Folding Camping Bed for adults, DRMOIS Camping cots,

Folding Camping Bed for adults, DRMOIS Camping cots, Oversized Portable Foldable Outdoor Bed with Carry Bag, Heavy Duty Camp bed for Indoor Office Nap Home Lounging, Support 450 Lbs – Army Gree

Weight: | 7.06 kg |
Dimensions: | 107.44 x 25.65 x 16.51 cm; 7.06 Kilograms |
Brand: | DRMOIS |
Colour: | Army Green |
Dimensions: | 107.44 x 25.65 x 16.51 cm; 7.06 Kilograms |
Lit trs pratique pour dormir ou on veut. Confortable et trs facile monter et dmonter en 2 secondes c’est fait
Je ne mets pas 5 toiles car gros dsagrment quand on bouge mme un peu le lit grince beaucoup
schne bequeme Liege, leider ist die Auflage nicht so dick wie sie auf dem Foto aussieht.(nehme jetzt einfach eine 2. unten drunter 😉 ).. schnell einsatzbereit und auch schnell wieder verstaut durch die mitgelieferte Hlle… Wrde sie auf jeden Fall wieder kaufen…
Ich habe noch eine Liege gesucht, die robust ist und die man leicht transportieren kann, fr den Campingausflug, und dazu noch komfortabel ist. Die Liegeflche ist sehr gro, das Gestell macht einen robusten Eindruck, ist auch sehr schnell ausgeklappt.
Kann man auch gut in den Campingwagen verstauen, auch fr den See ist es geeignet, man liegt sehr bequem.
Die dazugehrige Matte ist sehr bequem,
bei schnem Wetter kann man den Tag ausklingen lassen.
Bin zufriede
Das Campingbett ist leicht aufzubauen. Auspacken und auseinanderziehen. Fr die Liege gibt es noch eine extra Hlle. Hervoruuheben ist vorallem die Seitentasche. Die hat mehrere Fcher und Staurume verschiedener Gren.
Die “Matratze” ist bequem und sehr weich. Befestigt wird sie mittels Spanngummi an die Liege. Leider gibt es keine extra Tasche fr die Matratze.
Der Abbau gestaltet sich ebenfalls leicht fr die Liege. Die Matratze hingegen kann nicht mehr originalgetreu verpackt werden.
Das Camping Bett kam sehr zgig an.
Die Verpackung war auch sehr sicher.
Ich habe das Camping Bett geholt da ich bisher auch immer Camping Sthle sehr gerne genutzt habe und diese Camping Sachen Optisch einfach ansprechend finde.
Dazu ist mir noch wichtig dass man diese Kompakt verstauen kann.
Ich finde die Qualitt gut und benutze das Bett eigentlich sehr gerne.
Ich kann es weiter empfehlen.
Das Camping Betten Feldbetten Klappbar ist ein absolutes Sache fr alle Outdoor-Enthusiasten und Campingliebhaber. Ich habe dieses Feldbett auf meiner letzten Campingtour ausgiebig getestet und war restlos begeistert.
Zunchst einmal mchte ich die Qualitt und Verarbeitung des Feldbettes loben. Es ist aus robustem Material gefertigt, das eine hohe Stabilitt gewhrleistet. Selbst auf unebenem Untergrund hielt das Bett problemlos stand, ohne zu wackeln oder einzusinken. Die Rahmenkonstruktion ist solide und zuverlssig, sodass ich mich sicher und bequem ausruhen konnte.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist die einfache Handhabung und das praktische Klappsystem. Das Feldbett lsst sich im Handumdrehen auf- und abbauen, ohne dass dabei Werkzeuge oder besondere Fhigkeiten erforderlich sind. Es ist kompakt zusammenklappbar und passt problemlos in jeden Campingrucksack oder Kofferraum. Diese Portabilitt ist ein groer Vorteil, besonders wenn man oft den Standort wechselt oder wenig Stauraum zur Verfgung hat.
Der Liegekomfort des Feldbettes ist ebenfalls hervorzuheben. Die Liegeflche ist grozgig dimensioniert und bietet ausreichend Platz fr eine erholsame Nachtruhe. Die mitgelieferte Matratze ist angenehm gepolstert und sorgt fr zustzlichen Komfort. Ich habe wirklich gut geschlafen und bin am nchsten Morgen ausgeruht und erholt aufgewacht.
Ein weiteres Highlight ist die Vielseitigkeit des Feldbettes. Es eignet sich nicht nur fr Campingausflge, sondern auch fr bernachtungen bei Freunden, als Gstebett oder sogar als zustzliche Schlafgelegenheit zu Hause. Die Belastbarkeit des Bettes ist beeindruckend, es kann problemlos das Gewicht eines Erwachsenen tragen.
Alles in allem kann ich das Camping Betten Feldbetten Klappbar uneingeschrnkt empfehlen. Es vereint hervorragende Qualitt, einfache Handhabung, Komfort und Vielseitigkeit in einem Produkt. Mit diesem Feldbett wird das Camping-Erlebnis definitiv angenehmer und komfortabler. Probieren Sie es aus und berzeugen Sie sich selbst von den vielen Vorteilen dieses groartigen Campingbettes.
Tres satisfaite et ravie pour ma premiere commande sur AMAZON ,fr. Le lit et le sac de couchage sont arrives tres rapidement, avec une livraison sans accrocs . Le lit se plie facilement, par moi meme 1m56 et 43 kilos, est de presenstaion fort agreable , offre un coucher omfortable, en meme temps est d’une hauteurtres accessible. J’ai note que le produit etat d’origine et d’emballage allemands et j’ai donc pu constater que Europe Unie est rellement une confederarion de nations independentes qui est telle qu’imaginee par les Chefs d’Etat des nations independentes de l’Europe. Merci et felicitations.
Sehr schnes Feldbett das sich sehr schnell aufbauen und abbauen lsst.
Besonders schn ist die breite, da die anderen Modelle berwiegend schmaler sind.
Die integrierte Kopfsttze ist gut durchdacht und sehr angenehm mit einem Extra Kissen.
Die Stabilitt der Balken machen einen guten Eindruck, aber da mache ich Fliegengewicht mir ohnehin keine Sorgen.
Dank der Tasche lsst es sich gut verpacken und transportieren, somit ideal fr lngere Festival Besuche und weiteres, vorallem an Tagen wo der Boden feuchter ist oder der Boden nicht ganz gerade ist.
Preisleistungsverhltnis ist definitiv top und kann ich somit definitiv weiter empfehlen.
Das Feldbett ist stabil und gut frs Camping geeignet. Es macht einen hochwertigen Eindruck und ist leicht zu montieren. Auerdem ist es platzsparend. Mit einer passenden Luftmatratze lsst sich sehr bequem und gemtlich schlafen.
Vom Preis her ist das Bett top.
Das ergonomische Design der Campingliege trgt ebenfalls zu ihrem Komfort bei. Der gebogene Rahmen ermglicht eine ergonomische Kopfsttzenposition, die fr entspanntes Liegen und Schlafen sorgt. Auerdem verfgt die Liege ber eine praktische Auentasche, in der man problemlos sein Handy, seine Schlssel, Wasserflasche und andere kleine Gegenstnde verstauen kann. Dadurch hat man immer alles griffbereit.
Ein weiterer groer Vorteil dieser Campingliege ist ihre Portabilitt. Sie lsst sich in Sekundenschnelle aufstellen und bei Nichtgebrauch leicht zusammenklappen und verstauen. Mit einem Gewicht von nur 7 kg ist sie zudem auch fr lngere Wanderungen oder Trekkingtouren gut geeignet.
Alles in allem kann ich die Campingliege empfehlen. Ihre hohe Belastbarkeit, Stabilitt, strapazierfhige Materialien, ergonomisches Design und die praktischen Aufbewahrungsmglichkeiten machen sie zu einem perfekten Begleiter fr Campingausflge.
Ein Mitleiter von uns leidet an starker Adipositas und kann somit nicht einfach auf einer Isomatte auf dem Boden liegen.
Deswegen war er lange nicht mehr auf einem Lager mit.
Wir zusammengelegt und ihm dieses Feldbett geschenkt.
Als eines der wenigen Feldbetten trgt dieses hier von Drmois auch ein Gewicht von ber 180 kg, deswegen war die Entscheidung welches es wird, schnell klar.
Das Geschenk kam richtig gut an, auch rechtzeitig. Eine Woche spter startete nmlich unser Lager an unserem See.
Das erste Mal seit Jahren nahm unser Mitleiter wieder daran teil 🙂
Aber mal zum Bett: Es berzeugt durch ein massives, stabiles Gestnge und dicken Stoff, die Verarbeitung lsst keine Wnsche offen. Mit eine Lnge von 190cm und Breite von 71cm fr die meisten Menschen auch gro genug.
Ich durfte mal probeliegen, es ist berraschend bequem, wow!
Der Aufbau war selbsterklrend, zusammengeklappt hat es die Mae von 107x17x24cm, also wirklich klein und handlich. Eigengewicht trotz den Stahlrohren nur 7kg! Eine passende Tasche wird mitgeliefert.
Wer ein stabiles und massives Feldbett / Gstebett sucht ist hier bestens bedient.
Empfehlung! 🙂
facile plier deplier facile ranger et confortable je le recommande. Un peu cher quand mme our un produit chinois mais bon …..
I cannot comment on comfort as I haven’t used it! However, the person who did use it found it acceptable. It was fairly easy to open and close and doesn’t take up much storage space.
I bought this to take with me when I stay with relatives, I normally sleep on a double airbed that takes up so much room, I was pleasantly surprised at how well I slept on this bed, it is super fast to put up and take down, good quality and not too heavy to carry.
If it wasn’t so hard it would be even better.
But it’s still better than the airbed.
Good quality, strong and reliable, jno tipping over
Better instructions on how to collapse the bed.
Ich habe das Feldbett bisher zum Schlafen bei Freunden verwendet.
Das Feldbett ist schnell auf- und auch wieder abgebaut.
Insgesamt ist das Bett fr mich nicht zu schwer und kann gut transportiert werden.
Die Stangen haben eine gute Qualitt und sind wirklich stabil.
Die Liegeflche ist gro genug.
Allgemein habe ich auf dem Bett wirklich gut geschlafen. Es ist berraschend bequem.
Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist sehr gut, da das gesamte Teil eine sehr gute Qualitt hat und der Preis nicht hoch ist.
This is a good weight, not too heavy to move around. Very easy to set up and fold away and surprisingly comfortable to sleep on all night. We tested sleeping on it before we went camping and is well worth the money. Very sturdy and great colour. Bonus of the grey colour, rather then the normal boring blue and green, camping gear colours, is we can use this indoors at home too.
What a great buy this cot is . This is a strong cot and so comfy too.its so portable that can be easily folded and takes so less space in the boot .I have used this few times already during our camping and at the beach ,no fuss whatsoever. Pleased with the buy. Will definitely buy one more and I highly recommend this .thank you
A strong sturdy camp bed very comfortable and folds easily (please note it does not come with the matress in the image)
Great camping or spare bed. Folds up really well and with great ease. Great for indoors and out doors. Sturdy design.
I use it in my garden and it is very comfortable.
It looks very stable. It’s waterproof and folding is very easy.
Only drawback is that the material may be damaged easily
Much more preferable as an additional bed in caravan awning. Frame means the bed surface is off the floor, and the width of the bed makes it perfect for even the largest of adults. I added a roll up self inflating mat for additional comfort but even without the bed surface is more than comfortable. Feels very sturdy and isn’t noisy like an airbed if you roll in your sleep. Folds up during the day to make full use of awning space. Folds up into bag for stowage in under seat storage in between holidays.
We had received this yesterday when it was very hot. We used it last night outside in the garden and it was surprisingly sturdy, comfortable and can be set up and put away very easily. Highly recommend.
I’ve had a few different camp beds over the years. I bought this one for camping but used it the last few nights to put in my daughters bedroom to help to get her to stay in her own room. I’m 18 stone and wasn’t expecting the world but this is a solid bed. Really strong and very comfortable. Each to pack away too pop the middle up on both sides and pull up. Easily goes back into the handy bag too. Great camp bed 5*
This camp bed has worked out great, it’s sturdy, easy to put up and down and very comfortable. It arrived well packaged and in a matter of days. Have used it for camping and as a spare sleep over bed.
Bought it for camping but haven’t got the chance yet. Whether is so good so brought it out. Lying in the wild is so nice. Very sturdy and comfortable.
The bed is lightweight and compact which made it easy to carry around and is also strong enough to carry the weight of me and my partner. The only downside I would say is that it isn’t all that comfortable but I suppose you could place pillows or a thin mattress on top.
It is very sturdy and comfortable to lie on. Great for camping, pretty light and easy to carry around. overall very good and useful
So comfortable and don’t need a pillow, easy to fold in 10 seconds. Price was lovely which is acceptable. Fantastic for traveling as well.
I bought this bed with the view for purely using it for camping. I’ve taken it on too trips so far and it was perfect. The size and weight of it makes it ideal for carrying about and the fact it comes with a carry bad and folds away so small makes it all the easier. I usually rough it and sleep on the floor but thought I would treat myself and I have not been disappointed. I’ve ad the best sleeps ever whilst camping and would not go back to floor sleeping again. Since the camping trips I’ve used the bed as a sun lounger and even a spare bed when I stop over at friends – it is much comfier that the sofa. The camping bed takes seconds to put up and the same amount of time to pack away. It is very sturdy and holds my weight (220lb) with ease, it’s comfortable to sleep on and has a raised head at one end for comfy laying. It is also very easy to clean and has a convenient pocket on the side for holding your phone and other small items. I’m really pleased with the product and it will be getting a lot of use this summer.
I’m new to camping and had previously just used a blow up mattress. I didn’t find sleeping on the mattress comfy but this bed is a game changer.
Fantastic! Sturdy camp bed which feels solid and made to last.This is super sturdy and folds away quite easily once you get the knack of it.
It’s a great comping cot, good quality, easy to organize, easy to carry, can be carried in the car, takes up very little space, and is a great choice for going outdoors.
Solid bed really strong does not tip when you sit on the edge.
Really comfortable to sleep on, makes your camping really enjoyable & gives you a good night sleep.
Storage bag on the side help to keep phone etc keeps it away from getting wet.
Fold easy and quick ulta-compact, plus a bag that it slips in with no effort.
Very delighted I bought it, good price for solid camping bed.
One of my sun loungers was on its way out and I was looking for an alternative which was more compact and could be folded away and protected more easily. This does the job and looks the part in grey.
It has a really nifty design which easily pulls into place when extending to its full length.
The storage bag is very handy for keeping it folded up and protecting it also and there are no fussy zips, the drawstring works well.
If I think about how many sun loungers I’ve had to replace over the decades, this feels like it’s going to last a lifetime in comparison! It looks like its powder coated against rust and It’s structurally sound and very supportive. I think its worth the extra money over a standard lounger given its durability and its high quality look and feel. I love that it has such a small footprint when not in use and will be largely protected from the elements in its bag even if stored outside.
Mi piaciuta la comodit e la robustezza. Il design corrisponde a quello della foto. Lo uso per il camper e per il campeggio. Altrimenti lo metto in giardino. L’ho pagato poco per quello che offre. Si chiude e si apre con facilit anche se occupa un po’ di spazio anche da chiuso. Nella confezione presente una sacca per trasportarlo. Non pesante. Mi sembra una soluzione adeguata per ci che cercavo. Valuter nel tempo la sua durabilit.
It’s really sturdy long and wide so a comfy nights sleep. Easy to open and fold away. Fits perfectly under our bed.
Took this camping as my kid didn’t want to sleep on the floor. Its extremely sturdy and easy to put up/dismantle.
Although i would say that instructions in the box would have been a benefit but easy to figure out.
Really impressed great value for money no assembly needed just unfold and it’s ready to sleep on good size sleeping area and folds away very neatly was surprised at the small size when packed in bag
For my regular camping trips, I brought this bed, and it’s by far the greatest one I’ve ever had. It is quite high quality and not at all cheap. It has a wonderful design that makes putting it up a breeze. It’s excellent and stable with a strong base, which makes it quite pleasant for me to sleep on. I wholeheartedly advise purchasing it.
The courier left my cargo outside. Ahh not being stolen.
I write item by item.
1- very light.
2-Easy to carry.
3-It is very easy to install.
4-The weather is very hot and it is time to sunbathe.
5-Easy to carry.
6-very sweet.
7-the price may be a little expensive
I thought I’d get this foldout camping bed as it is useful for camping but also useable as a spare bed for visitors. It is portable enough to take for camping trips. Most important is that it is comfortable to lie on. I’d say it is better than an airbed for sleeping in. It is sturdy and hopefully will be long lasting. It comes with an easy to carry carry bag.
Good product and makes camping a little more luxurious.
I am very satisfied for the width ,very comfortable when I laying on.Strong enough,fabric is thick and durable quality. Light to carry to anywhere.Recommend it.
I bought this camping bed so that I could use it whenever I go camping or to the beach. Just the other day I went to the Blackpool and decided to bring it take it with me, and i couldnt be more happy with my purchase it was perfect. The bed is lightweight and compact which made it easy to carry around and is also strong enough to carry the weight of me and my partner. The only downside I would say is that it isn’t all that comfortable but I suppose you could place pillows or a thin mattress on top.
Je cherchais un lit de camp assez compact pour mettre dans ma tente dcathlon et il fait bien le job. Il est bien solide et super confort.
Je l’utilise pour l’instant sur ma terrasse, il a dj pris la pluie et il a bien tenu. Je recommande
Lo compr para este verano usarlo en un camping y festival. La verdad que me ha venido genial ya que trae una bolsa de transporte y solo hay que abrir la cama para dormir o tumbarse.
No trae piezas sueltas ni nada que montar, despues a la hora de cerrarla es igual de comodo que para abrirla.
Trae un bolsillo la lateral para dejar movil, libro o comida. Tambin una cinta para atarlo a algn arbol o similar.
En general me parece una cama muy prctica incluso para un viaje de emergencia en lugar de un colchon hinchable en el que acabas a ras de suelo y pasando ms calor.
Really good quality, sturdily built.
Easy to fold and unfold (once you get the knack). Much more comfortable to sleep on than an air mattress!
Well worth the money in my opinion.
It’s super easy to set the bed down, what you need to do is just open it and lie down. There is storage bag on the side, it’s convenient to put items in. What I love most is when you lie down you can feel the support on your back.
Really easy to set up. Remember to lock in the edges then lie down. It’s ompany to put a pillow or some support behind your lower back or your back will be gone. It’s very sturdily built and great for lying down in the sun. Folds in very early too
I bought for my garden sitting and laying,it really keep me fit and comfort on i
The cot is very steady. Easy to open and close by one person. My 3 year old son can climb up on it with no safety concern.
I bought this for my camping trip and it is very good. It is comfortable and fairly straight forward to set up. There were a few other options I could’ve bought but none of them folded up into a small package as this one. The durability seems good and I had no problems with it. I would definitely recommend this for anyone looking to buy one of these
What’s your reasons behind this? Well… have you ever had a mate who just “pops” over? And you don’t have much room in your house?? Wel… this folds away to easily put away!! And boom, after a few drinks out it comes and in the kitchen in a jiffy!
I like this camping bed, so easy to set up and fold up, only takes less than10 seconds, it comes with a storage bag, easy to transport and store, quality looks good too, and the angle at the end, so can sleep on it without a pillow, brilliant!
I like this camping cot. The quality is very good . Easy to open and fold. It came with a carrying bag, good for organising and travelling. This cot is great for enjoying sunbath at garden in a lovely day. worth for buying this high recommend
Purchased this outdoor bed to primary use as a sunbed, but also as a spare bed for when my son stays overnight. As a sunbed it is brill as it is so strong it does not collapse like my old sunbed, and is very sturdy. It also has a side pocket , so i can put my mobile, suncream etc in it. When not in use it quickly folds up in one go and very easy to open too. It make a great overnight bed in the home or to take outdoors camping. The price is very reasonable indeed considering the quality material and frame. I highly recommend this item if you are looking for a good strong sunbed/camp bed that will last and take the weight of large adults.
I’ve actually ordered this camping cot to use as a sunbed in the garden as I liked that it doesn’t have arms and it is larger than most other sunbeds. It could also of course be used to take camping, and you could use it as a bed. When I first set it up I thought it would be uncomfortable, but it actually is very comfortable- comfortable enough to sleep on without anything on top of it. It feels very sturdy so would take some weight, and it has a side pocket.
Fantstico producto para el descanso en camping o playa, con buen acabado y confortable, gran estabilidad con patas de plstico, y tubos bien terminados, pintados.
La lona es de muy buena calidad y perfecta para el agua. Trae una lona para guardarla fcilmente en cualquier lugar. Para montarla y desmontarla no se tarda nada pliega fcilmente. Se puede guardar en espacio reducido y el color es muy bonito. Recomiendo su compra est muy bien.
I have bought it for multiuse but mostly as a bed for guests indoors. It is very easy to unfold and it is surprisingly comfortable and very durable and strudy. It also not too heavy and good to use both outdoors and indoors. We will use it in the garden as a lounge bed too. Highly recommend.
an der Liege hat mir schon vor dem Kauf der Klapp-Mechanismus gut gefallen. Dieser kann die Liege auf kompakte Mae zusammenfalten so das sich diese besonders kompakt verstauen und auch entsprechend praktisch transportieren lsst.
Das Aufklappen gelingt super. Mit dem letzten Druck dann in die Mittleren Scharniere der Liege wird diese komplett aufgespannt und die Gestnge ist in einer sehr stabilen Position. Von alleine klappt die Liege dann nicht mehr zusammen.
Die Liegeflche ist grozgig und bequem und fr normalgewichtige Personen ist die Liege super und hngt auch nicht stark durch. Das Kopfteil ist am obersten Segment sogar leicht gepolstert und verstellbar.
Insgesamt bin ich mit Qualitt und Komfort der Campingliege sehr zufrieden.
very comfy and rigid bed.
bought to use for extra house guests but is small enough when collapsed to take camping.
quality material and a sloping head section makes it comfy for sleeping.
bit tricky to put up, but if you turn it upside down and push the four legs down it easily clicks into place.
nice storage back included.
Bought this cot for our first camping trip. It is easy to assemble and fold. Kids just love to lay on it and watch a movie coz it is comfortable and big enough for them to move.
I’ve always enjoyed camping however in recent years due to a back problem I haven’t been able to go so wanted a solution that would allow me to get back out there.
This camping cot folds out within a few seconds can be tightened up to create a really comfortable yet solid bed that just doesn’t move, accompany that with a decent sleeping bag or if you want to spoil yourself you can even have an inflatable mattress on top and you’ll end up with an extremely good night’s sleep which for me is a first in camping.
I had tried previous models but they seem to have points inside of them which poke into your back when you’re sleeping which on a noise long night sleep really do make it’s uncomfortable however this one seems to spread all of the supports across a larger area which helps a lot, it also has a set of feet on it that mean that it won’t wobble about even if you fidget a lot during the night.
Overall although it looks a little bit complicated it’s extremely simple to open up and set up and once done I have complete confidence that it will last many a year in camping.
Buenas tardes, producto muy recomendable, de muy buena calidad y cmodo. Muy fcil de abrir y cerrar y se ve muy fuerte. Lo he comprado ya que en unas semanas me voy de camping. Al probarlo me ha sorprendido satisfactoriamente. La tela tiene buen tacto. Mis dos nios han alucinado, probandolos, caben los dos perfectamente. Viene con una funda con asas para su comodo trasporte y se ve resistente.Lo recomiendo 100%. Muy buena compra.
I like this camping cot when I saw it at first sight and its colour matches to my camping chair. The quality is very good. Easy to open and fold. It came with a carrying bag, good for organizing and travelling. This cot is great for panic in the park ,camping, or enjoying sunbath at garden in a lovely day. What a useful outdoor bed.
Die Liege ist sehr stabil, nicht zu schwer, und (fr ein Feldbett) auch bequem. Ich hoffe das Teil hlt auch eine Weile, Verarbeitung sieht jedenfalls gut aus.
It looks a lot better than the pictures. Also very sturdy. I had a great sleep 🙂
Really comfortable and well designed as no assembly is required, just unfold and job done. No issues to pack back into the bag. Sturdy and hold me easy (90kg of weight), doesn’t bend or misshape in any way. Really well made, quality it top and would be happy to pay more for it to be honest.
This backpack may look heavy for travel but it’s great for getting a good night’s sleep! It is warm enough, soft and thick. I compared it to my air mattress. Inflatable beds are comfortable, but after a while they cause back pain. It is better if the mattress is a little harder.
It has a pocket where you can put things like drinks, food, powerbank or books while lying down. It is wide and solid. This pocket is great for Amazon Kindle lovers like me.
It was a cool night and I had the opportunity to use this bed. I didn’t have a cold back or back pain. Yes it may seem expensive but I was happy to know that I paid the money for all these great features. Such products are for harsh conditions, so very cheap ones can let you down. I can say this because I have had bad experiences before. The product is good and I am satisfied. I’m thinking of buying it for my dad.
Bought this as an alternative to a blow-up mattress since we’ve been camping a lot over the last few years.
Really impressed with how sturdy this is when unfolded, and very comfortable.
Much better than sleeping on the floor!
The little side pouch is useful for storing phone + power bank, I imagine also books and a torch.