grips, I needed to take a hand off the bars to shake it loose and get comfortable again. With these, I’ve ridden 30 miles at a time and haven’t felt any discomfort. Unfortunately, I had twist-grip shifters, so these were too wide to fit on initially (-1/2 star), so I needed to replace the shifters with a set of these: Shimano ST-EF51 3 x 7 Speed Bike Shift / Brake Lever set . Once the old brakes and shifters were off and the new ones were on, these grips had plenty of space to fit. My old grips were very tight and a touch difficult to get off, however these slipped right on, and around, and off. To secure the wrist pad in place, the upright bar is tightened around it, but I found that even tightening them heavily was not enough to keep the main grip from twisting around, so I had to wrap the bare handlebar in tape to add some thickness inside the grip so that they would stay put (-1/2 star).
Always loved Ergon grips but always wished they didn’t have closed in ends that prevent the use of bar-end mirrors. Now the new GP series have bar-end plugs, I can pair these beautifully with Mirrycle mirrors – result!
Chose the GP5 as I have a Bosch equipped ebike and, even with the Intuvia unit removed, I still have the vulnerable connector base exposed if ever I need to up-end the bike to remove wheels. These are long enough to protect the connector base (along with other bar-mounted accessories) when the bike is upside-down.
I was more and more frustrated riding my new Scott as my hands numb when using the original grips. I usually go on 50-70 km routes and I had to find some solution, as after first 15-20 km I was fighting with pain in my hands instead of enjoying the ride. The Ergon GP5 totally changed the situation – now I can forget abt pain and I love riding more and more… 🙂
I had to change a few times the right settings of the grips to adjust them perfectly to my needs, and it works perfectly now.
If you think of which dimension to choose, “S” or “L” – my fingers are ca 7-8 cm long, my palm is ca 9-10 cm long and I bought the “L” size – fits perfectly. I have a very firm and wide support of the ball of my hand, and the fingers conveniently grab the grips.
Not used much because of bad weather but a comfortable addition to my Whyte Stirling which had standard Ergon grips from new. Like the feel and the longer grips give a good range of riding positions. Got into the habit of using this type of grip having used alloy ones on my, now vintage, Muddy Fox for many years – can’t be without them now.
Not used to torquing my components so will have to buy a suitable torque wrench so as not to do the typical man-thing of over-tightening for future accessories of this quality.
I ride 7 miles to and from work. (14 miles a day 6 days a week). I experience a lot of numbness in my hands and fingers especially on the way to work which has a lot of downhill sections.
These have been on my bike for about 6 months now. They are easy to fit and take almost all of the numbness out of my fingers and on the occasions I do feel numb I am able to move my hand to a new position. These are one of the best buys I have made for my bike.
Excellant built with quality material. Need to push all the way in (13.5mm at least) to secure it on bar. Price tag on this set seems run high. I would give 5 stars if price could be set at $10 dollars lower. They fit on handle bar great and give more holding positions for long ride. However, it has 14.5mm x 2 end-to-end in length, so make sure your handle bar is wide enough for you other stuff to mount onto, such as brake/shift- change/lights/meter.
The grips themselves, and the independently adjustable bar ends are great. After a couple tries (having to do with discovering my own preferences), I’m extremely happy with how well made these are, and how well they support me in a variety of positions.
My only complaint is the stupid little end caps. They appear to be designed for a certain inside diameter of handlebar, and mine must be smaller than that. They were impossible to drive all the way into place, even with a mallet. Yes, I aligned the little tabs correctly. So they’re in, but kinda hanging part way out. They’re mainly decorative, so no biggie, but that’s why not 5 stars.
I bought the Ergon GP5 L for my new Scott Sportster 20 Hybrid. It’s grips were just round and hard on my hands for longer cycles. I had the Ergon GP5 grips fitted in minutes. They are fantastic. Their ergonomic design supports my hands brilliantly in the standard holding position. The extensions allow me to change hand position and are great for hill climbing. The grips are sturdy and very well made. They also look very well.
They are not cheap but they are worth their price.
These are high quality grips and easy to install. I knocked a star off because it appears that someone must have returned these.after damaging it.One of the components that go inside your handle bars looks like a plug with multiple fins on it. The fins were are bent from being forced into handle bars with too small of a diameter. I would have returned them but had a bike trip the next day and had cut my old grips off. Lucky for me the bent component did not seen to bother anything. Very disappointed paying top dollar for something and getting a returned item instead.
Great product … I stand 95% of the time that I’m riding … this makes it possible. Nicely done – excellent design.
With arthritis affecting my wrists, I needed to improve my ride comfort by changing my handle bar grips. These alternatives were a great improvement, providing a multiple of hand positions to ease the pressure on my hands – particularly during a long leisure ride. They were easy to fit and adjust but do need a torque wrench to tighten correctly. My bike shop obliged during a recent service. A little bit expensive, but have paid dividends in improved comfort.
Habe es meinem Mann zum Geburtstag geschenkt, weil ihm immer die Hnde eingeschlafen sind und er nicht mehr Radfahren wollte. Letzte Woche erfolgreich getestet. superschnelle Lieferung, ganz leicht zum Montieren. Nicht ganz preiswert, aber es hat sich geloh
Just put them on my hybrid road bike and felt he difference immediately. Great to be able to have several hand positions and not get the numb feeling. An investment well worth making.
Die Griffe tragen sehr zur Entlastung bei, sind wertig, sehr leicht zu montieren. Gerade die “Hrnchen” sorgen fr unterschiedliche Krperhaltungen und insbesondere auch fter fr eine aufrechtere Sitzposition. Die erste grssere Tour damit steht aber noch aus.
Ergnzung: Erste grssere Tour damit gefahren – mchte sie nicht mehr misse
Aufgrund des schlechten Wetters kamen die Griffe bisher nur auf einer kurzen Testrunde zum Einsatz. Da machen Sie aber einen sehr guten Eindruck. Gut verarbeitet, solide, saubere Kontrolle des Bikes.
Ich habe sie mir gekauft, um bei entspannten Fahrten etwas aufrechter zu sitzen und mich bei Anstiegen gut absttzen zu knnen. Das scheinen sie zu gewhrleisten.
Die vielen Umgreifmglichkeiten bei lngeren Fahrten entspannen die Handgelenke genial.
Egal wie man greift, der GP5 passt immer und fhlt sich gut an. Nicht zu hart, nicht zu weich und keine klebrigen Finger.
Das Teil ist sein Geld wert.
Very comfortable, solved the problem I have with my hands and wrists going numb on longer rides. Look sharp on the bike also. And fully adjustable.
Got these to fit on my Elliptigo bike, they are a lot cheaper than the original ones, but the quality is just as good and these are cheaper in price but not quality, they are very comfortable to use and help a lot for hill climbing, I recommend these
Das einstellen der Griffe brauchte etwas Zeit, aber seitdem ist es sehr angenehm damit zu fahren. Es entlastet den Rcken, weil man immer wieder mal eine andere Position einnehmen kann. Sie sitzen fest und haben eine angenehme Griffflche.
These grips are easy to install, comfortable and fit perfect for my hands.
Re the grips slipping, you need to properly torque the screw to 8Nm as is indicated in the install instructions and printed on the grips next to the hex screw. 8Nm is pretty tight so you should use a proper a torque wrench or have a bike shop help you out.
I put these on my wife’s eMNT and she loves them. It’s so nice when traveling long access roads to get to and from trails to be able to sit in a more upright position taking stress of your back.
Great ergonomics! Biking was always a problem to me because i got numb hands, with this i get just a little, but i can always change position.
Very sturdy and well made! thank you!
die nicht zu toppen ist. Der Griff besteht aus einer nicht riechenden Gummi-, Kunststoffmischung. Der Griff ist der Ergonomie der Hand optimal angepasst. Die breiteren Enden des Griffs sollten so eingestellt werden, das Unterarme und Handgelenk gerade ausgerichtet sind, somit werden die Handgelenke gesttzt und entlastet. Die Lenkerhrnchen sind ebenso der Hand angepasst, diese kann man in der Hhe optimal anpassen. Ja , die Griffe kosten etwas mehr, aber Qualitt hat eben seinen Preis……….
Ich habe selber 2 Bandscheibenvorflle im HWS und musste neben besseren Griffe auch die Mglichkeit haben, etwas die Sitzposition zu verndern und durch die “Hrnchen” immer wieder den Nacken zu entlasten. Hat bei mir sehr gut funktioniert (habe den Lenker auch noch ein wenig erhht). Die Griffe waren leicht anzubringen und ich wrde die jederzeit wieder kaufen. Mir hat das geholfen, wieder schmerzfrei Fahrrad zu fahren.
These are by far the most comfortable grips I have used. I bought grips for all my bikes. However I can’t seem to get the tall end pieces for certain grip sizes? Am I ordering wrong. I would appreciate the choice to choose the grip end size I wanted. But the best grip ye
Easy to fit and totally awesome. Fitted to my Carrera MTB and love the Ergon design styling that gives you plenty of grip combinations with effortless comfort. Rubber grips are that good you wouldn’t necessary need gloves. Expensive but well engineered (Spend well – spend less). Buy some and you won’t be disappointed.
Installed easily on wife’s mountain bike and glad I read questions and answers to know to buy small Size since shifters are on grip. Perfect fit.
Installed them yesterday and went for a short ride. Such a big difference for me using these grips comfort and three different ways to hold the handle bar. Money well spent for my comfort and control of my bike.
Le ho acquistate per utilizzarle su di una mtb che purtroppo uso quasi solo su strada.
L’impugnatura sufficientemente ampia e morbida, con un ottimo grip.
Le appendici permettono un assetto un p pi stradale durante la pedalata.
Dopo aver regolato l’inclinazione delle impugnature e delle appendici il formicolio alla mia mano destra quasi sparito del tutto.
Buon prodotto, anche se un p costoso.
I was concerned that it would be hard to install on my bike, but it was very easy. To give you and idea, the hardest part was making sure they were at the same angle on both sides :). The palm size is generous, so that alone made my hands get some relief from pressure. When I do need to shift positions, the uppers are sturdy and the angle is moveable to whatever you desire. You can change the tilt after a few rides to get the best fit. The other feature I like is less prominent in the marketing; the end cap is removable. That allowed me to install a good mirror that folds away. Overall, this was a great buy and a huge difference in comfort on my rides.
No more hurting wrist, can move my hands around to several new positions keeping riding discomfort away.
Lsst sich leicht anbringen, hlt was es verspricht. Bei lngeren Fahrten ist es eine enorme Erleichterung, weil durch verschiedene Griffmglichkeiten die Hnde entspannt werden.
Der Griff liegt gut in der Hand, ist wie ich finde rutschfest.
I had a hard time finding these in stock anywhere. Plus, you have to be careful to get the right kind for your brakes. That being said, I love them. They have great support for my wrists, and, I like the large send of the extenders. The best.
Ich montiere sie senkrecht, damit ich auf meinem Haibike trekking Rad, dass recht tief vorne baut, auf lngeren Strecken aufrechte sitz Phasen haben kann. Fkt hervorragend.
Zudem sind die true sehr ergonomisch und untersttzen gut bergauf im leichten bis mittleren Gelnde.
Bereits bei der ersten Fahrt habe ich die Griffe so liebgewonnen, dass ich sie niemals freiwillig hergeben werde.
Die Montage war recht einfach. Ich musste aber die Position der Brems- und Schalthebel verndern, da die Griffe etwas breiter sind als meine alten.
Ich habe sie in Gre L, was fr meine Hnde mit Handschuhgre 11 gut passt.
I will prob contradict myself here but these grips are realy good.I Owned the gp3 version for my last bike which were great as well,these realy take a lot of finger tingle away as its something ive suffered on bikes for years.BUT 50 quid,come on.If you ride a lot you cant realy put a price on comfort.BUT 50 quid come on haha.Sorry just checked my order form 59squids
The cover was really easy to install and helps make a more comfortable ride for sure!
All of my bikes came with reasonably good grips but none were anywhere near as good as these. Once tried there is no going back.
It seems to be well made and it was easy to install. They are pretty comfortable but don’t completely alleviate pressure against your hand. I don’t think any grip like this does anyway. I bought these because it had the incorporated extender grips which I’d plan to install. They are okay. They appear to be hard plastic with some (not enough) softer rubber insert. They provide the ability to have a different grip and riding position which is nice but I wish they were a little better material and more soft rubber for comfort. also I wish they were a little longer for more grip area and positioning. These were very pricey. Ergon is a good name and you’re paying for that name. I probably could have accomplished what I got from this for much less money. But still a decent grip.
Der doch nicht ganz so billige Preis hat mich erst abgeschreckt. Aber wer billig kauft, der kauft ja bekanntlich zweimal.
Nach jetzt mehreren lngeren Fahrten (50-100 Km) kann ich nur sagen, dass die Griffe einfach Top sind. Endlich kein kribbeln mehr in den Hnden! Auch vielen Dank an den Verkufer. Schneller Versand und Ware einwandfrei.
I’m so sad! I bought Bontrager bar end adapters from my local dealer, but they didn’t fit into the ends of these Ergon grips with my Isozone handlebars. And believe me, I really tried to get them to fit! I think these would have been awesome had they fit, because they felt great in my hand, so there is nothing wrong with the product itself–I just wanted to save someone the same headaches I just went through! My solution is to add Profile Designs boxer bar ends to my existing grips, and tape those suckers up, in hopes that they will be as comfy as these Ergon grips would have surely been.
These are great! very comfortable to use. The only issue was actually the removal of the old hand guards but then saw a youtube video about using an air compressor and they came right off!
I got these Ergon GP5 grips to give myself different positions when riding the bike. They are comfy grips but tend to slide around a bit. You can’t really put a ton of weight on the top of the grip/bar ends or you will lose balance, but that’s not really a big deal, I’d imagine most people would use the middle of the bar handle, not the parts pointing in. Also, this doesn’t come with a tool (you need an Allen wrench) which is kind of ridiculous considering how expensive these grips were. If you have a lot of money to spend, then I’d recommend these. If you don’t, these are nothing crazy special.
Easy to install, independently adjustable climbing bars. A level of comfort I have yet to experience by buying independent handgrips and climbing bars…… Totally worth the money!
I ordered these recently, installed them yesterday and went out for a ride. These are excellent hand grips! The bar ends are adjustable & lock in place, keeping the whole unit unmovable. A slight adjustment on the position of my brake levers was needed, but only took a moment. The hand grips are soft rubber, providing good ‘painless’ support of your wrists. The bar ends provide numerous grip positions that help reduce arm, wrist, hand and shoulder discomfort during longer rides. I definitely would recommend the G5!
I recently purchased these and they’ve made a world of difference in my riding. Having tried several different grips in this style from other companies that only provided maybe 10-15 extra minutes of comfort before the tingling/numbness started to set in, I was somewhat skeptical but took the chance and am glad I did.
I can now ride for much longer periods of time; my longest having been 2 hours with no hint of any kind of pain. The horns are great for resting, climbs and downhill as they don’t budge or give way when really pushed and pulled on when properly tightened unlike some of the alternate brands.
Yes, they’re on the pricey side at $70, but well worth it to me for bringing back the enjoyment of riding, and I can’t imagine getting any future bikes and not having a pair of these on them.
Excellent product.
The grips need a small label for left and right. I installed them backwards and realized after the first ride then switched them. They are great after a 30 mile ride though and my wrists no longer hurt.
So comfortable to use, 4 hour rides and never any discomfort form hands. Don’t need the horns this long, would have gone with the 3s if I had seen them first but good for protecting you hands and bike in tight spots
Verpackung nur in Maisstrke Tten, Papier und Karton, kein Kunststoff vom Hersteller.
Fr Gelegenheitsfahrer sicherlich zu teuer aber wer fter und regelmig fhrt fr den ist es ein groer Vorteil aus meiner Sicht.
Der Weg zur Bremse dauert lnger wenn man oben die Hand hat aber das ist ja logisch
I suffer from carpal tunnel on long rides and while these do not completely alleviate my symptoms, I would estimate an 80% improvement. In combination with bike aero bars I can now ride comfortably again.
The quality is VERY good and they are easy to install and adjust.
I liked them so much I purchased two more sets for my wife and daughters bikes.
I think it took me longer to get the old grips off than it did to install the new one’s. I was worried that they slid on too easily, they might not stay in position, but when I tightened up the allen screw, they were rock solid. I already have much less wrist pain after a 45 min ride (four rides so far). It’s nice to be able to grip the bars differently to relieve hand fatigue. I would definitely purchase again.
I purchased these 2-1/2 years ago to allow different hand positions and to “sit higher” when resting on my hybrid bike. When I upgraded bikes a year ago, I scrapped the OEM grips in favor of the Ergon’s. They do the job albeit I do not put a great deal of strain on them.
Great grips not as comfortable as I had hoped but I think thats more my issue and not the product. Easy to install and adjust. I would definitely buy again.
These things are super comfortable. They feel good, fit perfectly, and are a great addition to my bike. I took a quick ride on another bike that just had regular grips and then came home and took my bike out. Man, it felt so good to get back on my Ergon grips. They felt – luxurious.
Highly recommended.
I’ve been getting into street / trail riding with my mountain bike for health and weight loss. I do 2 or 3 rides a week which take around 2 hours (22-28 miles). I’ve been having intense thumb pain on my right hand such that I could not open a twist bottle with that hand (gatorade/milk/soda). This grip offers three different grip options which I’ve been purposely switching between on my rides. All three options are comfortable and usable (you can climb hills in any of the three without changing grips). Result: my finger numbness and thumb pain are basically gone. Highly recommend these grips. Also, super easy to install
I absolutely love a more upright riding position with multiple grip options and these handle bars fit my need perfectly. The comfort padding is just right, the grip height is ideal, these were the perfect addition to my bike. Two thumbs waaaay up from me!!
I put these on my Trek FX-2, love them so far. I’ve read the reviews about the danger of the bar ends not being secure and coming off; I think this must be an installation issue with the grips not being pushed far enough onto the handlebar so that the bar end clamp doesn’t adequately grip the bar. I moved my shifters and brake levers in and took the end plug of the grips out when I installed them so I could visually confirm that the bar ends were seated completely on the bar. With the clamps tightened, they are rock solid and I can’t imagine how they would come off.
Easy to install and provides multiple hand positions to ease pressure on the hands on long rides.
great product. Much more comfortable than the stock grip on my bike. One of the bars got loose in the middle of a 30 mile bike ride and I couldn;t use it for about 15 miles or so because it was rotating downwards if I put pressure on it. It was fixed by tightening the screw when I got home. Made my bike about 3 pounds heavier. A little expensive too.
Reduced forearm discomfort, and great to be able to change hand positions during a long ride
All OK so far – some people reported that the horns get lose after some time – but not so far. But I’m also not the usual MTB user – just cruising in the community and bought these horns mostly to be able to sit in an more upright position (severe lower back problems – which is surprisingly relieved very well by moderate cycling in my case :-))
So I guess my user case is quite specific and they are not meant for this – but still do the trick.
Delivery, Product Quality and Value all 5 stars – only 4 stars for my very specific requirement.
+ Stabiler Halt !!!
+ Viele Verschiedene Einstellungen Mglich !
+ In Verschiedenen Versionen Zu Kaufen !!!
+/- Hoher Preis !
– Fr Den Hohen Preis: Optische Mngel (1 Punk Abzug)
Gutes Produkt Das Seinen Hohen Preis Gerecht Wird
Nachtrag: Der Ergon GP5 Ist Nicht So Mein Ding & Werde Mein Rad Wieder Auf Den Bullhornlenker Zurckrsten: Weil Das Leicht Kantige Ist Nicht So Mein Ding !!!
Brilliant! if you suffer from any kind of wrist pain then these are an excellent addition to any bike. They give so many options for hand position that you can keep riding and rest your wrists at the same time. They take a little practice to get the pads in the right place – took me a couple of rides to get them perfect. Worth noting that you can only use the alternative hand placements going up hill since you won’t reach the brakes 😉
Oh, they were dead easy to fit, too! Any amateur can fit these 🙂
Leider war einer der Beiden Lenkergriffe defekt bei Ankunft der Ware. Man konnte beim Linken Griff die Schraube nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt drehen und dann blockierte das Gewinde. Es war mit freiem Auge nicht ersichtlich warum. Optisch hat alles gepasst aber die Schraube lie sich einfach nicht weiter drehen. Rckabwicklung (Rcksendung – kostenlos / Erstattung – nach 1 Tag Gutschrift) des Verkufers allerdings einwandfrei und anhand des funktionierenden Rechten Lenkergriffes kann man vorab sagen das dieses Produkt sehr gut zu sein scheint. Die Griffe sind aus meiner Sicht recht komfortabel. Auch in Sachen Stabilitt sollte alles gut und fest montierbar sein (wenn die Schraube funktioniert :)) … Falls sich etwas ndert in der zuknftigen Beurteilung der praktischen Handhabung werde ich dies aktualisieren, aber bis jetzt bleiben wir mal bei 5 Sternen vorerst.
Aktualisierung: Habe die Griffe neu bestellt. Gutschrift war innerhalb von 2 Tagen verfgbar. Die beiden Griffe waren einwandfrei zu montieren und halten sehr gut. Sehr angenehmes Fahrgefhl. Die Griffe halten genau das was sie versprechen. Es bleibt weiterhin bei den 5 Sternen.
Handles are of good quality but you cannot install it without bar ends. I tried for months to find position of bar ends that would make sense. However it did help to get rid of hand numbness that I had with a traditional handles. It would be even better if bar hands were shorte
Oh, this really really helps. Again, with a painful right wrist, sometimes cycling is less enjoyable. These handlebars combined with special gloves I always put on, it really makes difference and makes my commute more enjoyable.
Love these, have purchased 4 sets. The vertical extensions are not just short nubs that would be hard to hang onto. These grips are substantial which allows you to set up vertically and still feel safe and secure on the bike.
Excellent feal and easy to fit
Really help to prevent aching hands on long rides
I put these on my flat bar road bike for an upcoming distance ride, and I couldn’t have been happier. 60 miles and no tingling, or numbness! The area for the heal of the hand is extremely comfy, and I loved being able to change my hand positions through the ride. I would buy these again in a second.
As expected very comfortable and easy to fit, toughest fitting part is working out the right angle to be comfortable!!
Possedevo gi delle manopole ergonomiche, ma queste sono di un altro pianeta! Una volta trovata la giusta inclinazione si possono appoggiare tranquillamente i palmi delle mani sui supporti e non si rischia di affaticare il polso. Inoltre la presa decisa e comoda.
Il montaggio abbastanza semplice, come anche il riposizionamento; una volta serrate le viti restano in posizione anche su percorsi molto sterrati.
Assolutamente consigliate se si usa molto la bicicletta e si fanno molti chilometri.
Easy to install and meaty. As a personal matter, I’m still finding the right fit for for my bike so handles still don’t relieve my discomfort on the bar as I had hoped but it has improved. It does offer gripping options and I was able to install a side mirror on it, so there’s that. I also like the look it gives my bike. All in all I recommend buying it. I gave it 5 stars because I believe once I realize my personal fit on the bike the handles will make a greater difference.
Installed these on my new mountain bike, as I loved having bar ends on my old one.i and to reposition a couple of times before my wrist didn’t hurt, but once set correctly, no sore wrists after wife has the shorter version and she also loves them.
I want to assure you that I do not work for Ergon’s sales team. I’m skeptical of these reviews sometimes. However I put these GP5’s on my bike last night and today I rode my bike on one of my usual routes. These GP5 grips are awesome. I stopped by a local bike shop to get a mechanic to check the amount of torque I had applied to the bolt that holds these grips in place. These are simple to install but the directions emphasize using a torque wrench so these won’t slip when you ride. To make a long story short I had the original handlebar grips on my bicycle which were great but these GP5’s accomodate several different hand positions. I rode 30 miles today. These grips are awesome. Only time will tell if they hold up to the miles the original grips have seen(4000 miles). These are very comfortable. If I remember I will post another review after these Ergon grips see 2000-3000 miles.
Best handlebar grips ever. Slapped a pair of these babies on my e-bike. Not only do they feel better on my hands, they also give me a greater sense of power and control. The bar ends also give at least two extra hand positions for climbing or leaning forward (more aero). Just make sure to put your hands back on the brakes if you think you might need to brake at all. Riding on the road can be dangerous.
Fitted them very easily today but very impressed after my first cycle ,love them so fa
Ich kann diese Griffe sehr empfehlen fr die Jenigen, die viel mit Fahrrad unterwegs sind!
Man hat guten Griff, es lsst sich gut einstellen und hlt bombenfest!
Der Preis ist meiner Meinung nach nur zu Teuer, deswegen 4 Sterne!
Nun ja man knnte auch sagen, Qualitt kostet halt mehr?
“My wife wanted something like these for actual relief of issues she was having in positioning as we were starting to ride longer distances. She’s smart like that. As we were looking through options and doing some reading these came up. The longer “horn” was touted as a better fit than some of the shorter ones we read about. She made the choice-love that gal. Once I saw them I wanted some as well. For only one reason, they look absolutely bad azzzz! I had to have them! Of course now that we have ridden about 50 miles (16 today) with them….no doubt the best $60.00 (X2) we have spent on this cycling habit-so far. They offer a variety of comfortable options for hand and arm positioning while riding. Even the plain palm down grip is more comfortable because of the wider platform (than even Specialized body geometry grips I took off my bike). These Ergon GP5 grips are very adjustable – you can find the exact right position for yourself. If you are riding further than the corner store with Toto in a wicker basket, spend the $60 bucks already.” 🙂
Aus meinen gemachten Erfahrungen heraus kann ich sagen, die Teile sind teuer, ja, dafr aber jeden Cent wert.
Bei mir haben sie schon zwei schwere Strze berlebt. Bei einem Sturz wurde sogar der eine Hcker abgeschlagen und ich dachte schon dass war’s fr den Griff.
Aber von wegen, zu Hause hab ich bemerkt das ich ihn nur neu anschrauben muss.
Und ganz ehrlich, bei einem Sturz ber bzw. auf den Lenker ist es mir deutlich lieber, der Griff gibt nach und bohrt sich nicht in den Fahrer.
Jeder Griff besteht aus zwei Teilen, dem Griffkrper und dem Barend (Hcker). Beide Teile lassen sich unabhngig voneinander verstellen.
Am Anfang ist das ein bisschen fummelig und bedeutet dass man schon etwas herumprobieren muss, wenn man aber einmal die richtige Position gefunden hat sitzen sie perfekt.
Die Griffe halten Bombenfest, bei mir hat sich da noch nichts gelst obwohl ich zum Beispiel beim Bergauffahren stark an den Barends ziehe, ja beinahe schon reie.
Die ergonomische Form des Griffkrpers mit der Ausbeulung nach innen finde ich persnlich sehr angenehm, richtig eingestellt verhindert er dass das Handgelenk zu weit nach unten abgeknickt wird.
Was ich super finde sind die Hrner. Bei langen Fahrten kann ich die Hnde in verschiedenen Winkeln auflegen, das entlastet die Handgelenke deutlich.
Ich nutze dabei auch die nach innen zeigenden Enden der Hrner, dann liegen meine Hnde halb auf dem Ende, halb auf dem nach vorne zeigenden Teil und damit schrg mit ca. 45 zur Lenkerstange.
Ich fahre meistens ohne Handschuhe, zumindest im Sommer, und auch nach Stundenlangen fahren mit entsprechend schwitzenden Hnden kleben sie nicht und hinterlassen keine Rckstnde an den Hnden. Da hab ich mit Griffen anderer Hersteller schon deutlich schlechtere Erfahrungen sammeln drfen.
Anfangs fand ich sie ziemlich teuer, mittlerweile finde ich sie preiswert und wrde sie wieder kaufen.
Easy to install. nice and comfortable to grab. I mainly use these as an alternative grip. My hands tend to fall asleep when I keep them in one place. It is nice to be able to move my hands into different positions.I had an aluminum pair on my old bike. These are much nicer.
These are great and worth the money. I had hand numbness while riding. I wouldn’t make it 3 miles in and had issues. These didn’t completely cure it, but they help a lot. I am using them on a mountain bike and ride both on trails and on the road. Def recommend.
Top product, well engineered, fully adjustable – rock solid on the bike. Makes soooo much difference to posture, comfort and fatigue.
I used these grips to replace the factory grips on my Trek Navigator 3. The original grips were very comfortable, but I could never keep them from moving (twisting) on the handlebars. I’ve been told that it’s more due to me having too much pressure on the grips and that I should not lean on the grips so hard. Although there may be some truth to that, I don’t really care why they move, I just want it to stop. I also like to ride long distances and wanted at least one more riding position. These grips solved both problems. They were very easy to install and absolutely will not move when riding, regardless of the pressure I place on them. The bar extensions work perfectly to allow me a different riding position and they stay fixed in place as well. These grips are a great product and I’d definitely recommend them.
If you are wonder if the vertical handle are too long, it not. I’m riding a foldie and even will the long vertical handle bar, it still quite compact after I fold my bike.
Hope this help!
Testate alla grande in vacanza nelle dolomiti Bellunesi sulla mia MTB per raggiungere il passo di Cibiana da Valle di Cadore e su un giro da 85 km e 4 ore verso il lago di Misurina e il passo Tre Croci, non ho avuto alcun problema che fossi in salita, discesa, asfalto o sterrato.
Davvero consigliate.
PS le corna sono di materiale plastico ma non per questo meno buone, all’inizio la cosa mi ha deluso ma sono molto resistenti, in 3 settimane sono scivolato accidentalmente su sterrato e le corna hanno subito ben pochi danni.
The handle bar hole on the Ergon grips seemed to be a touch too big or my handle bar is a touch too small in diameter because the Ergon grips slipped on with not a lot off effort and rotated freely once I put my palms on them. I experimented with double wrapping black electrical tape the length of the grips on the handle bar and using hair spray to lubricate the bar/tape (YouTube trick). The grips went on with some resistance and took some effort once the hair spray started to evaporate after a while to adjust for the most comfortable hand/palm angle. I also had to insert the grips all the way to the end where the handle bar ends were near to the Ergon adjustable hand grip hold attaches with the Allen topped screw. If not, the Ergon handles will come loose/off when riding. Because of this, the supplied decorative end caps were too long to insert; but, no-one will notice. I have no grip rotation when riding and the handles are very secured on the ends. You may not have the same issue with your bike like I did.
I even ordered a 2nd pair for the wife’s bike because I like the improvement in comfort so much.
Chose the GP5 as I have a Bosch equipped ebike and, even with the Intuvia unit removed, I still have the vulnerable connector base exposed if ever I need to up-end the bike to remove wheels. These are long enough to protect the connector base (along with other bar-mounted accessories) when the bike is upside-down.
I was more and more frustrated riding my new Scott as my hands numb when using the original grips. I usually go on 50-70 km routes and I had to find some solution, as after first 15-20 km I was fighting with pain in my hands instead of enjoying the ride. The Ergon GP5 totally changed the situation – now I can forget abt pain and I love riding more and more… 🙂
I had to change a few times the right settings of the grips to adjust them perfectly to my needs, and it works perfectly now.
If you think of which dimension to choose, “S” or “L” – my fingers are ca 7-8 cm long, my palm is ca 9-10 cm long and I bought the “L” size – fits perfectly. I have a very firm and wide support of the ball of my hand, and the fingers conveniently grab the grips.
I wish I had bought it earlier…
Not used to torquing my components so will have to buy a suitable torque wrench so as not to do the typical man-thing of over-tightening for future accessories of this quality.
These have been on my bike for about 6 months now. They are easy to fit and take almost all of the numbness out of my fingers and on the occasions I do feel numb I am able to move my hand to a new position. These are one of the best buys I have made for my bike.
The grips themselves, and the independently adjustable bar ends are great. After a couple tries (having to do with discovering my own preferences), I’m extremely happy with how well made these are, and how well they support me in a variety of positions.
My only complaint is the stupid little end caps. They appear to be designed for a certain inside diameter of handlebar, and mine must be smaller than that. They were impossible to drive all the way into place, even with a mallet. Yes, I aligned the little tabs correctly. So they’re in, but kinda hanging part way out. They’re mainly decorative, so no biggie, but that’s why not 5 stars.
They are not cheap but they are worth their price.
These are high quality grips and easy to install. I knocked a star off because it appears that someone must have returned these.after damaging it.One of the components that go inside your handle bars looks like a plug with multiple fins on it. The fins were are bent from being forced into handle bars with too small of a diameter. I would have returned them but had a bike trip the next day and had cut my old grips off. Lucky for me the bent component did not seen to bother anything. Very disappointed paying top dollar for something and getting a returned item instead.