IPL Hair Removal Device Permanent Devices Hair Removal

IPL Hair Removal Device Permanent Devices Hair Removal 999,000 Light Pulses Painless Long Lasting for Men and Women, Body, Face, Bikini Zone

Brand: | INNZA |
Origin: | China |
IPL Hair Removal Device Permanent Devices Hair Removal 999,000 Light Pulses Painless Long Lasting for Men and Women, Body, Face, Bikini Zone
Brand: | INNZA |
Origin: | China |
Easy to use, 5 different settings, painless. So far reduced the aMount of hair growing, I can now go a few more days longer without shaving
don’t waste your money on expensive ones, This does exactly the same thing at a fraction of the price
Easy to use , have seen results in a week and cheaper than the names products.
The item is actually good. I think I need to use it more to see proper results. However so far I have noticed little differences. The important thing is staying consistent. Without consistency you won’t see results! So make sure you don’t judge off few time uses, give the product some time. The product is very lightweight and easy to use as it comes with instruction manual. It is also good as it isn’t huge and can be stored nicely.
Wow is all I can say. I have been using this for 3 weeks, 3 times a week and already I have noticed less hair and even smooth patches where the hair has not grown back at all. I cannot believe the results. So easy to use, lightweight too. Make sure you always use the glasses provided as the lazer is very bright! Amazing product. Why did I not purchase one of these before! A*****
I’ve had this product a few weeks now , and used it on my lip chin and underarms , I am definitely noticing reduced growth . There is no pain , and it’s very easy to use. Occasionally there’s a smell , like dust on a radiator , but it’s not offensive . I would recommend if you have fair skin and light growth.
Really easy to use and does what it is supposed to do.
Facile da usare, leggero comodo! Ho aspettato un po’ prima di fare questa recensione per testarne davvero l’efficacia. FUNZIONA!!!
Very easy to use and it tells you how many charges you have left on the display screen. Comes with sunglasses to protect your eyes, which I wear with my prescription lenses on top! I’ve been using it every other day for a month and apparently I still need to wait another month for lasting results, but I am very happy with the experience so far.
Very easy and simple to use. I’ve been using it for about three weeks now and hair growth has definitely begun to slow down / grow back thinner.
It’s lightweight and easy to manoeuvre. It comes with glasses to protect your eyes too, they can seem a little dark but if your in a well lit room they are fine.
Definitely recommend!
It comes with one pair of glasses to prevent the light from hurting your eyes. It’s a laser machine so the part where the laser shoots out of is small which means doing big areas such as your legs will take ages. All in all, it works and it’s lightweight.
Very easy to use. Completely pain free. Haven’t used it for long enough to notice the results yet but very hopeful
I purchased this product because it was so much cheaper than the other branded IPL machines on the market, and it’s great reviews have not let me down! It’s easy to use, comes with the glasses and a lead plenty long enough to sit comfortably with it plugged in.
I started with the lowest setting and gradually went up after no negative side effects, I now use the highest setting where I can feel a short pang of heat on the skin but it’s only uncomfortable for a second.
I’ve noticed a great improvement of the hairs on my chin, my forearms and my underarms which are the main areas I’ve been focusing on so far.
The only thing I would say is that you would need to dedicate a decent amount of time when starting a larger area as the actual light is quite small and you have to do it a every other day to begin with, but other than that it’s been amazing.
This works great for an at home IPL device and is well worth the money. You need a few sessions to notice a difference, as is with any laser treatment but this saves so much time and money to be able to do it at home.
100% Recomendable , la compre hace 3 meses y esta dando resultado. 0 DEFECTOS
Bought this about 3 months ago and held off reviewing until I had used it a while so could give honest opinion.
I was a bit dubious at first due to the low cost of the device. Following all the instructions, especially the usage rate and power settings I am very impressed with the results, especially on my legs and face.
I found it best to use veet on my legs prior to using, this worked best for me, as opposed to shaving.
My legs are the smoothest and most hair free they have ever been. My hairs have noticeable lightened and less thick when they have grown back and the length of time between removal sessions has increased.
I do think that results will vary due to hair and skin type but overall I’m very impressed and highly recommend this product.
I’ve had this in my basket for months and really thought I would be wasting my money. But now I wish I had bought it sooner.
I have alot of thick facial hair due to PCOS and I didn’t think this would help much. I wanted to try as I was miserable constantly checking for hairs daily ,waxing threading and feeling really down about my appearance. I found this easy to use, comfortable and the best bit I saw results after the 3rd use. Hairs literally fell out when I touched them. The second week I woke up daily with 70% reduced hair on my face. It’s made me so happy. Keep up to the routine and you won’t be disappointed, yes it’s horrible to shave your face, I didn’t want todo that at all. But this is here you need to keep up to it to see the results.
I truly will buy another one when this runs out and do other areas. It’s literally a game changer. If you want to feel good,confident and have one less thing to worry or feel down about BUY THIS. Use as instructed, dont leave it weeks between uses or you won’t see results as you should. Trust my review and you’ll be glad you made the purchase.
Everyone deserves to feel happy and confident and facial hair can ruin that. So buy it, do it for yourself and your future self confidence.
Il prodotto facile da usare, ma purtroppo, forse per la mia carnagione chiara e il pelo parzialmente scuro e parzialmente chiaro, non ho notato alcun miglioramento nella ricrescita dei peli che ricrescono allo stesso modo di prima nonostante l’utilizzo nel tempo. Prover ancora a usarlo sperando in qualche miglioramento. Appena ho segnalato il problema comunque il team che sta dietro il prodotto mi ha subito contattato per aiutarmi a risolvere il problema e si sta attivando per un rimborso.
The delivery was quick, it was delivered the day after I ordered. After 3 months of use, I would say that it is effective. It is important to read and follow the instructions carefully.
I’m white and fairly pale (but tan easily) with dark hair, so according to the instructions the perfect candidate.
I’ve been doing my bikini line and underarms. It doesn’t hurt sometimes feels very hot. It says you need to shave immediately before or it will burn the hair, it doesn’t – sometimes you can smell a singeing smell but it doesn’t burn the hair if it’s above the surface.
The glasses are really dark so I need to keep lifting them up to see where I’m pointing the laser, which might just be that im blind but its annoying, it also seems to take ages before the laser is ready to fire again, I also didn’t factor in the amount of time I would have to dedicate to laser hair removal.
But it seems to work, not completely yet im no where near hair free, but my hair definitely grows back a lot slower, and finer which I’m happy with and I’ll continue using it to see if it makes anymore of a difference
Perso puissance max 3fois par semaine depuis 12 semaines
-Au niveau intime j’ai fait l’intgral. Rien dire j’ai vraiment plus de poil
– les aisselles sont parsemer mais bof c’est pas a pour le moment .je pense que je doi continuer pour avoir le rsultat voulu
– les jambes je peux pas me prononcer j’avais dj trs peu de poil
She was a bit sceptical as this is a low price But what a product she’s been using it the way the instructions say to use and the difference is unbelievable she has quite thick hair and it has stopped the growth by 80% but the remaining hair is very fine. And what would have only taken a day to grow back is now taking a week. Highly recommended
This IPL machine is excellent. It has effectively removed over 99% of my leg, bikini line and underarm hair in around 3 weeks. I paid around 70 for it and it is fantastic. It is easy to use and store and I cannot imagine that I will use the 999,000+ light flashes. I really recommend this product.
So I got the IPL laser done at a laser clinic and my chin hair was so stubborn. After the 6 month course it hadn’t made any change whatsoever in the density or rate of growth of chin hair.
So I bought this device hoping to try at home after reading the reviews. I thought it might be cheaper even if not as effective… But 6 months down the line I can’t even remember when I last used the product! It’s so effective!!! My chin hair is a problem of the past! I used it about 3-4 times a week whenever my chin hair grew up and then it seemed to just really slow down and so I did t need to use it.
It’s the best product and has been a life saver! My chin is smooth. No stubble. No hair anymore…. But if it does grow back ill just do a laser top up again. Saves a whole load of money too. Brilliant. I would most definitely recommend this product!!!
So I got the IPL laser done at a laser clinic and my chin hair was so stubborn. After the 6 month course it hadn’t made any change whatsoever in the density or rate of growth of chin hair.
So I bought this device hoping to try at home after reading the reviews. I thought it might be cheaper even if not as effective… But 6 months down the line I can’t even remember when I last used the product! It’s so effective!!! My chin hair is a problem of the past! I used it about 3-4 times a week whenever my chin hair grew up and then it seemed to just really slow down and so I did t need to use it.
It’s the best product and has been a life saver! My chin is smooth. No stubble. No hair anymore…. But if it does grow back ill just do a laser top up again. Saves a whole load of money too. Brilliant. I would most definitely recommend this product!!!
Schnell und komplett geliefert. Anleitung ist verstndlich, Inhalt komplett. Jetzt muss es zeigen, was es kann und das kann man erst nach einiger Zeit bewerte
Preis und Leistung super. Htte gedacht, dass es heier in der Anwendung wre.
Prodotto comodo e maneggevole, detto questo funziona se lo si usa come non si dovrebbe. Per avere qualche risultato faccio dai 4 ai 10 flash per punto, finch non sento dolore. Dopo di che ripetendo l operazione 3 volte a settimana si vede un risultato. Detto questo, cos facendo ci vuole mezz ora per depilare un ascella. Io lo uso associato al laser medico per cercare di eliminare i mazzetti che sono rimasti scoperti. Detto questo non ci si potr mai depilare cosce e braccia con buoni risultati con un accessorio del genere….pu andare bene per baffetti, inguine e genitali, mani e piedi, ascelle…..ma serve tempo e pazienza….tanta pazienza
Ich liebe Prime!!:D
Die letzte IPL Behandlung, hatte ich vor 4 Jahren,in einer Praxis.
Auf die Dauer und fr ein annehmbares Resultat,muss man allerdings schon, regelmig, tief in die Tasche greifen,deshalb auch die Pause.
Ich habe mich deshalb,fr dieses Gert entschieden,da es laut Internetrecherche und Testurteilen,zu den “insgesamt” besten Gerten,trotz das es im unteren Preissegment liegt.
Da ich erst heute Abend meine erste Sitzung starten werde,kann bisher noch nichts ber die Leistung sagen ,werde hier aber nach Benutzung abdaten.
Auf den Bildern seht ihr den gelieferten Inhalt -entsprach,auch optisch, vollstndig dem Angebot!
Das Gert ist ziemlich leicht und liegt mit der weichen Oberflche,geschmeidig in der Hand.
Besonders gut gefllt mir auf den ersten Blick,der spitz zulaufende Teil vorne am Sensor.
Beim anlegen waren auch kleinere Areale an der Oberlippe, Nasenflgel etc. gut erreichbar und abgedeckt,so das ein weiterer Aufsatz fast nicht notwendig erscheint.
So ich bin gespannt auf die erste Sitzung und werde Weiterberichten… fr’s Erste…super Preis, schnelle verlssliche Lieferung und ansprechendes,komfortables Gert!
1. Nachtrag: Super netter Kontakt zum Verkufer -ich hatte versehentlich die Zahl der Blitze auf dem Kopf stehend abgelesenen und dachte es wrde was fehlen:D ja,mein Fehler -auf meine dumme Frage hin ,hat das Verkuferteam aus China sofort nett und hilfsbereit geantwortet-Top Kundenservice!Sehr zu empfehlen-hier das Gert zu kaufen!!!
1.Woche: In 8Tagen 2 x angewendet,mit
4Tagen Abstand.
Oberlippe &Kinn& Unterarme
Beim 1.Mal Oberlippe & Kinn
Stufe 2 – Unterarme Stufe 3.
Beim 2. Mal Oberlippe & Kinn
Stufe3 -Unterarme Stufe 4.
Rtungen durch die Behandlung verschwanden schon am nchsten Tag – selbst Stufe 4 war vllig schmerzlos, nur etwas wrmer.
Ich werde in Woche 3&4 nochmal berichten und gehe davon aus, das erst ab dann, Ergebnisse sichtbarer werden.
Ich empfehle aber jedem , die Behandlung mit IPL im Winter vorzunehmen,da ansonsten mit Abstinenz von der Sonne,der schne Sommer leider draufgeht;))
2. Nachtrag: Woche 5-6
habe das gert jetzt insgesamt 5 mal benutzt.
Oberlippe- Kinn- Unterarme
Die letzten 3 Behandlungen auf Stufe 5
Deutlich lichte Stellen an der Oberlippe – auch an den Unterarmen habe ich Stellen an denen die Hrchen kaum noch nachwachsen
FAZIT: Nach nur 5 Behandlungen bin ich mehr als zufrieden .
Das Gert hlt bis jetzt was es verspricht – ich bin zufrieden und hellauf begeistert, das soetwas auch ohne teure Behandlungen in Klinik oder andere professionelle Einrichtungen mglich ist.
Je l’ai reu il y’a quelques jour je vais essayer et reviendrais vers vous pour vous donner mon avis sinon vous le recevez avec lunette de protection rasoir cble de recharge et l’appareil. A bie
Gifted this to my wife and she loves it.
Don’t expect Instant results. It takes time. There are various power levels to choose depending upon the need. Powerful laser. Use with caution and read the user manual very carefully.
The function I liked the most is it senses skin contact and only then it beams the laser.
Very handy. Connecting wire needs to be little longer and lighter so it can be used freely. Otherwise great product.
I was skeptical given the price compared with the usual 300 tag on these gadgets, but I’ve struggled with excess hair for 40 years and no signs of it slowing down yet, so I decided to give this a go.
I’ve used it 1-2x per week for about 4-5 weeks so far and the lower part of my legs now stays stubble-free for a week or more (you have to shave before using, so I haven’t let them grow out any longer than that, but I would usually have stubble later the same day, so this is a result for me). I’m convinced most of my lower legs would stay hair-free indefinitely now. I mean most of the area. I only have 2 legs.
On areas with coarser hair (underarm, bikini, and in my case, most of my inner thighs) it’s taking a bit longer but the growth has massively slowed and there are patches where it’s not coming back between shaves. Again, still shaving and zapping once or twice a week so I can’t say if the results are permanent yet, but if my Neanderthal legs are bowing to this master already, I have high hopes for continued use.
I use it on top level as I have the right combination of skin and hair colour. It feels warm, occasionally like a pin prick. But nothing as bad as waxing or (deep breath) epilating. It’s actually quite pleasant once you get the hang of it.
Full body takes about an hour on full power (less time if lower power as it’s re powered and ready to flash again more quickly each time). I stick on a Netflix show and the glasses and get on with it.
I was skeptical given the price compared with the usual 300 tag on these gadgets, but I’ve struggled with excess hair for 40 years and no signs of it slowing down yet, so I decided to give this a go.
I’ve used it 1-2x per week for about 4-5 weeks so far and the lower part of my legs now stays stubble-free for a week or more (you have to shave before using, so I haven’t let them grow out any longer than that, but I would usually have stubble later the same day, so this is a result for me). I’m convinced most of my lower legs would stay hair-free indefinitely now. I mean most of the area. I only have 2 legs.
On areas with coarser hair (underarm, bikini, and in my case, most of my inner thighs) it’s taking a bit longer but the growth has massively slowed and there are patches where it’s not coming back between shaves. Again, still shaving and zapping once or twice a week so I can’t say if the results are permanent yet, but if my Neanderthal legs are bowing to this master already, I have high hopes for continued use.
I use it on top level as I have the right combination of skin and hair colour. It feels warm, occasionally like a pin prick. But nothing as bad as waxing or (deep breath) epilating. It’s actually quite pleasant once you get the hang of it.
Full body takes about an hour on full power (less time if lower power as it’s re powered and ready to flash again more quickly each time). I stick on a Netflix show and the glasses and get on with it.
Ho la pelle di tonalit media (tra il secondo e il terzo colore della skin tone) e i capelli castano chiaro/biondo scuro. Usato su gambe, inguine e braccia per un mese regolarmente a giorni alterni ho inaspettatamente avuto ottimi risultati, i peli non crescono quasi pi o solo a piccole zone.
Dire che comodo no..ci si mette tanto per fare tutte le gambe (almeno un’ora).
Unica pecca, con gli occhiali protettivi non si vede nulla, finisce che preferisco chiudere gli occhi quando do lo scatto..
In conclusione, per ora sono molto soddisfatta e lo ricomprerei.
Nach 4 Monaten Behandlung ist der Haarwuchs weniger geworden aber habe das Gefhl, dass jetzt nichts mehr passiert. Es bleibt gleich! Wrde es mir nicht nochmal kaufen!
Nulla da invidiare a concorrenza di marchi noti.
Ne ho gi provati diversi. E questo non da meno. Con costanza sto vedendo qualche risultato. Unica cosa che per me negativo, quel numeretto che segnala quanti scatti rimangono mi mettono ansia
I am fair skinned with thick dark leg and armpit hair that I hate. I also have dry skin so summer is a lot of effort.
I used on setting 4 under arms, and setting 5 for legs.
I have used for 10weeks now, at least twice a week but sometimes 3 or 4 times.
I spent about 40mins doing it each time.
The hair is definitely sparser and finer like really noticeably so.
It’s not like I’ll never have to shave again, but if I skip a day or two it’s definitely not going to be as prickly and dark and noticeable on my pastey white legs!
I am still going, but now doing just one session a week. Occasionally 2.
For the price (compared to some for over 300 etc) I am pleased with the results. It’s definitely a time commitment, but I am viewing it as a year or so’s work not an overnight fix.
Occasionally it over heats and switches off (good cos it’s safe, frustrating tho)
Do not use the razor supplied; it will shred your skin.
I waited a while before reviewing because I wanted to really see what the results were.
I am fair skinned with thick dark leg and armpit hair that I hate. I also have dry skin so summer is a lot of effort.
I used on setting 4 under arms, and setting 5 for legs.
I have used for 10weeks now, at least twice a week but sometimes 3 or 4 times.
I spent about 40mins doing it each time.
The hair is definitely sparser and finer like really noticeably so.
It’s not like I’ll never have to shave again, but if I skip a day or two it’s definitely not going to be as prickly and dark and noticeable on my pastey white legs!
I am still going, but now doing just one session a week. Occasionally 2.
For the price (compared to some for over 300 etc) I am pleased with the results. It’s definitely a time commitment, but I am viewing it as a year or so’s work not an overnight fix.
Occasionally it over heats and switches off (good cos it’s safe, frustrating tho)
Do not use the razor supplied; it will shred your skin.
I waited a while before reviewing because I wanted to really see what the results were.
I am fair skinned with thick dark leg and armpit hair that I hate. I also have dry skin so summer is a lot of effort.
I used on setting 4 under arms, and setting 5 for legs.
I have used for 10weeks now, at least twice a week but sometimes 3 or 4 times.
I spent about 40mins doing it each time.
The hair is definitely sparser and finer like really noticeably so.
It’s not like I’ll never have to shave again, but if I skip a day or two it’s definitely not going to be as prickly and dark and noticeable on my pastey white legs!
I am still going, but now doing just one session a week. Occasionally 2.
For the price (compared to some for over 300 etc) I am pleased with the results. It’s definitely a time commitment, but I am viewing it as a year or so’s work not an overnight fix.
Occasionally it over heats and switches off (good cos it’s safe, frustrating tho)
Do not use the razor supplied; it will shred your skin.
I’ve only been using it for three weeks but have seen a change already. I use almost every other day on the highest setting and hair growth is slower already.
Persevere with repeated use and use the highest setting.
FYI – I personally don’t shave before use, I know my hair and razor usage does not work in my favour. Think six o’clock shadow after a 5pm shave! Be prepared for a sting if it catches a hair but it’s relative for the results I’m experiencing.
I’ve only been using it for three weeks but have seen a change already. I use almost every other day on the highest setting and hair growth is slower already.
Persevere with repeated use and use the highest setting.
FYI – I personally don’t shave before use, I know my hair and razor usage does not work in my favour. Think six o’clock shadow after a 5pm shave! Be prepared for a sting if it catches a hair but it’s relative for the results I’m experiencing.
Bei meiner Frau, sehr gutes Ergebnis. Bei mir zum Teil, sehr gut. Aber die Haare unter den Achseln sind immer noch dick und werden nicht weniger.
I still don’t know if it works for the hair removal, but it arrived everything OK and properly working.
Ist sehr leicht in der Hand, kann zum Ergebnis noch nicht’s sagen da er erst einmal zum Einsatz gekommen ist.
Per me sembra un buon prodotto. L’epilatore arrivato imballato e sigillato nella sua confezione, molto intuitivo e facile da usare , la sua conformit lo rende comodo da utilizzare ed arrivare bene in tutti i punti del corpo, la sua efficacia l si vedr nel tempo indicato.
I decided to start using it on my big toes to begin with, in case of any negative visual skin issues or burns or anything.
I began using it twice a week. After a week I began to include my underarms also.
After another week I was satisfied and pleased enough to move onto my upper lip, which really was the whole reason I wanted this.
I’ve been using it now for around 6 weeks on my toes, and the hair growth seems to have completely stopped.
Under my arms the hair growth is still obvious but appears more sparse and is not growing as quickly as usual.
My upper lip I am so pleased with! Normally I’d have to wax every 2 weeks. I waxed before my initial treatment 4 weeks ago, then have proceeded to use twice a week. Aside from needing to pluck a few persistent strays, there has been no regrowth on my top lip since the first week of treatment, which is just amazing!
So pleased with this product!
It is entirely painless, leaves no marks on the skin, is very easy to use and it works. I wish I’d bought one sooner.
I decided to start using it on my big toes to begin with, in case of any negative visual skin issues or burns or anything.
I began using it twice a week. After a week I began to include my underarms also.
After another week I was satisfied and pleased enough to move onto my upper lip, which really was the whole reason I wanted this.
I’ve been using it now for around 6 weeks on my toes, and the hair growth seems to have completely stopped.
Under my arms the hair growth is still obvious but appears more sparse and is not growing as quickly as usual.
My upper lip I am so pleased with! Normally I’d have to wax every 2 weeks. I waxed before my initial treatment 4 weeks ago, then have proceeded to use twice a week. Aside from needing to pluck a few persistent strays, there has been no regrowth on my top lip since the first week of treatment, which is just amazing!
So pleased with this product!
It is entirely painless, leaves no marks on the skin, is very easy to use and it works. I wish I’d bought one sooner.
Abbastanza facile da utilizzare anche se le spiegazioni non sono indicate perfettamente.
Ottimo prodotto e rapporti qualit prezzo, consigliato alle amiche di mia moglie, che lo hanno comprato subito, consiglio a tutti
Yo tena el lser hecho por profesional, y la quera para repasar y deshacerme de los cuatro pelos que te quedan y van saliendo.
Obvio que no es tan eficaz como el profesional, pero s que funciona bien. Y por el precio que tiene, encantada.
Ich teste seit 1 1/2 Wochen jetzt den Laser und zwar tglich (in der Bedienungsanleitung steht zwar 2-3 mal die Woche, aber da ich ein sehr starken Haarwuchs habe mache ich es tglich) und ich merke das die ersten Haare schon ausfallen! Zwar nur vereinzelt aber immerhin. In den nchsten Wochen werde ich immer wieder ein neues Update geben.
Ich habe helle Haut und dunkle Haare also perfekt fr das Gert.
Facile da usare e pratico.attenzione se soffrite di dermatite atopica meglio non usarla!
Simple to use. Only used a few times so far but hair seems finer and skin is much brighter.
Uso il prodotto da circa 2mesi e devo dire che funziona.
Por falta de tempo acabo por s usar 1x por semana, e os resultados so incrveis. Ao fim de 2 semanas o pelo comeou a cair e agora praticamente no nasce pelo nenhum.
Usei no corpo sempre no nvel 5, fao as reas todas seguidas e nunca aconteceu a mquina aquecer ou desligar sozinha.
Nonostante ci, ho visto che i peli sono effettivamente caduti, ma essendo molto delicata di pelle, ho concluso che meglio affidarsi ad un professionista, onde evitare la ricomparsa di macchie e irritazioni.
eu 2 jours avant la date prvu , ma femme tait super contente ,colis et boite arrrive nikel, appareil trs facile a prendre en main, notice en franais fonctionne trs bien a voir ce que s a donnera en fin de traitement ne regrette pas mon acha
Si trovata bene, avendo un problema di qualche peletto sul viso e ovviamente antiestetici , ha provato questo laser che si rivelato efficace!! Funziona ed una manna per questo problema antiestetico.come da recensioni , ottimo prodotto
Hatte vorher ein IPL Gert eines namhaften Herstellers. Kann daher nicht viel fr Einsteiger sagen. Die unterschiedlichen Stufen sind super und auch der Impuls-Zhler gefllt mir, hatte mein vorheriges Gert nicht. Einzig zu bemngeln: die Zeit zwischen den Lichtimpulsen ist vergleichsweise lang, daher nimmt das Lasern mehr Zeit in Anspruch
This is the best for its value! I saw the fast results without pain! !
I am not a big fan of laser therapy for my skin as I don’t think they are too safe. But I had to try it out for myself before concluding. Firstly, this hair removal device is pretty affordable. As the branded one’s are super expensive. This device come with a pair of glasses and a razor for the hair removal. I have used it once for now. As I used it 2months back, and till now the hair growth is very very slow. So, I guess it does work after all. I have only used it for my arms and legs for now. But if the results are positive after 6 months, then I will try on other areas too!
Besides the IPL device, included in the package are the charging cable and adapter, sunglasses, and instruction manual. The modern looking design comes with 999000 flashes, has 5 energy levels and 2 flash modes.
It seems well-made, durable, lightweight and comfortable to hold. The laser flash is painless and there’s no discomfort at all.
After using it twice in 3 weeks time, I can say that the result is pretty good. It’s easy to use, but just make sure to read the instructions carefully before using it the first time.
The hair growth is very slow, and I can only see small light patches of hair growing. With continuous use, I believe I can see more desirable results. I have not experienced any adverse side effects from using this device so far. I should say that the IPL works most effectively on a light skin with dark hair though.
Overall, a reasonably priced IPL device that’s easy to use and works as advertised. It’s an easy recommendation from me.
Thank you for reading my review.
This IPL hair removal is designed to help break the cycle of hair growth by targeting the hair root or follicle for sure. The absorbed light energy is converted to heat energy, which disables the hair follicle preventing further growth. Remove hair safely, effectively and easily at home. This hair removal system is suitable for both men and women to use on the face, body, legs, arms, armpit, bikini line, chest, back just everywhere you need. Compared with 500,000 flashes, 999,000 flashes can be used twice as long than it. Has 5 intensity levels ensure the light intensity which is right for your skin tone. Very good working product and this price is worth to spend for sure.
Highly recommend!
Venditore serio e disponibile. Il prodotto pur essendo valido nel mio caso non ha funzionato per via del colore della mia pelle. Rimborsato e soddisfatto.
Value for money product. If you are tiered of waxing or don’t want to use the razors then this is the product for you. Very well priced compared to many other brands in the market.
Easy to hold and operate.
It comes with 5 Setting Light Intensive & 2 Flash Modes. Choose as per your need. First try on a specific part of your body, get comfortable and they apply all over.
Works smoothly. Just read the instructions carefully before using. Also, pregnant women should consult doctors first.
Der Erste Eindruck war positiv, das Gert wirkt hochwertig und stabil. Das Gewicht ist leichter als gedacht und somit angenehm zu benutzen.
Beim anschalten des Gertes hrt man ein Ventilatorengerusch das an einen leisen Fhn erinnert.
Die Display Anzeige ist einfach und bersichtlich, was fr mich in diesem Fall vllig in Ordnung ist. Am Display ist die Intensitt in Form von Wellensymbolen zu erkennen.
Das Blitzen an sich, ist absolut schmerzfrei, es kann sich teilweise warm anfhlen und minimal Zwicken. Wenn es doller zwickt sollte man prfen ob die Haare nicht weit genug “gestuzt” wurden oder die Intensitt zu hoch ist. In der Anleitung steht dazu nochmals ausfhrlich alles, was man wissen sollte.
Nach knapp zwei Wochen Benutzung, sehe ich langsam dass meine Haare dnner werden und nichtmehr so buschig nachwachsen.
Das einzige was ich bisschen schade finde, ist das die Lupenfunktion fehlt, bei der wrde man erkennen knnen welche Intensitt an diversen Krperstellen empfohlen wre. Jedoch fr diesen Preis absolut legitim dass, diese Funktion fehlt.
The first time I used it I was a little scared I’d hurt myself so only used it on a level 1, but quickly realised it was totally painless and was comfortable. I’ve used this on level 5 2-3 times a week since then.
You have to shave to prepare your target areas before using it, which is no big trouble really. There is absolutely no pain, sometimes you feel a zap-like sensation if you’ve missed a hair when shaving, and maybe a little singe smell but it doesn’t hurt at all. I use mine on the auto setting, I set the device to my first area then press the button down to do the first zap, but keep holding it down whilst moving it up to the next area, this activates auto mode and it will go off every few seconds so long as it’s flush up against your skin, which is also a nice little safety feature.
I have been using it on the lower half of my legs, my arm pits and my chin/upper lip area. It takes around 15-20 minutes to do all areas, legs being the most time consuming, and as I say above, I do this 2-3 times a week as recommended.
Now for the bit you want to really know: does it work?
I was wary with it being a lower priced model (I bought it when it was 59.99 plus an extra 10% off), but the reviews seemed decent so I thought I’d give it a try, I’m so glad I did! I’ve been using it for a couple of months now and the majority of the hair on my legs is gone, what little is still there is much finer and growing back considerably slower, I’m confident with further use it will all go. Pit areas are thinner and grow slower, but not as clear as the legs have become. Chin, I’ve not noticed too much difference tbh, but my upper lip is finer and grows back slower. For information sake I am a very fair skinned, dark haired, mid 30s woman.
Kit wise you get the machine, plug, a set of protective shades and a razor – bin the razor it’s awful. Do wear the shades to save your eyes.
Flash wise I started with 999999 and currently have 997644 left, it will last for years and years so long as it doesn’t randomly break down at some point.
My opinion is that it is worth every penny, treat yourself!
The first time I used it I was a little scared I’d hurt myself so only used it on a level 1, but quickly realised it was totally painless and was comfortable. I’ve used this on level 5 2-3 times a week since then.
You have to shave to prepare your target areas before using it, which is no big trouble really. There is absolutely no pain, sometimes you feel a zap-like sensation if you’ve missed a hair when shaving, and maybe a little singe smell but it doesn’t hurt at all. I use mine on the auto setting, I set the device to my first area then press the button down to do the first zap, but keep holding it down whilst moving it up to the next area, this activates auto mode and it will go off every few seconds so long as it’s flush up against your skin, which is also a nice little safety feature.
I have been using it on the lower half of my legs, my arm pits and my chin/upper lip area. It takes around 15-20 minutes to do all areas, legs being the most time consuming, and as I say above, I do this 2-3 times a week as recommended.
Now for the bit you want to really know: does it work?
I was wary with it being a lower priced model (I bought it when it was 59.99 plus an extra 10% off), but the reviews seemed decent so I thought I’d give it a try, I’m so glad I did! I’ve been using it for a couple of months now and the majority of the hair on my legs is gone, what little is still there is much finer and growing back considerably slower, I’m confident with further use it will all go. Pit areas are thinner and grow slower, but not as clear as the legs have become. Chin, I’ve not noticed too much difference tbh, but my upper lip is finer and grows back slower. For information sake I am a very fair skinned, dark haired, mid 30s woman.
Kit wise you get the machine, plug, a set of protective shades and a razor – bin the razor it’s awful. Do wear the shades to save your eyes.
Flash wise I started with 999999 and currently have 997644 left, it will last for years and years so long as it doesn’t randomly break down at some point.
My opinion is that it is worth every penny, treat yourself!
You have to put the effort in and follow the schedule to see results. For the first 4 weeks, I used this 3-4 times a week then I have slowly reduced the amount I use it. I use it once every two to three weeks now to just keep up on the results. After shaving my legs, my hair will really slowly and finely begin growing back after 7-10 days. I have seen really good results around my bikini line. My only niggle would be it doesn’t seem to work too well in particularly curved areas like my armpits – this may be just me.
My Mum has a Lumea and I think this offers the same results for over half the price!
You have to put the effort in and follow the schedule to see results. For the first 4 weeks, I used this 3-4 times a week then I have slowly reduced the amount I use it. I use it once every two to three weeks now to just keep up on the results. After shaving my legs, my hair will really slowly and finely begin growing back after 7-10 days. I have seen really good results around my bikini line. My only niggle would be it doesn’t seem to work too well in particularly curved areas like my armpits – this may be just me.
My Mum has a Lumea and I think this offers the same results for over half the price!
Presenta 5 livelli di intensit da usare a seconda della carnagione della pelle e della tipologia di pelo; 2 modalit di impulso, una automatica perfetta per aree di pelle pi ampie tipo le gambe o le braccia ed una manuale che permette di premere il bottone e far scattare la luce a propria piacere, lo consiglio per zone come inguine, ascelle e viso.
Nella confezione sono inclusi gli occhiali protettivi e un rasoio usa e getta, personalmente ho preferito utilizzare il mio ma apprezzo il fatto che ne abbiamo incluso uno giusto nel caso se ne fosse sprovvisti. Un’altra cosa che ho apprezzato molto la garanzia di un anno, ottima cosa davvero.
Ho avuto modo di provare l’epilatore alcune di volte e sono rimasta estremamente soddisfatta, totalmente indolore, non ho avuto problemi di alcun genere, escoriazioni, arrossamenti, niente di niente. Ho potuto notare un rallentamento generale nella ricrescita del pelo e sono sicura che nel lungo termine mi dar grandi soddisfazioni. Provveder eventualmente ad aggiornare la recensione ma per ora sono felicissima del mio acquisto e lo consiglio vivamente.
I usually use the full power option & this one seems to have a bit of extra strength compared to others I have used.
The gun design is also easier with the automatic fire option. I can do both my lower legs in around 15-20 minutes. With other body parts taking much shorter time.
The items that come with it are also helpful (razor & eyeglasses).
Overall for the price, it’s a great device to try IPL out. But you do have to stick with it! Results should be seen within 6 weeks if your consistent at around 2-3 times a week in my experience with IPL. This product seems stronger but I still will do 2-3 times a week! Just needs to become part of your routine!
The device is easy to use & the instruction manual clearly states what you need to do. Big benefit of this if you sensitive skin due to shaving, your skin will be the winner!
Main reason why I do this as my hair is easily irritated by shaving so less hair, less irritation!
I usually use the full power option & this one seems to have a bit of extra strength compared to others I have used.
The gun design is also easier with the automatic fire option. I can do both my lower legs in around 15-20 minutes. With other body parts taking much shorter time.
The items that come with it are also helpful (razor & eyeglasses).
Overall for the price, it’s a great device to try IPL out. But you do have to stick with it! Results should be seen within 6 weeks if your consistent at around 2-3 times a week in my experience with IPL. This product seems stronger but I still will do 2-3 times a week! Just needs to become part of your routine!
The device is easy to use & the instruction manual clearly states what you need to do. Big benefit of this if you sensitive skin due to shaving, your skin will be the winner!
Main reason why I do this as my hair is easily irritated by shaving so less hair, less irritation!
I like the green light that tells you when you have angled it correctly.
Iv used it for long periods of time and the fan works really well, the machine hasn’t overheated.
It doesn’t take long at all. If you split it up. I do my legs one night for 15 minutes and my face and underarms the next for less than 5 minutes. will update with results.
I like the green light that tells you when you have angled it correctly.
Iv used it for long periods of time and the fan works really well, the machine hasn’t overheated.
It doesn’t take long at all. If you split it up. I do my legs one night for 15 minutes and my face and underarms the next for less than 5 minutes. will update with results.
When i originally bought this product, i was also looking at the Philips model which is highly expensive. I am glad i never bought the Philips model. 80 is still a lot of money but not when you compare it with the Philips. I use it on full laser ( 5 Bars) when doing my legs and on 4 bars when doing my underarms. It is painless, you only get a little tingle under your arms so i reduced it to 4 bars.
I highly recommend this product to others, us ladies are worth it.
When i originally bought this product, i was also looking at the Philips model which is highly expensive. I am glad i never bought the Philips model. 80 is still a lot of money but not when you compare it with the Philips. I use it on full laser ( 5 Bars) when doing my legs and on 4 bars when doing my underarms. It is painless, you only get a little tingle under your arms so i reduced it to 4 bars.
I highly recommend this product to others, us ladies are worth it.
This really does reduce hair growth and much better than shaving many times a week.
This really does reduce hair growth and much better than shaving many times a week.