Garmin Dash Cam 57 Compact Dash Camera

Garmin Dash Cam 57 Compact Dash Camera


Featuring a wide 140-degree field of view that captures and saves important details in 1440p HD video, the compact, voice-controlled Garmin Dash Cam 57 has you covered.

DashCam 57Dash Cam 57Dash cam 47Dash Cam 57DashCam 57Dash Cam 57DashCam 57Dash Cam 57 Dash Cam 47

Comparison Chart

140 Degrees

Lens field of view

140 Degrees

1080p or 720p

Clarity of recording

1440p, 1080p or 720p

Parking guard

Live view

Voice control

Driver alerts

Incident detection

140 Degrees

Lens field of view

180 Degrees

1080p or 720p

Clarity of recording

1440p, 1080p or 720p

Parking guard

Live view

Voice control

Driver alerts

Incident detection

  1. Dash Cam 57 Dash Cam 57
  2. Dash Cam 67W Dash Cam 67W

Dimensions: 5.62 x 2.14 x 4.05 cm; 60 Grams
Model: 010-02505-11
Batteries Included: 1 D batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Garmin
Dimensions: 5.62 x 2.14 x 4.05 cm; 60 Grams
Origin: China

76 Responses

  1. Tiernan Ray says:


    Ottima dashcam, bella risoluzione. qualche tema da risolvere con l’app perch la connessione non funziona sempre benissimo, ma comunque ok. Registra bene sia con che senza audio. molto valida la tracciatura con gps ed il supporto per il check della velocit, degli autovelox, possibile incidente e traffico in movimento.

  2. Scott Ki says:

     United States

    This dash cam works great. It is easy to install and the software that comes with. It makes it especially useful . The Garmin Drive software uploads videos to your storage in the cloud when you come within range of your Wi-Fi. Then you can see the videos on your cell phone or tablet.

  3. Renai LeMay says:


    Die Garmin Dash Cam 57 bietet eine hervorragende Mischung aus kompakter Bauweise und leistungsstarken Funktionen. Mit ihrer automatischen Unfallerkennung und dem grozgigen 140 Weitwinkelbild liefert sie zuverlssige Aufzeichnungen, die Ihnen im Notfall wertvolle Beweise liefern knnen.


    Hohe Bildqualitt: Die Dashcam zeichnet Videos in Full HD (1080p) auf und bietet eine klare und detaillierte Bildqualitt. Dies stellt sicher, dass Sie auch bei schlechten Lichtverhltnissen oder schnellen Bewegungen wichtige Details wie Nummernschilder oder Straenverhltnisse erkennen knnen.

    140 Weitwinkel: Der grozgige 140 Blickwinkel ermglicht es, ein breites Sichtfeld auf der Strae abzudecken. Dies reduziert tote Winkel und sorgt dafr, dass mehr von der Umgebung erfasst wird, was besonders bei der Beweissicherung hilfreich ist.

    Automatische Unfallerkennung: Dank der integrierten G-Sensor-Technologie erkennt die Dashcam automatisch Unflle und speichert die Aufnahmen in einem geschtzten Ordner. Dies stellt sicher, dass wichtige Beweise nicht berschrieben oder gelscht werden.

    2″ Farbdisplay: Das 5,1 cm groe Farbdisplay ermglicht eine einfache Vorschau der Aufnahmen und eine unkomplizierte Bedienung der Dashcam. Sie knnen direkt auf dem Bildschirm berprfen, ob die Dashcam ordnungsgem funktioniert und ob die Aufnahmen Ihren Erwartungen entsprechen.

    Kompakte Bauweise: Die Dashcam ist kompakt und unauffllig, was bedeutet, dass sie kaum auffllt und das Sichtfeld nicht beeintrchtigt. Sie lsst sich leicht an der Windschutzscheibe anbringen, ohne den Fahrbereich zu stren.

    Einfache Installation: Die Installation ist unkompliziert und erfolgt in der Regel durch einfaches Anbringen der Dashcam am Scheibenrahmen und Anschluss an die Stromversorgung des Fahrzeugs.


    Speicherkarte erforderlich: Die Dashcam bentigt eine microSD-Karte fr die Speicherung der Aufnahmen, die nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist. Eine separate Anschaffung und regelmige berprfung des Speichers sind daher notwendig.

    Eingeschrnkte Funktionen bei Nacht: Whrend die Dashcam bei Tageslicht hervorragende Bildqualitt bietet, knnen die Aufnahmen bei Nacht oder in schlecht beleuchteten Bereichen weniger klar sein. Das ist ein hufiger Kompromiss bei vielen Dashcams.

    Insgesamt ist die Garmin Dash Cam 57 eine exzellente Wahl fr Fahrer, die Wert auf eine kompakte und zuverlssige Dashcam legen. Mit ihrer hochwertigen Bildaufnahme, automatischen Unfallerkennung und dem praktischen 2″-Display bietet sie eine solide Sicherheitslsung fr den Straenverkehr. Sie ist besonders empfehlenswert fr alle, die eine unauffllige Dashcam suchen, die dennoch in kritischen Momenten klare und przise Aufzeichnungen liefert.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United States

    A great device. A smaller unit with great pics and video quality and small enough so it doesn’t impact your vision on windscreen.
    Lane departure is a great tool to have.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Acquistata per il montaggio anteriore. Installazione fatta in autonomia senza problemi.
    La funzione cloud al costo di circa 10 euro per il salvataggio di 30 gg. senza pagamento i video sono a disposizione per 24 ore. Tempo sufficiente per salvare su cellulare eventuali video.
    App Garmin per la gestione della cash e dei video

    indicazione autovelox
    superamento corsia laterale
    traffico in movimento
    attenzione ad impatto frontale

    La Garmin Dash Cam 57 si posiziona come una sentinella infaticabile sulla tua auto, pronta a registrare ogni istante del tuo viaggio con impeccabile risoluzione 1440p e un angolo di visuale di ben 140 gradi. Dotata di un intuitivo display LCD e del potere del comando vocale, questa dash cam si distingue per la sua semplicit d’uso e la ricchezza di funzioni.

    Un occhio indiscreto per la sicurezza:

    Cattura video HD a 1440p con dettagli nitidi, anche in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione.
    L’ampio angolo di visione di 140 gradi garantisce una copertura completa della strada davanti a te.
    Il GPS integrato registra la tua posizione e la velocit, fornendo informazioni preziose in caso di incidente.
    Un assistente vocale sempre al tuo servizio:

    Attiva e controlla la dash cam con semplici comandi vocali, tenendo le mani sul volante per una guida sicura.
    Ordina la registrazione di un video o salva un incidente senza distogliere lo sguardo dalla strada.
    Un testimone silenzioso e vigile:

    Il sensore G-Force integrato rileva automaticamente impatti improvvisi e salva i filmati correlati per una revisione successiva.

    Un design discreto e compatto:

    La Dash Cam 57 si integra perfettamente nell’abitacolo della tua auto grazie al suo design elegante e compatto.

    dash cam utile nei viaggi

  6. Barefoot Dawsy says:


    Habe sie mir gekauft da die Bewertungen positiv waren und jemand im Bekanntenkreis die gleiche hat .
    Qualitt ist sehr gut . Des Gesamteindruck ist auch positiv.
    Ton , Bedienung, Features die Halterung und die kompakte Bauweise, alles absolut ok
    Nur das Bild hat mich nicht berzeugt , ich wei nicht ob meine Erwartungen einfach zu hoch wren oder ich ein Montagsmodell erwischt habe.
    Ich wei es gibt immer Fertigungsschwankungen, aber das Bild hat mich nicht berzeugt und da kann ich die Rezensionen nicht ganz nachvollziehen.

    Ich hoffe Garmin zieht nach und setzt auch den neuen Starvis 2 Sensor ein .
    Dann gebe ich der nchsten Generation nochmal eine Chance, weil der Rest ja wie geschrieben echt OK ist.

  7. FrankliLeggo says:


    Dash cam de tamao reducido y con muchas funciones interesantes y gran calidad de imagen.
    Avisa de los lmites de velocidad y radares existentes.
    Tiene una buena app para usar en el mvil.
    El Servicio Tcnico es excelente, ya que tuve un pequeo problema con la primera Dash cam DC57 que compr y una vez contact con en Servicio Tcnico me recogieron en mi domicilio la cmara defectuosa los de SEUR y a los tres das a travs de la misma empresa de paquetera tena otra cmara DC57 totalmente nueva en mi casa y todo sin pagar nada.
    La nueva cmara lleva tiempo funcionando sin problema alguno y con actualizaciones constantes

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDie Qualitt der Bilder bzw. Videos sind wirklich sehr gut. Die Speicherung der Videos im Vault funktioniert auch super. Aber der Spurhalteassistent und der Kollisionsalam, auf die ich mich sehr gefreut hatte, kann man leider vllig vergessen.
    Der Spurhalteassistent dudelt in Kurven auf etwas schmaleren Straen stndig und der Kollsionsalarm nervt vorm berholen immer (trotz niedrigster Empfindlichkeit) und meint in Kurven anscheinend dauernd , ich wrde gegen Bume fahren, denn anderes war nicht zu sehen. Also hilft nur beides wieder zu deaktivieren.

  9. kamrul hasan says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLa Garmin Dash Cam 57 una telecamera per auto di alta qualit che offre una risoluzione video di 1440p e un ampio angolo di visione di 140 gradi. Il GPS integrato consente di tenere traccia della posizione dell’auto e di visualizzare la velocit e la direzione di viaggio. Inoltre, la telecamera dotata di un display LCD e di controllo vocale, il che la rende facile da usare mentre si guida. La funzione di sorveglianza dell’auto in sosta e il salvataggio dei video in cloud sono funzionalit utili per la sicurezza dell’auto. In generale, la Garmin Dash Cam 57 una telecamera per auto di alta qualit che offre prestazioni eccellenti e una serie di funzionalit utili per la sicurezza stradale.

  10. Anonymous says:


    Una camara que cumple la funcion para lo que se hizo, con el plus de comandos por voz para hacer foto, guardar video o un travel lapse muy bueno para compartir tus viajes

  11. Anonymous says:


    From first impressions, this little dashcam looks well built and voice commands works well. App is easy to connect to and works with the camera well. The Garmin 57 has a small inbuilt battery to provide maybe a few minutes of recording or use after shutdown but enough to quickly connect to and download a video.
    So far so good, will see how it handles the aussie heat !

    Update: Night videos is not the best but ok for the price point and resolution.

    The main reason I bought this was for the safety alerts it has, which are speed camera/red light camera alerts, forward collision warning, traffic movement, and lane departure. The time-lapse feature is also great for long trips.

  12. MilagroSXZ says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersPicture quality is ok, suffers slightly at night although I’m sure that is true for many cameras. Now got this as a rear facing camera and have a higher res one for the front. Installs easily and came with two installation pads which meant it was ok to reinstall at the back. Has a couple of bright LEDs so I covered those with blu-tack so they don’t distract when looking in the read view mirror.

  13. GregoryNNVJ says:

     United Kingdom

    Good picture quality. Enough to read number plates in good lighting.

    Does not take SD cards larger than 32GB. Didn’t know this until I purchased a 128GB card that I had to downsize to 32GB.

    No complaints overall.

  14. DarcyYates says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersCamera is great, but if you advertise that it comes with a 16gb SD card with adapter, you should be giving it and put it in the box, no? Not cool! I hate that!

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI think with this Dashcam, Garmin tried to tick all of the boxes for additional features before they’d ticked the basic requirements boxes. It does some stuff really well such as sitting there neat and tidy without obscuring any of your view thanks to it’s compact size. The grip on the Adhesive mount is insanely good. It survived the UK’s hottest day and didn’t budge.

    The flaws mainly originate from the app and how terrible it is. The amount of times my partner has had many scares when my car is simply sat there, and I close the door on it and it alerts collision detected. I don’t slam my doors btw… It’s just the parking mode thing doing it’s job but it should clearly know I’m still there and it’s not a collision. The Vault system has me paranoid as hell. I am genuinely worried that the one time I need to rely on my dashcam, the vault will mess up and my footage will be lost. It’s just not great how it required WiFi to sync and get that to your phone.

    The parking mode is a nice feature but not really if you’re like me and don’t want to destroy your car battery by having the cam hardwired in. The battery should last a lot longer than it does when it’s been on an entire journey before you park up for the day at work.

    The picture quality is great in both day and night conditions. The voice activation is handy but the other features such as speed alert and speed cameras are sooooooo annoying. I don’t use them. The only additional feature I have used is the Travelapse one. That’s pretty cool!

    I would buy for just the camera. The app is reason enough to avoid.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looked around for lots of camera , I came to the conclusion this is the best on the market . Minimal look

    Best compact dashcam

  17. ShantellLnf says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have has a number of dash cams over the years. These Garmin ones have been the best by far. They are very simple to install and use. The voice activation is welcome and mostly works. Only had to sue these twice in anger so to speak. Once on my daughter’s car where she was rear ended at a junction. Okay the camera faces forward but it clearly showed that she was stationary when the impact came and was instrumental in ensuring a 100% no fault insurance claim as the perpetrator could not claim she had stopped suddenly or that she had reversed into him. The other occasion was as a witness to an incident in front of me. I was able to send the footage to the innocent party’s place of work and, according to the driver, able to safeguard his job there.

    In summary, great quality and clear footage, easy to install, easy to use.

  18. OtisRobertson says:

     United Kingdom

    First off, Garmin is not the best dashcam brand at the moment. The software leaves a lot to be desired with lots of functionality missing. However, for the price, this is still a good choice. The picture quality is pretty good with plates readable. Saving clips is easy with voice command or by clicking the button. Speed limit warnings and lane departure also work pretty well. Parking mode also works well with the (additional cost) parking mode cable.

    There’s no polarising filter which means that you will get reflections from within the car which is disappointing for a product of this price. You can’t view “unsaved” videos even though they’re on the SD card, which is dumb.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had this for a few weeks and it does the job well.
    I have it tucked behind the rear view mirror and it has a full view of the road ahead

  20. ZelmaGartner says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my first dash cam and was easy to install and use. Videos are good quality. Suction is good and camera does not fall or move. I checked many cameras before this and was happy with my decision to buy this one would highly recommend. Only downside is downloading video footage over WiFi takes longer than I expected a 26min took just over half an hour to download. Apart from that very good quality. Camera is small and was able to hide behind rear view mirror.

  21. Chastit3996 says:

     United Kingdom

    This is great and easy enough to use (i’m very impatient and hopeless at reading instructions).
    BUT it should say “order SD card with this or you can’t even set it up”.
    So if you haven’t got one lying around the house get one on order at the same time!

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    “Not professionally installed ”
    Work well
    If you brake harsh it responds and marks it as an insistent

    You hardly know it there

    Voice command is a good feature

    App is easy to use

    Confusing at first it interfaces with your phone with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, but NOT at the same time.

    Once you figure it out it fine!

    I recommend using a high endurance micro as card

  23. MNUMitchel says:

     United Kingdom

    Possible one of the best Dashcams I have had. I previously had 55w and other amazon dashcams in the past but this is one of the best. great picture and video. easy to install and setup

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I was nervous buying after seeing a few negative reviews but ours has been great! Really easy to install and no issues connecting to the app using an iPhone. The only downside I would say is that when you want to save a video to your phone then it seems to force you to first upload the video to the Garmin cloud (via your phone) and then download it from there. Seems longwinded and a waste of data. Other than that though we love it. Very small and easy to hide on your widescreen.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this having had two Nextbase cameras that each died within a few months and I wanted something that actually seemed designed to cope with the heat of being mounted on a car windscreen (!) I’ve had two of these now for about 10 months, including the hottest Summer on record, and both are still working perfectly. It definitely helps to invest in the robust SD cards you can now get (mine is from Integral) but they basically just work. The picture quality is adequate rather than spectacular, but they’re incredibly small so you can just forget they’re there until you need to review some footage.

  26. tjohnson says:

     United Kingdom

    What a great device, I’d get one for the back if I wasn’t in a cabriolet. Far more than just a dash cam, speed alerts, traffic moving etc etc, well worth the money aswell

  27. ChristaRodgers says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this as an upgrade for my existing Garmin camera. My old one was super bulky and used a suction cup so on hot days it would fall off the windscreen and set my car alarm off!
    I got this to have a smaller replacement and it’s exactly that, fits really nicely and discreetly on the windscreen and the magnetic attachment means it won’t fall off when the weather changes!

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great tiny little camera to plug and play and leave until something bad might happen, footage is really clear and consistent. The only negative I got is the WiFi data transfer of footage is extremely slow.

  29. BrittneyWaterma says:

     United Kingdom

    We have 4 of these in the family cars. Easy to install, easy to connect to (via your phone), easy to set-up and easy to forget until you need it.

  30. AlexandriaYog says:

     United Kingdom

    On my second unit as the original one had a few issues with turning on. Garmin customer support were not the greatest I must say but sent a replacement. Very easy to install and nice and discreet.
    Happy with the unit (so far)

  31. ScarletJewett says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install, sync and use. Not suction though, adhesive pads. I chose this for its size because I didn’t want anything in my line of vision. Really easy to use and sync once you have the phone app.

  32. Chris says:

     United Kingdom

    Lagging wireless connection sometime it takes time for your phone to connect to the device sometime in lose connection. I had the device freeze on me once it wouldn’t turn on And it wouldn’t record I left it alone for a day and it fixed itself

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After having a chepo one that was useless I decided to try a premium product and boy is it impressive. A dash cam that works excellent product only had it a couple of days but even the android app interface works well and it gives safety information as you drive plus its a very compact camera

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I like the camera, small and unobtrusive, the adhesive to attach it to the windscreen is not up to the job, I have had to purchase a suction pad from ebay to make it work. Initial setting up of camera is confusing instructions aren’t clear. I had to research on Google on how to do it properly.

  35. RubinLahey says:

     United Kingdom

    I was looking to get a dash cam after a refund of a product. I know garmin well as I have a couple other products of theirs and they are decent. I bought this along with the constant power cable, having this makes the car tidier but isnt required.

    The picture quality is good for its size and at night its picture is acceptable. The connection to the phone isnt the quickest and most stable but it does work and transfering files straight to the phone isnt too bad, the app allows trimming of the clip before transfer which is neat. Some people have mentioned overheating, mostly in parking mode, so I leave it set for 10 minutes, then auto shutoff. All cameras will get hot if they are left constantly processing images for hours. if your phone was left filming high res for 10 minutes it would start to get a bit warm. the same applies with this camera, it will feel warm or hot when driving along but it is designed to withstand this.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Was in a car accident and my dash cam broke a few before and has no footage to show. So bought this, and the camera is lovely. It’s small and compact. Voice commands and Wi-Fi so you can download photos and videos. The park safe mode is a good mode to have aswell. I like how it’s sticks onto the windscreen with m2 tape rather than suction cups.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Ive been using it for nearly a month now and it seems to work fine. I just wish it had a small screen so you can see easily and quickly it is pointing forwards correctly. Next dashcam i buy will have a rear facing camera as well.
    I still need to get the power supply wire properly fitted instead of just hanging down the windscreen to the power socket.
    I notice it gets quite warm when in use.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersNachdem es auf unseren Straen immer unfreundlicher zugeht habe ich mich entschlossen, mein Auto auch mit einer Dashcam auszursten. Nach einigen Recherchen habe ich mich dann fr die Garmin Dashcam 57 entschieden, unter anderem weil sie eine DSGVO-konforme Aufnahmefunktion bietet und auch die Sprachsteuerung hat.

    – Im Lieferumfang ist alles enthalten um die Kamera im Auto zu montieren, ein langes Stromversorgungskabel, ein Adapter fr den Zigarettenanznder und sogar ein extra Magnet-Pad.
    – Die Kamera ist klein und strt nicht das Sichtfeld.

    – Speicherkarte muss extra dazu gekauft werden.
    – Verbindung mit dem Heim-WLAN geht kaum wenn man das Auto an der Strae geparkt hat.
    – Unvollstndige Bedienungsanleitung.
    – Wird im Betrieb recht warm.

    Die mitgelieferte Anleitung ist sehr spartanisch gehalten, man ist also gut beraten, sich die vollstndige Anleitung bei Garmin herunterzuladen. Aber auch diese Anleitung erklrt nicht alles. Ich habe die Kamera natrlich erst mal daheim im Haus ausprobiert und ja, sie schien zu funktionieren. Nach dem Einschalten whlt man die Strae und einen Montagepunkt im Auto und dann sieht man auf dem Bildschirm eben das was die Kamera aufnimmt. Di eingebaute Puffer-Batterie reicht anscheinend erst mal zum Ausprobieren. Ein langer Druck auf dne Power-Button schaltet die Kamera dann auch wieder aus. Also wieder einschalten und Sprachwahl… ey, das kann doch nicht sein, dass ich jedesmal nach dem Einschalten mich durch ein Sprachwahlmen steppen muss..??? Ein wenig Suche im Internet findet dann die Erklrung. Die Kamera merkt sich die Sprache, allerdings muss sie dazu auch einmal de aktuellen Standort per GPS festgestellt haben. Ohne GPS-Signal wird beim Einschalten immer wieder die Sprache abgefragt. Und ja, in meinem HomeOffice im Keller ist GPS eher nicht verfgbar. Dieses kleine Detail sollte unbedingt in der Anleitung erwhnt werden, ich war schon drauf und dran das Ding als “defekt” zurck zu schicken.

    Die Videoqualitt ist recht gut, bislang kann ich das aber nur fr Tagfahrten bewerten. Die Android-App verbindet sich gut mit dem Gert, allerdings ist mir noch nicht ganz klar, ob und wie ich Videos ber die App runterladen kann. Die initiale Verbindung luft wohl ber Bluetooth, aber der Videostream luft evtl. via WLAN, den habe ich im husilichen Versuch auch schon gesehen, nicht aber im Auto.
    Das bedeutet wohl noch etwas experimentieren bzw. einfach die Speicherkarte rausnehmen und am PC einlesen.

    Insgesamt bin ich recht zufrieden, denn die Dashcam tut was sie soll ohne den Fahrer vom Fahren abzulenken. Die Sprachsteuerung funktioniert gut, allerdings sollte man fr die Zeit des Sprachbefehls das Autoradio stummschalten.

    Die Videos enhalten unten eine Einblendung mit Datum/Uhrzeit, GPS-Koordinaten und der aktuell per GPS gemessenen Geschwindigkeit. Numemrnschilder von anderen Autos sind im Video gut erkennbar, sollte das mal fr irgendwelche Gerichtsverfahren relevant werden.

  39. MilanPalladino says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’m very happy with the product…….but! The camera I have doesn’t switch on automatically everytime I start my car. I sometimes have to switch the camera on manually – not ideal.

  40. FawnZinkepm says:

     United Kingdom

    with dashcams, you tend to get what you pay for but beyond a certain price point it just becomes useless gimmicks like Alexa. I think this is the perfect ideal dashcam taking into account the picture quality, features and price.

    This dashcam offers good quality in daytime and nighttime, has wifi so you can download videos via the downloadable app, it has many assist’s such as lane departure and even proximity and even voice control! The parking mode is brilliant too.

    The one downside i’d say is that it takes roughly 15-30 seconds to switch between parking mode and actual dashcam recording which can be a bit of a nuisance but it’s a minor thing.

  41. Avis9770ecxk says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Caught my car accident perfectly with its wide angle view, nice and clear! Was able to retrieve the footage and have it sent to my insurance within half an hour of the accident. Highly recommended!

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe camera is very small, so can be a bit fiddly – 4 main buttons and so not immediately obvious which one you have to press. Hard wired previous Snooper so had to use a usb adaptor to fit. Magnet sticks to windscreen making removal of the camera very easy (I haven’t tried the wifi download of videos yet but this is usually quite slow on dashcams so easy removal of the camera is welcome so I can read to my PC via a cable). I could not find any reviews or videos or the camera alert functionality but it seems to be good – the speed camera database can be updated via Garmin Drive app and the audio alerts and visual speed limit on the screen are noticeable enough. It did warn me of red light cameras too that I wasn’t even aware of! I had an issue with trying to use the 256Gb card I bought – it wouldn’t format it. In fact I am not sure if this is a UX issue because the format screen is just blank and for a large card I wasn’t sure if it would ever finish – no indication of progress. I even tried formatting it outside on my PC and then using – still would not, but then it needs FAT32. I ended up using an already existing 32Gb card that was already formatted. Another downside is that the screen is small and only 4 buttons to do everything (no touch screen which wouldn’t make sense at this size) but you get used to it. I couldn’t get the Parking Mode to work because it wouldn’t see the constant power first of all. Oh and it runs very hot. But apart from that a good camera, one of the few that alerts to safety cameras too (I was replacing my Snooper but the latest ones had bad reviews so opted for this).

  43. RoseannPinkston says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have to admit that I didn’t do a great deal of research before purchasing this dashcam, but it did appear in a couple of top 10 buys on review sites.
    I am very impressed with the added features, which I was unaware of, for instance the speed camera warning.
    I travelled from Warrington to Hull, and back, along a stretch of “smart” motorway, and the warnings it gave were spot on as to where the active cameras were situated.
    Another useful feature, when sat in unmoving traffic is that it warns you when the traffic begins to move.
    It paired with my iPhone without a problem.
    I have also wired it into my fuse-box using the Garmin parking mode cable, and this also works a treat.
    Lastly, as I did not read the specs first I was pleasantly surprised how small and compact the camera is.
    I would highly recommend this product.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this little dashcam. It is incredibly small and therefore, doesn’t distract or obscure vision of the driver. The long cable is plenty long enough to tuck away the cable. The video quality is good, though the polarising lense should come included. I paired this device with the Garmin Constant Power Cable and it works a treat.

  45. UZESuzanna says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought both this one and a BlackVue to compare, and the Garmin impressed me a lot more. It’s thoughtfully designed with nice tactile buttons and clear status lights (a bit strong, though – I may tape over them (UPDATE 2022-07: I’ve gotten used to them)). The instructions and app onboarding are well thought through.

    It was easy to install in my Honda – no special skills or tools needed.

    Please note that the longer of the two included USB cables is angled upwards (to route the cable along the ceiling and down the side) and the shorter one is angled downwards (to go straight down to a socket).

  46. Naveen Joshi says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Brilliant dose speed cameras accident black spots gives warning if you get too close to car in front.

  47. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSoddisfatto. Si paga di pi rispetto ad altre dash cam ma offre opzioni aggiuntive quali gli avvisi di avvicinamento al veicolo che precede, gli autovelox e le telecamere semaforiche, o lo scavalcamento della linea continua che funzionano bene senza falsi allarmi o malfunzionamenti con l’opzione di eliminare selettivamente le suddette tipologie di avviso se risultino annoianti (ad es. autovelox) su percorsi conosciuti. Altra utilit il riconoscimento vocale dei comandi di salvataggio di una foto o del filmato in modo da non essere sovrascritti nel loop di registrazione che reagisce perfettamente e con semplicit ai comandi vocali impartiti. Acquistata da pochi giorni e gi ha effettuato un aggiornamento del firmware e dei punti di interesse attraverso il software installato su cellulare. L’opzione di sorveglianza durante il parcheggio necessita di alimentazione continua attuabile per mezzo dell’accessorio ozionale che impedisce che la batteria dell’auto si possa scaricare ma dal prezzo, a mio giudizio, un po’ eccessivo. Quello che poteva essere compreso, visto il prezzo, il filtro polarizzatore che limita sensibilmente i riflessi del vetro che invece venduto ad un prezzo di circa trenta euro, anch’esso eccessivo. Il GPS incluso. Si vede che dietro c’ un marchio di un certo rilievo.

  48. KNews says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersHaving returned 2 Nextbase 622 dash cams (for the same reason everyone else has i.e. it randomly freezes, endless Tech support calls and pushed to buy their expensive own brand card which does not fix the problem), 1 VanTrue cam that straight out the box didn’t work (rear cam not recognised by the front cam and very glitchy app) we bought the Garmin 57 and a mini cam for the rear window.
    Firstly, although small it has a heft to it and feels well made, unlike the VanTrue which feels like it came out of a Christmas cracker. Installing it is very easy, the stickers are unobtrusive, and the thinness of the connection wires makes them very easy to hide. The standard kit comes with a 13ft long cable so no problem wiring front to rear. Set up is flawless and the app is excellent and deserves its very high rating. It was easy to connect both cameras to the app and they work well in conjunction. It might not come with as many bells and whistles as other brands and the camera resolution is not as high as others, but for its intended purpose it is more than enough. The constant power cable which plugs into the OBD II port gives full parking mode protection. The power cable is expensive for what it is but after the frustrations of the other brands I was happy to have such an easy plug and play installation. A 2 year manufacturers warranty comes as standard for further piece of mind. For anyone that finds the review articles fairly useless as they talk about all the features of the dash cams but no mention of reliability, I would fully recommend the Garmin range.

  49. NathaniVann says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSo if you want a discreet dashcam then look no further than this little thing. First of all it is so so tiny. Admittedly I bought a new suction mount for it, but if you use the one you get then this camera will be hardly seen at all. The only 2 disappointing parts is the app and connecting to wifi. It isn’t terrible, but the wifi connection can be a little hit and miss. Plus, the time it takes to upload videos to the vault and download videos is a bit of a nuisance. However, you can use mobile screen recorder apps to improve the process on capturing your footage and you can always pop out your SD card and plug it into a PC if needed. As for the wifi if you park your car away from your house and wifi isn’t great in your car then you will struggle to access the camera and your videos. If you park in a good area of wifi then it will be grand, you may have to exit the app and try again sort of thing, but it will work.

    3 things to note. The camera doesn’t have a screen that’s what your mobile is for. You can access a live feed of the camera at your home to make sure it is set in the best place and that leads me onto another point you may be able to access a live feed if you have internet in your car. I don’t think you’d be able to watch live driving if your not in the car as the connection is mainly through Bluetooth, but perhaps that’s the future. Last point to access the videos/camera without turning your car on, wasting battery and petrol then just use a mobile external battery via the USB lead.

    All in all I am very happy with this product. I’ve had Garmin gadgets for years and thought why not give this one a go and to be honest I’m glad I did.

  50. Anonymous says:


    Je viens de recevoir la camra, impeccable,discrte, maniable.Je l’ai pas encore install,car,je peux pas avoir Garmin express,j’ai tout essay,rien y fait,je vais encore manipuler l’ordinateur ce weekend,et,si rien, retour Amazone,

  51. FlorianHollinwo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Wasn’t sure about this – but very happy with the dashcam it’s very small and discrete, responds will to audio commands and hard braking, etc recording and storing video easily.

    Supplied adhesive pad (and spare) are fine and do a good job. Some comments about these not being any good but once fixed if camera doesn’t need to be moved they seem very solid.

    WiFi connection was a bit fiddly to set up but once done works solidly every time, playback over WiFi is good resolution.

  52. dispersionpr says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I initially bought a 40 dash camera – it quit within 2 days ! Bought this Garmin – mainly because I had one of their sat nav’s some years ago and was very pleased with it. This dash cam works well and is worth the extra investment – Recommended

  53. Zippy says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good compact dash cam. The app works well too. I did have a problem when I mounted it inside rear tailgate on estate car with a hardwire kit as lost good DAB radio signal when it wrote to the sd card. Had to remove it and use it in my other car front screen which it performs great. One of the smallest cams, easy to hide behind the mirror.

  54. Arlene4507 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very small and just does the job, I have fitted it with the Garmin hard wire kit and would recommend.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I like that this is a very small and discreet dash cam. Adhesive fitting is small and sticks well. I wired mine up to the power supply in the electric rearview mirror and so have no trailing wires at all, using a Dongar technologies piece of kit from the USA. There is no parking camera functionality as the unit is comparatively simple. The app from Garmin works reasonably well but I would recommend a large SD card to store as much on the camera as Garmin charge for cloud storage

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use, easy to set up and a reasonable price.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looks so good! So small and descrete, app works perfectly, hardwired in very easily, very pleased

  58. Jon Linkov says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a discrete and gives a good picture. It is non distracting.

  59. BuckTXXipmfexc says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great little dashcam , never had a garmin dashcam before bought this to replace my old dashcam , i am really impressed with vdo quality and their night shot ability that come from very little dashcam with so many features such as speed camera warning , collision warning , lane departure warning ,this dashcam is a must buy

  60. the-health says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve now got two of these fitted in different cars. Vary good value and easy to fit out of the drivers line of sight.

  61. Tanaya Narendra says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLa calidad de imagen es muy buena. Pero la cmara cuelga de un brazo que resulta largo para situar la cmara adecuadamente. Apenas cabe detrs de la parte derecha del retrovisor desde donde no se puede ver la pantalla para realizar ajustes. No cabe detrs de la parte izquierda del retrovisor y en cualquier otra parte interfiere con el uso de los parasoles cuando se abren.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased for my Dad at Christmas to replace an ageing dash cam. Easy to fit, updated fine and is functioning fine. Can’t ask for more from something simple.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good quality photos and videos though downloading videos to phone through the app can be painful slow

  64. KathyWinkle says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Like the size of the camera, video and sound quality good. would rather it record in upto 5 min loops rather than continuously record and then you have to trim what part of the recording you require late

  65. LucioFarrell says:

     United Kingdom

    Very Good cam dash , nice and safety alerts it help me a to drive a safety a lo

  66. RochellLawless says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought a camera before. I was very happy with it, so decided to add one for my back window. You can speak to this updated version and Garmin to record or take a picture. I had just the right amount of lead to reach the back window. I have a small car, I’d struggle with the lead if I had a bigger car. The quality of the playback is fantastic. It’s highly recommended.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Recently bought this dashcam. Works as expected. slightly disappointed with the price. They should also include the polaroid lense with the item.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I owned a Nextbase 522GW that was troublesome from the start, so I purchased a Garmin 67. I found the wide angle lens too wide as I could see all my dashboard. I sent it back and got the 57 which has a better viewing angle. Screen is a little small, but it has some great features to make up for it, like driving too close, vehicles moving away in front while stationary and lane drifting. It also has speed cameras. One thing I would like to see that the Nextbase had is constant on screen speed. Other than that I’m pretty happy with it.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent DashCam but the provided adhesive mounting pad is a nuisance. You cannot move it to a new position. The Garmin pressure, rubber mount pad will have to be purchased to enable you to find the best position for the Cam. Just pull off the supplied adhesive mount and push on the rubber mount type. The features of this Cam are lengthy including the usual drive monitoring: 180 degree view; Clear HD lens; Auto Guard status when car is stationary; takes a 256Gb micro SD card (very fast in Cam formatting); Speed Cam over-the-air updates; Lane assist; Road speed monitoring with warnings; Speed Cam warnings with distance countdown and screen colour changes as you approach the SpeedCam too fast; Warning alarm beeps; Voice control functions (excellent); Software updates over-the -air; If in the area of your home WiFi, you can monitor your DashCam remotely by smartphone; Bluetooth monitoring when setting up Cam position (excellent); Travelapse which you can start/stop by voice command to record your journey independently of all the other monitoring and recording features. Highly recommended.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The phone app is much faster and better than nextbase

  71. Health Policy and Planning says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really impressed so far. Easy to set up and configure. Reasonably easy and quick to view saved footage on the cam via wi-fi and download to the phone. Nice and small. Don’t notice it behind the rear view mirror. After 1 month then I’d definitely recommend if you want a small cam without a screen.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThis is a genuinely small dashcam that’s easy to conceal. Of course, there’s no screen but the Garmin Drive app links it to your phone – it took me a few tries to get going but after firmware updates were installed the connection and Live View have been solid.

    Installation in my 2020 Audi A3(8Y) was simple enough but you may want to buy the Garmin OBD cable. I didn’t like the fact that a permanent adhesive mount is included but not a suction one. The Garmin 12V adaptor is better than many in that it has two USB outputs.

    Overall the video quality is pretty good during day, at night you can sometimes read number plates but it’s average for its price. HD seems a bit behind the times in this price category – it should be 4K. Also, the optional polarising filter (around 20) really does reduce glare and should have been in the box. Another sign of being behind the times comes with the fact this unit uses Micro USB not USB C – keep up Garmin!

    The voice command feature works well at all but the highest speeds where wind noise etc. can affect it but the incident button is easy to access. At night I’m glad of the fact there is no distracting LCD screen on the camera.

    So overall, yes, the camera serves its purpose and video quality is decent enough under most conditions plus the app is okay too but it’s not a leading-edge product and there are extras to buy like the filter, suction mount and if you want it, the OBD lead.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThis is a genuinely small dashcam that’s easy to conceal. Of course, there’s no screen but the Garmin Drive app links it to your phone – it took me a few tries to get going but after firmware updates were installed the connection and Live View have been solid.

    Installation in my 2020 Audi A3(8Y) was simple enough but you may want to buy the Garmin OBD cable. I didn’t like the fact that a permanent adhesive mount is included but not a suction one. The Garmin 12V adaptor is better than many in that it has two USB outputs.

    Overall the video quality is pretty good during day and night and usually you can read number plates but HD seems a bit behind the times in this price category – it should be 4K. Also, the optional polarising filter (around 20) really does reduce glare and should have been in the box. Another sign of being behind the times comes with the fact this unit uses Micro USB not USB C – keep up Garmin!

    The voice command feature works well at all but the highest speeds where wind noise etc. can affect it but the incident button is easy to access. At night I’m glad of the fact there is no distracting LCD screen on the camera.

    So overall, yes, the camera serves its purpose and video quality is decent enough under most conditions plus the app is okay too but it’s not a leading-edge product and there are extras to buy like the filter, suction mount and if you want it, the OBD lead.

  74. Chase Evans says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent piece of kit. Fits behind the rear view mirror so no additional obstruction through the window screen. Good picture on smart phone. Good buy for the money.

  75. LidiaPBPVucvnlh says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFitted this to my car and it works well. Sometimes it warns you of speeding and lane departure incorrectly but you can turn these off

  76. DeboradeCastell says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersWas looking for a simple unobtrusive dash cam and found it. Easy to set-up and once up and running, you can simple forget about it. I checked footage on my phone and all looks good and the simplicity of the voice control is an added bonus. So far very happy, I didn’t want a preview screen, as I think these are too much of a distraction, so the Garmin is ideal. One minor gripe is that the Status LED is a bit bright at nightime, so I might partially mask it off with a bit of tape. But perhaps this is a personal thing.