Full Face Respirator Gas Mask RHINO RH-7011 for Organic

Full Face Respirator Gas Mask RHINO RH-7011 for Organic Vapor, Chemical, Sanding, Dust, Paint Spraying (+ Acid Gas) Including Replacement Filters and Protection Gloves

Our history
RHINO Smart Solutions is a brand of industrial products specialized in the development of respiratory masks for different uses.
Our main objective is to satisfy the needs of our clients by offering them the solution they need. For this we have different models that will fit what you are looking for.
Enjoy working, we take care of protecting you!
Weight: | 921 g |
Dimensions: | 22.91 x 19.61 x 15.09 cm; 921 Grams |
Model: | RH-7011 |
Part: | RH-7011 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | JJQ Maquinaria SL |
Dimensions: | 22.91 x 19.61 x 15.09 cm; 921 Grams |
He lijado horas con mucho calor y no s me ha empaado ni ina vez. Es muy cmoda de llevar y tengo ms rea de visin que llevando mscara y gafas de proteccin por deparado. Envo rpido y bien envuelto.
This is a surprisingly quality mask that seals well and is fairly light. Visibility through the lens is good and the valves work flawlessly. Bigger brand cartridges found at local hardware stores fit it which is a big plusin making it versatile in filtering use. I would not have a problem buying it again.
La utilizo para trabajos de pintura en espacios con poca ventilacin. La mscara es cmoda de llevar, se respira bien ofrece, una visin excepcional y lo ms importante para m, no se empaa. Incluye varios filtros de recambio.
La volvera a comprar sin duda.
Bon masque de protection pour travailler dans la poussire ou les composants nocifs pour les poumons. Possibilit de changer les filtres.
Le seul problme du masque c’est que le caoutchouc pour le maintenir sur la tte s’accroche aux cheveux si vous l’utilisez sans combinaison.
Jag r mer n njd med denna. Behandlingen fr att skydda mot imma r av mycket hg kvalitet! Den immar inte igen vad jag n gr. Inte ens nr jag anvnder masken i varmaste hgsommaren och svetten rinner. Precis vad jag var ute efter. Det finns billigare alternativ hr p Amazon som ocks psts ha skydd mot imma. Lser man dock recensionerna s ser man att skyddet r undermligt. Jag valde drfr att betala lite extra fr dessa och jag r s glad att jag gjorde det.
Masken r ocks mycket ltt att ta p och av. Den sitter mycket bra utan lckage.
Masken r inte bara bra fr att skydda dig frn kemikalier. Den r ocks ett utmrkt skydd fr grspollen allergiker som behver klippa grsmattan! Jag har grs allergi och har brjat anvnda masken varje gng det r dags att klippa grset. Jag kan nu klippa grsmattan utan att knna minsta allergi problem eftert! Att jag inte tnkt p detta tidigare. Vilken befrielse! Grannarna kanske tittar lustigt, men det r det v
Nickel pour peindre murs et plafond d’une pice au pistolet. Aucune bue ne s’est forme alors que mon ancien masque tait embu au bout de 5 minutes de peinture.
Ce qui pourrait tre amlior :
– passage des branches de lunettes pour ceux qui portent des verres correcteurs
– protection dtachable du verre
Llevaba mucho tiempo con mascarillas, gafas y mscaras que prometan proteccin y antivaho, nada de eso ocurra. Con est mscara es simplemente espectacular. Se adapta perfectamente a la cara, se respira muy bien y con una visin amplia y limpia. Sin vaho alguno. Y una proteccin perfecta y adaptacin a la capucha del traje genial. Toda una sorpresa este descubrimiento. Lo recomiendo totalmente. Tambin tengo que dar la enhorabuena por el perfecto servicio de envo y entrega.
Follow the directions, but read them all first. The particulate filter is placed with the words toward the main filter. No bigger just flip it around.
Instructions were clear. About a 10 minute setup. Getting the wrapping off the main filters is the slowest part.
All parts are in ziploc bags. Nice for storage.
Remember to make sure the intake holes and exhaust holes are not covered except when testing.
Very comfortable. Worked first time.
One tip not related to this product is i use a spray sock so the dust doesn’t get in my ears and hair as much. Might be something to think about.
Gomma di qualit, non dura o secca, aderisce bene ed una gomma morbida e delicata. Filtri piu che discreti che non lasciano passare nemmeno l odore degli insetticidi che uso. Anche se dopo questi in dotazione opter per dei filtri della 3M con altre bande di colore in piu. Veramente vale quei soldi spesi pero! Ottima.
Mi ha piacevolmente colpito la facilit delle stringhe per stringerla sul volto(e anche alargarla) le stringhe in gomma sono dentellate e basta sollevare una clip(sono 5) che si allenta immediatamente! oppure basta tirare(dopo indossata sempre una delle cinghe in gomma per stringerla ed cosi facile e veloce che io lo faccio ogni volta che devo fermarmi per riempire il mio atomizzatore .
Great item as always , use theses for my polishing , very quick delivery
he bag was missing other than that it was a good buy
Very good. I usually buy Drager respirators but I didn’t have the money or the time to get one, so went for this one. I’m still here after a few uses so it works. I didn’t get a storage bag with it but that’s no problem, I made one out of 2 layers of denim fabric
I use this for cleaning, mainly for bleach smell, this protects very well can’t smell anything, perfect for my hygiene cleaning
The mask was brilliant at first,after a couple of week using it the anti scratch visor started to mark haven’t rubbed it with anything just sprayed water on it let it dry out ,had to buy visor cover for it ,know better now overall it’s ok
Helmet fits perfect.no leaks.only down side I can’t find screen protector for i
I really like this face mask…Its comfortable and very practical
Masque agrable a porter,trs bonne tancheit avec ses lanires ajustables qui conviennent aux petits et grands gabarit,et trs important pas de formation de bue a l’intrieur du masque,bonne vision vitre bien large,et du mme coup bonne protection faciale contre les projection de liquides.Aucune gene particulire constate.
Livr avec 2 filtres latraux et 10 filtres de rechange,l’efficacit des filtres depend de leur temps d’utilisation.
Ce masque peut tre utilis avec un filtre central de type cartouche ou d’un tuyau d’alimentation en air externe au lieu des 2 latraux en enlevant le bouchon central et en replaant les 2 bouchons latraux.
Je l’utilise avec les filtres latraux en cuisine pour l’utilisation contres des gaz acides chaud pour le nettoyage a chaud des grills,hotte et friteuses ce qui dgage beaucoup de vapeurs toxiques.
Je suis trs satisfait en terme de qualit,je recommande cet article.
Attention a ne pas utiliser ce masque avec des gaz,acides,ou un milieu qui attaquent ou deteriorent le caoutchouc car cela compromettrait srieusement l’etancheit,l’intgrit du masque et la scurit de l’utilisateur.
Its a good mask ,but when your sweating like a pig it needs taking off and cleaning ,But for the price the best out there.
1. it fits also big head and can be fixed very stable on the head.
2. it works perfectly for very dusty environment, but for scent only to a certain degree. We tried perfume, it smelled strong in the air, wearing the mask you can still sense the smell but a lot less.
3. It is magic that the separate air inlets and outlet keep the mouth area constantly dry so that the filter efficiency will not decline with time. Didn’t feel any difference after wearing 3 hours continuously.
4. The face cover is a bit fragile. You have to pay special attention that no hard stuff should be far away from it. It will NOT become fuzzy at all when you exhale. A bit dust on will not have any impact either.
5. The carbon boxes look like a standard one. Not sure if a 3M filter can fit in it or not. But looks easily to replace both carbon boxes and the filter.
6. Rubber band very well processed and wears comfortably. But there is strong smell when first open it.
Ich verwende die Maske beruflich zum Beschichten. Habe schon eine im Frhjahr gekauft. Die Scheibe ist leider nicht zu tauschen. Darum gab es jetzt eine Neue.
When I received it I was most impressed with the glass and not plastic facing
Ottima maschera integrale, comoda l’unico peccato la visiera che non antigraffio, la utilizzo per fare insuflagio e ho dovuto comprare a parte i filtri che mi servivano perch quelli dentro la scatola non vanno bene per il mio lavoro, prezzo un po’ Altino secondo me, un 20 in meno sarebbe ottimo
I found the mask a “bit” bulky to wear, but it was most effective in protecting me from some awful fumes given off by the glue I was using. Overall, I shall give this product my full support and would highly recommend its use to others.
Tiene muy buena calidad y se ajusta perfectamente a la cara.
This makes is surprisingly comfortable and does not fog up. The clips and straps does not seem super sturdy but has not failed me yet and I used it a lot. The higher end 3m filter can also be put on this which is also a great value.
Prodotto valido, confortevole durante il lavoro.
Accessori in dotazione graditi.
Consigliato l’acquisto.
Comodo, aisla muy bien, practico, no se humedece el cristal y es ligero, recomiendo su compra.
Die Maske wurde schnell und in einem einwandfreien Zustand geliefert. Das Fenster der Maske war zustzlich in der Schachtel in einer zustzlichen Folie eingepackt. Daneben wurde das Glas der Maske nochmal separat mit einer Folie geschtzt.
Nach erstem Test, kann ich sagen, dass diese sehr gut schtzt. Ich habe diese Maske bis jetzt nur zum Mahlen von sehr scharfem Chili verwendet und muss sagen, dort hat Sie die Partikel sehr gut abgeschirmt.
Niente da dire fa il suo lavoro in modo eccellente!
I purchased this for protection while tearing out old lath and plaster. I worked great. I have a beard and glasses and I was able to seal this up and not breathe the dust or get it in my eyes. Great mask!
Schnelle Lieferung, gute passform, und das wichtigste: die Maske ist dicht! Durch die zwei Filter besteht ein guter Atemkomfort.
I used this mask to spray mold in my attic ,worked grea
Espero no tener de utilizarla ,
Pero tal como pinta el mundo ,
Todo revolucionado ….
Lo mejor es estar precabido ,
Hoy estamos aqu , maana dis dir ….
Pero por lo menos si estamos preparados para poder respirar , mas aguantaremos
Compr 6 recambios y 50 filtros ,
Cada filtro vale para 1 semana
Ich arbeite in einem Lohnunternehmen und habe das Getreidelager in meiner Verantwortung.
Bisher hatte ich eine Atemschutzmaske wo nur Mund und Nase umschlossen hat und eine separate Schutzbrille. Nach ein paar Stunden hatte ich Schmerzen durch das Tragen dieser Kombination.
Mit der neuen Atemschutzmaske ist das Vergangenheit! Sie macht um das Gesicht herum komplett dicht ohne zu drcken, beschlgt nicht und nach Feierabend ist sie sehr leicht zu reinigen.
Falls die Maske irgendwann mal den Geist aufgegeben sollte kauf ich sie mir sofort wieder.
Lsst sich gut tragen und die Scheibe beschlgt nicht! hlt die Atemluft frei von Geruch und Dmpfen!
Ausbringung von Sterizid im Stall!
This mask works flawlessly with several filter options. Good seal and well worth it for the DIY-ER
…fr den sie angeschafft wurde.
Passform ok, Dichtigkeit ok
Was will man mehr?
Die Maske passt sich perfekt an ohne zu drcken. Sitzt perfekt ohne zu verrutschen wenns mal heisser wird. Man bekommt gut luft und vor allem filtert sie jeden gestank aus jeder sprhdose oder hnlichem. Verwende sie hauptschlich zum drechseln und schleifen.
Adems de llegar muy bien embalada, los materiales y su precio son muy buenos.
Der Preis ist sehr gut. Wollte schon lange eine Maske die Augen und Atem zugleich schtzt, bisher passte keine zu meinem eher kleinen Kopf. Diese schon. Sie dichtet sehr gut ab. Bentze sie zum Epoxy und Holz schleifen, Bilder mit Airbrush oder Spraydosen machen. Bei lngerem arbeiten mit der Maske wird mir bisschen schummrig oder bekomme Kopfweh, dann ist es halt Zeit fr eine Pause. Bin sehr zufrieden damit.
Die Kratzfestigkeit kann ich noch nicht bewerten, habe sie noch nicht lange. Bis jetzt gut.
I use the full face mask as i cut and sand MDF which is very harmfull if you breath in the dust particles, so i can fully recommend your produc
This is a full face mask that fits perfectly and I have used for an hour with no undue stress.There is no misting up inside the mask which is because you have a rubber fitting over nose and mouth with a excellent fit.I have no qualms in saying this is the best mask i have ever had…
Awesome product, used it in a garage with poor ventilation, not even smallest sense of paint smell, is unbelievable, does not steam at all excellent product.
La goma del perimetro es muy endeble por lo que da miedo que se rompa cuando la intentas ajustar correctamente. Al no hacerlo La parte inferior de la barbillaqueda holgada
Muy sorprendido gratamente, soy pintor profesional y me dedico a lacar y barnizar muebles y puertas, etc y la calidad es muy buena y sobre todo la estanqueidad, muy recomendable
Die Maske funktioniert perfekt, auch mit Brille. Die Atemschutzmaske dichtet gut ab, wenn man sie genau ausrichtet. Das atmen selbst fllt wesentlich leichter, als mit einer normalen Staubmaske. Einzig der Plastikgeruch strt ein wenig, wird aber weniger und ich hatte nie Kopfschmerzen davon.
Finns inte mycket negativt att sga om detta andningsskydd, bra kvalit, passform och ett bra pris!
La mscara esta muy bien, buen precio se ajusta bien y muy buena calidad
I like the box with everything inside, the mask works very well.
Con este tipo de mscara eso no pasa y se agradece a la hora de estar un largo tiempo lijando.
Cmo dos punto negativos dir que una de las gomas se solt y tarde bastante en volver a ponerla en su sitio.
Los filtros que trae la mscara encajan algo arrugados, no es un problema en si o eso espero.
El ajuste de las gomas es perfecto as como soltar el seguro de las mismas de forma tan sencilla.
Lo recomiendo.
I bought for my husband. He said is very good and lightweight.
. Brillia
This is a great face mask that fits so well, doesn’t wiggle around and is light weight.
It’s easy to breath in, doesn’t get humid and moist inside. The filters are great, I use it for spraying cars, and I filters the small paint particles well.
Very impressed with this mask would highly recommend!
Hallo zusammen!
Hoher Tragekomfort und angenehmes (auf der Haut!) Tragegefhl! Perfekte Rundumsicht. Das Produkt entspricht in allen Bereichen der Beschreibung. Nur eine kleine Anmerkung zur ‘Bedienungsanleitung’:
Besteht die Mglichkeit, diese Beschreibung auch auf Deutsch zu erstellen? Wre ggf. hilfreich.
Werde ich jedenfalls gerne wieder kaufen.
Mit freundlichen Grssen
C. Wexler/Aachen/NRW/ Deutschland
Amazing full face respirator mask from RHINO. I own different mask from them model M101 and always been happy with this product. This one model 7011 is huge leap forward when comes to safety during work. This is full face shield respirator with replaceable filters of course included in package and not only 2 but 10 so it should last a pretty long time. I love that they implemented middle section ready to accept center canister by just unscrewing cap. Versatile and doesn’t limit you to only 1 filtering solution.
Huge face shield gives massive visibility, doesn’t limit you and allow to work effectively so minimise how this mask is invasive. Huge plus that visor doesn’t fog , there is nothing worst. Silicone paddings are comfortable and thanks to 5 head point adjustable straps you can fit it perfectly to your head. It does guarantee that mask will always be sealed properly and won’t let any agents in.
This is clearly mask for more professional tasks however simple jobs like working in loft with exposed insulation is very dangerous and this mask can save your lungs for little price really. In my opinion this is fair price for product like this since it protects your respiratory system. Very pleased with this mask.
This review is for the Hero Digital Coffee Scale with Timer for Pour-Over Hand Drip (White).
Amazing mask, really well made and comfortable to wear. Provides super protection against everything. Also comes with gloves which is a great addition.
I personally used it while removing asbestos roof from my garage. Felt a lot better doing the job myself while wearing this mask. Would recommend.
The mask is comfortable to wear thanks to the silicone face surrounds and has excellent levels of adjustment with the straps. The straps are easy to adjust whilst wearing either tightening or loosening without any hassle.
One thing to note for those who require some form of sight correction, is that I tried wearing it with my glasses on and wouldn’t recommend this. The mask does fit over them but I found that it pressed too much on the bridge of my nose and the arms (obviously) prevent a serious seal being created by the sides of the mask. Contact lenses are recommended then, if you wish to wear this mask.
With that said, the visuals through the mask screen are excellent with no distortion and I didn’t experience any major misting up. Certainly nothing that hindered my line of sight.
The filters supplied are easy enough to put together (though the instructions provided could be a bit clearer for the uninitiated.). You have to twist each filter different ways to attach securely which can feel odd if you are used to the old “righty tighty” method. I tended to look at the position of the filters in the photos on the box to know which way to turn them.
Once all together and on the head, breathing is fine and not restricted too much, but it can feel a bit claustrophobic if you are not used to them. I’d definitely recommend wearing it for a while to get used to it before starting anything.
The fact this comes with everything you need is great, but do note that once opened, the filter cartridges do have a set usability life and will need to be replaced. Rhino in their instructions recommend this after 40 hours use, or 30 days after opening and using for the first time. I had a check on Amazon looking for them and couldn’t find any (at time of writing Aug 2021) so hopefully Rhino will soon start selling these.
This full face respirator is great for woodwork, Painting and cleaning the bathroom lots of bleach smell just gone.
The mask shell and screen is made from plastic with two points to attach the industry standard filters.
The folders are standard PA-1 / PE-1 Cartridges. They come with additional 10 cotton folders that will filter approximately 95% of airborne particles.
The mask is attached to your face by an adjustable 5 point strap created from rubber or silicone. It is quite flexible and can easily be adjusted to suit the user’s face dimensions.
The mask has an anti fog and scratch plastic to cover the user’s face, it came protected with a plastic film on it to protect it during postage.
The mask also come with a simple cloth bag to protect the mask while not in use and keep dust off it.
Schnelle Lieferung Sitz der Maske sehr gut beschlgt nicht das ist sehr wichtig hatte noch keine Gelegenheit sie auszuprobieren daher kann ber die Haltbarkeit kein Urteil abgegeben werden macht aber ein Wertingen Eindruck.
Great product
Does what it is intended to do proply
Well made
Feels comfy
Happy custome
Once assembled, the mask consists of the hard plastic front impact protection (covered in a white film when new), sealed to the rubber breathing apparatus, and with soft rubber straps. The soft silicone rubber sits against your face and makes a very good seal while other soft silicone rubber straps go around the side and top of your head. The straps are really easy to adjust, both loosening and tightening them is really quick and easy, not like swimming goggles which can sometimes be a lot of trouble to loosen or tighten.
I have used this mask when cutting through stone using an angle grinder (redoing a fireplace). The angle grinder tends to make clouds of dust which other masks struggle with, but this mask filters out the dust really effectively whilst giving you good all around vision. Note that it is not recommended to use this mask if you have a beard which would compromise the seal.
When wearing the mask you do find it very slightly harder to breath in and out as the valves open and close but that’s to be expected and I didn’t find it an issue at all (you can hear the valves and breathing in the video).
I found this mask was really well designed and well made from very good quality materials. It’s comfortable to wear and very effective.
This is an excellent full face respirator. Comes well packed, filters are easy to attach. Fully adjustable which makes wearing so comfortable. I used when re sealing a flat roof. There was lots of dust and paint fumes. All of which was filtered out by this mask. The glue used to keep in place the roof cover had a particularly strong fragrance. I didn’t sense it at all with this mask on. Highly impressive that was.
Llevo barba corta y es totalmente estanca a pesar de ello. Silicona muy suave. No pesa excesivamente y el campo de visin y claridad de la pantalla son muy buenos.
Aunque parezca obvio, el tapn o tapones del sistema de filtro que no se usa debe quedar siempre puesto en su lugar.
This was perfect for when i painted my woodwork. It was easy to use and felt not so heavy on my head. it took some time to get used to it but it did the job.