Meidase P100 Wildlife Camera WiFi App 32MP 1296P H.264 Video

Meidase P100 Wildlife Camera WiFi App 32MP 1296P H.264 Video Trail Camera with 100ft Night Vision 0.1s Motion Activated, Garden Camera Trap, Outdoor Cam

No Glow Night Vision
Excellent Now Glow 940nm IR LEDs reach out 100ft to give you detailed nighttime images and videos with minimal disturbance of the game. Intelligent infrared illumination technology, advanced optical lens and image sensor work together to produce clear night vision without blurring and washout.
0.1s Trigger Speed and 120° Detection Angle
The hunting camera has a super-fast reflex trigger. It features 3 PIR sensors and 120° detection range, and trigger speed reaches 0.1s, which means that the game camera won’t let any fast moving animal slip by. You can also turn off the PIR on both sides to narrow down the area to be detected.
Reliable Housing Design
Featuring a compact housing design, the camera achieves professional IP66 waterproof and dust-proof, which prevents any moisture from gathering on the lens, giving cameras an impressive ability to stand up to the outdoor elements (like water, snowfall, and extreme temperatures).
Technical Details
System Requirements | Wi-Fi: 2.4GHz 802.11 b/g/n; App System Requirements: IOS 11.0 or later Android 7.0 or later. |
Signal Range | In open areas, wireless module connection (compatible with Bluetooth) within 33ft (10m); WiFi connection within 45ft (15m). |
Capturing Mode | Photo, Video, Photo and Video |
Field of View | f/1.6, FOV=70° |
Night Vision | Enhanced 36pcs high-performance 940nm IR LEDs; Range up to 100ft |
Motion Detection | Fast trigger time approx. 0.1s, Fast recovery time of 0.5s, Long trigger distance up to 100ft. 120° detection angle (center 60 °, left side 30 °, right side 30 °). Both side PIRs are used to detect movements and activate the camera in advance to achieve a faster detection speed. Only take pictures when objects come into view of the central sensor. |
Picture Quality | 32MP, 24MP, 16MP, 8MP, 4MP; photo bursts up to 5 per shot |
Video Quality | 2304 x 1296P@20fps (16:9), 1920 x 1080P@30fps (16:9), 1280 x 720P@30fps (16:9) |
Interfaces | 2.4″ Color Screen, 7 x Operation Buttons, 1 x Power Switch, 1 x Mini USB Port, 1 x Standard-size SD Card Slot, 1 x External Power Source Jack (12A/1A, 5.5×2.1mm plug), Tripod Base on the bottom (1/4-20). |
Box Includes | 1 x Trail Camera; 1 x Mounting Strap; 1 x Mini-USB Cord; 1 x Instruction Manual ; 1 x Antenna |
Setup Requirements | 8 AA 1.5V batteries (not included); standard-size SDHC/SDXC memory card (not included), Maximum capacity 512GB. We recommend using lithium batteries in cold weather. |
Product dimensions | 5.6 x 4.2 x 2.86 inches |
Operating temperature | -4~140°F / -20~60°C. IP66 waterproof. |
Other features | Time lapse; Information strip; Operation hours; Loop recording; Password Protect; Burst images. |
Notes | Before use please format your SD card in the camera. Rechargeable NiMH AA batteries can be used, but are NOT good in cold weather and for night vision as the lower voltage (generally 1.2V) they produce can cause night recording issues, you may have to replace them frequently. |
1. The connection principle of mobile phone and camera is that wireless module (compatible with Bluetooth) is used for discovering camera, WiFi connection is used for data transmission such as preview, playback, image transmission and settings.
2. The P100 only supports direct WiFi connection between your phone and camera. It is not supposed to connect to a WiFi router, WiFi hot spots or network. In open areas, the WiFi connection range can reach 45ft.
3. The WiFi App does not support the function of movement notification. You can open the App to check the camera’s capture area or preview the gallery.
4. When your WiFi camera is connected, motion detection and IR Leds will be disabled. If you disconnect your WiFi camera or close the App for 90 seconds, your camera can detect movement again.
5. The battery can be easily removed by pulling the battery out of the connection between the two batteries.
Weight: | 520 g |
Size: | 5 Piece Set |
Dimensions: | 18.4 x 11.8 x 8.4 cm; 520 Grams |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Meidase |
Dimensions: | 18.4 x 11.8 x 8.4 cm; 520 Grams |
Size: | 5 Piece Set |
I purchased this item in August. 2 weeks after the 3 month warranty expired, the screen has gone. The previous 2 I had purchased work great still, however, this newer model seems simpler and cheaper.
Update Dec 16 2023, Meidase replaced the camera with another one without any hesitation. I will say that the customer service was nothing short of great. I updated my rating from 1 star to 4 star. Reputable seller.
Kamera macht gestochen scharfe Bilder und Videos mit Ton, selbst bei schwierigen Lichtverhltnissen. Finde die Einrichtung etwas umstndlich, aber funktioniert letztendlich tadellos.
Toll ist, dass man die Kamera ber die Hersteller-App auf dem Handy steuern kann und Bilder/ Videos nach der Funk- bertragung auf dem Handy anschauen kann.
Wegen des Batterieverbrauchs habe ich mir zustzlich einen passenden Steckdosenadapter gekauft.
Cercavo un prodotto per capire chi mi uccideva gli animali e l ho trovato, a distanza di un anno posso dire che ottima, scatta abbastanza veloce, in notturno si vede bene anche oltre 30metri al pulito, consumo batterie molto basso, da oltre un anno che in attivit, tutti i giorni, anche con antenna mangiata dal cane il wifi non ne ha risentito. App di facile utilizzo. Ne ho gi acquistate altre due.
Nun wei ich endlich was Nachts bei uns im Garten alles unterwegs ist. Schne Aufnahmen von Madern, Igel und Katzen aus der Nachbarschaft knnen bestaunt werden. Gute Qualitt ! Kauf hat sich gelohnt!
Wir sind echt begeistert von dieser Kamera.Sie bringt uns viel Freude und ist verlsslich. Auch finde ich sie nicht zu teuer.Sie macht was sie soll .Wrde sie wieder kaufen.
Reichweite und Auslsezeit sind sehr gut.
Nur die Wlan-Reichweite ist etwas gering (ca. 10m)
akes too many pictures. have to aim away from the sun.
Prima Kamera! Sehr gute Fotos Tag und Nacht! Mit der Mediase App leicht zu steuern und bedienen. Ein guter Einkauf! Sehr gutes Preis- Leistungsverhltnis!
Fr das Geld sehr gute Videoaufnahmen, auch nachts! Ton ist sehr gut. Preis/Leistung top!
Super leicht zu bedienen und einzurichten. Funktioniert einwandfrei und macht tolle Aufnahmen. Dank der App kann man direkt am Handy nachsehen was sich so getan hat 🙂
Devo scaricare l’applicazione “Meidase Mobile “, ho notato che a pagamento. Quanto costa?
La Fototrappola ben fatta, robusta e con l’applicazione sembra funzionare bene. Staremo a vedere se manterr le premesse che sono sicuramente buone.
This is a very good camera with many good enhanced features. It has an excellent range for sensing motion and triggering the camera. It has a viewing screen and a usb cable to give 2 ways to view your photos and delete some if you want to without removing the sd card and possibly making it that you don’t have to replace the card every year. It is easy to set up and comes with a strap for mounting.
Nimmt alles auf in top Qualitt und zuverlssig.Das Gewinde im Gehuse unten ist nicht gut verarbeitet musste es mit einem Gewindeschneider nachschneiden.Software spitze keine abbrche alles einfach zu bedienen.
Kaufe mir noch eine zweite. Nur zu empfehlen und gnstig. Ich habe auch die Duracell 200 % Lithium eingelegt.
Den Waschbr, der ins Vogelhuschen eindringt , wurde am ersten Abend schon gefilmt und fotografiert.
Kamera ist zu empfehlen.
The camera quality is acceptable but best of all it doesn’t use the awful Game Camera Pro 2 software so many other cameras do, the Meidase software is pretty good and easy to use, it connects with one tap with no need to choose a specific hotspot and disable mobile data like I had to with Game Camera Pro 2. With this software I just select the camera from a list of other Meidase cameras I have and it just connects, no hoops to jump through.
The camera itself has a tendency to only capture when the trigger is in the middle of the screen which is sometimes too late but that’s common. The main annoyance is that like so many others, it has a fixed recording interval, you can set how long a recording is to last but it will end the recording even if the wildlife is still moving in the camera unlike some of the Browning cameras I used.
The mobile software though is the stand-out element for me, I check cameras in my garden every day so the mobile software makes a big difference.
Per ora sono soddisfatto, buona soluzione il collegamento wfi per poter posizionare la fototrappola inquadrando la scena dal cellulare, anche se a oltre 5/7 metri di distanza il segnale non sufficente.
Bin mit der Kamera sehr zufrieden. Die Nacht Aufnahmen sind sehr gut. Benutzung erfolgt im Garten um zu sehen wer so Nachts vorbei schaut (Waschbr, Fuchs, Marder). Die Kamera wird ber ein Netzteil betrieben, daher kann ich keine Aussage zum Batterie Verbrauch machen. Die Verbindung ber die App funktioniert sehr gut. Innerhalb einer halben Minute ist die Verbindung aufgebaut. Muss dafr nicht einmal das Fenster ffnen (ca. 5 Meter). Die bertragung der Aufnahmen (Videos und Bilder) geht recht schnell. Die App ist auf Deutsch und ist Werbefrei.
Nach drei Monaten Test werde ich mir noch eine zweite Kamera anschaffen um eine weitere Ecke des Garten zu berwachen. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
This was my first foray into a trail cam. Oddly the night video is clearer than any night photos so I’ve turned off taking photos at night. This does not come with any way to fasten the camera other than the single strap (some come with two) so you’ll often get videos with a bit of a wonky horizon. Plus the strap seems to stretch a bit if it rains; either that or the strap clip doesn’t hold tight enough to support the camera over time. I have to tighten the strap every few days. When I was using both photo and video, the motion trip for photos was slow so the camera often missed the subject. I did leave the video on long enough critters did get captured but rarely did I get a photo of what tripped the camera. Batteries did ok – lasted a few months being only on at night. But I’m thinking one powered by solar would be a better long term objective. This camera recommends NOT using rechargable batteries so you do have to keep buying new ones. All this said, this camera was a not bad way to enter into the trail cam world and it’s served what I wanted it for (tracking rats in the garden at night along with other creatures). But if I ever buy another one I’ll be sure it has a way to level the camera, or has more than one strap so videos aren’t often wonky. Plus I’d like one that does a better night photo. None of my night photos were really usable.
For the first year batteries would last about 2 months taking around 300 pics a week. For the last 6 months the batteries have been lasting less and less. Now for the last month they only last a couple days then die.
All the settings are the same as before and same amount of pics taken before batteries die.
Something is wrong
Best picture quality of any of my several cameras. Very fast.
Very easy to set up and use.
Only one problem I have is when the batteries do eventually die it erases the pictures from the card. Not sure why.
la mia prima fototrappola e devo dire che sono davvero molto soddisfatto. Solida, semplice da utilizzare. L’app funziona benissimo con il mio samsung, qualche difficolt di collegamento con lo xiaomi di mio figlio. I video sono nitidi. Comodo il fatto che di pu vedere dal cellulare l’area di ripresa mentre si appende in modo da ottimizzare l’inquadratura. In un paio di notti ho ripreso capriolo, faina, volpe, scoiattolo e un rapace.
Si possono impostare orari di funzionamento, durata dei video, tempi di attivazione alla rilevazione di movimento, foto e tanto altro. Lasciata anche sotto la pioggia senza alcun problema.
Gutes Produkt lsst sich auch super mit dem Laptop auslesen.
Erstaunlich gut fr den Preis! Die Batterielebensdauer ist bei meinem Exemplar super. Hatte mich da erst von anderen Rezensionen abschrecken lassen. Nach Tagen im Einsatz noch immer 70 Prozent. Ist wahrscheinlich abhngig was man alles einstellt bei der Kamera. Die Nachtaufnahmen sind auch gut zu erkennen. Auch die WiFi Verbindung zum Handy ist -erstaunlicher Weise- leicht herzustellen. Bis jetzt ein super Gert.
C’est ma premire donc pas d’lments de comparaison avec d’autres modles. Satisfait dans l’ensemble prise en main facile et pratique de la camra et de l’application. Quelques difficults rencontres avec la reconnaissance de la carte SD mais rien de mchant. Le wifi permet de rgler de manire pratique la pose de la camra et les paramtres. Attention porte trs limite ! Semble trs gourmande en piles ! A voir dans le temps
Acheter pour la surveillance de mon potager
Elle fonctionne trs bien de jour comme de nuit
Et resiste trs bien aux intempries.
Wrde ich wieder kaufen. Ist zuverlssig, robust und wertig. Die App ist noch ok. Die Verbindung ber Handy ist nicht besonders zuverlssig und absolut nicht stabil.
Preis/Leistung aber sehr gut im Vergleich.
Upon opening the instructions you need a memory card that is not supplied. You need 8 AA batteries and it’s not recommended to use rechargeable ones with this device. Something that needs to be changed in the next model.
It’s very well put together with the rubber seals making it watertight. Using the app was straightforward. And the image quality is amazing. The motion sensors work really well and the night vision is so clear you won’t be disappointed in the purchase.
Je suis trs comptant de cette camra de chasse, aprs avoir lu les divers retours d’utilisateur qui tais moyens, voici ce que j’ai obtenue…. voyer par vous mme! les film sont de mme qualit !
Ich bin von der Kamera ziemlich begeistert!
Es ist eine 1. Wildkamera und ich habe sehr viele Stunden/Tage mit Modellenvergleich, Preisvergleich etc verbracht.
Zur Situation: wir haben ein paar Igel wieder in die Natur gebracht und wollen einfach nur beobachten, ob sie Nachts kommen zum Fressen und Trinken. Die Super” Auflsung mancher Kameras interessiert uns weniger in dem Fall.
Zur Positive Punkte:
Die 1. Installation und Verbindung zum Smartphone ist sehr einfach und benutzerfreundlich. War total easy, man kann viele Sprachen als Software Sprache einstellen, die bersetzungen sind gut etc
Die Verbindung aus der Entfernung ist, nachdem ich viele negative Kommentare bei anderen Kameramodelle gelesen habe, sehr gut. Ich kann mich bis ungefhr 20m Entfernung problemlos zur Kamera verbinden.
Man kann ALLES auf seinem Smartphone tun; man braucht grundstzlich nie mehr zur Kamera gehen auer fr Batterietausch. Das ist wirklich super. Die aufgenommene Bilder/Videos kann man auf das Handy herunterladen, bzw. lschen wenn man will. Keine Verbindung mit Kabel zur Kamera ntig dann. Sehr angenehm.
Man kann live” die Kamera aus dem Handy einschalten, Fotos machen wenn man will.
Was ich auch noch sehr gut finde: man kann die Zeiten einstellen, wann die Kamera aktiv sein soll. Also, aus Batteriesparmanahme, haben wir von 21:30Uhr bis 7:00 morgens eingestellt. Sehr praktisch. Man kriegt sogar die Temperatur des Moments des Fotos.
Ich habe einen Test mit nur 4MB Auflsung gemacht, und jetzt 8MB. (kann bis 32 gehen); bei 4MB, ist es nicht super scharf aber man erkennt die Tiere problemlos.
Zur Batterien/Verbesserungspunkte:
Ich kann bis jetzt nicht viel darber sagen, auer, dass, nach 3 Tage, der Zustand ist schon auf 83% runter, was ich als ein bisschen zuviel betrachte. Allerdings, aus dem Anfangsneugier, haben wir uns fter bers Bluetooth zur Kamera verbunden und die verschiedene Settings angepasst etc Das hat sicherlich ein bisschen mehr die Batterien entladen als normal Verbrauch. Wenn aber das weiterhin so schnell runter geht, werde ich auf wieder aufladbare” Batterien wechseln. Daher nur 4 Sternen.
Ich finde sonst den Preis echt in Ordnung. 90 Endpreis (nicht vergessen den 15 Gutschein Checkbox mitzunehmen), im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Modellen/Marken, ist echt gut.
Als letztes, am Freitag bestellt, am folgenden Dienstag angekommen, trotz kein A.Prime Kunde, kann man nicht meckern.
Ich bin allerdings berrascht warum diese Marke in so gut wie keine Vergleichsportale kommt Egal, die finde ich gerade echt toll.
So, ich hoffe, dass hat geholfen fr eine mglich Entscheidung.
arrivato puntuale in perfettomordine. Per il funzionamento occorre pi tempo.
I’m really impressed with this for the price. It’s a very well put together unit and I have no doubt at all it’s completely weatherproof. It’s a shame it needs AA batteries, but despite the warning in the instructions good quality rechargeable ones (Duracells) seem to work fine. You need to put in a Micro SD card too.
The app set up was straightforward. The image quality is okay. At night, it runs a big bank of infrared LEDs and as a result has poor battery life if it’s set off frequently. It’s produced footage of foxes and hedgehogs in the garden which, while not the best quality in the world, have been okay and lovely to see.
Do factor in GOOD rechargeable batteries, but this is a really good little unit for the price.
Excellent quality wildlife Camera, picture quality is excellent, night vision is good. Its easy to use and set up. Very happy
+ Very well made unit
+ Intuitive control once you pass the wifi connection part
+ Really sensitive sensors
+ Excellent night vision – we now have a daily show from the foxes vising our garden
+ Very good customer service when I asked a question
Not so good
– Uses batteries, should really be rechargeable ones
Y a t il vraiment le Bluetooth ?
The housing of this trail camera is made from thick plastic that should resist a few knocks, and has a convincing lockable over-centre latch and seal that should help keep out the weather. A webbing strap with simple friction buckle attaches the camera to trees and posts and so on. An alternative mounting is the brass threaded tripod socket in the base. There is a hole across the back for a security cable. I found it a bit tedious trying to tighten the strap while holding the camera when fixing it to a post. One-handed operation would be a useful improvement. The housing can be opened with the camera still mounted, to allow access to the screen and controls and battery compartment. For me, the latter is one of the downsides of this camera. It is powered by eight AA batteries. It won’t work on fewer, as can the other trail camera I have for review. Also, NiMH batteries are not recommended because of the lower voltage. Alkaline or lithium batteries are recommended. So it could be expensive to run, and not very green. Battery life in standby state is claimed to be eight months, but I imagine it would be much less when recording, connected to wifi, or using the screen. I used rechargeable batteries, and got a couple of weeks from them. That incudes about 8Gb of recordings, both still and video, and occasional wireless connection. The latter is good to have, but is the subject of my other reservation. You can download an app to your phone ( I used both IOS and Android versions with no issues), and connect to the camera via the interface. You can change settings, view recordings and switch to live view using the app. I didn’t manage to install a version on my PC, but it wouldn’t have been very useful, because the wireless connection is rather limited. It isn’t ISP based, and you need to be in view of the camera and within fifteen metres or so for a reliable connection. Bluetooth is used for the initial connection, so perhaps that limits the flexibility. It makes the camera less convenient than the security camera I have been using to monitor the wildlife in the garden. I can review the latest recordings on the security camera at any time and from anywhere. I don’t have to stand next to the camera. It’s a pity, because this ought to be ideal for such a job. It is certainly good at detecting movement and taking both stills and videos. I have included some examples taken at night with infrared. The included angle of the lens is 70 degrees, narrower than that of the security camera, but a reasonable compromise for a variety of locations, and to avoid distortion. There are a number of options to allow customisation to a particular task. These include, time lapse or motion detection, still and video recording, motion sensors, detection delay, loop recording etc. There is a slot for a full-size SD card (up to 512Gb), a concentric socket for 12V supply, and a mini-USB socket for PC connection. This can be used to read the card, even when no batteries are fitted. It’s a capable and well-made camera, but throw-away batteries and limited WIFI make it less practical for this user.
This is a brilliant piece of equipment, with great cameras, nightvision and a camera finish to hide well in trees and bushes.
However I was quite disappointed that the device requires 8 AA batteries which don’t come included! You also cannot use the device at all until you insert a 32GB memory card which also doesn’t come included. You’d think for the price that they would give you a peice of kit essential for its use.
Nevertheless the picture is good and it has Bluetooth connectivity but until I purchase a memory card I can only watch a live feed which isn’t ideal.
Quick review update May 2020:
This has been in our garden now pretty solidly (mainly capturing the hedgehogs at night and birds in the early morning) for weeks. We have the settings and location so that it is not triggering constantly and as a consequence it is still on the original set of batteries that I put in it. Just wanted to update the review with that info. in case anyone was put off by the need for 8 batteries. On our usage evidence battery life is very impressive.
Our previous trail camera (bought to see what animal was pooing on our lawn and to see what the hedgehog visitor to our garden got up to at night (scratching himself on the camera mainly)), decided that despite being allegedly waterproof that it would get water or condensation behind the lens and thereafter only take pictures that looked like a scene from Stephen King’s The Fog. It was fortuitous therefore that the opportunity to review this trail camera came up when it did.
This Meidase camera is a step up from our old one in many ways. It costs twice as much as our previous one, but on paper at least has the features to justify that additional cost. Firstly, it has wi-fi connection so that you can, via an app on your phone, view photos and videos and change certain settings from the comfort of your settee. I am wary of using apps from companies I haven’t heard of and you can use this camera stand-alone if you want with no problems. In the end though I put aside my app concerns, screwed the antennae onto the camera and downloaded the Meidase app onto my Android phone and paired it with the camera – after I had first put batteries and a spare SD card into the camera and set it up (neither of which are supplied). This was actually very easy to do and you can then see a live feed of what the camera is seeing, plus take photos and videos via the phone.
After I had secured the camera to a tree I tried to connect it to the app again, but it seemed it couldn’t find it. I went back indoors and despite the glass patio doors (they advise that glass may prevent a connection being formed) it found it easily so I guess I was just stood too close before. There’s something very satisfying about being able to switch on an app and see what the camera is seeing without having to venture out into the cold/wet/dark.
I used the SD card from the old camera and formatted it within the Meidase, which took no time at all, though note that unlike in phones and normal cameras it doesn’t insert fully. Set up was really easy as unlike our old camera, the buttons are large enough and screen big enough to make all of that a doddle. You can bypass the set up completely though if you want and just turn the camera on and press ‘start’ to enter a sort of quick-start mode if you are not bothered about having an accurate date and time stamp etc. or choosing your own video and photo quality, times, sensitivity settings etc.
If you opt for an immediate start you will then be using the camera’s default settings, which to be fair I mostly did anyway. To judge by our previous camera some experimentation will be required anyway to get it right for your location and intended usage. The camera comes with a nylon webbing strap (to secure to a tree etc.), which works really well and is long enough to go around pretty much any tree, a USB cable (to connect to your computer to view photos), and a manual. The manual is so far one of the best that I have read for any electronic product. It is really clear, helpful and very well written by someone for whom English is clearly their first language; and it shows. So many electronic goods are blighted by incomplete or badly written or even inaccurate instruction manuals so credit where it is due, this one is excellent.
The camera takes 8 AA batteries and the manual very honestly cautions against using rechargeable ones because of their performance in colder weather. So much in the manual is geared to you getting the factual info. that you need that it is refreshing not to have hyperbole and unreliable performance claims.
The camera feels solid and weighty, in part no doubt due to the 8x batteries adding to its heft. The camouflage finish is good and the flash is apparently infrared to avoid it being visible at night. There are loads of customisable options in the settings and while I tend to always use motion detection, I will also have to try time-lapse one day to see what that’s like. The options are there in terms of image quality if you want them, but with the obvious trade-off in terms of use of SD card space and battery life. They also are very open in advising that some settings will affect shutter speed so every setting choice can be an informed one (though as I said before you’ll want to experiment to find what works for you and the wildlife you want to see).
Possibly my favourite feature is the timed operation. Our old camera used to record countless videos of cars going past before things quietened down and we would, hopefully, capture a nice video or two of the neighbourhood hedgehog making his rounds. Now I have set this one up to only start at 7pm and run until 7:30am to get the images of the animals at night that we really want to see. This feature is great and one that I am sure we will frequently use.
However, the first day and night of use were disappointing in that nothing was captured beyond the videos and photos that I had triggered over wi-fi via the phone app. I subsequently read that motion sensor mode doesn’t work while wi-fi is connected. This was one area where I found the otherwise manual to be a bit less than brilliant and I was somewhat confused. Supposedly the app times out and the motion sensor mode should resume (I think) when you stop using the app. This didn’t happen and I started to worry that the PIR sensors weren’t working. I brought the camera indoors and reverted to its own menu and settings and verified that everything was as it should be. I took it off timer operation and yet still nothing was being captured. I then found a mode for testing the PIR sensors and this proved that they worked by capturing my son reading on the settee. This was all a bit frustrating and so we went out for a walk and when we got back I turned it back on and got some message that flashed on the screen briefly (too briefly to read the first time), that seemed to be saying something about firmware. I turned it off and on again and then found that afterwards it had taken a number of videos of my son and so the motion sensor seemed to be working at last. I’m not sure if this was a glitch (my next step was going to be factory reset and then contacting the manufacturers if that didn’t work), or operator error, but it took the shine off the wi-fi mode as that stops the motion sensor mode, which for me is the main point of such a camera. Anyway, I put it back out with the timer function reset to see what it would capture that night.
Thankfully it now worked on the first night of use, set to a defined time period and with photo and video capture selected, it caught our neighbourhood hedgehog twice as he patrolled his area. It also captured my wife hanging the washing out in the morning and what was really noticeable was the audio quality. Our old trail camera allegedly had a microphone, but it never picked up any sound at all that you could hear. By contrast the sounds present when the video is triggered are very well represented by this camera and all the morning bird song and raucous seagull screeching were loud and clear. When I input the settings for the camera I didn’t choose anything too high as I was trying to preserve battery life, but the images both still and video were nonetheless pleasingly sharp.
It’s back out in the garden now as last night’s position unfortunately didn’t see anything trigger any videos or capture anything, but I will update the review with a video or photo if I get any decent images in the comings days.
Seems to be a solidly made unit.
Well camouflaged for use in the garden or woods etc.
The excellent written instructions are really helpful.
Image and sound quality so far (and I haven’t gone anywhere near the higher settings yet) are very good.
It has ‘no glow’ infrared to avoid altering wildlife.
Overall very easy to use with a clear screen and big enough buttons to actually operate (same can’t be said of our old one).
Timed operation feature is especially good to have IMHO.
The wi-fi access via the phone app. (only tried with Android) can be useful for seeing what’s captured and taking manual photos and videos from the comfort of indoors, but see below*.
Priced about right in my view for the features and quality of image and sound.
Includes a decent strap, plus there’s a screw mount underneath to attach to tripod or similar.
Waterproof – hopefully more so than our last cheaper one.
It takes 8 AA batteries (not supplied) and performs better (especially at a night or in colder settings), not using rechargeable so prepare to shell out for batteries quite regularly.
No batteries or SD card included, which you might possibly expect for the price.
The wi-fi function wasn’t quite as useful or game-changing as I thought it would be, primarily because it disables the motion sensor mode. The one slight flaw in the otherwise faultless manual is its explanation of all that. At first I thought the PIR sensors were broken as nothing got triggered or recorded. I did the manual test of the sensors and they worked but still nothing recorded in motion sensor mode. In the end I had to turn off wi-fi in the camera’s settings (not via the app.). By my reading of the manual stopping using the app. should be enough to return it to motion sensor mode, but it wasn’t, which was all a bit disconcerting and odd.
Fairly bulky so maybe not as easy to secrete as a smaller camera.
This camera is very well-specced. I am still slightly nervous re the operation of the motion sensor mode because nothing got recorded last night, but the night before (different location) it impressively caught the furtive movements of a hedgehog in the pitch dark some distance away. It also, despite being in high sensitivity mode, didn’t trigger unnecessarily at every gust of wind. The picture quality and sound quality both impressed me and when I settle on a good location and find some wildlife to capture I may up the image quality to see just how good it can get. The wi-fi mode is good to have, but as it disables (and seemingly messes a bit with) motion sensor mode, I won’t use it all that much I expect. It would have been nice to have batteries and an SD card supplied, but although it takes 8 AA batteries, the battery life has been good so far, which is something. It is a case with this Meidase P100 trail camera of my being cautiously very pleased so far. I’ll feel more at ease when I capture a few more videos even if I have to stage them myself by running around the garden in the dark! I will hopefully be able to update the review with some pictures and a video in due course – if nature cooperates – and will of course update the review if there are any issues with it.
This is a very good quality camera by Meidase.
It is intended for use in the field and is robustly made and well designed.
It is waterproof and capable of 32mp photos with a choice of 1296 or 1080p video.
With pure night vision, with no glow and motion detection.
The camera is connected to an App which is used for set up and for downloading the data.
We have as yet, only tried it once at night (nothing but a cat) and briefly for photos as we intend setting this up in our wooded area with the hope of capturing some realtime night activity there.
All data was very clear and of good quality.
The camera has a lot of capabilities and we are learning as we go along, although the instructions, in English, are extensive and very useful.
The camera a takes 8xAA batteries but there is an outlet for mains which is probably better for long term and we do have power in the woods.
It also takes an SD for storage and is essential for data.
As soon as we have it up and running in the woods, I will come back and add some night time footage video.
This is the first part of my review which I shall follow up with a second.
This looks like a very well made device.
Upon opening the instructions l noticed you need a memory card which is not supplied so I will be ordering one. You also need 8 AA batteries and it’s not recommended to use rechargeable ones with this device. Something that needs to be changed in the next model by the manufacturer. Part 2 review to follow.
It was really interesting getting this set up for the first time.
I tested the wifi connection by getting my mum to walk away from me. There is definite rolling shutter on this camera but that is ok because it should usually be attached to something not moving.
Anyway the picture is good quality and we got to look at some interesting wildlife. I got this for the in laws who are a bit housebound at the moment so they can monitor the happenings in the field behind their house.
So far they’ve seen squirrels, foxes and hedgehogs
A decent wildlife camera at a decent price.
I use trail cameras quite a lot and indeed already have two. I like to shoot, however, with a gun I restrict myself to pieces of paper and restrict my shooting of animals to images only. Many people purchasing this type of camera will likely use it for hunting though in particular to track the routes of animals such as rats, squirrels and rabbits.
What attracted me to this particular camera is the WiFi function. This is an incredible advance on my other two cameras as it permits you to obtain the images or remotely trigger the camera without disturbing the site or animals. This is particularly frustrating when setting up a camera adjacent to places with nervous animals such as a badger sett. Setting up the camera during the day is not really an issue, however, continually visiting the camera to remove images can result in damaging the natural environment and in some cases, alerting people to where the animals actually are. So a huge plus for the WiFi function, which when it works is great.
So is it easy to set up? Yes it is. I have tested it on both an iPhone and and android handset and the software worked admirably on both. Out of the box, you receive the camera (looks like a standard trail camera) it has the usual functions and easy to follow menu. Insert an SD card and batteries and you are ready to go. The manufacturer recommends using alkaline batteries, but I use nimh batteries as they are rechargeable and in my experience it does not inhibit performance unduly. The camera can be made more secure through using a small padlock to stop it from being opened, but would be easy to remove by simply breaking the hasp. I don’t lock mine. The camera is accompanied by a fixing strap; which works well, an antennae for the Bluetooth function, a usb card for transfer (I just remove the card) and an instruction manual. The manual is ok, but not the easiest to follow, but after initial setup of the camera and app, operating the camera is fairly intuitive.
Onto the app, which you have to download to operate the camera using WiFi. It was simple and after installing on both types of phone I started to explore the options available with which to not only control the camera (photo and video quality, length of burst, sensitivity, sound, format etc etc etc). You are offered a number of options including operating the camera for live video and downloading images.
Optimal distance it is suggested is an area around 15ft plus away from the camera. I have set mine up in the garden for testing as I am trying to identify the time a visiting heron comes into my garden for a spot of fishing. The heron can’t get the fish as they are protected by a mesh, however, a young and inexperience bird could try and get entangled in the net; which I want to prevent.
For those considering fixing this item onto a post, such as close to a bird feeder, please think again. It simply does not react quickly enough, nor will it work at close range.
Overall, a great trail camera and a welcome addition for those of us who like to monitor wildlife and ensure that they are not disturbed too much.
The trail cam arrived in a cardboard box, inside is the cam, antenna, strap, micro USB connection cable and a very detailed instruction manual, all pages are in English and there are 30 pages of information, if your new to trail cams then this book is very handy.
The trail cam is packed with features I’m not sure where to begin, let’s start with the build quality, it’s built very well and feels sturdy to handle, it’s IP66 waterproof and the controls are contained under the front panel, the panel is held closed with the lock buckle that can be locked further using a padlock, there’s a security cable loop also for extra protection if required.
Under the front panel is where the batteries are stored and the control panel is found, the camera is very easy to navigate using the control panel and the screen is really clear compared to other trail cams I have used, before you turn on the camera installing 8 x 1.5v AA alkaline or lithium batteries is recommended, and a high performance SD card is required, maximum size is 512gb.
There’s lots of setting for you to have a play about here, the camera has a 32mp camera and can record in 2304 x 1296p @20fps in a 16:9 format, 1920 x 1080p @ 30fps (my preferred option) or 1280 x 720p @ 30fps and also records audio.
It can either take a picture or a series of pictures (burst mode) when the front PIR sensors are tripped, or a video or both if preferred, it can also a take time lapse that is fun to have a play around, when this mode is selected the other modes are not available though unfortunately.
Once you’ve had a play about with the settings and set the date/time you can go ahead and give it a test by pressing the start button whilst the switch is in the on position, it will give you a 30 second window before it becomes active.
You can use the strap provided to strap it to a tree, what I would have liked to see is a double strap, one for the top and one for the bottom for extra stability.
This trail cam can either be used with your phone or not it’s up to you, I prefer to use it with the Meidase app from the App Store, you can do all the above (altering settings) from your phone as long as it’s within the specific range <15m, for this to work you must have the antenna screwed in also, there's no signing up via the app either if you prefer not to, you can view the camera live and also see what's been recorded and view them, you can also save the images and video to your phone if you like (all is explained in the manual also).
You can connect the camera directly to the PC using the cable at the base to view the recordings or removing the SD card and connecting it using a suitable device like a hub or directly into the PC tower or laptop.
The camera also displays the temperature that seems fairly accurate but it took a while to adjust after I powered it on, when I trialed the camera indoors the video quality was fairly poor as it had lines moving along the screen, maybe something to do with the sensor, outside though it works fine.
The features of the camera include a forward facing PIR sensor and 2 side sensors, these can be turned on/off independently, there's a light sensor and IR lights for night vision.
Overall, I have plenty more to say about this cam but I'll stop babbling on and let you explore for yourself, a solid cam with heaps of features and by using the app it brings the cam to life in more ways, thank you.
I was a little disappointed when I first got this camera that I couldn’t set it up and use it straight away as I needed to get 8 AA batteries and a memory card. For 99.99 (it’s current RRP) I had hoped it would come with everything it needed to get going, but once I was able to get everything it actually turned out to be a fantastic camera.
The first task was setting the camera up with my wifi and phone. It was simple enough to do and there’s an app you can download to do everything. I had no problems connecting it and viewing it on my phone.
I’ve ended up strapping the camera to a tree at the bottom of my garden and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how good it is. The motion detector seems great and the picture quality, even in the dark, is fantastic.
I’ve yet to try to download anything to my computer as the app has been enough so far but a usb cable is provided to do so if you want to.
Overall I think this is a great wildlife camera and would recommend it, but be prepared to also shell out for batteries and a memory card.
Tried this in my garden, I saw plenty of cats but not much else, it pings the photos back to your phone very quickly.
This is my first wildlife camera so the review is a bit muted as I am not quite up to speed with all it can do yet.
It is super clear with it’s 32mp camera, video is very clear with no flaring at all, I have special plans for this camera as I live in the countryside and can’t wait for the results.
The app for it is very easy to master and works very well.
If wildlife photography is your thing you could do an awful lot worse than this camera. I am super excited to see the results over the next few days.
I am very impressed with this camera, especially for the price. I have had cameras that cost more than double the price of this camera and they did not perform nearly as well. It was easy to set up and takes great quality pictures and videos, even at night. The latches allow for a good, tight fit to keep the camera securely closed. The belt has an excellent quick-release that stays secure. I really like the convenience of the quick playback feature. I am a first-time user of this camera and it is of excellent quality. I highly recommend this camera and have nothing negative to say about it. I am going to purchase a couple more.
I did a test video only in my house with the lights out. It took a really good video.
The control settings are easy to use and very logical. There’s a small screen for previewing pictures and videos captured. This screen is used for the settings as well, making it simpler than the brand name cameras.
There is no cable lock holes on the back on the camera, only a light lock hole that holds the door shut. This could be used to lock the camera to a tree. It would be easy to break free.
You can set a password to the settings, therefore, if it does get stolen the thief can’t use it.
This unit takes videos up to a minute long. And has a really short reset.
There’s three triggers to start recording. It has the standard front facing and then another two angled to the side, which will allow a quicker response to start recording.
Overall seems to be as good as a unit costing over twice the price.