Lefant M210B Robot Vacuum Cleaner With Mop, Small Robot
Lefant M210B Robot Vacuum Cleaner With Mop, Small Robot Hoover 7.6cm Thin, 2000 Pa Suction, Alexa Voice Control Self-Charging Robotic Vacuum Ideal for Pet Hair Hard Floor and Carpe
Strong Battery Life
The Robot Vacuum uses 1800mAh lithium iron phosphate batteries and achieves up to 100Mins run time or approximately 100㎡.
Anti-collision Technology
The M210B Robot Vacuum has Upgraded 6D built-in anti-collision infrared sensors and drop sensors that help the robot vacuum detect probable stuck areas or maneuver away from stairs for cleaning all-around your home.
Self-charging & Resume
Lefant M210B Robot Vacuum and Mop can return to the charging dock automatically when the battery is low.
3 levels adjustment via APP:
Low: 100 mins Mid: 90 mins High: 80 mins
Suction Power
Sweeping & Mopping
Sweeping & Mopping
Sweeping & Mopping
Sweeping & Mopping
Sweeping & Mopping
Max Runtime
Dust Collector Capacity
Product Height
Crossing Capacity
How to Control
APP, Alexa and Google Assistant
APP, Alexa and Google Assistant
APP, Alexa and Google Assistant
APP, Alexa and Google Assistant
FreeMove Technology
2nd Gen
2nd Gen
3nd Gen
3nd Gen
plan cleaning
Applicable scene
Entry level products, small rooms, low waste households
Standard product, 100㎡ room, household with normal amount of garbage
Advanced products, 150㎡ room, pet-raising family with normal amount of garbage or hair
Professional products, 200㎡ room, pet-raising family with a lot of garbage and hair, high-end gifts.
Accessories, 5 Disposable Cloths Wipes.
Accessories, 4 Side Brushes & 4 Hepa Filter Accessories Kit.
Lo compramos porque el otro robot que tenamos despus de 6 aos dej de funcionar.
Buscamos algo econmico y haba ledo muy buenas opiniones sobre este modelo as que me decid a comprarlo.
Estoy muy contento, conexin wifi por lo tanto con una App que te permite gestionar todo:
-Tres tipos de volumen de succin
-Funcin buscar Robot ( alguna vez no lo he
-Tipos de limpieza, espiral, aleatorio, seguimiento de pared, manual
-Nivel de batera
-Mapa de limpieza
En fin, que el para el precio que pagamos en oferta, no puedo estar ms contento.
Recomendado 100% si quieres un robot que haga lo que tiene que hacer y punto.
Petit, programmable et efficace y compris sur poils d’animaux (2 chats) et morceaux de griffoir carton. Il est assez bruyant et il vaut mieux le programmer qd on est pas l. Pour l’instant j’en suis satisfaite, l’application pourrait tre amliore, bien suivre le manuel d’utilisation.
El producto es mejor de lo que esperaba por su precio, succiona bastante bien aunque para una casa con alfombra no lo tendra muy claro, como anotaciones digo que la batera dura poco y que la aplicacin oficial no est en espaol, como ruido no es de las que hacen un fuerte ruido, o sea lo normal
Buon prodotto la prima volta che lo usi non puoi pi farne a meno ottima aspirazione fa bene il suo dovere anche se non ha la mappatura ma sa bene che cosa fare.
Do 4 stelle perch il robot ha smesso di funzionare dopo un mese e mezzo di contro il venditore stato gentilissimo mi ha scritto pi volte per cercare una soluzione e alla fine mi rimandano robot nuovo senza restituire quello rotto!!!! 5 stelle venditore!!!
El robot vala 189 y lo compr porque tena un descuento del vendedor de 60. La mquina funciona bien, aspira bastante y al no tener rodillo, no hay tantos problemas de atascos al limpiar. El aparato es bastante ms pequeo que cualquier otro. Hace bastante ruido, y no guarda el mapeo de la casa cada vez que se pone a limpiar.
En general, es un producto muy recomendable.
Lo sto usando da un po’ e fa il suo dovere. Aspira bene anche se a volte gira un po’ a vuoto. Nel complesso sono contenta e mi aiuta molto nelle pulizie
J’ai achet ce produit avant d’acheter quelque chose de trs cher qui aurait pu tre un flop
Ayant 2 chats je voulais faire en sorte de ne pas avoir passer l’aspirateur 2 fois par jour.
L’aspirateur arrive dans une petite bote trs bien range avec des accessoires de rechange
Et une petite tlcommande (possible aussi de le diriger via l’application indique dans la notice)
Il fonctionne trs bien en ce qui concerne la vitesse d’aspiration, la quantit aspire et l’autonomie la dessus il n’y a rien redire
Les inconvnients sont les suivants :
Cartographie l’appartement sans le garder en mmoire
Force le Passage quand le sol est sur lev de 4-5 cm et reste coinc
Dtecteur trop haut, donc cogne dans certains meubles avant de changer de cible
Perte de signal parfois donc dans mon cas la programmation pour qu’il se dclanche tel jour/telle heure peut ne pas fonctionner.
A part a l’engin fait le taff demand, il faut vrifier qu’il se soit bien remis sur sa base pour la charge mais sinon enlve la poussire et les poils de chats passe de partout et retourne sa base avec un peu de difficult mais fini par y arrive
Wir sind von unseren neuen Saugroboter mega begeistert.
Er saugt besser wie unser zweiter Roboter,der 300 Euro gekostet hat .
Er kommt berall hin und findet alles
Leicht zu reinigen und auch bei Katzenhaare auch kein Problem
agile, il passe sous les meubles , est facile nettoyer, un peu juste de batterie pour nous (120m2) il manque une pice mais rien redire, il fait bien son travail.
Une bonne puissance d’aspiration avec trs peu de bruit.
Grce ses longs balais il aspire trs bien les poils de notre berger allemand poil long.
Trs satisfai
Je suis ravie de mon achat, c’est un trs bon rapport qualit/prix ; ce produit est efficace, peu bruyant, avec une autonomie suffisante (en tous cas pour ma superficie). Je recommande!
Tuve un problema con la conga a los meses. Debido a que una de la piezas se rompi. Me puse en contacto con el equipo de atencin lefant y me dijeron que me enviaran un nuevo producto. Muy contento con ellos. Volver a comentar una vez recibido.
Les plus :
– Je suis contente du format, tout petit, ne prend pas de place.
– Blanc, cela change de ce qu’on a habituellement.
– une tlcommande au top pour qu’il attaque son job
– Petit mais puissant aspire bien et est assez efficace.
– Son prix 120 que demander de mieux.
– Bonne autonomie
Les moins :
– Petite capacit pour le rservoir.
– Il repasse un peu au mme endroit, mais peut tre que je ne l’ai pas calibrer et qu’il y a un mode, il faut que j’tudie et que je m’y penche mieux !
C’est le deuxime robot que nous achetons de cette marque, il est encore plus performant que le premier. Grace ces deux balais, il ramasse beaucoup plus et plus rapidement. Il a plusieurs capteur qui lui permettent de ne pas taper dans les murs ou les meubles. Ces capteurs l’aide aussi avoir une meilleure trajectoire (comme faire le tour d’un meuble ou longer un mur).
La puissance de l’aspiration est rglable de 1 3.
La programmation sur l’application mobile est simple effectuer. On peut galement faire nos propre programme aussi bien au niveau des horaires que du trajet qu’il doit effectuer.
En somme rien redire, super heureuse de mon achat.
L’aspirateur a un trs bon rapport qualit prix. Pour une surface de 50 m2, il tient trs bien la charge et nettoie correctement les surfaces (il est tout de mme ncessaire de passer l’aspirateur partout de temps en temps). Ses diffrentes fonctionnalits sont galement trs pratiques. Cependant il a des difficults retrouver le point de chargement lorsqu’il est trop loin. Trs bon produi
Tutto ok, si vanta la mancanza del rullo sulla bocchetta di aspirazione, invece essenziale.
Quello precedente altra marca lo aveva e tirava su di tutto, questo con una aspirazione migliore deve passare 2 volte.
Si vede la differenza sui tappeti, poich anche il rullo ha delle spazzole e dei bordi gommati che puliscono
El aparato de momento tras un mes de uso intensivo (tenemos 3 gatos en casa), ha dado buenos resultados, buena capacidad de aspiracin y poco ruidoso. El nico punto flaco que le vemos hasta ahora es que la batera va un poco justa para nuestra casa. 80m2.
En general, satisfechos. Recomiendo su compra.
Fait son taf ,bruit normal, aspire poil de chat et chien ok, programme horaires ok , connect Google ,mme a distance ok ,rservoir suffisamment grand ,tlcommande inclus ok ,bonne acha
Robot aspirapolvere davvero molto molto economico ma esegue bene il suo lavoro veloce nella ricarica preciso nella pulizia devo dire che per il prezzo che l’ho pagato sono molto pi che soddisfatto, assistenza lefant ottima
L’ho usato per pulire tutta la casa, un appartamento di 60mq con 4 stanze da poco sfitto. L’ho lasciato lavorare mentre io facevo altre cose in casa, prima con la modalit che segue le pareti e poi con la modalit random. Il risultato si pu vedere in foto. Si pulisce facilmente con il pennellino in dotazione. Molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto 🙂
Lo faccio andare una volta al giorno mentre io sono comodamente seduto al pc o sul divano senza fare il minimo sforzo, pulisce tutta la casa in un solo ciclo di batteria (70mq) e poi torna a ricaricarsi da solo. Raccoglie tutto, anche i peli “invisibili” del mio cane che ad occhio nudo quasi non si notano. Ha il sensore per non ribaltarsi nel caso ci siano gradini. Il telecomando facile da utilizzare e ha diverse funzioni compresa la funzione manuale. Si pu anche utilizzare da remoto con l’app Lefant, quando mi dimentico di azionarlo e sono fuori casa apro l’app e avvio la pulizia automatica.
Good enough for the value. The machine is not that intelligent when you activate back to charging base mode. Especially if the base is in the other room, you’re better off putting back on the base it’s self. Overall decent product and it does the job.
Of all the robot vacuums I’ve used (iRobot and Roomba), this is the best one! Powerful suction, LONG battery life, and it actually docks itself! The iRobot and Roomba both had issues with docking. I’ve not tried the mopping feature yet, but so far, nothing but happy joy joy!
The software is not as user-friendly as other robot vacuums; that’s the only reason not 5 stars.
Nous sommes satisfaits de notre robot aspirateur ainsi que du SAV. Le produit est garanti 2ans, il a une bonne autonomie, rservoir poussire suffisamment grand, bruit de fonctionnement correct, etc…
Nous avons eu un problme d’alarme qui se dclenche sans raison apparente, une fois Amazon contact, le fabricant a pris contact avec nous et le problme est en cours de rsolution. Bonne ractivit et srieux du Service aprs vente .
unser Robi macht was er soll, wir haben 2 Hunde und 1 Katze da muss ich nicht mehr unseren Staubsauger stndig anschmeien ( Robi macht das schon ), er ist auf Zeit programmierbar und tut auf glatten Flchen wirklich sein bestes.(Robi luft nicht wirre durch die Gegend sondern geht Reihe fr Reihe durch) Hindernisse rume ich aus dem weg wie Sthle in der Kche etc.. eig. alles was man eh rumt wenn man mit einem normalen Staubsauger unterwegs ist. ( muss man nicht ! Robi umgeht vorsichtig die Hindernisse) . Wir haben Fliesen , Pvc , Laminat und Teppich ,da geht er ohne spuren zu hinterlassen schn sinnlich leicht rber.
Was mir nicht gefllt darum ein Punkt Abzug, fr Teppiche ist er nicht wirklich geeignet, er luft zwar rber ohne Probleme aber Hundehaare und Katzenhaare nimmt er nicht wirklich mit. Robi ist sehr leise was ich mal richtig gut finde. Ich wrde ihn weiterempfehlen weil er wirklich gut ist.
Jai achet cet aspirateur robot qui nous fait gagner normment de temps et de fatigue par contre 2 mois aprs l’achat il a cess de fonctionner. Le service aprs vente a t trs ractif nous avons cherch d ou venait la panne et m’a finalement diriger vers le vendeur qui me dit que c’est srement la batterie. je vais recevoir un nouvel aspirateur donc on peut dire que le service aprs vente est au top ( rapide et comptent ) donc je suis satisfaite car j aime beaucoup cet aspirateur qui fait bien le job ! Je le reois dans quelques jours .
Pour le moment je ne suis pas arrive utiliser correctement l’application. Ne retourne pas toujours sa base pour rechargement et continuer son aspiration.
Par contre gnial niveau aspiration et aucun fil ou cheveux ne peuvent se coincer. Super discret niveau bruit.
Pralablement l’achat j’avais vrifi que sa hauteur puisse lui permettre de se faufiler sous tous mes meubles.
Je recommande l’achat!
Conseils des utilisateurs sur l’utilisation de l’application bienvenus !
Il robottino fa il suo dovere anche se non del tutto “Smart”, in quanto passa spesso su di un punto e ci vuole una vita affinch passi dappertutto. Il contenitore della polvere non enorme ma un giro completo di casa(55m) lo fa.
Ottimo robot aspirapolvere, fa il suo dovere. Io ho una casa di 90 mq, e aspira molto bene peli e capelli. Chiaramente un robot e non un aspirapolvere, quindi compie il suo giro per pulire e non va dove vuoi tu
Da usare quando non si ha tempo per pulire l’appartamento, fa il suo dovere alla perfezione
Es mi primer robot as que no tengo con que comparar . Me gui por las reseas y la verdad es que de momento muy bien . Tengo 3 perros y aspira el pelo que sueltan que da gusto . Hay rincones a donde no llega pero es por la disposicin de los murbles , no por el robot. S que es cierto que a veces pasa por el mismo sitio varias veces y por otras le termino llevando yo , aun as sabe ir solito al cargador . Dura una hora y media en modo aleatorio y aspiracin media. En cuanto al ruido no se hace molesto , menos que una aspiradora . De momento muy buena relacin calidad/ precio
J ai achet cet aspi qui est trs bien mais au bout de quelque temps il a cess de fonctionner. Le service aprs vente a t trs ractif nous avons cherch d ou venait la panne mais difficile a distance malgr vido et explication. Finalement sans aucun problme je vais recevoir un nouvel aspirateur donc on peut dire que le service aprs vente est au top ( rapide et comptent ) donc je suis satisfaite car j aime beaucoup cet aspirateur qui fait bien le job ! Je le reois dans quelques jours .
Vous pouvez commander sans problme.
Ho un cane e non ne potevo pi di avere peli ovunque e di perdere ore ad aspirarli, quindi ho deciso di comprare il mio primo aspirapolvere robot che, per il momento, si rivela essere al di sopra delle mie aspettative: aspira con precisione, sa ritrovare la strada per la docking station, abbastanza silenzioso. Ottima qualit-prezzo.
avevo un irobot roomba mi pare tipo 620 che funzionava egregiamente ma non che fosse indispensabile e l’ho lasciato perdere un paio di anni. poi era inutilizzabile e ho provato l’acquisto del molto pi economico Lefant-M210. penso costi la met. Ebbene funziona alla grande! facile da gestire, pulire. temevo fosse una cinesata ed invece penso sia meglio del roomba. pi intelligente. non si blocca nei punti pi strani ed esegue i suoi movimenti molto razionalmente.
Je me suis offert ce petit robot car j’ ai des chats et donc des poils. Il est super, aspire bien et l autonomie est super. Fourni avec 2 brossette et un filtre en plus. Je l utilise manuellement je n ai pas encore paramtrer la tlcommande et le contrle distance. Je suis vraiment contente de cet aspirateur qui a un excellent rapport qualit prix. Je recommande.
Puissance d’aspiration trs bien, et j’ai 2 labradors, il ne cogne pas dans les meubles, il quadrille bien la pice bande par bande, ensuite on peut voir sur l’appli partout o il est pass. Je ne me sers pas de la commande distance ni de la programmation. Il est beau et bien pens. Bemol: desfois il se met mal sur son socle et donc ne charge pas tout de suite.
Ce robot semble une bonne affaire mais il se heurte beaucoup de problmes.
+ Il est petit et relativement mince donc passe partout surtout sous les meubles ou lits.
+ Une tlcommande
+ Il n’est pas cher du tout
+ Le service client est ractif
+ Son bac se vide facilement dans la poubelle quand il est plein
+ Econome en consommables il n’aura pas besoin de changer ses pices/filtres trop souvent.
+ Compatible Alexa
– Il n’a pas de vrai systme de cartographie et ne sait quasiment pas se reprer.
– Pas de dtecteur de vide donc tombe partout o reste coinc.
– du mal se reprer et retrouver sa base.
– L’aspiration est faible, le robot est moins efficace sur moquette ou tapis.
– La fonction lavage est inutile, elle passe lgrement un chiffon humide sur le sol.
– L’appli ne sert pas grand chose.
I only recommend to single household – no children no pets! I got it during promotion, I enjoy the freedom of dust and hair. I hate the noise and dumbness.
I’ve been using the Lefant M210B for around 3 weeks now, and it’s taken such a huge load off my cleaning ritual. Not exceptionally bright (I need to pick it up and position it around a little, and it can’t finds its dock easily), but for the price it is brilliant! The suction power is great. It’s easy to clean, and not too noisy. I don’t regret buying it at all!
Robot d’excellente qualit ! Au dbut j’tais trs sceptique l’ide d’acheter un robot, mais la franchement, je ne suis pas due ce robot est parfais, il aspire trs bien sont gros point fort est l’absence de brosse qui vite que les cheveux et poils reste coinc un autre point fort est sa petite taille qui lui permet de passer a peu prt partout. Autre avantage l’application qui permet plusieurs rglages comme la programmation horaire ou encore le rglage du niveau d’aspiration. Si je peux relever un seul point ngatif, ce serais la cartographie qui est manquante.. Je m’explique le robot cartographie bien pendant son cycle de nettoyage, mais il n’a pas possible de rutiliser cette carte ensuite comme sur certains robots qui permette de lui donner des ordres de nettoyage de pice dans la journe. Mais bon pour son prix ce robot remplie trs trs bien sa fonction.
So I bought this after seeing a friend had bought an automatic lawnmower. I didn’t need one of those but we have 2 big dogs who shed hair and no matter how many times you vacuum, within 1 hour the place is filthy again. So I plumped for this model which seemed to do what I need. It’s really good. Finds its way home, cleans remarkably well and just keeps the house much more dust and hair free. It could be quieter but I don’t find it too bad (way quieter than my dyson!). Suction seems fine on the mid setting. I certainly seem to need to regularly empty it. set up was a doddle with the app though I thought the settings were really restricted until I learned you need to swipe left to see the other options. even the dogs have learned to tolerate it. For around 100 quid it works while you watch. what’s not to love. sensors seem to work well. all in all very happy. will see how long it lasts but so far very impressed. had it a month.
Bought this vacuum cleaner for my parents and I am pleased with the performance. The sensor is very precise and it covers all the corners and edges of the room. Easy to control with the phone. But requires Wi-Fi to operate ton phone. Battery life is great. One charge can be utilised for 4 times for 3 rooms.
J’avais dj un robot moins cher qui a tenu longtemps. Celui-ci me convient encore plus. Avec deux chats et mon handicap qui ne me permet pas de passer l’aspirateur plus d’une fois par semaine, ce petit robot est parfait, il aspire tout !
Trs facile vider et bac compact mais qui ramasse beaucoup.
Autonomie +++, temps de recharge court.
J’ai un T2 de 45m avec toilettes et sdb spares, et il fait chaque recoin plusieurs fois.
Poils d’animaux, poussires, miettes, grains de litire, tout y passe !
L’aspiration est puissante.
Les bonus pour moi : il est peu haut, donc passe sous tous mes meubles, et le bruit n’est pas fort, je peux continuer lire ou mme faire une sieste pendant qu’il travaille !
Il ne se coince jamais quelque part, n’a pas peur des tapis, vite bien les obstacles au lieu de se cogner btement.
Les pinceaux rotatifs ne sont pas perdus en route.
Et la tlcommande ! Quel bonheur, je peux changer le programme en cours de route, le faire retourner la base, c’est gnial. J’aurais juste prfr qu’elle ait un cran qui s’allume pour y voir + clair mais les boutons suffisent
Simple et efficace.
Les +
+ le collecteur de dbris/filtre est bien pens et facile nettoyer/vider.
+ le design est simple et fonctionnel.
+ le contrle par app et tlcommande.
+ imagerie en remps rel du chemin parcouru
Les –
– Se dplace parfois de manire absurde, mme sans obstacle
– Ne conserve pas l’image du chemin parcouru (??? Pourquoi? )
– Se coince facilement dans les changement de niveaux du sol. J’aurais prfr qu’il dtectz les changements et s’arrte plutt que de faire le tmraire et se retrouver coinc.
Reste la question de la durabilit, la plus importante… Sans update de ma part ici, la bte fonctionne toujours.
All in all: aussi bien que les premiers roomba, voire mieux, une fraction du prix. Si vous avez un sol plat et un plan de sol simple, allez-y les yeux ferms.
This has far exceeded my expectations. The first robot hoover I have owned and it has cleaned my house, both hard and carpet floors to the same standard as my manual hoover, and I just sat on the sofa and watched!! Picking up hair on the floor from my Ragdoll cat with ease. Would throughly recommend, such good value for money.
Notre premier robot-aspirateur… Nous ne voulions pas mettre un budget de dingue dans ce premier achat. Ainsi, notre choix s’est port sur ce modle.
Depuis que nous l’avons achet, aucun souci signaler. Il et programm pour tourner la nuit et est assez silencieux pour ne pas nous dranger dans notre sommeil.
Le bas de rcupration des poils (nous avons un chien qui en perd pas mal) est suffisant pour un passage et son nettoyage est facile.
Il passe du carrelage au tapis et inversement sans aucune difficult.
Sa batterie se vide sur un cycle d’une heure environ (ce qui est suffisant pour faire notre sjour) et il retourne sa base pour se recharger.
Petit bmol : je n’ai pas le sentiment qu’il a enregistr son parcours quotidien et qu’il s’en sert pour tre efficace.
L’application mriterait quelques amliorations.
A part cela, trs trs bon produit d’appel. Nous passerons un modle plus haut de gamme l’anne prochaine.
It has been performing much better than I thought it would. It runs when I am not home on a smart schedule and its great, my floors are now constantly cleaner than they ever have been and I never have to hoover again. Highly recommended
It is great cleaning robot. Suction power is good enough for my carpets and wooden floor. Battery life is good , enough to clean my 3 bed house . I wish that robot to be more slimmer so can go under my sofas. It is great for price i paid on offer, highly reccomenf to buy!
As someone with a Physical Disability, I have contemplated getting a Robot Vacuum Cleaner for quite a while now, to help me with basic vacuuming.
After getting a Discount Voucher Code for this particular Vacuum and reading the positive reviews I decided to purchase this Vacuum and so far I am not disappointed.
I found the initial unboxing easy and after following the basic instructions, I only had to remove some protective film and attach the two Brushes which were just clipped onto the attachments on the bottom of the main unit.
I found downloading the app and connecting the Vacuum to my Wi-Fi was easy to install and set up, and I had everything set up and running in about 30 minutes.
The only difficulty I had was connecting the Vacuum to my Alexa for voice control. There are no instructions on how to do this, but luckily someone in the Q&A section above suggested adding the Tuya smart life app in Alexa Skills, and once set up I was able to add the Vacuum to my Alexa devices, and I can now set up routines and voice activate the Vacuum.
I’m leaving my review for the whole vacuum here as Amazon is not allowing my review the actual vacuum page.
The unit does the job well. We had some issues with preprogramming and getting things to work on the app. The mapping of our floors has gone pretty well, but it has gotten stuck several times – guess we have lower furniture.
All in all, pretty happy with this product. And the customer service has been fantastic!
This vacuum works perfect…we have 2 cats and 2dogs so sweeping was a daily chore. Now we just let this robot do it’s daily thing and it’s quiet enough that it doesn’t matter if we’re home…plus I enjoy watching it get in and out of places that I think it will get stuck… Awesome tech!
We have a Chocolat lab in our house, the vacuum is doing a great job, one thing that amazed me is that even having many obstacles is doing a great job, the amount of pet hair that is able to vacuum is great, I did have another robot vacuum and was not able to pick up as many hairs as this one.
This vacuum is a game changer. With 6 kids and a dog the floor gets so bad so fast. I love that all i have to to is turn it on and off it goes. Suction is great, finds its charging base everytime, gets itself out if little stuck and dont find it loud at all. I love that when it has gotten stuck it will turn off its suction, back out of the area turn around and start back up again, i dont have to retrieve it. I don’t have any experience with the more expensive robotic vacuums but for the price I paid I am extremely satisfied and I love it.
I only got it today but after having it vacuum my whole apartment, i have to say I’m impressed ! It’s super easy to set up and control. It’s also very quiet, i could have it on at 3am and it wouldn’t bother my neighbors. The suction is pretty good, it’s on Medium by default but with the remote you can change it to Low or High. On top of that, the best thing is that it’s a brushless vacuum. What does it mean ? Well, you know that rolling brush where all the hair get stuck around it and to clean it, usually you have to unscrew parts to get it out then you have to try to remove everything that’s stuck around it ? That vacuum doesn’t have one ! There’s only 2 side brushes that brings the dirt to the suction hole and they are super easy to remove and clean so that’s a huge plus for me because with a cat and my long curly hair, a rolling brush is a PITA lol
I received one has a gift and loved it so much that i bought another one for the basement! Beeing a clean freak i love it, it cleans everything the fur the little crumbs… and its very easy to use! Navigation is good mine never got stuck,he takes a little time to find his base but he finds it! Do not trust the poor reviews, this vacuum cleaner is not a roomba of course but it works very well for the price,no problem here and I have been using it for a long time. I’m even thinking of buying a third one for the bedroom floor…..
The problem I have is the suction is not powerful enough to pick up my cat hair from the rugs. But hey I have two and one is a Persian. Works well in real low pile , would not work at all on a shag rug. The pile in mine is not high. Furniture with high legs are best to get under. It’s a nice product. I have no complaints.i am really enjoying my Sally. My name for my new vacumn. My house is smaller but with the remote , I have no problem guiding my vacumn to all parts of my house. I need to see other products.
The problem I have is the suction is not powerful enough to pick up my cat hair from the rugs. But hey I have two and one is a Persian. Works well in real low pile , would not work at all on a shag rug. The pile in mine is not high. Furniture with high legs are best to get under. It’s a nice product. I have no complaints.i am really enjoying my Sally. My name for my new vacumn. My house is smaller but with the remote , I have no problem guiding my vacumn to all parts of my house. I need to see other products.
I am very satisfied. the robot vacuum is a great help with my 1 bedroom place. I have no worries with it missing any corner, it has different patterns which are excellent to cover every inch of my place. Quiet work, I can watch tv or have a phone conversation without any interruption while its on duty. My dog is also taking this robot vacuum peacefully and not afraid. The suction is great.
I only gave this device 4 stars because the moping function is not to my expectations. It does it with a sticky wet pad which in the way attached to the device isnt too great and drys out fast.
Pretty good suction for it’s size, and easy to set up. I like the different modes, especially the manual one because I can use it like a RC from my recliner when I just want it to come out and pick up a small mess. Decent little machine and worth the money!
Love how great it picks up the cat hair and dust! Good suction – just look at the bin! Not too noisy. Still trying to figure out the remote and app for easier use. When using the manual setting on the app, the arrows are opposite of what it does. Left is right etc… Overall I am happy Thank you!
Love how great it picks up the cat hair and dust! Good suction - just look at the bin! Not too noisy. Still trying to figure out the remote and app for easier use. When using the manual setting on the app, the arrows are opposite of what it does. Left is right etc... Overall I am happy 😊 Thank you!
This is a great machine. Send it off for fifteen minutes and it covers the cat hair and dust I’m the main areas of hardwood. The bin fills up quick so needs to emptied regilarly. It has enough suction to pick up the dust and hair and most small objects. Keep the floor as clear as possible so it makes fast work of cleaning. When u run out of time just hit button and it goes bqck to techarging station. Perfect.
Great little Robot Vacuum, it was easy to assemble and when followed the instructions it was easy to connect to a phone. It also came with a remote and a wall changer station which was very convenient as it just goes back to the station when it is done cleaning or needs to be charged. The suction was good and picked up all the dog hair that is usually missed, the dogs don’t seem to mind it and it is very quite. Overall great buy.
Great little Robot Vacuum, it was easy to assemble and when followed the instructions it was easy to connect to a phone. It also came with a remote and a wall changer station which was very convenient as it just goes back to the station when it is done cleaning or needs to be charged. The suction was good and picked up all the dog hair that is usually missed, the dogs don't seem to mind it and it is very quite. Overall great buy.
I was super optimistic about this purchase. It was really quiet and actually did a fantastic job of cleaning for the technology that it has. The laser guidance is actually really good for avoiding things without even bumping them. It manoeuvres over rugs and obstacles easily and never got stuck. What it lacked was mapping which I was ok with. Unfortunately once the vacuum charged it would not wake up. I had to turn the master off and on and then I could get it to clean. Lefant contacted me almost immediately and sent me a replacement vacuum. Their customer service has proven to be top notch.
This little unit is very quiet compared to my other major brand robotic vacuum. I love that it only has side brushes and the suction seems to be good. Other vacuums have two under brushes that I find I have to continually clean the hair out of. I have two small indoor dogs so the brushes clog quickly. This model works very well without the hassle of the brushes and is much quieter. Highly recommend. Love the price point too!
Overall good vacuum, but sometimes it has a hard time trying to find its charging station. Transition from hard floor to carpet is not that smooth. Missing remote control.
I have a Roomba that cleans the bottom half of my house and needed something to clean the top half but was not prepared to fork out that kind of money. Read the reviews on the Lefant M210 at 1/5th the price so decided to buy it and have never regretted it since. It works extremely well. The first 5 days it pulled a lot of dirt so clearly my manual vacuuming was not doing the job plus it was catching under the bed. I still switched it on daily before I left for work for another week but then it was not getting anything more so clearly my upstairs is now a lot cleaner so I have stopped the frequency.
It senses the stairs and the drop and has never once gone over so this is really good as well. Well worth the price and I highly recommend.
This does a great job cleaning my recently installed vinyl plank floor. I’ve also used it in my tile bathrooms, and it does a great job on the laminate in my bedroom too. Throughout the main floor we’ve got a throw rug, and boot mats by the doors. It’s great at navigating all of these uneven surfaces. I’ve run it around stairs without a barricade and it senses the stairs and doesn’t fall.
Its brushes will get tangled up in cords, so you have to get those off the floor to help the vacuum run smoothly.
First, I cant hook up to my phone. After hours of trying my husband pointed out, it comes with a remote. Phone is just a bonus. Realizing hubs was right, sat and set up the remote and scheduled cleanings in less time it took me then it did trying to set the vac up with my phone I set it up for the first scheduled clean this morning and WOW!!! I have 2 big dogs, 2 cats + 4 kids. So imagine my floors esp the corners. I have to sweep twice on a daily. Not a speck this thing had left. Ran until it was about to die, hubby said turned red after a good full 105 mins and returned to its base. Impressive!!! Dont stress if phone doesnt work, just another app that takes up space on phone anyways when the, remote does the exact same thing.
First, I cant hook up to my phone. After hours of trying my husband pointed out, it comes with a remote. Phone is just a bonus. Realizing hubs was right, sat and set up the remote and scheduled cleanings in less time it took me then it did trying to set the vac up with my phone 😅 I set it up for the first scheduled clean this morning and WOW!!! I have 2 big dogs, 2 cats + 4 kids. So imagine my floors esp the corners. I have to sweep twice on a daily. Not a speck this thing had left. Ran until it was about to die, hubby said turned red after a good full 105 mins and returned to its base. Impressive!!! Dont stress if phone doesnt work, just another app that takes up space on phone anyways when the, remote does the exact same thing.
So I bought this a couple of months ago. I have four pet rats and the general mess was getting out of hand. The way it’s made allows it to pick up a wide range of sizes of things, anything from stray poops and food to dust. Our apartment is weirdly laid out so it does tend to go in circles, which is a bit frustrating to watch. However, on a full charge it does eventually go everywhere. The light indicators are clear and not obnoxious, which is nice since I often run it at night. It’s easy to empty and clean and the button to start it is so convenient even my rats can do it. It’s not exactly quiet, but it’s not particularly loud. It doesn’t seem to bother my rats too much. Three of them even like to chase it!
The only complaint I have is that hair does get tangled in the brushes. I basically have to remove and clean the brushes every two uses. That’s not crazy, but it’s not what was advertised.
Ne ho acquistati 2, robot di buona fattura, solido e, anche se economico ben funzionante con un ottima potenza aspirante, buona e semplice la app, in 20 secondi lo si collega, ed in 30 lo si configura con Alexa, non ha mappatura ma ha sufficiente batteria per ripulire molto bene un appartamento di 100 mq, se avete gradini non temete, con la tecnologia freemove di cui e’ dotato con sistema 6d non cade dalle scale, le vede, non urta contro oggetti poich rallenta prima e non si incastra sotto i mobili.
J’ai 3 chats ..donc de la litiere et des poils partout…je passais l aspirateur 2 a 3 fois par jour. Sauf que j’ai eu un enfant et clairement en rentrant du travail j’avais autre chose a faire que passer l aspi …je me suis donc mise la recherche d’un aspirateur robot mais je n’tais pas super convaincu de l efficacit de ces petites btes…j’ai hsit pris mon temps pour comparer les diffrents aspi et franchement je suis ravie de mon achat ! Il est vraiment efficace en plus on peut le programmer il se declanche tous les jours a 16h30 pour ma part quand je rentres c’est nickel. Grave a l application je sais si il s’est bien lanc ou il est pass etc etc.
Rien a dire il est au top
Le robot aspirateur fait largement ce pour quoi il a t achet. Aspirer la poussire qui s’accumule au quotidien dans la majorit des endroits visibles ou difficilement accessibles.
Seul “dfaut”, il est assez facile pour le robot de se retrouver bloquer dans quelques cbles, ou au niveau de tapis souples. Il faudra donc penser retirer un maximum de ces lments pour optimiser l’efficacit du robot.
A cause des problmes cits ci-dessus, il est parfois ncessaire d’aller “sauver” le robot et / ou de devoir le replacer sur son socle de charge.
Mais encore une fois, niveau qualit, prix. On est pas mal du tout.
I can’t recommend enough this intelligent device that comes now at a super-affordable price for its features!
After using it 3 times for vacuuming, the Robot already learned the layout of my apartment. I believe this is a new generation of Robot with Machine Learning features that learns/self-optimizes progressively. So, no need for complicated apartment maps that user needs to upload for other brands, that are also so much more expensive and not as user friendly as the Lefant Robot….
Suction power is good, the robot is light and ultra-thin (reaches the spaces under the coach/bed or under the furniture in the bathroom); quiet, battery keeps long and it returns to docking station automatically when charging is needed.
I Love the Unique feature of having 2-in-1 functionality (vacuum + mopping). I recommend doing the mopping only after the Robot has done few times the vacuum and has enough info about the layout.
The App is easy to install, and you can set up a schedule and a combination of tasks to be executed and controlled while you are out. This is so exciting!!! It also integrates with Alexa & Google assistant, and I like to use Voice Control as well. A product that delights and helps you keep the apartment super-clean, effortlessly! Congratulations for a great product – I would give 7 starts if I could!
An Outstanding Robot: Smart, Cleaning + Mopping, APP works perfectly
I hate sweeping and vacuuming and this little guy is awesome. It doesn’t have roller brushes that hair can get stuck in and I find the suction is amazing for such a small unit. It goes under my couch and honestly seems a lot smarter than the roomba I used to have It does the main level of my house in about 45 minutes and isn’t too loud to have on while I work. It’s smart enough to get itself out of awkward spaces by itself, very rarely have to help it. It does have trouble finding it’s way back to the base but I think that’s my fault for putting the base somewhere tricky. I would buy these for all my friends and family, they’re great!!!
Il ne faut videmment pas s’attendre des miracles pour ce robot aspirateur d’entre de gamme, et c’est lgitime tant donn son faible prix.
Il gre la monte sur les tapis et les obstacles tout seul et nettoie la plupart de l’appartement en autonomie.
Attention cependant : il oublie la carte aprs chaque utilisation – carte qui ne sera jamais trs prcise puisqu’ chaque obstacle le robot se dcale lgrement par rapport son mapping.. il faudra donc parfois l’aider manuellement pour qu’il ne repasse pas 3 fois dans la mme pice.
Ceci dit, je suis vraiment trs satisfait de sa fonction aspirateur, une utilisation tous les 2 jours et mon appartement est tout le temps trs propre 🙂
Bon robot d'entrée de gamme - rempli sa fonction mais pas totalement autonome
J en rvais, je l ai trouv…celui qui allait m’aider.
1er commentaire aprs l avoir essay pour la 1ere fois (rceptionn hier)…ca voluera donc peut tre.
Dj packaging bien fait, solide et net.
Installation facile. Couplage au Wi-Fi reussi la 2eme tentative. Charg 36% quand je l ai rceptionn, je l ai laiss charger jusqu’ 70% avant de m en servir. (Pas de mention spcifique sur une charge complte avant de dmarrer ou utilisation possible de suite)
Il dmarre de face en aller retour, vite les obstacles comme les meubles et pieds de chaise sans problme. Je l ai laiss galerer un peu avec les rideaux qui touchent le sol et il s en est plutt bien sorti. Idem avec le tapis d acceuil devant la porte d entre. Prend son temps et repasse en chevauchement donc rien n est oubli. Refait ensuite perpendiculairement. Franchement trs contente surtout avec un chien qui perd ses poils. Pour une 1re utilisation, il a prit son temps alors que je pensais que c tait fini (peut tre pour bien cartographier la pice).
Prsente tout du long, j ai d augmenter un peu le son de la tl mais rien de mchant.
Il a juste perdu une brosse vers la fin en passant sur des fils que j avais oubli d enlever. Pourtant a n avait pas pos problme la 1ere fois.
Conclusion: satisfaite pour une 1ere utilisation et comme ca n tait pas non plus trs sale, je n ai pas besoin de repasser derrire. ventuellement un coup de lavette et c est bon.
Je n ai pas encore utilis la programmation via le tlphone
Works great, we have two large dogs (350lbs combined) and two little boys (maybe 70 pounds but just as messy) so we needed some help keeping up with dirt and fur. We call ours ‘Bawb’ and he does what takes me 60 minutes (interruptions included) in about an hour or two…except I don’t have to be here and he gets under the beds, couch and shelves. I’m not sure what miracles the $600 units are producing but Bawb does a pretty decent job without me getting a side gig to pay for him!
I am so impressed with this little robot vacuum! It picks up so much stuff, INCLUDING pet hair. I vacuumed our floor with our central vacuum and mopped it. Two days later, this arrived. I wanted to figure it out and was playing around/testing it. Within 20 minutes, the catcher was halfway full with pet hair! I was embarrassed at how dirty my floors had gotten in such a short amount of time. My dog sheds so much for a little guy, and I am thrilled with how well this sucks up all his hair. I would come up from out basement and see just a film of hair, and my OCD would kick in, and I’d be constantly sweeping or vacuuming. This little machine has eliminated a lot of that extra ‘in-between cleaning” work. Now my floors look good all the time, and not just when I’ve finished vacuuming and mopping. It also does carpets really well. It’s not super noisy either, so neither of my pets are scared of it…a little wary, but more curious then anything. I’m still learning how to schedule cleans with it. The only “downfall” I have with it so far, is it has trouble finding it’s charging station. I’ll use the app to “send it home”, and it’ll go in the completely wrong direction, and keep doing circles. Perhaps I’m just being impatient. I usually just end up picking it up and bringing it to the charging base myself, because i get tired of listening to it hit something, turn around, hit something else etv etc. But if that’s the only work i have to do (other then empty the trapper), then I’m a happy camper. The price is right, and worth the money! Highly recommend!
Its not super powerful, but its relatively quiet (can still watch TV with higher volume) and I have to say I’m impressed with its intelligence. It follows walls instead of constantly bumping into them like a roomba.
I have a dog and my roomba proved to be useless as I’d hear “please remove and clean roomba’s brushes” every other use. This one just has 2 rotating sweeper arms that funnel most dirt into its small vacuum “funnel” area. (see underside)
It clearly works, because I was HORRIFIED at how much was in the bin and how caked full the filter was. We run this every other day and it still keeps finding stuff. I have 2 small kids and its summer so they’re constantly dragging in dirt from outside. The dog doesn’t help either.
Since this doesn’t have a brush/beaterbar its not recommended for carpet – but it works GREAT for my home
1/3rd the price of a roomba and fantastic for hard floors
I bought this Robot Vacuum to help out with the cleaning of our new hardwood flooring in the living room, hall, and kitchen. This is a small body design with an 11-inch diameter which is perfect for me as we only have small places to use it. It has infrared technology to ensure it doesn’t bang into this as it cleans. It’s great that it also works with Alexa too so you can ask Alexa to start cleaning and away it goes, great stuff. I have the charging station plugged into a socket in my hallway and when the robot vacuum needs charging it will seek out the station and dock itself for a charge, amazing. It will take around 4 to 5 hours to charge fully then it has a running time of around 100 minutes which I have found to be accurate. All in all, this is a great little Robot Vacuum and for my first purchase of this type of product I am very very happy with it so have decided to rate it 5 stars.
I bought this Robot Vacuum to help out with the cleaning of our new hardwood flooring in the living room, hall, and kitchen. This is a small body design with an 11-inch diameter which is perfect for me as we only have small places to use it. It has infrared technology to ensure it doesn't bang into this as it cleans. It's great that it also works with Alexa too so you can ask Alexa to start cleaning and away it goes, great stuff. I have the charging station plugged into a socket in my hallway and when the robot vacuum needs charging it will seek out the station and dock itself for a charge, amazing. It will take around 4 to 5 hours to charge fully then it has a running time of around 100 minutes which I have found to be accurate. All in all, this is a great little Robot Vacuum and for my first purchase of this type of product I am very very happy with it so have decided to rate it 5 stars.
I was a little bit skeptical on this robot as I already own an iRobot Roomba i7 at the cabin. I was not willing to invest in another expensive Roomba and decided to try cheaper options. I’m not disappointed!
This little beast cleans very efficiently and seems even smarter than my Roomba when cleaning around objects. As you can see in the video I’ve tasked it to clean only the bottom of the walls, which is very useful in the kitchen for instance, where all the crumbs accumulate on the corners of the cabinets.
The only thing I did not manage to configure is the mapping feature like displayed on the phone picture. I’ll send a request info to the support to check how it is done.
Other than that, Google integration works fine and setup was a breeze (however, if like me, you cannot have different SSIDs for 2.4 and 5Ghz bands, there is an extra step. I had to deactivate my 5Ghz band on my modem/router during setup and reactivate it later).
Oh! I almost forgot to mention that it is also much quieter than my Roomba i7. This is a nice bonus!
Lo compramos porque el otro robot que tenamos despus de 6 aos dej de funcionar.
Buscamos algo econmico y haba ledo muy buenas opiniones sobre este modelo as que me decid a comprarlo.
Estoy muy contento, conexin wifi por lo tanto con una App que te permite gestionar todo:
-Tres tipos de volumen de succin
-Funcin buscar Robot ( alguna vez no lo he
-Tipos de limpieza, espiral, aleatorio, seguimiento de pared, manual
-Nivel de batera
-Mapa de limpieza
En fin, que el para el precio que pagamos en oferta, no puedo estar ms contento.
Recomendado 100% si quieres un robot que haga lo que tiene que hacer y punto.
Petit, programmable et efficace y compris sur poils d’animaux (2 chats) et morceaux de griffoir carton. Il est assez bruyant et il vaut mieux le programmer qd on est pas l. Pour l’instant j’en suis satisfaite, l’application pourrait tre amliore, bien suivre le manuel d’utilisation.
El producto es mejor de lo que esperaba por su precio, succiona bastante bien aunque para una casa con alfombra no lo tendra muy claro, como anotaciones digo que la batera dura poco y que la aplicacin oficial no est en espaol, como ruido no es de las que hacen un fuerte ruido, o sea lo normal
Buon prodotto la prima volta che lo usi non puoi pi farne a meno ottima aspirazione fa bene il suo dovere anche se non ha la mappatura ma sa bene che cosa fare.
Produit au top, silencieux, ramasse super bien les poussires et poils de chat. Suis vraiment contente de mon achat. Bravo.
En general, es un producto muy recomendable.
L’unica pecca di questo prodotto l’applicazione dell’articolo. Il robot molto valido
Passe partout sous le lit les meuble bonne autonomie parfait pour le prix.
Ayant 2 chats je voulais faire en sorte de ne pas avoir passer l’aspirateur 2 fois par jour.
L’aspirateur arrive dans une petite bote trs bien range avec des accessoires de rechange
Et une petite tlcommande (possible aussi de le diriger via l’application indique dans la notice)
Il fonctionne trs bien en ce qui concerne la vitesse d’aspiration, la quantit aspire et l’autonomie la dessus il n’y a rien redire
Les inconvnients sont les suivants :
Cartographie l’appartement sans le garder en mmoire
Force le Passage quand le sol est sur lev de 4-5 cm et reste coinc
Dtecteur trop haut, donc cogne dans certains meubles avant de changer de cible
Perte de signal parfois donc dans mon cas la programmation pour qu’il se dclanche tel jour/telle heure peut ne pas fonctionner.
A part a l’engin fait le taff demand, il faut vrifier qu’il se soit bien remis sur sa base pour la charge mais sinon enlve la poussire et les poils de chats passe de partout et retourne sa base avec un peu de difficult mais fini par y arrive
Bonne aspiration, pour une pice de 60 M2..nickel tout est propre, mme le tapis.
Il revient sa base.. parfai
Wir sind von unseren neuen Saugroboter mega begeistert.
Er saugt besser wie unser zweiter Roboter,der 300 Euro gekostet hat .
Er kommt berall hin und findet alles
Leicht zu reinigen und auch bei Katzenhaare auch kein Problem
Ho avuto modo di provare altri modelli su questa fascia di prezzo. Credo sia tra i migliori in assoluto, lo consiglio vivamente
Trs facile utiliser avec l’appli smartphone, se faufile partout grce sa faible paisseur. Vendeur assurant un trs bon contact.
Aspira benissimo, lungha durata della batteria, silenzioso. Dopo diversi mesi tutto ok
agile, il passe sous les meubles , est facile nettoyer, un peu juste de batterie pour nous (120m2) il manque une pice mais rien redire, il fait bien son travail.
Une bonne puissance d’aspiration avec trs peu de bruit.
Grce ses longs balais il aspire trs bien les poils de notre berger allemand poil long.
Trs satisfai
Je suis ravie de mon achat, c’est un trs bon rapport qualit/prix ; ce produit est efficace, peu bruyant, avec une autonomie suffisante (en tous cas pour ma superficie). Je recommande!
Tuve un problema con la conga a los meses. Debido a que una de la piezas se rompi. Me puse en contacto con el equipo de atencin lefant y me dijeron que me enviaran un nuevo producto. Muy contento con ellos. Volver a comentar una vez recibido.
– Je suis contente du format, tout petit, ne prend pas de place.
– Blanc, cela change de ce qu’on a habituellement.
– une tlcommande au top pour qu’il attaque son job
– Petit mais puissant aspire bien et est assez efficace.
– Son prix 120 que demander de mieux.
– Bonne autonomie
Les moins :
– Petite capacit pour le rservoir.
– Il repasse un peu au mme endroit, mais peut tre que je ne l’ai pas calibrer et qu’il y a un mode, il faut que j’tudie et que je m’y penche mieux !
Voil plutt pas mal je suis contente de mon acha
Meraviglioso robottino. Pulisce benissimo.
La sincro con Alexa il top
C’est le deuxime robot que nous achetons de cette marque, il est encore plus performant que le premier. Grace ces deux balais, il ramasse beaucoup plus et plus rapidement. Il a plusieurs capteur qui lui permettent de ne pas taper dans les murs ou les meubles. Ces capteurs l’aide aussi avoir une meilleure trajectoire (comme faire le tour d’un meuble ou longer un mur).
La puissance de l’aspiration est rglable de 1 3.
La programmation sur l’application mobile est simple effectuer. On peut galement faire nos propre programme aussi bien au niveau des horaires que du trajet qu’il doit effectuer.
En somme rien redire, super heureuse de mon achat.
Quello precedente altra marca lo aveva e tirava su di tutto, questo con una aspirazione migliore deve passare 2 volte.
Si vede la differenza sui tappeti, poich anche il rullo ha delle spazzole e dei bordi gommati che puliscono
Je viens de le recevoir. A l’essai, il parat trs satisfaisant pour son prix. A voir avec le temps. Mais pour le moment j’en suis ravie.
El aparato de momento tras un mes de uso intensivo (tenemos 3 gatos en casa), ha dado buenos resultados, buena capacidad de aspiracin y poco ruidoso. El nico punto flaco que le vemos hasta ahora es que la batera va un poco justa para nuestra casa. 80m2.
En general, satisfechos. Recomiendo su compra.
Fait son taf ,bruit normal, aspire poil de chat et chien ok, programme horaires ok , connect Google ,mme a distance ok ,rservoir suffisamment grand ,tlcommande inclus ok ,bonne acha
Robot aspirapolvere davvero molto molto economico ma esegue bene il suo lavoro veloce nella ricarica preciso nella pulizia devo dire che per il prezzo che l’ho pagato sono molto pi che soddisfatto, assistenza lefant ottima
Good enough for the value. The machine is not that intelligent when you activate back to charging base mode. Especially if the base is in the other room, you’re better off putting back on the base it’s self. Overall decent product and it does the job.
Of all the robot vacuums I’ve used (iRobot and Roomba), this is the best one! Powerful suction, LONG battery life, and it actually docks itself! The iRobot and Roomba both had issues with docking. I’ve not tried the mopping feature yet, but so far, nothing but happy joy joy!
The software is not as user-friendly as other robot vacuums; that’s the only reason not 5 stars.
Nous sommes satisfaits de notre robot aspirateur ainsi que du SAV. Le produit est garanti 2ans, il a une bonne autonomie, rservoir poussire suffisamment grand, bruit de fonctionnement correct, etc…
Nous avons eu un problme d’alarme qui se dclenche sans raison apparente, une fois Amazon contact, le fabricant a pris contact avec nous et le problme est en cours de rsolution. Bonne ractivit et srieux du Service aprs vente .
Je peux pas le faire aller si je regarde la TV et mme sans rien faire trop bruyant alors il tourne quand je suis pas la
Was mir nicht gefllt darum ein Punkt Abzug, fr Teppiche ist er nicht wirklich geeignet, er luft zwar rber ohne Probleme aber Hundehaare und Katzenhaare nimmt er nicht wirklich mit. Robi ist sehr leise was ich mal richtig gut finde. Ich wrde ihn weiterempfehlen weil er wirklich gut ist.
Par contre gnial niveau aspiration et aucun fil ou cheveux ne peuvent se coincer. Super discret niveau bruit.
Pralablement l’achat j’avais vrifi que sa hauteur puisse lui permettre de se faufiler sous tous mes meubles.
Je recommande l’achat!
Conseils des utilisateurs sur l’utilisation de l’application bienvenus !
Content de mon achat… Il faut juste que j’tudie de plus prs son utilisation mais pour l’instant le peu que je m’en suis servi me convie
Il robottino fa il suo dovere anche se non del tutto “Smart”, in quanto passa spesso su di un punto e ci vuole una vita affinch passi dappertutto. Il contenitore della polvere non enorme ma un giro completo di casa(55m) lo fa.
Ottimo robot aspirapolvere, fa il suo dovere. Io ho una casa di 90 mq, e aspira molto bene peli e capelli. Chiaramente un robot e non un aspirapolvere, quindi compie il suo giro per pulire e non va dove vuoi tu
Da usare quando non si ha tempo per pulire l’appartamento, fa il suo dovere alla perfezione
Vous pouvez commander sans problme.
Pas mal comme aspirateur Pour les petites poussire Inconvnients la charge ne dure pas assez longtemps
Ho un cane e non ne potevo pi di avere peli ovunque e di perdere ore ad aspirarli, quindi ho deciso di comprare il mio primo aspirapolvere robot che, per il momento, si rivela essere al di sopra delle mie aspettative: aspira con precisione, sa ritrovare la strada per la docking station, abbastanza silenzioso. Ottima qualit-prezzo.
Je me suis offert ce petit robot car j’ ai des chats et donc des poils. Il est super, aspire bien et l autonomie est super. Fourni avec 2 brossette et un filtre en plus. Je l utilise manuellement je n ai pas encore paramtrer la tlcommande et le contrle distance. Je suis vraiment contente de cet aspirateur qui a un excellent rapport qualit prix. Je recommande.
+ Il est petit et relativement mince donc passe partout surtout sous les meubles ou lits.
+ Une tlcommande
+ Il n’est pas cher du tout
+ Le service client est ractif
+ Son bac se vide facilement dans la poubelle quand il est plein
+ Econome en consommables il n’aura pas besoin de changer ses pices/filtres trop souvent.
+ Compatible Alexa
– Il n’a pas de vrai systme de cartographie et ne sait quasiment pas se reprer.
– Pas de dtecteur de vide donc tombe partout o reste coinc.
– du mal se reprer et retrouver sa base.
– L’aspiration est faible, le robot est moins efficace sur moquette ou tapis.
– La fonction lavage est inutile, elle passe lgrement un chiffon humide sur le sol.
– L’appli ne sert pas grand chose.
I only recommend to single household – no children no pets! I got it during promotion, I enjoy the freedom of dust and hair. I hate the noise and dumbness.
Great little Hoover. Smaller than my previous model but very powerful. Simple to set up and use.
Very happy with my purchase. Good contact with seller. Good value for the price
Trs facile vider et bac compact mais qui ramasse beaucoup.
Autonomie +++, temps de recharge court.
J’ai un T2 de 45m avec toilettes et sdb spares, et il fait chaque recoin plusieurs fois.
Poils d’animaux, poussires, miettes, grains de litire, tout y passe !
L’aspiration est puissante.
Les bonus pour moi : il est peu haut, donc passe sous tous mes meubles, et le bruit n’est pas fort, je peux continuer lire ou mme faire une sieste pendant qu’il travaille !
Il ne se coince jamais quelque part, n’a pas peur des tapis, vite bien les obstacles au lieu de se cogner btement.
Les pinceaux rotatifs ne sont pas perdus en route.
Et la tlcommande ! Quel bonheur, je peux changer le programme en cours de route, le faire retourner la base, c’est gnial. J’aurais juste prfr qu’elle ait un cran qui s’allume pour y voir + clair mais les boutons suffisent
a me facilite vraiment le quotidien.
Les +
+ le collecteur de dbris/filtre est bien pens et facile nettoyer/vider.
+ le design est simple et fonctionnel.
+ le contrle par app et tlcommande.
+ imagerie en remps rel du chemin parcouru
Les –
– Se dplace parfois de manire absurde, mme sans obstacle
– Ne conserve pas l’image du chemin parcouru (??? Pourquoi? )
– Se coince facilement dans les changement de niveaux du sol. J’aurais prfr qu’il dtectz les changements et s’arrte plutt que de faire le tmraire et se retrouver coinc.
Reste la question de la durabilit, la plus importante… Sans update de ma part ici, la bte fonctionne toujours.
All in all: aussi bien que les premiers roomba, voire mieux, une fraction du prix. Si vous avez un sol plat et un plan de sol simple, allez-y les yeux ferms.
Depuis que nous l’avons achet, aucun souci signaler. Il et programm pour tourner la nuit et est assez silencieux pour ne pas nous dranger dans notre sommeil.
Le bas de rcupration des poils (nous avons un chien qui en perd pas mal) est suffisant pour un passage et son nettoyage est facile.
Il passe du carrelage au tapis et inversement sans aucune difficult.
Sa batterie se vide sur un cycle d’une heure environ (ce qui est suffisant pour faire notre sjour) et il retourne sa base pour se recharger.
Petit bmol : je n’ai pas le sentiment qu’il a enregistr son parcours quotidien et qu’il s’en sert pour tre efficace.
L’application mriterait quelques amliorations.
A part cela, trs trs bon produit d’appel. Nous passerons un modle plus haut de gamme l’anne prochaine.
It’s amazing. I’m infinitely happy that I found it. i have had it for a week very great helper is clean very well even on carpets.
After getting a Discount Voucher Code for this particular Vacuum and reading the positive reviews I decided to purchase this Vacuum and so far I am not disappointed.
I found the initial unboxing easy and after following the basic instructions, I only had to remove some protective film and attach the two Brushes which were just clipped onto the attachments on the bottom of the main unit.
I found downloading the app and connecting the Vacuum to my Wi-Fi was easy to install and set up, and I had everything set up and running in about 30 minutes.
The only difficulty I had was connecting the Vacuum to my Alexa for voice control. There are no instructions on how to do this, but luckily someone in the Q&A section above suggested adding the Tuya smart life app in Alexa Skills, and once set up I was able to add the Vacuum to my Alexa devices, and I can now set up routines and voice activate the Vacuum.
I’m leaving my review for the whole vacuum here as Amazon is not allowing my review the actual vacuum page.
The unit does the job well. We had some issues with preprogramming and getting things to work on the app. The mapping of our floors has gone pretty well, but it has gotten stuck several times – guess we have lower furniture.
All in all, pretty happy with this product. And the customer service has been fantastic!
This vacuum works perfect…we have 2 cats and 2dogs so sweeping was a daily chore. Now we just let this robot do it’s daily thing and it’s quiet enough that it doesn’t matter if we’re home…plus I enjoy watching it get in and out of places that I think it will get stuck… Awesome tech!
We have a Chocolat lab in our house, the vacuum is doing a great job, one thing that amazed me is that even having many obstacles is doing a great job, the amount of pet hair that is able to vacuum is great, I did have another robot vacuum and was not able to pick up as many hairs as this one.
Relation between price and quality is great!!
This vacuum is a game changer. With 6 kids and a dog the floor gets so bad so fast. I love that all i have to to is turn it on and off it goes. Suction is great, finds its charging base everytime, gets itself out if little stuck and dont find it loud at all. I love that when it has gotten stuck it will turn off its suction, back out of the area turn around and start back up again, i dont have to retrieve it. I don’t have any experience with the more expensive robotic vacuums but for the price I paid I am extremely satisfied and I love it.
Good vacuum robot. It’s small and able to clean the dust in the corners.
I only gave this device 4 stars because the moping function is not to my expectations. It does it with a sticky wet pad which in the way attached to the device isnt too great and drys out fast.
Love how great it picks up the cat hair and dust! Good suction – just look at the bin! Not too noisy. Still trying to figure out the remote and app for easier use. When using the manual setting on the app, the arrows are opposite of what it does. Left is right etc… Overall I am happy Thank you!
This is a great machine. Send it off for fifteen minutes and it covers the cat hair and dust I’m the main areas of hardwood. The bin fills up quick so needs to emptied regilarly. It has enough suction to pick up the dust and hair and most small objects. Keep the floor as clear as possible so it makes fast work of cleaning. When u run out of time just hit button and it goes bqck to techarging station. Perfect.
This little unit is very quiet compared to my other major brand robotic vacuum. I love that it only has side brushes and the suction seems to be good. Other vacuums have two under brushes that I find I have to continually clean the hair out of. I have two small indoor dogs so the brushes clog quickly. This model works very well without the hassle of the brushes and is much quieter. Highly recommend. Love the price point too!
It senses the stairs and the drop and has never once gone over so this is really good as well. Well worth the price and I highly recommend.
Its brushes will get tangled up in cords, so you have to get those off the floor to help the vacuum run smoothly.
All in all I’m really happy with this purchase.
The only complaint I have is that hair does get tangled in the brushes. I basically have to remove and clean the brushes every two uses. That’s not crazy, but it’s not what was advertised.
Rien a dire il est au top
Seul “dfaut”, il est assez facile pour le robot de se retrouver bloquer dans quelques cbles, ou au niveau de tapis souples. Il faudra donc penser retirer un maximum de ces lments pour optimiser l’efficacit du robot.
A cause des problmes cits ci-dessus, il est parfois ncessaire d’aller “sauver” le robot et / ou de devoir le replacer sur son socle de charge.
Mais encore une fois, niveau qualit, prix. On est pas mal du tout.
After using it 3 times for vacuuming, the Robot already learned the layout of my apartment. I believe this is a new generation of Robot with Machine Learning features that learns/self-optimizes progressively. So, no need for complicated apartment maps that user needs to upload for other brands, that are also so much more expensive and not as user friendly as the Lefant Robot….
Suction power is good, the robot is light and ultra-thin (reaches the spaces under the coach/bed or under the furniture in the bathroom); quiet, battery keeps long and it returns to docking station automatically when charging is needed.
I Love the Unique feature of having 2-in-1 functionality (vacuum + mopping). I recommend doing the mopping only after the Robot has done few times the vacuum and has enough info about the layout.
The App is easy to install, and you can set up a schedule and a combination of tasks to be executed and controlled while you are out. This is so exciting!!! It also integrates with Alexa & Google assistant, and I like to use Voice Control as well. A product that delights and helps you keep the apartment super-clean, effortlessly! Congratulations for a great product – I would give 7 starts if I could!
Il gre la monte sur les tapis et les obstacles tout seul et nettoie la plupart de l’appartement en autonomie.
Attention cependant : il oublie la carte aprs chaque utilisation – carte qui ne sera jamais trs prcise puisqu’ chaque obstacle le robot se dcale lgrement par rapport son mapping.. il faudra donc parfois l’aider manuellement pour qu’il ne repasse pas 3 fois dans la mme pice.
Ceci dit, je suis vraiment trs satisfait de sa fonction aspirateur, une utilisation tous les 2 jours et mon appartement est tout le temps trs propre 🙂
1er commentaire aprs l avoir essay pour la 1ere fois (rceptionn hier)…ca voluera donc peut tre.
Dj packaging bien fait, solide et net.
Installation facile. Couplage au Wi-Fi reussi la 2eme tentative. Charg 36% quand je l ai rceptionn, je l ai laiss charger jusqu’ 70% avant de m en servir. (Pas de mention spcifique sur une charge complte avant de dmarrer ou utilisation possible de suite)
Il dmarre de face en aller retour, vite les obstacles comme les meubles et pieds de chaise sans problme. Je l ai laiss galerer un peu avec les rideaux qui touchent le sol et il s en est plutt bien sorti. Idem avec le tapis d acceuil devant la porte d entre. Prend son temps et repasse en chevauchement donc rien n est oubli. Refait ensuite perpendiculairement. Franchement trs contente surtout avec un chien qui perd ses poils. Pour une 1re utilisation, il a prit son temps alors que je pensais que c tait fini (peut tre pour bien cartographier la pice).
Prsente tout du long, j ai d augmenter un peu le son de la tl mais rien de mchant.
Il a juste perdu une brosse vers la fin en passant sur des fils que j avais oubli d enlever. Pourtant a n avait pas pos problme la 1ere fois.
Conclusion: satisfaite pour une 1ere utilisation et comme ca n tait pas non plus trs sale, je n ai pas besoin de repasser derrire. ventuellement un coup de lavette et c est bon.
Je n ai pas encore utilis la programmation via le tlphone
I have a dog and my roomba proved to be useless as I’d hear “please remove and clean roomba’s brushes” every other use. This one just has 2 rotating sweeper arms that funnel most dirt into its small vacuum “funnel” area. (see underside)
It clearly works, because I was HORRIFIED at how much was in the bin and how caked full the filter was. We run this every other day and it still keeps finding stuff. I have 2 small kids and its summer so they’re constantly dragging in dirt from outside. The dog doesn’t help either.
Since this doesn’t have a brush/beaterbar its not recommended for carpet – but it works GREAT for my home
This little beast cleans very efficiently and seems even smarter than my Roomba when cleaning around objects. As you can see in the video I’ve tasked it to clean only the bottom of the walls, which is very useful in the kitchen for instance, where all the crumbs accumulate on the corners of the cabinets.
The only thing I did not manage to configure is the mapping feature like displayed on the phone picture. I’ll send a request info to the support to check how it is done.
Other than that, Google integration works fine and setup was a breeze (however, if like me, you cannot have different SSIDs for 2.4 and 5Ghz bands, there is an extra step. I had to deactivate my 5Ghz band on my modem/router during setup and reactivate it later).
Oh! I almost forgot to mention that it is also much quieter than my Roomba i7. This is a nice bonus!
I have a lot of fun watching it go 🙂